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|[[Zia]]||[[File:Surprisedicon.jpg]]||"Wow! Another gargoyle! She helped me out when the thugs were going to attack me!"
|[[Zia]]||[[File:Surprisedicon.jpg]]||"Wow! Another gargoyle! She helped me out when the thugs were going to attack me!"
|[[Katyna Redsvaren]]||[[File:Sadicon.jpg]]||"I don't know much about her, but she helped Shiki, Tifa, and I when we had fought the Heartless on our way to get Tifa to Goug. I recently found her injured, so she is now resting in the Shard Seeker headquarters."
|[[Sassaral]]||[[File:Sadicon.jpg]]||"She did not look too good when I found her. ...I hope she will rest up well at our headquarters."
|[[Sassaral]]||[[File:Sadicon.jpg]]||"She did not look too good when I found her. ...I hope she will rest up well at our headquarters."

Revision as of 07:38, 19 October 2012

Reize Seatlan
Reize by cael sakura ai.jpg
Reize learning the wonders of magic.
Age 14
Species Human
Sex Male
Height 160cm
Weight 48kg
Series Original
Combat Styles Self-Taught Martial Arts / Boomerang Arts
Hometown A small village that nobody knows about
Group Shard Seekers
Occupation/Job Adventurer
Force: Forces of Restoration
Theme Song Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki OST - "Lemonade in Hand"
"Have you ever wanted to relive the adventures that those before you, and yet, at the same time, go beyond their path? That is why I am traveling."
Recent Events
Reize lost his pendant to Scarmiglione, but the Shard Seekers did pull together to save him. In the end, some things worked out.


Growing up in the simple hunting village, Reize was raised upon stories of exploration, adventure, and heroics by his father, once an well-known explorer and adventurer. His boldness and desire to prove himself led him to become a skilled hunter and develop an unconventional twin boomerang and self-taught martial arts style. Enthusiastic and compassionate, Reize makes friends easily, and he is idealistically committed to his own imagined 'Knight's Vows,' despite their ambiguity. Though his bumbling and lack of navigational abilities tend to cause him to show up at the wrong place at the wrong time, he is nevertheless eminently adaptable, and now on the path to becoming an explorer. Having learned that his vanished mother's paintings are similar to the worlds that he saw in a strange plane, he now seeks out the clues with the hand-painted cards she left behind, hoping to discover her fate.


Young Adventurer, Prototypical JRPG Protagonist, Melees with Boomerangs, Idiot Hair For Idiot Hero, Cheerful, Heart of Gold, Naive, Leaps Before Looking, Eternally Lost Boy, Navigationally-Challenged, Travels By Map(tm), 'Wrong/Right Place, Wrong/Right Time', Resourceful, Jack of All Trades, Deep Sleeper, Adept Hunter, Walking the Earth, The Drifter, Code of Honor: Knight's Vows, Knight Errant, Most Unorganized Inventory Ever, Monster Book Tracker, Aspiring Storyteller, Worst. Luck. Ever., Fantastic Judge of Character!


Item Acquired Description
Twin Boomerangs Start Reize's weapons of choice.
Luan's Pendant Start It is a gift by Reize's father when he was young for his bravery. (See Star's Promise for more info)
Monster Book Start Reize generally keeps track of all of the creatures that he runs into. They're categorized from Natural beasts to Heartless.
Journal Start Reize keeps track of his journey through here.
Tarot Deck Start They are a gift from his mother, however, they tell a very strange tale. (see Painting Cards for more info)
Bag of Tricks Start It's his large knapsack where Reize keeps a majority of his items that can aid or hinder in battle. What are inside of the items? It's hard to say. Reize tends to forget what he keeps inside.

Pendant: The Star's Promise

A shooting star symbolizes a fleeting moment in one's life. It is filled with the wonder of mankind and is sometimes regarded as the symbol of reaching one's ultimate destiny or even a chance of a better life. As such, people often make wishes upon that fleeting star.

In a way, it takes those those dreams, hopes, and wishes and carries them passes through the sky. During the course of its journey, it breaks apart as it falls towards the earth along with the wishes of mankind. The shards often land within the earth, mostly within the magical essence. However, because the shards have broken apart, it does not hold the charge that it once did as a full shooting star. Yet, it does retain quite a bit of power. While not able to grant wishes in its current form, it does hold a gift for those who possess it. The shards react strongly to those who have a high sense of imagination and wonder, and faith in the former two. Often, it is normally children because they often carry those important traits. After all, if they believe it is real, then they are rewarded with the sight.

