An Explosive Situation

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An Explosive Situation
Date of Scene: 20 October 2012
Location: Manhattan - Twilight Detective Agency
Synopsis: A busy day at the Twilight Detective Agency becomes explosive as unexpected magics combine and tempers flare. What will happen between Riku and Will?
Cast of Characters: Reize Seatlan, Deidra, Will Sherman, Riku, Mercade Alexander, Avira, Prince Naveen

Mercade Alexander has posed:
Welcome to the Twilight Detective Agency!

It's been a couple days since the arrival of their latest client. Mercade's been in and out since then, having ADVENTURES. But at the moment, he's sitting at the main desk, listening to jazz music while sorting through a pile of files on his desk. One is labeled 'PRINCESSES', another 'KEYBLADE' and a third 'HEARTLESS'. He's paging through a pile of shorthand notes in the files, switching between them and jotting things down as he goes.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Manhattan is a big place to explore. One can easily get lost exploring it. That is doubly true if you are Reize Seatlan, the Eternally Lost Boy. He owed Mercade a visit, long ago, the boy was given a map by Tifa that was from Mercade. Exploring the worlds to fill the map was the plan. However, Reize did also say that he would provide Mercade information based on his adventures thathe placed in his journal and the monster book.

Back to the lost deal, Reize got lost in Manhattan and was lead to different and likely wrong directions.

He had been using a map drawn by an eight-year-old.

The kid seemed trustworthy.

Eventually, through trial and error, Reize made it into the door of the Twilight Detective Agency.

"I found it!"

He gives a beaming smile, holding the cartoonishly drawn map triumphantly. "I knew I'd find it!"
And... he is captured by the ambient music. Ooh.
Prince Naveen has posed:
Now let's face facts here. Obviously if Reize came through the door and the first thing he was faced with was am uppitu frog asking him what was up then things would seem amiss. Not wanting to interfere with Mercade's business life, however, Prince Naveen decides to be present but not overtly regal. He's sitting on his desk looking all princely and stuff (or so far as a frog can look that way) but ultimately just sat there. He occasionally croaks. Naveen flashes Mercades a quizzical glance on hearing somebody else enter but not much else happens... he's being good is what I'm trying to say here.
Avira has posed:
"'scuse me." Someone pushes around Reize and enters the Twilight Detective Agency before he does. From behind, Reize can tell it's a very short woman dressed in clothing more fitting for warmer climates.

"And that was the night she walked into my life." A voice rings out behind Reize, seemingly gruff-sounding. "A dame. Trouble no doubt. But I knew this particular brand of trouble. It was the kind of trouble you wish upon someone else that had just cut you off when merging on a highway. The kind of trouble that happened to your worst enemy. I liked that kind of trouble."

Avira smirks, ceasing her best impersonation of Mercade as a Noir film detective's inner monologue, as she stops just inside the door. "Hey Mercade. Saw your little note."

She seems positively /giddy/. He said she 'kicked ass' after all, which may as well be the highest form of compliment she's seen of her fighting skills in a very long time.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade Alexander looks up from his desk. He doesn't inadvertantly break internal narration this time, and blinks at the triumphant Reize. "Well, that's probably the most exuberant entrance I've seen in a while." Mercade stands up, walking around the desk to Reize, offering a hand in greeting. "Hey Reize, How are you doing? It's been a while. Come on over and take a seat." He leads Reize over to the desk, and sits him on the 'visitor's' side. Their chairs are more comfy. "Reize, meet Prince Naveen of Maldonia." He gestures to the frog smoothly. "He's one of our latest clients. He's a pretty dab hand with a guitar as well." He says this as if he isn't indicating a frog.

He looks back to the adventurer, then. "So, I hear you guys have been successful in establishing the Shard Seekers in Fluorgis. Congratulations! I hope you guys work out well." He also casually pulls out a fold-map of Manhattan and slides it over to Reize. "Here, next time you can use this one. It should be more useful. So what brings you by?" He smiles pleasantly...

