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|image=Skoll Ulfang.jpg
|species=Werewolf, Unlimited
|species=Werewolf, Unlimited
Line 11: Line 12:
|alignment=Forces of Ruin
|alignment=Forces of Ruin
|group=Lords of Gaudium
|group=Shard Seekers
|occupation=Unlimited Hunter
|occupation=Unlimited Hunter
|quote="I merely seek to destroy those who stand in the way of my Lords. I have no quarrel with you."
|quote="I merely seek to destroy those who stand in the way of my Lords. I have no quarrel with you."
|footer=Sent out to investigate the recent emergence of the World of Ruin and the Shadow Portals.
|footer=Having lost the darkness within his heart, the werewolf tries to find his place in life anew.
= Profile =
= Profile =
One of the few survivors of the destruction of the werewolf world, and unfortunate enough to be revived due to his Unlimited fate, Ulfang found himself in the clutches of Orcha with little of his memories remaining. Now, he is a pawn of the Gaudium Lords, sent to destroy those who stand in their way. Will his memories ever return? Will Orcha's control on him be broken? Or will Ulfang forever be trapped within the clutches of those who destroyed his very world? For now, he will do what must be done for his lords – within the bounds of his take on 'Honor'.
One of the few survivors of the destruction of the werewolf world, and unfortunate enough to be revived due to his Unlimited fate, Ulfang found himself in the clutches of Orcha with little of his memories remaining. Now, he is a pawn of the Gaudium Lords, sent to destroy those who stand in their way. Will his memories ever return? Will Orcha's control on him be broken? Or will Ulfang forever be trapped within the clutches of those who destroyed his very world? For now, he will do what must be done for his lords – within the bounds of his take on 'Honor'.
= Background =
[[File:Skoll_med.jpg|280px|left]]The werewolf world has always been a strange one – with its own sets of rules and behaviors. It's always been a world of strong beings – able to transform when staring into a reflective surface, or into one-another's eyes. And it is the latter that has always made this race be one of close-knit groups. Packs if you may. And amidst one of these packs, Sköll was born to a loving mother and a rugged father. His birth however, in many ways, goes without detail. Perhaps there had been something special about the day of his birth? Perhaps it had been the parents? Whatever the case may be, something occurred to make this Werewolf be born... special. He was born something that many only barely know of. An Unlimited. The knowledge to use this power he was born with, is something that simply came natural to him, especially as he grew older.
Of course, his young life wasn't without its hardships. His father was tough on him – being the only son of his and the one who was to lead the pack in the future. And with that, came the immense expectation to step into his footsteps by means of becoming a strong warrior. And whilst his Unlimited changed the way how his power was directed – he didn't disappoint his father. Showing an uncanny ability with his father's preferred weaponry: chains with weights at their ends, and the art of magically powering these items – he soon began to even overshadow his old man. Don't misunderstand though. For all the harsh training he was put through, and the fel disagreements that sometimes would spark between the two, the youth never came to hate his father. And his mother often helped him control his nature, and began to direct it with a code of conduct for him to act within. A code of honor. And this code was so far ingrained into him closer to his adult-hood, that even to this day... it has not been possible to destroy.
[[File:Zia_and_Skoll_Battle.jpg|right|400px]]What was possible to destroy however, was the very world that Sköll had lived his whole life on. It wasn't the first world to fall before the immense might of Chaos – many had come before. And this would be just another one. Where many tried to combat Chaos – and Sköll certainly was one of those. Before the immense might of Chaos, they were without power! Even he himself, an Unlimited, did not contain enough power on his own to even seem to scratch the mighty beast that day... and so it came to be that Sköll, for the first time, 'died'.
However, as it was mentioned, Sköll is an Unlimited. And such is their fate to be neigh immortal. The werewolf was found in the wake of all the destruction by Orcha however, who recognized him for 'what' he was... and took him into the commune of the Gaudium Lords. Using his powers of control, Orcha soon gained a new peon for the Gaudium Lords, and sent him out to seek out any Unlimited that might exist... while locking away the Werewolf's memories of the destruction of the world – and twisting it into the blame of something called 'an Unlimited' to have done this terrible deed.
== Legend of the Sky Wolves ==
The following is a short story/dream sequence/character development series revolving around Hati and Skoll. This includes their memories, and their beliefs in the mythical figures of the 'White Wolf' and 'Golden Wolf'. For more information, check out the Introduction & OOC Notes area.
* [[Legend_of_the_Sky_Wolves#Legend_of_the_Sky_Wolves_-_Introduction_.26_OOC_Notes|Introduction & OOC Notes]]
* [[Legend_of_the_Sky_Wolves#Chapter_1:_Children.27s_Stories|Chapter 1: Children's Stories]]
* [[Legend_of_the_Sky_Wolves#Chapter_3:_When_the_Sun_Cries|Chapter 3: When the Sun Cries]]
== Story Since Then ==
