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The long and short of it is; she just might be insane.
The long and short of it is; she just might be insane.
= Background =
Rhia was born and raised in Wutai. As soon as she grew old enough to start schooling, it became apparent that she was not like the other kids. When she played with others, people inevitably got hurt because of her. Call it a morbid curiosity. She was always trying things out, using others to that purpose, all for the sake of knowledge. The adults around her never paid it much mind however, writing her off as just a 'curious kid' who was going through a phase.
That phase never ended however. In fact, it only grew more severe. Her curious little bouts of exploitation and harm to other people eventually extended into a thirst for all manner of knowledge. The human body, technology, physics, medicine, materia, magic. Her curiosity knew no end. Rhia would blaze through her schooling over the years, outpacing her peers at nearly every juncture, and soon she was headed to university. It was there that Rhia caught the eyes of ShinRa.
The fact that her home country was at war with ShinRa did not move Rhia any. To her, the acquisition and understanding of knowledge was far more important than ties to countries. And so she agreed to join Shinra, eventually working under their Science Research Division.
Her family of course did not take kindly to this decision and vehemently urged Rhia to rethink this decision. But alas, she would not. Family ties were cut off and she went her own way. She wasn't broken up over the matter at all. A testament to her own shifting priorities. Family quickly became a non-issue. Rapidly hurdling down the rungs of importance on the ladder of responsibilities.
The years would pass and the war would only become worse. Eventually, it seemed that Wutai had managed to tip the scales again, having been on the verge of near defeat. Using a mysterious dark power, they were finally able to stand toe to toe with ShinRa. Curious as to why this was, Rhia, and a number of others from Wutai were sent to have a closer look. What they discovered was that Wutai was employing the heartless to boost their military strength.
Slipping out and reporting back the results, it became clear that this war had just become a lot more complicated. Things would drag on, and it would seem like the very planet itself was being strained.
There was no more hope. Eventually, the darkness enveloped everything.
Awakening in this new world, Rhia found herself...strangely excited. It was a chance to discover new things from new people, new races, new technology, new sources of power and magic.
...She was definitely going to have a field day.
= Personality =
= Personality =
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All in all, Rhia is kind and forthcoming enough, but also a bit loopy and unpredictable. Approach with a fair bit of caution.
All in all, Rhia is kind and forthcoming enough, but also a bit loopy and unpredictable. Approach with a fair bit of caution.
= Likes, Dislikes, and other Minor Data =
------ '''Likes:'''
- All manner of mechanical devices: She rather enjoys taking apart mechanical devices and seeing just what makes them tick. Notes regarding dismantled objects can be seen strewn all over her lab. ...Though she does not always bother to put things back together.
- Beautiful things: Call it a curiosity or an attachment, but anything cute, handsome, or beautiful; be it people, objects, or animals, she will spare the time to stop and admire. Of course, this usually leads into the last point. Which is generally unwanted attention.
- Reading: Piles of books can be found all over her lab. Ranging anywhere from fantasy novels to research accounts and philosophical theory. She is actually a well read and articulate person, and she hasn't stopped. With the introduction of a plethora of new worlds, she is not going to get bored reading.
- People's reactions to her pushing buttons: As stated in the personality, sometimes deliberately pushing buttons is more amusing and telling than just talking. Expect to see this happen now and then. She's not a constant troll, but there are moments where she may become curious and purposely do something to irritate or offend just to take note.
- People and things not of her own race: Having become mostly bored with humans, she constantly seeks out other beings and species. It's not uncommon for her to offer for someone to get onto the examination table to be 'opened up'. Predictably, this never ends well. If she really wants something done however, she just may order for it forcibly.
------ '''Dislikes:'''
- ShinRa: Rhia actually does not like ShinRa. After all, Wutai is her home. But regardless of her own personal feelings, the pursuit of knowledge is considered to be much more important to her than nationality. After all, knowledge can benefit all people. Loyalty is a damper to that. So while she works directly under ShinRa and is aware of what they do, she still has something of a soft spot for Wutai. Which is to say if someone from Wutai tried to infiltrate a ShinRa base for example, she just might turn a blind eye. One could say even, that she could be the perfect spy herself. But Rhia actually has not bothered to do such a thing, instead just focusing on her research.
- Being asked to commit inconsequential things to memory: Rhia's mind is usually on constant overdrive, which means that what she considers to be 'little things' are constantly discarded from her mind. Usually this includes people's names, where they're from, what she's eaten, and sometimes, even orders from above that she would consider a waste of time.
