Property:Recent Events

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Pages using the property "Recent Events"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Seifer Almasy +The weak should kneel before the strong, and in their shadow, be protected.  +
Seith +Seith has been rather busy with recruiting new Shadow Lords and trying to get his hands on Princesses of Heart.  +
Seloria Delacreaux +Recently arrived in ... well, the World of Ruin.  +
Serah Farron +Woke up from Crystal Slumber in Eden. Lost.  +
Setzer Gabbiani +Got a genderbend courtesy of Echo. Should get back to normal.  +
Seymour Guado +After his Defeat on Mt.Gagazet Seymour returned to Yevon, biding his time reinforcing his power as the game changes dramatically. New worlds and new monsters plague the land yet he's still obsessed with two things Yuna and Sin. Seymour stands ready to welcome new individuals to the faith of Yevon, hiding his true face behind his religion and he may bring the Teachings of Yevon to all worlds.  +
Shadow +Wandering through a forest of phantoms to seal a banshee.  +
Shiki Misaki +I have a keyblade now. Keyblades are cool.  +
Sköll Ulfang +Having lost the darkness within his heart, the werewolf tries to find his place in life anew.  +
Sophia Dawnshade +Still trying to get used to the strange new world(s).  +
Sora +Helping save Manhattan!  +
Souji Murasame +Establishing corporate dominance.  +
Squall Leonhart +Probably playing cards somewhere.  +
Stitch +Currently, Portal Hopping in search of Lilo.  +
Sydney Losstarot +Playing games. The mind kind.  +


TRON +Find the User Alan, and TRON will not be far.  +
Teta +Found out there are other worlds, walked across the desert for three weeks, arrived in Agrabah and met Gerad Iron Fogair.  +
Thirza Ingersleben +Getting unlost on the airship.  +
Tifa Lockhart +Hades Games... Well, worth a try!  +
Tyrin Marius +Rustling up some heretics.  +


Ulharisk +Trying to find his place, his people, and clues if his world even still remains...  +
Uzuki Yashiro +Now that the rules of the Game have changed, Uzuki Yashiro is determined to capitalize on the chaos by using the world portals to erase as many Players as she can.  +


Valencia +VALKYRI member, researching heartless  +
Vara Toruv +Just what kind of crazy worlds /did/ get connected, anyways?  +
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