In A New York Minute: Light and Darkness

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In A New York Minute: Light and Darkness
Date of Scene: 08 December 2012
Location: Southern Manhattan
Synopsis: Under the lead of Morrighan Alazne, the heartless surge forth in an attack on Xanatos' Eyrie Building directly. Of course, the man himself has planned for this and strikes back with the help of The Manhattan Clan, the Twilight Detective Agency, and various other heroes. Topped off with an appearance by King Mickey himself. Will light win the day? Or will darkness prevail?
Thanks to: Stormfall - For GMing the heartless, Everyone else - For putting up with my newbie mistakes!
Cast of Characters: Deidra, Will Sherman, David Xanatos, Sarafina Carenze, King Mickey, Stormfall, Kaydin, Morrighan Alazne, Brooklyn, Tom Magnusson, Han Su Li
Tinyplot: In A New York Minute

Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Mhmhmhmhmhm~ I hope you have prepared yourself, Xanatos~" A certain dark elf spoke with an evil sneer. Standing before the Eyrie Building was Morrighan Alazne, arms crossed and looking rather pleased with herself. Behind her was a veritable horde of heartless. All ready and geared up to wage the perfect assault on one David Xanatos.

It would also seem that Baigan was not here. A shame, but that did not dampen her spirits. She did not need his help now after all. There was more than enough force to cover fopr his absence. Oh yes.

"Now, you all know the plan! Find one David Xanatos, and take him out! And while you do so, destroy ANYTHING in your path!" Getting fired up, the healer continued to make her 'rousing speech'. "I could not care less HOW it is done! Just do it! ...And DO have a good time while doing so~! NOW! We move!"

With everythin said and done. It was time. She turned her attention back to to the building and began to saunter her way over, followed by many a heartless. The time had come. And who knew how it would turn out?
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin approaches Morrighan as she walks towards the building, in full dark knight armor as he remains behind Morrighan and a step to the left. "Seems the good captain has other arrangements. Care to have some protection?" He asks the dark elf as he waits for her response.
David Xanatos has posed:
The armor was like a second skin to him, and the enhancements made the weight feel nearly non existant. He stands at ease atop his Castle, and looks down at this, his city. A man in a suit, blonde hair, and glasses looks over to Xanatos and says in an even tone, "Mr. Xanatos, the Northern base is under attack, as is the Port and the Central Park Portal. We also appear to have our own siege heading our way."

The man nods and picks up the helmet sitting on teh crenalation of the tower he looks out from. "Just as I thought they would do Owen. I imagine the Manhattan Clan will rally once battle is joined so we have no need to contact them. Have a unit of Steel Clan ready to support Brooklyn and his though. Ready my unit."

He places the helmet on his head and the eyes flash red as power is now completed through the entire suit. The HUD displays a small image of the city marking the various attacks. "Owen. Order the AIr Battleships resting inte bottom of the harbor to reveal themselves. The Coast Guard with their modified ships and Marines will have to hold with their support. The Army has nearly Ten Thousand soldiers stationed there. Even with conventional arms they'll do their job. Luckily they'll have the support of the weapons I gave them." He rolls his shoulders and flexes the steel talons of his armor. "And Owen. Begin the evacuation."

Owen blinks and looks up. "The Evacuation sir?"

"Yes Owen. I'm confident we'll slow them down enough to allow the people to escape, but Manhattan is lost." He looks over to a blinking Owen and nods. "Don't worry Owen. Its all part of the plan." Then he leaps off the edge of the tower and spreads his metalic wings. Several untis of Steel Clan soldiers, painted to match his armor launch from the castle as well, along with scores of normal looking steel clans. He says evenly, and crisply over their comamnd net: "Attack."
Will Sherman has posed:
Xantos hits THE BUTTON.

Suddenly, Will Sherman is launched from a garbag dumpster to land right infront of Morrighan and Kaydin.

Then the Heartless are very apparent behind him. He looks up at the Dark Elf, and then at Kaydin. "MAN! I THOUGHT YOU WERE COOL BRO! I THOUGHT YOU WERE COOL! YOU ARE LIKE...TOTALLY ANTI-COOL!" Will says, doing what he does best.


When the plan is sprung, Will moves, aiming to duck low, roll towards Morrighan, and start doing what Will does best...

Distracting her with awful stench while he grabs the strings of fate, aiming to aid his allies any way he can... "OH MAN! SMELL WHAT I HAVE BEEN SLEEPING IN! OOOOOOH! I AM THE LEGENDARY HOBO LAD! FEAR MY HOBONESS!"
Stormfall has posed:
And swarm they do.

Heartless Role Call!

THe GOONS: Imposing hats and square shoulders, with piercing yellow eyes underneath fedoras. Entire families of Goon heartless shuffle their way towards the imposing height of the Eyrie building. Somewhere, the strings of the Godfather are playing, but who can say where they are coming from through the chaos. At least they brought the cannoli.

THE CROCODILES: Alongside the goons a slithering heap of Crocodile Heartless that snap and snarl, swarming underneath cars and from the sewers and the shadows of every alleyway. They come in violent shades of purple and magenta, blue and yellow and neon green, swirly eyes focused on the skyscaper.

Then-- Approach-- of the killer taxis!

A cacophony of noises as the streets are clogged to bursting with Heartless of all descriptions and types. Horns blare. Headlights flash and yellow and black forms SLAM into other cars, chasing after people and tearing up the street.
Deidra has posed:
With all that's happened to her she's still fromt his city, she has some power now she can try to use it to protect what she cares about. She'd been terrifed yet? The TDA had given a chance looked past what she was and she'd become one of them. She was air born making use of the winds to keep to the air she's been keeping with Will the Legendary Hobo Lad. She'd been seen dropping from the sky towards him, not landing on him but beside him.

The gargyole's eyes are glowing red and she's growling

"So this is what it's come to. Your are not welcome in this place."
Tom Magnusson has posed:
A command is given. From all over Xanatos' great tower, there is motion. But there is one spot in particular where there is in fact quite a bit more movement than most anywhere else. A gout of flame erupts from a nearby alleyway, surrounding what appears to be a pickup truck loaded to the brim with heavy barrels full of concrete. In the driver's seat, there is a stuffed scarecrow man, lead foot stomped heavy on the accelerator.

Riding on the hood is one Tom Magnusson, grinning like an idiot.

...As the truck goes to barrel toward the Heartless swarm.

"Right! Armageddon time! Will!" Tom roars, his muscles tightening atop the truck. "Backup's here!" The truck keeps barreling on forward from out and around the streets surrounding the tower, hurtling toward the awful monster festival. Somewhere, perhaps in Traverse Town, or even one of Scrooge McDuck's many financial institutions, an insurance salesman is sobbing.

And Tom, Tom just smiles, and gets ready to jump.
Brooklyn has posed:
The castle has been without a gargoyle presence for a while, unless you count the cold machines who rest there. Until today, it seems, as the situation has made for unlikely alliances. Xanatos' suit would undoubtedly detect Brooklyn before he pulls alongside of it, but the gargoyle does anyway. The red gargoyle looks to Xanatos, as he sails next to the armored human, "I still don't trust you, but that doesn't really matter right now, does it? The others are helping out across the city, but I'm here to make sure the castle survives this."

Brooklyn would give anything for Goliath to be back. He doesn't want to be the one who has to lead the clan through this, but what choice does he have? After making sure Xanatos knows he's there, he quickly peels away from the human and wheels around, heading down towards the Heartless.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
How many times must Sarafina lose her home? Perhaps it will be the same number of times she has cost others theirs.

Sarafina has called upon Dion to evacuate the family to Traverse Town but she herself is staying to fight. There's too much of an obligation to the TDA--and certain mice--to abandon the scene entirely with no aid from the Carenze family. She flits through the air on her highly portable jetpack, landing near Will. But not too near. Because seriously, that smell. That smell is not a buff. That strange feeling when Will pulls on fatestrings hits her again but there's no time to question it.

"Baron." She says, striding forward and examining Kaydin and his elfy maid-crafting ally.

"I am Captain Sarafina Carenze." She says. "You surely both know the strange goings on in Baron right now." She says. "Baigan has not been himself and has been corrupted." She draws her chainsaw and points it towards the ground. "I ask not that you betray Baron, but abandon this fight. There will be no good coming from it. I can only afford this warning."
King Mickey has posed:
Manhattan has proven itself to be every bit as intimidating as one would expect, especially to a new arrival to the area.

Having received word of the impending heartless invasion, King Mickey has finally made it to the city of Manhattan. Unfortunately, it appears that the mouse has arrived a little to late to do anything to help stop the forces of the Shadow Lords from advancing further. Resting upon the roof of a nearby skyscraper, the keyblade master has chosen an excellent vantage point to survey the city from afar. He peers over the edge, watching as the forces of Xanatos Enterprises begin to mobilize, along with their enemy, The Heartless. With his weapon remaining sheathed, The King remains undetected by the darkness and carefully plans where he'll make his initial strike.

As the form of the young Will Sherman and others spring into action, Mickey continues to bid his time, watching the Heartless as they pour in and attempting to figure out where the largest concentration of force will be.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
The dark knight behind her was giving a brief glance and a small nod. "Ah, yes, I suppose. The more force we have, the better our chances to crush these fools where they stand." A evil smile was then drawn upon Morrighan's face as she replied to Kaydin. "Regardless of whether or not the good captain is here, we will do plenty even without him."

