To Market, To Market
From Final Kingdom MUSH
To Market, To Market | |
Date of Scene: | 06 November 2012 |
Location: | Fluorgis |
Synopsis: | It's business as usual in Fluorgis... |
Cast of Characters: | Reize Seatlan, Faruja Senra, Will Sherman, Shiki Misaki, Sammy Colt, Deelel, Lenn |
- Reize Seatlan has posed:
Fluorgis, the prosperous air trade city! This is the city that is populated by diversity. Moogles, bangaas, viera, a couple of burmecians, and more! This is also the city where marks on monsters can be found..
In this wonderful morning, it is a bit of shopping to be done. With the vendors showcasing their wares, it leaves for people to wander about and look over the display and figure out what to purchase.
Reize is out and about with the shopping, looking over the apples on display. One of the bangaas look over Reize eyeing his display.
"So what will it be, kiddo?!"
- Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja has been scarce for the last two days. Not quite unusual for the Templar, but what /is/ unusual has been his appearance and demeanor. Hair and clothes ruffled, and at one point no doubt found passed out beside a shredded newspaper, the ratling has certainly not been himself. This morning was spent in almost constant prayer, followed by a long bath. By the time he arrives in the shopping district, following the Shard Seekers' Glorious Leader, he at least is presentable.
"Lord Bless, Ser Seatlan." He offers quietly to Reize as he too looks over the display, the smile he tries to summon up made of glass. At least he doesn't have a pounding headache now.
- Lenn has posed:
Lenn is a couple of booths down, working, carefully. A sign proclaims the booth as named 'Gold and Silv'. She's got a few pieces already made, but the signage DOES claim custom work and repairs can be done.
- Sammy Colt has posed:
A lid of a wicker barrel slowly lifts to reveal a pair of eyes watching Mr. Seatlan and the unknown ...thing... with him. Heck, these eyes have seen all kinds of things 'man was not meant to know'. He'd just have to mark it down as another parameter in the excercise.
The barrel props up as two little feet scamper, positioning the wicker container at a better vantage point as some passerbys block its view to the wandering group. Sammy Colt, Turk ordinaire, remains concealed in his deviously simple disguise. Perhaps he could bring back more information on this 'Reize' character - perhaps he could even find out if the so-called 'shard seekers' had actually accomplished their namesake.
Only time would tell.
Sammy, of course, was a little miffed at having already eaten his snack for this morning. Being surrounded by all these scents was a little quite inticing.
If only he hadn't parked himself next to the 'Gold and Silv' booth, he could just swipe an apple or something!
- Shiki Misaki has posed:
Shiki's here helping Lenn out today! Which one of us is gold and which one of us is Silv? The world may never know! She's here to help do minor patch jobs! Loosen the waist of your pants a little? Fix a hole in your shirt? Just ask!
- Reize Seatlan has posed:
While Reize is eyeing the apples, he reaches into his coinpurs to figure out which apple looks the most delicious. It isn't but a moment later that he hears the voice of Faruja.
The boy turns to face Faruja, giving him a brighten smile, "Ooi, Faruja! You look.." His eyes quirk a bit.
A frown is given, peering closely at the burmecian. "...You look a bit beaten. Uhh, did something happen?" He scratches his head, idly handing over the coins to the vendor while taking the apple.
Off of the corner of his eye he looks towards the two members at the booth not too far. "Ooooii! Shiki, Lenn!" The boy looks back and he looks at Faruja, "Let's go and meet up with them! I just finished doing some work for the town!"
- Lenn has posed:
Lenn looks up from her work, crafting some sort of pin, now, magnifier in her eye, working very carefully. She does set it down and look up as Reize calls. The elf smiles brightly, and waves. "Ah, It's Reize."
- Shiki Misaki has posed:
"Oh, so it is," says Shiki. She's got a needle! Look out! She's actually working on putting a patch on something as we speak. Mr. Mew, on the other hand, is doing the Shard Seekers' taxes. "Check it out. I'm earnin' a wage."
