Shard Seekers go ahuntin'

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Shard Seekers go ahuntin'
Date of Scene: 21 December 2012
Location: Dalamascan Sands
Synopsis: The Shard Seekers decide to take on the new S ranked bounty.
Cast of Characters: Reize Seatlan, Elysiana Glyphanos, Sarafina Carenze, Deelel, Yurita, Prince Naveen, Kaydin, Angantyr Vespar, Oriane Guado, Luso Clemens

Angantyr Vespar has posed:
The man who had pushed for the bounty to be upgraded to S rank, was also the one who fronted the money. He was a noble, hauty as all get out and when faced with a threat he could not beat, used money and hired muscle to get the upper hand. Said noble, was no where to be seen, because he had hired several sucke-er, Adventurers to kill the beast for him. Because that was his terms for the mark: Death. Despite the fact that creature never killed a single human, and infact would return them to Rabanastre (Some advneturers were using this as a quick method of transport in the Westersands, of course they never saw their animal companions again.)

The mark appears to only come out at night, staying close to natural water sources, and seems to focus on hunting the natural wildlife...though has been known to go after other animals if they get his attention.

Infact, one rumor was that the reason the rank finally went to S, was that a Judge went out here to try and get the bounty...and though she came back under her own power, the mark still appeared...and she came back heavily beaten. The Judge never made an official statement on the matter either.

Tonight, the Mark is where it was said to be, near a water source, over the body of a basalisk. It was eating it...very raw, and of course, dunking it's head into the oasis' water every so often...perhaps to wash the taste out.

It looks around itself from time to time...two glowing yellow eyes peer out..the very creature itself seemingly made of shadow.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
It's been a couple of days since the fight against Leida. The Leader of the Shard Seekers took her back to Fluorgis to rest. In fact, with the boy being intwined with Manhattan and then Cornelia, he did not return to Fluorgis for a while, which left everything to Ivo. It was recent that Reize found the bounty that was put up. He saw that the mark was labeled as S rank, so he decided to get in contact with the de facto leader of another clan and a new friend.

Here, Reize is wandering out within the night land, holding a torch. He wandered out through the Damascus Sands, journeying towards the water landmark.

"...I wonder why they want this Mark dead...?" He furrows his eyebrows, "...Did the mark actually kill anyone?" Reize, while willing to take the mark, is rather dubious of it being necessary to kill it. Maybe beat it up and hold it as a trophy.

Reize, drawing near to the source, slowly starts to come to a stop. "...Did you hear something?"
Luso Clemens has posed:
Having heard about this growingly infamous Mark, Luso of course could not resist and found himself heading out into the Dalmascan Sands, ready to do what he does best; investigating and engaging dangerous Marks!

And so, here he was, walking alongside Reize; leader of the Shard Seekers, and fine adventurer in his own right. "...Beats me. If anything, it sounds like it hasn't even done that much harm to people!" Luso asnwered Reize, shrugging his shoulders.

"Of course, that's why we're out here tonight, yeah? We'll get to the bottom of this and see just what's what! Or my name isn't Luso Clemens!"

Seeing his friend slow down, Luso also followed suit, frowning slightly at the question. "...I definitely heard that. You think that's it?"
Elysiana Glyphanos has posed:
having heard about the mark, and the fact of potential money- which could mean a better place to sleep and hot bed and meal, the young woman ,dressed in a pair of study boots and cape descends into the crowded streets. She pcatches site of that characteristic yellow scarf.. "umm Sir... with the yellow scarf!"

The woman picks up her pace, Elysiana slows her walk as she tries to part the crowd with, that's gathered to watch others go and hunt down the mark.. and then there's the group of people who've undoubtly come to collect the bounty. Like herself..
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
There's levels of irony in a mercenary having bounty hunters after him, but even that level of irony is above Sarafina's head because she has little knowledge on whwat this monster is. But however dangerous a monster is, it's an S rank bounty and that sort of money can feed her crew for some time for Sarafina herself is ALSO a mercenary, at present, she just is a bit picky with her jobs.

The Red Chocobo and its crew flies above the desert. Gangway, the Hummingway, spies along the desert, keeping an eye out for any trouble. He doesn't see Ang first because there's a much easier thing to notice first.

"Torch, Captain." He tells Sarafina. "Someone else is after the mark."
"Know who?" Sarafina asks.
"Mm...Not that easy to get out details from this height." He says. "Don't know if it's someone we could share the Mark with or not."
Sarafina smirks. Leave it to Gangway to figure out what she was gonna ask next. "We don't want trouble, bring us low and get a better look for the details. We're not exactly under cover here--but then again, this is a quick ship, if there's anything to capture it can't outrun us."

The airship dips lower, following the light source for the moment.
Oriane Guado has posed:
The Church of Yevon is always looking to spread its influence anywhere it can. The Church is constantly pursuing new converts and potential guardians to add to their ranks. One of the more 'hands-on' approaches that the Church had adopted was to spread the lesson of the Might of the Church by slaying monsters. This unorthodox approach was headed by Priestess Oriane Guado who has arrived with her affable pair of Crusaders to guard her in this most noble pursuit.

But in actual practice of this, Oriane loathes nearly everything about coming out to a desert to seek a creature that would very likely be both hungry and ornery when the disturbed it. One day, Oriane will be above such orders and send other fools to their sandy deaths. The Guado priestess will have to bide her time until then. The robed priestess walks troublesomely along the sands as her two guards follow diligently behind her. She accidentally steps on the hem of her long dress and stumbles onto her knees. "Curse these blasted sands..." She mumbles underneath her breath as her two guards go to help her back up, but a pointed glare makes them keep their distance from her.
Deelel has posed:
S Rank bounty? That was something you didn't see everyday, the danger that this being posted is what pulled her out of her resarch and to join Reize. She'd been looking for information on the heartless. Still though them wanting the mark dead was curious. Either way it was something to look into she doesn't comment to Reize about killing or not. She doesn't enjoy it, she does undestand sometimes you have to dereze a viral because there's nothing you can do for the infected one. She's not going to pass judgment on Reize she understands he's not fully complied yet. She looks over to Luso who gets a bit of a nod. "I think, I did..."
Yurita has posed:
Yurita sighs, looking around as she walked, unsure of where she was, having been lost for a couple of days now "Damnit..." she saw people close by, blinking slowly, making sure they were people, yes, they were holding light, she sped up a second, before tripping, falling face first into the ground "ow." she gets back up and looks again, spitting sand out of her mouth. "Damnit, what is this I'm even walking on!"
Sarafina Carenze has posed:

Sarafina sips from a large canteen of water and blows a fan in her face and enjoys the high life while thinking about how much cannonfire will be best used for this job.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin comes out to the desert, wearing a black cloak, sword in hand with the chain wrapped about his arm as he follows after Reize and them, bare feet wrapped in black cloth as he catches up. "So it begins."
Prince Naveen has posed:
Prince Naveen is here today as an accidental stowaway. He got lost and, after finding himself in a desert of all places, decided he needed to find shelter quickly (and preferably with an attractive young lady).

