Rave Am Not

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Rave Am Not
Date of Scene: 23 June 2013
Location: Manhattan - Central Park
Synopsis: Beck decides to escape from the Arcade for a bit. He finds out the world is a very strange place indeed or at least a small part of it.
Cast of Characters: Avira, Morrighan Alazne, Beck
Tinyplot: TRON Train

Beck has posed:

After some recovery time and being trapped up in the Arcade, Beck has decided to, well-- get out. It was rather morning, afternoon really. TRON apparently had to go handle something. Deelel, he believes, was asleep.

So though his friend's tool didn't seem to work here, Beck was rather inventive on finding ways to get out. Such as climbing out a fire escape window and just walking down the alley like nothing happened. Yep.

Though as he walked. His white and blue lines against his black suit glowed gently. Reflected against the puddle on the street ground and across the walls of the buildings. His mind thinking about on all the events up to now. Including what TRON said when they spoke later that night after the virus' attack. 'You are not TRON, so Beck you will be.'

Yet his mind then wonders back to his own home, the TRON /he/ knew:

'I think you may just be what I am looking for..'
'What are you looking for?'
'The next Tron.'

His mind then shuffled back to before the laser. Those creatures. CLU. Was there a connection and why.. why did he have to do what he did. It should have been him. Not... not Tron.

Beck however doesn't realize he has walked out past the side walk, his foot stepping down into the street. It was suddenly the honk of a horn blazing that snaps his attention back to reality. "Whoa!" He quickly steps out of the way, before almost coming into another line of a car and he quickly bolts across into the park with only hearing some yell: 'Stay off the road you crazy freak!'

"Freak?" Beck replies back as he steps back a bit and bumps right into a tree. He then spins and looks up at the Tree, giving it a puzzling look, before he then ponders over the Park itself really. Carefully staying to the dirt path and staying away from the grass. He honestly doesn't even know what grass is.
Avira has posed:
Being a human, Avira can't really get being sleeping in an Arcade. Why do so when the TDA offices were nearby, which she could make use of whenever she wanted? The scarred woman was an official member of those bands of detectives, though her role lent itself more to providing muscle than it did to solving mysteries. Mostly. The woman's never really gotten much of a chance to do some serious investigating.

Everyone seems to beat her to it!

That aside, she'd dropped by the Arcade earlier, eager to getting to know the not-TRON new guy that had popped out of the digitization laser the other day. Unfortunately, when she arrived she had discovered him GONE.

Not good. Avira has had plenty of experience with Programs in the 'User World' at this point and it's really opened her eyes as to how weird they find it. Like any transplant to another world, there would be problems. So now Avira is racing around the city, searching in widening circles around the arcade to track the Renegade down.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
Morrighan was in Manhattan this day. Why? Who knew. Seemed like she had absolutely no reason to be here other than random wandering and sightseeing. After all, the last time she was here, she was assisting in the fall of this world. Fun stuff and all. Hah. Still, a dark skinned elf in a ridiculously fancy dress walking through the streets of a modern world drew the usual reactions.

"Is there some sort of convention be held around here?"

"Wow, didn't realize it was 1776 again. Someone call The Doctor!"

"Whoa, check out the size of those-"

Morrighan's eyes narrowed with each comment uttered as she passed. It took supreme force of will to not exercise her magics and put some of these idiot humans out of their misery. Alas, causing a public incident now would just be...inconvenient. For multiple reasons really.

It's while she's lost in thought that Avira comes sprinting past. "Hah?" A pause as the dark elf intoned incredulously, turning her head to make sure she hadn't been seeing things. Yes, that was that insufferable gorilla. "Watch where you are going, you ape!" Morrighan called after her, shaking a fist angrily.

Beck has posed:

Beck continues to wonder in Central Park, until a dog finds him. He raises an eye brow and stops dead in his tracks. He-- never seen a dog before and when the dog starts to growl at him. Beck takes a step back. "Um.."

Suddenly the Dog barks and Beck runs. Thus the Dog chases and Beck is indeed moving at a pretty good clip. Something you also get good at when you do his other line of work. Running. He then jumps up on a bench, before pushing up on it to snatch a tree branch. His shoes scrape across the tree bark as he pulls himself up into the tree like some cat.

