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== Profile ==
== Profile ==
Few seem to know how this Werewolf girl came to serve the Shadow Lords, but she seems a loyal enough servant without the need of spells or manipulation to keep her on task. While diminutive in size, she makes up for it by being clever and quick. She's the sort of person that the Shadow Lords go to when they need something done quickly and quietly. Nevertheless, the girl has a temper, and despises those who mock her size or misjudge her strength. Both quick-fingered as a thief, and deceptively powerful as a wolf, this girl is the sort that can handle most tasks. Yet, with the Shadow Lord she once served having gone missing, the question lingers: will she be quite so loyal to a new set of masters, or will the wolf seek out her own dark path?
Few seem to know how this Werewolf girl came to serve the Shadow Lords, but she seems a loyal enough servant without the need of spells or manipulation to keep her on task. While diminutive in size, she makes up for it by being clever and quick. She's the sort of person that the Shadow Lords go to when they need something done quickly and quietly. Nevertheless, the girl has a temper, and despises those who mock her size or misjudge her strength. Both quick-fingered as a thief, and deceptively powerful as a wolf, this girl is the sort that can handle most tasks. Yet, with the Shadow Lord she once served having gone missing, the question lingers: will she be quite so loyal to a new set of masters, or will the wolf seek out her own dark path?
=== Skills ===
=== Skills ===
Runt Of The Litter, Left for Dead, Evil Little Sister, More Bite Than Bark, Ominous Eye-Scar, It's Not the Size of the Wolf in the Fight - But the Size the Fight in the Wolf, Saved by an Evil Overlord, You Say 'Darkness' Like It's a Bad Thing, Shadow Lords' Errand Girl, Pick-Pocket, Sneak-Thief, Yoink!, Defying Gravity with Acrobatics, Anger Management Issues, Chaotic-Chibi, Unlikely Advice Giver, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Dual-Daggers, Claws - Fangs - and Fur<br \><br \><br \><br \><br \>
Runt Of The Litter, Left for Dead, Evil Little Sister, More Bite Than Bark, Ominous Eye-Scar, It's Not the Size of the Wolf in the Fight - But the Size the Fight in the Wolf, Saved by an Evil Overlord, You Say 'Darkness' Like It's a Bad Thing, Shadow Lords' Errand Girl, Pick-Pocket, Sneak-Thief, Yoink!, Defying Gravity with Acrobatics, Anger Management Issues, Chaotic-Chibi, Unlikely Advice Giver, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Dual-Daggers, Claws - Fangs - and Fur<br \>
== Background ==  
== Background ==  
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== Personality ==  
== Personality ==  
It is strange how one thing can mold the way a person becomes, but still doesn't quite define everything about who they are. Anger has been the tool that honed Hati into the woman she's become as an adult. She cannot stand those who look down on her, or otherwise mis-judge her strength or experience based on her size alone. Pride often drives her to show that she's just that much tougher than anyone gives her credit for. She's worked harder to prove herself than anyone else. She has a temper, and a tendency to lash out at people and react physically rather than trying to understand or talk through something. This is a girl who would rather have a 'discussion' in fists than with words. She tends to use what physical strength she has to her advantage, always trying to show that she is more than just some runt of a girl.
It is strange how one thing can mold the way a person becomes, but still doesn't quite define everything about who they are. Anger has been the tool that honed Hati into the woman she's become as an adult. She cannot stand those who look down on her, or otherwise mis-judge her strength or experience based on her size alone. Pride often drives her to show that she's just that much tougher than anyone gives her credit for. She's worked harder to prove herself than anyone else. She has a temper, and a tendency to lash out at people and react physically rather than trying to understand or talk through something. Over time, this has started to change, but she still struggles with the urge to handle things with fists rather than with words. She tends to use what physical strength she has to her advantage, always trying to show that she is more than just some runt of a girl.
While Hati flat out refuses to be mistreated, and is not fool enough to be a simple thoughtless henchmen, she also has no interest in being a leader. Perhaps she might have been able to step up and be a full-fledged Shadow Lord, but even to this day, she prefers leaving those sort of decisions in the hands of others. She has a pack-like mentality, where she works to achieve the goals of the 'pack', but she will never take the position where she would have to lord over anyone. A lone wolf can choose who deserves their loyalty, but leader has to be responsible for the entire pack, and she doesn't want that sort of weight on her shoulders.  
While Hati flat out refuses to be mistreated, and is not fool enough to be a simple thoughtless henchmen, she also has no interest in being a leader. Perhaps she might have been able to step up and be a full-fledged Shadow Lord, but even to this day, she prefers leaving those sort of decisions in the hands of others. She has a pack-like mentality, where she works to achieve the goals of the 'pack', but she will never take the position where she would have to lord over anyone. A lone wolf can choose who deserves their loyalty, but leader has to be responsible for the entire pack, and she doesn't want that sort of weight on her shoulders.  