And glance upwards was then given upwards as she could spot movement rapidly descending from the skies. "....Well now, it seems that the man himself is gracious enough to bring the party to us. How utterly convenient~" A haughty laugh was given as the heartless at her command began to mobilize. She would leave them to their devices. They knew their goals. Take out Xanatos and anyone inbetwen, and devours any hearts in sight.

It was then however that a loud crash brought her attention back down to ground level. A rather.....unpresentable man is launched to the ground before her and Kaydin. The first thing that comes to her mind the stench. "For the love of--Ugh!" The dark elf brought a hand to pinch her nose as she took a step back from the hobo's presence. "Have you never heard of something called a shower!? You desperately need it! My god!"

But this was no time to be distracted. They had their mission and it was time to execute it. "Kaydin! Take care of those fools! Xanatos is mine!" And without further ado, the whie mage began to work her magics.

"I hope you are prepared now..." She grinned darkly, waiting for the man's descent.

"...Hmm?" A brief glance is given towards Sarafina, which is then followed by a deeply unimpressed frown. "Ah, a traitor, hmmn? Well, whatever manner of nonsense you happen to think you know, I will not retreat. Our goal is clear! Xanato has foiled the plans of Baron time and time again. It is high time to turn the tables!"

Indeed, there would be no listening from Morrighan. Regardless, Baron's state of affairs was hardly her primary concern. Not by a long shot. As long as she had a clear goal and a place to call home. That was all that mattered to her.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin felt the white magic affect his body. He looks to Sarafina and tilts his head. "If only you focused the evacuation of the people of this world, perhaps the heartless wouldnt have such meals?" He asks coldly before he readies himself. "Morrighan, I cannot gurantee your safety completely but I will still try." He says calmly before the area about the knight darkened as he readied himself. "We cannot back down. You can leave now, take as many as you can. Continuing to remain here damns more lives. The choice is yours."
Will Sherman has posed:
Will pauses...he looks at the White mage for a moment...that worked, and she's worked up over his smell, that's good.

Then he looks towards Kaydin. "This is our HOME! OURS!" Suddenly Will's tone changed. He wasn't floopish, calm, playful...

Will was /pissed/! "We lived here, some of us for longer than others! Who in the HELL do you think you are?!" Will booms. "Telling us that we should leave when it's threatened?! HELL NO!" Will suddenly crouches...and then leaps at his face, his fists ringing out, aiming to repeatedly hit Kaydin, with each hit, he moves to grab at his strings, aiming to wither and tear at them, aiming to weaken the man's fate, while theirs are reenforced.

"Nobody, threatens my home or people!"
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
Sarafina wonders if she had been as willfully ignorant as Kaydin is now acting. She clucks her tongue lightly, closing her eyes for a moment. She isn't too fond of fighting Baron but surely she has ended kinder lives than this. "I am a soldier. Moral superiority is a luxury afforded only to civilians. I have given you my position, I will not argue it." She floats up, her jetpack keeping her aloft in the air. Even as Will lets loose his rage, Sarafina stays cool and collected. Indeed, she has become even more calm after hearing Baron's response. Her emotions are tightly placed under lock and key. Sarafina is now a backseat driver, the Captain is in command now.

"I am Sarafina...The Western Wind! I will show you how I have come to earn that name!!"

And she darts forward, focusing on Kaydin who is in front. He may be the armored target, but there is little Sarafina's chainsaw cannot cut. The elf did have some good points with regards to showering, and appears to be 'in charge' of Kaydin--bossing him around and the like--she isn't sure if this is because she's an elf (and thus inherently arrogant (Baron is not always PC)) or because she's actually his superior, but even so she can recognize the true threat here. Kaydin may be on Dark Knight steroids, but Sarafina has her own tools. The chainsaw comes swiping for Kaydin rapidly, followed up by a sharp strike from Sarafina's gauntlet!
Tom Magnusson has posed:
There is a problem with the Heartless Swarm.

That problem is Momentum. Newton's Laws. The basic rule of universal motion that mass times velocity equals pain. And today, Momentum comes in the form of an eighteen wheeler stuffed to the brim with concrete. A low, dangerous note blares across the thoroughfare immediately in front of Xanatos Tower as the truck's horn sounds. Tom grin a grand, defiant grin from atop his perch, his trenchcoat billowing in the wind. The Truck suddenly veers, it ploughs into the horde of shadowy beasts, blazing a trail of energy conservation turned cataclysm into the swarm.

Muscles in Tom's legs tense as the truck grinds forward, carried along by its incredible momentum. Its final stop, one Dark Knight named Kaydin.

A moment before impact, Tom leaps from the top of the cab, rolling through the air. His knee drops into a relatively more spongy shadow-monster as the truck sails to its ultimate end.

Tom's grin turns into a smirk. He pulls a little black joystick, with a little red button from his coat. "Welcome to Manhattan," the detective says as he depresses the button. "Home of Ackbar's House of Fireworks, Rockets and Improvised Explosives."

There's a brief 'beep' as an electrical signal blasts from the radio transmitter in Tom's hand to a reciever inside the truck. The barrels of concrete are suddenly revealed to be not completely concrete at all. And the cab? The cab is packed with TNT.

And all of it, all of it goes gloriously, violently and radiantly KABOOM.
David Xanatos has posed:
With the battle begining and Brooklyn appearing he smiles beneath his helmet. "Of course not Brooklyn. We do however need to put the people of this city first." To put action to words and dives, his wings and the wings of the Steel clan flashing in what light there is as he slashes at the Heartless with cold, hard Steel.
Deidra has posed:
Deidra looks at Kayiden for a moment as what he says. She growls again at him, "You work with them and dare to say that? You think you have the right to even speak that human."

Her spell book is out and she's now chanting in latin even as Will contiunes with telling the Dark Knight where he can put it. There is a glow from the spell book, a green light settles over Deidra as she chants and then a bolt of eldrishe energy erupts from her free hand at Kayiden and it's going to be sapping his power, his physical strength. She's aiming to just keep him off balance and as the spell finishes she speaks again.

"This city is under the protection of my kind. It is our home as well you have no right to this Dark Knight of Baron."
Brooklyn has posed:
Wheeling himself around, Brooklyn swoops low across the streets below the Eyrie Building, weaving in and out of several Heartless as he closes in on a target he has in mind. Those taxis almost got him killed in the Labrynth, and he feels that he owes them a bit of payback. He strikes at some of the smaller Heartless with his wings, before lowering a shoulder to go head-to-head with a taxi.
Stormfall has posed:
At some point there is just no definition for 'larger concentrations' -- there is simply a BUCKET O' HEARTLESS (now with 90% more minions).

Still, a few things can be picked out here and there. A contingent of crocodiles and goons pour over the cars and streets, approaching Will and his group. Glass shatters. Metal crunches. Sirens wail as a river of scaled shapes wriggle through an alleyway and they begin to scale the walls.

They do so while goons prowl the ground, bracing themselves in scattered pockets to open a blazing hail of fire on Will, Sarafina and associated close parties. They also do so from a distance. Maybe being the king of the hobos serves as a debuff as well. In the thronging hordes, while goons stop to take potshots at the defenders, pockets of roaming taxis powerslide around the chaotic streets in smaller packs, horns buzzing out of sync to raise a further racket.

In these smaller packs, they are more agile and herd screaming people before them.

And then suddenly TRUCKABOOM. and the truck goes ridiculously KABOOM in the midst of that swarm of heartless. Dark plumes of energy fly like severed body parts (Hey, is that a tail? An arm? Hm. Not anymore.) and the heartless are blown into tiny bits and pieces too small and irregular to make satisfying boots and purses with. While a Truck and an City Shattering KABOOOM is enough to scatter the heartless, there are simply too many of them for cold hard steel to make a significant dent.

Countless heartless fall. They explode, flashes of light disappearing into nothingness and whispers of dark vapor as the Steel Clan lead by Xanatos plows into the mob. More goons arrive, bracing themselves as they open fire on the Steel Clan and their leader.

Brooklyn has more luck as he goes head to head with one of the smaller packs of Taxis. The Taxi fails in a deadly game of CHicken with the gargoyle, several goons vaporizing before he CRASHES into the heartless, windshield buckling and horn letting out a small and forlorn BLATT as it goes silent. As one of their pack dies-- the rest of the taxis begin to circle and converge on their new target.
King Mickey has posed:
The King continues to watch from above as the initial tide of battle begins to unfold. His curiosity is struck significantly at the unusual 'tactics' being disaplayed by members of the Twilight Detective Agency, particularly asthe 18-wheeler runs head-on into the heartless fray.

His gaze shifts to the members of Baron exchanging words. The sight makes him feel for Sarafina, dubbed a traitor by her former allies. The words of Dion ring within his mind and by Sarafina's actions, her husband's praise was not misplaced.

It appears chaos is in full swing as the final main actors join the fray. With no definitive areas appearing to have any larger units of heartless, The King figures it best to pick a point and wing it! Its high time he joins the fight after all and he certainly can't let the other heroes have all the fun!

The keyblade master leaps from his high-rise and begins his decent downward! The wind flutters through The King's large black ears, rippling off his clothes! The Mouse closes his eyes, appearing to muttering a few words as a bright white light emits from his hands.

