Enter Our Protagonist

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Enter Our Protagonist
Date of Scene: 08 October 2012
Location: Traverse Town
Synopsis: Sora woke up in Traverse Town due to Faruja falling on top of him. Initial explanations are made, and then heartless are battled.
Cast of Characters: Faruja Senra, Pixi, Sora

Sora has posed:
It's a quiet and early morning in Traverse Town, the sun has been up for around an hour, and people are going about their business. One could be forgiven for assuming this day would be just like any other. And for most anyone, it's probably right, but there are some exceptions, and it's those upon which we will focus this tale.

One of those people is a young man, a boy really, of fourteen years. He is sleeping somewhere out of sight, behind some boxes in a dead-end alley. One could miss him easily, if you're not aware of his presence, and since he does not snore missing him is easy. Of course, as he has his back against the wall, it's not entirely unreasonable to think that this boy is just thinking and wouldn't want to be disturbed.

But he is, in fact, asleep. He is no more awake than sleeping beauty or snow white. He is, fortunately, easier to wake, if one were so inclined.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Templar Faruja Senra isn't one to step into back alleys without a good reason. After all, his time in service to his country showed him what often happens in them. He does however often frequent the rooftops above them.

What a morning! Hanging briefly in the beautiful morning sky mid-Jump, the Burmecian turns to his companion as he starts his descent. "The Lord blesses us with another day, Lady Pixi! Rejoice! For what mortal can say how long it shall las...ahh!" Claws make contact with the shingles of the building, the ratling landing on the edge. Unfortunately, it seems that Traverse Town wasn't built for his kind's habits in mind. Though rather light himself, plate armor /isn't/. A crack, a squeak, and the rat skitters embarrassingly from the rooftop. Whap!

Thankfully he manages to land on something squishy and soft. "Oh, for Faram's sake! Have these humans never touched upon the concept of building codes? Even Lindblum has them! /Wood/ shingles. Really!?" the rather perturbed Templar rants, picking up the source of his fall. Teeth meet wood. Only then does he inspect what he landed on.

"Oh dear Faram, are you alright!?" Comes the PalaDragoon's burst of concern for the boy, quickly getting up. Starting to look him over, he incants, a cura spell washing over the young man. "Anything broken? Can you understand me?" Have to check to ensure he didn't give the boy a concussion!
Sora has posed:

As a rat falls on top of the boy, the boy is forcibly woken up an he gasps a in surprise and a bit of pain as he wakes up, still clearly sleepy his instincts take action on his mind's behalf, and the boy's keyblade materializes in his sword hand. He doesn't quite jump up yet, he's not entirely awake enough for that reflex to kick in.

"Yeah I'm fine." Sora answers, still waking up until, "Wait. Where am I? Where's my friends? Who are you?" Roughly asked in order of importance, the hand holding the keyblade moves down but the keyblade is still held. "I can understand you, I don't think there's anything broken, but... why did you jump on top of me?"
Pixi has posed:
Following the ratling templar was a pretty tall viera. Unlike the burmecian, she travelled light, both in weaponry and armor. As the Burmecian leapt from rooftop to rooftop, the Viera followed behind but at a bit of a distance. She had to 'look before she leapt' because of her time in the Golmore jungle. Obviously, not every branch could hold weight. In this case, she was being careful upon the rooftops, but her burmecian friend was not, and he fell from the roof. She started forward quickly, but the Burmecian's outburst said he was fine. Hard to miss the mouse's holy outbursts when things didn't go his way.

She walked her way forward and watched as the boy near Faruja slowly got to his feet. She walked her way towards the edge of the house and jumped her way down into the alley, landing quite gracefully a few feet behind the Burmecian. "I don't think he intended to land on you, young one. He wasn't watching where he was going......again." She says before looking to Faruja. "Maybe he smelled cheese and lost track of where he was landing......
Faruja Senra has posed:
Resisting the urge to go for his own weapon, the Templar holds both gauntleted hands in the air. No need to start a fight! "Ahh, Lord be praised! Truly, tougher than you look young Ser. 'Twould be a shame, were harm to come to you on such a glorious morn'." Another cure spell is added, just in case, before the rat raises the busted shingle. A clawed hand points upwards to the roof.