For the most part, Hati does not have a good grasp on more positive emotions. What fleeting bits of happiness she remembers from her childhood have been overshadowed by her experiences. She has bits and pieces that come to her now and then, but those brief moments seem like nothing compared to the cruelty she's witnessed in so many worlds. One of the few feelings she does understand is loyalty. It is one of those things that comes naturally to a wolf, even if it has been twisted slightly. More often than not, she feigns loyalty to those who she obeys, although her real loyalty is far harder to earn. With so few close ties, the girl is vulnerable to sinking into volatile states where anything done to those she cares about is met with raw vengence, regardless of the personal cost.
For the most part, Hati does not have a good grasp on more positive emotions. What fleeting bits of happiness she remembers from her childhood have been overshadowed by her experiences. She has bits and pieces that come to her now and then, but those brief moments seem like nothing compared to the cruelty she's witnessed in so many worlds. One of the few feelings she does understand is loyalty. It is one of those things that comes naturally to a wolf, even if it has been twisted slightly. More often than not, she feigns loyalty to those who she obeys, although her real loyalty is far harder to earn. With so few close ties, the girl is vulnerable to sinking into volatile states where anything done to those she cares about is met with raw vengeance, regardless of the personal cost.
With wolfish instincts, Hati tends to be quite impulsive. She takes what she wants, without much thought to the consequences. With the spells that kept her from dealing with her past now waining, she's left confused, and often times more angry than not, without anyone help her deal with those darker impulses. She has a long way to go to understand empathy, or affection, but the girl isn't a completely lost cause. In her spare time, she tends seek out small-time challenges. This can be snatching food from a cart, or jewelry from a vendor. Some might mistake this for a form of kleptomania, but often times she sells the things she steals, or keeps them as reminders of places she's been. It's like having 'touchstones' to keep the past alive, especially when Serrak's power had dulled those memories.
With wolfish instincts, Hati tends to be quite impulsive. She takes what she wants, without much thought to the consequences. With the spells that kept her from dealing with her past now waning, she's left confused, and often times more angry than not, with few people there to help her deal with those darker impulses. She has a long way to go to understand empathy, or affection, but the girl isn't a completely lost cause. In her spare time, she tends seek out small-time challenges. This can be snatching food from a cart, or jewelry from a vendor. Some might mistake this for a form of kleptomania, but often times she sells the things she steals, or keeps them as reminders of places she's been. It's like having 'touchstones' to keep the past alive, especially when Serrak's power had dulled those memories.
Right now, Hati's goals are simple. She seeks to further the influence of the Heartless, just as her father had before her. In the mean time, though, she's keeping her ears and eyes open, trying to find out what could have happened to the Shadow Lord, and to find ways of allowing her allies to seize more power within the worlds. It is, afterall, what her father would have wanted. But what she hasn't figured out, just yet, is what she really wants.
Currently, Hati's goals have changed. Where she once sought only to find her lost master and further the influence of the Heartless, she now has a new challenge: resisting the darkness. As her memories return, more of her true self comes with it, and it comes with the realization of just how close she stands to the edge of becoming nothing more than a fiend. The problem is, she still hasn't figured out what she really wants, other than perhaps the White Wolf.  
== Legend of the Sky Wolves ==
== Legend of the Sky Wolves ==
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* '''Darkness Control''' - Hati has spent years training herself on how to use the darkness and anger within her. She has the ability to control most minor Heartless, as well as utilize Dark Portals to get around between the worlds. The way she wields darkness has just become so much part of her that it expresses itself even when she is in combat.<br \>
* '''Darkness Control''' - Hati has spent years training herself on how to use the darkness and anger within her. She has the ability to control most minor Heartless, as well as utilize Dark Portals to get around between the worlds. The way she wields darkness has just become so much part of her that it expresses itself even when she is in combat.<br \>
* '''Hedge Magic''' - While Hati has no real skill in what most would consider traditional magic there are some skills that can be trained with practice. She makes use of runes, drawn by her daggers, to focus her own darkness into a physical form during combat. She also possesses a trained ability to scry the locations of others - a skill that she is often called upon to use for darker purposes, but the gift has limits, and requires a dark sacrifice. In addition, she has a knack for natural remedies. While it is nowhere near the potency of standard potions, she can create salves to sooth burns, lower fevers, or treat other more common illnesses.<br \>
* '''Hedge Magic''' - While Hati has no real skill in what most would consider traditional magic there are some skills that can be trained with practice. She makes use of runes, drawn by her daggers, to focus her own darkness into a physical form during combat. She also possesses a trained ability to scry the locations of others - a skill that she is often called upon to use for darker purposes, but the gift has limits, and requires a dark sacrifice. In addition, she has a knack for natural remedies. While it is nowhere near the potency of standard potions, she can create salves to sooth burns, lower fevers, or treat other more common illnesses.<br \>