"Open your mind, open your heart, and the truth shall be revealed to you."

The Gifts that the shard presents:

  • Ether Eyes: One of the gifts that is presented is the ability to see the flow of magic in the air. They can see the aura that manifests from those who channel it as well as the traces of magic left in the air. This will allow them to have the aptitude to judge and evaluate the magical forces as well.
  • Limited Access Magic: The shard carries a limited amount of magical power that the user can use daily. Though the pendant, the user can manifest its power. When gathering the magical essence, the user's particular focus will manifest. The strength of the magic's power is relative to the user's sense of imagination and wonder.
  • Magical Resistance: Because their mind is opened for the truth and is able to see magic, this provides a small amount of protection from the effects of the supernatural.
  • Bond - Wishes of Mankind: A shard has the potential of growing stronger with the user based on the lives s/he affects in a positive sense. As the user makes the wishes come true, there is a bit of belief placed onto the user. This bond allows the shard to grow in strength to even one day regain the strength of a full shooting star.

Painting Cards

The tarot deck is another oddity of the items that Reize has. In particular, the tarot deck contains paintings of various worlds, many of them are worlds that had been swallowed into the darkness by the Heartless. The origins or the tale of the deck is a mystery, other than the painter is an enigma herself.


  • Battle Prowess: Analyzing Reize's full combat capability, Reize's strongest points is his exceptional agility. He has great dexterity and coordination to handle himself against attacks coming his way as well as speed to gain advantage over the enemy by putting pressure on them. However, his strength and endurance are a bit average at bests. He is not able to take damage as well as the average warrior nor is he able to dish out the damage. There is great raw power in him in terms of magic, no matter how unhoned it is.
  • Battle Style: Reize fights with a pair of boomerangs that are as large as daggers. Ambidextrous, he can use them for both throwing and melee. Primarily, Reize fights melee with the boomerangs, using them like one would a pair of swords. This is complemented by the self-taught martial arts style, utilizing his kicks to take down any opposition.
  • Hunting: Reize is an adept hunter, able to handle himself within the forest regions more, given that he had more experience. He uses only his boomerang to catch food. This also extends out to fishing.
  • Cooking: At most, Reize can only handle field cooking. His food may be a bit bland or have little seasoning, but it's hardy enough to ensure that people can survive. At worst, it's just filling.
  • Survivability: Reize can adapt to any surroundings that he is in. No matter how harsh the atmosphere is whether it is the forest or even the desert, Reize can adapt to the environment to ensure survivability.
  • Jack of All Trades: Reize has the ability to adapt to the situation that arises upon subjects that do not require intensive learning. Even if he is not initially good at it, he can quickly get the hang of the subject and will have some knowledge or usefulness of it.
  • Storytelling: In a way, Reize is has a bit of a bardic ability of handling storytelling. This comes in both writing and oral. He is exceptional with keeping people interested in the story, leaving them wondering what else happens in the story.
  • Tools for the Situations: As an explorer, Reize is used to carrying many things with him in his back pack and pouch. It can be simple stuff as an apple or perhaps a grappling hook. It always helps to be prepared.
  • Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Reize has the knack of appearing at the wrong place at the wrong time. Things could be happening that is not related to it, yet he sometimes tend to be caught in the middle of it.
  • Magic: The source of Reize's ability to use magic is through Luan's pendant, which is shard from a shooting star. It allows Reize to manifest magic. While channeling for the spells, it'll take the form of a glowing tarot in Reize's hand. The element will manifest with the depiction of one of the creatures from the painting. Upon the draw of the 'card', it'll release the manifestation of the spell.