- Sammy Colt has posed:
Notes are being jotted down, but it is dark in the disguise. Luckily, Sammy always is prepared. The outlines of the wicker basket glow a bit from the small pen-light he holds in his mouth as he jots down the notes of who is who, complete with (actually well done) artwork of each of the people. Can't have the flash of a camera go off - it would draw attention,
The barrel slides a little to the side as to ensure that he can keep the entire group of people in view. Luckily for him, he is the master of disguise and hasn't been spotted.
Reize's apple will disappear if he's not careful.
- Faruja Senra has posed:
The Burmecian's red eye gazes at that bright smile, that boyish face. An ideal, adventurous, innocent person. It's the very thing that drew him to Reize in the first place. And for but one moment, some small part of him hates it. The thought shakes him out of a lingering anger and sadness induced stupor. No, he'll not hate a friend of all people for their good fortune and what they were born as. It's people like Reize he lives to protect, after all.
"...A very dangerous woman I had thought swallowed by the shadows of my world's passing lives." Reize might notice the rat clenching his jaw as he speaks, feigning calm. Shiki and Lenn being pointed out is a reprieve welcomed, and he's quick to stalk over to their booth. At the very least, his smile seems slightly more genuine, with the presence of such naive yet honorable a person.
"Ahh, Lady Misaki, Lady Lenn, good eve! How fares profits, hmm?"
The rat's off his game, and it's a city besides, so he doesn't catch the smell of a person within a wicker barrel. For now, Solid Sammy is safe from detection!
- Reize Seatlan has posed:
A dangerous person. Reize's frown slowly grows as Faruja speaks of an individual. "...Faruja..." A hand rests over his friend's shoulders. He offers him a faint smile, then he nods. "...We'll discuss more later."
As Reize closes in on the two ladies, the young man waves a hnd teir way. Tilting his head over, he looks over Shiki and Mr. Mew. Oh wow, looks like Mr. Mew is handling the taxes for the Shard Seekers. Even has those tax glasses too!
The young man earns a smile, "I am glad. I have been doing work for the city, trying to make us some more money. Looks like we'll have enough for the Shard Seekers to be an official clan!"
The young man tosses the apple into the air once, then he catches it. Toss, catch. Toss, catch. Toss.
....Wait, what?
Reize looks around from the left and hen to the right. He shifts his attention around. "...My apple!"
- Lenn has posed:
Lenn nods, "And a good wage, too. We'll have a good bit of contribution to the guild's funds... and I think enough that maybe I can hire Shiki to design something for me, myself?" She smiles at her new partner-in-enterprise/
- Sammy Colt has posed:
The perfect crime.
Reize's little apple-tossing was exactly what the ShinRa agent needed. Having used a state of the art (See elastic band with paperclip hook) apparatus, Sammy was able to yoink that apple right out of the air and into the barrel. Truly, ShinRa's deviousness knows no bounds!
Not even giving the apple a shine with his sleeve, Sammy tries to stuff the fruit into his mouth. That is, until the little problem of the flashlight comes into play. Curses. How could he possibly write notes, keep the light on AND eat the apple simultaneously.
The barrel shimmies for a second before it settles. Sammy has expertly repositioned himself so that his foot is now crammed up beside his head with the light wedged between some toes, the apple in his mouth and the notes still being scribbled (Albeit with some apple juice splatter being added to the page randomly). One would wonder how he's rotating the apple to eat it, but then that would be a threat to ShinRa security if revealed!
- Shiki Misaki has posed:
Shiki Misaki gives a thumbsup. "It's been going better than the adventuring, actually. I think you guys picked up most of the stuff I found on the job board... actually, never thanked you or Ivo for doing that. So yeah!"
Less chances to get eaten.
"We're working on something really cool, actually. Everyone's gonna like it!"
Then something weird happens, and Shiki's hand drifts slowly to her Player Pin.
She slowly points at the barrel.
- Will Sherman has posed:
Will Sherman...
Is walkin' around the worlds again for no clear purpose. That is his deal, when he's not investigating and generally keeping Mercade out of death's door, he's a genuine adventurer from a world that is modern as crap. Why?
Well, if you really want to know, you better start his Social Link.