<br \>
== Combat ==
== Combat ==
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! scope="col"| Thoughts
! scope="col"| Thoughts
|Serrak<br> (NPC Shadowlord) || Master || The Shadow Lord who saved her life and gave her purpose. She owes everything to him. Since he has gone missing, she has felt more and more ill at ease, and the quest to discover what happened to him has begun to grow that much more urgent.
|Odin<br> (NPC Werewolf) || Father || Hatred. Anger. Her thoughts regarding her father are nothing but a red haze of bloodlust and pain, coupled with a need for revenge.
|[[Skoll Ulfang]] || Who?<br> (Brother) || She has no idea he even exists, other than vague memories of a boy who was 'kind' to her, but some of her memories of the past are starting to re-surface with her Master's magic no longer suppressing her past.
|Serrak<br> (NPC Shadowlord) || Master || The Shadow Lord who saved her life and gave her purpose. Once, she owed everything to him, but now, she wonders if he has abandoned her for the sake of his true daughter. The longer he is gone, the more she remembers, and the more she starts to worry what reason he had for saving her in the first place.
|[[Skoll Ulfang]] || Brother || She has no idea he even exists, other than vague memories of a boy who was 'kind' to her, but some of her memories of the past are starting to re-surface with her Master's magic no longer suppressing her past.
=== Allies ===
=== Shadow Lords ===
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! scope="col"| Thoughts
! scope="col"| Thoughts
| [[LEXUS]] || Neutral || Intelligent and coldly logical, but a bit too emotionless for my tastes.
| [[Katyna Redsvaren]] || Protective || If there is anyone in this world that Hati might consider a friend, it is Katyna. The girl is foolish, willful, and has a tendency to get herself into trouble, but the wolf feels a protective, older-sisterly affection towards her. Even if half of the time her actions make Hati want to face-palm.
| [[LEXUS]] || Negative || Intelligent and coldly logical. Once, he had her respect, but now she sees him as partially responsible for encouraging Katyna in her foolish task of antagonizing the VALKYRI leader. Such a decision doesn't fit her 'logic'.  
| [[Negaduck]] || Irritated || An ignorant, self-important, and ultimately foolish duck. I'll enjoy watching him hang himself.
| [[Negaduck]] || Irritated || An ignorant, self-important, and ultimately foolish duck. I'll enjoy watching him hang himself.
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| [[Oswald]] || Neutral || Seems a bit too 'nice' to be a Shadow Lord, not terribly fond of how he got in the way.
| [[Oswald]] || Neutral || Seems a bit too 'nice' to be a Shadow Lord, not terribly fond of how he got in the way.
| [[Riku]] || Curious || A clever one - the plan maker. There's something about him, though. I wonder what he did with those puppies.
| [[Riku]] || Curious || The clever one - the plan maker. He may be the only other one trying to keep Katyna from hanging herself with her own quest for darkness. She doesn't quite understand what that 'ghost' was down in the Labyrinth, or why the boy seemed to have a change of heart after it. He seems like... a conflicted individual.
| [[Seith]] || Neutral || He faced her in single combat and showed his strength, even if it does not come close to matching her own. He has a 'meddling' nature about her that irritates her at times, and she still holds to the belief that he is emotionally weak and scared to face the truth that: no matter how strong you are, you cannot save people from their fate.
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! scope="col"| Thoughts
! scope="col"| Thoughts
| [[Avira]] || Unsure || Quick to jump to conclusions, even if she has every right to be suspicious. Still, she'd rather put the city in danger than offer one name? What did she mean by 'not alone'?
| [[Avira]] || Respect || The VALKYRI leader has shown herself to be quick to judge, but perhaps she is starting to see that things are not always what they seem. Hati doesn't claim to understand her relationship with Skoll, or how she became human again, but after seeing her lead her pack, the wolf-girl has a grudging respect for Avira.
| [[Daniil Petrov]] || Cautious || He asks too many questions, and expects me to give up information like some fool. He may not be my enemy yet, but if he stands in my way again, I will not hold back.
| [[Daniil Petrov]] || Cautious || He asks too many questions, and expects me to give up information like some fool. He may not be my enemy yet, but if he stands in my way again, I will not hold back.
| [[Reize Seatlan]] || Confused || He and his pack hunt the world shards and destroy the Heartless, but somehow he doesn't 'feel' like an enemy. Is he really strong enough to lead so many? I will have to find out. Every time he speaks, it makes me feel strange. Why am I remembering things that should have been forgotten?
| [[Faruja Senra]] || Curious || Normally, she wouldn't have tolerated a threat to her life without making sure the fool died at her claws, but... for some reason Hati doesn't want the church-mouse's blood. She had seen his profession of love, and it confused her. It is something she wants for herself, but has no idea how to lay claim to someone's heart. Maybe if she can earn his trust, she can discover the secrets of it. But his kindness confuses her, making her want to be near him for more than just those selfish means.
| [[Reize Seatlan]] || Confused || More than once, she has heard that he has a good heart, and she has already begun to see that it's true. He fought with some courage against her, even if it was futile. She is only beginning to understand the strength that he holds in order to lead so many. What is the power of that pendant of his, though? How did it show her the White Wolf? Why does he get flustered when she gets close?