And, of course, here's Yurita. He's finding it difficult to clutch onto the underside of her datadisc, and swing out the way artfully when anyone could be close enough to see, but is starting to panic based on the fact she doesn't seem to be stopping for water or a cocktail any time soon.
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
When the group looks back over to the water...

The mark is gone. The basalisk is still there, half eaten. But the mark...gone. There are no foot prints, besides ones walking up to the spot, with something being dragged next to it. The group might also see other bones...chocobo bones, animal bones of various types, and the like.

Looking around reveals nothing to indicate he was even there.

Slowly, behind Yurita, something touches her shoulder. Tapping very very gently...

"You gona eat that?" he says, pointing to Prince Naveen. The voice is...deep, very deep, and whispy, distorted even. It was like trying to listen to a tap running with someone turning the speed up and down on you.

Everyone, if they turn around, can see the seven and a half foot tall monster, with the yellow eyes, and body seemingly made of shadow, standing there crouching over so he can speak clearly to the program.

"I am getting sick of Basalisk." he comments. Reize and anyone that went to rescue the prince remembers the voice.
Reize Seatlan has posed:

"I don't know..." Reize can see the path ahead, slowly making his way along the desert's water source. He can see the body of a slain beast, which looks like it has a figure on it, devouring the creature. He peels back, gancing towards Luso.

"...I think we found---"

As a voice addresses him out of nowhere...

His antenna hair rises up as shock paints his face. "Gah!" The Boy with the Long Yellow Scarf quickly snaps his eyes at Elysiana, placing a finger towards his lips. "Shhhhhh!!!!!" His expression is a bit annoyed. "Keep it down, the mark is nearby and the last thing we need is to get." And then, Kaydin arrives. Reize squints suspiciously. A frown draws before he sighs. A hand rubs against his forehead, "Mada mada..." He gives a shrug, "Okay." He swings both hands out, "Okay, we must remain quiet. We do not want to disturb our mark. Otherwise..."

Reize pops his head up, then he sees the basalisk corpse nearby without the presence of the mark itself.

"It's gone!" Reize yelps, then he looks around frantically. He springs out of the hiding spot to try to look around for the mark.

Reize is turning around towards the sight of the creature, and....


He sees the mark, eyeing over the frog. As the boy can see that seven foot tall figure, Reize grits his teeth. "Buh?! You're the mark?!" Then, he runs ahead towards the creature, skidding to a halt.
Elysiana Glyphanos has posed:
The sound of the voice and she turned. mostly because thhe Basilisk was half-eaten and there seemed to be nothing there, but hearing the voices of the others, the collected and surprised breaths, the loud calls. Elysiana Glyphanos turned and gripped her staff.

Her mouth for a momnent nearly fell open but she quelled it and and closed her mouth. "Shadows.." she quaked the word, tighting her delicate hands on the whate staff. She glanced at Reize. "You know, who this is?"
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin follows the going and when he hears a voice behind him, asking about the eating of the frog, he tilts his head and looks back to the basilisk. "I bet they do taste nasty. I see no reason why you cant eat that frog." He says calmly.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"That's not a frog! That's a prince, you jerk!" Reize snaps at Kaydin, then he pauses, "Okay, he is a frog, but he's still a prince!"
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Guh!" Luso mumbled in surprise, turning around to see Elysiana. ...And then Kaydin, followed by others. Oh man, they were coming out of the woodwork now weren't they? "Hey, maybe we can use the backup, I mean..."

Pause as Luso glanced back to where the Mark used to be.

"...Where the heck did it go? It was right there!" The boy exclaimed, pointing at the now vacant spot ahead of them. Not wasting time, Luso immediately begins to looks about for the creature.

His eyes then fall upon it with the frog. "...Well crud. There it is! ...And it's talking? Whoa..." Not about to be left behind, Luso ran off after Reize, skidding to a stop next to him as he kept a hand on one of his swords.

"What's your deal? You seem intelligent, so the why the heck do you have such a massive bounty on your head, huh? What's going on!?"
Yurita has posed:
Yurita looks behind her, shivering slightly, then looks on her back a moment "I don't even know what it is..." she picks the frog off her by a keg before setting it in her hand to look at it a moment, seeing it breathing she slowly, calmly walks away from whatever was behind her towards the group of people, before turning around "sorry but no, I cannot knowingly, purposely endanger something because you want something different for dinner..." if anyone looked closely enough at her, they'd be able to tell from the slight fidgeting and darting eyes that she was scared out of her wits, even if she can move and talk as if this was all natural. she looks over at the others as they came out of hiding, and visibly relaxed a little.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
"Looks like they found the mark." Gangway says. "Want us to open fire?"
"ngghh... they're too close, we'd blast them apart along with hte creature." She has no idea it's Ang, of course, but she does steal Gangway's spyglass and look down through it herself. "Reize!" She hisses even as he charges Ang, and then promptly skids to a stop--perhaps he realized that the mark has two feet on him and is glowing with eldricht dark energy.

Sarafina snaps the spyglass closed. "Chocobos." She says.
"Chocobos?" Gangway asks.
"Chocobos. This creature has been eating chocobo. Do you know what a single chocobo kick can do to someone's spine? You don't want to know. This is truly an S-Mark."
"But we can't blast it without endangering the others...." Gangway says.
Sarafina hrms faintly, cupping her chin and drumming her fingers across her cheek. Bombing from above is right out, at the very least unless it proves too powerful to simply subdue with force of arms. She's tempted to just depart but that would be abandoning Reize who, while foolish in Sarafina's eyes, is not a bad person. She could join the fray herself but it exposes her to danger and she may not be able to reach airship height should she need to retreat.

"Mmmm...." She says eventually. "I will--- hold on is that..." She pops open the spyglass again and looks down, spotting Kaydin. She considers again abandoning them but unfortunately for Sarafina, she secretly has a bleeding heart.

"Okay." She says. "I'm going down, gonna try to blindside the mark. Buy some time for it to escape."

She can't hear the conversation, of course. She hands the spyglass to Gangway before saying, "Going down to buy them an escape. We can take the mark on our own after from the sky. They seem unprepared."

Sarafina then promptly leaps off the bridge and tumbles down, the jetpack behind her igniting as she throws herself for Ang, intending to knock the gentleman away from the others.

"Fall back!" She shouts. "We'll cover your escape!"
Kaydin has posed:
"A frog prince?" Kaydin asks as if somewhat confused and when he looks to the frog he shrugs. "Guess you cant eat him." He says as he watches Sarafina tackle the creature. "You want to eat her?" He tries to offer helpfully, it would seem the jetpack user wasnt popular with the dark knight. He then looks to Luso. "He probably ate the noble's pet." He offers helpfully to him now as well.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
"Kaydin what is wrong with your brain?" Sarafina asks.