"The town of Traverse, Ser, is where you have found yourself. As for your friends, I know not. Pray you describe them to me?"

Sigh. Faruja glances to Pixi, frowning and ears blushing. He doesn't protest though. She's /right/, after all. "As for the jumping bit, my...let us just say I am not used to human buildings, that apparently are not built to hold a Dragoon's weight. As Lady Pixi says. My lapse of attention to this detail caused my fall. Deepest apologies."

Finally, the Templar bows, low and sweeping with a courtly sway of the tail. "Temple Knight Faruja Senra of the Most Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glab...I am /not/ obsessed with cheese, my dear Viera! Glabados. And this would be the honorable Lady Pixi of Golmore. Honored, Ser, as...much as this may be unusual. But that aside, am I to assume you are a touch lost? This town has a habit of collecting such peoples. Surely you have questions. Though perhaps we should speak somewhere aside from a dirty alleyway."
Sora has posed:

Sora would be getting up by now, but there's a... wait. There's a /rat/ standing on top of him. He doesn't mention that but he seems a bit weirded out. Just a bit. "I'm Sora, my friends are Riku, he's got spikey white hair and he's really confident, and Kairi, she's got smooth red hair and is really sweet."

"It's, uh, nice to meet you, Sir Senra and ... Lady Pixi, I guess? Yeah I guess I'm lost. Uh. Well, I have a few more questions but I guess the important one right now is, uh well." He really tries to put this politely, "Could you get off of me? Then I can get up and we can speak somewhere else." He smiles this cheesy, goofy grin, and dematerializes the keyblade, though he's not really sure /how/ he did that.
Pixi has posed:
Pixi chuckles a bit at Faruja, especially about the outburst about cheese. "It's a logical assumption, Mouse. Now maybe you'll watch where you leap." She says with a bit of a metallic clang.....as she smacks Faruja on the helmet. It's not a loud clang though. However, she does look to Sora and tilts her head. "I don't believe I've met either one of them. I think I'd remember them if I did." However, at the request that Faruja get off of him, she easily picks the Burmecian up off of Sora and places him down next to her. Seems she's pretty strong, or Faruja's really light.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Two ears perk, and he moves to get up... only to be lifted up! "Ahh, apologies, Ser Sora." Dangle dangle. In all likelyhood, it's a matter of both. Augh! His head. He dusts himself off as he's sat down. "Lessons learned."

"Young, white hair, in dire need of a lesson in manners, and steadfast before a threat?" A smirk comes to his muzzle. "Yes. I do believe I have met the young man. Seek the City of Fluorgis, within the World of Ruin. Under the employ of those known as the 'Shard Seekers'. As for your other friend, I know not where they might be."

With that, he starts to walk out of the alleyway, beckoning for the others to follow.
Sora has posed:

Now capable of standing upright, Sora gets up and follows Faruja around, trusting the tiny rat-person to know his way around. "I'm not sure all of that applies, but maybe that's just what I call confident." Another cheesy grin comes with that, looking around the town. "I'll look there soon, though I wouldn't know where that is."

Now that he's up and standing, he is probably towering over Faruja, who is probably used to that, but he might just be a bit clumsy and accidentally kick Faruja a few times. You know, like some people walk on other's people feet by accident. Sora doesn't mean to, but that doesn't mean it won't happen.
Pixi has posed:
Almost right behind Faruja and Sora, Pixi easily keeps up with the pair with slow, long strides. Once out of the alley, her greave heels click on the cobblestone pathways. She looks down to Sora curiously as he follows Faruja. "Begging your pardon, young Sora. What was that that appeared in your hand when I encountered you, while Faruja was standing upon your stomach?" Her ears perked to listen to the young man.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Aside from an ear-twitch of irritation at once again being the shortest person around, Faruja doesn't seem too bothered by Sora's greater height. After all, he's in the company of a Viera. "Remind me to give you a map, I should have one back in my hotel room. This town is connected to other worlds by portals...corridors of darkness. They make travel quite convenient, if dangerous."

