
From Final Kingdom MUSH
Revision as of 01:55, 22 September 2012 by Raenas (Talk | contribs)

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Riku pic.png
Age 15
Species Human
Sex Male
Height 5' 8"
Weight 165
Series Kingdom Hearts
Combat Styles Quickstrike, Dark Valor
Hometown Destiny Island
Group Shadow Lords
Occupation/Job Wanderer
Force: Forces of Ruin
Theme Song Treasure Planet - I'm Still Here
“Giving up already? C'mon.. I thought you were stronger than that.”
Recent Events
Riku:Recent Events

A calm and collected boy with a wry sense of humor, Riku is a wanderer from a tranquil world and both piece and player in a far reaching game between multiple evils. He keeps his own council and has been many things; A rival, a storyteller and manipulator, a chosen one no longer chosen, a friend searching the far horizons for familiar faces. He is a knight whose heart has slipped over the edge of dusk, an adventurer searching the worlds for those he cares for at any cost, blinded to the consequences of his actions. Whatever path he chooses, it never quite seems to plunge into the deepest darkness, or even wind back towards the light he left behind.

Skills: Never Piss off the Deuteragonist, I will Fear No Darkness, Self-Justification for Fun and Profit, Dark is not Evil, Power Corrupts, Ultimate Power is Pretty Nifty, Save Vs Will, Broken Ace, Suspicious Minds, Jumped at The Call, but It Refused Him, Snark Knight, Surrounded By A Thirty Xanatos Pileup, Takes Notes, Mysterious Big Brother Instinct, Also Aloof Parkour Guy, Shops At Faustian Bargains Warehouse, Multiple Boss Fight Mileage Card, Well Intentioned Extremist,


Potential Keyblade Wielder: Handed down the ability due to the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony given to him in his youth by the warrior Terra, Riku has the potential to wield a keyblade. However, due to the events of Destiny Island the keyblade that was to be his went instead to Sora. Riku will have to earn his own.

Swordsmanship: Obsessed with other worlds outside his own, Riku strained at the boundaries of his island home. He has practiced and competed endlessly, becoming the best swordsman within his island community. Whether this distinction holds up in the sea of stars outside is a matter of debate.

Strong Willed: With obsessions comes a certain bloody minded stubbornness. Riku has a strong and narrowly focused will, doing whatever it takes to grow stronger and complete his objectives. The powers of darkness that he gains from Maleficient and other scions of darkness do not automatically overwhelm him due to this powerful will.

Powers of Darkness: Hanging around with the wrong end of the alignment spectrum will do this, but originally these powers were granted to him by Maleficient and they grow with time and practice, rooting themselves deeper into his character with each usage. His will prevents him from succumbing too easily to the powerful call of dark magic, but it's entirely too easy to slip into bad habits when desperate and needing an edge.

Disguise: Riku tends to want to blend into whatever place he finds himself as quickly as he can. This is aided by portal magic as well as his powers of general observation, but also because he does not want to be recognized when the things he must accomplish are of a necessarily dark nature.

Parkour: Also known as free running, this ability to navigate urban spaces allows him to quickly traverse rough terrain without difficulty and escape capture or notice even in an unfamiliar environment. It also represents new angles of attack and defense when he may drop down from the roof of a building, leap a fence or drop down into a courtyard without hurting himself. This ability is lessened but still apparent in open terrain.

Sketching: He keeps a journal of his drawings and experiences that he has been adding to over the years. The first couple of pages are drawings of Destiny Island while notes and drawings of other places follow in it's wake. With practice, Riku has become somewhat proficient at drawing, especially in the drawing of people and architecture. The journal also functions as a scrapbook of sorts, containing notes and pieces of memorable material that can be caught within its battered pages.

Storytelling: Ever since the idea of other worlds caught in his consciousness, Riku has been spinning tales about how they ultimately must be like. Worlds of searing heat and bitter cold. The imagination is a playground in which reality has no particular say in the matter. Although the reality does not entirely match the fantasy, Riku continues to read and to tell stories with an ease of practice and an anecdotal style that combines many fragments into a larger whole.


Stat Performance
Stats Rating
Magical Attack Power Below Average
Physical Attack Power Above Average
Physical Accuracy Above Average
Magical Accuracy Average
Magical Evasion Good
Physical Evasion Amazing
Physical Defense Average
Magical Defense Average
  • Warning: Stat margin of error greater than expected. Approach target with caution.



Allies Maleficent, Will Sherman, Mercade Alexander, Merilan Yursalin
Acquaintances Tifa Lockhart Shiki Masaki, Deidra, Reize Seatlan,
Princesses Jasmine, Rapunzel, Belle,
Others Gilgamesh, David Xanatos, Priel Aylin


Name Faction Affiliation Summary
Will Sherman Twilight Detective Agency Wandering Force Will Sherman, the man who sees connections and can punch the luck out of anything. A detective who agreed to help Riku find his friends when they met in Manhattan after a major convergence of events dumped multiple people out into Central Park.
Mercade Alexander Twilight Detective Agency Info goes here.
Merilan Yursalin World-Hopping Journalism! Info goes here.


Name Affiliation Summary
Tifa Lockhart Forces of Restoration No Available Data
Shiki Masaki Wandering Force ---
Reize Seatlan Forces of Restoration ---
Deidra Wandering Force ---


Name Affiliation Summary
None None No Available Data


Name Area Summary
Jasmine Agrabah No Available Data
Rapunzel Sunburst Kingdom No Available Data
Belle French Countryside No Available Data


Name Affiliation Summary
None None No Available Data