Stat Performance
Stats Rating
Physical Attack Power Average
Magical Attack Power Great
Physical Accuracy Above Average
Magical Accuracy Below Average
Physical Evasion Exceptional
Magical Evasion Good
Physical Defense Bad
Magical Defense Bad
Normal-style.gif Normal Stance Techniques In this stance, Reize is able to rely on his defense and speed. He is also able to utilize his tools and magic.
Attack Description
Blindside When Reize successfully evades an attack, he'll back forward and will move in a blinding speed to appear behind his opponent. This allows him to exploit the potential surprise he instills on his enemy.
Bag of Tricks - Aid Reize tosses an item from his pouch towards an ally, randomized effect will be given, allowing Reize to draw from the person as well.
Bag of Tricks - Hinder Reize tosses an item from his pouch towards an ememy. This not only throws a random effect, but it'll send the negative effect that Reize currently has.
Ricochet Smash Reize throws a boomerang, but the boomerang will ricochet off various points to strike at enemies. This has a chance to make an enemy dizzied.
Fang Blade Reize comes to his enemy, slashing upwards upon the jump and slashing downward upon his descent.
Inspire Reize cheers his friends on, reinvigorating their will to fight.
Shining Moon Reize will launch off of the ground, striking his enemy with the heel as he flips in the air. This has the chance of knocking his opponent into the air and is generally used as a priority against attacks.
The Boy With The Long Yellow Scarf [Limit Break] There are times when a person has to fight for what they believe in. This is the mindset that Reize takes when he becomes extremely serious. However, because Reize's personality tends to be infectious, his allies will feel that invigoration of purpose.
Pendant's Power [Limit Break] Through the pendant, Reize is able to draw upon magic. A tarot will manifest as the pendant glows, then the tarot will materialize into a spell. Currently, it only has a fireball spell.
Inverted-style.gif Rush Stance Techniques In this stance, Reize sacrifices defense and is restricted to using purely physical attacks in order to combo easier.
Attack Description
Fang Blade Reize comes to his enemy, slashing upwards upon the jump and slashing downward upon his descent.
Hunting Hawk When Reize performs this technique, he shoots forward in a blinding burst of speed to zip by his target while slashing with both boomerangs. This positions him at a distance behind the target.
Sky Raider Reize will jump into the and he'll dive down with a descending kick, striking down at the enemy.
Inverted Grip He'll hold his weapon in place, his chances of dealing greater damage to his enemies will increase.
Sparrondo Reize launches a roundhouse kick while lifting into the air, the body turning to unleash a hook kick with the other leg, finishing with another kick. This is an anti-air attack used to knock an enemy to the ground.
The Boy With The Long Yellow Scarf [Limit Break] There are times when a person has to fight for what they believe in. This is the mindset that Reize takes when he becomes extremely serious. However, because Reize's personality tends to be infectious, his allies will feel that invigoration of purpose.



This type of quest involves certain desires that people want, whether it is to go home, see a family member, or whatever. It is essentially a wish that the person has. When Reize helps them accomplish that wish, it helps the person not only accomplish their wish, but gain belief in Reize. That belief is transferred to the pendant that he holds.

Name Status Description
Help Tifa Find Midgar Completed She was lost in Traverse Town, find her way home!!


There are times when the Shard Seekers will be able to recover lost worlds in the form of shards. All of the shards that had been recovered by the group will be annotated here.


This falls under misc in terms of not wish or shards related. This can be certain taskings like 'find me this item so I can do this'.

Name Status Description
Find Dog Not started Blah blah


Allies Lily, Ivo Galvan, Shiki Misaki, Tifa Lockhart, Riku, Faruja Senra, Sköll Ulfang, Lenn
Adversary Priel Aylin, Scar (Taka ver.), Scarmiglione
Acquaintances Jack Skellington, Raiya Fujihara, Zeke, Morgan Albaste, Scar (lion ver.), Deidra, Mercade Alexander, Zia
L.I.P.S. Ivo Galvan, Lily, Shiki Misaki, Lenn


Name Thoughts
Lily Sadicon.jpg "There is something dangerous about her emotions. She's has issues with her restraint, but... I do think she will eventually learn."
Ivo Galvan Sadicon.jpg "...Ivo, something is bothering you."
Shiki Misaki Proudicon.jpg "There is a lot that she has told me and many of those I will treasure. She is a person of wealth and knowledge. She posseses skills that even she is not aware of. I have an idea why she made the choices that she did, but... I don't care. Everyone deserves a second chance."
Tifa Lockhart Proudicon.jpg "She's a great person who has helped me out multiple times, including when those chocobos tried grabbing my hair. I am glad to have finally gotten her home."
Riku Proudicon.jpg "I never knew what to make of you. You've been a bit crass and a bit of a jerk. However, I see you as a friend. I thank you for being my friend."
Faruja Senra Proudicon.jpg "Thank you, Faruja. You've been a very helpful person."
Sköll Ulfang Proudicon.jpg "I'm sorry that you lost your world and I wish we could do something about it, but... thank you. Let's work together to recover the other worlds."
Lenn Proudicon.jpg "Lenn is an amazing jewel mage! It is very unique and interesting how she uses her magic through gems!"


