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Date of Scene: 19 November 2012
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: Manhattan has run afoul of an unpleasant gang of vehicular troublemakers. However, this isn't a biker gang: it's the Heartless! Chase down this mob of Magnum Loaders and Hot Rods before they cause too much trouble!
Cast of Characters: Reize Seatlan, Lily, Will Sherman, Riku, Mercade Alexander, Avira, Uzuki Yashiro, Kaydin, Brooklyn

Reize Seatlan has posed:
Manhattan is always busy. However, it is even more busy at night. People bustle on, day by day, doing their normal activities. However, some have succumbed to the mob of troublemakers harming them. Rumors have spreaded about vehicular troublemakers being bikergangs, but even various bikergangs have been afraid of these groups: For they are the Heartless.

The buildings are out and about, but most fo thm are densely packed, having police stations and the clock tower...

Deep within the alleys, however, there emerges the Heartless. Magnum Loaders are rocking and riding.

~ AC/DC ~ Highway to Hell.

About eight of the Magnum Loaders have grouped together. The biggest one of the group looks to be the leader. They follow the leader in the formation of a set of bowling pens.

Many of them bash against the parked cars, others are skidding in front of driving vehicles, causing them to crash.


Reize emerges out of the alley, trying to pursue the Heartless. His entire body and face has tire marks on it. He had the unfortunate fate of being ran over. He emerges out while holding on the Xanatos-brand cellphone. He is calling the Twilight Detective Agency for assistance. "Lily! We gotta go after them! We can't let them get away! I am getting Mercade and the others in on this!"

Meanwhile, various police vehicles are driving after the Heartless.
Lily has posed:
"They're-- they're so fast...!" Lily, who technically doesn't even need to BREATHE, emerges from the alley next to Reize panting, hands on her knees. She's, unfortunately, got the same tire branding all over her body, and she's NOT happy about it.

The girl hops on a nearby benchtop, balanced seemingly precariously, and waves her arms around angrily as the Heartless bikers revv past, hands balled into fists and little crackles of lightning beginning to arc around around them once in a while. Zap. Zorch. Crackle. Sizzle.

They stop as Reize makes his call though, and Lily turns around, bringing a hand up to her face and rubbing a finger along her cheek. "Oh... good idea, Reize!"
Mercade Alexander has posed:
The call goes out.

"We're on our way."


There is a roar as a motorcycle appears in the distance, speeding towards the location and coming to a dramatic skidding stop. You can imagine epic music playing as you cut to a dramatic low, upwards shot of Mercade slamming his foot down to steady the bike for himself and his passenger, one hand pulling a shotgun with a flourish of his trenchcoat. "Looks like it's time to..."

The other hand flicks out a pair of shades, and Mercade dramatically puts them on. "Roll out." He racks the shotgun...

And a second later, a Magnum Loader (who is not impressed) crashes right into the bike, sending Mercade flying with a record scratch. The cheap dollar shades shatter on the sidewalk and he groans as he pulls himself up. "YOU BASTARDS RUINED OUR AWESOME ENTRANCE!" Mercade yells, fistshaking.
Riku has posed:
There is nothing like a little well justified tabs keeping when you know someone all but falls into trouble at every opportunity. At least this time he manages to actually already be in the right place. Now all he needed was the right time.

Riku had been sitting on the top of a building overlooking the city, legs dangling from the edge when he got an alert from his phone. He listens idly to Reize's conversation with the TDA and a description of what was going on through the bug he had placed in both phones given to the Shard Seekers.

He can see most of the car based carnage going on below, at least for a few moments as they speed through the streets, with the police forming the long tail of the heartless 'comet' stringing out behind them.

He folds away the phone, sticking it in the pocket of his coat as he looks down at the long fall he has to the ground. There is an oddly abstracted look as he leans further and further over the edge. Would it be possible to get to the ground from here? Huh.

Now he is perilously close to tumbling off the edge. That it is somewhat windy this far up probably doesn't help matters, although it muffles the sounds of the city to a dull roar. Would this be a good time to experiment? No. Probably not. If he couldn't open a portal by the time he hit the ground, he'd be a smear across it. He might also survive only to exit the one on the ground at the same speed as falling. Also a bad thing.

Restraint wins over a somewhat fatalistic curiosity for the moment and he switches the experiment to something more practical. He has to catch up with Reize and Lily before they start to move again. So he warps across to a much lower building, and then a third. Then he does something completely unpredicted. He just climbs a ladder down the rest of the way. Go figure. This puts him about a street ahead, so when he emerges from the street level he can see Reize and Lily.

Initiate Snark Mode.

"Keeping out of trouble, Reize?"
Uzuki Yashiro has posed:
High above the city streets, a dark-winged figure watches down at the chaos below. The figures steps casually towards the edge and takes a gander at the rampaging creatures. Taboo Noise. The mere sight of them causes Uzuki Yashiro's blood pressure to rise up. What a pain those Taboo noise were. She casually taps a finger against her chin as she decides whether or not she should even intervene in this chase.

But then Uzuki remembers something. These Taboo Noise attack anyone in sight whether they are a Reaper, a Player, or whoever. If these Taboo Noise kill any Player during this chase, Uzuki is not going to credit for it. Don't these jerks know that if anyone is going to kill Players IT IS GOING TO BE HER.

The Reaper casually steps off the ledge and plummets all the way down to near street level before flexing her tattoo like wings. In a complete and utter disregard for gravity, Uzuki rights herself and looks to see where these pesky 'Heartless' are. She looks right and then she looks lef....OH CRAP. VROOOOM. A Magnum Loader nearly runs her down and then -another- nearly does the same which leaves Uzuki just a little bit ANGRY. "Okay, that is -it-! No more miss nice Reaper.!" A very evil grin appears on Uzuki's face now. "All of you Taboo Noise are going to die~"

Uzuki then uses her own set of pins to do something. At first, nothing happens. But then a large REAPER symbol appears on the city street before her. There is a brief rumble and a rather menacing looking shark with a horn at the end of its head juts through the concrete and looks around hungrily. Uzuki flies over and lands on the shark's back before spurring it forward after the Heartless. The pink-haired Reaper then begins laugh manically as this mighty landshark begins to give chase after her prey. It looks like Uzuki has finally begun to enjoy herself.
Will Sherman has posed:
Suddenly a dumpster opens!

Will climbs out, waring a gold necklace he found!

"To think people throw this stuff away! I should clean it up and then slide it into Mercade's pocket so he can actually give it to Avira. Guy really needs somehelp on his game." Will says to himself...walking right into the middle of the road as he walks across it.

At the same time as the Heartless gang starts coming down it.

Will, whistling as he walks isn't even aware of the oncoming gang...

Oh hey, a penny face up! That's good luck! He bends over to pick it uppppp...

What is stronger? Will's luck, or these bikes.

Luck only knows that Reize will be magnetically flung through the air right onfront of Will to protect him.
Avira has posed:
Yes. We.

"Mercade, you didn't tell me you had...one of /these/." The second part of that sentence is said with an odd tone of voice Mercade has not heard coming out of Avira before.


