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Date of Scene: 28 October 2012
Location: Traverse Town
Synopsis: Sho Minamimoto explodes onto the multiversal scene with an assault upon Traverse Town and a horde of dark and terrible Taboo Noise! Who can save Traverse Town from becoming forcibly inducted into Sho's maniacal plans?
Cast of Characters: Faruja Senra, Riku, Tifa Lockhart, Shiki Misaki, Avira, Lily, Sho Minamimoto

Sho Minamimoto has posed:
Welcome to Traverse Town. It's a lovely, peaceful place, where no one would dare make trouble in this massive hug of travel and flickering, bright hope in the face of the darkness that encroaches on the worlds.


Right in the middle of Traverse Town's main thoroufare, a massive heap of trash, random debris, and the occasional small vehicle have been turned into a road-blocking work of performance art. In the loosest definition, that is. Upon it, a man in black sits, holding up a bullhorn and yelling into it casually.


Without further ado, Sho snaps the fingers of his black glove, and a horde of Noise descends upon the area, their graffiti-like forms swiftly beginning to transform into a horde of creatures that terrorize the area.

But these are different. All of them are shades of black, the Noise graffiti itself not the red of Chump Noise, the yellow of Negative Noise, or the cute green of Pig Noise.

No, these are black. Black and terrible.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart was enjoying a bit of shopping with Shiki. For once that they had a bit of free time to do something together at least. Now that she can move around (without Reize at least), she's been able to get to other towns and back to Goug/Midgar without too much troubles at least. And she needed a day off after the excitement in Haloween town.

"...and then Reize appeared out of the ground, I was already spooked as it is, and he looked so ghastly, he grabbed my ankle and I panicked, and almost stomped him back into the hole he was crawling out of."

She blinks as she hears the screaming though "... What the hell is going... Oh dear..." She's seen those before... in fact, it was with Shiki. Those sort of heartless monsters that are all multicolored, and rather dangerous too, she could barely damage them last time.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Reize just can't keep himself out of trouble.

No sooner have we finished up the incident with the crabs, that Shiki Misaki's main squeeze had gone and gotten himself acquainted with a horrible explosion. Fortunately, Shiki knows that she can beg Mr. Hanekoma for help, provided she run a couple errands for him, so Shiki's managed to score herself some emergency healing items for Reize. And run into friends in the process!

To calm her frayed nerves, she's been spending the Sunday doing a little bit of cooldown with Tifa and Faruja. How do you shop for a rat, anyway? You can't just rip a hole in any pair of pants you buy!

"Guuuuh," Shiki says succintly as Tifa explains all the lurid details of their latest adventure. They'd been avoiding the roadblock which had apparently been erected by 'some troublemaker', but they've crossed close to it due to it being close to somewhere they needed to deliver a package to.

And then everything goes down the river.

The sound of screaming hits Shiki's ears, Mr. Mew's head snapping over to the source of the noise in tandem with hers. She takes a step over to see what's going on--

And she realises. It's /them/.

Shiki drops Mr. Mew in sheer shock. She's there like a deer in headlights, her eyes reflecting not the sight in front of her, but that of a Shibuya crawling with thousands of dark, black animals.

"No," she croaks, fingers spasming. "Not those. Not here."
Riku has posed:
Riku has his nose in a book, oddly enough. He turns the page as he heads away from the chapel that contains the large clocktower. He seems completely absorbed in his thoughts, chewing on the side of his mouth as he flips back and forth through the pages. "That doesn't even make sense."

he holds the journal up and turns it sideways. Was that even physically POSSIBLE? --who knows. It's a magic puzzle, probably. Maybe it will make sense if he just stared at it and let his eyes unfocus.

Riku snorts faintly at the internal thought, and his foot kicks a piece of debris. There is a strange buzzing in his head that he can't quite seem to shake, and he rubs one ear as if he can somehow get the ringing to stop or at least pick up the red courtesy phone. It almost felt like--Riku looks down from the book, blinking slowly twice at the screaming and the---

"What IS that?" He closes the journal, putting them away as his eyes track up the giant heap of junk to the guy sitting on top of it with the megaphone. He frowns meaningfully, grumbling. "This is NOT what I meant by doing something else for awhile." to himself, pushing off into a run to cut off a group of Taboo Noise harassing some of the townsfolk and put himself between them and the Noise.
Avira has posed:
Today Avira comes to Traverse Town for two reasons! One, on the off chance that she'd encounter Riku. She'd wanted to catch up to him for a while now ever since that incident in Mercade's office. But with no reliable way to contact him or reliable place to find him, well, she's mostly been out of luck. check the boards for new marks. So far the fliers she's put up for VALKYRI have brought no leads for jobs or marks or anything! Maybe it just needed time, but...

Unfortunately, some jerk left a giant pile of trash in the middle of town, making the fulfillment of her second objective not possible. "What the hell is this!!!" she grouses up at the man sitting atop the pile of garbage. Rather than get an answer, this guy shouts through his bullhorn and summons...Heartless? Well, they sure don't look like any Heartless she's seen, but they're black, so they're PROBABLY Heartless.

"Oh for Chri-errr, Faram's sake!" Avira reaches behind her, grasping the hilt of the Spine, keeping her hand pointed upwards. It's withdrawn with the "blade" inverted, but she doesn't take any steps to "correct" this. Not until she's approached one of the Taboo noises and struck at it with an upward cleaving stroke. After the arc completes, she loosens the grip of her fingers and twists it upwards by manipulating the oddly-shaped hilt with one hand. The other hand suddenly clamps down on the tailbone portion, tearing it sideways for another strike at the Noise.

Does it work? Who knows. Avira doesn't know any better right now.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Blasted humans! Who makes pants without a clasp for a tail!? Having done his best to cure poor Reize of the effects of being exploded, even the rat needs some good downtime. Besides, one Holy Knight can only drink so many ethers.

Not exactly well versed in the whole 'shopping' bit, Faruja has made himself useful by chatting with the pair, showing interest, and carrying belongings. Someone get that rat a she-mouse! The tale of their adventure is met with mixed disgust and worry. At least they're in one piece. "...One finds that being around Ser Seatlan often involves danger, a lack of direction, and a dire need to hold tight to one's sanity." It's all said lovingly, and with more than a bit of amusement.

Which almost instantly drains at the sight of Noise. Lots and lots of Noise. Oh, and some jerk with a megaphone. Cue clenched teeth and folded ears. Ouch, that hurts!

Shiki's unrest doesn't help things. Faruja turns to the leader of the group, frowning, before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Lady Misaki, have strength. You are not alone." He comforts before stepping in front of her. A glance to the others...Tifa, Avira, and even Riku. His attention goes to the various townfolk.

"TO YOUR HOMES! Immediately and orderly!" Faruja belts out, surpisingly loudly for such a small rat. It's an order. To emphasize the point, the Burmecian draws his spear, and thrusts into the air. Columns of light descend from the sky to lash out at the black monsters, hopefully buying some more time for those townfolk confronted by the noise to get away. That done, and a quick spell later, there is suddenly a large, white wyvern just beside Faruja. And she looks hungry.

Turning his red eye to the man up on the makeshift roadblock, the rat glares with his best Templar Stare of Unamusement (TM). "YOU! YOU WHO WOULD SUMMON FOUL DEMONS! Turn from your path of darkness, of Sin, and seek repentance lest the fury of the Lord rend thy flesh asunder!"
Lily has posed:
The big clattering, yelling, and definitely weird auras given off by the Taboo Noise attract more attention. The door to a shop in the area's flung open to reveal Lily standing there, shivering in the doorway. But it's not terror that has her shaking. After coming here with the other Shard Seekers to stock up on some supplies, the last thing she needs is for her friends to get hurt, right?