And then jawdrops as Avira monologues. "How do you /do/ that, Avira?" He laughs. "That's great! Maybe I shoul have you do the narraration next time. Good to see you, though. Have you met the Prince?" He gestures again to the frog.
Reize Seatlan has posed:

Reize is pushed around to the side by the shorter woman. But then, that gruff voice that speaks the inner monologue comes out. Reize looks around, trying to find that voice, "Uhh, hey! Where did that come from?" He looks to the left, and then the right. Soon, his attention is given towards the frog that is standing regally for a few moments. The expression becomes a bit quizzed as he cants his attention towards Mercade.

"Say... is that a pet frog of yours, or is that dinner?" The young boy is scratching his head, unable to figure out what to make of a frog doing inside of the building. Usually, they are outside in the forest.

A brighten smile comes when Mercade leads him to the visitor's seat. "Oh!" The young lad takes a seat on the visitor's side of the desk. But once his attention falls to the frog. "...Huh? A prince?" He brightens, "Oh! I didn't realize that!" Reize is taking that at face value, likely that the frog is some race at another world. Not an ordinary frog!

The boy bows his head, "Pleased to meet you!"

At Mercade's congratulations, "Thanks! We're still working on becoming an official clan. It's been a bit difficult, but we're making good progress." When the folded map is handed to the boy, the youth takes the map and then he reaches to the pouch to procure a book. "Well, I remember a while back that I would give you some updated information about the monsters and some of the areas that I've explored. Well, I am a person who keeps his word!" The journal slides along the desk, offering to the detective.

"I figure it should provide you some use. It features a few creatures from the Wild Saurian to Midgar Zolom... which tried to eat Shiki and I in our travels from when we last met."
Prince Naveen has posed:
"Apparently not," Prince Naveen remarks at Reize. He seems to be taking everything in his stride, but also doesn't possess the assumption that he can override the current conversation with his banter. "But no hard feelings, eh? I must admit I don't exactly look Princely at the moment..."

The frog lets a good few seconds pass before winking slyly at Avira. You never know, after all...
Avira has posed:
"Ahahaha well you know..." Avira looks a little embarassed now, "Practice, right? But you're going to have to pay me a lot more pizza if you want me to follow you around to narrate you." Her hands drop to her hips and she hooks her thumbs into one of the leather belts around her waist. "Met, no, not at all. I did read your note about him though."

Avira leans in to peer at the frog on Mercade's desk as if to verify that, yeah, he's really there and really a frog. It almost seems like that's not enough. She's seconds away from poking poor Naveen and all the sudden he's talking. And winking. Avira turns a little red. "Ehehehe...sorry, I'm definitely not a princess." she's still red as she talks, letting her eyes turn from his shyly, "So I don't think I can help you like that."

Straightening, she turns to look at Reize as he babbles away, a frown upon her face. Strangely, this was actually the first time seeing this kid.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Oh yes. The Midgar Zolom." Mercade frowns.




Mercade coughs, and blinks. "Yeah, I've seen that one." He pulls the book over and looks it over for a moment, and then picks up the HEARTLESS folder, walking it over to his all-in one copier-printer-fax-thing. He begins feeding pages through it as he replies, "He's actually a human. He's got a bit of a voodoo problem."

Once the pages are through, Mercade picks up the produced pages and holds out the copies for Reize to take. "Here, you take these too. They're documentation on what I've found on the Heartless so far. You might have some or all of this information, but it's hetter shared than not. So what are you guys up to lately? I keep hearing things, but nothing solid."

He chuckles at Avira. "It's okay. It's better if I do it myself anyway. Your ass-whooping powers are plenty for now. Unless you want to pick up being a secretary too?" Mercade looks hopeful for a moment.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
A faint smile is given to the frog, the sarcastic remark going over his head. Cheerfully, "No hard feelings!"

With Mercade being familiar with the zolom, Reize sighs, "Hopefully, it has forgotten about Shiki and I."


The Midgar Zolom looms in the sands of the Targ Woods. Its head resting along the earth. It dreams...

Eye snaps open. One eye is Reize's cheerful looking face.

Other eye snaps open. Shiki and her giant Mr. Mew.