A moment later, Mickey throws his hands outward and arrows of bright light burst from his hands, raining down upon a concentration of the raging taxi cabs and goons!

Throwing his right hand outward, Mickey's Star Seeker keyblade materializes into his hand. He thrusts the keyblade upward, coming down upon a set of goons beneath him with a powerful overhead strike, bursting a shockwave of holy energy out upon landing!
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Hmph! They come out in droves now. Interesting! And yet...they all seem to focus on the convenient~" Spreading her arms, Morrighan began to conjure up an array of holy and time magics to assault her foes. Her primary target was Xanatos, but anyone else who got her way would surely taste her wrath as well!

"Let us see just how long you all survive our onslaught! Kihihihi~!" Laughing evilly, an rather sizable array holy swords, excuding roman numerals, began to form all around the mage.


Upon her command, the veritable storm of swords burst outwards before firing downwards into the group and aiming to pierce through. Any that failed to do so would simply embed themselves into the pavement and explode in a flash of holy light.

"Try and make this fun for me, why don't you? Ahahahahaha~!"

My, for being a white mage, she sure was having fun with this now. Perhaps to be chalked up to the fact that she was left with such a monumental duty in the captain's stead? Who knew...
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin gets punched by Will and chainsawed by Sarafina. He swings his sword at the chainsaw carrying woman to send a blast of black energy to her trying to hurt her before he manages to leap into the air in time to avoid the truck as it comes slamming past, leaping again to avoid the spell by the gargoyle, swinging the sword as darkness gathers in the blade. He then swings the sword once and then again, one blast heading for the gargoyle magic user and the other for the man that tried to run him down, landing back on the ground as the attacks were done.
Tom Magnusson has posed:
Flames billow up from the broken remains of Tom's hijacked truck. Shadowy viscera is hurled through the air, dissolving into a fine, black mist. But the shockwave is indiscriminant. Tom's arms rise- in a moment, the blast wave hits, hurling him back several feet. The detective grunts upon impact, the soles of his shoes leavin a skidmark across the ground as he's pushed away from the blast. But Tom scarcely has a moment's to catch his breath when the Heartless swarm swells to fill the explosive void.

Specifically, there is a swarm of crocodiles heading his way.

Tom grunts, his fists flying into the crocodilian ambush. Fierce elbows knock the shadow beasts aside, one by one, as they leap to try and take a bite out of the crimebuster.

One comes up behind him. It gets within a hair's breadth before Tom's fist catches it square in the jaw. On Tom's knuckles, there is what at first appears to be a set of brass knuckles. And then, there is another, smaller kaboom.

Shotgun shells drop from the reinforced atop Tom's knuckles. The crocodile beast falls, lifeless, to the side. It twitches for a moment before dissolving away.

Tom Mutters, slamming a speed loader into his knuckle-mounted weapon, when he notices a... Distinct whistling sound--

As a certain Dark Knight drops down and cleaves into Tom's Shoulder. The detective produces a pained grunt, but counterattacks almost immediately, dropping his knee driven by his entire body weight down into the Knight's femur.

It will likely sting.

"You." Tom growls. Vice-like hands lash out to grasp around the Dark Knight's head, pulling it in to smash against his own forehead. And then, his fists fly, pressing forward in a punishing assault. The shotgun canisters don't fire this time--

Tom saves his artillery for special occasions, after all.
Brooklyn has posed:
Okay, going head on with a taxi was a bad idea. Brooklyn strikes it hard enough but then soon finds himself being overwhelmed by them. As he gets knocked around he kicks off of a taxi to get himself back up into the air. He grunts and brushes himself off, flapping his wings a couple of times before he lands on a flagpole, "Shoulda asked Xanatos for a laser gun." He mutters, as he considers his next attack. There's so many of them.

Still, he won't give up easily. The city needs him, and he has to fight. He dives back in, again targeting the taxis. He has a personal vendetta against taxis ever since that time he got snubbed by one for being a horrible gargoyle monster. He swoops in and lands on top of one, and then whips his tail down to smash the windshield, before digging his talons in, and starting to punch at the roof of the taxi relentlessly. If his claws can break stone, they can break this taxi.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will hasn't forgotten about you, elfy!

Will's hands reach up, grabbing at strings as he finds one for Kaydin...and one for Morrighan. His hands move through them, looking for the right ones, before he finds them...and then TWISTS.

It will send a jolt of pain towards each one.

However, before he could do that, Heartless moved, Will's fist moves, aiming to scatter them as they get close to him. Elfy moves to shoot magic, and like before, Will's fist moves, aiming to strike her across the chest. It is as unpleasant for her.

Then he smiles...

Two silvery strings appear, connecting to both Kaydin and The White mage.

"TWIST!" and he does so.
David Xanatos has posed:
Slamming into a wall, and then the ground, Xanatos picks himself from the dirt and looks at the enemy he is facing. "Owen. Give me a city wide status report please." Then he launches himself back into the air. He points one hand at a mass of Heartless, and the other at yet a second group. Missiles and lasers begin to rain down on both.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
There's heartless everywhere, Sarafina manages to avoid getting hurt too much from the firepower unleashed by the heartless, but the bulk of her attention is focused on the Baronites. There should be plenty dealing with the Heartless but if this keeps up, her attention might be forced upon them.

She spots Mickey coming down. "A keyblade? Is that Sora?" She pauses, and then realizes--no--this is the man her husband told her about. Well the mouse he told her about. "The Mouse." She says quietly. "With the keyblade we might just stand a chance after all!" She raises her head. "RALLY FORTH!" She shouts. "PRESS BACK!"

Kaydin doesn't counterattack Sarafina but Morrighan does. Her magic is unleashed upon Sarafina who does not seem to have uch magical capabilities. But that doesn't mean she can't be speedy. She spins around in midair, the flash of magic spiraling past her. "We will not just survive! We will defeat you! You and Kaydin are a pair imitation of Commander Cecil and Rosa!"

She jets in a circular motion, swiping with her chainsaw again--this time towards Morrighan, trying to put some pressure on Kaydin to force him to pay attention. She swipes once, twice with the chainsaw--before throwing another slugged punch for the side of the elf's head, trying to clock her upside her pointy pointy ear!
Deidra has posed:
Deidra own spell doesn nothing but she doesn't seem to be deterred at all as she's recoveirng from the spell and perparing for another? Here comes more heartless come after her and pumme4l her but the Gargyole mage is able to fend them off. Then comes Kaydin after and he's atttacks only find magic barriers intercepting each strike there's lighitng as Deidra's own spells overpower the darkness for now.

She stands her ground and starts chanting again the air chills about her as shards of ice fly at the dark knight followed by even larger ones that could punch through armor with how fast they are being fired at him. Her chanting contiunes as even more ice contiunes to fly at the Dark Knight.

"Will! Tom do not let up!"
Stormfall has posed:
The heartless know only one thing. Well. Two things (and a fierce dedication to the shadow lords) That they are commanded to find and destroy Xanatos, and that they are HUNGRY --- as such, they can be easily distracted by say-- the great light of a keyblade wielder in their midst. The light is just so tempting.. so warm and inviting... It hurts. IT HURTS.

Brilliant spears of light slam down into the waves of heartless, into the packs of taxi cabs and goons. They are illuminated, briefly, by holy light and then vanish. There is no sparkling flash of light this time, no flickering image of a heart disappearing with the dark vapor. They are simply gone. At the touch of the keyblade, at the brush of Star Seeker they explode.

A goon is split in twain by the overhead strike and several others are soon to follow and are quickly dispatched as the shockwave rips a hole in the surging swarms.

Even though there has been a truck sized hole blown in the heartless hoarde (as well as the road, and the nearby streets... and the buildings.. and oh look that Lamp post looks sort of like a Salvador Dali painting..) there are still plenty more looking for the tasty hearts of the living. There is no general cohesion to their movements. They are liquid darkness in a hundred, a thousand different containers. They converge and split apart and swirl in patterns like dry leaves scattered across the city.

The pack of killer taxis suddenly SLAM on the brakes as Brooklyn swoops down to dig in. PUNCH. The metal bends. PUNCH. The metal bows inwards when the taxi headlights change from pale and sickly yellow to an ominous red. The taxi lurches forwards, veering crazily through the streets, accelerating and skidding and SPINNING out of control as the fake shadow tires grip the blacktop. After a third spin the taxi surges towards another group of taxis, hitting the brakes again suddenly in an attempt to topple the gargoyle into a mass of goons surging across the street right in their path!

Meanwhile, elsewhere in heartless land--

Several much larger crocodiles emerge from the sewers. They are a terrible, eye blinding shade of blue, yellow eyes swirling as they turn their heads back and forth for appropriate targets. As rockets bore into the street with a number of teeth jarring explosions, lasers scythe through the heartless. Xanatos radio returns the bland, untroubled voice of his assistant as the larger crocodiles lean their heads together briefly. They charge, full bore, towards Xanatos and his steel clan backup as they wrench holes in the all consuming hoard.