Oriane Guado has posed:
Oriane picks herself up out of the sand and dusts herself off. It seems that chivalry just indeed might be dead these days. The priestess huffs and looks out over this assembled group. It appears the group is at motley as ever even if there are a few familiar faces in the crowd...and then also appears to be a talking frog in their party.

The priestess looks rather nonplussed when the creature is suddenly gone and had left his food behind. It must have casted some sort of invisibility spell. No matter, she will simply dispel it and...who was that voice? It sounded much more bestial than any of those with whom she travelled with. The Yevon priestss turns slowly and my, my. It is their mark.

"Mister Monster, a pleasure to meet you." Oriane begins with a polite curtsey. "I regret to inform you that the value of your life has been reduced to an act of charity in the eyes of the Church of Yevon. Please, prepare yourself to be destroyed." She then claps her hands together to signal her guards forward. They, on the other hand, have other plans and flee for their lives from the seven foot something shadow beast. "Tch. I imagine that I will have to dirty my own hands now."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel has not seen Yurita in a months by user counting of time, which could be a damn while longer for a basic. She's not noticed Yurita just yet but she might notice one of the figuresd has an ID disc on her back. Clearly there's one basic here at least right? She now does notice the thing asking a strange woman if she's going to eat that. She pauses stares, wait is that?


this coul dbe a fatal distraction but she's so damn suprised to see her friend alive still and in user space. She's making a movement prehaps unwisely to her friend if she cna manage it.
Prince Naveen has posed:
Prince Naveen freezes. Who are these people and what is that thing?! He smiles sheepishly, the only thing he can really think to do when in audience of something so huge that also just asked about eating him. There's an instinctive ribbit while he figures out what to do.

Then Reize speaks and he's picked up. Well, no use fighting it I suppose... he stands upright and holds his hands up in vague surrender. The jig is up. "Have we... met?"

Naveen shakes his head. Questions later, escaping first. He thumbs to Sarafina. "This is a good idea, no?"
Kaydin has posed:
"If this being is capable of talking and means no ill will to people then who are we to attack it?" Kaydin asks curiously. He then blinks at the frog as it talks. "The Frog talked..." He says as he raises an eyebrow before turning to Oriane. "Is that hair, or roots?" He asks as he watches the woman now.
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
The monster blinks as people defend the frog...people often do that to defend pets. Then it talks.

The giant creature is taken back by this, as Reize runs forward. He doesn't draw a weapon, which causes him to keep a neutral stance. "Oh you, leader of the idiot brigade." he comments, idly, "Yes, It is me, and yes, I am apparently a mark. That judge mentioned this might they finally moved me up to S rank huh?"

He pauses, as someone asks why, "Uh. Well, it is obviously about my good looks. Obviously, though, it is because some young noble decided that he wanted me as a trophy, and I sent him back to Rabanastre with his pants around his ankles. I also might have eaten his Chocobo. Best damn thing I have eaten in da-"


The monster is completely taken off guard by her assault, as she shouts at bot him and Kaydin. "Man, the greatest minds in the world of ruin are trying to figure that one, Lady." he mutters, and finally comes to a stop...his strength finally holding his own, as he attempts to litterally THROW her upwards, and over his head.

Slowly, he turns towards the Guado, and arches a eyebrow at her, "You and what army?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize was able to recall the creature very well. Unfortunately, Reize was put at the point where the commotion with the prince was priority. In fact...

"What did you and your friend do to the prince?!" The boy wants answers now. His fist tightens, the thoughts of the older man's fate still clouding over the young boy.

And then, Sarafina dives right towards the beast, "....No! Wait!" The boy calls out, then he grits his teeth before he groans. The boy can already tell that the chance for talks is not going to go well.

Questions with the prince will have to be later. Instead, REize is turning to deal with the other matter. As the priestess of Yevon comes into view, her plain statement of the monster in attempts of slaying it. "No! I need answers from him!"
Luso Clemens has posed:

Standing by and watching this growing nonesense, Luso just smiled sheepishly now, rubbing the back of his head. "...Uh, guys? We were supposed to be hunting a mark." But then again, it didn't look like their target even had much of anything out for them anyway.

He could feel his growing battle adrenaline gradually dissipating now. "....What do you make of this?" Luso asked, glancing aside at Reize now. "...I was all geared up for a fight, but this doesn't seem like much of a mark, if you ask me! I mean, come on! Look at--"

Whoops, there the monster goes, attemping to toss Sarafina away. "Err..." A rather large bead of sweat rolled down the boy's forehead then. "What the heck is going on here!?"
Kaydin has posed:
"Careful monster, churches can often amass many idiots, for example that rat templar named Faruja." Kaydin says as he then looks to the beast. "You sound familiar..." He says, he couldnt rightly place it, but a certain tone about that monster did seem eeriely familiar. When Reize says no to Sarafina and the priestess, he nods and points to Reize. "I like his plan, let the monster go." He says as he looks to Luso. "I never know. I just randomly guess and comment." He says as he stands beside the boy.
Yurita has posed:
Yurita blinks, hearing a familiar voice, she looks over at Deelel slowly, going wide eyed "Deelel?" she then looks down at the frog "what jig? what's a jig, in fact?" she slowly steps back and to the side a few times, moving closer to Deelel carefully. watching as Angantyr speaks, and is then tackled by a flying girl... "Deelel, any idea what the HELL is going on?" she glances at Reize as he mentions answers, before looking at Deelel again "where are we Deelel?"
Prince Naveen has posed:
Prince Naveen notices a definite lack of retreating, which is starting to make him even MORE nervous. Stepping back is not the same as turning around and fleeing, which is what he would prefer. "A jig?" Naveen asks, preoccupied. He blinks. "I... I'm sorry, madame, but are you foreign?"
Sarafina Carenze has posed:

In the moment she has, SArafina is immensely sympathetic to the needs nad problems of a talking frog because, well, it all begins with the name 'Power Pig'. She says, "Sir, I'm not sure ewhat tured you into an animal." She tells him kindly. "But there are some wizards who may be of some assistance--unless they did this to you yourself?" She frowns faintly. Will Mysidia's vile treachery ever cease?! She's about to ask Kaydin what's wrong with his brain again when Ang reveals that when you ASSUME you make an ASS out of U and ME. Her body remains tense but she doesn't keep up the offensive, clearly surprised that some dark demon of doom is chatting around like he belongs in a bar or something.

"What..." She says. "What happened to you?" She says, eyebrows raised. "Mmm... I admit I don't know much of what is going on, so I apologize if I attacked unduly." But she's not entirely convinced this is a nice dude to get beers with just yet. Sure, he's being cogent, but that doesn't mean he's not a monster. Plenty of monsters are articulate and most people don't radiate with eldricht dark energy AND be full of niceness and unicorns at the same time.