Avira clings to Mercade's back, digging her hands in with a ferocity that betrays the fact that she certainly hasn't ridden on a motorcycle before. It was so fast! Far faster than any chocobo she's rented. Sure, there were mistcycles but no way for her to afford one. Ultimately, it's pretty uncomfortable with how fast she's grabbed onto Mercade as they fly down the street and make a SUPER AWESOME DRAMATIC ENTRANCE!

Complete with awesome one liner. It's almost a swoonable moment but this moment is forever ruined when a Magnum Loader hip checks the bike, sending the perfectly perched Mercade falling off the bike. Avira flails for a moment, then tumbles off as well, landing on top of Mercade to boot. Sprawling face-down, it takes her a second to realize that the detective has broken her fall.

Hastily, she rolls off and stands. "Hey Reize! Lily! We're here to help!" Oh look, Riku is here to taunt the Shard Seekers over their new tire tracks. Politely, Avira does not comment.
Brooklyn has posed:
It has been a long time in the making. The last time he'd used one of these, it was blown up about five minutes later. This time around, Brooklyn had every intention of making sure that his motorcycle stayed in one peice. He was idling in an alleyway when he heard the roar, followed closely by the police sirens.

Pulling his sunglasses down onto his beak, he watched as the Magnum Loaders went roaring past, "Never a dull night." He muses, before pushing his glasses back up onto his eyes, revving the engine of his bike and hitting the clutch. The bike roars to life as it sails out of the alley, Brooklyn skidding the back tire around the corner and roaring off after the cops and the Heartless.

Clad in a new leather jacket, Brooklyn begins his chase, his supercharged motorcycle rapidly catching up to the police cars. As he pulls along side of the cop cars, he looks to the right and makes eye contact with the driver, an older African American gentleman. The same one who had pursued him the last time he was riding his motorcycle. Brooklyn can't help but smirk slightly before he revs the engine again and pulls in front of the cop cars, the enhanced speed of his bike allowing him to rapidly catch up to the fleeing Heartless.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
The Magnum Loaders are definitely not impressed with Mercade and the gang. That is why its minions hipchecked the bike. The Heartless join together, giving a manical chuckle.

Meanwhile, as the police vehicles come in closer to the Heartless. One of the Magnum Loaders break from formation to strike its arms at the tire, busting the rubber.

Unfortunately, Uzuki will find that there is a massive police vehicle heading her way. It smashes against the ground, and then it bounces up and rolls the shark's way.

And yet, another police vehicle is struck by one of the Loaders on the opposite side. That vehicle is rolling towards Brooklyn's motorcycle.

Amusingly... all of the Heartless pass by Will without even touching him.


As Riku makes his way to the group, the boy brightens, "Riku!" And then, his comment earns a flop of the antenna hair before he puffs his cheeks. "Ooi! That's not funny!" He shakes a fist.

And then, his eyes widen, "Mercade! Avira!" He brightens to a wave her way. Then, he frowns, "We gotta catch up with them!" He looks around for some sort of way of chasing them.

And then, he sees a bicycle.


"I got an idea! Lily! Come with me!" He walks over to an individual with a bicycle nearby. "Excuse me! I need to borrow your bike."

The teenaged girl is looking at the boy, "Eh...?! What are you trying to do?!"

"Chase those bad bikers!"

"...You know what? You sound amusing. Have at it! If you break it, you owe me a new one."

"Got it! Lily! Let's ride!"
Reize is riding off after the Heartless, a hand stretched for Lily.

Lily has posed:
"ooooooohhh!!" Lily waves about, cheering at the arrival of Riku, Mercade, and Avira and giving each of them a wide grin.

Sadly, the girl doesn't really get a chance to do much else, because hey there's Reize being weird and creative again!

"Let's goooooo!" Grinning happily at the bike's owner, she reaches out for Reize's hand and grabs hold, swinging up to sit behind him!

... that's when the winds turn in their favor, the air in front parting to create negative pressure and the air behind compressing to create positive pressure. Pedaling will get a LOT easier in a hurry!
Will Sherman has posed:
Will suddenly looks up?!

Bikes everywhere...

Then, without skipping a beat he LOOKS at them...


However, they are too fast for him...they are out of range too quickly for his special powers, which means he needs a ride.

Then a bike comes passed the police line...the strings are a bit...familar, but Gargoyles are no different than humans on the inside for the most part. Will moves, for most it would seem impossible...in reality it was all EXTREMELY LUCKY.

He hops, right as Brooklyn rides, landing RIGHT on the back of the motorcycle in such a way that he doesn't cause any easily compensatable movement.

"Hey! Sorry about the sudden entrance! But you seemed to be going my direction! Get me closer to those heartless!"
Mercade Alexander has posed:
A hard-boiled detective wouldn't even blink twice in the situation himself and Avira had landed in. He'd just get up, maybe make a hardass comment, and move on to go kick some ass.

Mercade's maybe half-boiled at best. He blinks as he registers that Avira landed on top of him, and he coughs, blushing a bit and having yelled at the Magnum Loaders to cover that up.

He stands himself, about to call the attack when he hears that rumble. "Oh hell, it's that Reaper woman!" Mercade says. as he points at Uzuki. "Be careful, who knows what she's going to do!" The Noise Shark appears, and Mercade blinks. "Oh hell, that thing looks nasty!" Mercade rells in surprise. "But it's attacking the Heartless, so..." He shrugs at Avira. "Let's kick some ass!"

He quickly mounts back up on his bike, and as soon as Avira joins him again, they're going to roar off!

As he gives chase, he sees something unexpected. "Oh snap." Mercade says, pointing at Brooklyn for Avira. "Is that another Gargoyle?" Deidra /does/ hang around the TDA, he knows about them, after all. "That's a hell of a bike." He says, before leaning in on his cheaper, less impressive machine. "COME ON REIZE, KEEP UP!" He calls as he blows past Lily and Reize on their bike.
Avira has posed:
In truth, Avira didn't notice Mercade's reaction, but she had to wonder if there was one to begin with. Guys usually had something to say about having a woman suddenly on top of them. Ahem. Thankfully, her angle of dogpile doesn't really permit him to notice how flustered she was immediately afterwards.

"That Reaper woman...? Oh, HER! I remember HER." From the desert. That was a while ago. Since then Avira's learned just how dangerous these Reapers could be! As if giving Avira an example, Uzuki summons a powerful-looking Noise. "..leeeeeet's avoid that, Mercade!"

She's quick to hop on the motorcycle, resuming her tenacious clinging to the detective.

Mercade points out something interesting. A gargoyle on a motorcycle! Avira too has met Deidra so she does know what they are, much like the detective. "Hey, how's it going?" Avira cheerfully salutes Brooklyn and now the recently-joined Will.

Looking back ahead (or more accurately, around Mercade since he's taller), Avira narrows her eyes, "Alright, you get us up there, I'll start picking them off with ice! Like this!"

Mercade will suddenly feel Avira's hands lift away. Then something lashes around his waist-one of Avira's leather belts in fact. Leaning slightly to the side, Avira pulls her left hand back as if drawing a bowstring. The right hand extends out in front of her, not unlike holding a knocked arrow. A sliver of ice magic appears where the arrow would typically be.
Riku has posed:
Riku watches Reize pedal fiercely after the rampaging heartless and slowly shakes his head.

"uhhh.... No." is what he settles on after a few moments of watching in absolute bemused chagrin.