"Shiki!? Faruja?!" Breaking into a somewhat ungainly looking run, she comes around the corner from a shallow alley and nearly bowls right into a Taboo Frog noise. well, actually she DOES bowl into it, and goes into a roll that stops right near her friends, the girl's eyes whirling from dizziness. "Oooooh..."
Sho Minamimoto has posed:
People scream as the Taboo Noise forms into a mass of frogs, bears, wolves, a few rhinos... Is that a dragon in the back? The quick arrival of forces to to intervene prevents the death (Death first, THEN Erasure! These things have to come in order!) of a number of people as they run screaming in the sane response to something like this.

What this means for the assembling heroes is up for debate. Sho looks down from his perch as Avira cleaves into a Grunge Wolf, slashing deeply into it. The blow would have cut a lesser creature in half, but there is something about it keeping it intact. The Noise is strong... Terribly strong.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, YOU FACTORING HECTOPASCAL?" Sho yells, still through his bullhorn. It appears the amount of damns he gives for the hearing of the local populace can only be expressed with scientific notation. "YOU ARE TOO ZETTA WEAK!" Faruja begins unleashing blasts of light into the area, the Taboo Noise being prodded with beams of holiness! However, the Noise seems to be more than capable to defend against the blasts, the beams scorching into them but penetrating little into the enemies.

Sho leans back on his heap of trash, simply lolling as he talks into the bullhorn straight up into the air, "YOUR LORD IS LESS THAN MY SIGNIFICANT DIGITS! YOU'RE A VARIABLE IN /MY/ FUNCTION NOW!" This is when several wolves run forward, surrounding and slashing at the hamstrings of the heroic forces, while the bears charge forward to maul anyone who gets in their path. Even if that wasn't enough, evil black hedgehogs fire quills rapidly, showering the area with deadly exploding piercing weaponry!
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"Noise," Shiki says, voice as hushed as the grave. She's paralysed by fear, as one might expect under the circumstances. She speaks out loud, but almost to herself rather than to Faruja and Tifa. "So many Noise. The ones from the darkness. The ones that erased Shibuya. All of Shibuya..."

And then she realises that there are people stepping up to fight them- /familiar/ people, as she notices Riku's unmistakeable figure out of the corner of her eye- and a person sat there like a king on a throne.

She whips her head around and offers the player pin. "Pact!" she shouts desperately, holding her player pin out to Lily.

All it takes is a touch to tie the two of them together with the temporary bond that will allow them to fight the Noise. Now she can move up next to Faruja, who- since she's been telling them more than enough by now about how this all works- is clearly pretty fired up. But she's got something else to say to the man behind the Noise.

"And tell me who you are!" she yells to Sho. Her nature as a Player should be more than obvious to the Game Master...

Which is probably one of the reasons she gets set upon. Before she can even think 'They're just so /fast/-' half a dozen of the jet black Noise have swarmed her, forcing her to cross her arms and desperately strafe to the side. Meanwhile, vibe properly adjusted, Mr. Mew is being far more proactive, taking advantage of the Noise overreaching themselves to begin his own burly brawl!
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart looks over to Shiki as she seems to freak out "Come on Shiki, you're better than that, snap out of it, we need your strength for this too, you're the best one against those things." She tightens her gloves, and takes her attack position. She nods as Shiki goes on the offensive, pacting up with Lily. Sounds like a good idea.

When a group of the noises seem to be ready to run after citizens, they find themselves facing the barmaid, standing there with a hand on her hip "I don't need to destroy them, just stop them."

And with that, she moves into action. The first bear that comes near her get met with a strong uppercut move right under the jaw. She's seen fearsome animals and monsters too, she doesn't back down easily even with those. A sweep kick meets with the maw of a wolf, sending it flying backward and bowling over a few more of those monsters that were following. When it comes to acting as a wall, she definitely can do the work.
Riku has posed:
Riku moves to one side, out of biting range of the Grunge Wolf. At the same time he ducks his head, stepping backwards out and away from the swipe that wanted very dearly to take his head from his shoulders. Exploding quills rain down around him but he simply isn't where they are landing, though he is pelted by debris.

He looks up and around as he hears Shiki's voice, and realizes too that he recognizes more Shard Seekers from the crowd trying to contain the chaos. Lily and Faruja in particular. He scans the surroundings for the rest of the Shard Seekers but doesn't see them offhand. That buzzing was getting really annoying.

Riku rubs the side of his ear again, knuckles digging into his head and the side of his neck as he tries to shake off the-- what was it that they were called? Noise? --That seemed an apt descriptor.

There is a sword in hand as the Wall of Grizzly makes another bid to take a chunk out of his hide and he digs in, executing a few quick strikes and flipping backwards to catch the Grunge Wolf in the Jaw and reposition himself so that he was closer to the pile of junk.
Avira has posed:
The effort it takes to even wound this creature does not go lost on Avira. She's fought quite a few lesser Heartless up to this point and has gotten down the whole 'dispatch in one blow' thing pretty well. Any deviation from the usual definitely gets her attention. "...whoah..." she says, clearly surprised as she takes a step back from the Grunge Wolf. The creature she'd been harassing personally turns toward her, clearly unamused.

Sho starts shouting and Avira looks up over her shoulder, glaring at him, "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" No really, what DID he just call her? A pascal? As in the unit of pressure?

Sho's continued yammering helps her realize that he probably did, given the sudden deluge of math terms coming from his mouth.

The Grunge Wolf she'd struck suddenly leaps on top of her, pinning Avira to the ground. Yelping, she holds the Spine up and barely manages keep the wolf's jaws from clamping upon her neck by intercepting it with the weapon. Frantically, she struggles against the wolf but is far too small and weak to physically throw it off herself.

Resorting to other tactings, she sends ice shooting up through the Spine and thus across the beast's mouth. This does seem to earn her some space, which Avira quickly takes advantage of, the glow of her ice magic brightening even more.

"Gitoffame!!!" she shouts and swings the spine upwards, ice magic exploding forth in a suddenly very strong blast of wintery power that, curiously, takes the shape of a large snarling wolf's head.
Faruja Senra has posed:
At least the defenseless locals are properly GTFO'ing. And likely questioning the sanity of those staying to defend. Faruja wouldn't blame them, if he was thinking a touch more properly. The taunt, the Noise barely being dented by holy fury, and worst of all...the Noise scrape and claw at his friends. At /Ladies/. Beneath his fur, his face tinges red, the Burmecian grinding his teeth in anger.

Before he can unleash yet more Righteous Fury towards Sho, there's wolves to be dealt with. They're swift and agile, but Arista and Faruja are just as much. Fueled by his self-righteous fury, his spear and body radiates light, the Burmecian dodging, parrying, and simply kicking those that try to harm him out of his way. Where he leaves himself open, his partner steps in, her greater bulk, fangs, and claws warding off blows upon Faruja's back.

Unfortunately, this leaves him little time to help his allies, who are getting quite hurt. Time to think tactically, rather than give in to the desire to leap up on Arista and give Sho a piece of his mind. Praying and incanting both, he concentrates on the weaker girls, trying to maneuver himself closer so that Arista and he can similarly wall against the two 'casters'. Tifa gets a nod, even as protective spells cover his fellow Shard Seekers.