Back at the building

"He used to be human?!" The boy frowns. When the pages are held out to him, Reize takes it. "Thanks! This will help me! I'll be able to share it with the Shard Seekers.." He sighs, "Well, we're taking up ques---..." He gets something, "Gah! Looks like I better go! Keep a hold of that! Come see us at Fluorgis!" The boy runs off.
Prince Naveen has posed:
Prince Naveen sighs, a little dissapointed if anything. He glances at Mercade then at Avira, rolling his eyes ever so slightly. "As you wish," he says lightly. Then as an aside to Mercade adds: "It was worth a try..."

He looks at Reize and nods his head in what's sure to be an unrecognized gesture as he parts. "Still am, technically," he notes. "Though starting to get a taste for flies, unfortunately..."
Avira has posed:
"" Avira says flatly a little too quickly. For a few moments, she seems to zone out, perhaps experiencing her own bout of TRAUMATIC FLASHBACK-O-VISION. But whatever could she be seeing? Spoilers.

Horrible, terrible spoilers.

Avira finds herself a chair to kick back in, ready to watch what will no doubt be a rousing exchange between this kid and Mercade. Except the kid runs off all the sudden! She glances over to Naveen. " hard feelings, alright? I mean, I'm flattered and stuff..." She taps two fingers together a few times and looks down. "...oh, but that does remind me."

She digs a hand down her shirt/breastplate, bringing out what seems to be a necklace holding a little leather bag. She pulls it off her head and tosses it onto Mercade's desk. "That's a gris-gris I bought from that Dr. Facilier guy a while back."
Riku has posed:
Riku knocks twice before entering, bearing a pizza box and with Diablo on his shoulder. The raven in question is constantly grumbling in a low warble that sounds like the bird impression of a lawn mower. "Cheer up, Dee." he says quietly. "We've got pizza, so we can afford to wait." the raven gnaws on his hair with considerable irritation, head hitting the side of Riku's hair and more grumbling. "He-- y?"

the greeting becomes somewhat confused towards the middle at the sight of Prince Naveen, who stands out in several ways. Riku blinks, looking to Avira and Mercade for some clarification. Instead of acting the obvious question, he asks another one. "Where do you want me to set this down?"
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Totally worth a try." Mercade asides. Avira's reaction causes Avira to blink for a moment. Reize takes his leave for now, and Mercade wishes him well before Riku enters. Out goes nutty kid, in comes pizza-bearing deuteragonist with raven. "Oh hey, Riku! What's up?" He gestures to the desk. "Just set it there next to Prince Naveen." Mercade smiles. "So how are you doing, Riku? It's busy today." He chuckles, and then sort of peers at the gris-gris. He picks up a pencil and gingerly pushes it off the desk. "Yeaaaaaah, about that Facilier guy. HE's the one who put the voodoo curse on the Prince here. Apparently he needs a kiss from a Princess to break it."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra had only jut woken up a little while ago, shattering her stone shell all over the roof, then taking a moment to sweep it up before wandering inside. She comes down to to the lower levels. She's somehow got a breakfast sandwhich in her hand which she's chomping on happily. The Gargyo's wings are kept close to not make a mess on her way in. "Evening, and what's up i'm up finally." She pauses at the mention of Voodoo. That gets her attention, really gets her attention.
Prince Naveen has posed:
Prince Naveens commits a vague ribbit. This isn't because his player is frantically trying to catch up with what's going on, oh no, but rather a complete and utter reflection of his innermost thoughts and feelings. It is, in addition, entirely how he would react to the scene at hand and measures to what people are saying to hi-- ah, okay, I'm all caught up now, never mind.

"I feel uncomfortable with the name Dr. Facilier," Naveen says with a small note of resentment. "I mean I have been saying I was fooled by the Shadow Man... that at least sounds a little mysterious and romantic. But Dr. Facilier...? It just gives the wrong impression."