Name Thoughts
Priel Aylin Indignanticon.jpg "She seems to fight for herself. It looks like she has a wealth of experience behind her. However... she took nearly all of the treasure from the underground ruins!"
Scar(Taka) Sadicon.jpg "I feel uneasy around him. There is something about him that puts me off. ...He was asking about my pendant a lot."
Scarmiglione Angryicon.jpg "That jerk has dark magic! I think he could also be one of... the undead!"


Name Thoughts
Jack Skellington Exhaustedicon.jpg "I don't know what to make of this guy. He is tall and spooky. He is the the King of Nightmares and the Master Of Terror.."
Raiya Fujihara Proudicon.jpg "She really helped out in a jam! She made sure that Lily was alright too. It was good to have her around."
Zeke Proudicon.jpg "He seems like a good guy! He's pretty tall and has a lot of weapons, but he helped us out when the Heartless came at the town! He doesn't seem too bad."
Morgan Albaste Happyicon.jpg "She really helped me out of a jam. That Taka guy was pressing me a lot about my pendant. Thankfully, she showed up in the nick of time! She's nice, too!"
Scar(Lion ver.) Surprisedicon.jpg "Whoa! A talking lion! However, Scar is a trustworthy guy who helped us out in the middle of a jam with the Noise! He seems very knowledgeable as well!"
Deidra Surprisedicon.jpg "Wow, a gargoyle! I never seen one of those! I heard stories about them! She seemed nice enough!"
Mercade Alexander Proudicon.jpg "You know, I never seen a detective before. He seemed pretty nice, too!"
Zia Surprisedicon.jpg "Wow! Another gargoyle! She helped me out when the thugs were going to attack me!"
Katyna Redsvaren Sadicon.jpg "I don't know much about her, but she helped Shiki, Tifa, and I when we had fought the Heartless on our way to get Tifa to Goug. I recently found her injured, so she is now resting in the Shard Seeker headquarters."
Sassaral Sadicon.jpg "She did not look too good when I found her. ...I hope she will rest up well at our headquarters."

L.I.P.S. (Love Interest Progression System) (TM)

This is the hot new system that correlates the relationship with Reize and the prospective person, based off of the person's Affection score. The rating is measured by half-hearts (Half-heart.gif) and hearts (Heart.gif) which will MAX at 5. Whoever Reize reaches maximum hearts with will likely be the person he achieves an ending with.

Name Rating Thoughts
Ivo Galvan Happyicon.jpg Heart.gifHalf-heart.gif "He's a good guy. I admire him!"
Lily Painicon.jpg Heart.gif "Ow... My everything. Yet... there is something about her."
Shiki Misaki Sadicon.jpg Heart.gifHeart.gif "...She mentioned that I would discover the feelings that I am feeling for girls and cooties aren't real. ...I don't know what that feeling is. But, I do know that I feel it for her."
Lenn Blushicon.jpg Heart.gif "...I...I touched her... uhh.... it was an accident!!!"


  • Reize has the amazing ability to get lost at times. He may intend to go to one place, but will somehow end up in another location.
  • His ahoge is ...very expressive, to say the least. It's as expressive as Reize tends to be.
  • Unfortunately, Reize's inventory is very unorganized, so it's difficult to get what item he wants to get out at times, especially during battles.
  • As opposed to "Hey!" Reize tends to use "Oi" and "Mada Mada" to him is essentially something he'll mutter in exasperation. If asked for meaning, to him, it means "Whatever" or "alright, alright".