"Hardly do I know which is more abhorrent: your boasting, or the venomed Heresies that spill so easily from your tongue! Be still, oh black-hearted brigand! Foul witch! This scum that serves you shall be purged in righteous judgement! Then shall we come for /you/!" Templar Rat wants the blood of his friends' enemies.
Lily has posed:
Although the rolling youth takes a few claws, smacks, and whacks on the way, Lily arrives bruised but mostly intact at Shiki's side. Thankfully, by the time she's been offered the Pin the girl's regained her senses and floated-- yes, FLOATED-- up to her feet on a small gust of wind. It seems Lily's getting better with elemental control, doesn't it? "pact!" Though she has no idea whatsoever what she's getting into, above many things, the girl in white trusts Shiki.

But nothign could prepare her for the rush of energy that charges through her body to seal the deal. Zwooooosh! "This... what was THAT?!" She usually understands magics when she sees it, but that didn't feel quite like magic.

A speedy glance left and right and she gets a grasp on the battlefield, and realizes... "We're going to need to fight together really well, there's too many of the monsters...! And these ones are different from the belly birds!" ... her own description of the J-Popguins, surely.

But still, anger flares up in her, and she channels her feelings into magic across the battlefield - straight for Riku. Power flows into the youth, the immense power of the elements at their peaks of victory...
Sho Minamimoto has posed:
Life is hell for Mr. Mew and Shiki, as they wade into the battle. Mr. Mew punches and strikes valiantly, but the psychokinetic cat bounces off of the Grizzly like she's hitting a wall. Tifa finds that she experiences the same problem. She sends them flying with epic Zangan Style strikes. Taboo Noise goes flying everywhere... But it doesn't looks like she's managing to deal any significant damage to them. Riku, cleaves into the forces of the Noise, launching many of them into the air and giving Avira an opening as she cleaves in with her icy blades, carrying her magic forward to crush into the assaulting Noise. Several Noise finally flash, exploding into blasts of static. It's progress, but how much more are there? The streets are swarming!

A pacting and a Player, however, distracts Sho for a moment, actually making him look up and pay attention to her as Riku advances. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE? YOU'RE OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF YOUR RESTRICTED DOMAIN, PLAYER!" He pauses, thinking for a moment, and then yells again in the bullhorn, "IF YOU THINK YOU'VE ESCAPED ERASURE, PLAYER, YOU'RE DEAD WRONG! I'M STILL THE GAME MASTER, AFTER ALL!" He simply folds his arms and eyerolls at this point, gesturing nonchalantly and finally ceasing use of the bullhorn. "If you think this equation is balanced yet, you haven't accounted for the full sequence yet!"

It's a this point that the Noise marshals itself, assaulting in more direct waves. Many of them rain down from the sky, hitting the ground and rolling. Many of them rush forward in an almost undifferentiated mass, several Death Metal Minks breaking off to sweep around the edges of the combat, harrying the magic users. A huge beast roars, the Trance Rhino burst out of the midst of them as it charges forward and crashed towards the center of the heroic defense!
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"These are the things that destroyed my world, Tifa!" Shiki snaps back- half desperate, half aggravated. Oh yeah, being self-assured is one thing, but surely's she's allowed to be afraid of the things that were swarming, everywhere, cracking buildings open, cutting down Players and people in the RG and peeling the earth and sky ap-

And she does it again, like an idiot, too caught up in her shuddering fear to properly notice the incoming attack. It's all sort of blurring together. Fortunately, Faruja- wonderful, dependable Faruja is there, and so is Lily, and everyone, and, and-

I can /do/ this, Shiki thinks.

"What kind of Game Master do you call yourself, doing this to innocent people?!" she shouts, staring right at Sho. The Taboo Noise come right for her again- and she breathes in.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Shiki screams, clutching a handful of pins and desperately activating each of them- scratch, swipe, tap- creating a storm of rolling ground and clustering ice between herself and the Taboo Noise.

Mr Mew, meanwhile, continues to re-enact the iconic They Live! fight with a Carcinopunk.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
The barmaid does notice its not doing a whole lot of damage... at least she defended the path to the citizens. She glances behind her, and notices that they barred off the way while she was protecting it. At least that should slow them down. She cracks her knuckles.

If Sho is paying attention, he would notice a shadow starting to loom over him. Its one of his rhinos. If she can't damage them, they can still be used as projectiles, can't they? And why not take down the source of it all.

Tifa jumps in following the crash of the rhino. Its the one that was sent her way apparently. It didn't do much to her. She falls down upon Sho with a kick on top of the Rhino, using it to stomp him down some more "Sorry, but we're not in a game, you should realize that!"
Lily has posed:
This loud, angry, confusing guy is going to do WHAT to Shiki? Lily, starting to get used to the terrible things called fights, nimbly places Faruja between herself and the onrushing noise, hoping the paladin can be the awesome defense they aspire to be.

She's apparently not let down either. But her hatred for this Game Master she's just met is hard to tamp down on. Her teeth gnash down tightly and grind, but... "Toouch Shiki at all, and I'll MELT YOU."

The girl just waves her hand Sho's way - and spears of crackling blue mana appear from the heavens, dive down and explode threateningly around him. Not close enough to harm, but enough to make sure he knows she's serious.

At the same time, however, Faruja's surrounded by a shimmer of flowing power from the girl, infusing the Burmecian the same as with Riku, with one difference. For Faruja, the stalwart strength of the earth, whimsical force of the winds, and a different feeling... the serene focus of a tranquil pool of water all empower him.
Riku has posed:
Riku is somewhat caught by surprise by the buff. No, scratch that. The fury of the elements is-- something of a overwhelming moment of surprise. Riku brings a hand to his head, shaking it back and forth as he tries to acclimate to the interaction of magical forces. There is a moment of unpleasant nausea as elemental fire snarls at-- well, it's less cheerful cousin but he manages to swallow the impulse to lash out and shred the beneficial magic. Riku takes in a few steadying breaths, closing his eyes for a moment as the wind blowing bits of debris around him. He slides into a steadier stance and relaxes into it. A smile slowly spreads across his face as he opens his eyes again and he throws up a hand, waving to Lily. "Thanks Lily!" He sinks down into a ready stance, a heat mirage beginning to flicker around him as the blade is sheathed by fire.

Riku approaches the junk pile. He is starting to realize where that buzzing is coming from as Noise hits the ground rolling and he neatly evades them, sometimes lashing out with the sword or striking with the hilt or a swift kick to get out of the way. He doesn't say anything as he gets to the bottom of the mound. Just checks to see that Faruja and Lily are safe, that Shiki is holding onto her fear and still fighting-- and that makes him smile a little. So does Mr. Mew facing off against the Taboo Noise.

Riku glances up at the man atop the pile of junk and starts to ascend the pile, taking out any and all Noise that gets in his way.
Avira has posed:
Once freed from the weight atop her, Avira quickly gets the heck up off the ground. Staying down like that is a BAD place to be for a fight! Very bad!

Sho's epic flipout gets Avira's attention. Players? Game Master? Avira's eyebrow twitches in anger, "A game? Tormenting all these people is just a GAME to you?!"

She is mad. SO MAD that when the Trance Rhino bursts forward from the pack of Noise, that instead of get out of the way, she inverts the Spine into a 'guard' position and supports the bottom tip with the flat of her hand. A white shimmer sparks down the length of the weapon and just as the large Noise smashes into it, a single beat of the heart is heard. The white shimmer disappates in a small shockwave from the weapon and Noise stops in its track.