He doesn't have a mode of transportation that is going to help him here. Warping took enough energy and concentration that by the sixth or seventh leap, he'd be exhausted. There was also the possibly that it might go awry, as it always did-- and he could end up anywhere. Up in the air. Over a lake of lava. In another Forsaken tree about to fall out of it. Some place worlds away.

Riku rubs the back of his neck, somewhat left behind as he watches Mercade and Avira blow first past him and then past Reize and Avira. There is a moment of disappointed chagrin as he considers doing the same thing as Reize and 'borrowing' a form of transportation, but he doesn't-- actually know how to ride anything but a bike. And see above comment about the likelihood of him doing that at this point. Riku sticks his hands in his pockets, moving out of the main street and into the alleyways. Well.. there was one way he could use to catch up, and what better way than to use one heartless to catch another one? Riku thinks about it, and decides he doesn't care. Why not? --Why the hell not.

Riku closes his eyes and makes sure he isn't being seen by anyone before he snaps his fingers. Darkness starts to accumulate at his feet. There is a moment of transition that almost twists the heartless out of control but he bears down on it harder.

A winged reptilian shape appears in the alleyway, letting out a cry as Riku bears down on it again. Then the heartless has disappeared, leaving a motorcycle in it's wake. A dark script across the side reads "Windstorm"

Riku rolls the bike out onto the street, piecing out how, theorhetically, this should work in his head as he starts after the group. Sadly-- no plan of attack survives contact with the enemy. Or rather-- with anybody. Especially Reize.
Uzuki Yashiro has posed:
The laughing pink-haired Reaper is so busy enjoying herself that she does not notice a flipped police vehicle hurdling through the air towards her until it has already begun its last bounce. It looks like it might be lights out for the Reaper, but at the last moment she urges her Bebop shark to LEEEEEEAP into the air and collide with the oncoming police car. This results in a spectacular crash as LARGE METAL OBJECT hits LARGE MAGICAL OBJECT in a mid-air collision. Unforunately, Uzuki was also for the ride and the sheer impact of these two things causes Uzuki to be knocked through the air, skid across the ground a bit before she can use her wings to stop herself in motion. The Reapette looks even more -angry- now if that is even possible.

Both her fists and clenched and then spread open in a display that draws emphasis to the claw like nature of her sleeve enclosed hands. "This just frosts my cookies! Time for those Taboo Noise to see what a pissed off Reaper really can do!" Mercade and his warning get a -nasty- glance before Uzuki walks over and kicks her fallen Bebop Shark in the side of its dorsal fin. "Get up, we have work to do!"

The stylin' shark gnashes its teeth together in anger as it flips over to allow Uzuki to hop back on. And now both Reaper and Shark and joining in the chase once more. The shark riding Reapette seems to have a slightly...disturbed look on her face. She is a woman on a mission now. Avira and the rest are smart to stay away for now, her bloodlust is driving her to attack the Taboo noise and not these meddling non-Players. She will deal with them later!
Brooklyn has posed:
The bike riding gargoyle is doing his best to keep up with the Heartless. He's not sure what these things even are, he figures they might be another one of Xanatos' inventions. Regardless of what they are, it's clear that they're a danger. He does find himself a bit surprised when he suddenly has a passenger, "Dunno who you are buddy, but hold on!" He calls out, as the cop car comes rolling in.

Brooklyn flares his wings out through the back of his jacket, each one barely missing Will and causing an airbrake effect and slowing him enough for the car to roll past his bike. Once the danger has passed, he folds his wings back up, shifts his bike into a higher gear, and guns the engine, trying to catch back up to the Heartless, so his passenger can do some damage.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
And the chase is on.
* Reize/Lily on the Deadly Pink Bicycle
* Mercade/Avira on the Epic Bike
* Brooklyn/Will on the Styling Cycle
* Riku in the Wicked Heartless Cycle
* Uzuki on the Styling Shark

Enemies: 8x Magnum Loaders


The road is a wide, expansive area. There are paths for the bicycles, motorcycles and so forth. Some of the police cars that had been in pursuit of the Heartless had been taken out with little difficulty. Many of them lay on the side of the road, many officers injured, but no one killed.

As the Magnum Loaders see the opportunity to make everything a mess for people.... Two of them break off from the formation to strike at the vehicles nearby.

A couple of taxi cars are flying towards all participants.


And then, the two in the front break formation to bring down a telephone pole. It's lowered to the point of being able to knock the folks off.

Reize Seatlan has posed:
As Mercade is passing by the group, Reize looks back at the older man and he puffs his cheeks, "Oooooiiii!" The young boy puts his feet on the pedal, putting the pedal to the MAX as he tries to catch up with the group.

As he leans forward, he can see the taxi vehicles are heading his way. "ACK!" He looks back at Lily, "Lily! Help us get higher!" Reize is gripping the bars tightly as he pushes himself into the air, trying to get a high momentum going.

And then, the descent. "ACK!" Those lightposts is going to hurt. Reize shifts his weight around, having the bike slide underneath the post. And then, there is the matter of catching up. "Give 'er more power, Lily!"
Will Sherman has posed:
Will, on the back of Brooklyn's bike seems to do nothing but hold on...

The wing trick gets his attention though! He looks at the guy and then makes a weird smile. "Oh neat, you're a Gargoyle! Okay well, keep following!" he says, and then focuses back on concentraiting...

The odd happens, as the taxi's run for them...

One of the other Heartless cars hits a nearby car, not damaging IT but flinging it right towards the taxi heading towards them! It veers out of the way, leaving Brooklyn to easily stear out of the way. The telephone also cracks down on a tree, cracking it and giving Brooklyn even more time to get under it.

Will just grins.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade watches Uzuki ride a goddamn shark. "You know..." He says offhand. "That looks completely awesome."

He flips out his phone and uses a quick message function to comment over the TDA network. As he does so, Riku blows past on the HEARTLESSCYCLE. DANANANANANANANANA DARK MAN. Mercade blinks at that. "Holy cow, where did he get that? HEY RIKU! AWESOME BIKE!" He calls.

Avira comes up with a Plan. Mercade nods, and Avira anchors herself. "I'll try to keep it steady for you!" He tells her, before upshifting and roaring down the highway.


Mercade roars down the street with the others, eyeing the taxicabs flying through the air. "Oh hell!" He yells, pulling to one side... And the cabs clip the bike, sending it spinning wildly. "WHOOAAAAAAAAAA!" Mercade yells, sparks flying everwhere as they lose control, making it impossible for them to avoid the incoming pole. "BRACE!" Mercade yells, before he forces the bike to skid out and hit the ground roughly, causing them to stop out and lose valuable time in recovery. "Ugh..." He groans. "They're not playing around! Come on, we need to catch up!"
Lily has posed:
"Wheeeeeeeeoooooooo!!" Lily's gem glimmers brightly from its permanent place in her forehead as her magical usage skyrockets along with her focus and playful excitement. She wasn't expecting this to be FUN but it is. it is BEYOND FUN!

It is beyond dangerous too but this doesn't seem to be registering for her at all right now.

"Top speeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!" She's holding onto Reize TIGHT from behind, giggling madly, but she answers the request nonetheless. The winds pick up.

