Judge of Rabanastre

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Judge of Rabanastre
Date of Scene: 14 November 2012
Location: Rabanastre
Synopsis: Mercade and Will stop in at Rabanastre and run into Judge Cirra Constantin, as well as Avira.
Cast of Characters: Will Sherman, Mercade Alexander, Avira, Cirra Constantine

Cirra Constantine has posed:
Rabanastre is much as it always is, the surface town is lively with people bustling here and there, the market place is busy and guards move people through the gates after inspecting what they carry. Boy Archadian guards must be swealtering under all that platemail in this heat.

For somereason though, one udge stands atop the walls of the gate, wearing her fullplate and not seemingly slowed down or uncomfortable for it. It's not the heat that bothers her, it's when she has to walk through all that damn sand.

So she much prefers it when all she has to do is watch the incoming merchants for any terrorists or rogues.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will walks out of the desert, taking a moment to bend over and places his hands on his knees...

Dear god, that was horrible, he thinks breathing heavily as he stands up...

Will plucks a water flask out, and takes a drink pooring it over his head for a moment, before he closes it and nearly wants to fall on the ground right then and there. "God, how does anyone live like this? I mean, seriously...deserts blow!"
Mercade Alexander has posed:
No terrorists here. Plenty of rogues though.

One such rogue is Mercade Alexander, who drinks some water himself as he enters through the gates. "There's a lot to be said for the desert. It's a vibrant place full of life and tra..."

He pauses and shakes his head. "No, it pretty much just sucks." He shrugs. "Come on, let's go look for something to eat."
Cirra Constantine has posed:
The Judge tilts her head as she observes two travelers enter. Something familiar about th- ah yes, /that/ one. She thinks to herself, trouble tends to follow that one, or he finds it.

The Judge turns an walks off the over look of the gates and heads down the battlements. Before logn a familiar looking armored female steps into hte path of Will and Mercade, both hands planted on her hips. "Mercade Alexander, and Will Sherman was it?" Cirra says. "You're a long way from Manhattan, and having taken the longest route by the looks of you both."
Will Sherman has posed:
"Don't have to ask me twice." Will says, and then...

Suddenly there is a Roadblock in the form of a armored woman.


"Yes, Will Sherman, King of the Hobos." he says, taking his hat and shifting it slightly. "And we are, we do a traveling thing once and a while...trying to solve that there worlds being smashed together and the heartless running around problem."

"We also solve crimes, investigate stuff, and kill marks depending on Mercade's move..."

He assides, "Which means when another friend of ours makes him do it. He's sort of gunshy."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade frowns. "Will." He folds his arms. "There's no need to be mean about it." He sighs, then, and shakes his head. "Hello Judge Constantin. How are you this fine day? I assure you, we haven't broken any laws." Yet. "Is there something you needed from us?"
Avira has posed:
"Did somebody say kill marks?"

Now there's a familiar voice. Perhaps it was just an unfortunate coincidence that at that very moment, Avira was walking by. Judging by the heavy bag slung over her shoulder, she was likely running an errand of some kind. Though it seems she might be on her way OUT of the city. In truth, she was going to head for the sewer entrance outside of the Rabanastre gates, which deposited her in Lowtown a little bit closer to the house that was her guild's headquarters. (Yeah, Dagda is that small and low-ranking.)

"Hey guys." she grins, "Suprised to see you here. Thought you said you hated this place, Mercade." Her eyes slowly slide over to Cirra and she feels an involuntary chill. "...hope you're behaving."
Cirra Constantine has posed:
Cirra looks to Will "King of the hobos?" she tilts her head slightly, then look to Mercade. She crosss her arms as she listens toth e detective. "Just making sure you aren't here to /find/ any trouble. If you were, that would be my business."

The Judge's head turns to look at Avira as she arrives. "If you're here to do hunting then the job boards are at the Inn."
Will Sherman has posed:
Will looks at Cirra a bit for a moment...

"Yes. King of the Hobos." he says, crossing his arms. He looks to be no more than seventeen, and of course acts just about that age as he looks back towards Mercade, "Whaaaat? You are. You get hit by one Cactaur and you're all not wanting to go take out marks." He says, throwing his hands up!