However, in his hand is an apple, he is not sure WHERE he got it, but Will does not generally question his luck, because it is amazing. And he was feeling peckish...but an apple isn't going to stop his hunger. He needs more. A whole barrel of apples sounds this is a start.
He bites into it as he walks onto the group...
He points at Reize! "Hey it's that guy who I used as a wea-I mean, used the power of friendship with to beat up a bunch of penguins."
- Faruja Senra has posed:
"Of course, my friend." Ahh, Reize. If he didn't have his occupation as a Templar, he'd hug the boy right now. Instead, Faruja gives Reize a nod.
But on to more pressing matters! Resolved to /not/ spoil the occasion with his own worries, the news that something is going right lifts the rat's spirits. "With hard work, motivation, and Faith, nothing is impossible! 'Tis but a first step, but a meaningful one."
Taking a few moments, the ratling starts to pour over Lenn and Shiki's wares curiously. "Lady Lenn, mayhap you may be convinced to make a necklace..." Removing his ever-present necklace, he hands it to Lenn. "A cross of emerald would suffice." An observant person might notice a slight reddening in the inside of his ears.
Shiki gets a half-bow, and a nod. "'Twas my pleasure. But thank Ser Galvan, he lead the operation, and ensured the Lady's...ahh, cooperation." A clawed hand rubs the side of his head. Ahh, yes, /that/ one.
Faruja's red eye, lacking in an iris as it does, flicks briefly in the direction of Shiki's finger. Ahh. Reaching into his coat, he draws out what appears to be a granola bar, quickly opening and snacking on it. Nom nom nom. Food for everyone!
"Ahh, but a moment Ladies." Stepping away, he starts towards a trashcan barely a foot away from the hiding spot of a certain Turk. It's a short thing, and so the rat leans down slightly to deposit the wrapper.
Whap! The resulting back-kick to the wicker barrel as Faruja bends over isn't much different than being kicked by a horse. It's all the legs, that Dragoon Jumping power. Facade done, he turns around to investigate just what he just kicked with a slight smirk on his muzzle. Ahh, nothing like a little of the old violence to work out one's frustrations~
- Reize Seatlan has posed:
With Lenn discussin about Shiki's chance in entrepeneurship, Reize's smile grows. "Great!" He looks over the two, then he looks over towards his hand, grumbling about his apple. A nod is given towards Shiki, "We'll be looking forward to it." After a few moments of looking around, he finally gives up.
Comical tears run along his eyes, "...My apple."
Sigh. And then, Will comes in with an apple. An apple.
Cheeks puff up.
Antenna hair points towards Will as the thrown remark comes up. "I haven't forgotten about that, you jerk!" Reize is still pretty grumpy about that incident.
- Lenn has posed:
Lenn nods, "Solid emerald, or gems in a metal base? If so, what metal?" She smiles. "Decorative, or functional? It looks like some sort of religious symbol, am I right?" She looks the cross over, thoughtfully. If it's gemmed, I have the materials, I think. Solid? I don't have an emerald that big."
- Sammy Colt has posed:
The rat-thing-man is coming this way. Alas for Sammy, he's in far too much of an awkward position to do much but brace himself. Luck abound! The rat turns to dump some wrapper in another bin!
Hah! Truly Sammy's luck it ulti-
Why is the world spinning?
The kick from Faruja sends the wicker barrel (Seemingly reinforced somehow) spout over kettle as it slams into the ground and out rolls a contorted Turk, with an apple core.
Sammy (complete with swirly eyes) lies on the ground for a good moment while the wicker barrel goes rolling down through the market, people moving out of its way as it heads almost strategically down the street, even rolling back up and around a corner.
Blasted auto-pilot.
"Somebody get the colour of that chocobo?" Sammy meekly says as he starts picking himself up. He felt like he had just been right beside one of the test-firings again.
- Shiki Misaki has posed:
"I think someone owes my friend the cost of an apple," Shiki says, tapping her chin with the blunt end of her needle then pointing it at Sammy. "Oh, hey, you're the plushie guy! What's your deal, anyway?"
- Faruja Senra has posed:
Ahh, yes, now Faruja is having a /much/ better day. He even smiles, and is graceful enough to cast a Cure spell on the man followed by an offered hand to help him up.
