A Doctor

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A Doctor
Date of Scene: 19 December 2012
Location: Traverse Town
Synopsis: Faruja Senra encounters a military program who escaped from the grid some time ago. Unlike CHIEF he seems here to help rather than harm. Later Deelel also encounters them both, and she finds out her plan of leaving grid art clearly is working as intended.
Cast of Characters: CADUCEUS, Deelel, Faruja Senra

Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja's pit stop in Traverse for supplies had turned into something slightly longer than expected. Between assurances that everything is under control from his superiors, and the order to see to any remaining wounded, his tail was quite firmly tied. Thus, the ratling has stowed away his things for a day or so before he's actually /needed/ in Mullonde. Cursed low rank!

But, orders are orders, and he carries them out. Particularly thanks to the fact that a little girl's condition has been steadily declining. Faruja's a Holy Knight. His healing skills are strong. But it takes a real White Mage to take care of the disease that rampages the poor, recently blinded girl's body. All he, and the hastily assembled team of doctors, healers, and adepts can do is treat symptoms and keep her alive. After another round of watching, Cures, and comforting the poor thing, he stalks out of the line of tents with red banners; infirmary ones for the worst ill.

He's dressed in robes, rather than armor today, again taking up the mantle of healer. "Damnit! Where is a /real/ White Mage when you have need of one!?"
CADUCEUS has posed:
Amongst the wounded there were people wearing heavy black shrouds with black motorcycle helmets and the talk amongst the homeless was there was a healer which treated those for free who needed it. The conditon of these rumors however are unsure since the fall of manhattan. When the ratling is seen, one of the black shrouded people comes. "I can heal your wounded. But I demand you and your doctors leave the tents and do not look inside." A heavy scrambled electronic voice says within the motorcycle helmet, the visor hiding his face.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Perhaps desperate, Faruja is nevertheless increasingly paranoid. Temple Knight to the core, a group of shrouded men covering their faces and asking to heal...and not revealing how...sets his warning bells off swiftly. The Burmecian bows to the group and the one speaking.

"Your offer is quite generous, Ser. However, forgive me to say so, but I am a Knight of the Holy Church. I must ask; how do you mean to do so, that must remain shrouded? These people have lost much at the hands of Darkness. What do you hide?"
CADUCEUS has posed:
"I hide myself so that others may not suffer at the hands of others. I have seen first hand what happens to those who attract the wrath and malice of others. As this way, your patients and my own life remain safe." The voice says, distorted and obvious some sort of electronic echo to it as it speaks. "People are dying and you wish to discuss motive? If I do cause something I have no doubt you will end me." the being says as the visor faces Faruja.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja looks the man over, and then his companions. The Templar nods, and even cracks a tired smile. "...Quite. Yes, indeed. Come then, healer. By all means, prove me a paranoid fool." Waving them on, he stalks to the tent. Opening the flap, he nods to those inside.

"All of you, out, please." A few protesting voices call back, before he scowls. "OUT! A girl's life is at stake! Now leave lest I THROW you out!" Soon enough, there's an empty tent, save for the worst of the wounded.

"There we are. The girl is yours, for now."
CADUCEUS has posed:
"Thank you." The black cloaked being says and when Faruja leaves, the shrouds rustle a bit. one of the shrouded beings has a hunched back and after a moment it vanishes as he moves a disk over the girl. Green holographic display shows the infection and the virus within the girls body. Black gloved hands poke and prod at the holograms and before long, the sound of electronic chirping is heard. The disk has green glowing lines along it and he doesnt stop at the girl, seeming to be moving from person to person. If Faruja was to look, he could see the girl sleeping, not looking at all sick like earlier while the black shrouded being works on other patients.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja is true to his word. He sets to guarding the tent, not looking inside. Instead, he leans on his spear, in that subtle way good guards do to save on energy when they're standing around.