Scattered Stars - END February 28th, 2013 During the party, Reize sees a shadow that catches his attention. A feeling stirs to follow it. His curiosity turns into an unpleasant surprise...
ADAM: Reize Side February 5th, 2013 After braving the Withered Spire, ADAM delivers a message to Reize.
Escape the Blood Banquet November 28th, 2012 This was after the encounter with the Heartless Leida back at Gaza Plains. Reize was separated as the dark portal tried to take him away. Through reasons unknown, Reize got lost and escape. I blame the Plot Idea Device for 'A party is being held at Palamecia!'
Dear Beloved+Revelation October 28th, 2012 The explosive situation in Halloween Town left Reize incapitated. Through this, rediscovers his real mission and understands his pendant better through the help of an unknown voice.
Healing October 28th, 2012 A curiously severe injury is tended to.
Careful What You Eat October 26th, 2012 Sometimes, one needs to be careful what they eat. Who knows who will they anger. Reize learned this lesson the hard way.
Nightmares of Betrayal October 18th, 2012 After a long day through the dungeon with Priel, getting his pendant back, and rescuing two people from the harshness of the desert, Reize turned in for the night. However, his corrupted pendant presents a surprise for him.
Those Strange Feelings October 8th, 2012 After cheering up Shiki, Reize considers his feelings for Shiki after getting kissed by her.
Reize and Shiki in DESERTS OF DEATH October 1st, 2012 The curious quest of Reize and Shiki.
Don't Kill Me September 30th, 2012 The curious logic of dreams... and nightmares.