[[File:Skoll_Wolf.png|280px|left]]Since the formation of the the World of Ruin and the shadow portals made by Maleficent, Skoll was sent to investigate these occurrences by the Gaudium Lords. This led to his meeting with a mysterious gargoyle girl named Zia in Traverse Town, and not too long later - the group known as the Shard Seekers. Between helping Zia with trouble she got near, and joining the Shard Seekers for the sake of 'taking' their crystal when it is developed, Skoll's life got busy.
And for the first time since the fall of his world, he started to enjoy life again.[[File:Skoll KH.png|300px|right]]
Not long later, he meets with a girl named Avira. Or rather, Avira meets him - stalking him at first, followed by him becoming her teacher in hunting. The two become good friends in the process, but he gets a big scare when the girl ends up facing off against Kaze and 'almost gets herself killed'. He's quick to send her through some emergency training, which ends up setting her on track to becoming closer with nature.
Not long there-after, Skoll has a terrible nightmare that makes him realize that he's being somehow controlled by the Gaudium Lords. Not long there-after, the fight for Manhattan truly takes off. Afraid and more under the awareness of the darkness that stirs within him, Skoll still presses on and participates in the battle for the Heart of Manhattan - not long after having found out that his sister is alive.
The battle is long and painful, and sees to the changing of Avira and the harming of Zia. Zia is safely teleported out by King Mickey, and Skoll pulls Avira out of the place when the world comes to fall.
[[File:Skoll_C.jpg|280px|left]]Afraid of his own darkness, he begins to avoid people - while a particular (NPC) Gaudium Lord takes interest in Skoll's friendship. Jealous, she tries to harm Avira, which clues her in to Skoll's issue. Skoll tries to deal with Avira's change, and comes to know the secret to Zia's racial curse. His life gets made even harder when Hati finally pops into his life, and starts trying to get him to give up on 'chasing the Golden Wolf' and evaluate his current life... and the connections he has to those already around him - while also ridiculing him about having two girls he might be 'interested in' - or 'close to'.
But dare he open up his heart? He's afraid of what will happen if he does. But more-so... his heart is partially kept shut by the Gaudium Lords' control over him. Since then, he made advances on Avira - but this attempt at forming an intimate relationship was halted by the locking of lips between Avira and Mercade - and forming the bond of True Love before Hades himself. A little heartbroken, darkness filled Skoll further. This followed a series of struggles surrounding the darkness-infusing collar he still wore, until both Zia and Avira finally came to his rescue. And a few months later, the same group finally defeats the Gaia Sisters and frees Skoll from the collar. But nothing comes without a price. Zia's crystal is shattered.
Skoll helps Zia find a way to repair her crystal through finding a way to Atlantis - but also comes to know that now, without this darkness, much of his powers no longer work. The greatest of these - is the connection to the Espers in his Unlimited Summoner form as a werewolf.
== Combat ==
== Combat ==
{| class="CTable StatTable" width="400px" style="float:left;"
= Relations =
=== Allies ===
{| class="CTable RelationTable"
! scope="col" width="150" | Stats
! scope="col" | Name
! scope="col" width="100" | Rating
! scope="col" | Short
! scope="col" | Thoughts
|'''Physical Attack Power'''|| Above Average
| [[Ivo Galvan]]
| [[File:Skoll - Gonna Get Ya.jpg]]
| I think he's probably the smart one if the Shard Seekers. Also the reason I ended up wearing a Maid Uniform.
|'''Magical Attack Power'''|| Average
| [[Faruja Senra]]
| [[File:Skoll - Prowling.jpg]]
| A friend... who has something with my sister, but also is interested in Zia.
|'''Physical Accuracy'''|| Above Average
| [[Lily]]
| [[File:Skoll - Bacon.jpg]]
| Cute girl, seems to hang around Ivo.
| [[Reize Seatlan]]
| [[File:Skoll - Happy.jpg]]
| Comes from a little town and seems to be pretty clueless on life... but that makes him an easy target - and he became my in for the Shard Seekers. (...) And here I thought Zia was the trouble-magnet. I wonder if he realizes just how attracted the Heartless are to his pure heart.
| [[Shiki Misaki]]
| [[File:Skoll - Ease.jpg]]
| I don't really know her.
|'''Magical Accuracy'''|| Average
| [[Zia]]
| [[File:Skoll - Happy Puppy.jpg]]
| Such a strange newcomer. She seemed lost when I first met her, but luckily has found her way back to her world. She has a strange ability to attract <s>muggers</s> trouble. Life around her certainly isn't boring! But what's up with us constantly running into one-another? And why does she believe I am out for her soul? Still, she seems nice, and her magic is kind of amazing. Especially how she zapped that Panda Heartless! Since then, I've gotten to know her a bit better. She hid a great secret. I wonder how much it took for her to trust me? But more-so... the fall of your world has changed you. I... I will protect you. I know I love you. And I am glad you will live for many more millenia to come.
|'''Physical Defense'''|| Bad
| [[Avira]]
| [[File:Skoll - Glassy.jpg]]
