Seasalt Shanty

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Seasalt Shanty
Date of Scene: 29 September 2012
Location: Traverse Town
Synopsis: Scrooge McDuck's sale of Seasalt Icecream is disrupted as heartless steal the recipe to the globally well received food-item!
Cast of Characters: Scrooge McDuck, Zeke, Deidra, Vara Toruv, Will Sherman, Mercade Alexander, Tifa Lockhart, Zia, Nagetta, Auron, Pixi, Adelbert Steiner, Ward Zabac
Tinyplot: The Pursuit of Ice Cream

Scrooge McDuck has posed:
The itemshop, normally dedicated to the three Nephews that run it, is currently covered in magnificent banners of white. There's all kinds of colors and festival flags that hang throughtout Traverse Town between the poles and lights. Huey and Dewey are running the streets, walking up to anyone who dare get close enough, offering flyers that show a big piece of icecream on them, colored in a beautiful and delicious looking blue. "Hey mister! Come buy our Seasalt Icecream!" Huey calls out.

In the meantime, the itemshop itself is quite busy... with various random villagers and some heroes standing around it. Louie working the counter. "That'll be 40 Munny, miss!" He calls out, handing the money before handing over an icecream. No wrapper or anything, just the stick with the lolipop on it - drawn from a bin at his side that seems to contain infinite amounts of them or something.

Standing a bit to the front and at the side of the counter, is Scrooge McDuck, counting the Munny with this delighted look on his face. "Aye, Ah do think this be the best idea Ah've had in a while, wee lad." He calls back to Louie - who replies immediately; "The customers are eating it up. I'm just glad we found where to find the seasalt for it in the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook, Unca' Scrooge!" After all, that little guidebook contains the answer to everything! The only response this gets from Scrooge is the ye ol' "Aye." before he gives the Munny back to the 'wee lad' and quickly takes out a little silver coin and kisses it exasperatedly, and pockets it again.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade's been here, there, and everywhere so far. He's been searching high and low, looking for answers.

But sea salt ice cream will do too. He approaches the shop, smiling Scrooge and the Nephews, and gives a casual two-finger salute with a wink. "Hello guys, I'll take one." He is already holding out the Munny for the transaction. (He never will get used to money being little round golden balls) He looks at the procured ice cream and arches a brow. He's never had one of these before. He takes a bite as he gets out of the way for the next customer, and blinks, nodding. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Zia has posed:
After getting herself quite lost by wandering into one of those dark portals left behind by the Heartless, Zia had somehow managed to end up back on the shores of Traverse Town. On the plus side, the gargress doesn't stand out quite so much among the myriad of strange creatures that have begun to call this place 'home'. On the downside, she has next to know idea how to scrounge up food, or shelter, or anything else as a means of survival here. This isn't Manhattan.

So, with little other alternative, the gargress, has set up just outside the shop. There is a tiny tin cup which has been set out, with a small metalic balls jingling at the bottom. With her eyes closed, she blows over a set of hand-made pan pipes, obviously pandering to whomever gets attracted by the sale. She's clearly not from around here, with the long ears and the three-taloned fingers, and that tail that seems to thump out a beat against the wall of the shop.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart has seen the flyers around time. If something's so popular and great, maybe she should sample it and try to keep a stock of it in her bar. Well, its an idea. She might not be as mercantile than Scrooge is, but its still good to keep up a good business with money, and what better way t omake money than offering what people want to buy too.

Anyhow, the barmaid strolls into Traverse Town, looking around for where they are sold at. Well, that's not too hard to find at least, there's a huge waiting line after all. She hmms as she moves to the back of the line, taking out the munnies, making sure she has enough pocketed away for it, makes for faster buying. She looks at the others around, trying to see familiar faces if any. Well there's that Mercades guy at least.
Vara Toruv has posed:
Leaning against the ice cream shop, giving the strange blue icecicle a cautious lick, is a curious figure, clad in what has to be an akwardly warm, all-concealing black coat, with a hood drawn up and over the head. But more then just some nobody in a mysterious outfit, the two blue eyes - eerily matching the ice cream's color - mark the girl out as Vara, munching down on the cold, salty-sweet treat with some initial reluctance.

"I... I have no idea how this tastes good, but it does." she muses to herself, and glances to the rest of the crowd seeing who's turned out for the event.
Pixi has posed:
This was a new area to a certain tall viera named Pixi. She walks through the people that are gathering, tugging her gloves higher on her arm as she walks towards the small shop selling the ice cream, and pulls out a bit of munny she happened to find on the street, from her glove. Lucky her huh? "I'll take one." She says softly abd placing the munny on the counter. Once she gets her ice cream, she takes a lick and smiles, ears perking up. "Mmmm! Different than mostly meat and herbs."
Adelbert Steiner has posed:
After having helped in assisting with getting rid of the Heartless Horde laster night, Adelbert Steiner recieved a reward in munny for his efforts. Golding orbs as money was going to be odd, especially compaired to Gil, but he's not going to argue. He needed some form of income to survive in this new universe, and cash is cash.

So, the Knight of Pluto CLANK CLANK CLANKs around Traverse town, looking about all the shops, and pauses briefly to check out the items available for sale in the Item Shop. "Seasalt Icecream? Surely salty Ice cream cannot taste very good, as to be salty is the complete opposite of what Ice Cream usually is.."