"My /deepest/ apologies Ser! Minor slip of the foot, so very clumsy these days."
"Why ever were you in a basket?" Straight to the point, though. Briefly turning to Lenn, he smiles.
"Studded, please. Silver. Yes, yes, something to that effect...ahh, ornamental." A pause. "Make it...feminine, please." Cough.
Then, there's the so-called 'jerk'. Faruja raises a brow. "...An acquaintance, Ser Seatlan?" Rhetorical question go.
- Will Sherman has posed:
Will looks at Reize..
"Jerk? We totally beat the crap out of that thing...and theny ou LEFT US to deal with the crazy chick by ourselves. Luckily, she was too intimidated by my roguish good looks." he says, inbetween bites of the apple.
"I mean, seriously, I do a guy a favor and he gets all mad at you...what are these worlds coming to?" he says, not even really minding.
"Anyway, that happened like forever ago, gota learn to let things go man. Not good for your health. You see, from where I am from they learned a whole lot about things like health and science because we didn't have much in the realm of magic to throw around everywhere."
- Lenn has posed:
Lenn nods, and produces a sheet of paper, and begins a rough sketch. "Feminine, hmm?" She smiles. "A gift, I would assume?" She starts working out a design, "Hmm..." She takes an eraser, "More curved lines, I think."
- Reize Seatlan has posed:
By the time that Sammy will come to...
He'll see the look of an angry boy right in front of him.
See that frown on Reize's face? It's a bit frown. His eyes are narrowed. Cheeks are puffed. He is hungry and he had an apple taken from him. So this is the guy that took the apple.
"New apple, please."
Antenna hair is pointing at Sammy threateningly.
As for Will...
His eyes cut off towards Will, "I was taken by a sandstorm!!!" He shakes a fist towads the older youth. His cheeks puff up. Eventually, he calms down and he blinks. "...Health and science?"
- Shiki Misaki has posed:
Shiki Misaki gives Reize a thumbs up, and goes back to her sewing. Mr. Mew, of course, never stopped. /Someone/ around here has to keep himself focused.
- Sammy Colt has posed:
Well, on the bright side, ratman can apparently cast healing magic. Sammy's notebook is quickly placed in his pocket as Faruja looks away. The turk takes the templar's hand and is assisted to stand. He takes a moment to dust off his shoulders, sleeves and pantlegs - one must always look good while representing ShinRa.
"Apologies accepted... you." Sammy says, trying to remain calm and collected while still not knowing Faruja's name. The question is asked and Sammy gives a bit of a fake stretch. "It seemed like a good place to take a nap!"
Checking Sammy's character sheet, his ability at lieing is rated somewhere around the 0 mark. However, his fast-talking? Much higher.
"The name's Sammy and my deal is that I'm doing a paper on 'heroic groups who want to do good... and stuff'. "
Okay, so maybe it's not that much higher.
"You're all members of that 'Shard Seeker' group, right?" He asks, trying to bypass any follow up questions from the mighty dragoon rat. Then again, getting another kick in the side of the head is not on Sammy's to-do list.
Somehow, he also has a shiny red apple in his hands that he tosses in Reize's direction (One of the merchants will eventually notice, but for now, it's rather quiet). This should be more than enough to ensure he doesn't make the wrong second impression.
- Faruja Senra has posed:
Smile. Ahh, it seems he's crystal clear when it comes to such things. "Yes. A local of Cleyra." Cough cough.
"Temple Knight Faruja Senra of the Most Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glabados. And of the Shard Seekers. Honored, Ser."
A raised brow. "Of course." Said in a manner that indicates the exact opposite. The rat simply watches for now, not bothering to hide his distrust.
To Will? He tries to play peacekeeper. "All certainly a great misunderstanding, and no harm clearly done!"
- Will Sherman has posed:
Will looks towards Sammy as Reize gives him the third degree...
There is...something...many string seemingly coalescing into...something...but the strings's odd. There is something else...another set of strings underneath what he sees...which causes him to frown. There is a stare right towards Sammy...directly on him. Suddenly, Will doesn't seem so happy go if he's looking right through him.