Quite literally, there's a hurricane-like GALE blowing up about the bike and picking it UP straight off the ground. It's a bit wobbly, and more like wild rocket propulsion in a rough direction that Reize will have to work hard at aiming!
Avira has posed:
"...yeah, it kind of is." Avira admits distantly as she undoes one of her belts (of course she has more than one!) to do her anchoring plan. "Just whatever you do, Mercade, don't jump over it."

Riku rides past and Avira doubletakes. That guy had a motorcycle too? Lucky brat!!

Thankfully, the belt comes in handy when Mercade has to suddenly swerve around a pair of tumbling taxi cars. Despite the hard motions, she's still able to keep ahold on her gathering magic...right up until the telephone pole makes a mess of things.

The bike flops over and they both skid along the ground, Avira's control over mist vanishing immediately as her arm is scratched up and skinned by the asphalt. Suddenly, a relevation hits her.

So THIS is why bikers wear leather.

She flails, awkwardly climbing back onto the bike as Mercade does. "Right! Let's go! Keep it steady!" She doesn't resume her magic, though, instead gingerly touching her arm with her other hand, spreading that slowly-regenerating first aid upon it.
Riku has posed:
Riku has to be about the least attentive looking driver on the road. An abstracted look does NOT look like the safest thing to do right at this juncture, but indeed it's the safest for Riku personally because his attention is on controlling the Windstorm he is riding.

It felt good. It felt amazingly good as the heartless begins to tear through the streets, responding more and more to Riku's subconscious thoughts and sense of timing than his overt commands. It was paying attention enough for both of them, beginning to pick up speed-- whipping them faster through the streets when suddenly TAXIS--

Riku's eyes widen, then narrow as he leans closer onto the cycle. He swerves hard to one side and out of the way of the first, starting to laugh as the second goes flying past him without incident. The pole cracking down on the tree dislodges itself and starts to come down into his path.

He jerks too hard at the Windstorm, which manages to accede to his command of 'ACK! Get out of the way.' by going completely off the road, vaulting onto and over another car and out of the path of the pole, slamming down back onto the road with a ripple of dark energy. Riku starts to laugh as he sits back on the cycle, grinning as he shoots through the streets unhindered.
Brooklyn has posed:
It's not over yet. Not as far as Brooklyn is concerned. While he is a bit concerned that Will knows what a gargoyle is, at this point there's more to worry about than that little detail. While Brooklyn hasn't had a lot of experience with motorcycle riding, he has the instincts that help him avoid the incoming taxis and trees.

"When are people going to learn to steer clear of these situations?!" He calls out to his passenger, as he steers under the flying cars. And here he thought they hadn't invented flying cars yet! The red gargoyle skids the vehicle a bit, and then redoubles his efforts to get them closer, "Dunno who you are, but how close do you need me to get?" He asks, calling out over the roar of the bike's engine.
Uzuki Yashiro has posed:
The first flipped car caught her off guard, but Uzuki Yashiro will not be caught so unawares a second time! A flying Taxi car comes straight for her, but this taxi is about to feel the wrath of one angry Reaper/Shark combo! Bebop shark JUMPS and impales the taxi with its horn before tossing it aside, Uzuki can only hold onto the top find of the shark for dear second life. Thankfully, those wings of hers serve as an awesome stabilizer to prevent her from being thrown off the shark.

Hopefully for the others, this shark thrown taxi wno't hit any of the TDA and friends. And hopefully for the Reaper, it does end up crushing one of them. She'll be sure to come back around and turn them into Players after she finishes getting her revenge on those Taboo Noise. Speaking of those jerks, Uzuki pulls her handgun out from seemingly nowhere and gets it ready to deliver some pinky colored punishment. She has never shot her pistol from the back of a landshark before, but there really is a first time for everything.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin didnt recieve the memo about the use of motorcyle chases so he comes to the city with a new addition to his armored self. A chocobo which has similar black armor runs along at incredibly speed. He draws his dark sword and readies himself as he rides along
Reize Seatlan has posed:
The Magnum Loaders now move unhindered. The vehicles that were previously on the road are now off as many of the drivers are hoping they are not targets. Now, the Heartless break away. They are going to make sure that the pursuers do not last long.

One of the Magum Loaders move back to meet with Pinky and her shark. In fact, it moes right in front of the shark. Why? Well, it begins revving its wheels to burn through the asphault and rushes towards a nearby car, punching a hole into its gas tank. Through cinematic magic, the car explodes in front of the shark.

As for the Brooklyn/Will team up, the Heartless moves over towards the wheels nearby the gargoyle. It begins jabbing at his tires and shifts to quickly hip check it.

For Reize and Lily, one of them notice the two coming from above. So, what does it do? It moves to burn rubber to get tot he next lamppost and bend it. Or at least, spring it to whip the two back for a horrible landing. ...It's like a bat coming their way.

And as for Mercade and Avira, one of the Magnum Roaders swoop over towards a gas shop. It breaks in, takes something, and peaces out. When it rides back out, it pours oil on the ground and moves back to the formation. However, it then sees Kaydin and the chocobo. It pours oil for the bird as well. In fact, it pours ALL OF THE OIL THAT IT HAS!

The leader turns to see that Riku and his motorcycle is approaching it. It sends a signal for one of the little guys to break off and deal with it. The magnum loader skids nearby Riku's bike, attempting to hip check it not once. Not twice. But three times.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Meanwhile, Lily is holding onto the boy pretty tightly. He grins, looking back at her while he picks straight up into the air. As Lily draws that gale to soar them high, Reize is trying to shift the bike out to catch up with the Magnum Loaders.

Steering is going to be a pain. Huge pain. Even worse. One of those Heartless had loaded something up just for them. It's a post that's being used as a bat.



Reize shifts the wheels around, leaning away from the strike of the wheels. Reize growls at the Magnum Loader. "I had enough of you!" He quickly unloads his boomerang fom his side and he chucks it at the creature
Will Sherman has posed:
"That's close enough!" Will says as the Heartless comes over to attack their tires and slam them.

Will, however, is the master of Hobo-jutsu, and instead leans over and PUNCHES the bike.

Strange things happen when this occurs...such as removing it's luck.

Watch out for random occurances Mr. heartless. The Bobo moves back, "Just keep getting us close to them! My hands do something weird to them!" he says, "You know, kinda like what I am doing to us right now, but I reverse it!" he says, with a grin. "Also, nobody ever learns! I mean, it's Manhattan after all! Just be thankful none of the victims have started taking shots at us yet!"
Lily has posed:
It's taking almost all of Lily's focus to just keep the bike soaring coherently. Wind is not the best form of propulsion without a sail! Or when you can't quite see where you're going because Reize's back is in the way!

"Let him have it! Let him have it, Reize!" The girl cheers childishly, egging the boy on with a vengeful and sort of childish gleam in her eyes, the wind speed picking up and increasing for a moment, super-propelling the boomerang from its normal pace like a rocket!
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade gets them back moving again, and the bike rolls on, trying to catch up to the malicious biker-Heartless! "Damn it! Move, bike, move!" He guns it, roaring after the Magnum Loader, and tries to catch up to the strangly digital-looking Heartless when he takes a shortcut through a gas station. "Hold on!" Mercade calls to Avira as he guns it... And then immediately hits the oil slick. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Mercade yells as the oil sends the bike sliding again, causing it to crash up against a wall. "At this rate, the only thing jumping is my repair bills." Mercade groans, and looks over his shoulder. "Avira, are you okay?" He says. In irritation, he takes a couple pot shots after the Magnum Loaders, and tries to get the bike moving again. "We're still in it. We can do this... I think." He pauses. "I have an idea for a shortcut!" He says, his eyes lighting up with those terrible words.