He hrmms a bit more, "On the other hand, I can't say it tastes bad without at least trying... The Gysahl Pickels taught me that much..." He nods and gestures to Louie, and asks, "One Seasalt Icecream, young man!"
Scrooge McDuck has posed:
"Of course mister!" Louie immediately calls out when Mercade asks for the icecream, and is quick to finish the transaction end get Mercade on his way. It's surprising just how /good/ these icecreams are. Scrooge's eyes in the meantime scan the area, looking out for people who are otherwise also present. It's when Tifa comes up at the back of the line that something catches his eyes. His natural mercantile senses are able to detect a fellow merchant easily.

But first, there's Vara! A comment that draws a reaction from the Duck. "Aye Lass, it's me secret recipe, it is!" He grabs the end of his cane and points at a table further back into the shop. It's an obvious yellow piece of paper, turned on its front so that nobody may read it. "Of course, I cannae tell'ye what's in it."

Soon, the duck is paddling up to Tifa Lockhart, and looks up at her. Clearly, he wants her attention before she reaches the front of the line. "Excuse me." He even goes. Soon enough, Huey has found his way to Zia, and is offering her a little flyer too. "Miss, will you buy some of our icecream too?"

And then soon enough, the other customers are being served by Louie.
Deidra has posed:
Deidra had heard about some very odd type of icecream. Seasalt? How does that even work, wait never mind she's got to stop thinking like that she's kinda a walking example of that. She grins a little bit and makes her way into the item shop and pauses at the brothers for a moment "Why not I could use a treat." She says with a grin pausing musing they could be from the same world as the seemingly 'super villain' Darkwing duck she's encounted she may have to ask them about it then again it be like asking someone in Canada if they knew someone. Or her knowing someone in New York. She's about to follow her friend and employer into the ship when she pauses at the other gargress blinking in sprise at seeing Zia here she says "Hey if you want some it's on me you did help me figure out how to fly right?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart looks around for a second, hearing a voice but not where it comes from. At least for a moment. She hmms, scratching her cheek a bit pensively. When you don't see anything around you, experience tells her to... LOOK DOWN!

And there's a duck. A talking duck. Well, she met a lion before that was talking... Shouldn't be that strange, right? She nods slowly to the duck wearing a vest and a tophat... This is getting surreal by the moment for her, but that's alright too, she's not looking down (figuratively speaking here) on anyone either.

She offers a smile, nodding "I saw the flyers and thought I'd come and try it. If its good and so popular, maybe I should try to get a batch to sell in my bar too."
Ward Zabac has posed:
Ward set his harpoon down and and wiped his forehead. Well it hadn't been the most promising week or so, he couldn't find any of his friends, but had made some new ones. Walking around town he spotted the gargoyle Deidra. Ward picked up his harpoon and walked down to meet her and Mercade. It looked like there was a large gathering happening and wondered what was going on. He came up and tapped Mercade and Deidra on the shoulder waving and asked 'What is going on?'
Pixi has posed:
Looking over towards Tifa as she takes another lick of the ice cream, Pixi wanders her way over towards her and the much smaller duck that is talking to her. Definitely new developments since she JUST met a talking mouse.....that is extremely religious. She listens to the young duck and tilts her head. Of course, she can't miss the loud knight in the rusty armor....
Vara Toruv has posed:
Talking ducks no longer suprise Vara. Rabbit girls, Moogles of all shapes and sizes, even those two feminine demons don't get much more then a second look from the Black Mage girl. Taking a few more bites, the girl regards Tifa carefully, but says nothing. The knight, however, draws her attention, as a man who wears full plate armor as casualwear isn't something she sees much of, even these days. A knight with a serious dedication complex, she muses... Like someone else she could mention...
Mercade Alexander has posed:
There's quite a crowd here. Mercade looks over those present, seeing people from all kinds of places. There's no common thread between them, travellers across worlds. Hmm.

But in chaos, opportunity.

Ward approaches, and he grins, replying, "Looks like the ducks over there are selling sea salt ice cream. You should try some, it's pretty good!" Mercade replies. He glances over at those gathered. Some of them look familiar. He's seen them before, but which one...

He draws up beside Tifa, and smiles. "You should, it's pretty great." He chuckles. "So, were you able to find your way back to your world? That boy Reize seems like a handful."
Zia has posed:
The white gargress only opens her eyes every now and again as she plays, managing to score a few donations from passers by in the process. It's not enough to buy anything, not yet, but the night is young. She's just finishing up one song when there is a tug at her cloak, causing her to stop and look down at the little duck. "If ah can manage te scrounge up enough of yer strange munny, then ah will, lad." She takes the flier, offering a soft sort of smile. Strange - the gargress seems to have the same sort of accent as Uncle Scrooge, although perhaps with a bit more of a softening to it, like she's lived somewhere else for a time.

Zia crouches down, plucking up her can and counting out the contents. She's just about to set it back down when a familiar voice causes her ears to perk. "A...aye, lass. It seems tha' ah was nae the only one te go wanderin the worlds. How is it fairin for ye?" She doesn't rush to accept the charity, though, setting the can back down and fingering her pan pipes slightly. Her eyes look past the other gargress, though, watching the man who looks like a walking tin can, and the tall rabbit. "Ah'm afraid ah havenae gotten used te the strangess o this place, yet. Seven foot tall rabbits in heels. What a world."
Scrooge McDuck has posed:
Scrooge McDuck is quite patient with the tall lady, who is trying to find him by the sound of his voice. It always takes the tall ones some time before they think to look down. Probably would not create too great of a mother though... assuming the child sounds like an adult.