Squeak! A giant sneaker squishes his tail. The Burmecian stops, holding the fluffy tip, rubbing his appendage before turning back to Sora. That red eye narrows as he leans on discipline, trying to not yell at the boy. Calm, rat, calm. "Please, Ser, /do/ watch the tail kindly?" Humans! The rat is not amused.

Ahem. One ear tilts towards Sora as he leads the group over to a small cafe...not the Wildkat, this time. A chair is pulled out for Pixi and Sora.
Sora has posed:

"Uh. I'm not ... sure? It's this thing that appeared when those shadowy creatures appeared all over, back home, and I beat some up and then I kind of woke up when you fell on me." That's ... the summarized version of events, but Sora wouldn't be able to give any answers that would actually /matter/ because he doesn't know the significance.

"And I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Sora apologizes, just in time for a bunch of heartless to appear seemingly out of nowhere. It's a mixture of Shadows, and flying heartless of several colours. Sora's hand instantly materializes the keyblade again, though he doesn't yet attack any of them. Instead, he covers himself and his current allies in a soothing magical effect that will hopefully help them out somewhat this fight!
Faruja Senra has posed:
Sigh. And he never even got to order his tea. "Quite alright." Frown. The ratling stands, kicking his seat in contemptuously. Drawing his spear, he sets the tip defensively before the Heartless, white light flaring up along the weapon's length.

"Heartless! Lord forsaken abominations!" he curses, even as magic filters over him.

"The blade is not just for show, then. Well? Stay or hide, Ser Sora?" The Burmecian begins an incantation, a swirling vortex of light flaring beside him. When it fades, a long scaled creature looking much like a white dragon makes herself known with a roar of contempt towards the heartless.

"Feeling peckish, M'Lady? Slaughter them!" He orders, to which the wyvern gives a hissing snort and starts to stalk towards the beasts.

Another incantation, and a white and purple crest will appear on Sora, Pixi, and Arista before the Burmecian himself advances.
Pixi has posed:
never really having sat down, Pixi growls as her ears flatten. "Great, more heartless." As Sora and Faruja try to make everyone stronger, Pixi wastes little time to leap into the air. A second or two later, a SPEAR flies down from the air to hit some of the hearltess on the ground. Seems she wastes very little time in attacking.
Sora has posed:

The heartless don't seem all that worried by the group of people who seem to be preparing for combat, the one move that actually directly threatens them is harmlessly evaded, and thus they are prepared to open the counterattack, which is a mixture of elemental magic, the yellow ones throw an opera of thunder at our heroes. The blue ones join with a rhapsody of ice, and finally the green ones complete the magical onslaught with a serenade of emerald.
Sora has posed:

Now that magic is flying, Sora just takes the attacks to minimize their damage, not bothering to dodge but just letting it hit him. "It's not just for show, no, Ser Faruja." And to prove this fact, Sora jumps up in an attempt to beat some of those heartless to the ground, then when he hits the ground he tries to beat them up again.

Knowing that it isn't just himself here, he then takes a few steps back to gather some breath and think up a plan of action. "So they're called heartless, huh?" He asks, some of them seeming to be at least familiar to him, as he watches both his enemies and allies here. "Why are they called that?" Still doesn't seem to realize that /those/ questions better wait until they don't have a fight to worry about.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Magic and ice, oh my. Faruja gets blasted by the effects of the various Heartless' attacks, the Templar swatting a block of ice that's formed about his left arm. It shatters, leaving him frosted and in clear pain, but it seems he'll live. Hopefully he won't get frostbite. Glaring at the offending Heartless, he swings his spear in the air. "Armor won't help the heart stay sharp! Shellburst Stab!" From seemingly nowhere, a flying crescent of energy will erupt from the ground, scything into the beast.