| She seems nice - but a bit overenthusiastic. But that can be forgiven. An aspiring hunter and mapper. Maybe I could teach her some of the things I know? So far, taught her a bit about moving around quietly in a forest - and after that, how to stalk people in the city. I just hope she won't use this for the wrong reasons. Also - really - there's no need to go blushing like that. But... I am glad I was able to keep you away from Khamja. Also, sorry - I missed your call. But since then, I've put you through some rigorous training to prepare you in case you need to hunt... or need to flee. To know how to cover your tracks. I just hope you won't hate me for this training. But one thing is certain. You've grown. And I am glad that you came to me about Hati! But after that mess in Manhattan... you changed. Part of me liked the new you, but I am glad you are human again. We've gone through our number of rough spots, and I came to grow strong feelings for you - but then... Mercade took your lips and your heart. Maybe it's better this way. No matter what, you are my greatest friend, and I will treat you well.
|'''Magical Defense'''|| Bad
| [[Hati]]
| [[File:Skoll - Happy Puppy.jpg]]
| I am glad I was finally able to meet you. I hope that your contact with Faruja and the VALKYRI will help lift you from the darkness,.
|'''Physical Evasion'''|| Above Average
| [[Katyna]]
| [[File:Skoll - Ugh.jpg]]
|'''Magical Evasion'''|| Above Average
| You're a friend of Hati's. I am not sure I will ever forget your misdeeds against Avira... but I can at least try to forgive.
| [[Mercade Alexander]]
| [[File:Skoll - Caught You.jpg]]
| Seems to not be very good with money. Good fellow. Avira's boyfriend - 'true love'. I don't resent you.
{| class="CTable StatTable" width="200px" style="float:left;"
=== Adversary ===
{| class="CTable RelationTable"
! scope="col" | Capabilities
! scope="col" | Name
! scope="col" | Short
! scope="col" | Thoughts
| Dodge Roll
| [[LEXUS]]
| [[File:Skoll - Go Away.jpg]]
| You were there, actively trying to make that world fall! ... You will pay.
| Heavy Hitter
| [[Negaduck]]
| [[File:Skoll - Go Away.jpg]]
| "You Hurt Zia!"
| Quick Footed
| [[Lords of Gaudium]]
| [[File:Skoll - Hiding.jpg]]
| Zone of Control
| They saved me from the destruction of my homeworld caused by the Unlimited. But I am uncertain now. They've lied to me... and I am distancing myself from them. Now, I hide from them, no longer willing to associate with them.
{| class="CTable StatTable" width="200px" style="float:left;"
! scope="col" | Bursts
| Hasty Retreat
| HiEther
| True Sight
| Unlimited!
= Relations =
=== Squeeky Toys ===
{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 745px; height: 194px;"
{| class="CTable RelationTable"
| scope="col" width="80" align="Left" |<b>Dark Ones</b>
| [[Lords of Gaudium]], [[Scar]]
! scope="col" | Name
! scope="col" | Short
! scope="col" | Thoughts
| [[Sammy Colt]]
|[[Faruja Senra]], [[Raiya Fujihara]], [[Sarafina Carenze]].
| [[File:Skoll - Hi.jpg]]
| I would not have expected an underground deal with someone looking like him. Note to self: Probably can be 'bought' with the power of noodles.
| [[Minerva]]
| [[File:Skoll - Caught.jpg]]
| ???
== Dark Ones ==
=== Awe ===
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
{| class="CTable RelationTable"
! scope="col" width="150" | Name
! scope="col" | Name
! scope="col" width="80" style="font-style:italic;" |  
! scope="col" | Short
! scope="col" width="500" | Thoughts
! scope="col" | Thoughts
| [[Lords of Gaudium]]
| [[Maira]]
| "I Must Obey"
| [[File:Skoll - Heeeee.jpg]]
| They saved me from the destruction of my homeworld caused by the Unlimited. Or... so they say. But surely, they would not lie to me.
| What a strange woman. An amazing mage... but really - there was nobody standing next to you.
| [[Scar]]
| "What is this feeling?"
| Something about you seems to... make me want to heed your commands. What is this?
== Adversary ==
=== Acquaintances ===
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
{| class="CTable RelationTable"
! scope="col" width="150" | Name
! scope="col" | Name
! scope="col" width="80" style="font-style:italic;" |  
! scope="col" | Short
! scope="col" width="500" | Thoughts
! scope="col" | Thoughts
| [[Kaze]]
| [[Sarafina Carenze]]
| "I don't know him."
| [[File:Skoll - Hi.jpg]]
| ( Destined to see this man as his enemy )
| You smell like my masters, yet different. Why do you smell of both human and monster?
== Acquaintances ==
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
! scope="col" width="150" | Name
| [[Morgan]]
! scope="col" width="80" style="font-style:italic;" |  
| [[File:Skoll - Ease.jpg]]
! scope="col" width="500" | Thoughts
| Your reactions to Heartless are strange to me, and the way you seemed chilled when I mentioned the Shadow Lords... there's something about you... but I can't put my finger on it. Either way, you came across as a fair Lady in need of help, so I will assist.
| [[Faruja Senra]]
| [[Valencia]]
| "Fool Rat"
| [[File:Skoll - Hi.jpg]]
| You dare take a Lord of mine? Still... your behavior is laced with honor. Our battle would be a good one.
| A sorceress new from a fallen world. Seems to have a mechanical pet bird that decides if someone is a good person or not.
| [[Raiya Fujihara]]
| [[Will Sherman]]
| "Tssk."
| [[File:Skoll - Indignant.jpg]]
| Ugh, Drunkard.
| I'm not really sure what to think about you. You were a major part of the cause of Manhattan's fall... but... you seem to have 'recovered'?
| [[Sarafina Carenze]]
| [[Riku]]
| "You are like..."
| [[File:Skoll - Disgusted.jpg]]
| You smell like my masters, yet different. Why do you smell of both human and monster?
| How dare you betray your friends and make that world fall!? I just don't understand. Were you under someone's influence maybe?
= Logs =
{| class="LogTable"
{{#ask:[[Category:{{{1|Roleplay Logs}}}]] [[Log Characters::Sköll Ulfang]] {{!!}} [[Log Characters::Skoll Ulfang]]
|?Log Date
|?Log Synopsis
|template=Log List Single
|sort=Log Date
|default={{!}} colspan=3 {{!}} No logs submitted yet.
= Cutscenes =
{{Character Logs|Cutscenes}}