"Aye, that be exactly what I came up to ye for lass." The Duck speaks to Tifa when she finally decides to look down and speaks of her bar. Seconds later, the duck points his cane at Tifa's nose, tilting his head a bit sideways and eyes her up. "Eighty-Twenty profit to me." Scrooge McDuck then demands. "Or we dinnae have a deal."

In the meantime, Huey is still dealing with Zia, who surprises him. "Hey! You speak just like Unca' scrooge!" Huey stands on his tippy-toes... or fins... whatever... for a moment, and then leans back. "Well, good luck!" He calls out, before wandering right on off. After all, Deidra is already offering her some icecream.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart lifts an eyebrow at the sudden 'deal closing' for something she hasn't even tried yet. She crosses her arms over her chest, looking a tad more serious as she argues down the deal. Hey, no need to take the first offer either, is there. "Sixty-Forty." She answers back flatly.

She doesn't miss most of the other people's movements around her. Tall rabbit girl, noisy armored guy, another one of those gargoyles girls, she's seen one before in Manhattan. Oh, there's the SOLDIER girl too. At least there's a few people she knows around. Also that 'thic' guy with a harpoon. Well, can't say this town isn't extremely varied in people.
Deidra has posed:
Deidra doesn't press the issue with Zia, she was extending the offer. "This is a strange place." She tilts her head a little bit looking over at Rusty. "Tell me about it at least here we can go about in the open. I'll put up with the strange goings on here for that at the very least. It's good to see you again though, I been busy." She smiles a bit looking in at the store, she should get some and she watches the young duck head on his way.
Pixi has posed:
Listening to the business deal going down right in front of her, Pixi make s a bit of a face, but doesn't interfere. She puts the munny away in her gauntlet as she licks more at her ince cream. It wasn't half bad, at least to her tastes. She takes a peek towards the gargoyle near the booth and shrugs a bit. She was starting to get used to seeing strange things.
Vara Toruv has posed:
Overhearing the impromptu business discussion gets Vara thinking for a moment, and the black-robed girl stands away from the wall, making her way over to the tall Veira sneaking a peak at the gargoyles. The voice that comes from under the hood, however, is a lot less sinister then what one would expect... More akin to a girl getting dragged out of bed, with the slight strain in her voice. "You're a long way from the Forest," she begins, looking Pixi over briefly with her glowing, sky-blue eyes, "Or Ivalice. Are you lost as well?"
Zia has posed:
It's easy to get distracted with the array of people drawn to the release of this icecream. Zia blinks as her focus comes back to Deidra, her head tilting slightly. "Aye, 'though ah dinnae know if ah'll eveh get used te bein out in the open like this." She's wearing a cloak that covers her wings, but with the other gargress so nearby, the likenesses are unmistakeable. "Too used te hiding." Deidra, on the other hand, seems to look quite at home in this sort of world.

It's just at that point that some passer by drops just enough in the way of spare change into the tin, making a jingling sound. Zia tucks away her pan flute, tying it to her belt, then pours out the currency onto her palm, double checking her count. "Looks like ah willnae be needin yer generocity tenight. But come with me then, lass. We'll get some o this icecream and ye can tell me 'bout what ye've seen." Abandoning her corner, the gargress steps into the shop, looking around at the bottles which she now recognises as 'potions' thanks to her run in with Skoll.

She waits her turn to get to the front, then hands over the little pile of change which adds up to just enough in the end. "Jus the one, lad, an my thanks for it." It's only then that she notices the Viera looking her way, and she nearly misses taking the icecream, since she's kind of staring at the huge bunny-girl.
Scrooge McDuck has posed:
"Seventy-thi'y." Scrooge squints his eyes a little, and then extends his hand. Or... wing. Whatever it may be. His face is serious. Clearly, this is an accomplished businessman in many ways. "An' Ah'll get a pilot to deliver it to yer' doorstep." Because surely, that could never go wrong! A giant duck with a penchant for crashlanding his planes, delivering the precious icecream to the Seventh Heaven bar.

And while Scrooge McDuck is distracted... and Louie is busy manning the counter. Something happens. Little dark shadows move. Had Will been here, he'd probably been able to warn Mercade. But in this case, no such luck! A few seconds later, there's suddenly a cry out from Dewey. "Hey Louie! Behind you!" Followed not too long after by a "Hey Unca' scrooge!"

A few feet away from the counter is a little heartless soldier, holding up the recipe, looking dumbfounded at everyone as it gets pointed at. "He's got the recipe!"

Scrooge, startled, jumps partially in the air, going horizontal for a moment, before he lands. "Why I ought'a!" He calls out, then points his cane at the little heartless. "Ya give that back right now, ye' briggand! Catch that thief!"

The heartless makes a little jump in the air, before turning tail and running off down into an alley!

Seems Zia may have to wait a little, as the three Nephews all start to run after the heartless thief.
Adelbert Steiner has posed:
Steiner's senses kick into gear when he hears a yell about a thief, and he looks towards the thief to figure out first if it was one he knew, and once he realizes that it's not Zidane, he glares and chomps down on his ice cream to finish it off, and calls out, "Even away from home, Brigands choose to make their presence known?" He looks to Scroog and calls over to him, "Allow me to assist in apprehending the villain, sir!"

