House of a Thousand Monkeys

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House of a Thousand Monkeys
Date of Scene: 15 November 2012
Location: Traverse Town
Synopsis: Valencia and VALKYRI come to claim the same abandoned house in Traverse Town and agree to share. Turns out the house has a small Heartless problem.
Cast of Characters: Katyna, Avira, Minerva, Valencia

Valencia has posed:
Valencia is currently in district 2 at a relatively late time of the night. A light floats nearby her, hovering over her in a way that one might recall as familiar had they seen sorcerous lights before. She seems to be holding a small piece of paper with directions on it and a small yet fairly well made hand-drawn map as she says, "Let's see... The building should be right about... Here?" then turns towards a nearby run-down house with boards on it and various other falling off pieces as she says, "Well, it's no wonder they said nobody wanted this." then smiles saying, "Oh well. They always did say that strange scientists picked old creepy houses to do their experiments in!.. Or was that mad scientists?" she says before pausing then saying, "Doesn't matter!" and approaching the door.
Katyna has posed:
Katyna had been having no luck finding the pure hearted princess so far. More than that, she was growing restless searching for Morgan. In the meantime, the heartess were growing impatient as well. Impatient..And hungry. Not that she cared much for their appetites.

She did care to find those darned princesses however. Tonight she is draped in her long black cloak and helmet, keeping her features from being discovered as she lurks upon a nearby rooftop, surveying the town for activity..
Avira has posed:
Not too far down the street, a different pair approaches in the night. Neither look terribly sinister, both clearly in clothing from some variety of Ivalice, for those familiar with the place. What reason could they be in THIS part of town, though? Well...

"Let's see...the building should be right around here." Avira says to her companion, waving about a hastily drawn map on a napkin. "The guy said we could have it...well...."

Avira looks up down the street, her eyes following down the building facades until she comes across the very building that Valencia is standing in front of, " long as we could evict the 'current residents,' whoever those are. He wouldn't specify. I'm not going to lie though, I do not think I have the heart to kick out homeless people from destroyed worlds so we will have to investigate."

Except there is a person already standing in front of the house, making for the door, "Excuse me!" Avira calls out to her, "Do you live there?"
Valencia has posed:
Turning over to Avira, Valencia looks at her and says, "Hm... You're not here for this place are you? I don't live here truth be told... Just looking for a place to set up shop. Well, set up a laboratory anyway. Nothing dangerous, just a few studies on creatures from different worlds and... Oh, what did he call them. Heartless? Not that I want to command them mind you, too risky."
Minerva has posed:
Her accents is very much from Ivalices or if your from earth you'd think it was english from how she speaks. "It seems out fortunes are looking up today, this is a nice chance. For all we know it's simply beasts or monsters that we need to evict I'd feel no guilt about that. We'd make some coin selling the remains of the beasts to traders. We could always put them to work for their rent rather than evicting if they are not brigands."

She nots and she turns her attention to Valenica whom she's sizing up for a moment "Humm Heartless? Foul abominations against Saint Ajuroa and everything else for that matter."
Katyna has posed:
The black cloaked figure narrows her eyes, recognizing Avira from their last adventure together. Hmm, but what are they doing down there? And what's with the building? Was..Someone of importance hiding in it, or was it merely just an abandonned building?

Still, she is curious, and the best guise to check this out is not as the dark knight Ember, but as the cheerful heroine, Katyna! With a faint shimmer of magic, her attire changes into the gold and red clad armour of Katyna.

A moment later, she steps out of a nearby alleyway, striding down the street towards the abandonned building..And those gathered there. Well..She's trying to be sneaky, but then a random pop can on the ground trips her up and she goes flying.

"Aaah!" Seconds later, she crashes on the ground, face first. Ouch!
Avira has posed:
"Putting squatters to work for rent?" Just the way Avira says it gives off the feeling that she's not entirely behind this proposed idea.

"We are. We were told it was mostly up for the claiming." Avira puts a hand on her hip and tilts her head at Valencia, "So we're here to make it the headquarters for VALKRYI." Though at the mention of a laboratory, Avira suddenly looks interested. "Oh really now."

Valencia gets looked over with a bit more of a critical eye from Avira now. "Heartless are bad news. Being able to command them would attract all kinds of the wrong attention."