Still, he coughs, looking rather worse for wear. What spell /was/ that. "Time for questions later, Ser Sora!" he advises, before nodding to Arista. The pair of wyvern and dragoon manage to toss healing upon the other in the party.
Pixi has posed:

Pixi yells as she's smacked back down to the ground. Thankfully, her spear reappears in her hand and she shakes her head. "Yes, they're called heartless because they have no hearts. They're not worth showing mercy on." She says as she leaps back into the air, after Faruja's spell washes over her. However, while she's up there, she begins to attack the heartless that are up there...
Sora has posed:

The heartless are now no longer fully without fallen, though there's still far too many to give any display of safety. Faruja's counterattack took one or two out of the equation, and Sora's attack a few more. They are still far from being gone, and things are starting to look haphazard.

With so many competent enemies for the heartless, they decide to step things up a little. The red ones start with a crescendo of meteors, centered on our unfortunate heroes. The blue ones add their rhapsody in a most loving manner. It looks like it could hurt. A lot. Time to take cover?
Pixi has posed:
Remembering to jump into the air now, Pixi goes right after the heartless, and the ones that are in the air. Of course, those that are in the air aren't being directly attacked by the spear, but by chains that it spawns from it's form.....
Sora has posed:

Sora feels the fire breathing down his next, and his magic failing him, but he doesn't let that cause him worry. No. He chugs down a potion and then gives those heartless a feeling of his keyblade. He's not at all afraid of hurting a few heartless today. He remembers them overrunning the destiny islands, and they are not going to do the same here if he's going anything to say about it.

He slices them a few times while they're on the ground, then jumps up to try to smack then down again. He is, to summarize, not happy. Some heartless smashing may ease his heart.
Faruja Senra has posed:
Meteors descend, and Faruja quickly throws up a magical shield before the impact. The worst of it bounces off of the shield and then his armor, but one clips his left arm. With a sickening pop, his shoulder decides to vacate it's socket. With a squeak of pain, the ratling promptly forces it back into place. "Beasts! Flee while you have the chance, for your fates are decided!" He rages at them, even as he leaps into the air.

The light around his spear intensifies, crackling and spinning in a drill pattern. Falling upon one of the meteor casters, he does a handy job of perforating it in revenge. Before the full fury of the magic fades, he turns on his claws, offering a wide sweep of his spear meant to catch as many of the Heartless nearby with his weapon's reach. Hit or miss, as he completes his turn, he reverses direction and sweeps across again with the light of his weapon leaving afterimages.

A glance to his allies, and he smiles. Once again, he's found himself in good company! From above, the great wyvern flaps her wings, dive-bombing some of the remaining flying Heartless.
Sora has posed:

Not satisfied by their prior success, this group of heartless keeps evading most attacks, only Faruja's sweeps and the following divebomb do any appreciable amount of damage. By virtue of being the only attacks to land. Rather than let this cause them to take things slowly, they elect to hurry.

More crescendos of meteors come knocking down, and as though that wasn't bad enough, they are accompanied by a rhapsody of ice to make it worse, rapidly exchanging heat and cold. They don't seem like they're going to stop any time soon either. If they are to be taken down, it's time to pick up the pace!
Sora has posed:

With the fight taking a turn for the worse so quickly, Sora cries out, "Keep attacking!" To warn others just that he's going to NOT attack, collecting magical energies to assist his newfound allies, even if he doesn't know how long they'll be allied. Right now, they're in this together, and they'll have to keep that up.