Don't worry, he's not Reize. Right?
Riku has posed:
Riku controlling the Heartless is a little like Icarus-- and sometimes you fly a little too close to the sun.

The Windstorm shudders with dark energy as the first Hip check sends the cycle careening off course and the exhultation turns into something very much like panic as his hands sink up to the elbows into the cycle. This means that it's no longer a matter of him controlling the Windstorm. It was him trying to escape it before it consumed him.

The second hip check took him by surprise as well as he was too busy fighting with the heartless. The cycle careens off course, smashing against another car as it uses the pain of the impact to jar Riku's concentration. Riku screams as the third hit spins the cycle all the way around and-- perhaps somewhat luckily for the teenager, straight into another car head-on. He is thrown bodily over that parked car to land in a hard roll on the sidewalk.

He manages just barely to keep the Windstorm from transforming back into it's proper shape and coming after him. Nevertheless, Riku groans softly, reaching around in his coat for a HiPotion and pulling himself to his feet. One leg was cut up and bleeding but the proper application of HiPotion gets him going again soon enough. He staggers a few steps trying to regain his focus, trying to figure out what happened to the others as he glowers menacingly at the Windstorm.

Unnoticed, his eyes bleed yellow as he forces the thing back into submission, drawing deeper on his reserves in order to keep going. "Behave Yourself." he grumbles at the bike as the pain fades into a bone-deep ache. He gets back on the bike, slapping a hand hard against the 'metal' chassis as he tries to catch up with the others who have already past him again. He slows as he sees Mercade wipe out again and draws up next to them. "You guys alright? Looks like I'm not the only one dealing with a tempermental bike."
Brooklyn has posed:
"Sounds like a plan to me!" Brooklyn replies to Will, as he lashes out with one of his foot talons to kick the incoming poke away from his tires, and then again to kick the bike away after Will punches it. He thinks these may be those 'Heartless' he was told about the other day. If this is the case, well, he's gotta put a stop to them.

Brooklyn floors the throttle, so to speak, and rushes up towards the next Heartless, in order to get Will in range to punch it again. After all, he's feeling lucky.
Uzuki Yashiro has posed:
A car explodes infront of Uzuki's shark with shark-apults the Noise high into the air with Uzuki still clinging on to its fin. The Heartless has seemingly jumped the shark by resorting to this explosive impromptu trap. Who knew that Taxi's were is explosive? The poor shark has had enough and begins to turn into a crackling mess of black and white static before disappearing altogether. Thankfully, it was the shark that took most of the blow for the Reaper who was able to escape from this mostly intact if not a little singed.

The Reaper has had enough, she points her gun at the nearest loader and begins to unload her weapon. It does not fire bullets persay, but a torrent of pink flower-esque pellets of energy that explode upon impact. Oooh, those Taboo noise are going pay when she gets through with them! THEY WILL PAY FOR DESTROYING BEBOP SHARK.

The Reaper quickly descends to the ground thanks to her wings in front of a very frightened pizza delivery man on a moped. One sight of a crazy winged deliquent with a magical explodey gun has the pizza guy running for the hills. Uzuki commandeers this moped and kicks it...into...high gear....into something. Once more, the Reaper chases after the loader who wrecked her shark with her pistol still in hand.
Avira has posed:
Mercade will feel Avira quickly clutching onto him from behind. Then as they hit the oil slick, he'll find those hands no longer there. He'll also find the belt losened, no longer keeping his passenger tied to him. When he manages to ask and look back, he'll find that Avira is just -not there-.

She lies on the sidewalk several feet away, face-down, and groaning. When she looks up, it seems that her nose is bleeding. Blearily, she forces herself to stand and rushes to join back up with Mercade. "...No. No I'm not okay." she says, for the first time in Mercade's presence the slightest hint of misery entering her voice.

Grimly, she climbs back on the bike, lashes the belt around him again, and peers forward. "Do it. We're too far behind now."

Already she's charging up ice magic. This time she'll be reaady.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
New Entry:
* Kaydin and the Ferocious Chocobo

Uzuki and her Styling Shark is now taken out of the game. The Magnum Loader cheers, before it is blasted by the pink death shot. It explodes into munny. Yet, just as quickly as she was taken out of the race...

New Entry:
* Uzuki Yashiro and the Fabulous Moped.

The fact that Reize and Lily managed to get past its plan was unexpected. It turned tail to flee. However, the boomerang, enhanced through Lily's magic, impacts the Heartless enough for it to explode into munny. That is one of them down.

And next, Will manaes to get nearby to strike down the wheel of the Heartless. It starts swerving around before its luck runs out and it crashes against a nearby building. It explodes into munny.

There are essentially five Magnum Loaders left. He four are positioned behind the larger one, he leader of the group. The leader gestures for the crew to drive faster.

Now, the road is becoming a bit more interesting. While many of the cars have cleared, the path is becoming more curvy. It's not the Heartless that they have to worry about now...

Instead, everyone will have to worry about the narrow curves of the road!
Reize Seatlan has posed:
It is good(or bad) to have Lily egg him on. As she manipulates the wind to speed him up, this gives him a closer shot. That shot is enough to whack the Heartless good. It explodes into munny, which Reize happily scoops up on his bicyce. "We did it, Lily!" He brightens, turning to face her. It is good to see that bright smile on her face. Soon, his gaze turns to the other Heartless.


However, Reize looks back, realizing that Mercade and Avira had been left behind. A frown stirs up, "...Grrr..." Those are his friends that are hurt!
And the Heartless take off. However, to make things worse, the road is becoming narrow and has a curve. This would be good because he is on a bicycle. However, because Lily's magic is having him go extremely fast?
Things are going to be a lot more difficult.
"ACK! LILY! STEEER!!!" The boy tries to shift the bicycle along the curve, trying not to fall off of the loop.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin tries to maintain the chocobo but it warks and falls. He helps it get back up and gets back on and with a shake of his reins, the armored chocobo goes on at heightned speed, warking at cars and bikes passing by as it runs.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will grins at Brooklyn, giving him a thumbs up before...

Whatever the Garyoyle does, it gets Will in CLOSE.

Will's eyes gleem, as he starts moving, litterally using the inertia of the bike to help propell him! The hobo punches, aiming to send his luck cleaving strikes into anything that they can get their hands on, before pulling back to the seat behind Brooklyn!

"Nice drivin'! You're a natural at this man!"

"I wonder how Mercade is doing..?" he says idly to himself.
Brooklyn has posed:
A curved road up ahead? No problem for Brooklyn. He begins to weave the bike in and out on the curves, using his wings as airbrakes as needed, in order to slow the bike down just enough to make the turn. It's a lot like weaving in and out of skyscrapers while flying. He pushes it towards the pack of remaining Magnum Loaders, again trying to get Will close enough to hit them, so they can get to the leader of the pack.
Lily has posed:
"KabooooooooooooooOOOOOM!" Lily yells fiercely, triumphantly, and... WORRISOMELY joyously at the thing's defeat - at the spreading pile of Munny, really, and snags up some of it with another flick of wind. She'd so distracted that she cannot devote quite as much energy to speed and--

"No more running us over for you! Stupid monster!"