The Dog, like all dogs do, rush up to the tree. Place his front paw up on it and starts barking up at the tree. It was loud enough to catch those walking by attention, but they ignore it and walk on. Though Avira and perhaps even Morrighan may have caught this in its full glory. After all, hard to not see a young guy with a glowing suit suddenly jump up into a tree.

Beck meanwhile clings onto the tree and just glares at the dog. He was half tempted to throw his disc at it, but he wasn't sure if that was-- such a smart idea. "Come on! Go away!"

Bark. Bark. Bark.

"What do you want from anyhow?!"

Bark! Grrr! Bark Bark!

"Augh!" Beck then gently rests his head against the tree branch he was looped around. "..frag my life.."

Avira has posed:
Fortunately, unless Beck's managed to get himself some User clothing, Programs are pretty easy to spot. Black bodysuits with glowing lines? Yeah, definitely not typical 90s Manhattan fashion. Occasionally, she does stop strangers to ask them if they've seen someone of Beck's description wandering around aimless and confused.

So focused on looking for Beck, she doesn't even notice Morrighan until she's run past her and suddenly has the dark elf yelling at her. A chill runs down her spine as she hears the familiar screeching and she does stop, whirling to stare at Morrighan.

"...what are /you/ doing here!?" she asks in an incredulous tone, completely ignoring the insult. Insults were basically Morrighan's way of saying hello. "Bah, whatever, look, have you seen a man in a black bodysuit with glowing lines on it? Brown hair? About this tall?" Avira motions at a height well above herself.

Happening right behind Avira's back: Beck fleeing a dog into a tree. Avira only turns around to look when the dog starts barking up said tree, then putting her back to Morrighan.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"I can be wherever I please! You have no right to police me!" Morrighan shot back, crossing her arms in a huff and averting her eyes...right to the sight of said man in said body suit hiding a tree from a dog. "...You mean one of those /programs/?" A pause, and then she gradually tilted her head, long hair tumbling aside as she continued to stare at the sight. Avira had turned around to look by that point.

"I suppose I have little need to answer that inquiry now." And as she said that, an amused smirk found it's way onto the dark elf's face. Really, what were the chances? "Let me guess; another one of them escaped whatever hole that come from and was scrambling through this city in..." Another pause as she stared off at the aforementioned Program. "...Confusion."

Pfft. Not that she was in any hurry to help of course.
Beck has posed:

So while the ladies talk, Beck still hangs out up in the tree. He glares at the dog from up there and tries to debate on what to do. He would move to /another/ of these massive, things he is on, but they don't seem very stable for that type of acts.

His brown eyes peer around before the stares down at the dog once more. "Look. You are asking for this."

Bark! Bark!

Beck then reaches for his disc, however this causes him to loose his balance, and he almost falls out of the tree. The dog attempts to jump up and /bite/ Beck's foot, however the program scrambles to get back up in the tree once more, with the dog only snapping the leaves that fall down.

Sadly when Beck does nearly come out of a tree is about the time a city bus drives by, so when it vanishes the dog is back to barking up the tree again.

Beck tries to stand up on the branch this time, holding onto another branch as he glares down at the dog. Then he hears some squawking up in the tree. His brown eyes glance up to see a bird who is flying around, rather upset; it seems Beck is a bit to close to its nest. "...You have to be kidding me."

Suddenly the bird dive bombs Beck a few times and the program gets smacked on the head a few times. One eye closing each time. He tries to wave his hand to get rid of the bird, however this leads him to once more losing his balance and crashing into the bush near by with an 'OUF!'.

The Dog then jumps into the bush after Beck, which shortly Beck comes jumping out and running across the grass, being chased by the dog still. "Why me?!" Beck yells at the dog as it chases him.
Avira has posed:
The huntress rolls her eyes. "Yeah well this is my city and the last time you were here, I recall, you were helping destroy it." In fact, she didn't even know if Morrighan had really severed that tie. Avira doubted she did, given what happened in Hollow Bastion with her and Seith. "Yes, that's exactly what I mean."

She seems a little surprised. Morrighan knew about-oh yes, LEXUS. "More or less, that is what happened." Avira says without looking back at the dark elf. As she watches the dog bark, a bus drives down the street, obscuring her vision of the debacle just long enough for Beck to almost fall out. Naturally, she misses it completely.