Brooklyn has posed:
This fight is not going Brooklyn's way at all. The gargoyle gets tossed into the group of goons, who do the damage to him. Eventually he struggles his way out, as he leaps from the pile of Heartless to a nearby wall, and scales the building quickly. Once atop the building, he hops over the ledge and drops to a knee, taking a moment to catch his breath before he jumps back in to the fight
King Mickey has posed:
As the king's attack strikes true, King Mickey quickly retreats and attempt to gain some distance. With the summoning of the keyblade, the mouse is likely to be considered a massive threat to the forces of darkness and will have his hands full before long!

However, this appears to be the Keyblade Master's intent, attempting to lure a portion of the heartless away from Eyrie Tower and divide the strength of the enemy. He hopes this will provide Xanatos and the other forces of light any advantage.

The King wastes no time enacting his plan, as he certainly has gotten his enemies attention now!

Mickey narrowly evades the oncoming heartless taxi driver, who speeds past him with deadly intent! He looks back and winces, as the vehicle wrecks into some other heartless following him!

he mouse quickly turns and begins to rush down a nearby street, leading away the hungry heartless from Eyrie tower! He gracefully leaps from parked vehicles until he gains a decent vantage point upon a stationary semi-truck. Taking a moment to survey his surroundings, the King begins to feel the darkness beginning to grow stronger. His eyes shoot up to the sky, watching as the stars begin to blink out one by one. His expression grows grim and serious, knowing this battle is about to take a turn for the worse. Unfortunately, his intution appears to be spot on as the yellowish eyes of the heartless crocadiles beginning to emerge from the sewers, continuing to head towards his allies.


King Mickey brings Star Seeker upward and begins to swing the blade around by the keychain, whirling ever faster as the mouse closes his eyes. The Keyblade begins to shine once more with holy energy until becoming nothing more than a ring of pure light! He grabs the hilt of the keyblade once more, thrusting it to the sky to disperse the holy energy outward against his enemies, particularly the commanders. The ring storms through surrounding streets, attempting to shatter the unholy benefits created by the darkness and get their attention on him!
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Eh?" Feeling a twinge somewhere inside her, Morrighan paused in her attack, looking about for the source before her eyes fell upon Will. And then...TWIST. "Agh! Just what manner of devilry...?" She glared at Will and took several steps back to create distance. She did not have much more time to consider her next course of action as Sarafina came bearing down on her with an attack of her own.

Now Morrighan was not the speediest person on the block, so she did what was the most logical action for someone like her. She hastily formed a magic barrier to ward off some of the damage, avoiding the full brint. "Hmph! You think you have a chance just because you managed to strike me? Nonsense!"

Kneeling down to the ground, she placed the palm of her hand flat to the pavement as she began to radiate holy magic from her body. The glow soon focused and then funneled into the ground. "And for your information, traitor, I could not care less about your commander Cecil or Rosa! I am me and I am doing what I will to secure my place in this world!" Grinning darkly at that, the elf added onto her previous satement. "And if you take issue with that, then that is your issue to deal with!"

And then came the king, lashing out with his own array of light. "What is this? Another hero come to save the day? Well not likely!" With a wave of her free arm, there was an exchange, King Mickey's attack struck her, but in turn, a single holy sword was formed, firing off straight towards the noble mouse. "Be a dear and keep out of my way! I will deal with you and your key later!"
%r At this point, the ground below began to violently crack apart as rays of scalding holy light shined upward, slowly at first, and then beginning to rapidly intensify into an eruption, aiming to engulf those in the area of effect.

"Now disappear from my sight!"

Another pulse of magic from Morrighan and the spell intensified even more, like a wild heartbeat, it expanded, and then contracted rapidly, increasing in power while trying to maintain the current radius of effect. As this happened, a similar purple pillar of energy would be seen in the distance by central park. ...What a beautiful sight. Certainly all of this careless destruction was doing Manhatten little good.

Not that Morrighan actually cared of course.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin surges with more black energy as he manages to weave about the ice attacks as they come. He tries to out run the ring of light but is unable to and thus hit by the mouse. However once the light begins to die down he explodes with black energy, pieces of armor cracking and breaking off the man as he appears now by Sarafina. "Darkness Take you." He says calmly as he raises his sword with one hand. As he brings it down, a MASSIVE blast of dark energy flies forth, trying to consume Sarafina, Xanatos and the king. How will they get out of this predicament?
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
65 levels worth of damage in a round is pretty brutal.

Sarafina vanishes in the darkness. She doesn't reappear.
Tom Magnusson has posed:
The heartleass swarm. Thick shields of bone and sinew interpose themselves directly into the jaws of one particularly hungry looking heartless crocodile. The beast snaps down around Tom's arms, grinding bone and hewing flesh. The detective grunts, and flexes his arms. Another explosive burst sends a fusillade of heavy ball bearings through the beast's face.

It falls. Tom's arms drip a steady current of blood. His coat, torn to tatters, billows in the air as he tears it from his shoulders.

And underneath-- there is something terrifying. Glorious, perhaps, but terrifying. A heavy, steel harness, covered in everything from heavy billy clubs to canisters of buckshot, improvised stun guns, explosives-- Everything that was in the ammunition closet, Tom's brought to bare.

And beneath all of /that/ is Tom's greatest weapon. Two-hundred-and-fifty pounds of pure muscle, honed to perfection and forged in the conflagration of the darkness beyond the world and the shadows of the streets. This is the body of a survivor beyond compare. His turns his head upward, staring at the sky. A twisted sky. A dying sky. And then, he turns toward Will, sees the magic, and frowns.


Tom's stance spreads. His body tightens. A warm breeze billows from his brilliant musculature. While there is no light pouring from his body, there is never-the-less a strange, inner luminesence to Tom's stature. His straight back, his defiant expression, glaring at the the roiling embodiment of apocalypse itself.

"Will," Tom rumbles as he moves to stride into the heart of the swarm. He stares into the cataclysm of magic pouring from Morrighan's ritual. "Keep your chin up. This night's not over yet. Remember the tenets of the Twilight Detective Agency--"

"ONE!" Tom roars, his foot slamming into the shattered asphalt. "No matter how terrible, never look away from the truth!"

"TWO!" He thunders, speaking as much to himself and to the world as he does to the three-hundred-year-old boy. "No matter how impossible the odds, a case must never be left open!"

The magic pours over him. His skin burns and boils. His flesh begins to rot from the inside. The current blasts through him, tearing the very vital force away from his precious body even as he stands, his back towards the Boy of Fate, draining the magical onslaught into his mighty form.

And then, in the heart of darkness--


--There is a light.

His hand, reaching out, produces a light. A single light, holding back the cascade of terror.

Tom yells, stepping into the blast, throwing his arms open. The magic is torn away as if it were paper, his flesh burned and blackened, but not broken. His spirit strong, even after all of that. "Nothing! NOTHING gets in the way of doing justice unto the world!"

"Detectives of Twilight. Vespertine Investigators. These are the End Days." A smirk worms its way across Tom's face, "Another day in the life, huh? Let's welcome them to the city, proper."

He leaps forward, his arms blazing with that brilliant, golden light. Tom's voice crescendos, breaking into a primal, victorious roar. Tom surges toward the vile spellcaster. He hurls himself at the Infernal Knight. A torrent of warmth strength blasts from him, burning like a corona of raw, muscular sunlight. Sunlight that is more like a thunderclap. Sunlight that is more like the birth of a star. He throws his fist forward into Morrighan's gut. The air hisses, convulses, and then explodes, unleashing a shockwave of impossible brilliance and incredible destructive power. It spirals outward from the point of impact and hurtles forward, barreling through the Heartless swarm and onto the Dark Knight, tearing through concrete and asphalt and shadow alike.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will staggers as a bright light flies right towards him he glares it down, he wasn't afraid of the light. However, something shields his eyes from it, the figure of Tom standing over him, protecting him from harm causes Will to stagger back, saved from the massive spell.

"T-Tom!? Hey! Don't do that, yo...god are you alright?" he shouts, shaking the man. Then he turns, Sarafina...where was. The darkness absorbs her, and then when it passes...

"NO! SARAFINA!" he shouts, falling to a knee. Tears well in his eyes a bit, he didn't think it could happen, somewhere inside of him they thought they could win, and nobody would die. Now, no, now someone was gone, eaten by the dark.

There was a bolt of thunder, a single solitary bolt that hits the ground near Will. His eyes dark, there is a red aura that could be FELT from him. It quickly died, but the power channeled did not go easily.

Will is gone, seconds later he was right in front of the the White mage. His hand shoots out, aiming to try and grab her by the neck, and he SQUEEZES tightly. His face was contorted in that of rage, as he aims to PUNCH her right into the stomach, before sending her flying towards her dark Knight friend.

He was gone once more, this time aiming to try and send a foot right into the back of Kaydin's head. Before flipping off of the Dark Knight..

Then his hand, glowing red, is gripping two of the strings leading to both Morrigan and Kaydin. He doesn't just twist, he tries to SHATTER it, aiming to cause a painful jolt to surge through the both of them.

Deidra has posed:
Most Mages can not back up their magical power with physical. Deidra is not super storng for one of her kind but she's far stronger than most humans short of being agumented some how. She's been missed by aeverything this has been a boone for her. She's put the spell bookc somewhere safe she can only watch as the winged woman who'd become a friend of hers and the TDA is just cut down in the defence of her home. She is angry there's an inhuman sheifk from her. She holds her fury long enough for Will to charge.