Latest revision as of 13:53, 31 March 2014

Sköll Ulfang
Skoll Ulfang.jpg
Age Adult
Species Werewolf, Unlimited
Sex Male
Height 6'3
Weight Atheletic
Series Final Fantasy Unlimited
Combat Styles Chain Ravager, Werewolf Summoner
Hometown Wonderland
Group Shard Seekers
Occupation/Job Unlimited Hunter
Force: Forces of Ruin
"I merely seek to destroy those who stand in the way of my Lords. I have no quarrel with you."
Recent Events
Having lost the darkness within his heart, the werewolf tries to find his place in life anew.


One of the few survivors of the destruction of the werewolf world, and unfortunate enough to be revived due to his Unlimited fate, Ulfang found himself in the clutches of Orcha with little of his memories remaining. Now, he is a pawn of the Gaudium Lords, sent to destroy those who stand in their way. Will his memories ever return? Will Orcha's control on him be broken? Or will Ulfang forever be trapped within the clutches of those who destroyed his very world? For now, he will do what must be done for his lords – within the bounds of his take on 'Honor'.


Skoll med.jpg
The werewolf world has always been a strange one – with its own sets of rules and behaviors. It's always been a world of strong beings – able to transform when staring into a reflective surface, or into one-another's eyes. And it is the latter that has always made this race be one of close-knit groups. Packs if you may. And amidst one of these packs, Sköll was born to a loving mother and a rugged father. His birth however, in many ways, goes without detail. Perhaps there had been something special about the day of his birth? Perhaps it had been the parents? Whatever the case may be, something occurred to make this Werewolf be born... special. He was born something that many only barely know of. An Unlimited. The knowledge to use this power he was born with, is something that simply came natural to him, especially as he grew older.

Of course, his young life wasn't without its hardships. His father was tough on him – being the only son of his and the one who was to lead the pack in the future. And with that, came the immense expectation to step into his footsteps by means of becoming a strong warrior. And whilst his Unlimited changed the way how his power was directed – he didn't disappoint his father. Showing an uncanny ability with his father's preferred weaponry: chains with weights at their ends, and the art of magically powering these items – he soon began to even overshadow his old man. Don't misunderstand though. For all the harsh training he was put through, and the fel disagreements that sometimes would spark between the two, the youth never came to hate his father. And his mother often helped him control his nature, and began to direct it with a code of conduct for him to act within. A code of honor. And this code was so far ingrained into him closer to his adult-hood, that even to this day... it has not been possible to destroy.

Zia and Skoll Battle.jpg
What was possible to destroy however, was the very world that Sköll had lived his whole life on. It wasn't the first world to fall before the immense might of Chaos – many had come before. And this would be just another one. Where many tried to combat Chaos – and Sköll certainly was one of those. Before the immense might of Chaos, they were without power! Even he himself, an Unlimited, did not contain enough power on his own to even seem to scratch the mighty beast that day... and so it came to be that Sköll, for the first time, 'died'.

However, as it was mentioned, Sköll is an Unlimited. And such is their fate to be neigh immortal. The werewolf was found in the wake of all the destruction by Orcha however, who recognized him for 'what' he was... and took him into the commune of the Gaudium Lords. Using his powers of control, Orcha soon gained a new peon for the Gaudium Lords, and sent him out to seek out any Unlimited that might exist... while locking away the Werewolf's memories of the destruction of the world – and twisting it into the blame of something called 'an Unlimited' to have done this terrible deed.

Legend of the Sky Wolves

The following is a short story/dream sequence/character development series revolving around Hati and Skoll. This includes their memories, and their beliefs in the mythical figures of the 'White Wolf' and 'Golden Wolf'. For more information, check out the Introduction & OOC Notes area.

