Rinoa Heartilly
Rinoa Heartilly | |
![]() | |
Age | 17 |
Species | Human/Sorceress |
Sex | Female |
Height | 5'3 |
Weight | 114 lbs |
Background | |
Series | Final Fantasy 8 |
Combat Styles | Trainer |
Hometown | Deling City |
Group | SeeD |
Occupation/Job | Freedom Fighter |
Force: | Forces of Restoration |
Theme Song | "Eyes on Me" |
Quote | |
"Gosh, you're such a pessimist. There are no guarantees in the future. That's why TODAY, the time we have now, is important." | |
Recent Events | |
Recently renewing her contract with SeeD. Researching sorceresses at Garden. Helping Tifa at Seventh Heaven. |
Rinoa Heartilly was once an idealistic and passionate freedom fighter for the Forest Owls, seeking to obtain freedom for Timber from Deling’s iron rule. She hired SeeD in order to accomplish this task, however, their mission became much larger when they were suddenly ordered to assassinate the sorceress Edea to accomplish their mission. They failed however, and were thrown into Galbadia prison when the heartless attacked their world. Rinoa was separated from the others during this time and when she came to, she found herself in an unfamiliar world and alone. Now she seeks the one person whom she believes can help her as he once did before. Beautiful, spirited and optimistic, she seeks a world full of peace and happiness, even if these ideals aren’t always practical. With the loss of Timber, she has set her sights on helping to restore the remaining worlds, with her trusty dog Angelo at her side, and a mysterious power slowly forming within..
Where should I start? So, I decided to write my memories down in this diary. I don’t know, but I’m really scared..All the things that are happening to me, to this crazy world.. Someday I might forget who I am, or maybe I…Heh. Well..So if someone finds this, maybe they’ll at least remember who I was, before I forget.
I was born to General Fury Caraway and Julia Heartilly. My early childhood was a happy one. My mom was a famous musician and my dad was general of the Galbadian army. Guess that made me a pretty spoiled kid. I tried not to let it go to my head however. The fancy dinners, the elegant masquerade balls.. My parents’ many exquisite, refined guests, or even the expensive private school. No, I was never a spoiled brat. My mom made sure of that. She made sure I would grow up to be the perfect lady, never wanting, but never spoiled either.
Those were the happy days. Days I miss terribly. But then, when I was only five, something terrible happened. My parents were on their way home from a late night opera, when they involved in a terrible car crash. Dad survived. Mom….*sighs*. Even today, I felt like it was all dad’s fault! I’m sure of it..Why couldn’t he save her? Why couldn’t he protect her and bring her back? Things just went downhill from there. Like, *really* downhill. Dad…That Man..Was a terrible parent. Without mom to keep things together, he just kinda..Retreated into himself, and no amount of persuasion would get him to come out anymore. He became kinda..Detached, totally dedicated to his work, and like, he didn’t know how to deal with me. His own *daughter* for crying out loud! All I remember from then on were all the arguments. All the stupid fighting. He tried to impose rules and order in the house but it was too late. I couldn’t take it. I couldn’t take his stupid rules or his dedication to his work. It was like, his dedication to Galbadia came first. Oh, I know he said he was ‘concerned’ about the sorceress wars, that he wanted to ‘protect’ me. But..He could have done that a lot better by openning up to me, by being there for me, instead of like some silent sentinel.
So that’s how it was. He became really dedicated to that slimeball Vinzer Deling, president of Galbadia. I couldn’t stand it. Why was it that world conquering was the only thing on his mind? So..I had enough! One day I just ran away from home! I ran away to Timber, where, after a little soul searching (and charming the right people), I got a job working for the ‘Forest Owls’, a resistance group dedicated to bringing down the evil president of Galbadia! Perfect! I got to know Watts and Zone really well, along with the other resistance members, and the other splinter groups throughout Timber. Timber was a really nice town, so quiet and peaceful and surrounded by these beautiful forests. I guess it was a rich resource mine for Galbadia, no wonder they wanted it! We fought hard, but It was an uphill battle. We just didn’t have the resources or the manpower to stand up against Galbadia’s might!