Upon the arrival of Deidra the Prince doubletakes, looks at Mercades and nods his head respecfully. "You there, Mercades. You have done well," he says in reference to nothing and particular and definitely not the fact she's a woman. Right after submitting this pose I am going to double check your profile, because while I am fairly sure you're female I can't be 100% certain. Hold on...
Avira has posed:
"Over here, I'll take the pizza-" Avira's all too quick to interrupt, holding both hands out to take the box. It'd be a bad idea to hand it over to her since she could easily eat half of that pretty quickly. "Aww..." She does get up, if only to go over and retrieve her gris-gris from the floor. She doesn't put it back on but she does stuff it into one of her leather pouches.

"You sure that bird should be allowed in here, by the way? Won't it cause..." she looks over at the frog prince, "...problems? Anyway, unfortunately the only princess I'm aware of from my world took her life a while ago when her lover was killed by a traitor working for the enemy." E
Avira reclaims her seat and leans back, crossing one leg over the other, "Oh, heya Deidra."
Riku has posed:
Riku puts the pizza down near the --Prince? He smiles at Avira, shaking his head at her 'request' but he seems to be having a few moments of culture shock because he's tuned all of his jaded sensibilities in the direction of gargoyles, giant monsters, and great cities full of people and lights and machines. A frog where there should be no frog startles him. A frog who is a prince who has been scammed by the all singing- all dancing con artist pauses him until Dee takes a nip at his ear. "Ow." Riku opens the pizza box, rubbing at his ear gingerly as Diablo snickers.

"Yeah. Thanks Dee. Sorry about your run in with the tapdancing con artist, Prince Naveen. I figured he was-- not healthy to work with." he says sardonically. "Yeah. It seems that way. I figured out what I need to--" and Deidra walks in, and his 'culture shock' meter has to quickly reverse polarization. The pause is much shorter this time, he nods his head, trying not to stare. So he looks at Mercade instead. "Key to the City. I think I've got something on that."
Riku has posed:
"Don't worry about Dee. He'll behave himself-- well. About as much as I do." Riku smirks, taking a piece of pizza from the box.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade winces at Avira's story. "Wow, that's pretty tragic." He sighs. "That's really too bad. We'll find one eventually. Did you know that I met Rapunzel, Avira? She totally had like hundreds of feet of hair, it was crazy." He looks over to the frog and grins. "It's cool. I understand completely. The /evil Shadow Man/ got you." He pauses. "That /might/ be giving him too much credit though. I mean seriously, he seems like a snake-oil salesman."

Mercade picks up a slice of pizza and begins the munching, looking to Riku. "Key to the City? Seriously? Are you telling me you've found something like that?" He arches an eyebrow.
Deidra has posed:
Deidra pauses looking at the talking frog for a moment and just smirks a fang showing for a moment as she does so. "I am Deidra sir and humm your the first talking frog I ever seen." She eyes the pizza and goes for some as well. "Don't worry I can handle it if someone gets fresh. As for that other man it's prehaps best I didn't take his offer up then then again I get into enough trouble in my resarchg. So yes i'm the resident magical expert sir frog. Though I think I got a top hat, monacle and cane around here." she starts humming hello my baby for a moment.
Prince Naveen has posed:
Prince Naveen nods impassively. To be honest he could stand with a megaphone outside starbucks (or... wait, I guess it would still be starbucks wouldn't it? Better answers with a name for a coffee chain on a postcard, please) all day and still not make it clear he's not just a talking frog but a person. "Pleased to meet you," he says as a robot forcibly upgraded with a heart and emotions as some crazy experiment. It sounds like somebody unused to the realities of being a frog and eating flies and stuff. He would love to take out his guitar but senses this probably isn't the time. Time pizza is eyed with a mixture of curiousity and distaste, almost as if he were picturing it covered in flies and bgs and stuf-- WILDCAT CAFE! That probably serves coffee. I guess it would be like standing outside the WildKat cafee all day. Yeah...
Will Sherman has posed:
One of the Pizza boxes starts to slowly move away from the group.

Slowly towards one of the doors. Those with keen eyes can see a string attatched to it.

With Will trying to steal the box.
Avira has posed:
Avira remains mysteriously quiet now on the subject of the tapdancing, singing, Shadow Man. Mostly because she actually found his production rather charming. Though more importantly, it's because he really didn't try to screw her over at all. Not like poor Naveen.

