Demona | |
![]() | |
Age | 30s |
Species | Gargoyle |
Sex | Female |
Height | 6'8" |
Weight | 353 lbs |
Background | |
Series | Gargoyles |
Combat Styles | |
Hometown | Wyvern Hill |
Group | Nightstone Unlimited |
Occupation/Job | Destruction of Humanity |
Force: | Forces of Ruin |
Quote | |
"Humanity is our enemy. I will have blood for blood!" | |
Recent Events | |
Plots, Plans, and French Loafs. |
Long ago in Scotland's history, there was a place known as Wyvern hill. Upon this hill was a great structure known as Wyvern Castle. This structure was guarded by mystical creatures known as gargoyles. Due to their protectors of the night, this made the castle near impossible to storm. However within deception was born. Not only did it cost the peoples deaths within, but also the lives of the Gargoyles who slept during the day. Demona remembers these events well and she has held this close to her heart, perhaps a little to close. She has become resentful of all humans and pledged to get revenge on ever last one. No matter the price that must be paid. Even after thousands of years have passed her desire of revenge still remains ever strong.
In one of her plots of revenge, Puck decided to give her a gift, or what she would really call more of a curse. The appearance of a human during the day. Though this was something Demona despised, she made great use of, including taking on another persona. This Persona is known as Dominique Destine. A level headed business woman who original had her business out in Manhattan, but moved later to Notre Dome with her new business partner to start up the enterprise known as Nightstone Unlimited. Then with the fall of Manhattan, moved her business into the French Countryside, where she now enlists the aid of adventurers and explorers to locate items across worlds.
<Will be coming soon?>
Over a thousand years ago, there was a clan of Gargoyles in Scotland that protected the Castle Wyvern. There humans and gargoyles lived rather peacefully, beyond one who did not trust her human allies as so many of her kin did. Yet, because of her love, she attempted to trust them with some faithfulness; but only for her love.
However when the time came, she saw a chance to free them from their human allies and able to take over the castle for themselves. A chance to be rid of the humans and be free to live their lives with no rule by them. Though she could tell no one of this plot, as she knew not only would not some of her clan kin agree but she also knew that her beloved, Goliath as the humans called him, would never understand; not until after it was done.
She worked with the Captain of the Castle, working with him for a plan she was sure to work. Trusting him for a moment to protect her kin during the sun while the Vikings attacked to plunder the castle. Yet in her fear, fear that something could go wrong. She left the castle before sun rise. She left with her conscious and fear. Finding herself crying silently as the sun rose, staring out over the ocean over it. Fearing, yet hoping all would be alright by the time night came.
Yet to her dismay, when she awoken not only was the castle in flames, but most of her clan destroyed. Then she was to find that her beloved Goliath was turned to stone during the day, along with several of the others.
Angry and hurt by the treaty of one man and the vikings drove her to leave the castle once more, heading deeper into Scotland to seek answers she could not get. To seek a moment to clear her mind. Yet in all her wanderings of Scotland, she found no rest from her pain. It only grew by each passing of night that she awoken and her emotions only growing colder until she realized that the only way to make amends for what she-- no they had done-- was to kill all of human kind. Yet this would take great preparation and time. This would take research and study she did not have. So the first years of this plan was hard. She scavenged for food to survive, surviving mostly alone. Humans feared her and would attempt to attack her, in return with her need of revenge, she gladly always returned to the favor.
In this she was also able to find out Gargoyles. Outcasts, that she took under her wing. Protecting them, creating a new clan; though some may see it more like bandits. She was growing older though and no matter how much she attempted to harm the humans, they would not cease their existence. She realized that in her old age soon, that she would pass on and she would not be able to seek her revenge. She would not be able to make the humans suffer.