The Cloister of Shiva March 16th, 2014 A group of adventurers make it to the Cloister of Shiva. But what will they find inside?
Azure's Calling March 15th, 2014 Reize follows the guidance of a voice that has led him pretty far in his adventure. He is followed by Mir, a former client who decided to travel with the boy. She finds out that there is a bit more to the boy's journey than what it initially seems like.
Bonding Moment: Lynn March 7th, 2014 Reize shares a moment with Lynn while tending to the garden. They discuss about each other's home.
Mission: Mugwort March 3rd, 2014 Beneath the shifting dunes of the Bare Desert south of Fluorgis, down where the sand thickens into stone, tortuous tunnels snake, their dark stillness a refuge for strange life forms. Within one of these capricious tunnels our heroes now wander, seeking one such creature in particular: the omnivorous Mugwort.
The Hound Awakens February 28th, 2014 With their subquest queued, Reize and Ivo spend the interim cleaning up Shard Seeker Headquarters to render them more presentable to future clients. Little do they suspect that their merry band is to be joined by a truly formidable force. This guest character can use as many potions as he likes.
At Least It's Not a Fetch Quest February 24th, 2014 In which Reize's specialty compensates for the consequences of Ivo's absence, and the Shard Seekers get back to work, thanks to a new and understandably dubious acquaintance.
Cleaning and Baked Goods February 24th, 2014 Fueled by the desire to restore the headquarters, Reize went on a cleaning spree while the client, Mir, was baking goods for her business. After all, she paid for their electricity, so she had a free stay. Of course, the Shard Seekers received a familiar face...
Sneak Thief and the Pendant February 23rd, 2014 It was just a normal day at Fluorgis until a thief decides to steal Reize's pendant. It quickly escalates to a chase scene.
A Long Return and a Shard February 17th, 2014 Returning home after his journey, Maira comes to visit the Shard Seekers to retrieve a World Shard that could unlock an important world for her.
Topsy Turvy Day: Overlords' Conquest January 9th, 2014 The Overlord Reize came to take over the Old Kingdom, only to have his great rival, Overlord Luso show up to upstage him. Then a maid and then a nun. It was a sad day for the Overlords.
Topsy Turvy Day January 6th, 2014 It's the Feast of Fools in La Cite Des Cloches - and everyone is invited to come and enjoy the carnival! But unbeknownst to our heroes, a Mad Witch plans on making the festivities far more true to their word than they ever could have known!
Seven: Dreams January 5th, 2014 Our heroes enjoy a ball and learn some of the secrets that the Castle of Dreams holds. But what's more... there is a dark omen that meets our heroes late into the dance.
Catching Up With the Dennou December 9th, 2013 After getting the herb to treat Violet, Reize was able to take the time to enjoy his stay in the Chinese Countryside. He comes across the Dennou sisters, Emi and Umi. It is a bit of catching up between them all.
Searching for A Rare Plant November 22nd, 2013 Reize made a return to the public to defend the Great Wall from the Undead. However, Reize's main reason for returning was to get an herb that was supposed to bring a friend of his back to good health. He has a talk with the VALKYRI members, who he had not seen in months.
China Syndrome II November 21st, 2013 The Horned King has been planning his advancement on China, tonight-- he sends his Cauldron Born to claim the very wall that defends the proud nation of China.
In the Deep: Serpent's Trench June 22nd, 2013 A group of heroes has heard about a Heartless invasion in Serpent's Trench and moves to find out what is going on. What they find is... unexpected!
Journey Without A Map June 16th, 2013 Seeking out the lost city of Atlantis and what knowledge might be contained there-in, a group of adventurers set out to face peril... and spear-throwing chipmunks.
Ship of Fools June 12th, 2013 Aboard the Romancing Saga III with two women operating under pseudonyms for two very different reasons, Reize and Ivo, relaxing off the coast of Hawai'i and taking stock of their future plans in the absence of their allies, are confronted with an extraordinary opportunity, one of which all men dream. Our heroes seek to seize their destiny. All things considered, they probably do.
Party Like a Pirate June 7th, 2013 Celebrating the success of their treacherous expedition into the Ship Graveyard, the Shard Seekers and friends gather in Port Royal for a party in grand style, replete with music and dance and drink, mostly drink. Chaos is par for the course in this once-orderly city by the sea, and it is to the sea that the Seekers will be called once again, while Darkness lurks on the horizon -- for more than a few of them. But until then, Fate shall smile its crooked smile, love shall blossom, and kisses shall miss their mark. Like, /really/ miss their mark.
The Fiendish Dreadnought June 3rd, 2013 To liberate Carwen from the scourge of undead that threaten to plague it, the Shard Seekers and friends bravely set forth to the Ship Graveyard, a festering nest of rotted wood and flesh. Little do they realize that two very different forces work against them, and that one is a power beyond what they could have imagined. So when combat prowess comes to no avail, our heroes must turn to the final staple of JRPG protagonists in dramatically getting out of a sticky situation: a mini-game. Great! Bad! Great! Epic Fail!
A Promising Start May 30th, 2013 Traveling south to the port town of Carwen chasing rumors of a den of undead and an anomaly detected by the Shard Seeker device, Reize and company reunite with some old friends and meet some new ones in preparation for their challenging quest. Almost immediately, people are shouting and pouncing on each other. It's a promising start.
Fruit Fight May 29th, 2013 Fresh after having completed a rather silly sidequest for the depressed denizens of Fruit Village, Reize and company encounter a few familiar faces and decide to see what they can do to make the place a little livelier. It gets messy.
A Heartfelt Talk: Violet May 26th, 2013 Reize has a heartfelt chat with Violet at the garden. Reize and her share a conversation concerning the day that they had prepared for an adventure.
Preparing for Adventure May 14th, 2013 Tired of remaining in Fluorgis, Reize decided to gather the Shard Seekers together to leave the city and go on their long adventure.