- The body's irksome need to sleep and eat: If Rhia could somehow cut out eating and sleeping from the life equation, she would. But despite this, no one can ever claim to have seen Rhia eat or sleep in their presence. It's a grand mystery where and when she gets her rest and sustenance. If she even does at all.
------ '''Random Tidbits:'''
- Cannot stand having her hair down....because it gets in the way of her research of course. Another thing that not many can claim to have seen is her in such a state. In retrospect, she's actually a very private person when it comes to her own issues and habits.
- Despite being too bothered to put machines and other devices back together once she dismantles them, she is actually quite capable of it. In fact, if one needs to have a weapon or other device created or upgraded. She is the one to go to. ...That is, if you can interest her AND get to her within ShinRa.
- She actually does not go outside all that often, preferring instead of work and research, but during the odd moment that she does decide to step out of her lab, hilarity will most likely ensue.
- It's a biological experiment, in which she could not find a test subject so she used herself, but Rhia actually has embedded Materia essence into her own body. Amplifying magical aptitude to a powerful degree, but since it's not perfected, it cannot be used for too long before it starts to go out of control. Usage of magic takes visual effect on her as the appearance of lines of light all over her body. It's a strange sight to see.
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= Relationships =
=== Co-Workers ===
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
! scope="col" width="100" | Name
! scope="col" width="500" | Thoughts
| [[Alise]]
| A new addition to the Turks. Quite obviously dislikes the scientist a fair degree. Which is a surprise to no one. Rhiannon finds her to be amusing in her own special way.
| [[Montag]]
| Quite frankly, Rhia is surprised Montag is still alive as a Shinra Security Operative. She's also impressed, in a way. Doesn't stop her from poking fun at the man any chance she gets.
| [[Reno]]
| Reno is all kinds of entertaining to Rhia. The two don't especially know one another too well, but nonetheless, he is plenty fun to watch work.
| [[Sammy Colt]]
| Another Turk. His peculiar abilities interest Rhia, but he seems to be all too adept at avoiding winding up on a testing table. A shame.
=== Supposed Enemies ===
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
! scope="col" width="100" | Name
! scope="col" width="500" | Thoughts
| No particular feelings on this group. The only reason she's obligated to oppose them is because they oppose Shinra, and she is a part of Shinra. Nonetheless, some of it's members may prove interesting. Or not. She's too busy to care.
=== Those Other People ===
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
! scope="col" width="100" | Name
! scope="col" width="500" | Thoughts
| [[Aerith]]
| Rhiannon is aware of how much Aerith hates her at this point. But she could not care any less than she already does; which is not at all. The girl is of little consequence, regardless of how much Hojo wants to get his hands on her. Might serve as minor entertainment to deliver her to the man however.
| [[Angantyr Vespar]]
| In Rhia's eyes; a self righteous, violent hypocrite with an oversized key. She is interested in procuring a blood sample, but is not at all moved by his sweeping threats or violent tendencies. If anything, his frothing at the mouth flailing to try and kill her only provides a good laugh.
| [[Chita]]
| A goody two-shoes Judge that has essentially been a thorn in the side of her life and her research for a very, very long time. Recent happenings have sent what little she thought of the man to plummet into mediocrity with the rest of the people she barely commits to memory. While Rhia holds no particular regrets over what she's done with him, she is breathing easier outside of his all too overbearing moral presence.
| [[Cirra Constantine]]
| An Archadian Judge who has taken it upon herself to try and arrest Rhiannon for her 'crimes against the world(s)'. The attempt has done nothing but provide ample laughter ammo. She still thinks Cirra is far out of her field of jurisdiction, but nonetheless, lets the judge do as she thinks she can.
| [[Garland]]
| One of the initial benefactors of the Black Beast experiment. Rhia has since passed the results of her tests and experiments on, for the man to use as he sees fit. All a part of the initial deal of course. Which can't be good for anyone really.
| [[Leida]]
| Rhia is completely enamored with Leida....'s blood. Or maybe Leida herself. Hard to tell. Sometimes, it seems like Rhia is genuinely being sincere and caring, the next, she's trying to drag the poor girl into her lab.
| [[Maira]]
| Seen as nothing but Angantyr's squeeze in Rhia's eyes. The woman can barely remember Maira's name, let alone acknowledge her existence for more than five seconds. Another name to tack onto the 'trying to kill me' list.
| [[Megavolt]]
| *No comment found, too busy preparing the Megavolt Droids*
| [[Warden Thache]]
| A roguish pirate captain she's seen about now and then. One of the few that don't actually want her dead on sight. he has interesting ideas. For better or worse. Probably worse for everyone else.
= Logs =
= Logs =