She can contain her fury no more as she takes to the air for a moment and then dives bombs right at the White Mage. Her eyes glow bright red like some sort of demon. She doesn't even say a thing as she goes to work with her taloned hans she's launching savage melee attacks atremping to rend the mage apart with pure brute force. She lueaps away charging the Dark Knight as well.

"Now for you. You are not welcome in this city and you will fall along side the heartless BECOSUMED BY THE DARKNESS YOU BOTH WORSHIP!"
David Xanatos has posed:
That got his attention. The Hand lashes out, and Xanatos puts everything he has into deflecting that evil attack on his person from Kaydin. He narrows his eyes beneath his battered helmet and rips the helmet off so he can see better, since the suit has been so abused. "I don't think we've been introduced. Which I would say is too bad. But really, I just don't care." With that he slaps Kaydin. An insulting light slap across the face and leaps back and up. Power building in his weapon systems.
Stormfall has posed:
Streams of gunfire from the Family that was so very eager to meet Brooklyn and introduce themselves over for dinner follow him until he disappears over the edge of a building. Although those crocodiles have proven they can scale the walls of the city just as well as the gargoyle, they quickly lose interest in a single target as they burst in through the doors of nearby buildings. Glass smashes and wood cracks as several taxis SLAM themselves through the windows of several shops, allowing crocodiles and goons to flow over them into the building interiors beyond.


/LIGHT/ Mine. Give.. give... The heartless follow the antromorphic mouse like a reverse version of the pied piper and the shattering light surges through the streets. Lines of light bounce wildly and streams in pure cleansing streams across the heartless. The light falls into them, across them and swathes of the street is purified. But there are so many... so very many.. and King Mickey calling the heartless has drawn the attention of the pack of taxis that were hounding Brooklyn. One of them LUNGES out from an alleyway, aiming straight for the keyblade wielder with red headlights glaring. BEEP BEEP. HEARTLESS, Coming through!

The heartless shudden and seem to be strengthened by the tides of dark energy that rip through the places where Sarafina had just been. They bathe in the shockwaves of dark energy, twitching and flailing in jerking spasms.

And then.. There is TDA.. and Muscle Wizardry and Spooky Fate Thread Magic Shows.

Blinding Light mimicing the stars draws the attention of the heartless. The sunlight. In this chaos, it calls to them. They stop in their tracks, freezing in place where they lurch or crouch or loom.

It is not the soothing light of the keyblade wielder, but the heartless are more than desperate. They are /Desperation Itself/. They need it. They need to fill themselves with that brilliant fire and magic and life.

The empty yellow eyes of the heartless are transfixed on Will Sherman and Tom. Their wish is plain on their many.. many faces as they surge in for the attack.

Give me your heart.
King Mickey has posed:
It is rare that a soldier ever emerges from a battle unscathed and it appears The King is no exception to this circumstance. As his holy light spreads through out the battlefield, one baronian white mage makes it a point to answer his holy assault with a strike of her own! Morrighan's holy blade speeds through the battlefield overhead, striking true as Mickey is unable to bring his keyblade up quickly enough to block the counter! The holy blade strikes across his right arm, causing a minor wound that he clasps tightly to cease any further bleeding!

However, it appears the assault is not over a wave of powerful dark energy streams towards Mickey from Kaydin. The King's eyes widen briefly before taking action, leaping behind the semi-truck he's atop of, as the wave slams into it. The mouse narrowly makes it underneath the vehicle as it is forcefully blown over and slams into the building behind him!

It is nights like tonight that King Mickey is most grateful for his lithe nature! The mouse slides the rest of the way under the truck before the loud crash emits from behind him, shattered glass beginning to rain down from the sky above. However, his luck and graceful defenses are short lived, as one of those damn cab drives forward, slamming violently into the King.

This causes the mouse to sprawl into the air, watching as a wincing groan emits from his face before he slamming into the ground

Dazed by the vehicular assault, Mickey shakes his head to reorient himself to his surroundings, only to watch as Sarafina falls in combat. He reaches out, calling to her with unmentioned words though his efforts appear to be in vain, as he watches the baron knight is consumed by the surrounding darkness!

The King pounds his fist into the ground as the glistening glass, flutters around him. The loss of an ally is always difficult, however, he does not have time to grieve! He must remain focused on the task at hand and with that he rises once more, watching as the brave heroes of the TDA and Manhanttan bolster bravely towards their enemies with incredible zeal!

The sight allows the keyblade wielder to muster his own might! With his allies focusing on The Baron Commanders, King Mickey turns towards the incoming heartless and readies Star Seeker once more! Thrusting the keyblade upward, Star Seeker shines brightly which bursts with an almost blinding light that emits through out not just Southern Manhatten but spreading to the areas beyond! The light acting like a beacon of hope in a world threatening to be consumed by the darkness!

King Mickey booms loudly, "Heroes of Manhatten! In this hour of darkness, when times are beginning to look grim, we must stand firm and hold the line! Let this light be your strength, let it be your guide, and let us stand together!"


... and then The King of Disney Castle bursts forward with incredible speed towards the onslaught of the heartless, his body completely surrounded by the energy of the light! With blinding speed, Mickey unleashes an incredible wave of attacks striking against The Goons, The Shadow Crocodiles, and even the evil New York taxi-cab drivers, ready to take your hard earned cash and bring you on the RIDE OF YOUR LIFE!
Brooklyn has posed:
The Heartless ignore Brooklyn when he vanishes over the ledge of the rooftop, and that was exactly what he wanted. He knew if they ignored him for long enough, he would be able to turn around and lay into them like they've never seen before.

The red gargoyle may not be as big or strong as Goliath, and that's part of his problem. He hasn't been looking at this situation from a tactical standpoint. There's far too many Heartless to fight in hand-to-hand combat. He needs to figure out a way to take out a large number of them in one go. Over on the rooftop where he was taking his respite, he finds the remains of one of Xanatos' Steel Clan gargoyles. With it's wings destroyed it crash landed, but remained intact enough for him to do something. He grins, ever so slightly, as he picks it up and hauls it to the edge of the building. This building contains gargoyles. The fake stone ones, not the real flesh and blood ones. Finding the biggest one, Brooklyn tears out the stone base, rending it loose. He sets the broken Steel Clan bot in front of the gargoyle, and then pushes both of them off of the roof.

Down below, any Heartless who thought to look back up where Brooklyn had vanished to would find two gargoyles sailing towards them at terminal velocity, neither of which were the one that went up there initially.

Life, it seems, is not without a sense of irony, for as the two gargoyles slam into the ground, the Steel Clan robot explodes, spraying stone gargoyle shrapnel through the Heartless.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Ehehehehehe~" Came the gleeful giggles from Morrighan as she watched her magic ritual, in addition to Kaydin's attack, utterly wipe out Sarafina. "Oh that was satisfying. So very, VERY satisfying~"

But alas, she did not have the time to gloat. Before she even finished saying how satisfied she was, Tom was upon her, driving his fist into her gut.

"GUH--!?" Came the breathless cry of pain from Morrighan as the powered blow drilled into her gut. And in this state, she tried to scramble back, arms covering her stomach. "-----!---!"

And then came Will. Stuck in her current state, she was powerless to keep the boy from grasping her throat. Any breathe that she tried to regain was denied to her as her throat was then squeezed. "Ghk--! Kah!" The White mage beat her hands against Will's arms, attempting to get free to no avail.

But then he did it for her.

Another punch to her already wounded stomach before she was finally tossed past Kaydin, considering that the Dark Knight had dodged.

Ragdolling to the ground and rolling several meters, Morrighan just laid there and slowly caught her breath, wincing in pain from the combination of blows. But again, someone came bearing down on her. One of those infernal gargoyles.

"...Not...!" Morrighan tried to speak, raising her hand to attempt to form a barrier, but she couldn't focus. Instead, Deidra's claws tore into her body, sending blood trailing down all over her body.


Another strangled cry of pain and Morrighan collapsed again, breathing heavily. "...Being evil is hard work..." She whined quietly to herself before slowly beginning to stand back up again after the lul in the assault, wobbling a little from the effort.

"T-Time to recover..." She mumbled to no one in particular, spreading her arms and working her healing magics across herself and her allies.

She'd be damned if she was going to lose another battle now.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin got knocked about between tom and Deidra despite his attempts to cut at the gargoyle. When Will comes he leaps into the air and moves back to near Morrighan and spins the sword some more. "I wont let them harm you no more." He says with a calm but determined voice, spinning the chain and sending the sword at Deidra, the mouse, and Will.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:

Dion Carenze holds the love of his life close to his body as he soars in the air. "I'm sorry..." He murmurs to her. "I had a bad feeling...and it looks like I came just in time." Even in midair, he pours a healing potion down her throat. It's not enough to get her awake again--having been soundedly knocked out--but it does dull the pain somewhat.

He starts landing.
Deidra has posed:
Morrighan has proven to be a very dangerous foe, quite clever too with the trouble she's caused in the past. She's managed to hurt Morrighan along with her friends to the point she's focusing on recovering rather than striking back. They must have pressed her very hard all things considerrd but it's not enogh she's here with Kaydin to destroy this world and feed every soul here to the heartless she's not about to hold back tonight but she's got to recover as Kayiden comes in she manages to cast a barrer but it's not enough to stop the tide of blows she's hurt noticvably now she's bleeding from several slash wounds but she's holding together well enough as she seems to be trying to just recover.