"Isn't it? Maybe for the best, though, I doubt she'd like seeing Dalamasca under the control of the Archadian Empire as it is right now." Avira's eyes narrow and she moodily munches on a slice of pizza. Seems she already knows the proper way to consume it. "....wait, did that box just move? Guys, tell me I'm not crazy."
Riku has posed:
Riku nods. "At least somewhere to look. I haven't been to much of Northern Manhattan, but there might be something at city hall. You said it might be symbolic so--" he shrugs, taking a seat nearby. "Maybe it's hidden in plain sight. Something that Rapunzel can't actually manage. She was still picked her hair out of Central Park the last time I saw her." Diablo gives a beady, amused stare at Prince Naveen and Avira, starting to wander around the room making small croaking noising every so often as the raven explores the interior of the office. "About this princess. Does it have to be any princess at all, or a specific one?" he chuckles, taking a bite of pizza. "Do you turn back into a frog if your kissed a second time?" he looks over at Deidra with just a blank look of incomprehension, raising an eyebrow slightly as he tries to pick apart what she was saying.

He smiles at the showtunes remark from Mercade, going back to his pizza. Riku puts a foot down idly, without even looking, blocking the 'path' of the pizza and pinning it to the floor without crushing the box. Diablo lets out another of those long warbling exchanges. It sounds this time like the raven is swearing, but this is a disney show so that's probably not possible. "It's probably nothing." Riku remarks, trying to keep a straight face at the sound of Diablo in the nearby side room.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Oh god! Is the box possessed by a ghost!?" Mercade gapes. "Or a zombie ghost!?" He says this despairingly, but he's already reaching down to loop the string around his hand and give it a good yank. Maybe he'll catch them a Hobo Lad.

Riku gives information about the ongoing issue of the Key. "Central Park, huh? Well... Maybe it is out in plain sight. God knows what it could be though..." Mercade thinks, wracking his brain as Riku asks his questions of the Prince.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will curses under his breath as Riku stops his pulling...

Then Mercade grabs the string...

And YANKS him right out of his hiding place, causing him to crash into the room right on his face.
Riku has posed:
"Hi Will." Riku says with an almost abnormally cheery smile, just as he whacks into the floor. He opens the box nearby, offering a slice. "Pizza?"
Deidra has posed:
Deidra pauses as the pizza theft is busted by Mercade and she lets her wings flex out into a little more comfortable postion as she looks for a spot to sit down. "It seems the box had a mind of it's own. Then incomes the hobo king aka will. "Good to see you Will. Tryin to highjack some deep dish?"

she looks back to Avira. Problems back home I take it Avira?."
Avira has posed:
"Good, I'm not crazy." Avira says cheerfully, just as cheerfully adding, "Hello will!"

She settles in to listen and eat, glancing from Mercade to Riku as they discuss this key thing, which she's only heard about for the first time. Every now and then she gives Diablo a look as well, perhaps still worried that the raven would eat poor Naveen. "Eh? Oh, yeah. Well, they've been problems for about a year now. There /was/ a resistance army but uh...with the world all shattered like it is, nobody has any idea where they are. They might've just been up and swallowed."
Will Sherman has posed:
Will holds a hand out, from his position on the ground.

"Yes please." defeated.

Sitting up, he looks around, looking sideways at the crow? Raven?

"So who brought the uncooked dinner?" he asks, eating a bite.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Sounds like trouble just brewing right now over there." Mercade comments. "It's odd. Rabanastre didn't seem that bad off... But I guess it's the whole 'occupying force in a major trade hub' thing?"

Mercade looks to Prince Naveen. "Are you okay? Want me to get you a slice? Can you eat pizza?" He asks. "Or, uh... Can I get you something else?"

"Dee is Riku's pet, not dinner." Mercade corrects. Seriously, what is it with people treating the general animals in the area like food?
Riku has posed:
"That would be me." Riku answers, handing over the cheesy consumable. "This is Dee. We ran into eachother a few days ago, and I'm taking care of him until he can find his way home." The raven peers at Will, narrowing his eyes and letting out a harsh, grumpy squawk before hopping back over to Riku and clambering back onto his shoulder. "You might be careful. This dinner bites back."
Will Sherman has posed:
"I like a challenge." Will says, and gives the bird a grin.