With that, he ZOOMS OFF, with a CLANKCLANKCLANKCLANKCLANK, speed defying his size and the armor weighing down on him, "STOP THIEF!!"
Ward Zabac has posed:
Ward watched as the shadows moved and tried to warn people but failed. Not having a voice sucks sometimes. He looked down at the little duck to make sure he was ok then picked up his harpoon and started giving chase to the heartless with the paper. Ward thought maybe he could do a little good, and help people to get some new friends. Ward looked over at the other person giving chase and nodded to them.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart was about to shake hands with the duck too. That was a decent deal, plus he offered the shipment, she couldn't ask for better, but that's what she was aiming for too. If he hadn't offered she would have asked.

But before the deal gets 'closed', she hears the commotion, turning around. Well, that's rather bad, isn't it. If there's no recipe there's also nothing to sell. She moves after the others to chase it, shouting out "Hey come back here with my deal!" She's talking about the heartless actually, not the duck. At least she's not screaming for her money like Scrooge might do.
Pixi has posed:
"Indeed I am. A long way from Ivalice that is. Lost? Not entirely." Pixi says to Vara. Of course, she doesn't notice Zia staring at her now, since she's being talked to.

However, it's when Dewey, then Louie yell out for Scrooge, that Pixi's attention is completely drawn towards the heartless that has the recipe. After her last encounter with a Heartless, Pixi wasn't about to let any of them get away.....and she gives chase..
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade was observing a business deal in the making. It could have turned out really well for them, he thinks. However, there is a sudden problem! HEARTLESS! "ARGH! You guys again!?" Mercade yells, stuffing his icecream in his mouth and giving chase. "MMF MMPHLE MMPH!" Mercade mumbles, as he leaps to grab onto a fire escape and swings forward. He's agile, there's no doubt about that, as he gives chase to the soldier.
Zia has posed:
Just as she's right about to get icecream, Zia ends up having it snatched away as the nephews abandon their sale in order to chase after the Heartless. "Och, where'ye goin?!" After all that work to get the little handful of munny, it's left on the counter and she has no icecream. "Bugger it all." She spots the open cash register, and sweeps the money into it, then grabs for the icecream with her tail. It's not stealing, since she paid for it, but it's certainly not on the up-and-up.

With so many others giving chase, the gargress just steps out of the shop, watching everyone start off like this is the New York Marathon. "Ye know people are a little too wound up when they go racin off over somethin as silly as an ice cream recipie." Zia shoves her snatched icecream into her mouth, breaking off a piece and then shivering at the cold as she mumbles, "Sgood though." With a shrug, she decides to just wait around outside and not join in the chase.
Zeke has posed:
Zeke had been, in all honesty, busy trying to sort out the dietary needs of his rather unusual crew. Sure he was working with the benefit of somebody else putting up money for all these little expenses but that didn't mean one went and threw it around like water. "Hrm. The Wulfen lass said she's fine with dried meats, but travel bread might..." He frowned at the dried goods he'd been inspecting. "Coffee. Suger. Beans. Hrm wonder if I can get a few things i saw in Manhatten." His frown deepend.


He turned at the cries and old instincts kicked in. It wans't his business, but honest traders had to support eachother so when he heard the cry raise he readied a pair of flintlocks and dashed after the noise.

Thehe heard the unmistakeable CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG of someone in plate armor running. Ah good fortune. He was headed in the right way then. Would be helpful if he had any idea what it looked li-

And then he spied a tiny Heartless holding something.

Both guns fired without any real thought. He let go and pulled two more.
Vara Toruv has posed:
While she was about to ask for clarification, Vara's attention, like the rest of the square, is drawn by the heartless stealing the recipe.

From eating worlds to stealing ice cream receipies? Is there nothing too petty for those creatures of darkness? Vara, however, doesn't chase after it, instead walking back over to the item shop, and standing somewhat resolutly by the shop. Looking to the ducks, she remarks, "There might be more. Keep an eye out."

After all, it'd be a good judge of the other's abilities to see them catch /one/ Heartless.
Scrooge McDuck has posed:
It's a rather large group that ends up at the edge of that alley. And be it their luck, it's a completely dead alley too! Scrooge McDuck squeezes himself past the others to make it to the front and then points his cane at the Soldier heartless. "Now be a good lad, an' give tha' back." He motions with his hand to give it back to him. "'Ah need that to make munny." The little thing seems to be shaking, the silly metal hat on its head clattering about. Or maybe that's just how it walks. It then suddenly starts jumping into the air, dodging the bullets from the gun, 'dancing' before Zeke.

Then suddenly, three other heartless pop up from the shadows, and suddenly grab at the recipe! The initial one quickly makes sure to hold on well. And what soon is being done before their eyes, is four heartless all trying to grab the recipe and take it to another corner of the alley.

"N... now wait a da'n minute there. Be careful wih tha'!" Scrooge calls out, rolling up his sleeves, and quickly looks at the others. "Well, what 'ya waiting on? Catch them!"

Then suddenly a loud rip sounds, as the heartless tear the thing into four pieces, and all run straight towards the giant gathered party, trying to break through and get to the other side! There's a red, a blue, a yellow and a green colored Soldier heartless! Colorcoded for your convenience!
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"MMPH!" Mercade calls to add to the demands.

