Ivo Galvan

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Ivo Galvan
Seizui ivo.png
Dashing? I'm in no hurry.
Age 20
Species Human
Sex Male
Height 5'10"
Weight 150 lbs
Series Original
Combat Styles Galvan Sword Dance
Hometown Cosmopolis
Group Shard Seekers
Occupation/Job Knight-Errant
Force: Wandering Force
Theme Song Dawn of Mana OST - The Fool's Dance (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7beJUxkXkYo)
"As anticipated... more or less."
Recent Events
With the Shard Seekers united in Fluorgis, Ivo sets about the tasks of getting their headquarters in order and acquiring sufficient resources to be recognized as an official Clan, with access to the Fire Crystal, so that he can forge a device capable of detecting World Shards.


Blue-cloaked swordsman of serious mind and playful countenance, Ivo’s curiosity and fundamental kindness belie the determination with which he pursues the shards of worlds lost to darkness -- and his ambivalence toward the prospect of finding his own. Once the young governor of a lower-tier borough within the spiring citadel Cosmopolis, a military academy graduate in the magical sciences and scion of a family which won its nobility in war, his duties and titles have been stripped of all significance. Seemingly having set his past aside, he puts his talents to use to protect his friends and forge his own path, wielding the Orbital Blade Hauteclare in the gravity-defying style his father once mastered. Yet though outwardly urbane and often easy-going, he is troubled by his own dispassion toward his cause, and in his darker moments wonders if his world’s sad fate was not, after all, what he had always wished for.

Skills: Reize's Older Brother Figure Du Jour, a Gentleman and a Scholar, Panache is My Middle Name, Exposition is My Other Middle Name, a Sword Worthy of Gilgamesh, The Power of Science -- is Limited, Are You Sure You're a Knight?, Gallant is Also a Noun, Hope's Bright Light, Guilt's Long Shadow


The sword dance of the Orbital Blade, passed down to Ivo from his recently deceased father, is a peculiar and difficult-to-master technique which relies upon tremendous precision and cunning and can offer the overwhelming advantage of surprise. Hauteclare is a normal, if extremely well-crafted, longsword in the hands of an average wielder, but it is forged of a highly conductive metal and, most importantly, it is possible through a hidden switch in the pommel to detach its blade from its hilt.

Through the occult technology of Ivo’s home world and his own magic, Hauteclare’s blade may be suspended in midair and allowed to dance separately from the hilt. This requires great concentration and dexterity, which Ivo possesses in spades, as well as the endurance to maintain such unbroken focus. At his best, he can even fight along with his sword, punching with the hilt while the blade attacks from another direction; by cleverly attacking from impossible angles, he is capable of physically debilitating his foes in a variety of ways. But he tends to fight normally – with blade and hilt attached – until finding the right opportunity to surprise his adversary with his dancing blade, as using it hastily can expose him to very strong or very swift opponents, who might be able to smash through or sneak past his technique.

Thus, he tends to be a patient fighter, using counter-attacks and reversals and trying not to be overwhelmed until he can unbalance or expose the weak point of his opponent, and then strike with devastating accuracy. Furthermore, Ivo possesses a limited ability to channel the sorcerous energies of light and darkness and, due to his training with Hauteclare, can exert some control over the forces of gravity, but he lacks much native talent in magic, and has instead adapted those skills so as to further refine his ability to hinder his adversaries. By channeling the power of light through Hauteclare, he can purge his foes of beneficial magic, and by channeling darkness, he can seal their body’s capacity to be healed.

More generally, Ivo is a relatively gifted strategic thinker, and his inventiveness lends itself to innovations on and off the battlefield. In a predicament where usual tactics fail, he is often the first to think of a new approach to fighting and quick to inform his allies, helping himself and others to change mindsets swiftly when circumstances demand it. He is not above manipulating his opponents through provocation and misdirection, but though these are the moments when he is at his most playful, he takes no particular pleasure in making a mockery of his foes.