Speaking of the wrong attention-no, wait. Katyna falling actually prompts a startled reaction from Avira and as she turns, her hand's already on her weapon. Fortunately, she recognizes Katyna. "Oh! Hey Katyna. You're in one piece, that's great." When Katyna lifts her head, she'll find Avira standing over her, offering a hand up.
Valencia has posed:
"Oh, I know. The last person I saw to command heartless became one herself." Valencia says, "Sad, but... Well, that's what you get when you dive headfirst into something as dangerous as dark power." with a smile that seems -very- much unlike the sadness she describes, "I'm Valencia diChiaroscuro... What's VALKYRI anyway? If you don't mind, I'd still like to set up a laboratory around here. Maybe we can work something out."
Minerva has posed:
Minerva says "Tis was an idea my friend. It would be far better treatment than the noblity would have given them in my world. You are the leader so it's your call in the end." She seems to trust Avira's judgement and from her world view it was far kinder than what most would do. "Indeed we need to fini a roof over our heards. However I'll leave it to Avira to explain us." It's her right after all.
Katyna has posed:
Katyna scratches her head, slowly rising from the ground. "Owie!" She makes a face as she rubs her sore ankle, taking Avira's offered hand with a suddenly cheerful smile. "Hi, Avira! Glad to see you got out of that bramble forest in one piece!" And dressed in normal clothes hopefully, by now!

"What's going on here?" she peers around at the others curiously, although it seems that Valencia has the majority of her attention, having talked about setting up a laboratory of some sort. "Ooh, you're a scientist? Studying the heartless?" Hmm...Interesting..

"Better be careful, they like to lurk in dark shadowy places.." Like that abandonned building for one!
Avira has posed:
First thing Avira did after that training ordeal was check into a hotel in Traverse Town and shower. Then came getting new clothes. "Here's to hoping Skoll won't put me through that again anytime soon." Avira laughs as she pulls Katyna to her feet.

"A shame, really." Avira doesn't sound so sad about Valencia's acquaintance becoming a Heartless at at all. "The Darkness corrupts the careless, I guess. Regardless! I am Avira." After a moment, she adds, "Of Rabanastre." As if to compensate for not having a last name. "VALKYRI is a questing guild of sorts. We explore the new network of world pieces and hunt monsters."

Avira looks thoughtful, "Maybe we CAN work something out. What sort of scientist are you? Our work dictates that we do quite a bit of travelling but I would like us to have a place where we can hold a meeting or spend the night if we need to." Avira jerks a thumb over her shoulder at that creepy abandoned building.
Minerva has posed:
Minerva says "Just what did he put tou through you retuened as a total what's the term? Mess." She nods for a moment "I am Minerva." She tilst her head blowing a silver strand of hauir out of her face as she does so. "Hummm I think this interesting idea if we were to team up. "It would be of use to both us and yourself I think. Indeed there's far too many of the beasts out there."
Valencia has posed:
"Well, I haven't started -yet-." Valencia says, "I'm just interested is all. They destroyed my world so... They've got to be quite the unique creatures. Now, exploration I could help with... So long as you give me some space in return. I can fight... Just not wielding a broadsword or an axe. After all, I pursue knowledge. Thusly..." she says as she twirls her wrist as a flash appears around her feet for a moment as she lifts a few inches off the ground, "I study magic."
Katyna has posed:
Katyna arches a brow at the name Skoll, "Ahh, that guy again huh? He's a mysterious one..So he put you through those extreme training regimen that nearly killed you? Why?!" Except..That he seemed to possess a familiar aura. Was he working for the bad guys or good guys though? She'll have to investigate that at some other time..

"Well, I'm glad you're okay, I was pretty surprised when I saw you sleeping with all those wolves. Pretty impressive that you had 'em all under your thumb though!" when Avira speaks of the guild, Kat seems ever more interested. "Ooh? Questing guild? Sounds cool! I'll bet you get lots of treasure from your travels! What does one have to be to join?"

Definitely would be a better way of securing treasure..And gathering information, but..Can she earn enough of Avira's trust? She peers back at Minerva curiously, "Ahh, you're a friend of Avira's? You sound like a church person.." Kinda reminds her of Faruja.