Revision as of 11:53, 16 January 2013

Hati Ulfang
Hati profile.png
Age Appears: 16 (Actually: Adult)
Species Werewolf
Sex Female
Height 5'1"
Weight Lithe
Series Final Fantasy Unlimited
Combat Styles Dark Rogue, Shadow Wolf
Hometown Unknown
Group Shadow Lords
Occupation/Job Errand Girl
Force: Forces of Ruin
"I might be small, but I can still kick your tail before the next snide comment leaves your sorry mouth. So shut it before I get mad."
Hati Inks.jpg


Few seem to know how this Werewolf girl came to serve the Shadow Lords, but she seems a loyal enough servant without the need of spells or manipulation to keep her on task. While diminutive in size, she makes up for it by being clever and quick. She's the sort of person that the Shadow Lords go to when they need something done quickly and quietly. Nevertheless, the girl has a temper, and despises those who mock her size or misjudge her strength. Both quick-fingered as a thief, and deceptively powerful as a wolf, this girl is the sort that can handle most tasks. Yet, with the Shadow Lord she once served having gone missing, the question lingers: will she be quite so loyal to a new set of masters, or will the wolf seek out her own dark path?


Runt Of The Litter, Left for Dead, Evil Little Sister, More Bite Than Bark, Ominous Eye-Scar, It's Not the Size of the Wolf in the Fight - But the Size the Fight in the Wolf, Saved by an Evil Overlord, You Say 'Darkness' Like It's a Bad Thing, Shadow Lords' Errand Girl, Pick-Pocket, Sneak-Thief, Yoink!, Defying Gravity with Acrobatics, Anger Management Issues, Chaotic-Chibi, Unlikely Advice Giver, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Dual-Daggers, Claws - Fangs - and Fur


Hati byMirageV.png

Once, a long time ago, there had been a powerful pack of werewolves who roved the distant mountains. They say that a powerful child was born into the pack, destined to lead them to greatness. What they don't say is that there had been a runt of a child, born to the same parents, and seen as a great disgrace. The details have been lost in the haze of time and dark spells which have dulled those memories, but despite that, there is still one thing Hati remembers most clearly: Her father walking away, leaving her to die in the snow from injuries made by his claws.

That is where Serrak found her, still clinging to life even as night fell. The Shadow Lord had been drawn to the pack by the whispers of a boy with great power, yet somehow this girl caught his attention more-so. She already had the darkness in her heart that could easily be manipulated to his purposes. Better to take one cast-off girl, than fight the entire pack in order to acquire the boy. It took a while for her to recover from the injuries she suffered at her father's hands. A few months later, Hati sat before a mirror, looking at her human form with the notched ear, and her scarred eye with the color that didn't match the other across from it. Serrak had managed to save her sight, but she would forever be marked by the cruelty she'd suffered.

And yet, Serrak bade her to leave behind everything but the pain. It was his own sort of magic - the kind that subtlely pulled on those threads within her mind, making her forget. It was all too easy for a girl who wanted nothing more than to forget. Rather than being an unwanted runt, Hati trained to become stronger. She served the man who saved her, who took her in when no one else wanted her, and in time, as the memories faded, he came to be the only person she truly trusts. What lingers are faded memories of a boy who was kind to her, a mother's musical voice, and a wolf who she hated with every part of her soul. Darkness turned inward, Hati became a willing tool, having seen some of the worst that the worlds' had to offer.

While she might never become full size for a Werewolf, Hati learned how to channel the hatred and darkness within her, using it as a weapon more fierce than tooth and claw alone. Soon, other Shadow Lords began to use the girl for their errands, especially when they didn't want to get their hands dirty directly. It was after returning from one of these missions that Hati found Serrak's home empty. There was no sign of him, nor any note as to where he had gone. By now, though, Hati had become used to being alone. She knew the task her master wished - and she still had the other Shadow Lords to look to for guidance.