The years passed pretty quickly, I grew up, went to school in Timber, never really saw my dad again. At least not for a long time. Of course he sent people to look for me, tried to ‘kidnap’ me but I always managed to evade him, naturally. One day, a really cute guy visited Timber. He wasn’t from Galbadia, however. He was from Garden, but he wasn’t a SeeD. His name was Seifer and he had the most dreamy eyes I’ve ever seen. Seifer was…*sighs* a really amazing guy. He was so passionate, so fiery. In ways he reminded me of myself. I felt that, with his help I could do anything! He visited me often, sneaking out of garden, playing hookey over about a year and a half. During that time, he shared some of his dreams with me, of how he once dreamed of becoming a sorceress’ knight, something which he hadn’t revealed to anyone else before than. And I told him of my dreams, of how I wanted to live in a happy peaceful world, free of sorceresses and wars and evil. We really bonded over that one summer when we shared our first kiss..And later, on my birthday, he even bought me a puppy as a gift! Too bad he named her Angelo when I later discovered she was a girl! Oops!
I…Really miss Seifer. When he disappeared for several months to return to school, determined to graduate, he promised the next time we met, he’d be a SeeD. There never was a next time. Now, I’m not sure if I’ll ever see him again. I never got to tell him how I really felt. He once suggested I ask Headmaster Cid for help in liberating Timber however, and so I talked to him. Cid’s such a nice man. He promised he’d send out some new SeeD recruits, and invited me to stay and join the graduation ball while I was there. It was really fun! I didn’t see Seifer though. I DID meet a really cute guy, although he was pretty serious. Didn’t even give me his name! But I talked him into dancing with me! Wow, are all SeeD this..Stiff?
Anyways, I headed back to Timber, and a few days later, the promised SeeD came to meet me. Wow, I was so surprised..It was the cute guy from the ball! He said his name was Squall, and he was all about business. How boring! There was no Seifer with him though. But…Cid sent SeeDs! I was so happy! So happy I even hugged Squall! Much to his annoyance. We got straight to work on formulating the plan. The SeeDs were gonna hijack the president’s train on its way to Galbadia and kidnap the president, demanding him to make the necessary changes. We carried out the plan..Everything went according to plan. But then! Something went wrong! It was a trap..Just a fake monster in place of the real president! Well. I guess the mission was a bust, but according to the contract, the three SeeDs were to stay with me until the mission was carried out successfully. So I came up with a new plan, much to Squall’s annoyance. We sneaked into the old radio station after learning that they were gonna broadcast something to the world. Something *big*.
That’s when they first showed her. This Sorceress…Edea. And of course Vinzer Deling was there too, to introduce her as the new Ambassador of Galbadia! Guess what, Seifer was also there. I know he was, I saw him briefly before the tv screens went out! I dunno why he did that, but I’m sure he was trying to help me. Only..I got there too late, and he was gone. Captured by the sorceress they said. Worse, Zell had exposed us on national tv! We were now fugitives, thought to be in league with Seifer as fellow SeeDs! Well the others, anyway. I was too far into this to back out now. We had no choice, we had to sneak out of Timber, and regroup at the nearby Galbadia garden.
Once we got there, we were relieved to find out that only Seifer was found responsible for the attack on Vinzer Deling. But..That meant they were gonna put him to death. I…It hurt. I missed him, and I think maybe..Maybe I loved him too. We were given a new mission, to assassinate the sorceress at all costs. Naturally that meant returning to Deling, returning home to..’That Man’. But it couldn’t be helped really. I cant believe it though! They sent us on a wild goose chase to prove they really were SeeDs! What nerve. So anyways, Dad told us his plan to assassinate the sorceress, trapping her in an old gateway and using our sharpshooter Irvine to shoot her when the carousel rose in line with the gateway.
But..I didn’t wanna have to fight. Wasn’t there a way to end this peacefully? I planned to sneak into Edea’s palace and offer Odine’s bracelet as a gift, in reality sealing off her powers. The others laughed at me. Squall and Quistis were so mean, but I knew I could do it! Why does everyone always have to fight? Dad locked me in the house so I wouldn’t get involved..Jerk! But I managed to slip out anyways. I made it to Edea’s palace, and I offered the bracelet, but..She saw right through me! She froze me on the spot, threw me to her pet lizards. I was..I was so scared..until Squall came to my rescue! I..Dont ever want to do that alone. As long as I’m with the others, maybe it’s not so hard to fight..