"Hey Avira!" Will says, who is probably Will's favorite member of the TDA, because she is so willing to go out and DO things. No talky!

"Pfft, not everyone is around to cause trouble lady." he says, towards Cirra, "I mean, seriously. Looking at everyone with suspicion doesn't win very many friends. I ain't sayin' be a book, and be open, but you gota not expect the worst of everyone."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"/You're/ not the one who had to pull all of those needles out." Mercade grumbles.

"Oh, hello Avira!" Mercade says, waving to her. "Good to see you again! And no, I don't actually hate the place. Just deserts. They're hot and generally horrible."

He peers at Cirra. "How do you put /up/ with being in that armor, anyway? That's got to be an oven in there." He gestures. "Regardless, if I find trouble here it probably won't be my fault." Probably. "I'm just hoping Heartless don't show up again this time."
Avira has posed:
"Oh no, Miss Judge, I'm just running an errand." Avira says all too cheerfully, giving off the distinct impression that she had zero reason to be intimidated by judges today. It sure looked like she wasn't doing anything against the law. Her licenses were up to date. Just a big ball of law-abidingness.

Soon she's walking again, "Buuuut if you boys really do want to hunt some marks I should be available a little bit later. Provided you two stay out of trouble~" Avira looks over her shoulder, grinning, "After all I'll be pretty annoyed if I had to bail you two out of Archadian jail! Hehehe."

Little do they know she only brings this up because she was nearly thrown in jail herself a few days ago. Mercade would have been asked to post bail should that have happened.
Cirra Constantine has posed:
"I said 'find' trouble." Cirra says to Will. "I know it's what you two do."

"I'm sure your misadventures are amusing." she pauses at the question about baking in her armor, the other Archadians look like hell, but she just shrugs and lifts off her helmet. She's not even sweating. "I'm tougher then I look."

Another glance to Avira as she brings up jail. "...I'm sure if you act reasonably there'll be no need for anythign like that." Heartless, she purses her lips.

"If you see Heartless, report it, don't start fighting them in the middle of civillians."
Will Sherman has posed:
Will shrugs, and speaks up, "Reporting a Heartless is pointless. They can disappear and reappear at will...and you know...attack people and make them heartless too." Will says, placing a hand on his hip. "It'd be easier to take care of the issue myself."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Oh, we'll let you know." Mercade says. "Heartless aren't something to mess around with." He grimaces. "We'll do what we can to help, but if the place comes under attack you'll need to know too. We're all in this together, after all."

Mercade's Neutral Good, not Chaotic Hungry. He does, however, peer at the armor again, wondering silently perhaps if she's hiding an AC unit in there. "I'm sure you're hella tough. I don't have any intentions to test that theory."

Avira then gets his attention. "Need any help with that, Avira? You know the area way better than we do. We could help you with some marks if you want, I guess." He scratches the back of his head.
Avira has posed:
"Act reasonably." Avira echos, perhaps pointedly at Will, "Not arguing with judges to their face is a good place to start." Odd that Avira of all people is insistent on that. Maybe she's been burned by judges in the past. "Also lure the Heartless away first. Just like that one that attacked the gates! You remember that, Mercade, right?"

She shrugs a shoulder where that bag is, "Nearly done, just have to deliver this stuff to the guild house. Maybe you should come vi..." she trails off, thinking of the state of Clan Dagda's guild house. Or bungalow, rather, stuffed deep in Lowtown, "..I'lllll meet up with you afterwards."
Cirra Constantine has posed:
Cirra raises an eyebrow at Will, "You really must have hated walking here, you weren't nearly this short with me last time we met in Manhattan." She does not appear to have an air conditioner or a ice materia hidden in there. Maybe she mistakes Mercade's peering for sometihng else though.

"Archadian armor is high quality. I don't see people in Manhattan wearing armor, you can't comission Judge quality armor though, it's specialy made. But one of the metal workers could fashion something apporpirate..." to a foriegner, she doens't say.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will scratches the back of his head, "Yeah. And hungry. Sorry." he says, taking a moment to pull a snickers bar out of...