Avira growls in its face, then sidesteps, also now running for the junkpile, not to far behind Riku. -oh hello Lily, you are looking pretty CRAZY at the moment.

"You JERK!" Avira calls up at him, dodging another Grunge Wolf as she dashes forward.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja has no intention of letting the harrying Noise touch his friends. "DEMON! ABOMINATION! FILTH!" Each word is punctuated with a slash, thrust, and the occasional 'grab the girl and twirl her aside from the horrible Metallic Mink'. Hopefully he won't make either of the two girls dizzy. Where he can't defend, Arista very simply swats incoming attacks away with her tail, her long length curling around the two casters like some sort of white, scaley wall.

But Shiki and Sho himself confirm a mystery he'd been after. 'Game Master'. This one was a Reaper. The one, likely, in control of it all. Despite his anger, zeal, and worry for his friends, Faruja smiles. Now he has something to work with.

Then there's Tifa's kick to the Trance Rhino, keeping it down, and Lily's venting of her fury. They can do this. By the Lord, they can do this! Power flows through the rat. Strength, swiftness...and a sense of serenity far outside the norm for the emotional Burmecian. It makes him all the more sharp.

But they're arrayed against powerful forces, and defense won't win a battle entirely! The holy-infused spear of the Burmecian meets his back. He needs something bigger. An incantation, and in a flash of white light, a polearm falls from the sky. Catching it deftly, he takes an experimental swing of the heavy weapon, a long and axe-like bardiche; perfect for dealing with tough, large crowds. Wheeling around, the ratling winds up, once again incanting as he sweeps it at some of the Metal Minks that get too close. "Absorb power in the sky and strike! Lightning Stab!"

Lighting falls where his blade touches, swords of lighting erupting from the ground to meet the heavenly power! For her part, Arista's attack is far more simple. Her belly rumbles, and jaws fall. Those Minks look mighty tasty to the wyvern.
Sho Minamimoto has posed:
There's a reason why Shiki hooked up with Neku and made HIM use the Pins. The ice storm and rumbling ground is very impressive, knocking the Taboo Noise around some more, but it's like kicking bouncyballs made of titanium. They're not breaking up like regular Noise at all. Mr. Mew and the Carcinopunk duel in epic battle across the street, trash and garbage flying everywhere as they try to seek out weak points in each other's defenses! Tifa launches a Rhino dramatically, and Sho simply... vanishes, blurring out of existence as the Rhino flies right through where he was. "You're too zetta slow!" The Reaper taunts,

"The probability of that approaches zero." Sho says, idly dismissing Lily's adorable threat. The Player's objection causes him to shrug. "What do you mean, 'innocent people'? These are pathetic, barely-relevant integers! Your relentlessly obtuse view of the situation doesn't change this!" He looks down at Riku's attempt to ascend the heap, and fistshakes at Riku. "No one gave /you/ permission to ascend!" He rants, pointing down at him and sending a swarm of Noise, only to see him cut straight through them. He narrows his eyes for a moment at Riku. "You're almost a significant digit, aren't you." He says, more thinking out loud than even responding to him. Avira's objections just case Sho to wave a hand at her dismissively. "Cry all you want. It doesn't change the factors." Faruja's ranting goes ignored, ironically, but the Noise cannot, as he unleashes a devastating combination of attacks upon the Noise. His spear, empowered with lightning, cleaves into the Noise, dispatching several more.

An irritated expression crosses Sho's face. He clenches a fist. "However, I have a solution to the problems of your continued existence!"

The massive Noise horde, thinned as it is, parts, revealing the massive black dragon that lurked in the back. With a roar, it lunges forward, smashing into the heroes with claw and wing, tearing into them with terrific fury. As if a signal, the rest of the Noise attacks with it, Carcinopunks clambering forward, Minks diving through the air while Eurobeat Boomers launch, attempting to stomp their foes! Corehogs launch their spines in a unified barrage, while Grunge Wolves savage from all sides!
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart is pretty agile, but the sheer number of noises and attacks aimed in her direction doesn't allow her to dodge all of them. Jumping, rolling and using whatever she can to shield herself, she still gets hurt pretty badly. She's getting pretty annoyed that her attacks are not having any effect, and then this guy dodges her so easily. She stomps down on a nearby wolf-noise, jumping over it and out of range, backing up toward her friends "Gonna need to reassess this..." She charges up her magical energies, asting Haste and Charge Up on herself, readying herself for the next strike.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
The darkness looms.

This is insane, Shiki thinks. This is just too much.

The tide of darkness is rising up like a tidal wave before them. The biggest, baddest Noise she'd met before these were the bat and grizzly. This is a tide of dozens of them, and bigger, more horrifying things- the drakes are the size of the Zuu she met in Cleyra and there's just so /many/ of them.

Mr. Mew, meanwhile, is having his own problems. Not satisfied with making one movie reference in this fight, he's gotten himself a very, very small sledgehammer, as has the black crab, and they're duking it out with unrelenting fervour.

But that's off to one side, and more important is the tidal wave of darkness. Faruja can't hold out against it forever, so Shiki does her best- swiping Love Me Tether to try and muzzle the Neoclassical Drake with a binding thread. But that won't do- it's just one monster, and this is a multitude.

So she reaches for the little white pin, and opens her heart.


The white pin shines, its design becoming two interlinked stars, as Shiki synchronises her frequency with her partner.
Now they know one another perfectly.

And it's with that perfect synchronicity that Shiki and Lily are able to unleash their storm of attacks, blue lightning and a fierce spear keeping the Noise away, both girls back to back in the eye of the black storm
Faruja Senra has posed:
The Templar isn't so lucky this time, as a veritable wall of Noise assaults him and his friends. With a bloody /dragon/, and the speedy minor Noise that Sho has brought with him, both wyvern and rat are forced to throw themselves before the beasts bodily. Claws strike, tearing through armor and flesh as one, green robes and golden armor soon covered in blood. Unfortunately, it's his own this time. A shame noise don't bleed. The ratling will have quite a few scarrs to remember this fight by, if he survives. Arista's scales are tough, but they give way, red showing up quite nicely against her sides and limbs. All it does is make the draconic beast angrier, roaring and belting out insults in draconic. They're likely about Sho's mother.

But at least the two casters are alright. As his knees grow weak, the ratling slams the butt of his weapon down, keeping him upright. He will /NOT/ bow to these abominations! Breathing heavily, and doing his darndest to ignore the pain of his wounds, he stands guard as Shiki and Lily go on the assault!

Striving to make himself both useful and not dead, both Arista and Faruja concentrate quite a bit of curative power into himself and Avira. Gotta stay on your feet!
Lily has posed:
What is THIS? The Game Master seems immune to Lily's serious threats. This startls her. Who'd ignore the threat of being exploded? ... and why would you? This isn't like how anyone has EVER reacted before, and it affles - it PUZZLES - it MYSTIFIES her.

It also drives her up a wall, because now what's she supposed to do? "Aaaaaaaah!"

It's enough to make her panic when all of the Noise plow in. She can only count on Faruja and give him backup though... or so she thinks, until she feels something new peek in. Shiki's presence.

The girl in white sprouts a sudden relieved smile and stands next to her temporary partner. "Shiki, let's get them!"

The girl's blue lightning bolts strike from the heavens like plasma, composed of pure ambient mana congealed and set on a deadly course.