Outside of his own world, most of what he learned as an engineer of magical technology no longer seems to apply, and in some respects he has been forced to start from scratch, with many of his new experiments failing. Yet he retains the ability to learn different crafting techniques quickly, and over time his inventions – such as, say, one built to detect the presence of World Shards – will become more functional. Someday he might make a mean Gummi Ship.


Stat Performance
Stats Rating
Physical Attack Power Above Average
Magical Attack Power Below Average
Physical Accuracy Amazing
Magical Accuracy Average
Physical Evasion Average
Magical Evasion Average
Physical Defense Above Average
Magical Defense Average


Allies Reize Seatlan, Lily, Shiki Misaki, Lenn, Faruja Senra, Riku, Skoll Ulfang
Adversaries Priel Aylin, Quistis Trepe, Avira
Acquaintances Raiya Fujihara, Maira, Mercade Alexander, Auron, Aurora, Zeke, Jack Skellington, Merilan Yursalin, Viola, Sabin Rene Figaro, Yuna, Beatrix, Vespa
Affection Reize Seatlan, Raiya Fujihara, Quistis Trepe, Priel Aylin, Riku


Name Status Thoughts
Reize Seatlan Trust (+3) "You've exceeded even my expectations. Let's seek some shards, chief. I'm here for you... and I'll be counting on you, too."
Lily Fondness (+2) "You're a good girl, Lily. Shall we explore this new world side by side?"
Shiki Misaki Fondness (+2) "I can only tease you so much. Believe in yourself, Shiki. You contribute so much. Besides, if you aren't confident enough to compete with them, where's the fun?"
Lenn Affinity (+1) "So charming! But a little literal-minded. I'll need Reize if I'm going to make you blush more."
Faruja Senra Respect (+2) "I think you and I are going to get along very well, Ser Knight, as long as you don't notice when I make fun of you. Aheh... but that conviction of yours... is real, isn't it? I wonder how you... never mind."
Riku Ambivalence (+0) "I don't trust you, but I do respect you. Whoever you are, kid, you're tough, and I'm glad you care about Reize."
Skoll Ulfang Respect (+2) "You've got guts, Ulfang. Thanks for protecting Lily. I'm still keeping a ball in my pocket, though."


Name Status Thoughts
Priel Aylin Respect (+2) "'Priel', is it? Not that I trust you, but-- I'm glad I read you right."
Quistis Trepe Ambivalence (+0) "Worm? Who's a worm? I'm not... I'm not a worm. ...You're not going to tell anyone, are you?"
Avira Aversion (-1) "Well, now. This 'rivalry' is going to be far more entertaining than I anticipated. Shall I lay you down again next time, my sweet? ...But still, what an obnoxiously persistent woman!"


Name Status Thoughts
Raiya Fujihara Trust (+3) "You esteem my honor, my loyalty, my kind heart -- and I'm beginning to believe you. It'll be an honor to train under you, Sensei. Of course, aheh, I'll teach you everything I know as well... Asteria."
Maira Fondness (+2) "What a charming beauty. Teasing you would be fun even if Avira weren't there to snarl so cutely. I'll have to put some thought into this outfit. Oh, yes."
Mercade Alexander Respect (+2) "I like this guy. I have a feeling we'll be working together more in the future -- and I have high hopes for the results."
Auron Respect (+2) "I can't say I like how he sees right through me, but he seems a formidable and reliable man. Now that I've found Yuna, could I persuade him to fight alongside us?"
Aurora Ambivalence (+0) "I promised I'd help you. I just-- the thought of restoring all the worlds unsettles me. Aren't some things better this way...?"
Zeke Affinity (+1) "I really want to know where he came from... or rather, I want to visit. What all does he carry around in that coat of his, anyway?"
Jack Skellington Ambivalence (+0) "As charming as he is terrifying. Not that I was scared. I mean, I was scared for the girl, but I wasn't-- /scared/ scared."
Merilan Yursalin Affinity (+1) "She's an odd bird, isn't she? But those croquettes -- delicious!"
Viola Affinity (+1) "She's cute."
Sabin Rene Figaro Affinity (+1) "I like your style -- and your one-track mind. I look forward to meeting again under better circumstances."
Yuna Affinity (+1) "Gentle and noble. I can see why Sir Auron swore to protect her. I'm just glad I was able to help... but make sure to tell Auron who helped, okay? Aheh."
Beatrix Respect (+2) "Whoa! Alexandria's Generals are formidable indeed, and beautiful, besides! I'll have to visit and pay my respects."
Vespa Affinity (+1) "That's quite the 'curse', Miss Maid."