"Tom? Will we need end this..."
Tom Magnusson has posed:
Shadow swarms over Tom's sunburst brilliance, draining away the warm glow as they claw and scrape at his bare skin. Blood stains the triumphant corona crimson, but it does not fade even as they rake against it, throwing themselves bodily at his reserves of strength. But he can't keep it up forever. All men have their limits--

But the King reminds him: reminds him why he cannot just roll over and die. Tom's teeth grit. His body tightens. A flash of inner light pours outward, spiralling out like the hands of a thousand-limbed sun-emperor and driving the shadow-creatures back, for now. Tom's heart is safe, it is strong, and it does not go easily into the night.

"Will, you heard that, right? We can't just stop here." The detective grins, clasping a hand around the boy's shoulder.

"We've got a city to protect. These streets are our streets. We'll defend them until the end. You and me, Deidra, all the rest. We'll make it throguh. Today will be our day in the sun. Now let's kick some ass."
David Xanatos has posed:
"Enough of this." Xanatos says calmly. From his position on the battlefield he looks down to Kaydin and then raises both those hands surrounded by energy. "Now is the winter of our discontent. Made glorious summer by this sun of York." He smirks and nods once. "And by York I mean ME, and by summer I mean these weapons you are about to be blasted with. Do try to appreciate this."

The weapons lash out in wide arcs as missiles leap and cork-screw over the battlefield to land amidst the enemies of Manhattan. He lands on the edge of a building and nods once. Touching his ear he says calmly, "Order all Forces to protect civilian areas. Somebody tell me what that light over the Park is. And somebody scout out the Port if you please." As he says that last line the missiles impact and he nods as the concussions rock the neighborhood.
Will Sherman has posed:
Tom moves to help Will, Will thanks the large man. The two, despite their fighting, understand the other alot. Will moves, running for cover as Kaydin comes for him. He moves, back and forth, trying to avoid the Dark knight's blows. Just one stop ahead of him as each one aims to cut him down. "You...won't...what? Seriously! GET OUT OF MY CITY YOU MORON!" Will jumps back, as Heartless come. Mikey's words are heard...and Will's determination will not faulter.

Then he leaps over Kaydin, kicking off of his back, before soaring towards Morrighan, aiming to try and tackle the mage.

"SHUT!" he swings. "YOUR!" he swings again, "FACE!" he aims to kick both legs down, right for her stomach.

Stormfall has posed:
And the world goes white.

The Heartless cower away from the bright and brilliant spear of pure energy shooting up into the heavens to give hope to Manhattan. The ones within buildings huddle there, away from the light as the voice of the king resounds throughout the beseiged city. Hope is the anathema of those who have none.


And the keyblade is somehow everywhere at one. Goons dissolves. Crocodiles scream and thrash, even the powerful and wily taxi cabs cannot stand against the true assault of the light. But anger festers in the places where there is no hope.. no life. Why should it not be mine? Why can it NOT BE MINE. GIVE. GIVE. The beat of that need thrashes against the cage of fear that the keyblade wielder brings to the heartless. It beats across the bars and with every shuddering moment, the darkness grows greater even as the lighter grows brighter.

Dazed and shuddering with fear and anger, the heartless taxis begin to meander and the goons to wander. The false gargoyle shatters amongst them with impressive and explosive effect, tearing through them in a wide cone of destroyed cars who then crash into walls and goons who are shredded where they stand. The ones that survive turn their heads away from the place where the light had been towards Brooklyn. A great white crocodile smashes its way through a building, having erupted from somewhere inside. It throws something to the side, jaws snapping as swirly eyes FIX straight on Brooklyn. The jaws open-- oblivion there, darkness deeper than any place should be-- and the teeth glisten as the heartless CHARGE at a silent-- breaking thread of tension.

Several Goons in brilliant White Zoot Suits emerge from the city corner, piling out of a killer taxi as it peels to a stop near a corner. Other goons fall in behind them and they begin to gather a following as they move down the streets with purpose. Somebody, somewhere is snapping fingers as they walk. It might be a thing. Just Play it Cool, boys. Real Cool.

They bring their own feeling of darkness with them. Where there is Hope.. they are desperation and despair. Where there is light.. there is a goon with a grudge. Brace yourselves. Here comes the Rain. (of Gunfire.. and Crocodiles)
Brooklyn has posed:
Well that didn't go at all like he had planned it. Brooklyn can't help but frown as his exploding gargoyle trap goes off. It didn't get nearly as many as he had figured it would.

A moment later he's forced to spin around as the giant white croc comes slamming up through the roof to meet him. He winds up getting chomped on hard by the big beast, but isn't one to give up so easily, despite the pain surging through his body.

He lashes out with his tail as he frees himself, trying to knock the beast's legs out from under it. Following that, a strike from one of his foot talons to keep the beast pinned to the ground. Then he pushes off the ground with his powerful legs, shifts in midair, and moves to drop an elbow onto the croc's chest, like he's seen on Hudson's TV every Monday night.
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey's holy crusade against the heartless begins to come to an end as the mouse falls gracefully to the streets beneath him. The destruction caused by the combined assault the king and the current leader of the Manhattan Clan certainly took a toll on their enemy. However, it appears they could not calculate how much of a toll it had taken.

The Heartless have gone completely berserk from their assault and it appears the beings of darkness have pulled out all the stops! As the elite force of heartless arrive to bring the despair to counter the king's message of hope, King Mickey manages to catch a glimpse before the bullets start flying! Using the last of the aura of light surrounding his body, Mickey manages to burst into the air, avoiding the firing squad all together! Within mid air, The King gracefully flips onto a balcony that is fortunately completely made of stone, providing him some significant cover from any attacks below.

The mouse takes in a deep breath for a moment and releases with an outward sigh of relief not to be hit by that attack. He takes the moment to rest up and attempt to regroup. He pulls out the transceiver from the Ma Belle communicator that Mercade provided him and attempts to put together some sort of plan.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
Just as she was starting to recover, here came a barrage of missiles and lasers.

Well crap.

Putting all of her energy into defending, Morrighan expended a rather large sum of energy to erect a white barrier to defend against the onslaught. It helps somewhat. She alone could not possibly defend against an attack of that magnitude but the job is done.

Or so she thought. Here came Will again! Bowling the healer over and straddling her at the waist. "Ugh! Wha--GAH!" Then came one punch, tossing her head to the side. "H-Hey!" And then another, causing her head to toss to the other side.

Okay, now she was getting angry. All this abuse was ridiculous! She wasn't built for it! "GET..." A bright light began to shine from under Will's form before rapidly intensifying.


BLAM! The light burst into a strong explosion, launching the boy away before his kick would have connected. "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS FOOLISHNESS!" The dark elf cried as she stumbled back up to her feet. "I am a WHITE MAGE! Not a PUNCHING BAG!"

Clenching her fists angrily, but being unable to do anything in retaliation, Morrighan had to decide carefully how to proceed...

With all the fire she was drawing, she knew that she would not last long. It was time to retreat and regroup for sure. "Kaydin! Heartless! The rest is up to you!" With that said, the white mage spread her arms, radiating a healing glow as she supported her allies on last time. After which, a dark portal opened behind her and she backed away into it.

"This is far from over, you worthless rats!" And then the portal closed.

...Yes. Morrighan just retreated.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin raises his sword to try and use it to shield himself from the missles and lasers. He pants evily as he shakes his head at the attacks they deal and before long, it would seem that even Morrighan flees. He turns to look to the others and raises his sword, moving to where he would be between the fleeing dark elf and the rest of the people was left. Just as he was about to say something, he is landed on by Dion. He just twitches an eyebrow and pushes the man off of him and moves back again to shield the fleeing dark elf.

"Alright...Who's next?" He asks with a cold tone.
Will Sherman has posed:
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

Will rolls to his feet as the white mage retreats. "AND STAY OUT! IN HAVE A PARTING GIFT!" Will grabs a nearby trash can, lifts it over his head, spilling out some of the trash, before HEAVING it through the dark portal after her.

If your heart is in your Dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Will looks up...the stars were fading, but somewhere he took just a moment. Only one, to make a wish, and then looks towards Kaydin. So many heartless, but he can't give up...he can't retreat. This is his home, these are his people. "NOBODY IS TAKING THAT AWAY FROM ME!" he shouts.

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment
Their secret longing

Will runs right at Kaydin, "MONSTER!" he shouts, flinging his fists at him, continuously trying to drive the Dark Knight back. "I'll never forgive you..." he says, rage and exhaustion getting the better of him. He had to last...he'd hold this place, Mercade would be here! He'd know what to do...

Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and see's you through
When you wish upon a star
Your Dreams come true
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their sweet longing

And then, like a bolt from the blue--
Wait a minute.
That's no star.
It's Dion, Dion Carenze, Dion Carenze whose true love has just gotten kapowed by a swarm of major dark power. He is coming down so quick that it is impossible to see his expression, his body a pure blur of speed--not his own, precisely--but rather what is for a normal human what would be terminal velocity. But he is a dragoon.

He spins once in the air, but largely his body movements are still, as if the air itself was pulling away from him to speed up his descent. His feet stretch downward and slam into Kaydin's head with enough force and precision that Mario, were he to see this through the interdimensional veil, would shed a single tear of pure joy.