It is strange how one thing can mold the way a person becomes, but still doesn't quite define everything about who they are. Anger has been the tool that honed Hati into the woman she's become as an adult. She cannot stand those who look down on her, or otherwise mis-judge her strength or experience based on her size alone. Pride often drives her to show that she's just that much tougher than anyone gives her credit for. She's worked harder to prove herself than anyone else. She has a temper, and a tendency to lash out at people and react physically rather than trying to understand or talk through something. Over time, this has started to change, but she still struggles with the urge to handle things with fists rather than with words. She tends to use what physical strength she has to her advantage, always trying to show that she is more than just some runt of a girl.

While Hati flat out refuses to be mistreated, and is not fool enough to be a simple thoughtless henchmen, she also has no interest in being a leader. Perhaps she might have been able to step up and be a full-fledged Shadow Lord, but even to this day, she prefers leaving those sort of decisions in the hands of others. She has a pack-like mentality, where she works to achieve the goals of the 'pack', but she will never take the position where she would have to lord over anyone. A lone wolf can choose who deserves their loyalty, but leader has to be responsible for the entire pack, and she doesn't want that sort of weight on her shoulders.

For the most part, Hati does not have a good grasp on more positive emotions. What fleeting bits of happiness she remembers from her childhood have been overshadowed by her experiences. She has bits and pieces that come to her now and then, but those brief moments seem like nothing compared to the cruelty she's witnessed in so many worlds. One of the few feelings she does understand is loyalty. It is one of those things that comes naturally to a wolf, even if it has been twisted slightly. More often than not, she feigns loyalty to those who she obeys, although her real loyalty is far harder to earn. With so few close ties, the girl is vulnerable to sinking into volatile states where anything done to those she cares about is met with raw vengeance, regardless of the personal cost.

With wolfish instincts, Hati tends to be quite impulsive. She takes what she wants, without much thought to the consequences. With the spells that kept her from dealing with her past now waning, she's left confused, and often times more angry than not, with few people there to help her deal with those darker impulses. She has a long way to go to understand empathy, or affection, but the girl isn't a completely lost cause. In her spare time, she tends seek out small-time challenges. This can be snatching food from a cart, or jewelry from a vendor. Some might mistake this for a form of kleptomania, but often times she sells the things she steals, or keeps them as reminders of places she's been. It's like having 'touchstones' to keep the past alive, especially when Serrak's power had dulled those memories.

Currently, Hati's goals have changed. Where she once sought only to find her lost master and further the influence of the Heartless, she now has a new challenge: resisting the darkness. As her memories return, more of her true self comes with it, and it comes with the realization of just how close she stands to the edge of becoming nothing more than a fiend. The problem is, she still hasn't figured out what she really wants, other than perhaps the White Wolf.

Legend of the Sky Wolves

The following is a short story/dream sequence/character development series revolving around Hati and Skoll. This includes their memories, and their beliefs in the mythical figures of the 'White Wolf' and 'Golden Wolf'. For more information, check out the Introduction & OOC Notes area.


  • Quick Fingers - Hati is an expert thief, which usually covers the arts of pick-pocketing, lock-picking, and other nefarious sort of skills. She's a master at slight of hand, and is extremely dexterous when in her humanoid form.
  • Wall Dancer - Known in more common circles as 'parkour', Hati is an expert at being able to use her athleticism to move over large areas quite quickly. She can scale buildings by vaulting off of fire escapes, or use impossible hand-holds to swing herself out of the way of danger and slink into narrow spaces.
  • Transformation - Like all of her kind, Hati can transform into a full-fledged wolf form when looking at a reflective surface, or at one of her own kind. Her werewolf form is far less dexterous than her humanoid one, and favors a stubborn, 'stand and fight' sort of mentality rather than her usual quick escapes. Hati's wolf-form appears as a wolf with white undertones, black markings along her back, and silvery guard-hairs.
  • Darkness Control - Hati has spent years training herself on how to use the darkness and anger within her. She has the ability to control most minor Heartless, as well as utilize Dark Portals to get around between the worlds. The way she wields darkness has just become so much part of her that it expresses itself even when she is in combat.
  • Hedge Magic - While Hati has no real skill in what most would consider traditional magic there are some skills that can be trained with practice. She makes use of runes, drawn by her daggers, to focus her own darkness into a physical form during combat. She also possesses a trained ability to scry the locations of others - a skill that she is often called upon to use for darker purposes, but the gift has limits, and requires a dark sacrifice. In addition, she has a knack for natural remedies. While it is nowhere near the potency of standard potions, she can create salves to sooth burns, lower fevers, or treat other more common illnesses.