Avira turns back to face Morrighan at this point, her hands on her hips. "So? Have you seen any lost and confused Programs running around?" Behind her back: Beck is getting both barked at by a dog AND divebombed by a bird. He falls into the bush. Then gets chased away by the barking dog.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
".........." Morrighan just narrowed her eyes, raising a hand slightly as if about to say something, but then thought better of it, instead crossing her arms back. In the end, she wound up just shaking her head in exasperation, watching as the very Program she was looking for got chased away by that dog.

"Are you serious?" The mage asked incredulously, rubbing the side of her head to stave off an incoming headache. "He was just..! I mean..." Sigh. Calm down, calm down. No need to lose one's mind over these shenanigans.

Eventually managing to regain her calm, Morrighan's eyes followed the direction that Beck and the dog had scrambled off to. "THat program you happen to be looking for was just chased off by that dog." And that was all she said, smirk returning to her face. She was tempted to point in the /wrong/ direction, but...nah. Not today. "They ran off that way while you were busy staring at me."

And then Morrighan began to laugh. "But of course, I understand why you would look at me! Ohohohoho~" It's never complete without one of those.
Beck has posed:

Yes. Beck was being chased by a dog and sadly this meant they were on that side of Central park and heading right for a massive pound? Lake? That massive water section in Central Park. Beck did the one thing that seem to make sense.

He jumped in the air, spinning backwards. He snapped out at his disc, letting it clash into the ground right in front of the dog in order to halt it in its tracks. Though the dog did try to snatch the disc on its way back.

The poor hound was short and Beck caught his disc about the time he landed in the water just as his helm slid right over his face. The program from Flynn OS, then swam down in the water, mostly then hung out down under the surface to see the dog barking at the water, before he swam away from there, surface and then started to swim across the water for the other side of the lake.

Yeah. People were probably giving him some odd looks. After all, was it legal to be swimming in a lake here in Central Park?
Avira has posed:
Admittedly, Avira was pretty curious as to how the elf would react to that confrontational statement. She can tell Morrighan was clearly riled but was holding her tongue. Alas.

"What?" Avira says blankly to Morrighan's disbelief in Avira missing every single previous instance of Beck being there. When she says that the dog had been chasing her quarry, though, Avira quickly spins around to see that, yes, that dog was chasing off Beck! "...gah! There he is!!"

Morrighan makes a little jab about where her eyes had been the whole time and Avira turns bright red. "WHAT!? That's not..." she glares at Morrighan over her shoulder. "I was just being polite!!! It's polite to look at someone when you're talking to them!!! You..you harpy!!" It seems like she WANTS to say more about this accusation but she just stumbles over words awkwardly before opting to take off after Beck.

She darts across the street, narrowly avoiding a careening taxi. "Hey!" she calls out to the Program, "Hey wait!!"
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Of course, of course. Make all the excuses you want, you gorilla~" She replied in an entertained tone, shrugging her shoulders airily as she casually followed along. Waiting for the traffic light to turn red before continuing, Morrighan made her way into Central Park and towards the lake. She had little else to do right now, and this was interesting.

"My, I wonder when this one got out though..." She pondered aloud, not really to anyone in particular. It seemed like there were a good handful of these Programs running around now. Not that she really cared for them, but nevertheless- "He is getting away, you had better hurry before something else happens to him~" Yes, she was having fun with this no doubt.
Beck has posed:

Beck was still swimming about the time he at last heard the voice on the wind really. He wasn't sure if that was aimed at him or-- the dog. So though the dog did indeed give up, he did look back toward the shore he just came from.

His helm however stayed over his head. Though he wasn't sure if he should swim back or-- just keep going across. In some ways, the closer option would be to swim back. So with a soft sigh within the helm, Beck starts to do just that.

Swim his way back to shore. If anything it seems like swimming was a normal practice for him, as if he was very use to water and in some ways, he was. The sea of simulation was right off of Argon, as they were a docking city. Many of their data resources came off the sea of simulation in cargo loads. So when you lived right off the sea, you knew how to swim.