Finally, Kat looks back at Valencia again, scratching her head, wondering if they'll advance into the darkness, regardless of the risks. "Hmm, a magical scientist huh? I'll bet you could make a lot studying all the monsters that come here..But in such a dangerous job, I wonder if you can protect yourself just as well.." She smiles cheerfully, "Oh hey, I'm Katyna, by the way. Are you new to this town? Havent seen you around before.."
Avira has posed:
"Intense survival training." Avira explains to Minerva, "I'll tell you more about it later. It's..." she looks to Katyna, "'s kind of a long story. Oh...yes, the wolves...we came to an understanding. Mutual enemies, reaching out to each's actually kind of hard to put it into words." Rather unwittingly reaching out with her heart.

Originally Avira had been considering, say, just sharing the space but going a step beyond that. "Oh absolutely! Perhaps I wasn't quite clear-while we do want a place for our headquarters, it is still a place we would not be occupying all that often so it would be perfectly fine for you to have your laboratory there."

Inwardly Avira is absolutely STOKED at the idea of VALKYRI being mostly occupied by a magic science lab.

"Though if you want to join us proper, I would not be opposed to that." Avira grins, "In fact, one of our members does have quite a bit of magical skill."

Now Avira turns to the boarded-up door and starts to tug the boards out of the way. "To join, Katyna? Well, it's simple, really, we have three guidelines. One, you must be willing to travel." She pops a board off and discards it to the side, "Two, you must be friendly with our numbers, as we do rely on teamwork to accomplish our goals!" Pop. Another board. "Three..."

She pushes the door open with a booted foot. Inside is dark and musty. Beyond, though, there is the distinct sound of chittering in the darkness. Avira's quick to draw her weapon, which is an odd-looking serrated sword. " have to be able to defend yourself."
Minerva has posed:
Minerva say "They need to be purged without mercy, but to defeat a foe you need to understand them first." She seems lost in thought for a moment "Should I be aware of this Skoll?" She narrows her eyes slightly "Humm I doubt he'd be able to handle one such as me and it's not wise to think of the world in such simple terms humm. I knew of a band of what would you call them terrorits? All of them soliders left without pay for years of fighting for the country left out for nothing. One rallied them to fight back against the noblity." She shaker her head. "That or your from far less complex world. Still we are spending the day here talking we should get to work." She'll follow Avira into the darkness and falling into posture far more ready for a fight then when she's relaxed.
Valencia has posed:
Skating over towards the inside of the house, Valencia draws her silvery looking rapier as she says, "Well now. It looks like we'll have a bit of a fight on our hands..." as it ignites with a white fire, "As I said, I am far from helpless." before she slashes into the air a few times, the fire trailing before she holds it up to her face, then swipes it off to the side and then leans forwards a bit, ready to fight.
Katyna has posed:
Kat smirks at Avira when she lists the three prerequisites. "Heh, no problem! I can manage that! I'm anxious to see what's behind this door though.." More intrigued than scared by the looks of it, as she pulls out her sword. She's about to head in but glances back at Minera, chuckling a bit. "Heh, Skoll? He's just a puppy, at least..He's got manners, but he can be quite tough in battle. Course I dont know him that well. I guess he's a pretty strict teacher by the looks of it though.

Again she peers thoughtfully at Minerva. "Hmm, are you from the world of Ivalice? Do you speak of the fifty year war?" She sighs, shaking her head, "I remember that. what it did to me and my family..Are you with the church then? Like Faruja, or..?" but indeed, they cannot sit here chatting all day.."

Another glance at Valencia and she smirks again, stepping into the darkness. "Heh, this'll be fun! Let's go!"
Avira has posed:
"Skoll is my friend, Minerva, it's alright." What? Avira is totally okay with him abandoning her in the wilderness for five days? She must be crazy.

Just as Avira steps inside (and the others follow), the dark end of the room is suddenly alight with two dozen pairs of luminous yellow eyes. Those familiar with Heartless with recognize them right off the bat. Valencia's fire illuminates the room, revealing that the interior of this run-down building appears to be infested with Heartless.

They don't look like the pureblood ones either-far more fancy and elaborate with the emblem that would become synonymous with Heartless displayed upon their chests. More importantly, they look like monkeys. They hang from the ceiling and peer down from the rafters, chittering and chirping. Once the final person, Katyna, steps inside, they all grow silent.