We waited for the signal, and then Irvine shot at Edea. But we didn’t expect her shield to come up, or for Seifer to be there, waiting. He was her knight now. But what did this mean for us…? I..Dont really know, I couldn’t think. We just had to fight. Squall and Irvine and I. We rushed through the crowd and fought Edea after Seifer went down. But she was too powerful! I..Didnt realize a sorceress would be this strong. In the mayhem, she summoned a massive lance and struck Squall through the chest. I thought he was gone, but after that happened it was madness..Edea’s bodyguards swarmed the streets. My dad was discovered and dismissed. The Galbadian soldiers captured us all and threw us into a prison, but my dad managed to pull some strings to get me, and me alone out of there!
As if I’d just stand by and leave everyone else in the lurch! When Irvine came to rescue me, I..Convinced him to help me save the others! But on our way back we were attacked by heartless! I don’t know what happened to Irvine, or if the others survived or escaped, but I was suddenly surrounded by darkness! It was as if the world under my feet had been swallowed up and I along with it. When I came to, I was in a strange place that was no longer Galbadia. In fact I don’t even know if it was our world anymore! All I knew is that I had to find the others, and..I had to find Squall! Maybe he was the only one who could help me, and save the world! I hope..
Charming: Rinoa is a sweet and charming young lady, who seems to have a way with people. In fact, she seems downright popular with most people, having a knack for worming her way into many peoples’ hearts with her attractive, girl-next-door looks, her adorable big brown eyes and fluttery lashes that seem to make her words often very convincing. Oh and her sweet, flowery words that always seem to get to the heart of the matter. If nothing else, she really knows how to tug at peoples’ heartstrings, and she definitely has the heart of a romantic and poet and a sweet, gentle singsong voice to match. And for all her short comings, she’ll tend to leave a lasting impression on people, one way or the other.
Flirtatious: Rinoa is definitely not afraid of hitting on people and teasing them, one way or the other. When it comes to flirting, she’s certainly not shy about making the moves on people she is interested in. Even people she is not interested in, she’ll turn on the charm a little, if only to get her own way. This is not to say she is a man-killer, who mercilessly leads countless men on in a dangerous love game. Instead, it simply means she likes to harmlessly tease people. Needless to say, Rinoa seems to quite enjoy teasing or even flirting with people. Usually this means more than merely flattering them or giving them lots of attention. It often means playing on their vulnerabilities, getting them to open up about their true feelings and encouraging people to ‘live a little’. It seems she particularly enjoys teasing the ‘hard to crack’ types such as a certain gunblade swinger(s).
Elegant: Rinoa was raised by an aristocratic family. There’s a reason why the forest owls call her ‘princess’…Okay, more than one reason, at least! She is graceful, elegant and almost princess like in her movements and in her mannerisms – at least when she wants to be. She knows how to move around aristocratic circles, and she is a very talented dancer and singer too no doubt. Her sweet charming ways and lady like demeanor make her seem very elegant and sophisticated in the way she acts and dresses.
Unfortunately this ends at her somewhat blunt and to the point attitude at times, but she can slip back into the elegant princess role quite easily. She’s also somewhat used to getting her own way and can be a bit bossy at times, however she’s not a spoiled brat. As evidence, she ran away from a pampered life to live as a freedom fighter on a cramped train where she is certainly not rich, and never whined once when agreeing to help the SeeD fight the sorceress, even when accomodations were often times less than ‘luxurious’.
Stubborn: Once she has a plan in mind, she can be a wee bit set in her ways. Rinoa can be quite determined when she wants to be, especially when it comes to proving herself to others. However, her stubborness can be quite helpful too, especially when it comes to trying to deal with a near impossible situation, such as trying to free Timber from Galbadia, or when escaping her father’s trap and sneaking into the Presidential Palace to carry out her own plan, crazy as it might have seemed to others.