Name Rating Thoughts
Reize Seatlan Heart.gifHeart.gifHalf-heart.gif "I won't give into self-doubt. From now on, I'll be fighting by your side. ...But why am I thinking about you all of a sudden?"
Raiya Fujihara Heart.gifHeart.gif "You realize, Sensei, that if you teach me that quick-draw technique, the first thing I'm cutting will be your kimono sash."
Quistis Trepe Heart.gifHalf-heart.gif "..."
Priel Aylin Heart.gif "We are not so different, you and I. Though perhaps my scent is less intoxicating."
Riku Half-heart.gif "Look... I was a little drunk, alright...?"


The Saga Continues June 11th, 2013 The Shard Seekers acquire a sailing vessel.
Where Has Ivo Been? May 14th, 2013 In which several months' absence is exploited for comedic effect.
There Are Always Shadows January 3rd, 2013 Heartless almost always lurk in the shadows of even the most light-flooded abodes. Yet Fluorgis, with its well-trained Clans of adventurers, happy populace, plentiful water, and desert sun, is taken aback with the swell of those abominations throughout the city, the darkness throughout seemingly intensified. With the clouds thickening as though to blot out the sky, and the unsettled citizenry faltering in their usual harmony, the stymied Shard Seekers attempt a desperate ploy for the sake of the worlds.
Shadows Over Fluorgis: Shrouded Hope December 27th, 2012 The Shard Seekers have gained a reputation as a reliable and successful adventuring group, motley crew though they be, in their quest to be recognized as a legitimate Clan of Fluorgis, gain access to its Fire Crystal, and to thereby develop the Shard-seeking device needed for them to pursue their primary objective. But fate conspires to undermine them, even as the tide of darkness rises throughout the worlds. Manhattan has been consumed, and its citizens scattered. But what of the shadows over Fluorgis, and the chill that has settled over the desert sands?

The Fire Crystal, silent, sheds its radiant light...

No True Man November 26th, 2012 Ivo is confronted by his greatest foe.
Fortune Favors the Bold November 25th, 2012 Ivo's lucky day gets just a little luckier.
Dear Beloved+Revelation October 28th, 2012 The explosive situation in Halloween Town left Reize incapitated. Through this, rediscovers his real mission and understands his pendant better through the help of an unknown voice.
Those Strange Feelings October 8th, 2012 After cheering up Shiki, Reize considers his feelings for Shiki after getting kissed by her.