Then they lunge at the non-Heartless intruders all at once.
Valencia has posed:
Looking over at the monkey heartless, Valencia nods and says, "Sic 'em, boy!" as a whirl of mechanical parts appears, a spider automaton about the size of a large dog with a scorpion tail appearing and firing off a pair of shots from its tail that explodes in the midst of the heartless throwing a few of them into the air. Then, an odd look crosses her face as she gestures with gravity magic once more and says, "And now... Into the abyss with you!" as what looks like a 2D circle of pure black appears in the middle of the crowd and attempts to suck in several of them, before shooting them out once more."
Minerva has posed:
Minerva gets jumped bt the heartless along with the otehrs, she's quick enough to counter attack her fist becomming encased in ice as she moves to strike back to little effect. She makes an unhappy noise but quickly is redoubling her efforts and launching several more strikes atgainst the beast she seems to be up to something she leaps from heartless to heartless that cne can reach striking back with her chilly melee strikes.

Katyna has posed:
The doors slam shut behind her and Kat jumps. "Woah! This place is definitely not abandonned!" Fortunately the flame of her sword gives her some light and guidance as she is plunged into the darkness. She waves it around, catching sight of all the heartless here, and one of them leaps at her, slashing at her with its deadly sharp monkey claws.

"Oof!" She stumbles to the ground as it slashes at her armour. Fortunately she's mostly protected although their claws are still sharp enough to bruise her a little. "Right, that was just rude! Time to punish you!" And she swings her sword at the nearest fiends, charging it into the ground as she unleashes a blast of red flame at them, followed by a flash of black flame and a stab as she attempts to drain energy from them. "Take this!"
Avira has posed:
In the meantime, Avira has sidestepped, menacing the Heartless with her weapon...which really doesn't work because, much as the other ladies here, they leap upon her too. It's hard to see exactly what she's up to but they can certainly hear her whipping around and swinging wildly at the Powerwilds.

The inside of the building flashes twice as the automation fires into the ranks of the Powerwilds. It's hard to confirm if there were direct hits but the annoyed screeching that follows seems to suggest they were. A dark circle opens up in the floor and a few do disappear down into it...

But as Minerva starts to knock them back with ice-fueled fists and Katyna decimates one with the flames of her sword, it quickly becomes clear that they're going to have to work a bit faster-their numbers were barely dented. No wonder this building was being given away.

The Heartless seem to ignore the automation entirely, opting to latch themselves onto the scientist and drag her down to the ground. The same strategy is repeated on Minerva and Katyna-they attempt to overburden everyone here with their numbers and pin them to the ground!
Valencia has posed:
"Get away!" Valencia says as she gestures, gravity magic coming off of her hand as the powerwilds find their weights greatly reduced before she's surrounded by an aura of light, especially potent around her feet as she says, "Now try catching me!" as she skates off at a notably higher speed than usual.
Katyna has posed:
"Ugh!" Kat narrows her eyes, leaping out of the way of the heartless as they attempt to dogpile on top of her, barely scraping by! "Phew! Nasty vermin!" She jumps back a few feet, focusing inward this time to buff herself up. Her form glows a fierce flame red as she readies herself..
Minerva has posed:
Minerva is just launching into an ice filled assualt which much lead to her reputation in the land of dragons of being some sort of snow demon. It's easy to see why the lable got applied however she hautls after rthe beating the Heartless have given her she seems a bit off and shes going to try and clear her mind while preparing for her next assault.
Avira has posed:
While the trio try to steel themselves under the ongoing assault...the monkey-shaped Heartless do not make it easy. They start to become flat out -annoying-, opting to hop up and down on their victims, screech loudly, and stick fat fingers in places that are less than comfortable. Noses. Ears. That sort of thing. Perhaps the very shape of the Heartless gave way to this "playful" sort of nature.

Or maybe it was just like a cat that preferred to play with their food before killing it. It is probably some solace that nobody has had their heart grabbed at yet but where the Heartless were concerned, it was only a matter of time.

"Ugh! We need some serious light in here!" Avira calls out from the shadows.
Valencia has posed:
Glaring at the monkey-heartless, Valencia says, "No more playing around!" as yet another rift in space-time opens up yet this one notably bigger and floating in the air to boot as it draws in several powerwilds that scramble and screetch as they attempt to get away, while Valencia's hand slowly closes as the power increases before she clamps her hand into a fist as though mock-crushing someone and saying, "And that... Is the ultimate power of mass."
Katyna has posed:
"Ooh!" Kat screeches as a heartless pulls her nose. "Cut that out!" she charges her sword with purple flame, trying to slap the heartless away before charging into the rest with more swings of her sword that summons brilliant flashes of fire whirling down her sword as she attempts to stab some of the heartless, drawing energy from them.