After a while? "How fares the girl?"
CADUCEUS has posed:
"You may come in if you wish. Nezumi, but just you." CADUCEUS calls, voice still heavily distorted beyond recognizable levels. When the rat came in he would notice the girl was sleeping and indeed seemed to look better. He moved to a patient with a bad slash along his chest and moves the disk over the scar, holographic display appearing again and he pokes and prods. If Faruja watches the injury, it seemed to be healng with the more he interacted with the disk, infact, the injury healed in a almost circuit pattern before there wasnt even sign of scarring.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja enters, blinking as he looks at the disc. "...Ser. Are you...Lord in heaven, what was that term Lady Deel used? A 'Program'? I have seen that...artifact of yours before."

Faruja looks over the girl, barely able to hide his shock. She was...well, cured! Turning to the injured man, the rat nods.

And of course, the Knight is quick with prayers. "Lord be blessed, He who answers the prayers of those whom need it most."
CADUCEUS has posed:
"If you would keep it to yourself I would appreciate it. There are still those who wish my destruction where I am from." The black shrouded being said as he continued to work. "I know this is probably beyond you but you are correct. I assume lady Deel is someone similar. Tell me do you know what color her disk was, or the lights from her?" He asks as he works and once finished moves to another patient, display appearing again and he works.
Faruja Senra has posed:
"Nay, Ser, I quite understand your caution. Lady Deel has made me aware of certain individuals from your world, namely one 'MCP' and a 'LEXUS'. I have yet to encounter either in the recent conflicts, however."

Faruja smiles, and nods. "Yes, technology is something for humans. However...I know well enough the power of a tyrant."

Faruja taps his chin, the ratling finally remembering. "Blue. Blue, if memory serves."
CADUCEUS has posed:
Caduceus nods. "Trust me, you do not wish to meet either one. The MCP desires power over everything...And LEXUS is at times worse or less. As for the MCP being here, do not fret. Here it's power is limited and thus doesnt wish to be lesser." He says in that distorted voice, working on another person now.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja nods, pondering that. "I see. There is that, then. We've enough opponents, to need more dangerous and capable ones. Ahh, but I forget my manners. Temple Knight Faruja Senra, of the Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glabados. What is your name, healer?"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel had not spotted the other basic nay, she'd spotted faruja ducking into the tent and wanted to check up on him. She was curious about how he was doing after yesterday if he rembered the person she met she would mysteriously be very vague for good reason but for now she's poking her head in and the otehr basic would notice her voice unlike all the user's sounds totally normal!

CADUCEUS has posed:
"I will tell you when we are alone." CADUCEUS says when Deelel comes in, he tilts his head. "Did you go to check your mural anytime soon, Miss?" The distorted voice says as he moves over the patient, quickly trying to pull his disk back under the shroud.
Faruja Senra has posed:
"As you wish." He can't really blame the man's paranoia. It's health. The rat turns, and gives Deel something that's a cross between a blush and a smile. Oh Faram. "...Lady Deelel! Quite the pleasure, as always! Faram guide your path, my friend!" Cough. Pause.

"Erm...I...did nothing to, ahh...embarrass myself last night?"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "You got sleepy and seemed relxed. I don't understand why you wanted to damage your operational ability like that that but somethings are just ... beyond me understanding. Don't worry about the room eitgher I have that cover." She looks over to CADUCEUS "Last night, why?" She tilts her head, she's not even bothering to hide her nature. Really people already know there's no point really right?
CADUCEUS has posed:
"If you checked it this morning you would note an addition to your drawing." CADUCEUS says as he watches her. "Your not hiding yourself, Program? Despite the MCP and LEXUS? Not wise." The distorted voice says as it watches the woman
Faruja Senra has posed:
Crap. So he passed out. The rat's ears droop. "...Perhaps Sister Annabelle is correct. Temperance, Faruja." Sigh.

"I am young, and a fool, Lady Deel. Many of us spend our entire lives attempting to understand our own stupidty. Most do not succeed."

A pause. "Ahh, thank you. I shall be certain to repay you, then."

"And what good would hiding do? Better to face one's enemies in the open!" Spoken like a true knight.

