Ivo Galvan

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Ivo Galvan
Seizui ivo.png
Dashing? I'm in no hurry.
Age 20
Species Human
Sex Male
Height 5'10"
Weight 150 lbs
Series Original
Combat Styles Galvan Sword Dance
Hometown Cosmopolis
Group Shard Seekers
Occupation/Job Knight-Errant
Force: Wandering Force
Theme Song Dawn of Mana OST - The Fool's Dance (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7beJUxkXkYo)
"As anticipated... more or less."
Recent Events
Arriving in Costa Del Sol en route to Fluorgis, he prepares to cross the desert.


Blue-cloaked swordsman of serious mind and playful countenance, Ivo’s curiosity and fundamental kindness belie the determination with which he pursues the shards of worlds lost to darkness -- and his ambivalence toward the prospect of finding his own. Once the young governor of a lower-tier borough within the spiring citadel Cosmopolis, a military academy graduate in the magical sciences and scion of a family which won its nobility in war, his duties and titles have been stripped of all significance. Seemingly having set his past aside, he puts his talents to use to protect his friends and forge his own path, wielding the Orbital Blade Hauteclare in the gravity-defying style his father once mastered. Yet though outwardly urbane and often easy-going, he is troubled by his own dispassion toward his cause, and in his darker moments wonders if his world’s sad fate was not, after all, what he had always wished for.

Skills: Reize's Older Brother Figure Du Jour, a Gentleman and a Scholar, Panache is My Middle Name, Exposition is My Other Middle Name, a Sword Worthy of Gilgamesh, The Power of Science -- is Limited, Are You Sure You're a Knight?, Gallant is Also a Noun, Hope's Bright Light, Guilt's Long Shadow


The sword dance of the Orbital Blade, passed down to Ivo from his recently deceased father, is a peculiar and difficult-to-master technique which relies upon tremendous precision and cunning and can offer the overwhelming advantage of surprise. Hauteclare is a normal, if extremely well-crafted, longsword in the hands of an average wielder, but it is forged of a highly conductive metal and, most importantly, it is possible through a hidden switch in the pommel to detach its blade from its hilt.

Through the occult technology of Ivo’s home world and his own magic, Hauteclare’s blade may be suspended in midair and allowed to dance separately from the hilt. This requires great concentration and dexterity, which Ivo possesses in spades, as well as the endurance to maintain such unbroken focus. At his best, he can even fight along with his sword, punching with the hilt while the blade attacks from another direction; by cleverly attacking from impossible angles, he is capable of physically debilitating his foes in a variety of ways. But he tends to fight normally – with blade and hilt attached – until finding the right opportunity to surprise his adversary with his dancing blade, as using it hastily can expose him to very strong or very swift opponents, who might be able to smash through or sneak past his technique.

Thus, he tends to be a patient fighter, using counter-attacks and reversals and trying not to be overwhelmed until he can unbalance or expose the weak point of his opponent, and then strike with devastating accuracy. Furthermore, Ivo possesses a limited ability to channel the sorcerous energies of light and darkness and, due to his training with Hauteclare, can exert some control over the forces of gravity, but he lacks much native talent in magic, and has instead adapted those skills so as to further refine his ability to hinder his adversaries. By channeling the power of light through Hauteclare, he can purge his foes of beneficial magic, and by channeling darkness, he can seal their body’s capacity to be healed.

More generally, Ivo is a relatively gifted strategic thinker, and his inventiveness lends itself to innovations on and off the battlefield. In a predicament where usual tactics fail, he is often the first to think of a new approach to fighting and quick to inform his allies, helping himself and others to change mindsets swiftly when circumstances demand it. He is not above manipulating his opponents through provocation and misdirection, but though these are the moments when he is at his most playful, he takes no particular pleasure in making a mockery of his foes.

Outside of his own world, most of what he learned as an engineer of magical technology no longer seems to apply, and in some respects he has been forced to start from scratch, with many of his new experiments failing. Yet he retains the ability to learn different crafting techniques quickly, and over time his inventions – such as, say, one built to detect the presence of World Shards – will become more functional. Someday he might make a mean Gummi Ship.


Stat Performance
Stats Rating
Physical Attack Power Above Average
Magical Attack Power Below Average
Physical Accuracy Amazing
Magical Accuracy Average
Physical Evasion Average
Magical Evasion Average
Physical Defense Above Average
Magical Defense Average


Allies Lily, Reize Seatlan, Raiya Fujihara, Auron, Aurora
Adversaries Priel Aylin, Quistis Trepe
Acquaintances Faruja Senra, Zeke, Jack Skellington, Merilan Yursalin, Viola, Sabin Rene Figaro
Affection Priel Aylin, Raiya Fujihara, Reize Seatlan, Quistis Trepe


Name Status Thoughts
Lily Affinity (+1) "This world is new to you too, huh? Are you excited?"
Reize Seatlan Respect (+2) "Shall we seek some shards? Lead the way, champ. Knight's Vow... something something."
Raiya Fujihara Affinity (+1) "A classy lady -- and a redoubtable swordswoman. Should I ask her for some lessons?"
Auron Respect (+2) "I can't say I like how he sees right through me, but he seems a formidable and reliable man. Perhaps I'll find this 'Yuna'?"
Aurora Ambivalence (+0) "I promised I'd help you. I just-- the thought of restoring all the worlds unsettles me. Aren't some things better this way...?"


Name Status Thoughts
Priel Aylin Respect (+2) "'Priel', is it? Not that I trust you, but-- I'm glad I read you right."
Quistis Trepe Ambivalence (+0) "...I won't lose next time. Then again... n-no, it's nothing."


Name Status Thoughts
Faruja Senra Affinity (+1) "Oh, no, the honor is mine, Ser Knight. Aheh."
Zeke Affinity (+1) "I really want to know where he came from... or rather, I want to visit. What all does he carry around in that coat of his, anyway?"
Jack Skellington Ambivalence (+0) "As charming as he is terrifying. Not that I was scared. I mean, I was scared for the girl, but I wasn't-- /scared/ scared."
Merilan Yursalin Affinity (+1) "She's an odd bird, isn't she? But those croquettes -- delicious!"
Viola Affinity (+1) "She's cute."
Sabin Rene Figaro Affinity (+1) "I like your style -- and your one-track mind. I look forward to meeting again under better circumstances."


Name Rating Thoughts
Priel Aylin Half-heart.gif "I don't mind looking -- but I wouldn't pay for the privilege."
Raiya Fujihara Half-heart.gif "A kind heart? Me? I... hope you're right."
Reize Seatlan Heart.gif "If I don't look after you, who will?"
Quistis Trepe Half-heart.gif "..."