Story Since Then

Skoll Wolf.png
Since the formation of the the World of Ruin and the shadow portals made by Maleficent, Skoll was sent to investigate these occurrences by the Gaudium Lords. This led to his meeting with a mysterious gargoyle girl named Zia in Traverse Town, and not too long later - the group known as the Shard Seekers. Between helping Zia with trouble she got near, and joining the Shard Seekers for the sake of 'taking' their crystal when it is developed, Skoll's life got busy. And for the first time since the fall of his world, he started to enjoy life again.
Skoll KH.png

Not long later, he meets with a girl named Avira. Or rather, Avira meets him - stalking him at first, followed by him becoming her teacher in hunting. The two become good friends in the process, but he gets a big scare when the girl ends up facing off against Kaze and 'almost gets herself killed'. He's quick to send her through some emergency training, which ends up setting her on track to becoming closer with nature.

Not long there-after, Skoll has a terrible nightmare that makes him realize that he's being somehow controlled by the Gaudium Lords. Not long there-after, the fight for Manhattan truly takes off. Afraid and more under the awareness of the darkness that stirs within him, Skoll still presses on and participates in the battle for the Heart of Manhattan - not long after having found out that his sister is alive.

The battle is long and painful, and sees to the changing of Avira and the harming of Zia. Zia is safely teleported out by King Mickey, and Skoll pulls Avira out of the place when the world comes to fall.

Skoll C.jpg
Afraid of his own darkness, he begins to avoid people - while a particular (NPC) Gaudium Lord takes interest in Skoll's friendship. Jealous, she tries to harm Avira, which clues her in to Skoll's issue. Skoll tries to deal with Avira's change, and comes to know the secret to Zia's racial curse. His life gets made even harder when Hati finally pops into his life, and starts trying to get him to give up on 'chasing the Golden Wolf' and evaluate his current life... and the connections he has to those already around him - while also ridiculing him about having two girls he might be 'interested in' - or 'close to'.

But dare he open up his heart? He's afraid of what will happen if he does. But more-so... his heart is partially kept shut by the Gaudium Lords' control over him. Since then, he made advances on Avira - but this attempt at forming an intimate relationship was halted by the locking of lips between Avira and Mercade - and forming the bond of True Love before Hades himself. A little heartbroken, darkness filled Skoll further. This followed a series of struggles surrounding the darkness-infusing collar he still wore, until both Zia and Avira finally came to his rescue. And a few months later, the same group finally defeats the Gaia Sisters and frees Skoll from the collar. But nothing comes without a price. Zia's crystal is shattered.

Skoll helps Zia find a way to repair her crystal through finding a way to Atlantis - but also comes to know that now, without this darkness, much of his powers no longer work. The greatest of these - is the connection to the Espers in his Unlimited Summoner form as a werewolf.





Name Short Thoughts
Ivo Galvan Skoll - Gonna Get Ya.jpg I think he's probably the smart one if the Shard Seekers. Also the reason I ended up wearing a Maid Uniform.
Faruja Senra Skoll - Prowling.jpg A friend... who has something with my sister, but also is interested in Zia.
Lily Skoll - Bacon.jpg Cute girl, seems to hang around Ivo.
Reize Seatlan Skoll - Happy.jpg Comes from a little town and seems to be pretty clueless on life... but that makes him an easy target - and he became my in for the Shard Seekers. (...) And here I thought Zia was the trouble-magnet. I wonder if he realizes just how attracted the Heartless are to his pure heart.
Shiki Misaki Skoll - Ease.jpg I don't really know her.
Zia Skoll - Happy Puppy.jpg Such a strange newcomer. She seemed lost when I first met her, but luckily has found her way back to her world. She has a strange ability to attract muggers trouble. Life around her certainly isn't boring! But what's up with us constantly running into one-another? And why does she believe I am out for her soul? Still, she seems nice, and her magic is kind of amazing. Especially how she zapped that Panda Heartless! Since then, I've gotten to know her a bit better. She hid a great secret. I wonder how much it took for her to trust me? But more-so... the fall of your world has changed you. I... I will protect you. I know I love you. And I am glad you will live for many more millenia to come.
Avira Skoll - Glassy.jpg She seems nice - but a bit overenthusiastic. But that can be forgiven. An aspiring hunter and mapper. Maybe I could teach her some of the things I know? So far, taught her a bit about moving around quietly in a forest - and after that, how to stalk people in the city. I just hope she won't use this for the wrong reasons. Also - really - there's no need to go blushing like that. But... I am glad I was able to keep you away from Khamja. Also, sorry - I missed your call. But since then, I've put you through some rigorous training to prepare you in case you need to hunt... or need to flee. To know how to cover your tracks. I just hope you won't hate me for this training. But one thing is certain. You've grown. And I am glad that you came to me about Hati! But after that mess in Manhattan... you changed. Part of me liked the new you, but I am glad you are human again. We've gone through our number of rough spots, and I came to grow strong feelings for you - but then... Mercade took your lips and your heart. Maybe it's better this way. No matter what, you are my greatest friend, and I will treat you well.
Hati Skoll - Happy Puppy.jpg I am glad I was finally able to meet you. I hope that your contact with Faruja and the VALKYRI will help lift you from the darkness,.
Katyna Skoll - Ugh.jpg You're a friend of Hati's. I am not sure I will ever forget your misdeeds against Avira... but I can at least try to forgive.
Mercade Alexander Skoll - Caught You.jpg Seems to not be very good with money. Good fellow. Avira's boyfriend - 'true love'. I don't resent you.