Then the bike VIOLENTLY lurches and Reize starts panicking. "H-hwuh?!" Oh. Oh boy. oh dear indeed.

"---Yeeeeeaaaaooh!" Oh now she doesn't sound happy at all. Just what does Reize want her to do? She's never used anything like this contraption before. All she can do is aid with wind, trying to buffet the bike from the sides and change the resistance as it rounds the bend, to slow and stabilize it.

... This might be how she's not fallen flat on her face so often lately.
Uzuki Yashiro has posed:
Uh oh! Curves in the road! And double uh-oh! Uzuki never learned how to drive, because duuuuh. Japan has an awesome public transportation system. Oh, and she was a once dead person with supernatural powers who could fly. All of this does help Uzuki navigate the curves on the road and she ends up crashing her moped. Pizzas spill everywhere as a result of this fabulous crash. Well, at least the Manhattan rats are going to have a good day.

The Reaper herself once again relies on her wings to prevent much harm from coming to her. Well screw this, she should just fly. That is. Unless -someone- offers the psychotic, pink-haired powerhouse a ride. Because, really....what's the worst that could happen?
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade takes some side roads, nodding to Avira as she gives him her vote of confidence.

That's all he needs. He leans in, and floors it. "Hold on, Avira, this is gonna get bumpy!" He waves to Riku. "Come on, follow me!"

He hits the offramp on the highway, powersliding onto a side street and weaving through traffic. He punches through a red light, and heads down an alleyway. He swerves to one side, dodging a low fire escape, crashing through some debris as he emerges on the opposite side... And perfectly oriented. He launches off of the crest of the hill he finds himself on...

And the motorcycle hits the highway on the opposite side as it moves into a downhill arc. He skids, powersliding in front of the likely surprised Magnum Loaders. "RIKU! AVIRA! NOW!" He yells, telling them to unload the hell on them while they have the element of Awesome on their side.

Mercade's already seating 2, Uzuki. Can't help you right now.
Riku has posed:
Ah. You've got to love the phrase 'What's the worst that can happen'

The Windstorm has quieted down again, for now. This is a good thing because a lot of willpower is involved in following Mercade across a suicidal bit of terrain jumping, i.e Manhattan 'shortcut'. He ducks under the fire escape, horns screaming as he survives a near miss with another car while running the red light. The cycle roars at him at each slide, the Windstorm fighting for control but chained too securely to escape.

Riku starts to feel that exhilaration again, trying to follow what Mercade is doing and pay attention to the terrain and keep himself in one piece. As such, even though he has no experience with these sorts of almost hairpun curves and antics his will is enough to command the cycle and the cycle navigates the terrain. Riku doesn't dare risk using 'magic' to destroy the heartless.

Instead, the sword appears in his hand as he tries to slash across the Magnum Loaders and start picking off the leaders minions, slashing to puncture tires and do a little driving off the road for himself.

This is where he almost loses his focus again because just after that is the fabulous moped and the greasy pizza spill. He manages to spin all the way around, sliding to a halt in the midst of the cheesy carnage.

Riku takes a moment to raise his eyebrows at Uzuki, pausing for a long second before a smirk lights up his face. He gestures for Uzuki to get on. "Hey. You want to have some more fun, or are you done for the day?"
Avira has posed:
For now, Avira trusts the belt to actually hold this time. Her hands are too busy with the magic to grab onto Mercade now. It's good that she has the magic to focus on, nonetheless, or else she'd be getting very intimidated by Mercade weaving in and out of traffic like that and DISOBEYING A RED LIGHT.

Though at the same time, her charging ice magic glows brightly, leaving a lovely blue trail of light to follow the bike as Mercade takes his daring shortcut.

Thankfully, not only does Mercade get the pair there in one piece, he's able to give her the appropriate signal. Otherwise, Avira might have flat out missed it during her nearly supernatural focus on her magic. Guiding her extended right hand immediately at the Magnum Loaders, Avira grits her teeth. "Bang."

The Freeze Arrow projectile doesn't seem much as its released, but when it strikes it sends up a mini explosion of creeping ice crystals where it hits. That's just the first one too-Avira's repeatedly and rapidly drawing back, unleashing arrow after arrow into the Magnum Loader ranks for the entire duration that they have this opening.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Unfortunately, Reize cannot help but to be a tad worry that Lily is TOO happy over the thing's defeat. While Reize is pretty pleased, well... it's somewhat scary.
Back to panicing. Reize is looking back towards Lily, hoping to god tha she has an idea. When she manages to use the wind to assist, Reize's bike is buffered from falling off. This helps him with looping and drifting.

"Whew! Great job, Lily!" He brightens.

Many manage to get away from all of the loops and the turns that the man-made road brings. It is not just the Heartless that were the threat. It was the obtacles of the road!

Speaking of the Heartless, the Magnum Loaders are riding once more. They are in their five person formation with the larger of the group as the leader.

And then the group arrives.

What is a surprise out of all of them is the fact that the motorcycle powerslides in front of the Magnum Loaders.


This is just in time for Riku to slash two of the minions down. THe other two find themselves picked off by the projectile released by Avira. The impact releases the explosion of creeping ice crystals. They all become covered with the ice and they are sprayed.

The four Heartless explodes into munny.

It's just the leader left.

What does the leader do?


Reize's eyes widen, "We can't let him get away!"
Brooklyn has posed:
"Take the controls!" Brooklyn calls out to Will as he jumps up onto the handlebars of the motorcycle as it speeds towards the leader. The red gargoyle, balanced precariously on those handlebars, pushes off with all the strength that he can muster, keeping his wings folded tightly against his back as he takes off through the air, adding more momentum to his already considerable forward speed.

Brooklyn tucks into a ball as he sails through the air, and then as he aproaches his target, uncurls from his postion into a more missile shape, foot talons pointed right towards the last standing Magnum Loader, with the intent to hit it with full force of all that carried momentum, mixed with razor sharp talons.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade will depend on Will to hoover up all that Munny. He's just some kind of Munny Magnet. And money magnet. It's amazing how he still lives like a hobo with how easy it is for him to get money (get cash, get money, get a stash).

The leader goes blasting past them all, and Mercade gestures to everyone. "You're right, Reize! LET'S GET HIM!" He guns the engine, rolling out with the others. This time, Mercade produces his shotgun again, pointing not at the Loader's body, but at the wheel, trying to blast it to slow it down. The pounce attack of Brooklyn causes him to swerve to one side quickly, trying to make sure the impact doesn't create a bike pileup.

He's crashed enough, kthx.
Avira has posed:
"He won't get away!" Avira sounds particularily convicted about this directive as the leader tries to speed off and escape his pursuers. Understandably, everyone begins to pile after the remaining Heartless, including Brooklyn who is standing on his motorcycle. Standing on it! While Will drives!

She doesn't trust her own balance to stand herself. Trying to charge magic while riding was hard enough on its own!

Avira magics up herself another freeze arrow, carefully trying to aim so she doesn't strike Brooklyn. She quickly settles for aiming at the ground far ahead of the leader Magnum, creating a slippery patch of ice in front of it. It's partly revenge for how many times these Heartless have made those here in pursuit wipe out!
Will Sherman has posed:
'Take the controls'

Will is now left to take the controls...