Idealistic: Rinoa believes in a beautiful, idealistic world where there is no more war or pain or heartless. Sometimes her beliefs can be a bit too idealistic or impractical, as she doesn’t like killing whenever possible. She’d rather befriend the evil sorceress, rather than kill them outright. Afterall, isn’t there good in everyone, even the most evil person? Indeed, Rinoa likes to think so, even if it might put herself in danger on many times. In the end, she’ll try hard to befriend her enemies before resorting to fighting. Deep down however, she fears being forced to make that terrible decision of having to kill another person, and having to do it alone. If she’s fighting with others, it’s not so bad, but having to bear that burden of another’s blood on her hands is just unbearable and frightening. However, sometimes her ideas are just…Silly..
Optimistic: Rinoa doesn’t like to dwell on the past too much. She doesn’t like to be down in the gutter. She’d rather focus on the good times and forget about the bad times. This is not to say she doesn’t have her down days herself, but she tries hard not to dwell too much on the negative. Naturally she encourages others to do the same, even if it means being a bit..Persistant, especially with certain grumpy gunblade wielders. Which happens often.
Emotional: Rinoa is a very caring, warm and emotional individual. She cares deeply for the feelings and well-being of those around her, almost to the point of being a tiny bit annoying. She argued often with Squall when he seemed to show indifference or coolness towards his fellow SeeDs and was often concerned about Squall’s own feelings as well, even if they didn’t get along so well at first. She is very empathic, and sensitive around other peoples’ emotions as well. When someone is feeling bad or is mean or cranky, she wants to know why, and she wants to fix the problem right now. Often this means she thinks more with her heart than her head, wanting to heal people’s feelings, even wanting to ‘help’ the enemy rather than outright defeating them, even if the latter choice might be the more practical step. Rinoa does not try to hide her own feelings but sometimes goes overboard in letting everyone know exactly how she feels and why. Likewise she feels it is important for others to not bottle up their emotions, but to ‘let it all hang out’ so to speak. Sometimes she tries to make friends with everyone, not realizing that this is a somewhat unrealistic goal.
Rinoa doesn’t like to fight if she can help it. However that doesn’t mean she is an incapable fighter. As a freedom fighter, she has years of experience fighting the enemy, although this is usually on covert operations and from a distance. She’s a pretty skilled distance fighter, preferring to employ a hit and run tactic (and hide) over full on aggressive attacks or tanking. She has no formal training but relies more on her own wits and instinct, and whatever tricks she picked up from other forest owl members.
Her weapon is a cross between a cross-bow and a boomerang, shooting out what looks like a large red round saw blade (Rising Sun), hurled with the force of a cross bow, but fashioned into a shape that allows it to arc in the air and return to its owner, often times hitting the target a second time on the way back. Her physical prowess is decent, but her magic talent is where she really shines. She is not a sorceress yet but she certainly displays great potential for being one in the near future. Angelo is her pet dog whom she trained as a puppy to fight alongside her, often combining her magic with his physical attacks for some devastating results. (Note: She is not a sorceress yet, but I imagine she possesses ‘potential’, and so stands out from regular people of her world –recall how Adel rounded up potential successors to her power, unique individuals with unique magical skill- This potential power may attract both sorceresses or even heartless..).
Aerith Gainsborough-"She seems really sweet and innocent. So..A Pure Hearted Princess, huh? I wonder what the heartless plan to do with you? But, until we can find out more about these princesses, we need to keep you safe!"
Angelo-"My faithful companion and friend. We've been through a lot together. Thank you for your help!"
Pixi-"An unusual bunny girl. She seems to know Tifa well and I think I can trust her. Quite swift and strong in battle too!"
Tifa Lockhart-"The first person I met in this strange place. You saved my life and have proved time and again to be a very valuable friend. Thanks for everything.."
Jean Faraven-"Don't think we met before, but you seemed to have some clout in Garden. Glad you didnt get squashed by that freakish snake..Thing. I'll probably need to touch base with you again sometime soon.."
Quistis Trepe-"I wonder if you still find my ways silly and foolish? I wonder if you're still out there somewhere?"
Squall Leonheart-"Squall..Where are you? I..Miss you.."
David Xanatos-"You seemed like a very polite and knowledgable person. I'm glad we were able to warn you ahead of time of the attack. Hopefully it wont even happen..
Faruja Senra-"My..How interesting! A giant, talking Rat! But he seemed quite polite and a church faithful? You kept pleasant company, thanks for your help!"