Name Short Thoughts
LEXUS Skoll - Go Away.jpg You were there, actively trying to make that world fall! ... You will pay.
Negaduck Skoll - Go Away.jpg "You Hurt Zia!"
Lords of Gaudium Skoll - Hiding.jpg They saved me from the destruction of my homeworld caused by the Unlimited. But I am uncertain now. They've lied to me... and I am distancing myself from them. Now, I hide from them, no longer willing to associate with them.

Squeeky Toys

Name Short Thoughts
Sammy Colt Skoll - Hi.jpg I would not have expected an underground deal with someone looking like him. Note to self: Probably can be 'bought' with the power of noodles.
Minerva Skoll - Caught.jpg  ???


Name Short Thoughts
Maira Skoll - Heeeee.jpg What a strange woman. An amazing mage... but really - there was nobody standing next to you.


Name Short Thoughts
Sarafina Carenze Skoll - Hi.jpg You smell like my masters, yet different. Why do you smell of both human and monster?
Morgan Skoll - Ease.jpg Your reactions to Heartless are strange to me, and the way you seemed chilled when I mentioned the Shadow Lords... there's something about you... but I can't put my finger on it. Either way, you came across as a fair Lady in need of help, so I will assist.
Valencia Skoll - Hi.jpg A sorceress new from a fallen world. Seems to have a mechanical pet bird that decides if someone is a good person or not.
Will Sherman Skoll - Indignant.jpg I'm not really sure what to think about you. You were a major part of the cause of Manhattan's fall... but... you seem to have 'recovered'?
Riku Skoll - Disgusted.jpg How dare you betray your friends and make that world fall!? I just don't understand. Were you under someone's influence maybe?