And as such, he sends a wave of soothing magic over himself and his haphazard allies, hoping they'll last longer if they can keep up the pressure occassionally. He doesn't want to lose these friendly seeming people before he's gotten the chance to learn to know them!
Pixi has posed:
Getting nailed by more meteors, Pixi grumbles out loud as she cricks her neck. Of course, she sees the heartless on the ground as well. She leaps into the air again, only to aim her spear at the ground based heartless again.....and hopefully entangle them....
Faruja Senra has posed:
Ahh, sweet retribution. Faruja, and especially Arista, both take heart in the deaths of a few more heartless. For all of five seconds, when meteors rain down. Unfortunately, he's not quite as quick on the draw, several smashing into both himself and Arista as well as sending the rat hurtling to the ground from his leap to avoid it. The ratling is very nearly crushed beneath one, and is currently struggling with one that's trapped his foot. Thankfully, the armor's saved him a broken leg, but he still has to use his spear to lever it out. "Fah! These ones are stronger than the last..." he mumbles, glaring venomously as he works his leg free. Meanwhile, Arista is kind enough to throw a potion towards Faruja as she sweeps down to knock free the boulder. Drink drink drink. Better.

"Much obliged, Ser Sora. Indeed. Let us crush these beasts!"

With that, he charges the nearest tangle of heartless, chanting. "Reduce the damned to ruin! Ride the Lightning!" White lightning crackles around the spear as he crashes towards them, ending in a burst of holy power. The rat's not holding back now!
Sora has posed:

Now we're talking. As Sora patches his allies up, the heartless are getting smashed around. Many fall, and it seems as though only about health of the heartless are still standing. Of course, that can only mean things are about to get better. Or can it?

For now, these heartless seem to settle for turtling and protection, several flashes of magic surround them but do not seem to have any effect on the people who are trying to take them down.

Good thing or dangerously foreboding? Time will tell.
Sora has posed:

Sora sees the heartless getting antsy and using magic to assist themselves. And, well. He won't have any of that. He'd better do something about that, and so he /does./ He takes a gulp from a flask and then casts countermagic, trying to undo whatever the heartless just did, and throw some fire in there as well.

Sora is sure it won't kill them, but it's better to keep the fight up than it is to give up already, and besides, he's got friends here with him, or at least friendly people, and that makes this that much easier. Let's see if they can do this, eh?
Pixi has posed:
Seeing the Heartless start to heal themselves, Pixi focuses her energy upon the spear she has. "Elder tree......give power to this holy spear you have given me so these abominations can be snuffed out of existence." She whispers to the spear, before throwing it at the huddled heartless. The spear, after it's thrown, glows with an inner light before the air around it explodes in a sonic boom, trying to hit the heartless, then drag them into the air.
Faruja Senra has posed:
With Pii and Sora fighting their hearts out, Faruja takes stock of his mental energies. Seizing the opportunity, he prays. "Oh, Lord in heaven! Waste not your gaze upon the unclean, the infidel! Lay your divine hand upon your children! Protect them, give them strength! For no demon, no Heretic shall halt the passing of the righteous! Amen!"

Whatever one may believe, passion and magic have their effect, as the duo of Viera and keyblade wielder would find protective and strengthening magics covering them from his speech.
Sora has posed:

It seems as though Sora's magic burned away some heartless, and al lot of the magic it had used to improve itself. That's good, but even better is when Pixi's explosive light destroys a large amount of hartless at once. Even if the fight is not won yet, it does seem as though that is coming closer.

And of course, that means there's more fire coming down from the heartless, some even take the opportunity to strike themselves. It does seem as though the red-coloured heartless make up up the bulk of this shadowy orchestra. Now the hope remains those will be taken care of soon as well.
Sora has posed:

Hit hard by the hardless, Sora decides it's time to step up and increase the pace of the fight. He rushes in between the heartless, every strike meant to hurt as he makes attack after attack, trying to get all the remaining ones into the air with this series of moves. If he can manage that he'll follow up by blasting quick series of frozen magic at each of them and finally force them down to the ground with a spinning assault.