He then suddenly dives under water. Vanishing from the surface. Yet he was heading toward Avira and Morrighan. So he should surface soon, right? How much do you really know about programs Avira~?
Avira has posed:
Struggling to ignore Morrighan's teasing, Avira sprints over the sidewalk and into the grass of Central Park. A tiny person and, by now, pretty athletic (indeed, if Morrighan is astute enough she might even notice that Avira's a bit leaner than she was months ago when they first encountered each other), she's quite swift on her feet. She could easily keep pace with that dog, but the dog has itself a head start. "Hey, stop running! Er. Swimming! Stop swimming! Hold on!" Avira tries to call out to the Program. She catches up and stands on the shore. That dog, though.

Avira looks to the dog, lifts a hand, and Go!</span>/" she commands in an oddly harsh voice. It's more than enough to send the animal scampering away, whining.

Beck seems to be returning and Avira lets out a breath of relief. She knows that in Central Park, a person could get in some serious trouble for things like swimming in the various bodies of water available. Hopefully he'd be back before anyone ratted him out. But then he disappears beneath the waters and doesn't surface.

Avira frowns, but doesn't seem to get any more anxious. Beck is a program. He doesn't breathe, right? So he can't drown in water....right?
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
Whether or not Morrighan noticed Avira's leaner build, she didn't say. For all she cared, a gorilla was still a gorilla! And it's not like she wasted all her time staring at that body...and all those scars...and wait a minute. Back to business. "Oh my, striking fear into the hearts of lesser creatures now, are we? I suppose you still are a dog after all."

And thus, she threw out a mutate jab. Giggling to herself after, Morrighan's eyes fell upon the lake, watching as Beck swam back...and then dove under the surface. "Oh? Well, this is not quite what you were planning for, was it?" And a grin followed that question. "I wonder, do they need to breathe?" Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she asked.

"Perhaps you should go and...check. You /are/ an animal after all. Surely a little swimming is nothing for the likes of you, ohohoho~"
Beck has posed:

Beck suddenly surfaced and did so by pretty much pushing off a bottom rock. He came out of the water and flipped right onto the surface. Water droplets were to sure to find them both. He stood there for a moment between the two women. His black, skin tight, leathery body suit dripping with water. Those lines glowing strong, and he looked at them both for a moment. Their reflection perfectly in the visor.

Then the visor face part slid up, before it all flickered back down into the 'collar' of the body suit. Those youthful brown eyes looking right over at Avira for a moment before he raised an eye brow. "I am guessing you were calling for me.. or.. that." He motioned over to where the dog whimped off too. He then lowers down his hand. "..Whatever that is."

He then looked over to Morrighan and glanced her over a few times, before he crossed his arms over his chest. "..and you don't look anything like any of the locals. Though that is from light observation." He gave Avira another look over as well. They were not programs. They were more like the people walking around and those who also came into the Arcade. It was pretty interesting really. To bad he could never tell Mara or Zed about this.

Though he will need to come up with a good excuse to why he has been missing...
Avira has posed:
The muscles in Avira's shoulders start to tense. If she still were a mutate, the hair on the back of her neck would be standing as Morrighan continues to jab at her. Why was this dark elf following after her anyway!? Was she really THAT amusing?! "That was a beastmaster skill." Avira says mildly, "It allows me to control animals."

Inwardly, she sighs. She's never getting away from that dog thing, isn't she? Not as if Morrighan needed a reason to call her a lesser creature, apparently. "I don't think they do, actually. They need to eat though." Hey, she's at least a little informed on how Programs 'work'. And she has been reading those Basic books lately! Her muscles tense again and she looks over her shoulder at the dark elf. "It's against the park rules to swim in the lakes here. Why the hell did you follow me over?!"

Then at that precise moment, Beck flips out of the water, splashing Avira and landing quite impressively. Unashamed, she does check him out, eyes eventually falling up on her own reflection in the mirrored helmet he wears.

"No, I was calling for you." She folds her arms over her chest. "You shouldn't have gone out alone! The User world is really confusing to Programs, trust me, I know this! ...that was a dog, by the way." Avira gestures in the direction the animal ran off in.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Oh. Beastmaster. How fitting." She giggled again at that, hand brought to her mouth but not really attempting to stop. Letting the subject go, she arched a brow lightly at the brief nugget of information imparted about programs. "They have no need for air, but they need to eat. ...How strange."

