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He looks a little different right now.
Age Approximately late 20's
Species Program (can appear Human)
Sex Male
Height 6'2"
Weight Unknown
Series Tron
Combat Styles Gamebreaker
Hometown The Grid
Occupation/Job Security Program
Force: Forces of Restoration
Theme Song David Guetta feat. Afrojack - Lunar
"I fight for the Users."
Recent Events
Find the User Alan, and TRON will not be far.


Originally created as a self-monitoring security program for Dataspace and a survivor of the infamous Games, TRON has become the icon of resistance in The Grid against the darkness both within and without. He is friendly but cautious in more peaceful times, seldom letting his guard down even in casual conversation, and his lack of interaction with Users doesn't help. On the battlefield, his iron will and keen focus compliments his powerful attacks and solid defense. His sole wish is to secure a safer future for programs and Users alike, and he will drive towards that goal no matter where it takes him.




TRON was created by Alan Bradley, a computer programmer under the employ of ENCOM. Designed from the start to be a Security Program, his core programming revolved around a simple parameter: protect his sector of the Grid and its Programs from any threat from within or without; and quarantine or neutralize any threat detected.

He revered the Users as gods as most Programs do, but it did not take long to shatter such naivety. He saw what happened to Programs when Users damaged them--changes to personality, mental and physical instability, sometimes outright rampancy. And it was his responsibility to stop them, usually via deletion or 'deresolution'. At first, he thought it was just part of the job... until he noticed the Users would just create a new Program to replace the one he had gotten rid of. They were tools left to the whim of their programmers, who did not--could not--know what effect their mistakes had on their creations. Even TRON himself was subject to occasional code errors, improper modifications and the like. Fortunately, Alan-One (his own creator) was usually quick in amending such things.

During this timeframe, he met and began working alongside an administrative Program named Yori. She helped monitor the Grid, taking requests for help and transferring data to TRON if he needed it. They worked very well together, she the dispatcher he the police officer, and both had a particular fondness for each other that Users may call 'love'. It was also around this time that Master Control, often times called the MCP, was installed as System Administrator. All was well... for a time... but TRON kept getting this nagging feeling in his code that something wasn't right with the distant red beacon at the core of the system.

Everything changed one cycle. TRON was set to be User-promoted to full System Monitor, able to protect and enforce order throughout the whole Grid--even above the MCP itself. But the MCP acted before Alan-One did, taking over TRON's sector and arresting the Security Program for 'User belief' and 'subverting the Administrator's authority'. Instead of derezzing or assimilating TRON, the MCP instead handed him over to SARK and threw him into the Games.

TRON almost went rampant at first--separated from Yori and Alan-One, quarantined from the Grid, unable to fulfill his core function. In order to keep himself calm, he created his own personal form of resistance by way of a secondary parameter. Though he did not believe in the divinity of Users, he refused to deny their existence and would fight on in their name. It became a mantra by which he became known, his power and survival in the Games reaching legendary proportions to the Grid populace. He met RAM, a devout User-believer whose faith in their creators was unshaken despite the circumstances, and the cell-mates became fast friends. CROM, a data-pusher with a far more logical view of the Users' existence, was tossed in with them and continued to survive the Games despite TRON writing him off early on. TRON unknowingly used them as his support, living reminders of why he must keep fighting.

Then, one cycle, TRON heard a whisper--a voice he didn't recognize. This voice, this 'Flynn', hacked into his core and uploaded information, too much for his body to handle. His system crashed from the strain, and when he rebooted he found a strange white ring locked in his Disc, which acted like a Disc itself. Somehow, he knew what this meant, knew what to do--and taking CROM and RAM with him, he broke out of the Games and led all who would follow out with him. They organized, spread out, called others to his cause as a resistance against the tyranny of the MCP--

--only for the Darkness and the Heartless to invade.

They fought, everyone rallying together regardless of alliance to repel these strange beings, but it was a narrow if pyrrhic victory. RAM and CROM disappeared in the Darkness, many sectors fragmenting into nothingness, and TRON himself disappeared from public eye. He was still there, still fighting, still resisting, but he allowed rumors of his deresolution to prevail. It allowed him to follow the MCP's movements, evaluate the overall situation, and figure out how to end it. When the strange portal called 'Flynn's Arcade' suddenly appeared, TRON was initially uncertain what to make of it until Programs started to go through and not return--including the MCP itself.