"Oh drat." he says, looking at the melted thing. It is litterally goo...

Shrugging, he eats it anyway, licking his fingers.

"Yeah, in our world guns became very prevolent...and most armor is basicly usless against the high caliber of weaponry that we've learned to bring to bear. Oh, and then lasers happened somewhere along the way, but only the military and really high end PMCs got acccess to that stuff...which we happen to have a few in Manhattan." he says, scratching his head.

"The guys that do fight tend to ware high tech stuff...though I'm not into weapons and armor and stuff. It's too easy to take life, not enough people really consider the important things...living it and creating it."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Ah, I see. It must be a great honor to be a Judge." Mercade comments in reply. "What's it like to be a Judge?" LOOK OUT, JUDGE ALEXANDER INCOMING - not.

He shrugs. "I like being able to move. I don't think I could stand wearing heavy armor like that."

Avira brings up the Heartless attack, and Mercade winces. "That was... an experience." A very painful one where he got sat on three times by the huge Heartless beast. "Sure. Let's meet up afterwards. You can tell us where to go to get some good food around here."
Avira has posed:
Avira smells the distinct scent of melted chocolate. Mmmm. Seeing a melted chocolate bar get eaten is pretty gross though.

"I know, right? Ahh, I remember it fondly..." Perhaps because Avira managed to stay conscious the entire fight though didn't really hurt the Heartless all that much in return. Either way it was a definite improvement over previous incidents. "Of course. I'll be in touch~"

She leaves the gates of Rabanastre at this point, heading for the outside sewer entrance.
Cirra Constantine has posed:
"I see." Cirra muses. "We have firearms, but a proper set of armor will protect you. The only ones that can bypass armor that easily are mounted on airships." she tilts her head up, pointing at one such airship floating into the port further around Rabanstre. She then makes a slight face at will eating the gooey mess :/

"It is an honour." she says to Will, "Being a Judge isn't just about enforcing the law, you're entrusted with duty directly from house Solidor, the house of the Emporer. Only the best reach Judge." Or the ones willing to subject themselves to experiments.

Speaking of which, some of hte Archadian regular troops give Cirra nasty glances from time to time.

"And I can move in this armor." Cirra pauses, one of those looks from the corner fo her eye. "I'm..." she trails off "...just tougher then I look."
Will Sherman has posed:
"Different from the rest." Will says, absently. He says looking up at her, Then he continues, "Yeah, I think it's because of the material in this world is different than our own...in our world, guns started basicly making armor pointless. I mean, there as armor specifically made to protect from bullets, really good stuff too...like, heavy clothing kinda heavy." of course Will isn't very knowledgable.

"Anyway, I don't use guns or ware armor...I got luck on my side." he says, with a grin. "And before you scoff at that...do remember what happened to the heartless I punched."
Cirra Constantine has posed:
Cirra looks straight at Will. "What did you-" her eyes narrow for a moment as her shoulders tense up. "Yes of course. Judges are a cut above..." Her stance remains more tense then before. "Armor specifically for firearms. I guess I can see the use in that."

She thinks back to the fight in the grocery mart. "Yes, I see."

"No Gambling." She turns, sliding her helmet back on. "I haave to get back to work."
Will Sherman has posed:
Will pauses for a moment...oh he did that again didn't he.


"Uh okay. I don't gamble anyway, no challenge." he says, idly, "Uh, hey wait." he says, and runs after her, leaving Mercade to find them food. With his OTP, Avira.

"Hey uh...about the thing I said, sorry, it kinda happens sometime with me. My mouth runs faster than my head, I didn't mean to offend you."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"A cut above, huh." Mercade replies, thinking aloud. "Anyway, good luck in your work, Judge." As long as it's not him being chased.

But then, he has his own good luck charm in the form of a hobo. "Don't worry about it, Will. Let's go get some food before you immolate from hunger." Will gets feisty when he goes more than ten minutes without eating.
Cirra Constantine has posed:
Cirra looks back at Will through the slots in her helemt. "Then go about your business, and don't bother me." she heads back up the stairs to the overwatch. "Enjoy your stay in Rabanastre."