Following Avira's indignant accusation, the dark elf just smiled mockingly and shrugged her shoulders. "I have nothing to do right now and this is mildly entertaining. Mildly-" And then here came Beck! The splash of water that followed caused Morrighan to jump, shielding herself with an arm to avoid getting wet.

It didn't help that much. Thankfully it wasn't that much water or else she'd have a different sort of problem! Much like Avira, she unabashedly eyed the Program from the bottom up, taking in the details. And then she blinked a couple times as the visor slid up and around back into his collar. "Oh."

For the moment, she just stood back and listened as Avira and Beck spoke, but once he pointed her out, she just shrugged again. "I am...not from around here. Needless to say. I suppose I am like you in a vague sense." Well, it was true. Mostly. She didn't bother saying just what exactly she was or why she was even here though. Minor details! Maybe.
Beck has posed:

Beck shifts his weight a bit as he listens to what Avira has to say. He smirks faintly. "Didn't know you people were so worried about me doing a little sight seeing. Trust me, I am use to being thrown in odd situations." Hi Cyrus! He then gives a faint nod. "Right. A dog." He then peers over at the dark elf before looking back at Avira. "Also, really, don't worry about me. Tron wont even know I am gone. I mean, can you blame someone for wanting to do a /little/ exploring?" He says with a sheepish smile.

Is this a good time to state Beck is an odd program that he adapts extremely quickly to whatever he is thrown at. Kinda how he got into Abel's line of work really.

He then places out his hand to the dark elf. "Well then, nice to meet you. I'm Beck." He then realizes as he looks over at Avira, before also giving her his other hand which he crosses over his other. "Just cause I don't have two right hands." He says with a smile.

He hrms as he studies Avira once more. "..You were also there at the Arcade when that virus attacked right?" This-- could get problematic if any of CLU's forces ever got out. Did she know he was that /same/ program??
Avira has posed:
Morrighan receives another narrowed-eye look from the huntress. This is followed by another sigh as she turns her attention to the Program.

Avira coughs and looks a little sheepish. "Well. You're an okay guy and you helped do a number on LEXUS so yeah, I'm a little worried." At that point it really hits her: she doesn't know who this guy's name is. Despite him claiming to be TRON, he obviously is not TRON. She would ask, but fortunately he has the good sense to introduce himself.

"I'm Avira." she says, taking Beck's hand and shaking it. "No relation to the antivirus program which I sure as hell didn't know existed when I renamed myself." Avira was, in fact, supposed to be a homage to her mother's name. She should have kept the d in it.

Beck's question is answered with a wordless nod.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Ah-" Glancing at the offered hand, Morrighan frowned slightly for a moment before taking it and shaking briefly. "I suppose. I am Morrighan." This talk of the Arcade gave her pause though. "Arcade? Did something happen?" Not that she had anything to do with this, but hey, she was curious! And they mentioned LEXUS...who she hasn't seen in a while. Not since that tree incident anyway.

Seemed like most of the Shadow Lords decided to have nothing to do with her, lest they be seen as aiding an enemy of Garland. Not that she really minded all that much in the end. Still, this talk of programs and virus' and whatnot caused her head to spin a little. She wasn't totally ignorant at this point, but all these computer terms still threw her for a loop now and then.
Beck has posed:

Oh man. This wasn't good. That means she probably came in while he was resting or Tron said something. Damn'it Tron! "I actually never even heard of someone named Avira till now, so no worries." He says with a warm smile, hiding that concern look only to his eyes.

"Ahh.." he looks over at Morrighan, "Nothing major! Just some glitches who decide it be fun to hit up a place." He gives a light shrug before crossing his arms over his chest once more. "We had to run them off before they did some high level damage."
Avira has posed:
There weren't that many other random Programs running around Manhattan that Avira didn't know! In fact, Avira knew a pretty good number of them, period. Funny how that happens. "Yeah, your former buddy LEXUS brought some biker gang by to trash the place. He had a bone to pick with-" she looks to Beck, "...a mutual friend."

Former indeed. She saw LEXUS side with Garland at that 'tree incident.' Yet Morrighan still seemed to be on good terms with Seith. Not all Shadow Lords really worked together, did they?