And also looks to see if there is anything odd.

He looks back towards Mercade, "Are you asking to give the bird pizza? Birds don't eat pizza."
Avira has posed:
"Yeah well, apparently before the whole war thing, the people in Rabanastre didn't need to worry about things like licenses or a bunch of other stuff." Avira shrugs, "Originally I was from a place that'd never been conquered by an invading force. Dealing with it like this is...eye opening."

She shakes her head at Will, "No, give the frog pizza. Er, I mean Prince Naveen."
Riku has posed:
There is certainly something magical about the raven and it is certainly intelligent as Diablo looks at Will, then at the pizza, but nothing can really be determined of the flavor of said magic other than the uneasiness of not hearing a coin hitting the bottom when it's dropped down a well.

Diablo flaps off Riku's shoulder to flutter at Will and try to yank the pizza out of his hands, squawking and chirping without real intent to harm. "I think he does too." The teenager draws a leg up, taking another piece from the box as he finishes the first. "I'm the same way Avira. My world-- well" he laughs softly. "My world had stories and that's just about all. So much of this is new."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "So there's a lot of trouble brewing then. Maybe they were spit out somewhere else we don't know. I seen a place restore do it may not be hopless to find them and bring them back." She finishes up the last of her food really. She looks back to Will "Humm a pet huh? Wouldn't it be better to give the Prince something his body could process?"
Will Sherman has posed:
Will listens to this...

"Seems legit." he says, and looks towards Avira, "What about this Rabanastre? That's the city in the desert conqured by some massive terrible and smelly empire right?"

Then the hand of Will comes up, aiming to grab the Bird in a way that is sudden and Vicious.

"I am kidding about the dinner comment, but you touch my food, and I will be eating crow tonight." he says, with a ice cold tone.

Do not mess with the Hobo lad's food.
Avira has posed:
"Yeah I..." Avira trails off, a troubled look on my face, "Where I lived had none of this. Everything is so new and different." A half-smile eventually appears, " I put a smile on my face and greet it with excitement. It's all something else and I think I'm lucky to be around to see it."

She shakes her head and gives Riku a full grin now. But it disappears pretty quickly, "-yes Will, that's pretty much it."
Riku has posed:
Diablo is grabbed but doesn't seem to be all that intimidated by this fact. He lets out a low cackling hiss, eyeing Will before chomping down HARD on his hand. Riku puts the pizza down. "Cut it out you two. Well. I guess it's the thought that counts, Deidra. By the way I--" his attention is drawn by Diablo, who still hasn't relented.

"Dee." the bird seems to glance at Riku, pause, and then bear down even harder on Will's hand with another of those teakettle whistling hisses. "Damnit." Riku mutters under his breath, starting to get onto his feet still with pizza in tow.
Will Sherman has posed:
The Bird clamps onto Wills hand.

A bead of sweat rolls down Will's face, as he pulls his hand away, and eats his Pizza.


Will tries to be nonchalant about this...

Then it bites down harder, drawing blood.

Then something...BAD happes.

Magics that SHOULDN'T combine, for a brief moment, do, with enough magical force to blow Will AND the bird, halfway across the room from each other.

Will ends up on a cabnet, Holding his hand...

Which seems to be...sparking oddly from the wound, before it slowly starts sealing up, as reality tries to reinstate itself.
Avira has posed:
Avira had been seconds away from biting down on a fresh slice of pizza. It was held, pointed upward, about to be chomped when there is a strange quasi-explosion that blows Will and the bird apart from each other. Avira stares, slack-jawed, and the pizza flops over in her hand.

"What...what just happened?"
Riku has posed:
"Dee." Riku drops the pizza, diving to catch the bird as he sails across the room and through the doorway into another room. He twists around, catching Diablo but getting all the breath knocked out of his lungs and his head knocked pretty hard against a filing cabinet.