Mission: Mugwort March 3rd, 2014 Beneath the shifting dunes of the Bare Desert south of Fluorgis, down where the sand thickens into stone, tortuous tunnels snake, their dark stillness a refuge for strange life forms. Within one of these capricious tunnels our heroes now wander, seeking one such creature in particular: the omnivorous Mugwort.
The Hound Awakens February 28th, 2014 With their subquest queued, Reize and Ivo spend the interim cleaning up Shard Seeker Headquarters to render them more presentable to future clients. Little do they suspect that their merry band is to be joined by a truly formidable force. This guest character can use as many potions as he likes.
At Least It's Not a Fetch Quest February 24th, 2014 In which Reize's specialty compensates for the consequences of Ivo's absence, and the Shard Seekers get back to work, thanks to a new and understandably dubious acquaintance.
Sneak Thief and the Pendant February 23rd, 2014 It was just a normal day at Fluorgis until a thief decides to steal Reize's pendant. It quickly escalates to a chase scene.
Turnabutt is Fair Play July 2nd, 2013 What begins as a visit to the Shard Seeker headquarters by the irrepressible Ivo Galvan and his bewitching pseudo-prisoner Alicia becomes a farce of epic proportions once Morrighan Alazne arrives having left her memories behind. An ensemble cast of half-naked warriors, shades-wearing Judge apprentices, bicurious mind-linked detectives, and all manner of eccentric characters converge. Baths are taken. Vengeance is sworn. Victory is achieved. Sweet, sweet victory.
Ship of Fools June 12th, 2013 Aboard the Romancing Saga III with two women operating under pseudonyms for two very different reasons, Reize and Ivo, relaxing off the coast of Hawai'i and taking stock of their future plans in the absence of their allies, are confronted with an extraordinary opportunity, one of which all men dream. Our heroes seek to seize their destiny. All things considered, they probably do.
Party Like a Pirate June 7th, 2013 Celebrating the success of their treacherous expedition into the Ship Graveyard, the Shard Seekers and friends gather in Port Royal for a party in grand style, replete with music and dance and drink, mostly drink. Chaos is par for the course in this once-orderly city by the sea, and it is to the sea that the Seekers will be called once again, while Darkness lurks on the horizon -- for more than a few of them. But until then, Fate shall smile its crooked smile, love shall blossom, and kisses shall miss their mark. Like, /really/ miss their mark.
The Fiendish Dreadnought June 3rd, 2013 To liberate Carwen from the scourge of undead that threaten to plague it, the Shard Seekers and friends bravely set forth to the Ship Graveyard, a festering nest of rotted wood and flesh. Little do they realize that two very different forces work against them, and that one is a power beyond what they could have imagined. So when combat prowess comes to no avail, our heroes must turn to the final staple of JRPG protagonists in dramatically getting out of a sticky situation: a mini-game. Great! Bad! Great! Epic Fail!
Teatime Tomfoolery May 31st, 2013 Rumors swirl about Ivo and Morrighan, and the two sit down for tea prior to their upcoming adventure to discuss what to do about it. And by discuss, we mean propose a devious plan. In public, before prying eyes, and within earshot of the target in question. Skulls are gripped and tea is sprayed, but it could be worse -- right?
A Promising Start May 30th, 2013 Traveling south to the port town of Carwen chasing rumors of a den of undead and an anomaly detected by the Shard Seeker device, Reize and company reunite with some old friends and meet some new ones in preparation for their challenging quest. Almost immediately, people are shouting and pouncing on each other. It's a promising start.
Fruit Fight May 29th, 2013 Fresh after having completed a rather silly sidequest for the depressed denizens of Fruit Village, Reize and company encounter a few familiar faces and decide to see what they can do to make the place a little livelier. It gets messy.
The Bewitching Woods May 17th, 2013 Pausing to take in the extraordinary vision of the Northern Continent's crystal forest on his way to Fruit Village, Ivo encounters a black-clad nymph who turns out to be just his type -- or so she pretends to be -- and Royce encounters a knight-errant eager to assist in her moonlit errand. But then, perhaps pretending /is/ Ivo's type.
Shore of Memories May 16th, 2013 Ivo, returned from his long absence, and Maira, weary from her long struggle, meet again at last, so that knight and princess may come to terms -- and join hands and hearts in friendship.