Latest revision as of 14:53, 16 March 2014

Rhiannon Estellise Zellen
FK - Rhia.png
Age 24
Species Human
Sex Female
Height 5'6
Weight I apologize, did you say something just now?
Series Final Fantasy 7
Combat Styles Eight Extremities Fist, High Magic
Hometown Wutai
Group Shinra
Occupation/Job Scientist
Force: Forces of Ruin
"Oh hello! Have you come to be dissected?"
Recent Events
Holed up in a ShinRa laboratory. ...Probably.


Rhia is a scientist in the employ of ShinRa. Though possessing a genius level intellect, she has absolutely no care for normal social niceties, resulting in a rather stilted personality. She can seem outward kind and forthcoming, but the reality is that she sees most other people as nothing more than data or test subjects. Being called by name is a privilege reserved only for those who are useful to her. Otherwise, they are quickly dismissed from memory and forgotten. Scientific research, technological advancement, and the study of magic and biology are all that drives Rhia. She is not someone to go to in the case of a moral conundrum, even if she may give off that impression at first.

The long and short of it is; she just might be insane.


Rhia is a fickle person. She does whatever she feels like, regardless of what her superiors or subordinates say. Usually though, this is because she can think of better ways to go about what has been ordered of her. After all, she knows her field of work better than those who demand that the work be done.

She can be quite passionate about technological research and tends to disregard people as 'insufficient', unless they are useful to her in same way. While she can be outwardly polite, patient, and forthcoming to just about anyone, she also finds complete and utter amusement in pushing people's buttons. To her, their reactions tell more about who they are as people than their words ever do. It can also be said that she values research and technological advancements over the lives of people at the end of the day and in that same vein, seeks no real meaningful human interaction.

Rhia can also be quite kooky, coming up with insane ideas for inventions that have no immediate practical application. Needless to say, people tend to leave her alone when she getd wrapped up into the latest crazy idea of the week. The results of her attempts at making such things realities can also be seen all throughout her lab as ShinRa. Be wary of touching them. Some might blow up unexpectedly.

All in all, Rhia is kind and forthcoming enough, but also a bit loopy and unpredictable. Approach with a fair bit of caution.




Name Thoughts
Alise A new addition to the Turks. Quite obviously dislikes the scientist a fair degree. Which is a surprise to no one. Rhiannon finds her to be amusing in her own special way.
Montag Quite frankly, Rhia is surprised Montag is still alive as a Shinra Security Operative. She's also impressed, in a way. Doesn't stop her from poking fun at the man any chance she gets.
Reno Reno is all kinds of entertaining to Rhia. The two don't especially know one another too well, but nonetheless, he is plenty fun to watch work.
Sammy Colt Another Turk. His peculiar abilities interest Rhia, but he seems to be all too adept at avoiding winding up on a testing table. A shame.

Supposed Enemies

Name Thoughts
AVALANCHE No particular feelings on this group. The only reason she's obligated to oppose them is because they oppose Shinra, and she is a part of Shinra. Nonetheless, some of it's members may prove interesting. Or not. She's too busy to care.