Jack Skellington-"You..You really scared me, and why did you bring the heartless to Tifa's front door! I dunno..But the others seem to trust you. Still, I'll keep my distance.."
Judge Zargabaath-"You are truly wise and honorable. I am glad to have you as an ally, and by extension, it's good to know that Archades can be trusted on in our ongoing fight against the heartless! If only you could teach Kaydin the true meaning of 'honour.'"
Kaydin-"I..Dunno. This guy popped into the Bar through a heartless portal. But then he helped us fight heartless..Can he really be trusted?"
Lumeria-"How pretty, an elf! You seemed quite sweet and friendly. Thanks for your help in fighting that pumpkin heartless!"
Reynold Sargis-"You seem to be a very kindly knight, and full of information. I'd like to hear more about the heartless and these portals too.."
Seifer Almasy-"I..I thought you had died,and then..Suddenly you're with the sorceress?! I dont understand! I dont want to fight you..I never even got to tell you how I truly felt.."
Scars of the Past | March 4th, 2013 | Rumors of an unknown lab dating back to the War of the Magi has been making the rounds as of late. Worse something has been attacking near by towns. A band of heroes and others go to drive into to the depths and find something left behind by a long ended war. |
French Cooking | February 21st, 2013 | Maximillen offers up some of his own cooking to the tennants of the Cloud Nine. |
You know I'm not male... right? | February 1st, 2013 | Evja goes to the hotsprings to relax and meets up with Rinoa and Tifa - and later a strange fellow who pisses the rabbit off. |
Coyote's Call | January 31st, 2013 | Darkness lurks in Montressor Spaceport. Who will answer the call for help and beat back the darkness? |
Beach Party! | January 29th, 2013 | Impromptu beach party where a lot of people showed up - including Damien's thong. |
Hades Cup: Qualifying Event - TOURNAMENT OF STRENGTH | January 25th, 2013 | A contest of strength! |
Pets in the Potion Supply | January 22nd, 2013 | Kidnapped pets, heartless, and dwindling supplies! What ever will our heroes do? Can they protect the kitties and doggies and chocobos? |
TDA is where you make it | January 11th, 2013 | Holidays are over, but there's always troubles. Some explanations are given after a wild city chase, on the freeing of the Network. |
POVs Of Dreams and Mind Control | January 7th, 2013 | Dark Knight Neviril depossessed from her armors talks with Aerith, Rinoa and Tifa, enraging Jecht when it comes to mind control. |
Pillaging the Dwarf Woodlands | January 4th, 2013 | With Manhattan devoured by darkness and Xanatos Enterprises thwarted for now, Baigan plots to once again make his move in the name of Baron, aiming to restore the kingdom's glory and secure its territory after his setbacks on the Dias Plains and at Balamb Garden. In dire need of resources and in hatred toward all adorable forest critters, Baigan has set his sights upon an unsuspecting target: the Dwarf's Woodlands in Phantasia, with its plentiful lumber and precious metals and stones. All that's required is to secure the location for long enough to loot it and scurry away through a Portal with their ill-gotten gains, and then to use it to further enhance Baron's navy and air force... and adapt the technology stolen from Xanatos. Will Baron's vile plot succeed with its ranks blostered by new allies, or can our scattered heroes intervene in time to save the woodlands from total devastation!? |
Enter the Wind Princess | December 30th, 2012 | After the Sevent Heaven renovations are done, the girls admire the new Inn, until a lost WindDancing princess enters. |
Party Crashers | December 23rd, 2012 | A group of Manhattan refugees flee to Deling City, but it seems a heartless has followed them and now lurks in the sewers below. Anxious of drawing its ire, the refugees are hesitant to celebrate an upcoming birthday party, and so they hire some mercenaries to deal with the problem! |
Today's Lesson | December 18th, 2012 | Rinoa asks Tifa to train her in self-defense, and as they work on it, Aerith comes back from her training trip to provide a demonstration, as well as to test her skills against her original teacher. |
Road of Memories | December 17th, 2012 | Rinoa takes a wrong turn and ends up lost. She runs into Seifer, who leads her back to safety. Along the way she reminisces about their past.. |