Upon impact, Dion bounces away, holding Sarafina's body close to his own, landing near Will Sherman.

"I apologize for my tardiness, evacuation in this strange new world is a bit of an experience."

Deidra has posed:
Deidra isn't about to leave Will behind, she won't leave him behind the heartless come the darkness decends upon the creature of the night. She lets out howl as she tries to fight them off as she vanishes under a pile of heartless. It takes a moment she hears the phone and the converstation on it she speaks for a moment but she's not about to leave Will behind. He was the first person to show her kindness after what happened she can't sake him even if runing may be the best idea. It seems the others and what they are saying. She should have faith in Will and those covering them. She could drop her most powerful spell on Kaydin but she will not let her self get distracted those in better shape should have no problem in doing so.

"Be safe will, your not allowed to die. Understand?"

With that the Gargyole starts move off she's not sure if he can even take flight right now but she's clearly pulling out.
Tom Magnusson has posed:
The silent city quavers
The streetsgns waver, their meaning lost to oblivion.

The Heartless advance. They are a tide, a force of nature. They are limitless, consuming all the light they touch. They are hatred and callousness, apathy, despair, everything that makes a man hesitate and lose his will to persevere. They triumph when a heart gives up.

The shadows cascade against Tom's light. He yells, throwing himself into the horde. His fists and hard joints slam into the tenebrous cascade, shattering them into motes of darkness. But there are so many. Countless beasts and monsters, swarming over him. Tom grits his teeth--

A final burst of light blasts those swarming him away. A final, ruinous blast of sunlight throws the Heartless away. But Tom cannot stand for much longer. The urge gnaws at the back of his mind. Throw yourself into the heat of battle, drive forward and tear its still-beating heart from its chest. Rip and tear, and do unto them as they do unto you.

Tom squeezes his fist, blood dripping from countless wounds all across his body. He grunts, shaking his head.

To give in to that desire- it would make him like those monsters, there. While fighting-- while victory is important, there's something more: in the big picture, they've already won this one. Anything more would be to just take out the enemy commander and to secure an escape route.

To stand and die is pointless when this phase of the battle is already over.

"Damnit." Tom growls, turning on his heel. He pats Will's shoulder as he moves to retreat for now, and then bodily grabs the she-Gargoyle and hurls her over one shoulder. "Let's go. We'll get some of these wounds treated, and then we'll re-engage later." Tom turns to look toward those who still remain, "You all better come back in one piece, too! Will, if you've got a hole in you when I see you next, Mercade'll kill us both!"
David Xanatos has posed:
Charging his weapons once more, Xanatos takes aim at Kaydin. "This is my city." He says evenly, and then he dives at Kaydin. Gaining speed he spreads his fingers and the talons there suddenly spring to life in electrical energy dancing between the spread didgits. He swipes at Kaydin then spins in place firing another missile at Kaydin's back. Gaining air, he then fries a soread of lasers at the man.
Stormfall has posed:
The giant crocodile coughs and rasps, flailing under Brooklyn's assault. Brooklyn's elbow slams hard against the croc's chest as it explodes into dark vapor, a cloying cloud of darkness surrounding him for a moment before ebbing away.

There is a flash of that crystalline heart shaped light before that too is gone and he left alone on the building. This doesn't stay this way for long-- with goons and crocodiles stepping into the void left behind by the larger minion. They fire upwards through the gap at the gargoyle, gunfire raking the ceiling and the sky in equal measure.

Heartless crocodiles begin to converge on the keyblade wielders position as they overcome their fear. It is slow, and creeping but they begin to eke forwards with all eyes trained on the place where the light shines especially bright. They stand there, transfixed, continuing to stare creepily while other parts of the heartless continue to surge back and forth.


The heartless swarming around Tom and Will pause for a moment, and they detect weakness. Sarafina's unconscious form calls to them, but only softly, their senses burned by the light and magic so tempting and so near them. Several crocodiles hiss at Deidra while the white suited goons continue to watch over the proceedings. Goons scramble around them in something like a choreographed format, taking pot shots at the remaining defenders and the retreating Deidra and Tom while several Crocodiles are brave enough to take a snap at this new foe.

Brooklyn has posed:
The battle, Brooklyn could clearly see, was lost. He may have taken down the large croc, but where one falls, dozens rise in its place. He takes several shots as he runs for the edge of the roof. He leaps, boldy, into the open air.

Thankfully there hasn't been enough damage done to his wings to keep him from being able to glide, as he takes off as fast as he can after Tom and Deidra. Survival is key right now. If they all make a final stand here and die, it'll be for nothing.
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey listens intently as numerous transmissions begin coming in over the radio, reporting in victory from various locations. These words bring a smile to the King's face, listening to the cheers and determination of those involved in today's battle. It reassures him that he is not alone in the coming battle against the darkness and others are fighting just as hard as he is to make sure the worlds who are threatened remain clear from enemy threat.

Mickey looks out from his secured enclosure, making transmissions to those local heroes fighting hard in Southern Manhatten. He takes in a deep satisfying breath, gazing among the battle that still is being waged before exhaling.

Together, they have plotted. Together, they have created a plan. Together, THEY WILL DRIVE BACK THE DARKNESS!

The King moves to one knee, closing his eyes once more as he focuses on the light of his heart. He is aware of the ever-surmounting presence of The Heartless growing beneath his save haven. He is aware they fear him, they desire him, sensing the strength of his strong heart, as is the nature of those consumed by The Darkness.

However, as The King begins to move his hand over his heart, the light surrounding King Mickey strengthens signficantly as the mouse unveils the light within!

The fear experienced by The Heartless increases ten fold, causing them to go berserk once more and lose their aim! Their attacks still strike though the damage appears negligable, as Mickey Mouse leaps out from his cover towards his enemies below!

Star Seeker begins to ring loudly before The Mouse vanishes with incredible speed, unleashing another onslaught of attacks upon various heartless beneath him!

Moments later, The King reappears, floating easily in mid-air as he raises Star Seeker once more to the sky! The Keyblade surges with energy, shaking all the while as if wanting to explode to release its power! Soon, the power begins to emerge from the tip of the Keyblade as the King looks down upon his enemies, "By the power of the light, I must release you all back to your next place in life and that you may be free from the bindings of darkness that hold you captive! Allow the honor of providing you the freedom to move on from this world! Rest in peace, captives of the darkness.."


Then as light swirls around Star Seeker, a burst of holy light emerges once more, burning brighter than before and begins to burn away the darkness and keeping their enemies focus on him!
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin moves back to avoid Will's blows only to send a blast of black energy back at him. When Xanatos comes, he gets hit by the armored man only to sink his sword into the armor before moving back. He then raises his sword and moves after Mickey this time, waiting until the light dims away before bringing his sword down to send a blast of black energy to the mouse. He would then turn his attention to Will, swinging the chain on his sword and hurls the sword at him before pulling hard on the chain to bring it around and try and stab into Xanatos.
Will Sherman has posed:
There many things.

Holy rebuffed the Heartless, sending them screaming back, but he knew that wasn't going to last forever. No man (or mouse) was a mountain. The Heartless grabbed him, slamming him down into the ground, causing him to groan. He slowly rises, and flips to his feet, jumping back and forth to avoid Kaydin's chain...

Until he runs UP the chain, his hands glowing red again, aiming to smash his fist right into Kaydin again, aiming to send him fying from the attack, before fliping down, aiming to send his fist into the numbers of heartless, his hands tearing through strings, including Kaydin, to try and sever their ties to fate in a very painful and paradoxable way.

"I won't...give up! I'd said I'd hold the line for Mercade to get back.." he says, muttering. His wounds are starting to pile up...
Stormfall has posed:
And it is so.

The light burns away the darkness and there is sleep. The buildings are not washed out by the glare, but enriched by it. Colors seem brighter. Textures sharper. The light reaches up to the sky above, burning away the dark clouds to allow a moment of night time sky to open up. A star shoots across the heavens in that moment of clarity. In that moment that infuses the very atmosphere of Southern Manhattan with a boistering aura of rightness.

A single perfect crystalline moment. Frozen in time and memory.

Reality reasserts itself and the world somehow feels emptier and shabbier than that ideal place, that once upon a time that could be. The heartless explode in wave upon waves, hearts released into dreamless sleep and the chains of darkness severed forever. They are free. A gasp of relief echoes through the streets as they become emptied of darkness. A thousand fragmented whispers silenced with words, and light, and hope -- (And a flashing keyblade of course)

For now, the streets of Southern Manhattan, the places near the Eyrie building are quiet. The threads of fate lay severed and frayed, the constant drowning static calmed-- but they are coming.

In the streets underneath you. They are coming.

In the buildings around you .. they are coming.

They are hungry.. so.. hungry.. and not even the memories of the light of Holy will hold them back forever.
King Mickey has posed:
As the remenants of the light begin to fade, King Mickey's holy aura begins to go with it. The mouse gracefully descends towards the ground and then drops to one knee, breathing heavilly. He has exerted a great deal in this battle and takes the time provided take a much needed rest, as the heartless remain dorment.

The Keyblade Master glances around for a moment in the calm stillness of the moment. He's heard rumors of Manhattan with its bustling night life. However, right now it looks like a ghost town more than a battle ground.