An ear perks, and he frowns. His name is called out, high pitched. "...Well. It seems the Sister is here. If you two will excuse me, I have business to attend to." A bow, and he's off!
Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks at the other for a moment and shakes her head. "There's no point they both know me by face and name. I fought the latter latter as well during the fall of Manhattan." She looks at the other. "It doesn't matter for me honestly. I won't condem anyone else who does such."
CADUCEUS has posed:
CADUCEUS nods as he reaches to his helmet and pulls it off, revealing who was as he pulls the shrouds off. "They know who I am too but I hid myself so others wont be hurt." CADUCEUS says as he goes to the next person and pulls his disk off, holographic displays forming as it diagnosises the next patient. "Been a while."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel pauses suprised to see the one military program she'd known before she found her way out here. "There's also another program lose. ID's CHIEF he's very glitched off at the users in general but doesn't seem to be viral or directly working for MCP or LEXUS." Sher notes, while moving along side the medic. "Fair enough but I'm more and more a diversion and I ... don't feel a need to really hide myself at lest in Tranverse town. There's dozens of species here most people think I just have body art." She notes gesturing to the lines on her exposed arm.
CADUCEUS has posed:
CADUCEUS nods as he pushes a few things on the holographic display and she can watch as the injury heal in a circuit pattern. "I wagered several programs would have left. I left a few weeks before manhattan fell. The homeless doesnt care who you are, though they do become protective when your able to heal their wounds." He says calmly. His green circuits shimmer as he fully heals his patient. "It must be nice, to perform your function without having to participate in the games, is it?" He asks curiously as he looks amongst the tent.
Deelel has posed:
Deelelsays "I understand I never thought users would have strays of their own." She notes suprised still after all this time. A lot of thigns about her makers had been shocking to her. Still her faith in them hadn't wavered oddly enough, she just found she could relate to them more than she expected. "Maybe but I found my self more and more being an attempt to emulate a Securuty program I seemed to be the onlything between the grid's servers and the Heartless."
CADUCEUS has posed:
"All should be able to defend themselves so that they do not fall. I was quite aware of the user's frailties and oddities from the beginning and I believe that while they have good potential, I pity them. They move purposeless and never finding completion like us when we accomplish our purposes." CADUCEUS says as he would finally finish and puts the disk back onto his back. "How many programs have you encountered?"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "They made us. Being born without purpose yet they get up after every rest cycle and keep going. They can find their own purposes I seen them create freat things, art. Use and build from materials I could never think were real, I seen cities caved from stone, rather than steel. A few the hostile ones are LEXUS, MCP and CHIEF is a dangeorus wild card. ANy others have wished to keep themselves unknown. That knight you spoke to eariler he was willing to get Drezzed to protect me..."
CADUCEUS has posed:
"Some people have a set of rules which is different from all known logic. For example, I am to do no harm, but I wont let those who threaten my charges to continue doing so." CADUCEUS says as he looks about and then back at the female program. "You said the hostile ones were those three but you said a few. There are others? I suggest we also try and keep together, atleast let each other know what we are doing." He says calmly. "If TRON was here we could perhaps have him lead us, he has become more then a program when he refused to obey the MCP, he became a symbol."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "I know they can be quite chaotic. Still I can see an order in the chaos it's har to se but there's womehing there." She nods "I understand I'll make them aware of you if you so let me however. If you do not wish it I'll not say a thing." She nods a little bit, she knows its TRON but he asked to keep slient for now. "He was our hope..."
CADUCEUS has posed:
"He /IS/ our hope. Until one see's him being derezzed, do not give up hope." CADUCEUS says as he would watch the woman and then glances about. "I dont mind people knowing I am here, I just hid myself so I could draw less attention to myself. Course seeing how you go about, I guess I am too paranoid. Comes from military origins I think." He says as he glances about.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Your right Tron lives." She smiles a bit "We can't give up if anything the USERs are depending on us even more so now. If we think about it we have to find out if we can system restore Manhattan or if it's croupted forever. I have to get going there's reaarch I need to do." She gives CAD some means to contact her however before she departs.