Kaydin speaks poorly of Faruja. This is not a good idea. Yurita, not that Sarafina knows her name, doesn't seem to know what a desert is.

Sarafina is getting a bit of a twitch in her eyes again, lowering the chainsaw. She really wanted that S RAnk bounty. It would have been a lot of yummy munny. Could've taken care of her crew for months.

"Tch--" She throws her arms into the air as Reize starts jabbering about how he needs answers. "Very well Reize." She says, deciding this is as good as time of any, "You need answers? My crew needs food. Hire us for the day and we're yours. We'll even provide transport to wherever you want. Everyone but him." She jerks a thumb towards Kaydin. "Otherwise I got a job."
Oriane Guado has posed:
Oriane Guado glares at Kaydin with a look that just may be able to cut ice or skin a Chocobo. What a detestable individual! She had not even said one thing to this...person...and he insults not only her organization but also her hair. HER HAIR. A scowl quickly appears on Oriane's face. "Watch your impudent tongue," warns the priestess simply before continuing. "I would lecture you on the wrongness of both your word choice and your assumptions, but I fear that I would be wasting my time with a brute like you." A pale and well-manicured hand is used to gesture towards the seven foot shadow monster. "Mister Monster here has displayed a more adept mastery of common courtesy than you have. Perhaps I should merely slay you and claim you as the monster that has plaguing these sands." Oriane places both hands on her hips now. "I do believe that anyone in Rabanastre would be able to tell the difference." A look is given to to the monster in question. "And I apologize for liking you to such a person, but a comparison had to be made for fear of my message being lost."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel sees Yurita is likely very new here. "It's a very long story Yuritia you have no idea how good it is to see your not drezzed." The other program note as she makes closer to yurita. "A lot has happaned and change I'll bring you up to date and that's a grid bug more or less. There's a lot of grid bugs." She takes a deep breath "User Space...."
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
Sarafina Carenze lets out a low whistle as Oriane Guado gives Kaydin the business.

Kaydin has posed:
"If you think you can lady, feel free. I do warn you however, do not start something you cant finish." Kaydin says as he then looks to Sarafina. "Are you still sore because I kicked your butt in Manhattan? Get over it." He says to the woman before looking to Luso. "So what do you want to do? Seems Reize doesnt want the mark dead."
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
Angantyr blinks a few times.

Reize talks at him, so he decides to answer this first. Because he's obviously not going to shut up until everything he knows is out...and hell, the old man isn't paying him anymore. Siiiighing, he shakes his head, "Look. First off, he ain't my friend. Mentor, yes, and before you get your panties in a bunch, it was either that or /walk around throwing darkness at random whenever I got angry, or really have any emotion," he shrugs, not really carying what he thinks, "Second...the Prince. He hasn't woken up yet? This is important, has he regained conciousness? Or is he still in a half-dead state?" he asks Reize.

Slowly, he looks towards Kaydin, as the Guado appologizes to him.. "You know, Ms. Guado, he DID help Baron attack Manhattan. So it's easy to convince people that he's the man eating monster out here. I won't tell anyone." he says, with a shrug. "And no harm no foul." he looks towards Sarafina next... "I did this because someone I care about was turned into a monsterous I decided to try and get access to the one that did it. I took her place...a cure should be being made for her." he grunts, "It's a long story that I don't feel like getting into infront of the idiot brigade." he says, and turns towards Luso, "Did they finally make me S ranked? I mean, I should feel flattered and all, but it's really been troublesome."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Kicking Kaydin in the face is sounding more and more tempting. The young adventure's eyes cut towards Kaydin when he insults Faruja. The fist tightens and he grits his teeth. No one insults his friends, especially some guy who can't decide who he serves. Not only that, Reize was not in the mood.


Reize was pretty annoyed with the dark knight. However, Luso does get his attention, "I don't know, Luso." He frowns, "He is a mark, but..." His eyes narrow, "He has answers that I want." He reaches down to his boomerangs, but he relents on drawing them out.

To Sarafina, that offer is extended, "...Deal." He will have to pull money from the clan funds to pay her for this. They are near the headquarters, at the moment.

"Your mentor...?" His hands lower to his side once more until he adds what was required.

"...No, the prince is still in a half-dead state." Then, he looks up towards Angantyr, "Yeah, you're S-rank. It's why Luso and I took up the bounty." At least until he realized who it was, "...How do we restore the prince?"
Luso Clemens has posed:
Luso whistled in appreciation of Oriane's verbal beatdown of Kaydin, lazily folding his arms behind his head after. "Wow man, she totally just burned you there! Ahahahaha!" And then he broke out into a fit of laughter.

Apparently this was all funny to him now. "Hmmn...Well..." He mumbled, staring at the creature of darkness for a while. "...He's not currently attempting to vaporize us, so I guess we don't have to attack him!" A shrug was given then as Luso resting an arm atop his grimoire.

"A shame though, that money could really push Clan Gully to new heights! ...But I can totally figure out different ways to go about it now."

Luso nodded at the creature afterwards. "Yeah, they finally bumped you up to S-Rank. Kinda amazing to be honest! You're like a celebrity now! ...Except every two bit adventurer and hunter wants to kill you instead of take a picture with you! Ahahaha!" The boy laughed good-naturedly, rubbing the underside of his nose with an index finger. "Nevermind all that though. The Prince is the real issue here, yeah? I remember seeing him! He was knocked out like crazy!"

Luso crossed his arms then and tilted his head to the side a bit. "He totally needs to wake up before anything else!"
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
"I again notice your white mage isn't with you, Kaydin, nor your pack of Heartless. I, however, have an air conditioned boat with cannons aimed for this location." Sarafina has a tendency, through reputation, to--when a bluff is called--to go ahead with the bluff anyway, as a matter of principle. Crazy? Perhaps, but when one draws a line as a military woman, she knows damn well to not let that line be crossed.

But it isn't a line she's eager to deal with so instead she says to Ang. "You can't mean Avira, do you?" It's a reasonable guess from what she knows. She frowns, though, and adds, "But you do not look like a Mutate to me. And for that matter, it was only a few days ago I've last seen her--she still WAS a Mutate herself."

Reize agrees to the deal.


Goofy walks across the screen before noticing he's being watched and he waves a hand to the audience, "Gawrsh! Didn't see you there! Hi Fellahs!"
He looks from side to side and continues.
"Did you know that when you're in the middle of a desert, it pays to be extra nice to your friends? Well 'shore! Cause you see, if you ain't nice to your friends..."
Donald passes by, "Hey dummy!" Donald says.
Goofy looks at Donald, he starts looking like a roast turkey dinner in Goofy's eyes before he shakes himself out of it.
"Well let's just say that being abandoned in the desert all by your lonesome isn't the worst that could happen! Shyucks!"