TRON immediately slipped through the portal himself, intending to stop the MCP but finding himself in a whole new world instead. The User world of Manhattan was unlike anything he had ever seen, and he lost track of the MCP in his confusion. In fact, everything went downhill from there. The digitizing laser, the only way back home, was stolen. Manhattan itself fell to Darkness and he was shunted into Traverse Town. Now fully understanding what happens if the Darkness wins, he carefully evaluated the situation and came to a final decision to adapt to his situation:

Protect the world he is in and its inhabitants, wherever it may be, from threats both within and without. Fight for Users who cannot defend themselves, and fight with Users who stand against the Darkness.


  • TRON's personality has two sides depending on the circumstances under which you happen to meet him. He can also switch between the two at the drop of a hat should circumstances change.
  • If you meet him under social circumstances, he is as friendly as the next person. He laughs easily and seems to truly enjoy the peaceful moments, but he never fully drops his guard and there is sometimes a visible sadness in his eyes. He usually avoids talking about his past, where he comes from, or anything else that could be considered 'personal'.
  • If you meet him in combat, he is all business. He doesn't usually make small talk to allies or adversaries, and his eyes glow when his whole focus is devoted to ending the fight as quickly as possible. The VERY keenly perceptive may realize he has 'locked away his heart' in order to fully focus on the task at hand.


  • Within The Grid: His appearance in the original TRON movie and Kingdom Hearts.
  • Outside The Grid: He has three options, the scene determining his choice. He has been known to combine forms, such as activating his White Suit while still wearing human clothes.
  1. Standard: The white suit from TRON:Uprising. This is his default form out of The Grid and his circuitry lines cannot be turned off.
  2. Infiltration: The black suit from TRON:Evolution and TRON:Legacy. The 'helmet' may or may not be activated, and he can turn off the glowing circuitry lines at will. He may also have a voice synthesizer to further hide his identity.
  3. User: Going by the alias 'Alan', he wears human clothing and glasses to mask the Program 'body-suit' unique to his race as much as possible. He is usually in Infiltration form with offline circuitry lines under the clothes unless otherwise stated.
  • Examples: KH-Tron.jpg TRON White Suit.jpg Tron2.png TRON Helmeted.jpg
  • New appearances based on different worlds shall be posted soon!
  • Also, it appears he has 'rescued' a Bit from CHIEF's tank-attack as of 1/20/13. It may show up at random in scenes in the future.



Name Status Thoughts
Yori Love "I still hope despite hope. May you be safe, somehow..."
RAM Blood Brother "You were my best friend and closest comrade. I don't know what happened to you after the Darkness came, but I hope your faith in the Users is still unshaken."
CROM Comrade "I thought you would not survive the Games, but you endured and escaped with me. Did the Darkness take you with RAM? Or do you still endure?"
Alan-One Reverence "My User, I need your guidance more than ever. But until we can reach each other, I will do everything I can."


Name Status Thoughts
Kevin Flynn Cautious "Your help allowed me to escape The Games and finally make my stand against the MCP. I do not know whether I should thank you for it or be angry with you for hacking my code."
Deelel Trust "You were right about everything you've warned me about. You have fought in my place long enough, now it is my turn to fight in yours."
Faruja Senra Uncertain "You are a strange one. I'm not even sure if I can classify you as a User. But you aren't a bad person, not to my knowledge."
CADUCEUS Developing Trust "A medical Program who only wants to heal others. I believe he will fight with me, but time will tell if he has the heart to match."
Avira Friendly "The leader of VALKYRI, a User who has been through much and become stronger for it. I will help her cause however I can... but I hope I don't cause her more problems."
Maira Friendly "There is something about this User that puts me at ease. A warmth, a light--I cannot explain it. I only know she is an example of a User I fight for."
CAPGRAS Confused "I do not know how to classify her. She seeks a heart to complete herself, but she believes taking from others will piece it together for her. There has to be another way, but how can I prove her wrong?"
Ping Neutral "Your heart is in the right place, but I get this sense you're trying too hard. Is that part of being human?"
Emi Dennou Curious "They are Users physically, but they speak like a Program. It's strange, but not in a bad way? I've never met anyone like them. It's difficult to keep track of who-is-whom, though."


Name Status Thoughts
LEXUS Loathing "Dangerous is not a strong enough word for this Virus. Currently the largest threat to both the Users and The Grid."
CHIEF Wary "A broken Program. His hatred of Users is understandable, after what his various Users did to him, but you cannot blame all Users for the actions of a select few. I do not want to count you as an enemy, but I see no other option if you continue your current path."
MCP Anger/Frustration "You took everything from me in The Grid, 'SARGON', and you used me for your own gain in the User world. Now circumstances keep forcing me to work with you for the sake of the Grid! Just what kind of game are you playing at, and why are you keeping me functioning?"