Where the Serpent Sleeps March 27th, 2014 Skoll joins Zia in the Serpent's Trench and the two search for the Cloister of Midgarsrmr.
Crossroads and Graveyards March 24th, 2014 Skoll meets up with his Golden Wolf and is reminded of a choice that lies before him, and of the dangerous threat that lurks behind.
The Cloister of Shiva March 16th, 2014 A group of adventurers make it to the Cloister of Shiva. But what will they find inside?
Blackest Friday December 7th, 2013 Echo decides the greed and barbarism of a black Friday sale must be punished. Enchanted outfits and a Soda Machine Golem ensue!
Meeting the Golden Wolf November 7th, 2013 Skoll meets a mysterious stranger who just might be the Wolf he's been searching for.
The Cloister of Phoenix October 4th, 2013 Heroes delve into the Cloister of Phoenix, only to find... platform puzzles.
The Great Ice-cream Caper September 20th, 2013 There is a celebration in Traverse Town, but the plans of Scrooge's three nephews goes awry.
Future Tense: Zia September 14th, 2013 It is decided.
Lamia Seekers August 13th, 2013 Kidnappings lead Faruja and his considerable posse to investigate rumors of Lamia mischief.
Old Dreams August 9th, 2013 Skoll re-lives some of his dreams of the Golden Wolf.
Oh it had to be a Heartless... August 8th, 2013 The Shard Seekers head off on an adventure sadly for them there is something foul waiting for them at their destination.
Her Brother's Advice August 5th, 2013 Stumbling on one another in Traverse Town, Hati and Skoll catch up on recent events and troubles.
The Cloister of Carbuncle July 28th, 2013 Skoll and Zia stumble through the Cloister of Carbuncle in the first stop on his quest to regain his summoner powers.
Dreams and Pathways Forward July 11th, 2013 Skoll wakes from a dream of the Espers, only to find that he isn't the only one with strange dreams.
In the Deep: Atlantis June 22nd, 2013 In order to defend Atlantis, the party there leaves the place and plans to use explosives to break their way out. Continued in In the Deep: Serpent's Trench.
In the Deep: Serpent's Trench June 22nd, 2013 A group of heroes has heard about a Heartless invasion in Serpent's Trench and moves to find out what is going on. What they find is... unexpected!
The Sorrow of Lost and Found June 21st, 2013 Avira discovers her own ties to Atlantis, and the sorrow that goes along with it.
Wolf-Baths and Gargoyle-Rituals June 18th, 2013 Skoll gets a bath, and Zia discovers the 'Gorlois' of Atlantis, who perform a ritual to bring life back into her crystal.
Journey Without A Map June 16th, 2013 Seeking out the lost city of Atlantis and what knowledge might be contained there-in, a group of adventurers set out to face peril... and spear-throwing chipmunks.
Keepsakes June 13th, 2013 Fate has a way of bringing people together when they need it most.
Behold - The Quest NPC June 5th, 2013 Skoll and Zia discover a mysterious old man, who just may have a lead for them on their quest.
Awkward Moments May 26th, 2013 After fighting the last of the elemental 'sisters', Skoll and Zia try to ackwardly figure out what they plan on doing from here.
Saving Werewolf Ulfang May 25th, 2013 Avira, Skoll and Zia finally challenge the remaining Gaudium Lord flunkies; 'The Gaia Sisters' to free Skoll of the darkness-inducing collar.
Mystery Woof April 1st, 2013 He'd promised Hati, and now after things have settled down a little, finally has the chance to do that one thing he still wanted to do. To treat Zia to a 'date'.
A Conversation Long Overdue March 31st, 2013 Skoll calls for Avira to have a much needed talk.
Wolf Logic March 29th, 2013 Katyna makes one last pitstop in Shard Seekers HQ, determined to say goodbye to Reize before heading off to unknown realms with the Heretics. Instead, she runs into a certain wolf, and they discuss how the darkness has affected them (Bonus item: keychain unlocked!)
Restoration March 16th, 2013 It has finally come - the final battle to resurrect Manhattan!
Dinner and a Talk March 15th, 2013 Skoll and Zia have a brief chat over bacon sandwiches.
To Hell and Back March 14th, 2013 Avira has been captured, dragged into the depths of the Underworld. Avira's friend band together, ready to rescue their friend, and free Manhattan from darkness once and for all. There can be no failure here, for failure has...perminate consiquences.
Eye for an Eye: Confrontation March 12th, 2013 Together, Hati's friends and family fight against the dark force threatening her life.
The Real Xanatos Gambit March 9th, 2013 Hades invites himself over for tea, things get ultra complicated.
The Final Shard March 8th, 2013 Time to go visit a friend of Merlin's for the real answer of where the Spirit Shard is - Mama Odie. Yet can this Voodoo Priestess really help them? Or will it just be another wild goose chase?
Eye for an Eye: Guardian March 1st, 2013 After receiving the message from Katyna, Skoll goes to check on his sister.
Celebration in Fluorgis February 26th, 2013 With the Shadows Over Fluorgis passes, the city undergoes a celebration. Drunks, music, merriment all around. Some shenanigans are abound.
Banish the Darkness February 22nd, 2013 The shadows over Fluorgis at last unleash their true power. The malaise which has so oppressed the once-lively citizenry suddenly condenses and then erupts in a dark rain over the desert, a veritable storm of Heartless weltering down upon the weakened city. With the light of the Fire Crystal flickering and its defenses depowered, Fluorgis's last hope and protection are the adventurers who have heeded her call. A desperate battle in the streets ensues as the siege -- and the Shadows Over Fluorgis plotline -- reaches its climax!
Maid Cafe: The Bacon Episode February 16th, 2013 The Shard Seekers and Valkyri put up a Maid Cafe for gaining some coin - for charity
Wolves Date Too February 15th, 2013 Skoll takes Avira out for a date!
Boneyard Shuffle February 10th, 2013 Shard UNLOCK! --- A massive undead mammoth shuffles about and inconviences the party. Guest starring Shenzai, Banzai and Ed. --Welcome to the Pride Lands.
Bloodline's Howl January 29th, 2013 Skoll meets his sister after his getting found - and leaving the Valkyri HQ.
Unorthodox uses of BACON January 28th, 2013 Skoll warned that there would be danger if the VALKYRI were to harbor them. And that danger becomes very real in the form of Makenshi.
Smells Like... January 25th, 2013 Skoll drops by the Shard Seekers HQ real quick, while wounded, to pick up some stuff. He ends up stumbling into Faruja's dorm-section.