Then he turns away, shrugging towards Faruja. "Eh, not sure it's actually a problem...He'll get over it, I mean, if he keeps being so angry all the time and grumpy, he's going to turn into Riku." he pauses, "Not that guy guys know him I guess. Not a bad guy, just grr I am so grumpy!" he says making a decent Riku impersonation. Then he looks at the Burmeccian for a while...
"Huh. You look normal despite what's on the outside. Nice to meet you...Will." he says, offerin' a hand. The white strings are seen, but again...rarely anyone is completely normal anymore.
he turns back towards Shiki...following something between him and Reize...then Reize and Lenn...then Reize and Faruja...
"Heh..." before he finally pauses...
"That light in the pendant..." he pauses.. "Nevermind. You should never let that thing out of your sight. It's more important than you can ever realize."
- Reize Seatlan has posed:
It is a good thing that Faruja is the peacekeeper. Right now, Reize has a bit of a hair trigger. Literally, his antenna hair looks like a trigger at the moment thanks to losing his apple earlier and the person who REIZEDOUKEN'd him showing up.
And he's hungry. Reize is grumpy when he's hungry.
However, an apple is handed over to him. The boy's eyes become shiny as he eyes the apple.
"Yay! Thanks!" He cheerfully takes the apple and he starts chewing on it similar to a chipmunk. One could almost Reize looking like a chipmunk as he chews on the apple.
"Oiiii!" Chipmunk-Reize notes, "Riku's a good guy!" He muses, "Though, he can be grumpy at times." Nibblenibblenibble.
However, when Will brings about his pendant, the young boy offers a faint smile. He looks over towards the gem, "...Yeah." He traces a a hand over to the gem, "...I'm starting to discover that.. Slowly, but surely."
- Lenn has posed:
Lenn nods, "I could feel a lot of power in it." She smiles, and shows the sketch, "What do you think of this as a design, then?" Sweeping, curved knotwork along the cross's lengths.
- Sammy Colt has posed:
Okay. So.. That Will guy is /creepy/. He just keeps staring... Sammy has to just kind of lower his gaze to the floor while he's being glared at by the weirdo - until the man looks away that is. Suddenly, Happy-go-lucky Sammy is back.
"Faruja Senra. Pleasure to meet you. I've heard nothing but great things about the 'Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glados'" A pause as Sammy mentally curses himself for saying the last name wrong. Oh well, glaze it over with some more small-talk! It's easy when you don't give the other time to talk.
"I'm relieved that you woke me up. I was starting to get a cramp." Sammy says with a laugh, his eyes darting to watch Will in between his smiles and words.
There's a curious glance at Reize's necklace that Will and the trigger-haired boy are talking about, but it's too obvious for him to ask about that. Luckily, it looks like the ratman is about to stop paying Sammy attention - just enough time for Sammy to sneak into his next hiding place, given the chance.
- Deelel has posed:
Deelel was a very new member of the Shard Seekers. Just to what she is? Well it makes Reize's head hurt but clearly she's needing some help and willing to help the other seekers find what they can as well. She had been behind the strange paintings of alien city scapes that had been turning up on buildings in Fluorgis as of late. Today however she's not paintintg today she's exploring this strange and alien world.
Remeber that girl with the binary strings again Will? Here he is again down to that odd little digital warbel.
"Greetings programs."
Old force of habit there and Sammy gets a look. Hopefully Faruja remebers the strange woman from Manhattan s well.
- Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja practically /beams/ at Lenn, the design making the mouse-man's day. "Excellent! Ahh, just right, and the emerald will match the color of her eyes!" Err, uh. Cough. The Burmecian stands slightly straighter. Distraction time!
The hand offered is looked at, in that way of a foreigner confronted by only vaguely familiar customs. Regardless, he shakes it awkwardly. "Well met, Ser Will." At least the guy has manners! "As 'normal' as any person, Ser." Somehow, he manages not to reproach the implication.
Then, to Sammy, he helpfully corrects 'Glabados' in an almost rote manner. The Turk isn't the first to screw the name up. And on top of that, Sammy will find a book being offered to him. The Church's holy text, in fact! Always keep one on hand to convert the locals.