But when it's over, the girl catches her breath and glances around at the horror her friends face. "... no... there's still so many..." And Faruja's looking to be in a very, VERY bad way, as is Avira. "No no no no no no no! You're getting too hurt!" In a panic, the girl who's remarkably mostly uninjured besides some scratches and bruises raises her arms with PURPOSE. Glints of power gather about her from the ground, focus in her outstretched hands, then launches up into the skies as a singularity of light!

White light flickers in the heavens, then pierces the clouds as two streams like waterfalls. They stream down and slam into the area around Faruja and Avira seperately, bringing with them a warmth that's almost searing: renewed vigor is among the blessings, but chiefest of them is that their wounds close at a tremendous rate, lost blood and energy renewed.
Riku has posed:
Riku has a distinctly annoyed look on his face. The closer he got to the man, game master, or whatever he called himself the louder the buzzing got. He pushes it away, starting to hear something in the sound like individual threads of a strange and alien music. He tears through more noise. The Neoclassical Drake comes down at him, the teenager passing underneath it. He throws himself backwards, landing hard on a pile of junk. He lets out a faint cry of pain as several corehogs press their seeming advantage.

He bashes them away, starting to get angry as he is forced down the hill rather than back up it. The drake takes another snap at him while wolves and bears and rhinos assault. Oh my. Riku closes a fist slowly, and reaches the end of his patience. He ascends the hill again like an immovable force, leaping atop the neoclassical drake as it tries to take a bite out of him and sliding down it's back.

He kicks off the noise to land with a heavy crunch near Sho. The sound is deafening now, deafening him to the sounds of combat and the voices of the Shard Seekers and those still fighting. There is another sound building in the back of his head. The rumble of an oncoming tropical storm. He raises the sword, but that's only a feint.

A wave of spectral water begins to build, raising up higher and higher until it towers, a rogue wave of dark water that frames Riku as he glares menacingly at Sho. "Game Over." He may not have the footing to complete something like a Boot to the Head. --but a well placed Punch To The Nose is going to have to suffice.

Avira has posed:
"Cry?" Avira says lowly, her tone changing to a dangerous kind of angry. "You think I-" Before she can really say much more, she's knocked clear off her feet by the gigantic drake and smashes to the ground onto her back. Just as she tries to get up a Corehog pounces on top of her and, at this point, Avira can't help herself. She shrieks in panic as she's mauled by the noise, failing and wiggling about wildly. Her small size does work in her favor, enabling her to squirm free. She would really like to spend a moment taking a breather, but as she tries to catch her breath, a Grunge Wolf snaps at her ear. All seems lost...until healing energy from both Faruja and Lily fills her, giving her the needed strength to move it. "Thanks." she breathes.

Suvival mode kicks in. She leaps to her feet and runs, bouncing between monsters and leaping up to land atop the hood of a car incorporated in Sho's junk pile. Scaling the pile like Riku before her, Sho will find the scarred woman fast approaching. One final leap prepares her upward, leading with a lunge, Spine pointed at the Reaper.

"GO FACTOR YOURSELF!!!" she yells, whipping the Spine upward and unleashing a relentless flurry of stabs at Sho. She doesn't strike just head on either, moving around him with oddly steady footing despite the treacherous terrain.

Without warning, the blows cease for a second so she can reach out and grab Sho by the collar of his coat. She glares down into his eyes, smirks, then with an impressive amount of strength for someone her size, tries to hurl him from the pile.
Sho Minamimoto has posed:
It's okay Faruja. Sho doesn't like his mother either.

The amazing duel between Mr. Mew and the Carcinopunk continues, sledgehammers flying. Knives are pulled, people scream. It's chaos! The Neoclassical Drake, however, is effectively halted in its charge for the moment by the Love Me Tether, as well as a large group of Corehogs and Grizzlies that she managed to wind up in it on the way. Shiki might have just bought herself some time. Many of the heroes defend and prepare for another assault. Sho simply shrugs, and then Riku appears, forcing Sho to take a step back, warily. "You're not a Reaper, but you're not... Heh. SOH-CAH-TOA." Riku unleashes a deadly wave of force towards him, striking along with the punch to the face. There is a flash....

"Zetta slow!" Sho yells, vanishing as he reappears high in the air, floating there over the Heap... "Huh?" He's suddenly taken aback as Avira lunges, slashing at him in the air. "YOU MONODIMENSIONAL FRACTAL!" Sho yells, wounds opening on him as Avira rampages. He is launched away from his trash heap as it collapses under the wave, the debris washed away under the force of the impact.

Sho floats there, hanging in the air. He looks down, distracted for a moment, at his wounds. "Is this your best?" Sho asks, offhandedly."If these are your limits, there's no wonder why we have to erase so many of your annoying yoctograms. Giving you all another chance IS A WASTE!"

With an arm shaking in rage, he directs the Taboo Noise to assault those coming after him. The Neoclassical Drake breaks free of the Tether, allowing it to charge forward into the battle. Like a dam, the insane rush of the Noise remnants explodes outwards, the graffiti-edged creatures lashing in endless, overwhelming hunger in an attempt to consume those who continue to balk them!
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart watches the wave of noise monsters rushing to her. Oh, this isn't good. Like, at all. She doesn't have the space or the time to dodge that one. The barmaid braces herself, crossing her arms in front of herself defensively, as the wave of monsters rolls over her, sweeping her away. At least, that's what you can guess since she's gone when the monsters receede.

She comes out moments later from a sdie alley, where she managed to escape it in one piece, but definitely hurt now. She can barley stand in fact. She groans as she holds her side "This is going to hurt in the morning..." If she lives until then, but it shows she's still positive despite all. As long as she's standing, she can still fight.

She takes a deep breath, drawing what energies she has left, steadying herself back into her fighting stance...

And then she rushes in. "There's factors you'll never be able to substracts or divide, and I'm not about to tell you what they are!"

She charges in, a bit more desperate to bring in the pain on that guy, after all she's been enduring in this fight. If she can't cut through the noise, he's flesh and bones, he can be hurt.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Mr. Mew has a very, very small knife from somewhere! He's probably doing better at this than all of you put together!
Taking the wisdom and advice of Meryl in his fluff-filled mind, Mr. Mew dodges claws that could rip a tank apart, and just shuts up and stabs it.

Shiki, meanwhile, is having less luck.

She's not putting a dent in the taboo noise, as such, so she's got to take a more... direct approach to the problem. That means getting past the Noise.

This means running.

Shiki-- dashes forward. She skids under the drake, moves past the corehogs' range shadow, ducks under the grizzlies, and slides past the wolves and minks. She sees Riku up ahead, and more importantly, she sees that huge pile of junk that Sho's made.

Let's see if he's got such a commanding presence when we bring him down to our level.

Dragging her finger along Blizzard Cool, Shiki sucks in a breath and summons a mighty Piercing Pillar, the spike of graffiti-ice slamming up from underneath the mound of junk.

"Tell me your name!" she insists.
Riku has posed:
Riku is about to respond when the Neoclassical drake plows into him, flinging him off the pile in a long arc to thump on the ground at the base of the pile, knocking the wind out of him. He lays there, stunned while the sound just gets louder. Riku turns over onto his side, putting a hand over his head as he tries to block out the noise.