He then blinks, and quickly devours the remains of the ice cream bar, then points the stick at the Heartless. "Look, you shouldn't be stealing!" The recipe rips, and he groans. "As if it couldn't get any more complicated!" Mercade looks to the host of others, and then to the Soldiers. He quickly nods. "All together now!" He quickly leaps for the blue Soldier, trying to apprehend the criminal!
Pixi has posed:
COntinuing to chase after the Heartless, Pixi doesn't let up except when the hearltess is cornered. However, when the heartless tear the recipe into four pieces and charges at them, Pixi makes it a point to put herself inetween the heartless and Scrooge, before leaping at the red soldier, even as Mercade leaps for the blue one.
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "I understand about that. Having to keep to the shadows of another species to get by. It's sudden when your not chased off or attacked for being what you are." She tilts her head a little bit as she lisens to the other. "That's all right shall we catch up then?" She folds her wings about her boyd to more easily as she enters. She'll place her order after "I'll take one my self." She'll fork over the money and then look back to the Veira for a moment looking Pixi over herself she's just curious... "Should we get involved in that?" The ones already chasing may have it well in hand.
Ward Zabac has posed:
Ward kept pace with the man in plate armor, but he saw mercade come out ahead of him. He heard and saw two gunshots and saw the pirate fellow firing at the heartless. Then he saw four heartless leaping at him. Ward ducked and then chased after the yellow heartless. He threw his harpoon in front of the heartless hoping it would stop it, but was just shy and dodged. Ward gave chase picking up his weapon and continued running after it waving people out of the way the best he could.Ward hoped someone was behind him he didn't know this heartless strength but a little back up and someone who could talk would be pleaseant to have along.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
The barmaid grrs a bit, she's a bit annoyed that she'd be foiled by heartless like that. She didn't even get to taste it yet! She shows off some of her agility by jumping to the side, using the two walls framing the alley to jump back and forth, and up over the back wall, chasing after the last one, which is the Green one from the looks of it. She has good legs to hop over like that. She doesn't have any throwing weapons though, so she'll have to try to cut it off instead... If she can catch up to it.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will finally gets to his spot in the line, offering up money for his own ice cream.

He looks at all the commotion, specifically because he heard Mercade scream 'stop theif' in mubled tones due to ice cream. Taking his bar, he starts eating it, before trying to make his way u-...

Static, plain and simple. Will's eyes are often considered a boon by those who don't have them...but times like this...the heartless are like watching static, removed, unconnected, and just plain /wrong/. He grits his teeth in pain, unable to do much for a moment before he can force himself to look up again. The heartless are not fun for him to look at, and their existance...pains him somewhat. Some half remembered thing tries to bring itself forward...but is quickly forgotten.

Instead, Will makes the bad things stay away by eating the ice cream, and picks up a rock.

He chucks it at the the heartless Mercade was near.
Adelbert Steiner has posed:
Steiner chases right into the dead end, and glares down the Heartless and going wide eyed as they split. "So, you want to play keepaway, do you?!" He proceeds to charge and DIVES at the YELLOW one!
Zia has posed:
The white gargress sticks around behind, but not really to guard the shop. Sure, there could be more Heartless coming, but she's not really there to defend the duck's store. Licking at her icecream, Zia shakes her head, listening with those keen ears to the sounds of shouting down the alley. "If they cannae handle it, then there's little else we can do te help. Might as well stay here. Worst case, we'll discourage people from stealin outta the shop while the ducks are busy." Much like the first time she encountered Deidra, this gargoyle seems as if she's not about to get into a fight if she can help it. The Heartless isn't attacking her, so she just stays behind to let the 'heroes' handle things.

"Ah ran intae this werewolf, but not like the movie kind. Nice lad, but he worries me." Her ears dip a little, taking another chunk off of her icecream, ignoring the commotion for the most part. "An this fair Elf woman, she hails from this strange human city near a swamp. What 'bout ye? Ye've certainly dun a fair bit better than me, ah think. So much as ye actually have munny and ah'm out here playin pipes for spare change."
Scrooge McDuck has posed:
Clatter clatter clatter. The blue Soldier Heartless hasn't a clue what Mercade is saying. They don't really do that whole 'intelligence' thing unless the GM needs them to be pseudo-intelligent in following an order or otherwise be... plotty. It jumps for a moment, its helmet almost falling off of it, and then tries jump over Mercade as he leaps for him - putting its foot on Mercade's nose in order to make for a jump. And of course, thanks to Will's bummy rock-chuck, the stone ends up landing right against the side of Mercade's face. Ow.

The red one is then soon being jumped by Pixi - who, thanks to her immense speed and jumping force, manages to grab the thing by its armor. The yellow one on the other hand suddenly finds itself with a gigantic Harpoon planted in front of it. If it could sweat beads, it would be right now! Instead, it just clatters a little, and remains standing, still holding that piece of the recipe above itself. Steiner's dive that follows then has the harpoon suddenly falling over - right onto the Heartless, and the sturdy knight is the first to catch a Piece of the Recipe!.

Scrooge and the boys all then try to bumrush onto the Green one, and hold it down for Tifa just as the girl comes down, managing to cut off its escape for only a minute, before it wrests itself out of their grip and ducks right under Tifa's legs and escapes behind her!

Then suddenly, from behind the lot of them, a black portal comes to be out of nowhere. And a woman... no... a female /duck/ wanders through. The three newphews, at the very same time, all call out; "It's Magica!" Followed by Scrooge calling out. "I should'a known it was yuu! Out for me lucky dime again, ah bet?" He calls out.

The Red heartless is still behind held by Pixi, and the Yellow one is defeated. But the Blue and Green one have managed to get through, and quickly run towards the portal that Magica had opened. "Get through that portal, you goons." She calls out, before looking to scrooge and his party. "No, Scrooge. Not this time. I just wanted that recipe. It is far more important than you know." She then immediately retreats back into the portal. "But I will come back for that dime!"