"Die, already! Hot enough for you? Heh.."
Minerva has posed:
Minerva has been taking quite teh beating but all things considered how is she taking it all? She's actually doing quite well all things considered but the heartless seem to be up to something she doesn't like for she starts strikeing at them and with each hit she manages to land a strange glow happens and prehaps a disruption of what they are able to do. But do these things even have vitals she can strike at?
Avira has posed:
Now, though even it is still quite dark within the building, it seems that they're making a dent in the numbers of these horrible Heartless. The rift opened by Valencia dutifully sucks in at least half a dozen Powerwilds, their yellow eyes quickly disappearing from sight once they are within the void. Nor do they return, which could be quite curious to certain parties here.

Powerwilds piled on Minerva seem to slacken as the monk strikes out. Perhaps her gambit paid off? They no longer seem to be pestering her...

Or it could be because in light of Kat's firey attack, she has attracted the entirety of the Heartless's attention. Ironically, they all rush at her, piling upon her, trying to weigh her down and literally drag her into the floor. Those of lesser hearts or lesser abilities would be plunged into the darkness from such an aggressive act. But is Katnya either?
Valencia has posed:
Holding out her hands as the powerwilds scamper about, several smaller black holes appear in the air as she says, "Oh no, you don't." as she holds out her hands before slowly moving them towards each other as the black holes start to converge. Then, she claps her hands together as they merge into a larger one, then laces her fingers as the gravitic power greatly increases, "All that is solid carries this power, and I wield it! What can darkness do against force itself?"
Katyna has posed:
"Why are they all attacking me?" Utters Katyna as they leap at her. Was her control over the darkness weakenning, after helping the heroes so much? It..Annoys her, as she spins around, attempting to deflect the heartless away from her with the whirlwind and flames produced from her swinging sword.

"Phew, that was close!" Eyes narrow as she straightens, peering at them intently. "Okay, time for your punishment!" This time Kat is the one to leap at the heartless, a red eye appearing above her and spilling into her sword as she attempts to drain energy from the heartless, followed by blasts of fiery bouquets as she swings her sword in a powerful downward arc, hurling several small balls of fire at the heartless as she does so.
Minerva has posed:
The Powerwilds just keep coming as she's well seemingly slowed them down for the moment but she's not about to try that again for the forseeable future. She strikes at them quickly her fist shifting from normal to icey several times as she runs through their ranks she's got a plan, she just needs a little more time before she's ready to show the heartless just what they can do. "It almost makes me laugh at how many think the dark is evil when it simple is the dark is tempting to those who are croupt already!"
Avira has posed:
Scampering and moving away from the original black hole summoned by Valencia, the Heartless think they're home free. Not quite! Some of the smaller black holes manage to nab some Heartless before they merge with the even bigger one, which sucks in another handful of Heartless, helping aleviate some of the horde trying to pile onto Katyna.

Strange that they would even attack Katyna, though, given her nature. Maybe someone was trying to spite her...or test her. Were this really a test, Katyna passes with flying colors as her whirlwind of flames deflects the Powerwilds away from her, scattering them throughout the building. Scorching follow-ups with Katyna's powerful flames follow, small piles of fire left in their wake scattered throughout the building.

There's a yelp from the shadows and Avira emerges, visible in the flickering fire with a Powerwild latched onto her back. She lifts a hand and starts to fire off small blasts of ice, extinguishing each fire in turn.

Minerva meets her opponents head on, blowing through the Heartless with a single strike of her icy fist. Much like the others that hadn't vanished into the black holes, they disperse into black mist.

The numbers have greatly dwindled now, clearly less than half remaining. Despite this, they don't seem demoralized, savagely attacking like the mindless heart-seeking animals that they are.
Valencia has posed:
Holding her rapier up to the sky, light swirls about IT like a wand before it reaches the tip, "Starlight, come to my side!" Valencia says before it launches into the air and hovers for a moment before she whips the rapier down and says, "Now fall!" as it splits into several projectiles that fly off towards the various heartless in the room while a swirl of light appears around her body, perhaps... Preparation?
Katyna has posed:
Phew, and the keep on coming! But Kat can see a light at the end of the tunnel. There is some hope perhaps, as their numbers dwindle. She flinches still from the onslaught as they slash and bite and hurl against her, chipping some of her armour. "Phew..." She staggers back, and pulls out an ether, sipping on it and tossing away the jar before facing the heartless again.