Answers August 12th, 2013 Beck leads TRON to the Renegade's hideout located deep in the Outlands outside Argon City, both seeking answers to the questions that plague them.
Welcome To The Grid August 7th, 2013 After weeks of work, Beck has finally repaired the laser. However something goes horribly wrong. The moment the laser is powered, it starts digitizing every single person in the room. At long last the programs have returned home however? Can they get their user friends out alive?!
A Glitch August 3rd, 2013 Deelel is exploring Game Central and since she has got into trouble when she's gone off alone. So she checks in and when a check in is missed? She missed it because the natives of the game thought she was very confused native of their game. Thankfully people come looking for her as well as others looking into dangerous things doing on for there are Cybugs on the lose in Space Paranoids. Worse one of the bugs eat one of the local tanks.
Wrecking the End of Line July 11th, 2013 Maleficent seeks to summon a powerful evil to the End of Line club. What she gets? Is very unexpected however the target of her summoning is very well going to wreck the club if our heroes can't talk him down or stop him! Mayhem and also cake ensues!
Plastic Is Friend June 25th, 2013 Someone has gone shopping and bought some new stuff. TRON is not overly amused, but isn't to upset either.
...Arcade Is June 21st, 2013 Continues directly after Home Is Where The...

After everything calms down, TRON and Deelel finally get some information out of the mysterious Program who wears TRON's suit.