Preparing for Adventure May 14th, 2013 Tired of remaining in Fluorgis, Reize decided to gather the Shard Seekers together to leave the city and go on their long adventure.
Return Home May 14th, 2013 Having returned from Daguerreo, the party returns to Fluorgis to take a rest and prepare for their next adventure.
Tomcat and Princess February 27th, 2013 Hung over and exhausted from the previous night's celebration of the liberation of Fluorgis, Ivo is napping in the garden when the Shard Seekers' newest guest, Annalise, stumbles across him. She seems to have found herself among an unusual cast of characters -- though it turns out she's not so normal herself.
Celebration in Fluorgis February 26th, 2013 With the Shadows Over Fluorgis passes, the city undergoes a celebration. Drunks, music, merriment all around. Some shenanigans are abound.
Clear the Skies February 22nd, 2013 As Heartless rage through the streets and Fluorgis teeters on collapse, its council makes a fateful decision, and employs the city's last ditch plan to protect the Fire Crystal from the darkness. In the midst of the melee, from the bowels of the earth bursts the Fire-Powered Ship, retrofitted as a mighty airship with the combined technology of Fluorgis and Karnak, which plunges bravely into the shadowy skies above with the Crystal within. Yet deep in the dark miasma, fearsome foes lurk with designs of their own. Can those trusted few allowed into Fluorgis's inner sanctum repulse these last invaders and preserve the city's livelihood?
A Second Chance February 16th, 2013 Maira has enough of Ivo's childishness. Ivo realizes too late what it is he's missed. Forgiveness, and a glimmer of hope. The future is open. But what path will they choose?
Maid Cafe: The Bacon Episode February 16th, 2013 The Shard Seekers and Valkyri put up a Maid Cafe for gaining some coin - for charity
Time of Rest, Seeds of Conflict February 15th, 2013 Faruja, Maira, Ivo and Raiya gather by coincidence at the WildKat Cafe, each depleted by their different endeavors. Will these good friends be tested by tensions which simmer beneath the surface, born of unexamined flaws?
The Wills of Women January 31st, 2013 Beneath blue skies, during a rare respite from the shadows plaguing Fluorgis, some of the Shard Seekers come together in the garden, and Lenn and Raiya show their determination to move forward on their own paths. As the bonds of trust between these different friends grow, so too do their prospects of success. But where does this road lead for the motley crew?
Lingering Doubts January 28th, 2013 Reize has started to doubt his role as the leader of the Shard Seekers. With the growing turmoil in Fluorgis and Manhattan, Reize's reasoning for leaving his home became more transparent. Yet, there are some people hopeful for him.
On Cloud Nine January 27th, 2013 A lively cast assembles at Tifa's new joint for drinks and banter.
Walls of Wind January 26th, 2013 Sandstorms have begun to regularly beset the walls of Fluorgis, and the massive sandworms that thread their way through the surrounding desert have entered a state of heightened agitation, making caravan travel all but impossible and rendering the famous fountain city nearly besieged. What with all the troubles that have arisen, no one knows how long the map etched upon the newborn Desert Rose will remain valid, or even to what it leads. Yet the Shard Seekers' new (and somewhat dubious) shard-seeking device indicates that the map is no ruse, and may lead to something precious indeed. Could the Desert Rose somehow hold the key to saving Fluorgis in its time of dire need? A brave group of adventurers set out to ruins deep in the desert, through hordes of monsters and terrible walls of wind, to discover what treasure lies in wait. But even Sandworms may be the least of their problems, as the darkness gathers...
VALKYRI VS Shard Seekers: Racing the Dawn January 12th, 2013 Desert madness! VALKYRI and the Shard Seekers go head to head as they rush through an ancient ruins to secure valuable artifact not only within the time limit, but before the other adventurers get to the final chamber as well. The object? A Desert Rose, a magical crystal rose, a living artifact, that blooms only for one night once every 100 years. Inscribed on the petals themselves are shapes that form a map to an even greater treasure. What awaits the two teams as they race for the goal?!
Post-Prelude Shenanigans January 7th, 2013 It was after Fluorgis was attacked by the Heartless. The Shard Seekers and the adventurers were resting at the inn, recooperating from the fight. Of course, shenanigans occured.
Starlight Memory January 5th, 2013 For one night, their relation as teacher and student is suspended, and Ivo and Raiya celebrate the New Year under the starry Mysidian sky. Pasts are shared, a new bond is formed, fireworks ignite, a risk is taken, and a memory is made -- whatever it may mean for the future.