"Certainly. If our fortunes reverse, we will be kind." She's somewhat aware of the clan's fortunes. She'll probably be nice pricewise, especially since leaving Kaydin in a desert by himself is a kind of payment. "Sir." She looks to Ang a moment after. "I know it can be a bit annoying, but would you mind coming with us for a time? If nothing else we can give you something to eat that isn't a lizard or a steed."
Elysiana Glyphanos has posed:
the Sound of voices and arguing made, Elysiana simply stare. They were arguing amoungst themselves. She formed a fist, she could practically see the connections- the lines of colors and lights which connected one to someone else, and she, here in this group had none. She looked towards the others. "This thing eats... others.. I volunteer as food." she mutered quietly. "We don't have any mounts to give it.."
Kaydin has posed:
"Go right ahead, aimed your airship at us. Even if you dont kill anyone here, you dont think I can appear on your air conditioned boat and destroy it from the inside? I have seen your machines Sarafina, I know how you construct things and because of that I do believe I know just where your ship's weakpoint is. So go ahead, do it, or shut up before your husband has to come rescue you /AGAIN/.
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
"...So...Does anyone mind if I beat the crap out of Kaydin? It's been so long sense I got good entertainment.." he says, with a annoyed look at the Dark Knight.
Yurita has posed:
Yurita looks at Naveen a second "well, I'm guessing yes because this looks nothing like home..." she then looks at Deelel, nodding... "user space hmm?" she looks around slowly... "not what I expected." as she hears Angantyr she looks over at him quietly, before glancing at Reize, and the others "any idea who these other people are Deelel?" at Angantyr's question she looks at him "don't kill him and I'm fine with it..." back to Deelel...
Luso Clemens has posed:
Luso simply whistled and stepped back enough to give the two of them space. Nope! He wasn't getting involved in this fight! "Good luck Kaydin! Just remember the basics of CQC!"
Prince Naveen has posed:
"Ah, well, that may explain a thing or two then," Naveen intones, passing through being nervous and into a sort of serenity. Sure, let something eat him. Why not surround hismelf with people he doesn't know who are armed with the teeth? Who cares! The frog wipes his brow. "Is anyone else a bit hot, maybe?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:

Reize glances back towards Luso, a smile offered to the way of his companion. The young man places a hand over to his shoulders, "...Thanks, yeah..." The young adventurer looks back at the marked beast, who is revealed to be the man with answers.

...But then...

Eh?! Wait..


Reize looks back towards her and Angantyr, "I haven't seen her in a while, wha--..." And then, Angantyr asks a queston about Kaydin.

Reize steps back. And back. And back. He waves a hand out cheerfully, "You can do it, Kaydin! Knight's Vow #43: Never forget the basics!"
Oriane Guado has posed:
The monster's own parlance draws a rigid frown from the Priestess. But then again he was a monster and is afforded some lee-way when it comes to such matters. The offer for him to turn a blind eye to her attacking Kaydin causes Oriane's frown to turn upside down. This new pleasantry when combined with Kaydin's schoolyard threats causes Oriane to reach up past her pointed ears and place a hand on her forehead in dramatic fashion. "What folly it is that in our exceedingly complex world of just so many shades of gray that the lines between 'monster' and 'egomaniacal nitwit' become ever increasingly similar." Her hand is dropped to her side and a polite smile is now worn.

Oriane's attention then moves to the intrepid airship captain who seems to have retained her manners despite current company. The monster's suggestion steals her attention back away however. "A resoundingly good idea. Please, Mister Monster, entertain us in a display of martial prowess. Or, so that everyone present may understand me, please 'take out the trash'." Oriane now looks to Sarafina again. "I am under the impression that viewing a duel from the deck of an airship would be most ideal given our current circumstances. And the Church of Yevon would be most happy to reward you in a monetary fashion for my travel expenses should you agree."
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
"Excellent!" he says towards everyone gathered.

"...Before I start, Reize. There was a heartless there. A heartless with the shape of a knight with every heavy armor...and a sword...and a shield. The Prince, hasn't woken up and is in a sort of death like sleep,...unable to wake up like he's /missing something/." he says, trying to let Reize put two and two together. "Also, I had no part in that...I just got called in to help defend the place...I had no idea about what Garland was doing there until...well, after." he shrugs.

To Sarafina and Reize... "I was not injected with the same thing she was...apparently mine feeds on the darkness that exists naturally special birth allowed. I have no idea why LEXUS has not followed through on our agreement...and it is becoming tiresome. She was supposed to have the cure to her current condition by now." he says and turns his eyes towards Kaydin.

"Oh and someone just volenteered to let me work out my frustaition." he says, before lifting a hand up. Darkness coursed through it, before unleashes a wave that explodes, centered on the Dark Knight.

He dives forward, aiming to then slam his claws into Kaydin's legs...and RENDS.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
The airship descends most of the way down, hovering nearby. A canteen is tossed to Sarafina who considers it but shortly after says, "Sir frog." She looks towards him. "This climate must be quite terrible for you. You may board first." She offers him the canteen. "Take your time ascending. Even if it's sand, it can be quite the fall." Maybe she just inherently is polite to princes even if she doesn't know they are princes. Or she just is sympathetic to talking frogs and pigs. Just thinking about Mysidia makes her skin crawl.

"Of course, the holy woman can go next." Strange appearance aside, Sarafina has gotten better at hiding her shock about these sorts of things. "We're low on funds since Manhattan so I won't turn away money." Sarafina says, though this might just have the side effect of lowering Reize's costs since, for the moment, she is hired by him and, as such, funds earned are, really, partly his.


She'll even help the lady up should she ask for it, Sarafina may have monstrous wings but frankly there's enough strange about these new worlds that simply having 'monster wings' is barely even a thing on the weird scale these days. It's kind of nice.

She isn't, of course, going to actually say 'yes go ahead beat a man up in the desert' but she doesn't raise an objection, at least.

"If others wish to board (except Kaydin obviously) then I will hold for them, but if not I intend to board with the holy maiden and the Frog."
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin tries to leap away from the wave but when it hits him and the claws slashes his legs, he raises his sword and slashes at Angantyr to send a blast of darkness for him as he smirks. "That feels familiar." He says as he pulls the cloak off and slashes at the man twice, the attacks mean to try and overpower the man's defenses.
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Alright! Go Kaydin! And just remember the 4th Golden Rule of Clan Gully: You've only really lost once you've given up!" With that said, Luso turned to Reize, grinning in a rather silly manner. "Well, wanna get out of here? Let's board the airship! I think these guys are gonna be juuuuust fine!"