"Ohgodohgodohgod!" Will says, trying to handle a motorcycle going YES in speed. He looks helpless as Brooklyn takes off after the leader, now for the first time in this entire engagement he's worried!

"HOW DO YOU DRIVE THIS CRAZY THING?!" he says, before veering off. "OH GOD IT'S MOVING ALL ON IT'S OWN?!"
Lily has posed:
"Nnnnhwohoo...." Lily murmurs, gripping onto Reize with everything she's got.. and that 'everything' is a bit weak. She seems to be a bit woozy after all that, focus waning...

At least, until the others come flying in and demolish most of the Magnum Loaders, leaving Lily a bit speechless with surprise-- then, very quickly, jubilantly cheering. "Kaboom kaboom kaboooooooooooom!"

Who in the world taught her that word anyways?

"...Ah... the wind doesn't really like me using it this way... but we can keep going..." SQUEEEZE. Lily's grip tightens when she tries to gather focus. The gem on her forehead glimmers.. and the winds return, letting the bike slipstream into a high speed charge like before!
Uzuki Yashiro has posed:
Uzuki Yashiro is just about to spread her wings and fly after the remaining Heartless when a much more interesting solution to her locomotion problem presents itself. Riku appears on a sweet motorcycle. She remembers her fellow teenager from the meeting in the Dark Tower of walking fashion disasters. The Reaper crosses her arms against herself and display a coy smile as she ponders the offer.

A split moment later, the black shorts and gray blouse wearing reaper climbs aboard and holds her pistol aloft. "You drive, and I'll shoot. Let's see if we can erase the final Taboo Noise before everyone else~" Uzuki seems downright cheerful. Okay, maniacal. Those two things are pretty the same in Uzuki's book.
Riku has posed:
"Even if we have to 'nudge' their elbows a little, eh?" Riku asks her, grinning as they tear across the highway again in pursuit of the last Magnum Loader. He watches Brooklyn leave his cycle and make a swooping kick towards the Heartless, smirking bemusedly as Mercade takes out the shotgun and swerves out of the path of the other bike.

There is a moment of faint disappointment that they might not catch up in time to put an end to the leader themselves but he simply responds to this by willing the Windstorm to go even faster. He may have time however to save whoever ends up being in crisis by virtue of Will being on a motorcycle that he doesn't know how to drive. Of course, Riku himself didn't know this-- but he's cheating.

Will is also cheating, and perhaps saving Will will prevent someone elses slightly grisly fate. He draws up next to Will, waving. "Hey. Need a hand?" he calls back to Uzuki."Take your best shot /now/." Take your shot now. In proximity to the strong luck force. What could possibly go wrong?
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize looks right towards Lily. He sweatdrops, noticing her increased thirst for violence. He rubs the back of his head, then he looks over towards the Heartless getting away.

And the chase is on.

Once Brooklyn begins to lunge towards the Mangum Loader, the creature quickly turns to see that the foot talons come down and strike it down.

It speeds up, but the shot from Mercade's shotgun and the slippery patch of ice makes the ground slick for the Magnum Loader to lose its footing.

Right into the talons of the beast.

And it explodes into munny.

Unfortunately, with that patch of ice... and the creature exploding, it leaves a trail of slick oil.

That oil is going to have Riku and Uzuki slip. And probably fall on each other.
Reize, however, manages to skid to a halt before the worse comes.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will's luck finally runs out...

The bike hits the ice, and then the oil. Combined with Will's inability to drive anything...

The bike spins out of control, litterally spinning before crashing into the side of the road and FLIPPING.

The bike probably is going to be in bad shape/exploded...

Will, however, is thrown clear...

A semi carrying nothing but matresses turns over as the shennigans ensure....

Will hits the large pile of mattresses.

"Wow. That was lucky."
Avira has posed:
"Yesssss." Avira clenches a fist as she watches Brooklyn lay into the final Magnum Loader, ripping it into munny crystals. It doesn't occur to her right away that she should probably dispell the ice before it winds up hurting someone.

And when it does, well, the elation of victory quickly vanishes. "Erk."
Brooklyn has posed:
After colliding with the lead Magnum Loader, and it explodes into Munny, Brooklyn flares his wings and catches some air. As he catches said air, he spies his bike cartwheeling through the air in front of him, through the raining munny. He rushes towards it as quickly as he can and grabs it, but it's a bit heavier than he expected. He manages to slow it's decent but it still slams into the ground upside down...It's going to need some body work, but at least nobody shot it this time.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will, slowly and unsteadily at first slowly pulls his way out of the mountain of Matresses...he scratches the back of his head...just a small bump.

"Uh, sorry about that!" he calls towards Brooklyn. He holds a hand out, "Will by the way. Will Sherman."
Lily has posed:
"One final kaboooom!" Lily cheers, pumping a fist out and grinning with all she's got! A few exuberant armwaves later, her next action is--

... is to SQUEEZE Reize in a tight and affectionate hug from behind, giggling victoriously, before hopping off the bike.

".. um... why were they doing those things though...?"
Riku has posed:
In storyteller's parlance, 'What is the worst that could go wrong' is an open invitation to disaster. Whether it's the ice, or the oil, or the diversion of attention required to chase and catch up with Will's motorcycle-- it's all relatively immaterial to this instant in time. The Windstorm hydroplanes across the slick surface of the road and Riku simply does not have the experience to tell it how to correct itself.

The bike VEERS off to one side and there is a split second of 'Oh crap. WALL' because at this speed, there is only one response to 'Wall'-- instinctual Warp. Because he didn't want to be scraped off the wall in a similar fashion as Great Desert Adventurer. And he doesn't even think about it, but he lashes out a hand for Uzuki. He doesn't know anything but that single flash of instinct. And when that happens, Riku is at his heart a protector of other people. No matter if they were more than reasonably able to protect themselves. Or.. you know. Fly. The Windstorm slams into the wall, unable to escape Riku's control in time even to save itself.

The bike explodes, disappearing in a rush of dark fire as the teenager warps randomly out of danger. This oddly enough puts him on top of a nearby building, almost full circle from where this night started. He also learns a valuable lesson-- in that momentum is conserved, at least when you don't tell it not too, and the portal magic spits him out and he goes rolling as he trips up almost immediately.

Not fun. Never use those words.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade skids to a halt as the final Magnum Loader explodes, before they hit the oil slick. "All right, looks like that's been taken care of." He gives Avira a chance to hop off, and waves to her to let her go get some rest and recuperate, and then he rolls up on Brooklyn. "Well, hello there." The detective says. "I don't believe we've had a chance to meet." He flicks a hand, and produces a business card. He presents it to the Gargoyle. "Mercade Alexander, detective with the Twilight Detective Agency." He smiles. "Thanks for the help with that Heartless-OH GOD RIKU!" He yells as Riku whips past and explodes, portaling out. "Wow, is he okay?"