And so, the portal disappears as soon as it appeared, and with it, at least two parts of the recipe!

Poor red heartless... left behind.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade grabs for the Heartless, and it dodges him! "HOLD ST-" ROCKED.

Mercade drops, little ducks swirling around his head as he falls over moderately insensate. "Ow..." The rest of it seems to be well in hand at the moment, so all's well that ends-...

Well? Ish?
Will Sherman has posed:
William winces...and then puts his hand behind his head and then puts the ice cream in his mouth, looking innocent.

"Ouch Mercade, you have to be more carefull." he says, and helps, or tries to help Mercade to his feet, just in time to see the things with magica. Darkness strings, glossomer

Pixi has posed:
As the other two get away, Pixi growls at the last Heartless that is still in her grasp. She smirks a little bit before suplexing the heartless into the ground, and hopefully making it release it's hold upon the piece of the recipe in it's grasp. She's ruthless when it comes to heartless.

Can ya tell?
Deidra has posed:
Deidra does take notice of Will for a moment and give him look and a bit of a nod. "See you couldn't stay away from this could you Will?" She honestly thinks the other's got the situation well in hand, if it's needed she'll join the chase. For now icecream and it's pretty good really. "Humm I run into the knight from central park again. There's been a few heartless attacks here, also back home there's been some more. I ended up falling with few other travelers. They been looking into strange things long before they met me. As for doing music on the corner that's a good idea."

She pauyses chomping on her strange bue good ice cream.

"Oh damn another connected to that maniac?! Darkwing duck is some sort of super criminal who tried to rob a bank back home."
Ward Zabac has posed:
Ward watched as Steiner dived. His arm hitting the anchor and landing on the heartless. If Ward could vocally laugh aloud he would. He walked up and picked up the piece of paper before it had the chance to blow away. He then assisted Steiner up and then his trusty harpoon. He threw it over his shoulder and held his hand out to Steiner for a handshake.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart blinks as the heartless manages to get between her legs. How did it do that exactly!? >_< Spry little pervert even... She grumbles and turns around, only to see the other duck stealing away two pieces of the recipe now. "Oh damnit." She shakes her head "How are we supposed to chase those pieces down now? Any idea where she went to like that?" she turns over to Scrooge, crossing her arms again. Looks like they know each other at least. And what did she mean by 'more important than you think' anyway, its ice cream no?
Nagetta has posed:
Nagetta was late arriving to the gathering. She had been sleeping, still she was a bit confused that it was night when she arrived. Had she been really sleeping that long? "It looks like something's going on." She had just arrived in time to see the two heartless making a break for the portal.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will shrugs at Deidra, "Yeah. I like ice cream." he says, taking another lick before he looks down at the still dazed Mercade. "Duck stole his bike." he says to anyone that stares.
Scrooge McDuck has posed:
"Me recipe!" Scrooge calls out, before hanging his head. The Nephews walk closer up to their penny-pinching uncle and pat his sides. "It's okay Unca' Scrooge, we'll get it back somehow!" The somewhat defeated looking duck reaches into his pocket, and looks at his Lucky Dime, and then pockets it again. "At least ah still have me lucky dime." He comments, and then looks back to Will Sherman as he refers to that rapscallion Darkwing Duck.

"Surely not lad! Darkwing may be a rascal, but he innae connected to the likes of Magica." At least the duck thinks well enough of the masquerading duck. Of course, the news of what happened in Manhattan hasn't gotten to him yet. "Now the Beagle Boys... they might."

He then looks back, as there's suddenly the black poof of the heartless exploding, as Pixi takes care of the last one. Now, she has the Recipe-piece!

A glance then goes back to Deidra, confused. "So the lad finally dun gone off his rockers, did he?" The duck slowly wanders off towards the edge of the shop. "I needae sit down." He comments, and finally flops down on a chair. Huey is quick to start fanning his uncle, while the other quickly gets in front of the counter again. "Thank you for watching the shop." He extends a thank-you to the gargoyles who stand in front of the shop, and then offer the both of them a 'free icecream' for their help. Louie ends up givving the rest of them a free one too - for their help.

It seems Scrooge doesn't have the answer to Tifa's question. Perhaps there will be CLUES in other worlds? Or maybe they'd come back for the other recipes!
Will Sherman has posed:
"Not just that, Mr. McDuck. I saw strands of magic on him, like I did on Magica...and darkness." he says, shaking his head. "So yeah, that's a thing." he says, and then back to Mercade. "You gona be fine old man?" he says, and uses this time to take Mercade's free ice cream certificate.
Zia has posed:
The white gargoyle's eyes follows Deidra's as she looks towards that human amongst those giving chase, head tilted slightly. "Well, at least ye seem like yer makin friends. Ave ye had any luck with yer memories?" Apparently, she still believes that the other gargess suffers from some sort of amnesia, which at least would explain why she sometimes doesn't act quite like she should. "Tha one o the ones yer travelin with?"

As the two Heartless come running out of the alley, it surprises her enough that she doesn't notice the last bit of her icecream dropping off the stick. "How in the world did they manage te make em double? Tha's impressive." Then, she looks down at her empty stick. "Bugger." Sigh. She'll just have to scrounge around for more to eat, later.