Diablo looks stunned, feathers askew and fluffed up, not only because of the explosion.. but because Riku saved him from being hurt. Squawk. "Because.." Riku says softly, ears still ringing. "You've been nice to me." he pauses, then rests his head against the floor. "Mostly."The raven nips Riku hard on the nose with a grumpy, confused squawk. Riku doesn't complain, merely raising his voice to be heard as he lies on the floor. "Hey. --Will. You alright?"
Will Sherman has posed:
Will looks confused for a long moment, trying to look at the wound that was closing itself shut...he doesn't DO that...It's like some sort of sealing magic is at work...

He can't see the lines though...

He blinks, looking up at Riku and shakes his head clear...

"I...think so..? What the hell? Did that thing just cast magic at me or something?" he grunts for a moment, picking up another slice and eating it.

"Um...sorry? I haven't had that happen to me before.."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "Humm Riku and wait what!" She pauses as reality just goes POP for a moment. She stares looks and her jaw's hanging open. Only one thing could cause that sort of thing from happening but that should be impossible. Will clearly is human after all and that sort of realioty pop only happens mixing mortal and third race magic. "Wait how did ..."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade suddenly reappears from the archives, poking his head out from his immediate reaction to explosions. "Whoa, what the hell was that? Everyone all right?" The detective notices that everyone appears to be in one piece, including the bird. Good. "All right, so uh. Where were we?" He scratches his head. "Key, Rabanastre, Heartless, pizza, explosions, yeah."
Avira has posed:
"You don't normally regenerate?" Avira asks, realizing she hasn't been able to watch Will THAT closely while he's fighting. There's no way in hell she'd be able to pay attention to such minute details as 'people slowly regenerating' when some Heartless is trying to tear her to shreds.
Riku has posed:
Riku pulls himself to his feet, half cradling Diablo against his chest until the raven wiggles free and clambers onto his shoulder. The raven starts to preen feathers as if nothing happened at all, claws clutching at his shoulder tightly as Riku comes back into the main room.

"Dee doesn't cast magic. Whatever it was, life is never dull around you Will." he doesn't say this in any way complimentary, looking a bit aggrivated and defensive as he looks at Will then around at everyone else then finally at the door. When Will quips, Riku narrows his eyes in disgust, as much as for the quip as Mercade's lack of reaction. He's just used to this kind of thing and it just rubs him the wrong way. " Magical rabies? ---tk. Okay. I think I've had just about all I can take of your constant 'surprises' Will Sherman. I thought--" he shakes his head. "You're both hopeless." and he heads for the door.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will stands up, "Hey! That wasn't on purpose! Seriously. I have no idea what happened, and I made a joke. What do you want me to do, cry about something that just FREAKED me the fuck out and blew me halfway across the room? If I did that I'd never leave the building." Will mutters, now grumpy.

He sits down and bites a pizza. He looks up towards Avira.

"No. I don't...freaky."
Riku has posed:
"Go jump back in the ocean, Will. At least then the only things you unintentionally hurt will be fish." Riku wrenches the door open, closing it behind him quietly. There is no jarring slam but rather a silence and a quiet click to mark his passing.
Will Sherman has posed:
"..." Will looks down after those words, something welling in him like anger...

But he lets it go...well the anger...

Will sighs, stands up, and just leaves.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Riku! I... what..." Mercade looks shocked at the situation. "Whoa, everyone calm down here!" Mercade calls out, holding out his hands- and too little, too late. Riku and Will both stomp off.

Mercade sighs, and slumps in his chair at the desk, looking to Avira. "I, uh..." He seems to, for once, be at a loss for words.
Avira has posed:
"...that felt hard to watch." Avira remarks, looking slightly worried, "I hope they can both work that out in the future. I'd hate to lose either of their help."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"I know. But really. So many goddamn weird things have been going on. I have no idea what to do here." Mercade sighs, picking up another slice of pizza. "I mean, cursed frogs, magic, more magic, princesses, HEartless. In the last 2 weeks I've seen a thousand impossible things. I have no idea what I'm supposed to think anymore."