At least Luso was sure that the monster wouldn't end Kaydin, as obnoxious as he was being before.
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
Kaydin's strike is ignored, even as it lands, striking blood from the massive beast, he swings his claws down yet again, trying to tear into the legs of the Dark Knight. It doesn't matter to him, as Kaydin's strike leaves much to be desired in terms of actual pain.

The beast suddenly moves again, aiming to get into Melee range with the Darkn knight, litterally appearing right next to him in a flutter of movement. Then suddenly, he dives down, aiming to smash his hands into the back of Kaydin's head...hutting his hand while doing so, and then his chest bursts open with a barrage of tentacles...each one trying to smash and tear at Kaydin's armor viciously.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "It's not isn't it I'll explain more when we're not in danger. Yes I been working wioth them it's a long story." It really is a long story. "Come with us to the airship yurita I can explaon more there." She looks at the mutate and the dark knight. "they have personal business here think at this point." She's going to offer yurita a hand if she needs it to move. She's not sure what her friend's energy levels are like yet.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
"Tentacles just burst out of that dude's chest!" Gangway shouts.
"Yes I suppose that happens." Sarafina calls up.
Yurita has posed:
Yurita looks at Naveen "relax, I won't let anything hurt you little guy..." she smiles kindly "I promise." she then sighs, glancing at Reize a last time, before watching the shadow creature and the dark knight, holding Naveen closer, looking at Sarafina she mms quietly, still holding the frog quietly. she walks to the airship slowly, watching the fight, and waiting to see if anyone else comes as well, she can move on her own, easily, she stands next to the airship, waiting to see if any others cone before boarding with the frog prince
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize may be an idiot at times, but, there was something that kept naggin him. Why, why was it that the mysterious man in heavy armor had the Heartless figure fight them. What purpose did this serve?

And the prince is unable to sleep, as if he's missing something.



The look on Reize's face is a dark one. His eyes widen, and he clutches onto his pendant. "Thank you..." He offers the creature a smile, "...I appreciate the help." Then, Reize listens to the case with Avira. She was injected with something? Reize furrows his eyebrows, then he grits his teeth, "...Looks like we need to help her as well.."

Next, Reize glances towards Luso, what has turned to from the mark to... prominent information. A grin forms. "Hee! You're right! That's a good idea! As he prepares to board the airship, he glances at Luso, "What should we do about the mark?" He scratches his head.

"Say we never found it?"
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin tries to leap away, being knocked back by the blow to the head and the tentacles. He then shakes his head before swinging his sword, causing another black burst of energy to erupt forth. "So much for good guys." He says as he unravels the chain from his arm. "Got more help being in baron and the enemy, he says as he swings the chain to send the sword down on Angantyr before pulling the chain back and swinging it from another direction.
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
Kaydin's strike falls to the ground, the chain striking the beast who seems to be uncaring to the man's attack. More blood forms, but he continues to weather it...

Until he causes another explosion of darkness to form, trying to knock Kaydin back to the ground with the force of the explosion.

Then...shadow channels into the beast, darkness flowing through him as the powers that he draws on don't come from outside him...he isn't /challening/ the darkness from the outside...he is summoning it from with in as the creature howls... somehow bigger...stronger...and more full of pain.
Luso Clemens has posed:
Luso shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly as he walked alongside his friend, chuckling sheepishly. "Mark? What Mark? I never heard anything about a Mark!" Looks like they were going to play dumb now.

"We don't have time to go chasing down things that don't exist now! We've got more important things to worry about, yeah? Like Heartless and sleeping princes!" Luso glanced back at the ensuing fight afterward, tilting his head a bit.


To be honest, he was feeling a little guilty now. But on the other hand, he was sure that the dark swordsman could handle himself. At least based on the knowledge of their past duel.

"Alright then, let's get a move on, Reize!"
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
Being with Baron may be temporary, but being a jerk is forever. Of course, Sarafina still thinks Kaydin is with Baron.

She is one of the last ones up, commenting to Reize. "Could say it was a Dark Knight playing a prank. Ideally, we'd want to keep people from coming after him otherwise someone might get hurt. But truly the only ideal solution would be to find proper cures for the both of them." That Ang was willing to subject himself to this to help another, well, that's a big plus sign in Sarafina's book even if he is uncouth.

"Where to, boss?" She adds. This may in fact be mostly to remind Reize that she is being hired by them right now.
Yurita has posed:
Yurita walks into the ship slowly, glancing first at the fight, then at Reize, before walking inside, looking for a spot to sit, and pet the frog prince slowly to try and calm him. she watches Sarafina and Reize quietly.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin pants as he lands on his feet and watches this creature and begins to channel his own resovoir of darkness from within, putting the memories of everything he has suffered through, combined with actions of others and what they done to him, his body becoming darker as well as his eyes as he watches the creature, emotionless expression on his face.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel is looking back at the fight as she heads for the ship with the others. "It's really good to see you Yurita. I'm glad your here, a lot of things have happened and I think I owe you some answers. Just keep in mind this reality is chaotic..."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
A grin is rewarded to Luso, "Huh, I thought I heard there was a mark...?" He chinrubs, "I guess it must had been someone putting up a hoax." He grins, brightening his smile at Luso. While the other teenager remarks about the pince, Reize says, "Yeah!"

For a brief moment, Reize looks over towards Kaydin, furrowing his eyebrows.

Sure, Reize is feelin a bit guilty, but it gradually leaves when the man has literally switched sides in the middle of the fight against the strange magician. Reize is still pretty sore about that day. A glance is given towards Sarafina, "...Yeah. A dark knight pulling prank." And the mention about the cure, Reize looks over towards Yurita, catching that her eyes had been on him occasionally.

A hand waves at her direction, "Oooii!!"

And then, Sarafina calls him 'boss'. Oh, right. The boy looks towards the woman, "...Two things. We'll have to pass by Fluorgis so that I can give you the pay. Lastly, Luso and I will need to be dropped off at Cornelia. We have some things to take care of down there."
Oriane Guado has posed:
Sarafina, Sarafina. Personality goes a long way when it comes to judging whether someone is a monster or not. When blue-flame haired Gods make housecalls these days, one is hard-pressed to be truly put off by something like monstrous unholy wings. This does not prevent Oriane's hapless guards from staring though. Atleast they were not terrible machina there is that.

She does accept the assistance in making her way aboard. Finally, someone who knows the basics of civility when it came to running an airship. The fight soon draws the Priestess' attention. "Regardless of the outcome, I consider this venture a success as there is no longer any reason for anyone of us to go wandering aimlessly through these most damnable deserts any longer."
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
The monster...

Is gone. Suddenly, appearing right behind Kaydin, he moves to grab the Dark Knight by the back of his head, and moves to suplex the man behind him, moving to flip ontop of him and drag him along the ground towards the water source.