Even from where she's standing, Zia can see the appearance of the portal and the strange duck stepping out of it. There isn't time to act, even if she wanted to, so the girl just watches the end of the chase play out with the Heartless and their master escaping into the Darkness. "Well, ye don't see that every day." When the ducks return to the shop, she seems a little surprised to be offered free ice cream in exchange for... well, not helping. Still, she's not about to look a gift-duck in the beak. "Isnae a problem, sir duck."
Pixi has posed:
Quietly picking up the recipe piece, Pixi snorts at the soldier that just exploded. "Not even worth it." She says before walking her way over towards Scrooge. "Sorry I couldn't get the rest of it, Mister McDuck." She says softly, holding out the piece to him. "One piece is the best I could do."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart shakes her head, but she looks over to Pixi, offering a smile "Well you got one at least, the one I was chasing ran away. But yeah, if that recipe is that important, she's probably going to come back for the rest, or send more heartless after it anyway. Might as well keep these somewhere safe until she comes back." She offers up simply, but she doesn't know how to get those other parts back either. Maybe they will appear again soon enough. Well, here's hoping, witht he multitude of worlds here.
Ward Zabac has posed:
Ward walked over and handed the piece of paper to the young lady who was dealing with the duck. (Tifa). He nodded and then pointed to the ice cream stand and then to his stomach. He smirked then grabbed his pen and paper and began scrawling out. Can I have some ice cream? If so how much? he handed the paper to Tifa. He then leaned his harpoon up against the wall and waited to get his ice cream counting his munny. Well he thought he had enough. This was rather interesting. Talking ducks, gargoyles, and other things in this town. He had gotten used to them. Ward looked over again at Mercade and waved.
Deidra has posed:
Deidrasays "Wait you know of him? Ya he robed a bank in Manhattan. No one was expecting a pistol that could fire miliary grade rockets. He'll accept the free icecream a second one wouldn't be an issue at all to her.

"I have been lucky at the very least. I'm afraid your the only gargyole I have any memory of meeting." She's not lying directl it's just how do you admit your true origns. She's not thought of a good way to tell Zia the truth yet.

"Will is one of them yes, Mercade is the other."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Finally, Mercade shakes his head, recovering from the rock impact. He levers himself up, nodding. "I'll be fine." He grunts. "So what even was that? What happened there and why?" He doesn't notice Will bogart his free icecream coupon, which is about typical for them. He waves to Ward, and calls, "Are you okay over there?"

He armfolds, and looks over there area. "This is a fine mess, it seems. There is, however..." An opportunity.

Mercade walks over to Scrooge and flips open a notepad. "Mr. McDuck, I would like to offer our help in recovering the missing pieces of your recipe." He flicks a hand, and produces a business card, which he hands over to the richest duck in the world. "Is there any information you can give on the person who apparently was behind this?"
Adelbert Steiner has posed:
The Knight of Pluto picks himself up eventually, and dusts himself off, taking a moment to glance at the piece of paper that he managed to pry from the Yellow Heartless's hands, and then turns to CLANK CLANK over to Scrooge, and holds out the piece that he's holding. "Sir, I believe this belongs to you."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart looks over to Ward, and hmms "Well I think there should be some left for sale, but I'm the one selling them." she smiles, and looks over to the 3 ducklings "Those would be the ones. Speaking of which, is there any left, I didn't get mine yet either." With all of this excitement, she might never get to taste one :(
Scrooge McDuck has posed:
"Aye lad, I will be fine." He then pauses for a moment, tilting his head a little. "Strands?" He then asks, seemingly confused. "If 'ye see 'such' strands, perhaps 'ye would be good at finding me recipe back?" Scrooge offers. "I will reward you if ye' duu." He then looks up at Pixi, as she comes over with that piece of recipe, and takes it from her hands. "I thank ye, lass." He then looks to Mercade. "Can 'ye see anything from this recipe? Can ye see the rest of it perhaps, tied by strands? Otherwise..." He looks behind him. There's a nice solid safe there, that he could deposit it into.

The duck then blinks, looking up at Deidra. "Military grade rockets?" Had Darkwing Duck gone mad? Of course, an NPC like Scrooge can't go betraying the more likely culprit like this.

And then Mercade offers to help. "Aye. I will except ye' offer. The lady was Magica De Spell. She always be after me Lucky Dime." Not his lucky charms! He lucky dime. "Be careful with 'er, she is a sorcerous duck." And then Steiner finally makes his way over, and reaches out. "I thank ye' too, fine lad. Ye mother would be proud, I am sure."

And back to Tifa, he shakes his head. "There innae much left, I am afraid." - to which one of the ducks comments, "They were very popular!" - "Ye will have to wait until we get the full recipe back." Because plot demands it's the only copy, and nobody can be bothered to memorize it somehow.
Will Sherman has posed:
"Hmmm..." Will's not...IMPOSSIBLE...because it was part of a hole object. He takes the recipe and looks at it...looks at it hard, trying to see if there were any strands...anything he can follow into the void. Of course, it is in the darkness, because /everything/ is out there.

Will is silent, this isn't like seeing things on people, objects ususally don't have strands, unless they become important things...or become people.

Something tells him that this will have something to find...
Zia has posed:
"Ah mus nae been in Manhattan when tha happened. Hadnae heard anything about a rogue duck bankrobber." Zia shrugs her shoulders, taking a few licks from her newly received bit of ill-gotten icecream. If the rich duck wants to think she was helping, so be it. As people start to return to the shop, she just watches, taking a step back to press herself up against the wall. Not a social butterfly, this one, or at least it doesn't seem that way.

