Log Characters
Faruja Senra +
, Katyna +
, Deelel +
, Vespa +
, Aerith +
, Maleficent +
, Chita +
, Helena Celba +
, Freya Crescent +
Log Date
11 October 2013 +
Log Location
Burmecia +
Log Synopsis
Maleficent follows up on rumors of a divin … Maleficent follows up on rumors of a divining bell located within the ruins of Burmecia. Some of those who are there for various reasons take offense to this. A long lost relic of Burmecia is returned, and Freya departs with it in search of something lost.parts with it in search of something lost. +
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Roleplay Logs +
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12 October 2013 16:19:25 +