Wounded Hope January 23rd, 2013 Skoll, wounded and bandaged up in VALKYRI HQ, awakens to Zia watching over him.
Port Royal Sniffers January 20th, 2013 Zia and Avira make their way to Skoll's last known location...
VALKYRI VS Shard Seekers: Racing the Dawn January 12th, 2013 Desert madness! VALKYRI and the Shard Seekers go head to head as they rush through an ancient ruins to secure valuable artifact not only within the time limit, but before the other adventurers get to the final chamber as well. The object? A Desert Rose, a magical crystal rose, a living artifact, that blooms only for one night once every 100 years. Inscribed on the petals themselves are shapes that form a map to an even greater treasure. What awaits the two teams as they race for the goal?!
Fate and Bacon January 10th, 2013 Sometimes, it's okay to just have a laugh.
Howl To The Moon January 6th, 2013 Skoll howls to the full moon, and is joined by Avira. With the leashes on his heart lessened, Skoll manages to be more true to himself.
Side Quest: Hold My Hand December 31st, 2012 The Shard Seekers (and friends) accompany the infamous 'Ghetto Knight' into the Mythril Mines. Cue shenanigans.
Storytime in France December 29th, 2012 A friendly meeting in the French Countryside turns into storytime with Lavi. WARNING: contains extreme Frenchness (Max).
Fuzzy Warnings December 25th, 2012 Avira visits Skoll, worried about him.
A Second Howl December 20th, 2012 Skoll howls in search of his sister.
Sleep By Dawn December 19th, 2012 Things move from Sammy bugging the Shard Seekers HQ to Zia revealing a big secret to Skoll.
A Fateful Meeting December 13th, 2012 Hati and Skoll finally meet!
A Rude Awakening December 11th, 2012 As Manhattan goes dark, Skoll manages to escape with Avira to the wolf's den in Bramble Woods. Hours later, they wake up to some heart-wrenching realizations, from the destruction of a world, the loss of friends, and the mutation of Avira.
In a New York Minute: The Fall December 9th, 2012 This is the villain side: Riku has accepted the darkness and old friends collide in battle. ....And more horror is unlocked.
Last Light of Manhattan December 9th, 2012 Here is it. The final struggle for the Heart of Manhattan. A few brave heroes blaze against the tides of darkness in the hopes to save the world from crumbling into the darkness.
In A New York Minute: The Blockade December 8th, 2012 Leida and Ember (Katyna) are tasked with creating a blockade around Manhattan's Central Park Shadow Portal. Our heroes will have none of that.
A Rough Morning December 7th, 2012 Skoll finds out for the first time that he's not the only werewolf remaining from his world.
Scaling To The Moon December 5th, 2012 Skoll Ulfang and Zia investigate a mysterious happening atop the Alexandrian Mountains.
Trouble Brews In the Family December 4th, 2012 After the situation with Shiki's shower incident, Reize called the Shard Seekers to a meeting. Should Priel be a member of the Shard Seekers?
In A New York Minute: Sheltering Darkness December 1st, 2012 The intrepid defenders of Manhattan descend into the depths in order to rescue several innocent people kidnapped by Heartless. What they find is a place beyond what anyone could have expected...
A Visit to Friends December 1st, 2012 Avira ends up snowed in, in the Bramble Forest, as visits her furry wolfie friends. She's joined by Skoll - the source of her having befriended these wolves in a ways.
Upon the Meadows of Past November 27th, 2012 Avira is in for a wild ride as she and Skoll accidentally thread into Castle Oblivion
You're Not Alone November 21st, 2012 Avira comes to Skoll with 'interesting' news! Hati... his long lost sister... is alive!
Valencia's Arrival November 15th, 2012 Valencia finds herself in a new world, and is greeted by an unfamiliar individual.
Beans?! November 9th, 2012 A stalker has not only been troubling and injuring people late at night, but wherever he goes he always seems to destroy all of the beans in any grocer's nearby. What's the connection? - The mission was one that the Shard Seekers could not do alone. Enlisting the aid of the Twilight Detective Agency, the group set out to find out the mystery of the case.
A Hasty Trip November 6th, 2012 Skoll gives Avira a scare, believing that Kaze - having fought her - now has her scent and will hunt her down. He drags her away for a rather abrupt sequence of events.
Eye of the Wolf October 29th, 2012 Avira drops by the Shardseekers' HQ to find Skoll for additional lessons in hunting. She ends up with a lot more on her plate however...
Beggin' Bacon October 26th, 2012 Zia and Skoll meet back up within the Shard Seekers HQ.
Enemy at the Gates October 13th, 2012 In the wake of the chaotic fusion of worlds, bandits roved the sands of the Eastern Continent, but rumors now abound that these bands are disappearing without a trace, despite there being no evidence of battles between them. Those waiting in line to enter Rabanastre hear the eerie creak of the gates malfunctioning, and a dark wind begins to blow, revealing the sinister truth to these tales...
An Awkward Acquaintance October 9th, 2012 Dark going downs in the city of Fluorgis.
Suspicious People October 9th, 2012 Avira manages to find Skoll once more, and is dragged onto a tiny excursion.
Wolfish Humor October 5th, 2012 Skoll seeks out Reize in order to join the Shard Seekers - and the two end up shortly celebrating this addition to the group.
Crossing the Fens October 3rd, 2012 Once upon a time in a dreary mire... three like individuals cross paths...
Skoll Stakeout October 2nd, 2012 Avira hunters for the mysterious lone traveler Skoll Ulfang.
Costa Del Missing September 29th, 2012 A group of adventurers meet by happenstance - and many seem to be missing parts of their party.
A Heartless In Center Park September 28th, 2012 A massive mechanical Heartless arises in Central Park for unknown reasons. Who can stop it from destroying and consuming what remains of Manhattan?
Welcome to the Casino Gold September 23rd, 2012 The mysterious appearance of the grand Casino Gold, a place of great wealth and great greed.
An 'Easy' Target September 21st, 2012 A wandering Reize draws the attention of a couple of muggers, only to be 'rescued' by a gargoyle and a werewolf. Of course, it seems as if he didn't really need the rescue afterall.
Tussle in Traverse Town September 20th, 2012 Skoll encounters a somewhat lost and quite hungry Zia, and then the pair end up accosted by a drunken Bangaa and Seeq and inevitably end up in trouble.


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