"Ah wouldnae have alligned m'self with humans if it were me. But ah suppose if ye trust them." Zia's eyes look to those that Deidra had claimed as her companions, although she shrugs her cloak over most of her, tugging her hood up. The girl's cautious nature hasn't quite been overcome by a handful of brief interactions with humans. In her mind, they still cannot be trusted.
Pixi has posed:
"You're quite welcome, Mister McDuck." Pixi says as she stands up, once she hands the piece over. Once Steiner hands over his piece as well, Pixi holds her hand out to him. "It was good to assist someone who didn't think twice to help either, sir. I am Pixi."
Adelbert Steiner has posed:
Steiner hands the piece over to Scrooge, and snaps a salute to the duck, "Think nothing of it, Sir. I'm only doing my duty." With that, he turns and proceeds to CLANK OFF.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart blinks as she failed to notice the duckling jumping up at her to try to get her attention, waving that free bar she was graciously offered. She really needs to learn to look down more ~_~

She leans down with a smile to Louie, taking it from his hands "Thanks alot. My friend here didn't get one either, do you have any left for him?" She asks as she starts to lick on her bar. Finally.



Why is this ice cream SALTY! Oh wait, it's in the name of it, isn't it.

Oh well. *lick lick* Its not so bad c.c
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade shrugs. "Will, can you see if you can figure anything out about the thing, maybe we can get a lead there." He looks back to Scrooge, and writes down that information. "Do you know where she cam be found? We'll do what we can to protect against her magics." He doesn't deal with the Darkwing Duck thing, that's an entirely different problem. Right now, there's a recipe to find! "I'll search anywhere they might be."
Will Sherman has posed:
"...I can see them." Will says, and hands the recipe back. He looks...confounded...he thinks that this recipe is somehow more important than they realize...but...he grabs the strings he sees...just so he can see them, before they disappear. He, at least, knows now what he is looking for...but the silvery string...he frowns. Why does this even have one?

"Okay, I can't follow them, because they are not in this world, but...I have made it so if we are in the right world, I can see them. They are tided to my strings for the moment."
Ward Zabac has posed:
Ward smiled and looked over at the ducklings and got one of the last few ice creams. He thanked them and ate it. It was salty but unique something his palatte hadnt gotten used to. He watched the scene as the older duck got back his pieces of paper. He wondered what this ice cream was made of. He watched the platemail soldier clank off and nodded to him. Ward then walked over to the older duck and will to listen in on this other evil duck apparently. Ward listened in wondering what had happened, and he knew of magic but people with it usually had...guardians with them or were sorceress. Then he remembered Deidra and had a second thought about it. She wasnt evil like others would be on his world.
Scrooge McDuck has posed:
As Will Sherman looks at the recipe, he will notice a golden thread that moves to the other piece of the recipe that McDuck is holding, and two more that disappear into nothingness. Threads that lead to different worlds. What he may also note is a faltered silvery one, that seems to have been 'cut' but is still present. How odd. But without the recipe complete, it's not likely to do much of anything at the moment.

"Well, do yae see 'nything?" Scrooge McDuck asks. And soon he gets the answer from Will. He nods his head after listening, and then turns around and gives one of the boys the two remaining pieces. The youth then wanders off to the safe, puts in a combination, and after opening it - tosses them in and locks it again.

"Anyhow. I thank 'ye all. I am afraid tha we mus close the shop now, until we ge' this icecream thing sorted." He then adds, and waits for the youths to get the store closed, before the all kinda disappear into the back of the shop, and the large awning suddenly folds down and covers the shop up.
Pixi has posed:
Pixi makes a bit of a face. "If you need help, let me know. anyone that controls those heartless things is on my hit list." She says to Scrooge and WIll, before she turns to walk away. She's making 'mmm' sounds with every lick of her ice cream.....

So how did the Ice Cream stay off the ground?
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade nods. "All right. Will, you follow the threads, and we'll get these recipe pieces back for you." He smiles. "You can rest easy now." He looks over to Hobo Lad. "Hobo Lad, we might need to pick up some help. DeSpell isn't going to let these things go without a fight and while there's three of us... I get the feeling we're small fish in a big pond here."
Zia has posed:
With the ducks seemingly out of ice cream, and no recipe to create more, there isn't much draw for Zia to remain here. She wouldn't even have much luck pan-handling outside, now that there isn't anything left to bring people to the store. All this talk about strings is just a little confusing. "Ah think ah'll be going." She murmurs, nudging at Deidra's shoulder. "Ye take care of yerself, lass. Dinnae get inte too much trouble." This, from the girl who has been dubbed a 'trouble magnet'.

She ends up being one of the first to leave, drawing back into her cloak as she escapes into the street. Better to go now and not deal with the others. The last of the icecream is eaten, and she pockets the two sticks for some unknown use later. "Alright, lass, time te see if we can find a way out o this world." She murmurs to herself, then heads off.
Will Sherman has posed:
"I am sure we can get Riku to help." Will says and looks around, "Well, I guess these guys will want to help. I mean..." He shrugs, "It seems like a thing."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "Fair enough I'd never for you to." That sort of comments makes her sling inwardly someday it could be really bad somedays. She goes to enjoy her icecream as she muses on the comments about what Zia would ahve done. "Well with how strange things were getting being a lone rogue for me wasn't working anymore to be honestly and this Icecream's really good."

"I have to say we may very well be and I'll have to be looking for more resarch materials I'm basically a hobbiest compared to someone like that most likely."

"Take care Zia and keep safe. Zia there's one other thing about the other worlds we need to talk about when you have time."