"I'MA PLANT ME A DUMBASS CACTUS!" he says, before aiming to litterally plant Kaydin RIGHT Into the water. Leaving only his head above the water and with any luck, everything else below sand.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin tries to dodge but is unable to and Angan wins once more and everyone else gets to be complete douches. But hey atleast the sand wasnt completely uncomfortable.
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
"Enjoy your stay." Angantyr says, walking away, "There is a lesson in's called not being horrible to people who have your life in their hands." He shrugs. Slowly, he walks towards the Boat. "So. You wanted me to come with you?" he asks Sarafina, "Can I ask why?"
Prince Naveen has posed:
"You are most kind," Naveen replies briefly to Yurita. He's touched, but doesn't make an effort to avoid being carried. He's no fool, after all! "Ah yes! Observant too!" He directs to Sarafina. "I am very grateful. The heat and I... we are not friends, you might say?" He reclines slightly, but not arrogantly, into the young program's palm. "Onwards, miss! ... if you do not mind of course?"
Luso Clemens has posed:
Stepping onto the Airship proper, Luso took a quick glance around, nodding in approval. "This is a nice ship they've got here. And it's pretty convenient too! I'm used to having to get around on public airships" Chuckling lightly, the boy walked over to a nearby railing, looking out over the sands as the others talked. "Man, this is gonna be awesome!"
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
"He insulted Faruja." Sarafina says. "He can belittle me, but I will hear no foulness against that man. There are many strange beings that I have encountered as of late, but he is a kind person even if we have our disagreements, and what's more he stood up for that ... cactus." She gives a small wry smile at that. "But besides that," She tells Ang. "You helped Avira. I would not say Avira and I are close, but I understand her situation well enough." She nods to the left wing. "Making a sacrifice like that is honorable enough and should be rewarded irregardless of past circumstances."

She looks towards Ang and adds, "Though the other reason is because I am now hired by Reize Seatlan and he wanted you to come along. He may already have his answers though, I admit I don't know what is being talked about." She shakes her head. "But even so, we can drop you off somewhere more hospitable at least."

She wonders if Orianne is from the same church, briefly, she has no clue, though. Ultimately her attention turns to Naveen who is just...very...charismatic for a frog this makes no sense but whatever!!

"I understand. Please make yourself at home." She glances to Reize, "aye aye, sir!" She notices Gangplank staring, along with the rest of her crew, who have never taken a mission so 'odd' before.

"Oi!" She shouts. "Stop gallyvanting about! To yer stations! Lord knows what we might run into these deserts, we've got stops t'make, and pay t'earn! I expect top service 'ere for these friends of ours!"

She snaps a salute to Reize before heading for the wheel.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
There was a glare given down towards the planted 'cactus' when Sarafina mentions about the insult towards Faruja. Reize grits his teeth with annoyance and his fist tightens. However, the boy dismisses it. Instead, the young man looks over towards the leader of the ship.

"Yeah, I got the answers that I needed from you." He lowers his head, "...I did not realize that we were fighting the prince." He furrows his eyebrows, "Now, we need to reverse the effects." He shuts his eyes, then he smiles towards Angantyr,"You've helped me enough with the information you provided... And you're a friend of Avira, it seems. Avira is my friend too, so hearing that..." His eyes cast low.

"...And I trust that Sarafina will put you at a better location!" The boy's cheerfulness rises once more. The mission is more of transportation, but, Reize has reasons that he wanted. And when Sarafina gives a salute, Reize stands up and returns that salute with a smile.

"Thank you. You have been a great help as well."

A grin is given towards Luso, then he calls out to his friend approaching the railing, "Ready to right some wrongs?!"
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
Angantyr shrugs, stepping onto the ship.

"Very well, though I have no idea where I am to go. I can not live inside a this. I doubt people will appreciate a walking monster entering...unless of course you have something that can disguise me." he says, shrugging. He looks back at Kaydin. He'll be fine...

Then she talks about Faruja...and he keeps quiet. For now.

Faruja and he have...some big differences in outlook. Also, Faruja doesn't have common sense. "Right." he tells her, in a neutral tone.

"I guess." he turns towards Reize, "You need to know something. The man you are fighting is not simply a man. His name is Garland...and he is not to be taken lightly. He is powerful, far beyond you."

He pauses for a moment, "You realize, he is a heartless. I know of only one way to free one's heart from that state...and even then I am not sure it will return to the Prince."
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
ADVICE GOOFY appreciates Ang's caution.

"There's always Traverse Town." Sarafina says. She files away the name 'Garland' for later, presuming it was that man Ang was with before. She doesn't comment on him, though, because this Prince thing is worrisome. "Who is this Prince, Reize?" She asks, though she won't press much beyond that, it's a Clan Gully job, it sounds like. Actually taking him to Avira might be the best plan here, they could commiserate if nothing else. And Avira is in Traverse Town last she knew and Traverse Town is a pretty accepting place by her understanding--they're all people pushed from their own homes and frequently confer with talking ducks among other things.

The crew tends to the needs of its travelers otherwise. IT's almost like a cruise ship! With no standards! And no rooms. But at least it'll get out the desert soon enough.
Luso Clemens has posed:
Luso nodded, giving Reize a thumbs up. "Right with you! Let's get out there and set things right in this world!" After all, that's what Luso, what Clan Gully was here for. Even if the world was different, their goals hadn't.

"Help the people and do good! That's our M.O.! And it's not gonna change any time soon, am I right?" Grinning at that, the boy turned his gaze out towards the landscape before again...
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Those word of warning catches his attention.

Reize turns to face the monstrous form as Angantyr, who introduces the man responsible for the entire situation. Garland. The boy's eyes fall shut as he slowly recalls what happened to Faruja when he realized about that monster. "...I remember Faruja was paralyzed when he realized who he was."

He pauses, shaking his head, "...There's more to him, it seems." Reize rests a hand over towards his pendant, grasping against the gem. "...Right." He exhales a sigh, "I will have to keep that in mind if I encounter him." He looks over his shoulder. "...The important part is finding the Heartless."

He looks towards Sarafina, offering her a faint smile, "Prince Landon, of Cornelia.. The Shard Seekers went to investigate the situation at the Temple of Fiends, but... it led to a lot of things."

Soon, he looks back towards the mercenary of darkness, "...How do you free someone from such a state?" But then there is the uncertainty of if it would even return the prince, "...Something has to be done. We accomplished nothing other than nearly getting ourselves killed in that battle." He was the first one to lead that charge.

"However, I plan to make things right."
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
Angantyr shudders at the suggestion... "That is where the Manhattan refuges are going. I do not feel it is approprate to go there." he rumbles and takes a seat. Sitting down, he is probably taller than most.

"...Strange that he picked the Prince. It is...unusual for him to do something like this." he considers things for a moment, "Perhaps, Reize you should look more into the situation. More into this place that he has decided to take an interest in. I usually don't make it a habbit to give out free advice, but...well, I am curious too." he has to admit.