Goug City Car Chase January 2nd, 2013 The TDA track down a scientist working for VitaTech. The Shard Seekers arrive to help. And Goug City residents lodge complaints about the noise. A startling secret...is revealed! But first they must defeat...Mr. Wheeler.
Legion Infiltrates The Shard Seekers December 29th, 2012 Legion infiltrates the Shard Seekers and passes their trials.
The Pot is Bubbling December 28th, 2012 A peaceful evening spent at Shard Seekers headquarters naturally becomes a comedy of errors as the allies and their welcome guest gather. With friends like these, who needs enemies?
Betting on a First Kiss December 27th, 2012 Fatigued from spending his holiday away from Shard Seeker business to volunteer for those in need with Hearts Intertwined, Ivo has a fortunate chance encounter with Maira, who has endured far worse than he. An impromptu holiday exchange of gifts becomes an unexpected night at the races, at which the fire magess demonstrates her excellent luck -- and Ivo has a little luck of his own.
Trouble Brews In the Family December 4th, 2012 After the situation with Shiki's shower incident, Reize called the Shard Seekers to a meeting. Should Priel be a member of the Shard Seekers?
Too Hot to Handle November 30th, 2012 At last, the promised moment: Ivo, in his noble quest to acquire for Maira a fireproof outfit, must take her measurements. All is going according to plan, until a couple highly unexpected guests interrupt his otherwise foolproof plot. But when at last the two are alone again, will she surprise him by proving to be too hot to handle? ...So to speak.
The Cards Will Tell November 26th, 2012 Some men seek their dreams made real. Others seek reality to be made as a dream. For too long haunted by his past, Ivo Galvan follows a card in search of being relieved of his burden. The good Dr. Facilier will, of course, do whatever is in his power to aid Ivo. But perhaps what chains him down is not what he thinks it is...
"I'm Glad You're On My Side" November 25th, 2012 A training session between the indomitable Raiya Fujihara and her incorrigible protege Ivo Galvan amidst a garden flooded by the setting sunlight and the quiet snores of fearless leader Reize Seatlan is interrupted by the opportunity for a challenging sparring match and the prospect of great reward. Riku and Ivo, uneasy allies, confront each other for the first time. Will the two of them ever be friends? Or will the different darknesses dwelling in each of them someday make them enemies?
A Rare Blossom November 22nd, 2012 Chasing the rumor of a skilled seamstress, if one can chase at so sedate a pace, Ivo finds more than he bargained for amidst the charming cottages of Cornelia when he at last encounters the Lady Albaste. Why has so lovely a flower secreted herself away? Could this rare encounter blossom into a story all its own?
Curiosity, Morality, and a Mouse November 22nd, 2012 There is excitement to be had in Luca, as our cast of characters and its citizens are greeted with the presence of a mysterious mouse, who appears to be sharing his wisdom concerning morality, along with information concerning a rare but delicious treat! Curiosity runs through the streets as some question if there is more to this 'morality mouse' than meets the eye.
A Flash of Light November 20th, 2012 Days after the assault on Balamb, a dark-haired princess remains on the run, relying swiftness and guile and an undiminishing hope. Within the depths of the jungle, she improbably crosses paths with the inquisitive knight Ivo Galvan, and the two flee the darkness as one. But aligning himself with the forces of light will reveal to him, if only for the briefest breath, the manner of man he might be if his heart were as pure as her own.
The Importance of Culture November 17th, 2012 What happens in Fluorgis, does not stay in Fluorgis. A well calculated Revenge leads to mischief and hijinks. Also-- lessons are learned! It's a Saturday Morning Cartoon special on never getting so drunk, you don't recognize the gender of the person you are speaking to.
Flower Picking November 16th, 2012 A rare item hunter is looking for a blossom from Gran Pulse's 'Blind Ochu' plant, supposedly now found in the Golmore Jungle. With a warning to watch out for the monsters found nearby called 'Picochus', some Shard Seekers and VALKYRI accompanied by two Archadian Judges, a Player, and a chainsaw-wielding winged matron head into the humid rainforest...
Thick as Thieves November 11th, 2012 Drowning his -- let's call them sorrows -- before the magnificent vista of arriving and departing airships in Fluorgis, Ivo is chanced upon by his favorite femme fatale Priel, the perfect person to exploit his moment of weakness. Amidst their eternal battle of wits and wiles, a glorious plan is concocted. What havoc will these two canny manipulators wreak in the name of a more interesting world...?