"Heh. Now I'm mad.."

Her ember eyes seem to glow more fiercely now as she brings her sword to the sky. "Darkness of heart, lend me your power..ULTIMATE DARKNESS!!" Orbs of darkness suddenly appear around her, raining down on her, absorbed by her as she spins around quickly, her sword blazing with black flames..

A massive whirlwind of flame as her sword increases in size by ten fold, unleashing a powerful blast of dark energy, and her own life energy upon the heartless.
Minerva has posed:
There's still so manty of the Heartless here, she's not sure just how manty there are s she contiunes to blow through them but there are always more. About half of the beasts remain and it's time to glow a brownish green and she slams her fist into the ground sending a shockwave into the enemy's ranks. Not content to follow this up her right hand starts to glow with a holy light as she lunches striking at them with her fists over and over again and just not letting up at all. As the light fades a darkness seems to cover her for a moment focusing on har arms and she contiunes to assail the Heartless with the darkness it self.

Avira has posed:
Now the interior of the building really lights up thanks to Valencia's spell. Aside from the Heartless, they're easily able to see that it's pretty run down inside this building. A real fixer-upper, frankly. There's likely been nobody in here for over a month.

When struck with the starlight, the targeted Heartless simply disintegrate in a flash. What is not destroyed by Valencia's spell is blasted off their feet by Minerva's shockwave.

Then Katyna unleashes hell. Black fire sweeps throughout the building, seeking every corner, purging every heartless. They are dispersed immediately into the darkness produced by Kat and once the roar of the flames has died down...

...there is silence.

Avira slowly stands, staring over at Katyna for a long moment of silence. Ultimate Darkness, eh.

Avira's brown-eyed gaze is also leveled against Minerva for a long moment before she grins.

"Well! Looks like that takes care of the evicting!" she says brightly, sheathing the Spine behind her.
Valencia has posed:
Floating down to the ground and sheathing her rapier, Valencia nods and says, "Well, that'll do nicely. Pity we couldn't capture any of them but well... We don't have proper protective equipment or containment chambers yet. Don't want to risk anyone losing their hearts, or a heartless escaping and raising a veritable legion now would we?"
Minerva has posed:
Minerva feels her friend and leader's gaze upon her then ses her friend smile. "My style is not exactlty what you would find a cut purse or a thug to be using." She grins back at her friend. "One needs to keep balanced in such things also very well done it seems the place is now ours and we did not have to throw anyone out I know not of such things, my world was marvled by water wheels and here there are ships that can fly not just through the skies but the heavens themselves." She's low tech she knows it and accepts it.
Avira has posed:
"Yeah I'm kind of nervous about capturing and keeping Heartless." Avira mentions, looking up at the ceiling. She hears Minerva's explanation and turns to her, nodding, "It's very unusual. I don't think I've seen anything like it before, is the thing. Anyway..."

She spreads her arms out from her sides, "Looks like the place is ours."
Katyna has posed:
"Phew..." Kat shields her eyes at the shocking flash of light supplied by Valencia. "Wow, you're pretty good.." She grins at her. Definitely someone to watch out for. But..Wow, what an awesome place. "Ooh, this place is pretty cool! I guess the only reason it was abandonned was because of the heartless." She snorts. "What nerve!"

Glancing at the others, she see's they're no worse for wear. What a team they make! "Heh, well that was fun!" But now she's feeling sleepy and after sheathing her sword, she flops down on a nearby giant beanbag..Zzzzzz...
Valencia has posed:
Sighing, Valencia looks around and says, "Well, I'm not much of a sorceress compared to some others. But... I can do this much." before she goes about, tearing down old moth-eaten and frayed curtains before placing them down in a pile with a dusty cloud as she coughs a bit, then holds out her hands as they're surrounded by glittering starlight. "And..." she says before she flicks her hands and casts the starlight at the curtains, as they fly into the air and seem to sparkle a bit before folding down as she says, "There we are!" as the folded pile seems to be quite good blankets, where the curtains once were.