He's not looking done for yet either. This boy has stamina, and Sora prepares to keep fighting, not sure just how longer this fight will take here. It's a tough one!
Faruja Senra has posed:
More raining meteors, and Faruja is swatted across the ground. From the squeaks of pain and shouts, the rat is unamused by the continued persistance of the beasts. Another potion is consumed, and the rat is back on his feet. Seeing his allies similarly being tossed around, the ratling concentrates. Light flares all along his body, the blood running from his wounds evaporating. Feathery wings fade into existance from beneath robes and armor, the Burmecian exuding an ever-increasing aura of holy power. With a flap of those wings, he zooms into the air, stalls, and then swoops down upon the remaining red heartless! His spear sweeps at them once more, aiming to hit the ones Sora tosses into the air.

His flight doesn't last long, as the ratling's gathered powered fades and sends him to the earth. Landing deftly, he skids a bit, before planting his spear's butt into the ground. The upshot? The area where he slashed with his spear erupts in a backwash of holy power, curiously avoiding harming his allies. The same couldn't be said of the Heartless.
Pixi has posed:
Likewise hit quite hard by the Heartless, Pixi leaps into the air yet again. Seems she's more comfortable in the air due to her powerful legs. However, she presses her attack upon the grounded heartless, but her attacks aren't quite as....severe.
Sora has posed:

Pixi's attack might not seem to be as effective as the earlier onslought, but it damages enough to give Faruja room to let his holy wrath burn away most that remains standing, and then finally, Sora's attacks wrap up what's left, and the heartless are, for now, gone. It's a relief.

At least, to Sora it is, because he takes in a deep breath to calm himself down, dematerializing his keyblade and looking at his newfound acquaintances. "Where were we going again?" He seems to entirely have forgotten, grinning cheesily at the and scratching the back of his head. "I hope everyone is fine?"
Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja falls to one knee, catching his breath after the not-inconsiderable exertion. Bringing the wrath of Faram down on the heads of abominations is tough work. When he gets enough strenght to stand, he very simply peers at Sora. A single red eye gazes to the performations, dents, and blood on his armor (all his, given that Heartless don't bleed). That red eye then turns to Sora. Sigh. An incantation, as well as some helpful wyvern breath from Arista, and everyone's being cured of their wounds.

"Quite. We were about to sit down and talk, before we were so rudely interrupted."
Pixi has posed:
Pixi lands with a thud in the street, and spear in hand. It's a magnificent spear it many many runes and etchings upon it, and Pixi holds it almost lovingly in her hands. Once she finds all of the heartless are destroyed, she looks to the spear and grips it by two handles. "Thank you my friend." She whispers and gives it a twist, causing the spear to collapse with a holy green light, into a simple stick. She then tugs a potion off of her greave and drinks it entirely, causing many of her injuries to disappear. She then walks over towards Sora and Faruja. "Good, you two are fine." She then looks to Sora. "I'm fine."
Faruja Senra has posed:
Suddenly, moogle! Of the letter baring kind. Landing on Faruja's shoulder, the little white fluffball offers a letter stamped with a wax seal, a white bent cross on red wax. It's taken.

"Lady Pixi, Ser Sora, if you will both excuse me. Duty calls." A bow, and he's off towards the hotel! At least he actually looks before he leaps this time.
Pixi has posed:
Pixi watches as Faruja leaps into the air and chuckles. "I swear, Faruja would kill himself if he didn't have a little bit of guidance." She then looks to Sora. "You sure you're all right, Sora?"
Sora has posed:

Sora nods, "Yeah I'm all right. I guess I'm going to ask around if someone knows the way to Fluoris, if that's where Riku has been last seen." He scratches the back of his head once more, "I'll see you around, Pixi?" Suddenly stopping the titles now that Faruja isn't around and he doesn't feel the need to be as stuffy around Pixi.

He doesn't quite give her the chance to stop him, turning around and wandering off. If she follows that'll be easy but he doesn't seem to care much right now. He's got a mission: find his friends! And he's gotten a lead, though he's no clue where that lead'll ... well... lead him.