It was Klaxon and Air Raid siren loud, the music vying and clashing horribly with the volume turned all the way up so it was mostly incomprehensible. He pushes himself onto his feet unsteadily, eyes closed tightly and face lined with the effort of concentration, of trying to push the sound away enough to start thinking straight and defend himself. His hand spasms on the hilt of the sword.
Avira has posed:
Triumphant, Avira assumes command of the pile of junk! Not that it....really helps much. More of a morale thing mostly. "Hah! How's that for...uhhh..."

He's just floating there. 'Is this your best?' Actually, yeah, that /was/ Avira's best right there. In fact, she feels kind of exhausted right now. She grits her teeth in determination and crouches, then leaps after the Reaper...!

...only to be intercepted in mid-air by the snapping jaws of the Neoclassical Drake. "AHHHH!!" she shrieks, panicking all over again as she flails and punches at the Taboo Noise, trying to free herself. Eventually, a lucky strike to the nose releases her into the swarming mass of rampaging Noise below. Frankly, Avira would have preferred the Drake to this. Or Sho. Avira disappears from view and perhaps the Reaper can rest knowing that he won't get stabbed by that strange weapon of hers again.

Except NOT.

She pops up, jumping onto the back of a Trance Rhino, then higher up, landing on top of the junk pile again. The attack Shiki makes on the pile of junk, while Avira stands on it, helps Avira get up even higher! All the better!

She flies at Sho, swinging the spine out before her, first unleashing a burst of silvery-hued force to knock him down a peg. As she completes her arc, she twists her body around, sending a booted foot flying at Sho's face.
Lily has posed:
LIly ends up ravaged by the Drake. Its ferocious implements absolutel tear into her, behind Faruja's otherwise impeccable vigil. The girl in white's clothes are torn to rags and bloodied, her wails echo across the district, and when she lands it's in a bloodied heap, gasping for breath and cringing from the pain.

The pain. The godawful pain, the dizziness, the panic. The girl's curled up into a little agonized ball.

And then it happens. She told Shiki once, of being stuck in darkness, surrounded by nothing but the agony of Heartless tearing at her endlessly and fighting for her life. Just HOW LONG could that have gone on?

How long indeed.

Anyone with the barest shred of supernatural senses will feel a... CHANGE in the atmosphere around the girl, a chilling presence bearing down on the place. Pressure, abnormal amounts of pressure.

And an unstated but almost palpable INTENT within that presence, a dire wish.


All around the district, tiny glints of blueish-white mana appear from the air and swirl into an accretion disk that congeals, pulling in more tightly. Their passage burns and fries every Taboo Noise - or Sho Minamimotos - unlucky enough to be caught in the way.

But that's not the end of it. In a matter of moments, that swirling power's collected around Lily and become a sphere of roiling plasma too bright to look at. An existence of purest magic. For all its beauty, it does not set a viewer at ease. This thing is an ominous presence... that lasts only a second. There's a sound like shattering glass but far louder, and the mystic star collapses inwards to a tiny point--

... then boom.

The battlefield's engulfed all at once, transformed into a realm of agonizing explosions where pure mana ravages everything in the explosive wave, triggering more and more blasts to go off around the Taboo Noise and their controller. The ground itself is decimated, pockmarked, and in places turns to ash or glass. How the other fighters are NOT affected by this directly is a mystery, though...
Faruja Senra has posed:
Claws, jaws, and even a bloody /dragon/ push through the heroes' line, and causing Faruja no end of rage and pain. The small Burmecian is tossed into the air, glittering shards of golden-plated armor torn from his body by the fury of the assault. When he lands, he lands hard, the Templar cracking his head against the hard street. His consciousness threatens to fade, vision swimming. For a few critical seconds, the Burmecian has to gather his wits, and is utterly unable to defend the girls.

But his draconic friend is very much still moving. Standing over the ratling protectively, she'll defend the downed rat, swatting him on the head with a tail. Wake up, blast you! More insults, this time questioning Faruja's strength. Mean, mean wyvern! At least it gets him conscious again.

In time for him to see Lily. Innocent, lovable, clumsy, pure Lily. Run ragged by beasts. Those wounds should be his. Shame, anger, indignation mix as the ratling stands. Spitting out blood, his Paladin Sense feels Lily venting her fury. A desire to destroy, to Erase, to /PURGE/ that which would harm others explodes into power that would haunt Faruja's nightmares and linger in his greatest dreams of strength for years after. Undiluted fury erupts across the battlefield. Where some might shrink, might tremble...the Burmecian laughs, glaring out to where he last saw Sho, pure power washing through and around him from Lily's great eruption of magical prowess.

"From the will of an innocent, a mere girl, comes the Hand of the Lord! Look about you and tremble, 'Game Master'. Look into the pure eyes of your doom!"

Not content to merely stand by and watch, Faruja lashes out; a dancing, whirling, sweeping figure amongst Noise and exploding magical plasma. Rending and slashing with his bardiche, he'll attempt to finish off anything in between him and Sho. When the path is clear, he leaps, bringing down his weapon from above, intending to bisect the Game Master. A crescent of holy energy falls, scything down to meet his own blow.

"Harm my friends? The innocent? The blameless and pure!? There is no greater Heretic than that! By the hand of the Lord, and the Holy Son do I name you blasphemer and Heretic! May no Faithful look upon you, nor aide you, nor heal you! In His Name be cast down to Hell!"
Sho Minamimoto has posed:
But /is/ he flesh and bones? Tifa, as she draws near, notices something potentially important.

The man is not bleeding, despite being wounded. He turns as Tifa charges in, and with a flick of a hand, launches a Trance Rhino into the way of the attack, allowing it to take Tifa's furious assault. She powerbombs the Noise into the street, making it explode in a blast of static. "Hmph." Sho replies. "The magnitude of the inanity of that comment can't be rationalized." Mr. Mew, meanwhile, managed to shiv a crab. It rears in clattery pain and lunges forward, engaging in CRAB BATTLE with the stuffed animal to try to gain the upper claw. This is about when the ice pillar lashes upwards, slicing lightly into Sho. He reels, grimacing as he brings his gloved hand up to his face, just as Avira slams her booted foot into his head. He reels back, baring his teeth as he snarls in anger, "Sho Minamimoto, Game Master for you, Player. Remember it, the proof of our inequality! And YOU..." He looks at Avira. "You're not even a fraction of what you need to beat me."

That's about when Lily goes supernova. Sho actually stares for a moment at the annihilating light. "... That's a little closer."

The wave of arcane power washes through the Taboo Noise, crushing and wiping away vast swathes of them in counterpoints of static. Sho himself raises an arm, his clothing flaring behind him as the air washes past in a detonation of light and heat, throwing a deep shadow behind him.... With massive, skeletal wings spread for a moment in silhouette.

The light fades, and Faruja makes his amazing speech. Sho frowns, as the burning light descends with purifying, heretic-slaying force.

The impact is massive. Energy radiates out from the strike, as Sho catches it... With his hand, stopping Faruja in midair and throwing him aside. He rises, the air seething around him as he pulls away, and he frowns. "You look for any irrational justification, don't you? You're just another screaming thing. You want to derive justice from that? Hah! Get real!"

There is a charge as the remaining Taboo Noise launch for the heroes, trying to run them down. Most of the larger ones are already gone, but Choirfrogs leap towards the heroes, looking to rebound off of them. Carcinopunks clatter forwards, more than just the one dueling Mr. Mew, clacking claws as they try to latch on, as well as a surge of... Popguins? Where did they come from? Did Sho just throw in some Chump Noise as a distraction?
Shiki Misaki has posed:
I don't want to set the world on fire...
Neither does Lily, either, but it happens.