Darkclouded Aftermath | December 16th, 2012 | After the events of the Temple of Fiends, the Shard Seekers, along with Tifa and Rinoa, made it back to Cornelia to bring the prince to Princess Lara. Elated, she allowed the heroes to stay as guests. However, tensions rise as the health of the prince has not improved... |
Temple Of Fiends | December 14th, 2012 | The kidnapped Prince of Cornelia lies in the Temple of Fiends. A brave party enters to rescue him...but what awaits them inside these terrifying walls? |
Contracts and Books | December 13th, 2012 | Rinoa peruses books at Balamb Garden, determined to find as much information on sorceresses in an effort to understand Edea and her mysterious motives better..With Tifa's help, of course. |
From Hell To Heaven | December 13th, 2012 | After a traumatic experience getting back to civilization, Mercade Alexander finds his way to the Seventh Heaven, meeting with Rinoa and Tifa. |
Not So Fun In The Sandpit | December 4th, 2012 | Amidst the sands of Fluorgis, an Antlion who gorged on Heartless is rampaging towards the desert city! Can it be stopped? Will our heroes survive? Will anyone be eaten, and can they avoid massive amounts of spit? Read on to find out! |
Corneo's Coin Quest | November 30th, 2012 | The first of the keys required to unlock the gates of Serendipity are a set of ancient Casino Coins once won from that fabled place by a legendary gambler who was doomed to lose them all. Thanks in part to a suspicious calling card, Don Corneo has become aware that these coins have ended up in Casino Gold, the mysterious den rumored to herald disaster for the unwary, and/or people wearing hats. Hiring everyone he can to protect him, Corneo will venture there to win back his prize. But can a man so ruled by his vices tear himself away from the game before he loses everything to the darkness? |
In A New York Minute: The Gangs All Here | November 29th, 2012 | Unknown forces engage in a raid into the blackout area of the Harbor, attempting to acquire more of Xanatos' powerful laser weaponry. Surely this isn't going to go wrong at all. |
Reunion? | November 22nd, 2012 | After being accosted by heartless in a dark and lonely alleyway, Rinoa is rescued and then reunited with Seifer. But he doesn't seem as happy to see her.. |
The Next Day | November 22nd, 2012 | A rather upset Rinoa retreats to the WildKat cafe, where she discusses the previous days events with her friends..And tries to decide what to do to avert another sorceress war.. |
Xanatos Business Proposal for a Barmaid | November 16th, 2012 | Xanatos has invited Tifa for some business proposal. Aerith and Rinoa tag along, taking the chance to all dress pretty. |
Unlearn Everything | November 14th, 2012 | Aerith and Tifa finally begin training together, in the hopes of the flower girl learning how to properly defend herself and others. She gets pointers from two very unlikely sources along the way. |
Raid on Balamb Garden | November 10th, 2012 | Enraged by his defeat at the Dias Plains, Captain Baigan has vowed to destroy the meddling mercenary force SeeD, and is bringing to bear the might of the Red Wings in an all-out assault on Balamb Garden. To supplement his kingdom's forces further with expendable Heartless, he has, in the name of his King, formed an alliance of convenience with the sinister vizier Jafar, for it has been discovered that Balamb now shelters the Princess Jasmine, object of the Shadow Lord's ambition and desire.
SeeD's strength shall now truly be put to the test. Will those fools who dare defy the almighty will of Baron prove another Mysidia and be routed? What shall become of the brave Princess? The Water Crystal silently sheds its light... a single mote upon it depicting the Princess's location. |
Aerith kidnapped by Heartless! | November 6th, 2012 | While decorating Tifa's bar with flowers, Aerith gets kidnapped right under their noses. A chase through the city and a fight to retreive the flower girl ensues. |
In A New York Minute: Keys To The City | November 4th, 2012 | A group of artists and a charity group hold a fundraising ball and art auction in order to help fund the group Hearts Intertwined. Everyone is invited to the party. Nothing terrible will happen at all, surely. |
Barmaid Stompings | November 2nd, 2012 | Another quiet night at the Seventh Heaven, no heartless this time, but Kaydin gets a stomping when he appears behind the unsuspecting barmaid. |
Halloween at Seventh Heaven | October 31st, 2012 | Jack tries to spook people at the Seventh Heaven for Halloween, only to have the Hearless turn against him! |
No logs submitted yet. |