Stats Rating
Physical Attack Power Above Average
Magical Attack Power Poor
Physical Accuracy Exellent
Magical Accuracy Poor
Physical Evasion Excellent
Magical Evasion Excellent
Physical Defense Below Average
Magical Defense Below Average
Black Mushroom
Dodge Roll
Ground Fighter
Quick Footed


Action Type Element Description
Moves Like A Shadow Buff Dark Calls upon darkness to increase her physical evasion.
Quicker Than Night Buff Dark Calls upon darkness to increase her magical evasion.
Sight Breaker Attack Dark An attack which tries to blind the opponent.
Shield Breaker Attack Dark An attack which seeks to find weak points in an opponent's defenses.
Sword Breaker Attack Dark An attack which tries to disable an opponent.
Spell Breaker Attack Dark An attack that disrupts an opponent's magical channels.
Venom Touch Attack Dark An attack which uses darkness to slowly injure the opponent over time.
Lingering Darkness Attack Dark An attack that causes an opponent to become weaker to the effects of darkness.
Rogue's Curse Attack Dark An attack that seeks to slow down opponents.
Wolf's Rage Attack Dark A powerful attack which can wield a random effect.
Limit Break Type Element Description
Chasing the Moon Attack Dark Drawing upon her inner darkness, she uses her speed for multiple quick strikes.
Moon's Rain Attack Dark A powerful attack which calls down the moon's dark energy to create a pack of shadow wolves.

Stats Rating
Physical Attack Power Excellent
Magical Attack Power Poor
Physical Accuracy Excellent
Magical Accuracy Poor
Physical Evasion Poor
Magical Evasion Poor
Physical Defense Excellent
Magical Defense Excellent
Ground Fighter
Heavy Hitter
Rock Solid
Shield Cover
Kinetic Barrier
Magic Barrier


Action Type Element Description
Power of the Moon Buff Dark TBD
Guardian of the Night Buff Dark TBD
Armor Breaker Attack Dark TBD
Claw, Claw, Bite Attack Dark TBD
Beat Down Attack Dark TBD
Hurl to the Heavens Attack Dark TBD
Hunter's Rage Attack Dark TBD
Call to Darkness Debuff Dark TBD
Throw to the Moon Attack Dark TBD
Infectious Bite Attack Dark TBD
Limit Break Type Element Description
Howl to the Moon Buff Dark TBD
Berserker Rage Attack Dark TBD






Name Status Thoughts
(NPC Werewolf)
Father Hatred. Anger. Her thoughts regarding her father are nothing but a red haze of bloodlust and pain, coupled with a need for revenge.
(NPC Shadowlord)
Master The Shadow Lord who saved her life and gave her purpose. Once, she owed everything to him, but now, she wonders if he has abandoned her for the sake of his true daughter. The longer he is gone, the more she remembers, and the more she starts to worry what reason he had for saving her in the first place.
Skoll Ulfang Brother She has no idea he even exists, other than vague memories of a boy who was 'kind' to her, but some of her memories of the past are starting to re-surface with her Master's magic no longer suppressing her past.

Shadow Lords

Name Status Thoughts
Katyna Redsvaren Protective If there is anyone in this world that Hati might consider a friend, it is Katyna. The girl is foolish, willful, and has a tendency to get herself into trouble, but the wolf feels a protective, older-sisterly affection towards her. Even if half of the time her actions make Hati want to face-palm.
LEXUS Negative Intelligent and coldly logical. Once, he had her respect, but now she sees him as partially responsible for encouraging Katyna in her foolish task of antagonizing the VALKYRI leader. Such a decision doesn't fit her 'logic'.
Negaduck Irritated An ignorant, self-important, and ultimately foolish duck. I'll enjoy watching him hang himself.
Oswald Neutral Seems a bit too 'nice' to be a Shadow Lord, not terribly fond of how he got in the way.
Riku Curious The clever one - the plan maker. He may be the only other one trying to keep Katyna from hanging herself with her own quest for darkness. She doesn't quite understand what that 'ghost' was down in the Labyrinth, or why the boy seemed to have a change of heart after it. He seems like... a conflicted individual.
Seith Neutral He faced her in single combat and showed his strength, even if it does not come close to matching her own. He has a 'meddling' nature about her that irritates her at times, and she still holds to the belief that he is emotionally weak and scared to face the truth that: no matter how strong you are, you cannot save people from their fate.