Shiki feels this vauge yet terrible feeling- and it's the only thing that keeps her moving as explosions start blasting everywhere. In one storm of rage, Lily has probably almost done damage equal to Sho's Noise with her insane assault. The small army is shredded down to a fraction by the insane assault, but it's indiscriminate. Shiki has to move like the fireball is right behind her to stay unharmed, and she gets minor burns from where the arcane storm is just a little too close.


Mr. Mew is there to pick up the slack.

And Mr. Mew doesn't take your crap.

Having gone undetected by guarding himself with a large piece of metal, Mr. Mew slowly walks up behind Sho.
And shows Riku how to do it.

Leaping at Sho with his psychokinetic claws out, Mr. Mew is just going to SCRATCH SHO'S FACE OFF. AHFSHFHSGFGDSGDGDGRFGDGF.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Aww, frak. Faruja is tossed aside like some sort of doll, landing on his feet. His breath catches, barely able to speak. Gruelling, horrible, exhilirating despite so much suffering! It's all far too close to the battle for his home. Memories flood him. His allies are on their last legs. Instead of attacking, he defends, dodging and moving out of the way of those that are left. Yet, the ratling too can't stand up to much more. Neither can he defend his friends. So he and Arista concentrate on shoring up the others, curative magic and healing wyvern breath washing over those they can reach.

"What justification does one need to slay those who murder and pillage? Or claim you some noble goal for all of this? Naught but a petty, serial murderer are you, with delusions of grandeur no less." Perhaps he can at least glean something from the Game Master, given the man's apparent arrogance.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart grrs as she ends up grabbing a Trance Rhino and slamming it into the ground, instead of that guy's head. How is he managing to avoid all of her attacks like that anyway, she's quick, this never happened before. Maybe a few, but not everything she has!

still airborne from her last attack, she finishes her movement on top of a nearby stall. If she could just bring him back down to level, maybe that'd even the field. He's been sticking to the high grounds since the begining after all.

Its worth a shot anyway. She jumps up to the nearby building, and runs accross the rooftops, tracing a wide circle around the area until she's in Sho's back. Jumping off toward him, she attempts another of her move, more wrestling than martial arts, but grappling is also part of the Zangan style. If she can get her arms around the tall man, she can't miss, can she?

With a mighty pull, she attempts to piledrive him backward, and while he's grounded, she slams him with a few kicks for good measure. "I'm tired of hearing you go on Tangents" ~_~
Avira has posed:
"Tch...!" Avira bristles at Sho, "I'll show you!" The grip on her spine tightens enough that the leather of her fingerless glove begins to creak under the pressure.

I'll show everyone! I'm not just some loser anymore!!

Avira lands atop the junk pile again, crouched, but before she can rise, a carcinopunk tackles her from behind and the pair go rolling down the pile quite painfully. Frantically, she manages to launch the Noise off of her with her feet but for a few seconds afterwards, she doesn't get up. It all hurt so much now. "" she murmurs, forcing her body to move. She wouldn't let it end here, not to this guy, not like /this/. Another faint beat of sound moves through her and that faint white glow returns to the Spine. Determined, she pushes herself up.

Gripping the Spine with both hands, she lets ice magic enervate the weapon. "Well you know what, Game Master..." she says breathlessly, shifting her stance so her "sword" is behind her. "...a bunch of little fractions..."

She swings it forth, unleashing her ice magic again which, as it had far earlier, takes the form of a snarling lupine beast as it flies through the air at Sho. "...ADD UP!"

Lily has posed:
Lily's floored by the immense power of her own explosion. It's simply too much for her to handle, and so she goes down... easy pickings for one of the Choirfrogs to torment for several seconds. It pounds on her nastily, driving her into the weakened ground and squeezing a few panicked, weak yelps from the girl who's slipping towards unconsciousness...

But. with a wave of healing power from Faruja giving her the strength, she raises a hand at it when it next hops-- and a flare of power lashes out to engulf the thing, blowing it back several dozen feet.

Groaning wearily, Lily clambers to her feet and smiles brightly over at Faruja in thanks... before running off to rejoin her partner, Shiki.

"What do you... GAIN... by all of this?! What do you GAIN from hurting people?! It's wrong. It's awful. It's cruel."

"I-- I'm going to melt you!"

The girl might not have a proper grasp of what happens when you set people on fire, but that's no threat. It's a declaration.

The really crazy part is that after unleashing that big catastrophe, Lily still yet raises a hand to the heavens. A whitish-blue aura flickers up about her and Shiki, crackling and fizzling, with two focal points. Shiki's Fusion pin, and the gem in Lily's forehead. This corona flashes and spatters, then...

THEN things get violent. Sparks fly from this aura up into the skies, cutting off the heavens with a layer of ominous magical fury. From this layer comes more calamity. Bolts of pure mana streak down across the battlefield much like before, blasting craters hopefully INTO the remaining Taboo noise, while some of it strikes down upon Sho. Some of it's shaped like lightning, other bits of this power fall like grenades. But then...

Then Mr. Mew levitates off the ground as he's struck by three bolts of purest power that leave him glowing brightly. The very next moment he's off like a rocket.

For Sho's face. An engine of claws full of anguish.
Riku has posed:
And-- then it's like Merilan all over again, although a little less disturbing. This is only a matter of degree not worth thinking about when the entire district is going up in magical explosions.

Reflex is all that saves him from being blown to pieces, knocked off his feet and rolling back onto them as he slides under the cover of an alley.

Broken glass rains down, part of a metal awning clattering to smash entirely too close to where he was standing.


Riku slides down the side of the wall, head pounding with every beat of the music as he stays hidden behind a dumpster he took cover behind. This doesn't prevent the smaller noise from following him and he has no room to manuever properly.

They don't exactly murder him but he does pick up a few not inconsequential scratches from the attacks before they go down. The sword evaporates from his hand as he leans up against the wall away from the conflict, pulling one leg up so he can rest an elbow on them and then rest his head on one arm.

You're not going to, are you? Right. Well-- then I'll /make/ you stop. His hand twists around as if looping around invisible threads. Tendrils of darkness shimmer into focus around his hand as he puts all of his willpower into bracing himself and YANKING on the threads. The deafening music is marred by an abrupt needle scratching over the calamitous tune.

The remaining Noise shudder and twitch, eyes going swirly as they suddenly become confused. They turn around to face Sho in waves, first a few, then more and more as if something if passing between them all. Fangs and claws and explosive quills are bared. When the explosions begin again, they all just pile on with one purpose in mind. Nibble and Maul to death their owner.
Sho Minamimoto has posed:
Everyone asks the same thing, in the end. They say it in their eyes. They ask it in their body language. When they gasp, they always say the same thing.


Sho grimaces as Tifa strikes, trying to get a grip on him. He struggles, but it's too late. The impact caves in a portion of the street, and Sho is launched backwards, landing on one knee as he winces in pain from the powerful blows, slowly standing back up. The fact that he's even standing at this point, however...

Avira launches after him. He quickly reaches out a hand, throwing a Grunge Wolf at her to intercept the attack. She cleaves right through it, but not without cost. The slash hits shallowly, driving him backwards. Just as Avira said, each one is adding up.

Riku reaches out and grasps. Sho narrows his eyes. He can /hear/ that. "You... An inverse matrix!?" He exclaims, as Riku reaches out with the powers of Darkness and turns the Noise on their 'master'. He falls back, blurring from place to place as they attack. By now, Sho is throwing the dwindling Taboo Noise in the path of the oncoming assault, using them bodily to delay the inevitable...