Until a chance came. A man named Macbeth. She and he ended up working together to protect his own kingdom, not only getting her own 'clan' out of the hole they were living in, but for the time, giving her a chance to get access to materials she was unable to get her claws on since the fall of Castle Wyvern. It was also during this moment in time, that she convinced Macbeth that they needed to find the Wierd sisters, as they could not only aid him as king, but continue their mutual 'friendship'. It was here that Macbeth and she were magically linked together. Macbeth gaining some age, while she gained back her youth. They would suffer one another's pains and life as well. Linked for all entirety until one killed the other.
It was in battle under Macbeth that she gained her name. It was while she was at his side, did he give her the name he thought suit her by how she fought. He called her Demona. A name she kept with her, as she thought it was very suiting of her as well.
Yet, even in the times of working with Macbeth her anger, her need of revenge, and her sorrow of her lost love, continued to push her in her dark hatred for humanity. In her cold heart she soon betrayed Macbeth as well, in some poetic fashion that she found how humans betrayed her.
Though Macbeth could not believe what she had staged, because to him, there friendship was mutual, yet to her, it was only borrowing the time she needed in order to set up her next plans in motion.
After her betrayal of Macbeth, Demona once roamed the world, waiting for the moment she would need in order to break the spell that she had come to learn that the others were under at Castle Wyvern. She waited, schemed, and survived. It was not till she met a man named David Xanatos did the gears start to turn into place for her once clan to be brought back.
Yet like all great schemes, this one soon came with unexpected turn of events. Goliath was quick to learn, quick to adapt. Though she tried to convince him the dangers of humanity and what they had done, Goliath would not change his ways and sided with the humans still. Worse, he blamed her for the destruction of their own clan, because it was by her hand that they were destroyed.
In her rage, Demona struck out, denying that what Goliath was saying was true, even though deep inside she knew it was. She knew somewhere down deep that he was right, and perhaps that is what filled the rage even more and her grew even her own anger to extend out further. Far as she was then concerned, if Goliath and the others would not take her side, then they would be her enemies as well! They would fall with the very humans they continue to protect, even though the humans care nothing for their kind!
Scheme upon schemes, plans upon plans. Demona after such a point had tried many things to get her revenge in some for or fashion. Including even aiding Xanatos, then turning around and attempting to betray him as well when the time was right to do so. She even went as far to not only mess with time, but even call out Puck to attempt to be rid of the humans. Yet a curious thing happened upon calling Puck, in his games and in his way of twisting what is requested. When she asked him to be free from her stone curse, Puck not only granted this but placed a spin on it.
A spin that was to make Demona have a taste of her own medicine, to be disgusted by herself during the day. Oh yes, she could enjoy the sun, but as a human. Yet in her anger for the trickier she was placed in. Demona soon made the best of things once more to survive. In some ways, coming to find the human form extremely useful in order to get more work done for her plans.
As her human self, she took on the name of Dominique Destine, and started her own business in finding runes artifacts around the world. Such items she would find, she would also look for their mystical uses in order to perhaps use them in her own schemes, and if she had no use for them. She would put them in her personal museum for display.
With the creation of Thailog, Demona found also a new companion for the time, also business partner for what they created known as Nightstone Unlimited. This business was constructed out in Notre Dome. Where things for the early part seem to be going rather well. Then something took place, a hole in her memory really of what exactly happened but in the wake of an unknown event Demona found herself waking up in a place of darkness and many portals. An environment she was unfamiliar with and also finding herself once more alone. In her rage, she blamed Thailog silently for double crossing her and found herself wondering the Crossroads between worlds.
It was not for several weeks later did she at last make her way out into Traverse Town using her human disguise in order to explore the area. To not only found that the once clan she loved had come to live here, but also many people of Manhattan. She knew this was no place to remain, so getting what supplies she could carry and after making some maps from memory of her roaming, she set off for the Old Kingdom.
Dominique Destine set up a business then in the French Country where she bought a cottage home, with a shop on the side that dealt in purchasing objects of unknown origins or belief to have properties of unknown. She also hires out explorers in order to locate odd and end artifacts; including objects that may not seem like much. To her, she uses this little business to continue to find items to aid her in her desire to destroy all humans, not just now across the world she came from; but across all worlds.