He cups his hands and yells, out, "HEY RIKU! ARE YOU OKAY?" Maybe Riku will hear.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"We did it!!" Reize lifts both hands in the air, giving a very cheerful smile. As he keeps shooting his hands in the air. However, when Lily squeezes him in a tight and affectionate hug from behind, the boy has a faint smile. He turns to face her, a hand resting against her hair. "...I am not certain."
However, he looks over towards the mess.
"Riku!" His eyes widen, he reaches for Lily's hand to tug her along.
"Riku!" The boy calls out, "Where are you?!" Trying again, "Ooooooooooiiiii!!!"
Uzuki Yashiro has posed:
Riku's suggestion that they might have to resort to cheating in answered by Uzuki shooting her weapon wildly over Riku's shoulder at the last Heartless. Pew-pew! "Of course! There are no rules that prevent cheating." Uzuki replies. She -does- follow the rules when it comes to her Reaping. The cool thing about the Emergency call is that there are no longer any more rules, so Uzuki's warped logic makes sense to her.

When Riku suggests that she takes her best shot, she places her left hand on Riku's shoulder to steady herself. Almoooooost, almooooost. Her left eye closes as her she is just about to squeeze the trigger when suddenly the Heartless is taken care of and everything seems to go horrible wrong. The motorcycle begins to skid and head straight towards a wall! The Reaper begins to outstretch her wings in preparation to fly away when suddenly Riku grabs her arm with his hand. "What are you...." The Reapette can not finish her sentence as she is sucked into the portal as well.

Stupid Riku. Did you forget Portal 101? Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out. Uzuki also comes tumbling out behind Riku, probably crashing into him unless he moves very quickly to avoid the speedy Reaper sized projectile.
Riku has posed:
He doesn't in fact, get out of the way in time. It might be the fact that he feels like one giant bruise because of his introduction to Portal 101, but before the lecture can continue it moves on to the advanced course. The intersection of two speeding bodies and the inevitable collision thereof. Riku is just starting to get back to his feet when he is struck down by a Reaper-sized object. "Ow." is all he can manage to get out, knocked flat again with the wind knocked out of him.
Brooklyn has posed:
A bit surprised by Will's sudden greeting, the still jacket clad gargoyle takes Will's arm by his wrist, assuming that Will is going to do the same, and shakes it once, "Brooklyn." He says, simply, as he looks back to the bike, and pulls off his sunglasses, "Lexington is going to kill me." He murmers, rubbing his beak with a claw as he looks at the damaged vehicle, "What were those things, anyway?"
Will Sherman has posed:
Will smiles, it's an infectious thing...

He doesn't know about Riku yet, so he's focused on meeting the new guy...well, not new but whatever.

"They're heartless. You know how the world around Manhattan become...much smaller and larger at the same time? Like we got smashed into a new world and all that darkness stuff is out there and stuff? Yeah...that, and these things started come out and attacking people." Will explains,

"Other then people, we dunno what they are on about...but they can eat another person's heart and turn them into one of them." he says...

"There is a lot more too, I don't have all the details...my friend Mercade knows more. Hold on.." he says, and fishes out a card. 'Twilight Detective Agency' is on the card, with the address. "I guess you got friends, so we can fill them in on everything if you want."
Uzuki Yashiro has posed:
Thankfully the waifish Uzuki does not weigh very much so she is not -that- dangerous of a projectile. That does not mean that this won't hurt as she barrels into Riku. The collision is quite spectacular. Perhaps it is not as great as Bebop Shark crashing into a police car, but it is a terrible enough of an impact to send Uzuki's gun skittering across the ground and to knock the wind out of Riku.

The Reaper eventually stands back up with a hand pressed against the side of her head. When she finally spies where Riku landed, she looks as if she was about to rip her own hair out she is do angry. "All you had to do was keep it steady! Not warp us away from everyone!" Uzuki has a bit of a temper. She put all that work in, saw here bebop shark destroyed, and didn't even get to keep the moped. Uzuki hates working hard and getting no reward for it all.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade looks sort of at a loss for the moment when Will HOBODOKENs the conversation. He just sort of puts away his card and lets Will take it from here since it's clear he's got the Gargoyle's attention.
Lily has posed:
"I don't feel him anywhere nearby, and I usually can. He's very distinctive..." Lily wouldn't be so outrageous as to call the presence of Riku 'dark.' Certainly, it is odder than most...

But it hasn't ever really worried her for some reason or another.

This she says while tagging along with Reize, looking a bit dumbfounded and baffled. Apparently that weird use of magic in a way she wasn't expecting, on that scale, has taken its toll on her focus!
Brooklyn has posed:
Taking the offered card, Brooklyn reads over it for a moment, "Oh, yes. I encountered Deidra the other night." He states, "I'm a bit surprised there were other active gargoyles in Manhattan and we never encountered them. But I suppose it is a big city." He shrugs slightly and folds his wings around himself, "Regardless, these Heartless really do pose a considerable threat to the city. I didn't want to believe it at first, but now that I've encountered them first hand.." He lets that trail off at the end.
Reize Seatlan has posed:

Reize shakes his head, then he runs a hand alongh is head, "...I think Riku is alright. He normally is," He frowns. "...We better return this bike.." Then, he turns towards Mercade.

A smile is given towards the leader of the Twilight Detective Agency.

"Thanks, Mercade. You guys helped us out big time."
Riku has posed:
"Yeah." Riku looks completely and totally chagrined, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry about that. I don't have enough practice with controlling them as I should. Especially not like that." he shrugs, and although the back of his mind if wracked by doubt and self-recrimination for getting him in this mess, the part that's still amused by the whole chase is the one doing the talking. "But I figured why not? It looked fun. I'd figure it out somehow." he checks his pockets for his phone. "Hey." he pauses, then continues. "-- You want to get something to eat? I don't even think I caught your name." he manages to take it out and dials Mercade's number.
Will Sherman has posed:
"Yeah. They are pretty much a big threat...not just to us, but people everywhere." Will says, with a nod. "Yeah, Deidra is how I knew about Gargoyles," Will sort of lies. She is the reason he knows...but only because of her existance. It's an odd thing...

"We can totally get together and share the info...but yeah, I can understand if you don't all wana come either. I don't see many of you...hell for as long as I have been around I haven't seen any of you."
Uzuki Yashiro has posed:
Riku's abashed reaction to the surprise portaling out of there helps defuse the Pinky Time Bomb. Bah! There are Players to erase, there is no time for this. She ignores her fellow teen for now and walks over to retrieve her fallen weapon, her not so trusty pistol. The Reaper is about to bend over and grab her weapon when she gets asked to get some food?

Uzuki turns on her heels back towards Riku and sends a confused...or perhaps appraising look towards the maybe younger teen. One hand is against her the side of her temple while the other is resting on her hips. She considers this offer for a moment. Kariya has not been around in like -forever- and thus Uzuki has not been able to win any free lunches.

"Whatever. You are buying though," remarks the Reaper finally before crossing her arms against herself with a slight smirk appearing on her face. "You can call me Uzuki." Other Reapers call her Yashiro, players often call her Pinky, but certain 'others' are allowed to call her Uzuki without her getting too angry.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade turns to Reize and gives him a nod. "No problem, Reize. I'm glad to help. You guys do good work. Never a dull moment around here." He laughs for a moment, and then opens his phone when it rings. "Yo. Mercade here."
Riku has posed:
"So." Riku asks without preamble. "Did that guy's bike survive?" because he didn't have to ask about Will. He just really, didn't even have to ask.