The wind whistles through his ears as the King attempts to picture the city filled with people, causing him to take a moment to consider the losses of the day. Could he save them all? Will he continue to have the faith to help guide others through the darkness? Questions plague him but at least for the moment, he can rest and at least try to regain some of his strength before the coming of the next wave.
Han Su Li has posed:
Things are going down the fan. Pretty hard, at that.

However, there is always some shard of hope sometimes, most often from the most unexpected places. From the mighty tall tower of the Xanatos Inc that looms all over Manhattan, admist all the darkness that lurks through the city, there is a spark of light. People that are more knowledgable, or care, about various types of lights will recognise it as a flash of lightning.

People, or things, that might care to investigate further will have no time, as a gigantic lightning bolt, coming from the top of the tower, streaking through the darkness, flashing it wide open, lies a young man, flying at the head of the lightning bolt.

The young man is recognisable as Han Su Li. A chinese young man, dressed in hands-me-down white shirt and slacks, with some sneakers. Features are hard to tell, as they are deformed by coursing lightning. Trailing behind him, is the electrical shadow of a lion -- a Foo Dog, to be precise.

Again, this matters little, as the Dipping Swallow Fist Technique of the Crashing Lightning Palm is clearly misnamed : it's clearly a lightning powered kick aimed at Kaydin's head.

Oh, and most importantly: Han screams like a maniac.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin gets kicked in the head and the rest of his helmet breaks off. He slams into the ground, leaving a good indention in the ground. He stands back up, rewrapping the chain back about his arm. "I need to go check on someone. I suggest you take this time while there is a lull to check for survivors elsewhere." Kaydin says as he goes about walking off now.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will falls to a knee...he was exhausted. He was only a kid...well a man really. A man who might be several hundred years old, but still a man. He breathes deeply, trying to keep himself together.

Mickey stands, like a shield against the darkness. The King believed in him, and it brought a small bit of inspiration to the Hobo King. Slowly, he brings himself back to his feet, and watches as Han manages to COMPLETELY beat Kaydin's head in.

Kaydin was gone, shot through a portal, and he smiles at Han. "Han! Nice timing, but we probably need to get out of here.." he says, and then...

The world changes somehow. Something shakes the boy to his core, he isn't sure how...but he can sense it. The strings of the world...the very thing they stand on, usually not often noticeable...they become so, and visibly weaken. Will is shaken, he doesn't know what he is he does, it's worse than he could ever imagine.

There was a new string... familiar and not at the same time. The thought chilled him in a way it shouldn't. Then...a feeling, that feeling that reached out to him before in the Labyrinth.

Will looks towards Mickey, speaking to him for a moment, and then runs. Not away from the heartless, not to safety. Right towards the giant hole in Manhattan's streets.
Stormfall has posed:
The heartless creep back into the world. Slowly at first. A few soldiers clattering around the edges of the conflict, but they are joined by more crocodiles who cast blearry spiral eyes around the dark alleyways.

As the echoes of holy die away, more of them come to fill in the empty spaces of Manhattan. A few taxis return to the streets, more fedora wearing goons piling out of the killer vehicles as the light dims-- and the clouds reach over the sky once more. While Will plows towards the giant hole, a number of heartless goons open fire on Han, crocodiles snapping and snarling as a building surge of darkness is still seeping back into the world.

They lurch after King Mickey, keeping their distance while the darkness builds and strengthens them.
Han Su Li has posed:
Han stand after the shock of the impact, crushing Kaydin's helmet beneath his foot. The martial artist glares over at the Dark Knight as he retreats, the willowy image of the Foo Dog remaining in his aftermatch, lightning sparking, flaring around him, then the image dies. "You best run, tinman." He says, then nodding at Will for a moment. "You go! I'll hold them off!" Han shouts out, his voice filled with bravardo, as he turn to face the heartless horde.

Then get unceremoniously slammed to the grown, covered in poison, and other other vicious maimings of Darkness.

"Aaaaaaaaaaactually you /know what/ I'm right behind you!" The Martial Artist shouts out, kicking a heartless in the teeth then running after Will.
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey rises from his rest and takes a look back towards the direction Will has decided to head, bringing a weak smile to his face. The kid has guts and spunk that is for sure. Nevertheless, The Heartless would be back soon enough and he must prepare for what is to come.

However, it looks like the keyblade wielder will not exactly get the chance he hoping for as the heartless make their move! The gun wielding zoot suits spray and pray, their aim improving as they move closer with some of the fire striking The King.

Mickey groans lightly as the bullets graze him, causing some minor wounds. He quickly does a some fancy footwork to put him at some distance to the advancing heartless and then lands behind some cover! Even though he appears to be the last remaining, The King said he would cover the detectives escape and he will do exactly that. Taking a moment to consider his options once again, Mickey prepares for the oncoming battle ahead of him.

Exactly, what will be in store for him will be seen... Well in the next pose by the bad guys!
Stormfall has posed:
And then there was only a King.

The surge of darkness hits the Eyrie building like a sledge hammer. The hate that has built up in the quiet and secret places has broken open. Windows smash as crocodiles pour from the buildings. Goons seem to swarm from every alleyway, from underneath the city itself.

The yellow eyed stare of the heartless is full of hatred and longing as the last echoes of Holy die and the full force of their malice SLAMS DOWN to surround and tear and grab the light of the keyblade wielder for themselves. There is a time and a season for all things. A time to reap and a time to sow. A time to clasp and a time to let go. A time to live-- and a time to die.

Hail to the King. (Bullets, actually.)
King Mickey has posed:
With the heartless completely focused in on him and him alone, The King has successfully completed the original objective dividing the enemy. However, it appears The King has pressed his luck a little too far and is suddenly overrun by The Heartless!

King Mickey struggles endlessly to try and free himself as he overwhelmed by his enemy opponents, who rake and claw viciously at him, desperately trying to get to the light emitting from within him! It has been a rare occurrance though The King actually appears fearful for his life!

The Heartless continue to boil over the keyblade wielder, piling on stronger and stronger! Mickey reaches his hand outward, desparetly seeking for someone to help him... Could this be the end for the mouse!? Will it be sad thing that his adventures end here!? Will that creepy odd looking form of death be looking upon The King gleefully to take him to the darkness he has for so long fought against?!

All certainly seems bleek for The King, as his vision slowly fades to black.

Then a scratchy and quacking voice emits loudly in his mind, "KING MICKEY!"

Another voice is soon heard, this with a southern hillbilly tune to it, "Your highness.. You can't give up yet...", followed by a real goofy chuckle.

A final voice speaks to him, a feminine voice though one whose nearly as squeaky as he is, "You have a job to do and promises to keep."

Moments later, each of the voice speak in unison,

"You have to wake up now."

The King opens his eyes and before him stands the vivid form of his greatest friends: Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Pluto and of course, Minnie. Each of them are smiling upon him and offering The King their hand. Mickey smiles once again, reaching out to grasp the hands of his friends!

As The King clasps his hands and joins with theirs, something unexpected happens. The Darkness surrounding the mouse begins to gurgle and bulge, with slight beams of slight managing to escape from within the dark horde! The bulging begins to become more rapid, more violent as the moments pass and then before long, the light bursts through the darkness and immediately vaporizes the surrounding heartless threating to consume The King!

The King's light has intensfied beyond what he has managed to display the whole evening! The intensity of the light begins to push the heartless back further from where Mickey stands! The power of one has become the power of many!

Will the power of friendship that has strengthened the light be enough to rid the heartless from the southern area or shall the King's gamble force him to escape?
Stormfall has posed:
The heartless do not faulter a second time. They are an endless sea of darkness. The King blasts them backwards, a great barrier of light shines forth. It pushes back the darkness step by step.. Crocodiles steam and goons fall back. Bullets of darkness sizzle and vaporize as the light is too strong for them. The pack of taxis converge on the King as the darkness draws upwards like a great tide.

The wave of darkness crashes down, again and again, and again on the barrier of light. The red light of the taxis bearing down, growing larger and larger as they tear down the streets at the head-- at the spearpoint of the next assault. The darkness will not be denied.

It will not be stopped.

Not even by the greatest light.

And into every life-- a little shadow must fall.
King Mickey has posed:
One thing is for certain...

There shall and will forever be a balance that must be maintained between The Darkness and The Light. The Universal and Cosmic powers that be have deemed this to be so and will ensure it happen regardless of the intent of one or many.

The Darkness shall not be denied but neither will The Light. The Heartless strike back fiercely against the Keyblade Master and his counter attack of holy energy! The barrier manages to hold against onslaught brought by the enemies of darkness, though Mickey appears to be faltering in his ability to maintain his strength! He knows things look bad, which causes him to look towards the hole from where the heartless emerged. His thoughts drift to the TDA agents who entered to investigate further, Will and Han. He then turns back towards the Eyrie Tower, his gaze glancing upward towards the escape point where he was able to help many of the others flee to.

Will his sacrifice be in vain? No, The King performed exactly what was expected of a Keyblade wielder of his caliber and knows it deep down what he has done was the right call.

So, The King of Disney Castle sits down and begins to meditate as the darkness consumes him and the surrounding barrier of light then before long, there is nothing more than the pools of darkness fitted with the yellow beady eyes of the heartless that begin their surrounding of the Eyrie Tower.

The Forces of Darkness have claimed Southern Manhatten.