Though she may run a modest like business, it should not be forgotten that she also does things as Demona still and many of those are using the portal not far from her location to jump around worlds, looking for items that are far to dangerous for humans to handle or that she doesn't want them to even /touch/.
She also uses these chances to learn the different worlds and research into what has what. What could become her 'allies' and what should be deemed her 'enemies' that she will destroy in time. As Demona is not beyond making temporary allies for her own personal gain. After all, it is something she has done for thousands of years, and she will continue to do so, until her planning and scheming comes to an end.
Demona even back in her days of being with Goliath had her moments of dislike toward the humans of Castle Wyvern, however she trusted her beloved and tended to follow his lead for the most part. She disliked seeing her people treated as second rate and being treated like slaves to the very human race.
In her mind, they should have been the rulers of mankind and mankind should be doing what they wanted, not the other way around. Yet, Goliath believed what they were doing was best. So Demona wanting to free them from this cycle, created her own dark circle that would haunt her for the rest of her life.
In allowing Castle Wyvern to be attacked, she brought the death of her own clan mates, yet denies that it was by her hand. Instead she took all of rage, her pain, her sorrow and turned it against the very human race. Blaming them for every dark act, for every death, for every bit of her emotional despair.
It was in this that she started to hunt down humans, even sometimes working with them to backstab them when they were not looking. She would learn their ways and use such ways against them. It wasn't till modern day that she worked the longest with a human, and that was for her own selfish gain in hopes to reunite with her beloved once more, only to find him pushing her away because of how 'cruel' she had become.
This only fueling her need of revenge even deeper that /he/ would choose a human over her, and thus the circle continues. Spiraling, circling, growing worse and worse. Never blaming herself for what had happened, always blaming others. She is her own worst enemy and though deep down she knows it, she refuses to accept what she has done or even has become.
As the other worlds go and including groups within these worlds, she has little care for any of them. They are only tools to be used to gain what she wants, or needs. She has a greater resentment toward the Shadow Lords, as they are what caused Manhattan to fall and though she has no love for the humans there, her once clan was there. That clan, far as she is concerned, is for her to deal with as she so chooses to deal with. No one, gets between her and her once kin. No one.
Those People
Name | Word Affiliation | Status | Thoughts |
Faruja Senra | Chivalrous | ![]() |
This is apparently one of those rat people from what I believe is called the World of Ruin. He is very much a knight, he probably is just as gullible as most knights to maidens. He also is with some church. I could make use of this, but I will need to be careful, as he only knows me as Dominique. |
Zeke | Quiet | ![]() |
Much like Faruja, only human. I do not really anything about him, but again, met him as Dominique. I will probably need to further investigate this one on my spare time with those high-heels on. Maybe see just what he is really all about.. Yet, need to be cautious. |
Emperor Mateus | Fascinating | There is something about this man. Met him in Vector and I am looking forward to the next time we meet for a further chat. He may become of great use, and though appears to be human, I think there is more to him then just that. | |
Evja | ??? | Met him in Vector. Strange creature. I believe they are what are known as Viera in the World of Ruin. Do not have enough information to really make a call as of yet. | |
Percival | Confused | ![]() |
You said that my name was the founder of your clan. Yet I was sure Macbeth killed them all. I.. will have to seek you out later for answers. |
Black Rose
Name | Word Affiliation | Status | Thoughts |
Morrighan Alazne | Grrr! | ![]() |
A very annoying, magical elf. If I see her again, I may rip out her vocal cords to just silence her voice!! |
Goblet If You Please | March 20th, 2013 | A holy goblet is required for a spell. The best place to get such a thing. A church ofcoarse! Off to Glabados' place in Mullonde! |
Vector Of The Night | February 26th, 2013 | One never knows who they may run into during a trip to Vector. |
Can I have Minions? - Part 1 | March 10th, 2013 | Demona is up to no good, and this is the first part of a plan in motion. NOTE: How many of these cutscenes will be written all depends on her success and failure rates, as she tries to march ever closer to completing her plan (or not). |