Perk. Why, if it isn't the odd Lady! "Ahh, Lady Deel! Greetings!" he offers.
- Will Sherman has posed:
Will shrugs a bit, Then comes the girl with Binary as strings. Weird.
"Hey, I am not a program. I'm not made of co-..." he pauses for a LONG moment, finally putting two and two together.
"So your world is a computer." he says, after a long moment.
"That's freekin' cool!" he says, suddenly a bit more excited. He doesn't seem to notice Sammy's nervousness? Two strange people in a strange land looking strangely at each other...yeah.
Finally, he turns back towards Reize, "Funny, that it seems to have chosen you..." he says, with a bit of a grin. "Tell me pendant, don't you want someone a bit less...spoony to protect you?" he says this in a way that he already knows the answer to.
Just something about it...he has to.
- Reize Seatlan has posed:
Enter Deelel, who approaches them all. The strangest thing is how she introduces herself to them. "Oooi, Deelel!" Reize moves his hand over towards the back of his head. "Uhh... Programs?"
Quirking an eyebrow, Reize blinks, "Uhh.... what do you mean chosen?" He rubs the back of his head, thinking on it a little more. "...I suppose.. but..." He doesn't know why. It feels like something, but..
The pendant, oddly enough, offers no real response. Maybe it's a no? Maybe it's a yes. There is no real answer. Though, Reize offers a smile, "All what I know is that... it allows me to feel magic around and... something else."
- Lenn has posed:
Lenn smiles wider. "Say no more. Since you're in the guild, I'll offer you a discount on the work I'll need to do." She nods to Faruja. "I'll get started now." She produces a locked box, unlocks it, and begins to search through it.
- Sammy Colt has posed:
Okay, a strange woman in strange clothes. That's normal - wait... Programs? She's part of... Interesting.
Sammy's little notepad is out again as no one seems to be paying him much attention. He begins writing down various other notes, but seems a little focused on Deelel for some reason, though he himself isn't taking part in any of the socializing that's going on.
Even listening to the important conversation about Reize's magic-attuned necklace takes a back seat to seemingly eavesdropping on anything related to the tron ex-inhabitant.
- Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks at Will with a sense of suprise on her face that turns into a smile. "Yes, my world is as such, your the first one to get it without their what's the term here? Their head exploding." His comment about it being cool gets her to laugh a little. "It's a tradtional greetings where i'm from. Sorry I forgot somethings explode." She wonders what would happen if the poor young user was faced with mathmatics. Prehaps it's best she never finds out about it.
Since the King of Hobos understands the concept of her world she's going to talking to him. "Yes, I'm a multi media program who ended up trying to carry out the function of a security porgram given the state of my world. Is pretty bad. But prehaps we can talk later on it?
- Will Sherman has posed:
Will shrugs, "Eh it's like virtual reality or something, not completely out of the realm of possibility from where I am from." Will says, and thinks it as a possibily a good adventure. Slowly, he turns back towards Reize...
"Well, I'll take that as a no." he says, towards the pendant.
"Well, not that I'd be the best choice either, but I know a few good people." he says, knowing the response.
"Anyway, feeling other things isn't a's a responsibility and can be a burden." Will says with a knowing tone, "But I guess you already know that." He says again and then back towards Deelel, "I have no idea what you said, but sure go with that."
- Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize just frowns at Deelel about the comment on the head exploding. The young by lowers his head a bit. A sigh.
Reize can too do mathematics!
When he looks over towards Will, the boy considers his words with a nod. "...Yeah. I know..." First, those tarots and then the pendant. His eyes shut, then he re-opens them. This is followed with a faint smile. "Anyway, I need to take up a few more missions. I will likely venture out of the city for one of them." He looks over towards the two ladies at the shop.
"I'll have some more stuff brought up for you two as well! Keep up the good work!" He looks towards Will, Deelel, and Sammy----well, wait. ...Where did the last one go?
He sweatdrop, "Well, uhh...." He looks at the other two, "I have some things to take care of! See you all later!"
And with that, Reize runs onward to the pub to get a look at the missions availabl.