Home Is Where The... June 20th, 2013 TRON gets ready to hook up the server that was once taken from Flynn's Arcade and gets the computer ready. What he and others don't know is what is about to take place when its all said and done...
Computer Shopping June 19th, 2013 In order to utilize the digitizing laser, TRON and Deelel need to rebuild a computer to run the software and Avira joins them on their search for parts. The irony of Programs building a computer is not lost on anyone.
Steam Cleaning June 13th, 2013 TRON and Deelel work on cleaning up Flynn's arcade to get it operation again and for their next big project. Building a digitizing laser...also Maira is troubled by events that are a mystery to both basics...
Informational Reboot June 7th, 2013 TRON refuses to let Deelel back into the Arcade until he's certain that he knows what Datapoint Security did to her. Her explanation gives him more data than he'd bargained for and confirms his deepest fears.
Dot D D L Two Point O June 3rd, 2013 The goods are now in hand. It is time to let the poor little Media program out. After all. A deal is a deal.
Digital Diplomacy, Pt. 2 May 29th, 2013 After a long week or so of hard work, TRON reaches the last computer in ShinRa's network. Will technical difficulties keep him from getting the information he needs?
Digital Diplomacy May 19th, 2013 TRON needs the original digitizing laser and computer back in order to free Deelel from Datapoint Security custody. Problem is, the original system is in ShinRa custody...
Code Repair April 26th, 2013 In the aftermath of the attack on VALKYRI HQ, TRON is left with damage that can't be healed with magic, potions, or time. Fortunately, he happens to know a medical Program who can help...
Endless Vigil April 26th, 2013 Maira tries to get away from the Dark Knight, finds herself locked in a tower surrounded by Guardians.
Grendel Attacks April 23rd, 2013 VALKYRI's carefully planned party is rudely interrupted by an attacking monster.
Advanced Warning April 15th, 2013 What one does when there is common enemy. With new information in hand (or on Disc), TRON decides to brave the lion's den to warn his worst enemy of Something (worse than) Wicked This Way Comes.
Accessing Archive Data... April 13th, 2013 Time for a refresher on TRON-verse before the big TP. Kick back and enjoy the show of OOC meets IC! Or.. is it IC meets ooc? Either way - NEW TRON INFO HERE
Knock Knock April 10th, 2013 The Dark Knight decides its time to go pay a visit to a 'family'. Battle ensues and turn of events change the set.
Getting Caught up April 4th, 2013 Deelel has moved back into the Arcade and an very old friend comes to catch up and check the place out. The pair talk, ideas are brought up and a plan is made.
Java Break March 21st, 2013 CHIEF invites TRON to a small cafe for a chat. Explosions do not ensue.
Healing Downtime March 13th, 2013 Avira taken by Hades, her friends and allies gather to recover before embarking to find her.
The Final Shard March 8th, 2013 Time to go visit a friend of Merlin's for the real answer of where the Spirit Shard is - Mama Odie. Yet can this Voodoo Priestess really help them? Or will it just be another wild goose chase?
Shard Packing With Merlin?? March 7th, 2013 Time to go find the last shard! Everyone gather together because we are hitting up Merlin's. Yet what they will find out, isn't what they were hoping for...
Dinner with CHIEF March 5th, 2013 CHIEF invites VALKYRI to dinner. Surely nothing will go wrong.
Fruit and Entering February 21st, 2013 Valkyri HQ gets a visit from a most unexpected guest - FRUIT-MAN!!
Summoning of The Fiend: Earth February 14th, 2013 Morrighan, acting under her own machinations, sets about creating a network of magic draining glyphs, all leading to the Iifa Tree. With a little help from a magic artifact, she performs a ritual to summon a dark force to her side. Needless to say, many take issue with this notion.
Communication Error February 13th, 2013 You'd think TRON would learn not to seek out certain Programs for face-to-face conversations. It never ends well, and this time is no different...
Boneyard Shuffle February 10th, 2013 Shard UNLOCK! --- A massive undead mammoth shuffles about and inconviences the party. Guest starring Shenzai, Banzai and Ed. --Welcome to the Pride Lands.
Shopping Spree February 9th, 2013 TRON decides to go clothes shopping and takes Avira with him. Turns out other Programs had the same idea...
Bandit King Takes No Arrows To The Knee February 8th, 2013 Love, Bandits, and Soup! ..oh and a dragon (really)
Armoring Up January 29th, 2013 Avira and TRON go shopping to get the Program a suit of World of Ruin armor. While they're out, information long overdue is exchanged between comrades.
Walls of Wind January 26th, 2013 Sandstorms have begun to regularly beset the walls of Fluorgis, and the massive sandworms that thread their way through the surrounding desert have entered a state of heightened agitation, making caravan travel all but impossible and rendering the famous fountain city nearly besieged. What with all the troubles that have arisen, no one knows how long the map etched upon the newborn Desert Rose will remain valid, or even to what it leads. Yet the Shard Seekers' new (and somewhat dubious) shard-seeking device indicates that the map is no ruse, and may lead to something precious indeed. Could the Desert Rose somehow hold the key to saving Fluorgis in its time of dire need? A brave group of adventurers set out to ruins deep in the desert, through hordes of monsters and terrible walls of wind, to discover what treasure lies in wait. But even Sandworms may be the least of their problems, as the darkness gathers...
A celebration at VALKYRI January 24th, 2013 Maira throws a surprise party for Avira to celebrate her win in the race and qualifying for the Hades Cup!
Program Conflict January 24th, 2013 Datapoint Security. Where a mind is a terrible thing to crash.
Common Ground January 23rd, 2013 Common ground -- the point where people of opposite perspectives find themselves in agreement. It is as strange to Programs as it is to humans...
Election Night January 21st, 2013 Election Night proceedings grow heated and explosive. Tempers flare. Llama blandishments are thrown. Also. HAMMER TIME. Hail to the CHIEF.
Alignment of Function January 6th, 2013 Ah. Suspicions, especially if they cannot be proven-- are a burden and a tool only to ones enemies. Of course, there is nothing like a dance of words to try and further clarify and or obfuscate the issue. Enemies perhaps even find common elements in a chaotic situation.
New Years After Explosions January 3rd, 2013 CHIEF decides to throw his own after New Years party in Traverse Town. The locals have come to take part in the 'celebration'.
Recalibration January 1st, 2013 Deelel is overwhelmed by the Users and their world(s), as well as her role in past events. TRON helps her work through it the best he can.
Digital Natives December 30th, 2012 Avira finally finds a technician to fix VALKYRI's computers.
Manhattan Restoration: Merlin's Invitation December 27th, 2012 After fending off an attack from Mad Madam Mim, heroes are gathered to hear Merlin's tidings of comfort and joy, or at least tidings of 'not all hope is lost, now go out and kicks ome ass.'
Digital guardians December 26th, 2012 CADUCEUS discovers an addition to one of the murals and ends up meeting TRON. Deelel shows up later.
J for Java December 24th, 2012 CHIEF is hanging out in Wildcat's Cafe. He meets a few faces and makes a new 'friend'.
System Update December 18th, 2012 After getting Faruja to somewhere he can sleep his drinks off Deelel and TRON go to the Wild Katt to talk and catch up on what's going on with both of them and their home on the Grid
Lost and Found December 17th, 2012 Faruja and Deelel meet up in a Tavern in Cornelia to catch up on things and later head to Traverse Town and encounter certain missing champion of both Basics and the Users.


Overclocked July 8th, 2013 Takes place after ...Arcade Is but before Plastic Is Friend

A moment of private introspection forces TRON to face reality, no matter how little it makes sense.

Wishful Thinking February 12th, 2013 While seeking information, TRON has a close encounter with old friends. Or does he?
Afraid December 24th, 2012 Alan evaluates his current situation and the future.