Frolicking by the Fountain November 10th, 2012 Relaxing by a fountain in the grand plaza of the desert city Ivo now calls home after an adventure with Raiya, the Shard Seekers' strategist encounters two of his favorite ladies. He's practically swimming in fun these days. But could he be getting in a little too deep?
Challenges November 9th, 2012 Jean issues a challenge....
Moonlit Duel, Starlit Dance November 5th, 2012 Under a moon which drenches the desert sands in a silvery-white, in a garden secluded from prying eyes, steaming wine is shared, swords' sparks illuminate the night, secrets are shared -- and between a man and a woman, a new bond is formed.
Rescue Please! November 4th, 2012 A nobleman vacationing in Costa Del Sol has reported that his daughter has been kidnapped by a band of marauding goblins and their ogre leader, and whisked away to a ruined fortress where the bandits have made their base. Such a classic case of a damsel in distress calls for the intervention of heroic knights, and Faruja Senra and Ivo Galvan of the Shard Seekers are on the case, along with whomever else has answered the call. Navigate a sand-blasted warren rife with monstrous foes and rescue the girl -- assuming, of course, that all is as it seems.
Growing Struggles November 4th, 2012 It was morning for the Shard Seekers. Ivo and Reize discuss about the growing feelings that he's having for Shiki, Lily, and Lenn. Meanwhile, tensions rise between Riku and Ivo. ...Hilarity ensues.
A Gathering In Central Park November 2nd, 2012 Ivo and friends call up Mercade to follow up after returning some lost pets to their owners. A LOT OF PEOPLE ENSUE.
Rivalry on the Rooftops October 26th, 2012 Above a city painted by the setting desert sun, the swordsman of the Shard Seekers is pursued by a willful woman with an unexpected agenda. Amidst clashing steel and scintillating magics, a new rivalry is born -- and perhaps, just perhaps, something more.
Spiralling Around October 15th, 2012 Later during the day of 'operation: rescue Reize', Shiki sits down with Ivo to let off steam.
Enemy at the Gates October 13th, 2012 In the wake of the chaotic fusion of worlds, bandits roved the sands of the Eastern Continent, but rumors now abound that these bands are disappearing without a trace, despite there being no evidence of battles between them. Those waiting in line to enter Rabanastre hear the eerie creak of the gates malfunctioning, and a dark wind begins to blow, revealing the sinister truth to these tales...
Love Matters October 13th, 2012 Something is troubling Lenn. Ivo is a helpful person. If by helpful, you mean opportunistic.
Garden of Wisdom October 10th, 2012 Contentedly cleaning their newfound abode, Ivo and Lily play in the dirt and do a little weeding, while speaking of matters perplexing to both children and adults.
Shard Seekers Shenanigans October 7th, 2012 About after an hour of the mess with the first meeting, the team pulled through together at the end. Now, the group gather at the bar and relax. Antics ware to be had.
Shard Seekers Unite: Fluorgis October 6th, 2012 Things go down in Fluorgis surrounding the Shard Seekers and their leader. Something precious is stolen!
Costa Del Missing September 29th, 2012 A group of adventurers meet by happenstance - and many seem to be missing parts of their party.
Kicking Up Sand September 27th, 2012 A balmy day on Costa Del Sol greets visitors still new to this world, but not everyone is seeking shelter from the violence. The bathing beauties are unexpectedly bloodthirsty, and refreshing fruit beverages are forsaken in favor of some beachside sparring -- and only the men end in compromising positions.
Traverse Town: Nexus of Worlds? September 24th, 2012 A handful of people displaced from their home worlds meet in Traverse Town, where they discover the power of a Princess. And some of them have similar goals, too. Or at least, they seem to. Plans for later meetings are made.
A New, Blue Frontier September 23rd, 2012 A few brave souls venture down the Path of Destiny from Traverse Town -- and a confused one gets off a boat -- and arrive in the bustling seaside metropolis of Luca, even now a hub of trade and activity. A friendly and informative conversation ensues, until it's cut off by the game crashing.
Are You Not Entertained? September 21st, 2012 What begins as a friendly contest of arms within the Olympus Coliseum ends as a chaotic melee when dark forces converge to seize an unknown, bright-eyed participant. Gun barrels blaze! Swords fly! Croquettes are eaten! Jean Faraven jumps through a window! And the mystery-- remains unsolved.