Avira takes a moment to look around confirming that, yes, they're attracting a little bit of attention all dressed like that. Some New Yorkers just ignore it, though, desensitized to the weird. "But like Beck says, it was taken care of." Avira smirks.
Beck has posed:

Beck gave a gentle nod of his head to Avira. He may have to talk with her later or-- he is going to just have to cross his fingers, but maybe he was just being paranoid. Yeah. Just being paranoid. He got here by luck chance. It was unlikely CLU and them would get here. Even more so if he found the means to maybe see if they could alter the coordinates of.. whatever that thing was.

"Yep. Nothing more to see." He then looks off to the distance as his pupils flicker with a gentle blue light for a moment. He then narrows his eyes gently. He then looks back over at the dark elf. "Well, it was nice to meet you Morrighan. Hopefully we can meet again before I head back home."

Beck gives her a warm smile, before he turns to face Avira. "But ok. Alright. Lets head back and I'll be a good program next time and not run off on my own. Though how am I suppose to contact you guys anyways?"
Avira has posed:
How are they going to send Beck back home, Avira realizes. Well. TRON probably knew something. A lot of somethings, really! There was quite a bit about the data-world that she didn't know.

"Yeah, let's get back." Avira's quick to supply, perhaps interested in evacuating Morrighan's presence. She could only stand so much of that harpy at a time! "Oh, for that, we'll get you a Ma Belle. It's the communication device we use to get in touch with each other in this world."

Avira pulls out her own and shows it off. It's a pretty basic-level Ma Belle-not one of the fancy smartphone-style kind. "One of these."
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"I see..." So LEXUS was up to his old shenanigans. "That sounds just like him." But of course, that has nothing to do with her after all. A casual shrug of the shoulders was all she offered as response. "Well, I suppose you have already pat yourselves on the back for doing such a good job of driving him and his minions off."

The slowly growing number of onlookers gave Morrighan pause and she glanced aside at them. "...Hmph. They act as if they have never seen an elf before." No, they haven't. Most of them anyway. With a shake of her head, she turned back to Beck, nodding lightly. "Yes, I suppose you have not been utterly insufferable. Like certain other people I could mention." Avira is given a pointed glare at that.

With this nonsense out of the way though, there was little more reason for the dark elf to stick around. And so she turned away. "I will be taking my leave then. Do try to avoid drawing the ire of dogs and birds again, hm?" And with that, a dark portal opened. Morrighan stepped through, the portal closing behind her as she disappeared from Central Park.

The response from those who happened to be looking was something she would have found entertaining. Shame she couldn't stick around for it.
Beck has posed:

eck studies the device for a moment. His eyes giving it a quick inspection. "Huh." he grins. "Neat." Then his turns to watch suddenly the elf leave through-- a portal? He raises an eye brow as his hands come down by his sides. "That is-- not something you see every cycle."

Though it does get some gasps and a few claps, and who knows what else. Beck starts to get that impression they should really move on. He actually takes Avira by the hand, not really thinking much of it, cause in the Flynn OS the only 'user' they know of his Flynn. Who created nearly all programs there. Top of that, they didn't really understand the concept of users, cause again-- only one-- and he was more like a god to them.

"Come on, before we get these on lookers coming over here and start asking /us/ questions." He then goes to pull her along, if she sticks with him he will only hold her hand for a moment, if she doesn't budge he wont hold on either. However the Flynn Arcade is looking like a /great/ place to be right now.

He did have to wonder silently about that really. Like why was it almost a duplicate of Flynn's home on the Grid? How was it connected to here? Why was it? He may have to pick Tron's memory about this later. He hasn't had much time to think on it till now!
Avira has posed:
Avira seems super relieved to see Morrighan go. It isn't like she liked her or anything!! But when she sees those smokey wisps of darkness that are made from those portals, Avira seems to freeze up for a few seconds, staring apprehensively off into the darkness. A small whimper escapes her and she takes a step backwards.

She only seems to come out of this strange state when Beck makes contact, taking her hand. She seems a little surprised by this. "U-uh-"

She gets tugged along before she's suddenly moving along next to him. "Right, let's get back." Quickly, she shoves her own Ma Belle back into her pocket.