Name Status Thoughts
Avira Respect The VALKYRI leader has shown herself to be quick to judge, but perhaps she is starting to see that things are not always what they seem. Hati doesn't claim to understand her relationship with Skoll, or how she became human again, but after seeing her lead her pack, the wolf-girl has a grudging respect for Avira.
Daniil Petrov Cautious He asks too many questions, and expects me to give up information like some fool. He may not be my enemy yet, but if he stands in my way again, I will not hold back.
Faruja Senra Curious Normally, she wouldn't have tolerated a threat to her life without making sure the fool died at her claws, but... for some reason Hati doesn't want the church-mouse's blood. She had seen his profession of love, and it confused her. It is something she wants for herself, but has no idea how to lay claim to someone's heart. Maybe if she can earn his trust, she can discover the secrets of it. But his kindness confuses her, making her want to be near him for more than just those selfish means.
Reize Seatlan Confused More than once, she has heard that he has a good heart, and she has already begun to see that it's true. He fought with some courage against her, even if it was futile. She is only beginning to understand the strength that he holds in order to lead so many. What is the power of that pendant of his, though? How did it show her the White Wolf? Why does he get flustered when she gets close?


Topsy Turvy Day January 6th, 2014 It's the Feast of Fools in La Cite Des Cloches - and everyone is invited to come and enjoy the carnival! But unbeknownst to our heroes, a Mad Witch plans on making the festivities far more true to their word than they ever could have known!
The Cloister of Phoenix October 4th, 2013 Heroes delve into the Cloister of Phoenix, only to find... platform puzzles.
Not As Planned September 12th, 2013 It was intended to be a grand day, a day of learning, of testing out new advances with Gummi Blocks. It doesn't go that way as the Undead have other plans, life can be a real Lich sometimes.
Relationship Drama August 14th, 2013 Hati and Faruja try to figure out where they stand after the situation with the Glabadosian Demon.
Strange Allies August 13th, 2013 Hati reaches out to Ramza after determining that she can no longer stand by and watch the Glabados Church act as a threat to those she loves.
Recognizing Darkness August 12th, 2013 A frustrated Hati decides to start Percival's training, introducing him to ways of recognizing darkness when he encounters it.
Her Brother's Advice August 5th, 2013 Stumbling on one another in Traverse Town, Hati and Skoll catch up on recent events and troubles.
Cathedral Confrontation August 4th, 2013 The 'heroes' face down the power of Father Barnabus and his chalice, hoping to free Faruja from it's baleful call.
Half Truths July 28th, 2013 Trying to save Faruja from himself, Hati tries to get him away from the Cathedral in order to keep him safe.
Coffee With a Side of Heartless July 26th, 2013 A tale of thievery, betrayal, coffee, and Heartless.
He Who Pulls the Strings July 20th, 2013 In search of those behind the plot that nearly killed Faruja... Hati, Will, and Ramza discover the man behind the scenes, pulling the strings.
A Well Needed Distraction July 12th, 2013 A chalice-obsessed Temple-knight gets a distraction from staring longingly at the object of his devotion.
Busy Lives of Ex-Evildoers June 18th, 2013 Hati and Katyna catch up about recent events.
Tangled Paths June 13th, 2013 On the hunt, Hati encounters a strange man who knows more than he seems.
A Hard Truth June 13th, 2013 Ramza reaches out to Hati, but what he reveals to her leaves the wolf a hard choice.
Cathedral Aftermath June 12th, 2013 After nearly dying, Faruja has a few concerned visitors.
Cathedral Chaos June 11th, 2013 The dedication of the Church's new Cathedral doesn't go quite according to plan.
Dark Cave of Wonders May 27th, 2013 The wolf catches the hunter! ...for some long overdue catching up.
A Mouse and a Wolf Walk Into a Bar April 29th, 2013 But instead of of being the start to a bad joke, it's just the start of Hati and Faruja catching up on recent events.
An Unlikely Mentor April 3rd, 2013 A troubled Gargoyle seeks out aid in controlling a curse.
Eye for an Eye: Confrontation March 12th, 2013 Together, Hati's friends and family fight against the dark force threatening her life.
Eye for an Eye: Sleepless Night March 7th, 2013 Late in the evening, Hati isn't able to sleep, so she tells Faruja a few dark truths to see if he would withdraw from helping her, or stay.
Eye for an Eye: Potions and Plans March 5th, 2013 Faruja and friends discover what happened to Hati, and make plans to rectify it.
Eye for an Eye: Guardian March 1st, 2013 After receiving the message from Katyna, Skoll goes to check on his sister.
Eye for an Eye: The Trap February 26th, 2013 A mysterious letter from her missing mentor sends Hati out to his rescue, but what she faces is something far, far worse.
Collateral Thinking. February 25th, 2013 A chance encounter with a strange woman gives Zeke clues as to the whereabouts of his mother.
Secrets and Flirtations February 22nd, 2013 Evja confronts Hati about her knowledge of the Viera's true identity. Inevitably, this leads to more flirting... somehow.
A Visitor in the Night February 20th, 2013 Faruja comes to call upon Hati at her 'residence', and the two have a 'heart to heart' over unicorn stew.
Those with Darkness February 20th, 2013 Hati and Katyna catch up after the events in the catacombs.
Maid Cafe: The Bacon Episode February 16th, 2013 The Shard Seekers and Valkyri put up a Maid Cafe for gaining some coin - for charity
Mist Crazed February 14th, 2013 Faruja and Hati stumble upon a certain Viera Judge, who seems to be acting like anything but.
Carrots, Red Doors, Dog Ears and Statues February 13th, 2013 Following a swift misconception regarding the Red Door in District 2, Hati and Evja share a lighthearted conversation regarding food, life and statues.
Inheritance February 7th, 2013 A mysterious thief is stealing powerful holy relics from the Traverse Church, and murdering those who try to stop him/her. VALKYRIE is once again called into action to stop the mysterious robber, however, the story takes a sudden surprise twist!
Mark Hunt: Bloodwing February 5th, 2013 With the draw of a bounty on Bloodwing, Hati and Faruja head into a long-abandoned temple buried beneath the sands in search of fortune, but find something else, instead.
Bloodline's Howl January 29th, 2013 Skoll meets his sister after his getting found - and leaving the Valkyri HQ.
Relaxation and Stress January 20th, 2013 While searching for her brother, Hati makes a pit stop at the Shard Seekers to drop off a few things with Faruja, then gives him a demonstration of one of her potions which leads to both relaxation, and renewed stress.
Haunted Hearts January 17th, 2013 VALKYRIE and their allies investigate a series of hauntings in the Traverse Town church. While Maira and Aerith discover friendly ghosts and a heartless preying on the dead, parts of Katyna's mysterious history are revealed..
A Test of Strength January 15th, 2013 Hati drops in on Reize to follow up on her test of his strength. Of course, things don't ever go according to plan.
What Personal Space? January 14th, 2013 In search of her brother, Hati comes to the Shard Seeker's HQ, where she encounters Faruja, and challenges him to show her the power of love and light. *ehem*
Blink Fight: FK Style January 6th, 2013 It's time for Blink Fight: FK Style. Place your bets place your bets. Spend your munny. Spend your munny. Whose going to win this dastardly and emotional conflict? Words are said. Blows are thrown. FK runs on piefaces.
The Perils of Ronda Unstoppabelle! January 6th, 2013 Ron Unstoppable is being pursued by the terrifying King Powerwild! Can VALKYRI and friends stop it? And who is this mysterious Ronda that has come to help?
A Watching Eye January 1st, 2013 Seith walks in on Hati performing a bit of her own 'magic', but the two do not exactly hit it off like fireworks, even if they do manage a reasonable conversation.
Musings of a Dark Heart December 30th, 2012 Katyna and Hati converse about darkness.
A Second Howl December 20th, 2012 Skoll howls in search of his sister.
Advice from an Unlikely Source December 18th, 2012 After having her brain addled by an overgrown pot, Hati has time for a word with Avira, only to give the mutate some unlikely advice.
Secret Waterways December 15th, 2012 An infestation of Pot Centipedes has made their lair in the waterways underneath and around Traverse Town. VALKYRI (plus special guest Hati!) investigates the maze underneath the city of Traverse and puts a stop to them and the bandit using them to plunder the poor Manhattan refugees.
A Fateful Meeting December 13th, 2012 Hati and Skoll finally meet!
A Heartless Beast December 11th, 2012 The Shadow Lord's errand-girl comes to Traverse town to witness the fallout of the attack on Manhattan, only to be confronted by the Templar Faruja Senra and his companion, Synestria. Of course, both find it easier to blame her than to see the darkness within every heart.