The inevitable, in this case, being Lily empowering Mr. Mew with incomprehensible force. The Fusion Attack blasts straight through the Neoclassical Drake, shattering it in a screech of static, the assault leaving a psychokinetic shockwave that shreds through the remaining Taboo Noise. The burning Mr. Mew slams towards Sho, angling for a lethal strike...

And there is a massive sound of an incredible force striking an immovable object. Six, massive wings of black steel, skeletal and spiked, larger and more numerous than any Reaper before seen, curve around Sho, intercepting the attack.

The attack which puushed him several hundred feet down the street, putting holes in a few buildings. As the dust clears, the Reaper Wings snap back, sending Mr. Mew flying back at the heroes. "This world is trash. It's full of filth and cruelty. It doesn't deserve to exist. But I will correct the variables. I will balance the equation. Congratulations on surviving today's Game, Yoctograms. We'll see if you can keep... ahead of the curve."

He turns, the wings vanishing as he blurs, vanishing as he moves with intese speed down the street.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
The light is severe and shocking as Shiki and Lily execute their fusion attack- conveniently so bright and flashy that Shiki might not notice that rather odd thing Riku does...

And then the light fades. Shiki gets a faceful of Sho, with his six massive, horrible wings, and catches Mr. Mew as he flies back.

Just as soon as he's done it, he speaks. And Shiki listens, though she hears nothing. It's sound and fury, signifying nothing, to her. All she knows is one thing.

This is the new Game Master.
This is the master of the Taboo noise.
This... is the person who destroyed her world?

"Next time," she says. "I'll win. We'll win the Game. And we'll solve your equation."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart managed to flip out of the way, down the pile of junk, before Lily's death rain strike. Fortunatly for her, from the looks of it. She finds catch agaisnt a nearby half-detroyed bench for a breather, not willing to collapse down. She shakes her head "We did it." she phews, walking toward the girls "Glad everyone is okay..." Relatively okay for some, considering Avira and Lily's states right now. She's not that great either, but she's standing at least.
Avira has posed:
It's kind of funny-at the start of this, Avira could barely get her weapon through the dangerous Grunge Wolf. Now in her determination to get at Sho, she blew through one, but not without nearly taking herself out in the process. It absorbs most of the impact too but she knows she at least left a mark on Sho before he was consumed by magic. What a difference really putting her heart into it made...

Avira lands and witnesses in wonder as all the Noise turns on its creator. Now that's...unusual. Something's just not right there. Combined magica assaults destroy the remaining Noise around her and in short order, the Reaper flees.

Grinning, Avira puts the point of the Spine against the ground and perches a gloved hand atop the hilt. Victory pose time aw yeah.

It's short lived though. "Hey!" Avira calls out breathlessly, "Who was doin' all the healing during that?"
Lily has posed:
A few moments after Avira calls out 'who was doing the healing...'

Lily, the adrenaline rush (or whatever constitutes such for her biology) wearing off, seems no longer quite capable of standing next to Shiki. She falls to her knees, then flat on her face with a THUMP. Despite all of the healing that's come HER way, she still LOOKS awful too. Her clothes are somewhat shredded, and quite bloodied, after all.
Faruja Senra has posed:
And the Beast shows his true form. Grim, strong, and terrible to behold. Yet, they all stand firm before it. Faruja takes strength, from those around him, from his own Faith, from the fact that they /live/. Then Sho gives his justification.

Faruja rubs a hand over his face, noting blood coming from the ruined half. He lets it drip, and shakes his head. ".../That/ is your justification? My, my my. Sho Minamimoto, never before have I heard such unbridled arrogance. Truly infantile. Look you upon those who stand firm in the face of darkness, and yet you do not see? The glory, the power, the /hope/ within us all? How very blind. It will be your death."

Thump! Faruja has little time to say much else, and very simply turns away. 'Coward', he mumbles, even as he gets to one knee. Cure spells, potions, wyvern breaths go to the torn girl as he works on her first. She's the most wounded, and most vulnerable.

"The Lord granted us victory. Whatever that one's power, his lack of faith and reliance on demons will be his end. The courage all of you have shown today is breathtaking. No mere 'Game Master' can stand against such."

The rat nods to Avira. "'Twould be the Lady you should thank on the whole." Despite the obvious cures going on, he's going to play up his downed friend. Humility power go~.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart moves over to help out with what she can as well. She doesn't have healing magic though, but being there always is helpful nonetheless. "At least everyone is alive, we all seem okay too, we can cure the rest." And a good night's sleep cures everything too. Gotta love these fantasy logics. Missing limb, sleep it off.
Avira has posed:
"It was Lily?" she asks Faruja, looking over to the downed mage. Now she was going to give the one responsible a hug for all their help, exclaiming that if it weren't for them, she would very likely be DEAD now. Avira's not so arrogant that she doesn't recognize that it was more than her iron will and determination seeing her through this fight.

But Lily is very passed out. Sheathing the Spine, Avira walks over to the fallen girl and kneels beside her, drawing her head up into her lap.

"I'm not big on white magic...but I can help you a little bit." she murmurs, holding up her hand to let it hover over Lily, waving it from her head to her chest. A faint green glow follows-those from Ivalice would recognize it as what passes for 'First Aid' in those parts.

Avira looks exhausted at this point. It's kind of a marvel that she's still going.
Lily has posed:
"Mmmnnnnnhhh... Melt him Shiki!" Lily mumbles out a bit deliriously in response to all of this attention. The words echo out in a serious tone, but a few moments later Lily's eyes flutter open... and they are glassy witth confusion. "U-um...good morning, Avira, Faruja!--aaa..owww... really achy..."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart kneels down next to Lily with a smile. She's passibly hurt, clawed, and bloody here and there, but not as bad as Lily and Avira, thanks to the cure Cure potions she used during the fight. "You'll be alright, you did great. Its all thanks to you."
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Shiki holds up Lily, worried she'll collapse. She looks... very sad, for some reason.

"Come on," she says, looking at the now empty street. "We should go before the other shoe drops. We've gotta get back and tend to Reize..."
Faruja Senra has posed:
"The honorless dog flees from righteous judgement. A true pity, but it works to our advantage. Worry not, he has my...and the Church's...attention." Faruja says, nodding.

"Much obliged, M'Lady. Tend to the wounded." It's offered to Miri and Avira both, the Burmecian finally standing as Lily is awake and helped to her feet. He turns to his wyvern friend.

As he speaks in draconic, Arista for once doesn't protest. The scaled beast lowers herself to Shiki and Lily. "Up with you both. Rest." Faruja too leaps upon the creature's back. Time for Air Arista Interdimensional. He'll help them both up.

Turning to the rest, he nods. "Well done. We go to tend to ourselves, I suggest doing the same. This time of troubles shall pass! In the Lord's name, Amen!" Once the pair are aboard, they're off!
Avira has posed:
Oh good, she's regaining consciousness, "Hey Lily." Avira grins, though it looks more like a grimace given the condition she's in right now. She waits patiently until Lily's gotten up and watches as SHiki and her board a freaking DRAGON at Faruja's behest.

"Seeya." she offers, waving as she stands., she should get one of those. It'd be great to fly. Then again, she's also got her eyes set on an airship but...

"Well I dunno about you, Tifa, but I need a drink."