Those Other People

Name Thoughts
Aerith Rhiannon is aware of how much Aerith hates her at this point. But she could not care any less than she already does; which is not at all. The girl is of little consequence, regardless of how much Hojo wants to get his hands on her. Might serve as minor entertainment to deliver her to the man however.
Angantyr Vespar In Rhia's eyes; a self righteous, violent hypocrite with an oversized key. She is interested in procuring a blood sample, but is not at all moved by his sweeping threats or violent tendencies. If anything, his frothing at the mouth flailing to try and kill her only provides a good laugh.
Chita A goody two-shoes Judge that has essentially been a thorn in the side of her life and her research for a very, very long time. Recent happenings have sent what little she thought of the man to plummet into mediocrity with the rest of the people she barely commits to memory. While Rhia holds no particular regrets over what she's done with him, she is breathing easier outside of his all too overbearing moral presence.
Cirra Constantine An Archadian Judge who has taken it upon herself to try and arrest Rhiannon for her 'crimes against the world(s)'. The attempt has done nothing but provide ample laughter ammo. She still thinks Cirra is far out of her field of jurisdiction, but nonetheless, lets the judge do as she thinks she can.
Garland One of the initial benefactors of the Black Beast experiment. Rhia has since passed the results of her tests and experiments on, for the man to use as he sees fit. All a part of the initial deal of course. Which can't be good for anyone really.
Leida Rhia is completely enamored with Leida....'s blood. Or maybe Leida herself. Hard to tell. Sometimes, it seems like Rhia is genuinely being sincere and caring, the next, she's trying to drag the poor girl into her lab.
Maira Seen as nothing but Angantyr's squeeze in Rhia's eyes. The woman can barely remember Maira's name, let alone acknowledge her existence for more than five seconds. Another name to tack onto the 'trying to kill me' list.
Megavolt *No comment found, too busy preparing the Megavolt Droids*
Warden Thache A roguish pirate captain she's seen about now and then. One of the few that don't actually want her dead on sight. he has interesting ideas. For better or worse. Probably worse for everyone else.