Note: This scene has been slightly modified from the original to remove a couple of lines that caused some consent issues.

The Forgotten December 9th, 2012 Before the Shadow Lords reach the vault, an Abnormality shows up.
A Well Read Meeting December 7th, 2012 Seith and Hati meet for the first time and feel eachother out in a battle of wits and strength.
The Silent Moon November 29th, 2012 Hati and Katyna meet.
The Wolf Hunts The Boy November 21st, 2012 Watching for the Shard Seekers, Hati lurked around for their leader, Reize Seatlan. In the midst of his shopping, she cornered him, pressing for information.
Escape from Fluorgis October 30th, 2012 While trying to make a stealthy escape from Flourgis, Avira runs into dark and questioning werewolf, who she assumes is part of the Khamja, only to discover that there is no love between the wolf and the assassin clan.
Following the 'Enemy' October 28th, 2012 Daniil tries to interrupt a Heartless attack on Luca, but ends up being a few minutes too late. Instead, he ends up dragged through a portal into a shadowy world where he faces one of the Shadow Lords' minions.
A Gathering of Lords October 16th, 2012 The Shadowlords gather to discuss puppies, orphanages and other nefarious plans.


Hati's Mini Hellhound October 18th, 2012 What does an evil werewolf do when given a puppy to eat as a snack?