"Reguardless, I have my own problems to look into.." he says, looking at his hands.
Yurita has posed:
Yurita sighs, confused beyond hope by all of this, she closes her eyes a moment, trying to process what she had seen a few seconds ago, before opening her eyes again, and simply watching Reize, and to a lesser extent, Luso now.
Oriane Guado has posed:
Oriane Guado mostly keeps to herself on this part of the journey, but she does let slide an out of place giggle when Garland's name is brought up. She smiles sweetly and heads over to join in on the conversation. "This Garland fellow sounds like quite the ne'er'do-well." The priestess lets a staged look of mock-innocence wash over her face. "What else does everyone know of this individual?" She asks simply as she folds her hands against herself. It seems that this is a topic that the priestess is quite interested in.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
"I know little," Sarafina says. SHe is probably at least as confused as Yurita but is doing a better job of hiding it. Sure she just admitted that she didn't know much about Garland but she is also not showing signs of confusion otherwise. She is using this opportunity to learn so that she will be less confused in the future. Even if information does not make sense now it may make sense later. That's the trouble in reality, sometimes you don't get information like you would from a book, you get pieces and shards of different stories that you may never interact with again.

"Mm, if you think that is best. Perhaps you should stay then with Clan Gully for the moment, they can get ahold of Avira for you."
Luso Clemens has posed:
Luso frowned, hearing the tale that Reize had shared regarding the temple of fiends. It sounded like it was rough business. "Sheesh, sorry I couldn't be there to help you guys out on that one. I was off chasing that damned Black Chocobo across the continent...Ahahaha..."

He wound up laughing sheepishly then. "I thought it was going to be a quick Mark. Something I could take down myself and gather some easy money for Clan Gully. But it just kept giving me the runaround!" As he explained his absence, he shook a fist comically, recalling his experiences.

"I'll find that Black Chocobo just yet and take it down for sure!" But alas, that creature was not here now. No need to continue worrying about it for the moment. "Hmn?" He mumbled after, noticing Yurita's staring at Reize and himself.

"Yooo!" He called over to the program, waving over at her afterwards. "Something up? You've been staring an awful lot!"
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
Angantyr stares at the Guado for a moment, "More than most people," he says to her after a moment, and says nothing more to elaborate on this. There is a wary eye looking towards her, as if suddenly distrusting her...desire to know more.

"...I do not know if the clan would accept me, besides they...nevermind, I guess my own clan is pointless until I am no longer looking like a heartless."
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
SArafina frowns as Luso proves himself to be a chocoracist. Why's it have to be about BLACK chocobos, Luso?

"Mm, there is time to think on it." She says instead.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
A glance is given towards the curious priestess, "...Not sure."

The information is free.

Of course, nothing is without a cost. Given that he s curious as well, the boy gives Angantyr an uneasy smile, "Once I find more information, I'll definitely try to pass it over to you now."

A glance is given towards Luso, "Black Chocobo? Is that another mark?" The boy furrows his eyebrow, "...I somewhat remember about that..." He scratches his head, trying to recall where he saw it.

Reize can't help but get that feeling that he's being watched. His antenna hair tunes in, 'feeling around' for where that feeling is coming from. He rubs the back of his head, rubbing it with the most uncertain manner.


When Luso calls the program, Reize turns to see the person in question, "Eh?!" Blink. "Oh! Oooi!"
Yurita has posed:
Yurita stiffens up as Luso notices her and calls over to her, causing her to blush more "uhh, err.... its nothing... y-you're clan sounds like a very good one by the way..." she then goes quiet again, just watching then, but now with a blushing face, then Reize calls out, causing even further blush "h-hello...." she doesn't try to hide or anything, she's not shy, just embarrassed to be caught staring at the two.
Prince Naveen has posed:
Prince Naveen has navigates his way to Yurita's shoulder now and is just chillaxing, watching the events unfold with a careful eye. On the one hand he is grateful, but on the other has just realized he is now in the sky with a band of people he does not know especially well. When Reize looks their way again Prince Naveen perks up, giving a sniff nod. "Hello."
Luso Clemens has posed:
What? It's a heartless chocobo that's pure black! What else was he supposed to call it!? But the mention of Clan Gully does draw Luso's attention and he glances off towards Sarafina and the dark creature among them. "Oh yeah! Clan Gully's kinda missing personel at the moment, but you're more than welcome to run with us for a while!"

Angantyr is given a cheerful thumbs up then. "And hey! You've got free, good meals locked in and a place to sleep! It's all good!" Luso then glanced at Reize again and nodded. "Yep! It's an A-Rank Mark! But since it's just a Chocobo, I thought it was gonna be easy..."

Smiling sheepishly, he scratched his cheek with a finger as he spoke. "I totally thought wrong! That thing can move at ridiculous speeds and it's got the power to back it up too! I can't get a good bead on the thing before it ends up swatting me away and running off again!"

Luso's attention is then drawn back to Yurita. "Oh? Well yeah! We work hard to make a name for ourselves! I've glad it's finally starting to pay off!" Luso grinned wider at that and proudly rested his hands on his hips. "Clan Gully's the name and Marks are our game!"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel is keeping with her fellow program it's a lot to take in. She was alost alone confused ans scared otu of her mind when she first arrived here after all. She looks over to her friend for a moment then back to her other friend and Luso who is proving interesting. "That you do, and I'll remeber that ID myself" chirps the other program. She does mean it too.
Oriane Guado has posed:
Oriane Guado looks absolutely thrilled when there is no recognition in Mister Monster's eyes. For people who claim to know a lot about Garland, none of them seemingly know that he has a new apprentice. And that is just fine with the priestess. No one will interrupt her studies that way. "A shame, Mister Monster." She says with that fake smile on her face as she looks between the monster and Reize now. Tsk, tsk. No one seems willing in playing this game with Oriane. Oh well, she can always just ask him in person if she -really- wanted to know more.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"Eh heh! It's alright!" He mentions regarding her current state. With the focus towards Luso, the boy smiles at his friend's offer to the clan. He gives a slow nod, glad that the individual is getting an offer to a clan. Reize, however, lowers his head after as he thinks back to a recent member who left.

"Well, Luso, we'll just have to go after that mark."

Pushing the recent departure out of his mind, Reize turns towards the group and he smiles, "And away we go... to Fluorgis and the Cornelia." There are lots of question that he has for Princess Lara or any advisors.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
"I would not mind working with you on assorted missions from time to time," Sarafina says--in part to be clear that a full airship crew can be pretty costly to maintain beyond that. She doesn't seem greedy, in fact--she doesn't seem to be especially fond of the more mercenary element of being a mercenary, but she has her own limited options and a target that is far out of reach.

"Sorry this was not as profitable as anticipated." She is just as much apologizing to herself as anyone.