A Researcher's Interlude V March 31st, 2014 Hours after the debacle at the Traverse Town prison facility, Warden and Rhia wind down at a shady dive in Montressor...ironically the perfect place to lay low. Chita finds them, and a short conversation is had.
Behind Closed Doors March 31st, 2014 The top executives of Shinra meet to discuss the future of Rhiannon Zellen.
A Researcher's Jailbreak March 30th, 2014 Days after Rhiannon's capture, several forces converge on the prison facility holding her. Things go well. ...Or not. Depending on your perspective.
A Researcher's Inquiry VII February 27th, 2014 Rhiannon calls enemies and friends alike to Shinra HQ to hold an open dialogue. ...Things don't quite go as planned. At all. But nonetheless, this turnout could be interesting as well.
A Researcher's Interlude IV February 20th, 2014 The next day, after resting from the trip back, Rhia entertains some discussion with Chita. Certain facts are revealed and decisions are made.
Unexpected Results February 20th, 2014 The town of Narshe falls prey to another unusual visitor, one who wants to destroy Rhiannon, the scientist who attacked the city earlier. How is this creature related? How do people react in the face of this overwhelming vengeance?
A Researcher's Interlude III February 18th, 2014 Returning to Goug from her exploits in Narshe, Rhia heads to a certain room in Shinra HQ to see just how her unintended test subject fared in the VR Observation Chamber. Discussion is had and things are revealed.
A Researcher's Inquiry VI February 13th, 2014 The Black Beast is unleashed upon Narshe in another field test by Rhiannon Zellen, scientist of Shinra. Luckily some saviors happen to be here to put a stop to it's rampage. But is it really the end...?
Topsy Turvy Day January 6th, 2014 It's the Feast of Fools in La Cite Des Cloches - and everyone is invited to come and enjoy the carnival! But unbeknownst to our heroes, a Mad Witch plans on making the festivities far more true to their word than they ever could have known!
Seven: Dreams January 5th, 2014 Our heroes enjoy a ball and learn some of the secrets that the Castle of Dreams holds. But what's more... there is a dark omen that meets our heroes late into the dance.
Seven: Night Before Dreams January 4th, 2014 In preparation to the big Castle of Dreams ball, the villages are the area are having a pre-feast feast!
A Researcher's Inquiry V November 17th, 2013 Chita returns to Goug with the intention of catching Rhia for a discussion. He does get ahold of her. However, things unexpectedly go south, creating a situation that was perhaps inevitable, yet undesirable all the same. And all the while, a certain someone eavesdrops.
A Shocking Departure September 9th, 2013 After getting knocked around and beaten up by a monster in the Targ Woods, Chita made his way to nearby Goug looking for medical treatment. Eventually Rhiannon happens to stop by an after a bit of back and forth conversation, she departs in a shocking fashion.
Dissected And Dried September 2nd, 2013 Rhiannon approaches an outlander, and seeks to extract some of his vitality, for her lab-work. As soon as he cuts, she dries with a healing spell, and there is little else to be said or done, retrospectively.
Deadly Fascinations August 19th, 2013 Chita stops by to inquire various things of Rhiannon, the resident Mad Scientist. And in the process, an exchange of words, witty banter and light flirting.
Villains Strawberry Social July 6th, 2013 Malicia hosts a nefarious gathering of villains that leads to casual socializing. That is, until Negaduck has a little too much to drink...
A Researcher's Finale I June 15th, 2013 Several heroes step up to stand against the Black Beast and defend Goug from it's rampage. A fierce battle is undertaken and revelations are made. In the end however, certain individuals lack the will to do all that is necessary.
A Researcher's Inquiry IV June 6th, 2013 Missing one final piece to her experiment, Rhia sets out for Manhattan to locate Leida. Things go...better than she expected, really.
A Researcher's Inquiry III June 4th, 2013 After failing to secure Angantyr's willing cooperation, Rhia decides to go higher. Plans are revealed and plots are set in motion.
A Researcher's Inquiry II May 29th, 2013 Taking time out to assist in some Shinra work, Rhia has the good fortune of running into one of those on her list of people to question. ...It turns out to be a little more complicated than that. All hell breaks loose.
Connection Established May 24th, 2013 Akari and Aeschere decided to check out the bazaar and end up hooking up with some old acquaintances.
A Researcher's Inquiry I May 23rd, 2013 Halting her research for the moment, Rhia departs from Shinra HQ and travels in order to gather additional information. First on her list; Avira.
A Test Run March 29th, 2013 Having finished her line of Mecha-Volts; robots modeled after Megavolt, Rhia decides to hold a field test...with the one they were created from!
Shinra Off the Clock March 10th, 2013 Montag, Reno and Rhiannon head to a local pub to get dinner after their shifts are over. Also in Reno's case try out the local booze. There they run into Leida with rather strange encounter and as always? Rhiannon wants samples of EVERYTHING!
Meanwhile at ShinRa HQ February 27th, 2013 After a failed mission in China, Sammy Colt returns to base only to find...
The Shinra Rises February 4th, 2013 A long missing Shinra cargo ship has run aground near Luca the Shinra send troops to recover the cargo but people take notice. Also one cricket proves he may be insect James Bond.
Of Mice and Electricity January 19th, 2013 Following Megavolt's capture Rhia, being the ever curious one, decided to experiment a little with their new subject...with expected results.
How To Get Blood From A Stone January 12th, 2013 Rhiannon strikes a deal with Valos after having subjected him to a game of Twenty Questions.
For the glory of the machines! ...Or not. January 11th, 2013 Megavolt decides to pay Shinra's HQ a visit in order to liberate his mechanical brethren. ...He is met with resistance.
Good Idea / Bad Idea January 5th, 2013 Good idea! ---Go shopping for healing items. Bad Idea-- Let your curiosity get the better of you for the better glory of SCIIIIENNNCE.
Sports, The Sky, And A Red Lily January 2nd, 2013 A meeting in Luca results in introductions... and confrontations.


A Researcher's Interlude II November 18th, 2013 In a private moment, Rhia thinks to herself, letting down her barriers for a single moment. And in that moment, opens her mind to a new possibility.
A Researcher's Gambit I June 11th, 2013 With all the materials gathered together, Rhia finally begins...the experiment. The final gambit that she has been working towards. The Black Beast has risen. And Goug is within it's sights.
A Researcher's Interlude I June 6th, 2013 In the dead of night, a certain scientist muses upon her goals and her research...and what is to come.