Return Home May 14th, 2013 Having returned from Daguerreo, the party returns to Fluorgis to take a rest and prepare for their next adventure.
A Grand Decision May 7th, 2013 Reize returns to the headquarters while Violet and Lily shop. The boy runs into Will, who had eaten everything in their fridge. However, Will is at the headquarters for an important reason: Reize's Path.
Confrontation On An Explorer's Feelings May 6th, 2013 Reize and Violet go camping at a site outside of Fluorgis. Violet asks him about his feelings regarding the girls he has known. Then the topic of their relationship comes up...
Seeking Shards Are For The Birds May 4th, 2013 Reize is leading the Shard Seekers on an expedition to find a World Shard with Ivo's
Fearless Leader Fears Water! April 26th, 2013 Reize and Violet are at the beach together. However, she learns of the brave adventurer's fear of water.
Fallen Star April 16th, 2013 Rumors say a star has fallen in the desert near Fluorgis. Several adventurers seek it out, and find a lot more than they were expecting.
A Picnic Interrupted April 12th, 2013 Reize, Lily, and Annalise were set off to enjoy a nice picnic. However, familiar new friends to the leader of the Shard Seekers were in danger.
A Chat at the Cafe April 3rd, 2013 After losing at the colisseum against Avira, they celebrate over WildKat cafe(with Reize buying) and have some serious discussions.
Search of Power March 30th, 2013 Archades hires individuals to help locate a mysterious artifact at a mysterious location. Nothing could possibly go wrong...
A Dangerous Mission to Take March 28th, 2013 Down at Fluorgis, Reize and Violet had a nice chat, only to run into the Judge Magister. What started off as initial gratiude for the assistance from Archades turned into an invitation for the Shard Seekers to assist them in exploring an untouched land.
Novice Tournament: Reize vs Avira March 28th, 2013 The tournament has started out in Traverse Town. Reize decided to enter the fight in order to try his luck against the group. However, his opponent was Avira, who decided to try her luck in the events as well! Let's see who comes out on top!
Hope for A Lost One March 19th, 2013 Reize was on his way back to Fluorgis after getting lost. However, a wind storm directed him to a cavern, where he runs into a former Shadow Lord on the run.
Return Home and Bath Gone Wrong March 19th, 2013 Reize returns home, Lily was not happy with Reize disappearing off. Later on, Reize takes a bath and a certain dragon girl gets her revenge.
An early morning in Fynn March 18th, 2013 Reize meets two brand new adventurers
Confessions of an Adventurer March 17th, 2013 Reize and Lily are at the bridge at Fluorgis, relaxing. Annalise comes in to join the two in their chat.
Let Mysterious Dogs Lie March 17th, 2013 After upgrading his boomerangs at Alexandria, the Shard Seekers, Luso, and Yurita encounter a myterious mercenary. Reize also learns to remember one of his knight's vows the hard way.
Following the Path March 17th, 2013 Adventurers go off in search of treasure, only to be thwarted by the 'Ghetto Knight'.
Restoration March 16th, 2013 It has finally come - the final battle to resurrect Manhattan!
Camping at Macalania Forest March 8th, 2013 Reize gets his companion lost. What do you expect from him?
Shard Packing With Merlin?? March 7th, 2013 Time to go find the last shard! Everyone gather together because we are hitting up Merlin's. Yet what they will find out, isn't what they were hoping for...
Heartful Moment With Annalise February 28th, 2013 Reize was relaxing at the garden, contemplating over his announcement for the Shard Seekers to depart Fluorgis. Of course, Annalise wanders in as she tries to get adjusted.
Talks of New Plan With Emi February 27th, 2013 As the party at the pub is near, Reize takes the moment to reflect with his chat with Leida while considering what's ahead for the Shard Seekers. Emi comes to check up on Reize...
A Rough Encounter February 26th, 2013 After Reize's time of reflection, he got ready to depart for Fluorgis to attend the celebration, but undergoes an unexpected and rough encounter.
Celebration in Fluorgis February 26th, 2013 With the Shadows Over Fluorgis passes, the city undergoes a celebration. Drunks, music, merriment all around. Some shenanigans are abound.
Truth of a Friend In Need February 26th, 2013 After dealing with an exhausting trip at Wutai, Leida returns to he headquarters to hide herself, but encounters Reize along the way. The two have an important discussion...
Clear the Skies February 22nd, 2013 As Heartless rage through the streets and Fluorgis teeters on collapse, its council makes a fateful decision, and employs the city's last ditch plan to protect the Fire Crystal from the darkness. In the midst of the melee, from the bowels of the earth bursts the Fire-Powered Ship, retrofitted as a mighty airship with the combined technology of Fluorgis and Karnak, which plunges bravely into the shadowy skies above with the Crystal within. Yet deep in the dark miasma, fearsome foes lurk with designs of their own. Can those trusted few allowed into Fluorgis's inner sanctum repulse these last invaders and preserve the city's livelihood?
1001 Arabian Nights February 18th, 2013 The hunt for the Fire Shard of Manhattan leads a group of heroes to an excitable bunch of Heffalumps and Woozles with an interesting hobby.
Funhouse of Nightmare - Reize Side February 16th, 2013 This is Reize's side of the story and what happened from prior the group exporing the funhouse and within the remaining duration.
Maid Cafe: The Bacon Episode February 16th, 2013 The Shard Seekers and Valkyri put up a Maid Cafe for gaining some coin - for charity
The Obsidian Ring February 16th, 2013 As the shadows darken over Fluorgis and spirits fall, and the flickering of the city's power and malfunctioning of water pumps lead to fearful rumors that the Fire Crystal itself is being suppressed, a Legion of lookalike detectives uncover a startling lead. A hooded figure has been spotted on high rooftops unleashing plumes of darkness into the air, leading to the thickening of the black clouds -- and, perhaps, the increasing incidence of Heartless.

The mysterious villain is spotted fleeing to the Sky Port, even though most flights are grounded due to the treacherous skies, apparently aware the jig is up. Acting quickly, the city of Fluorgis puts out a public alert to apprehend the fugitive. A crucial confrontation approaches. Will the force behind the Shadows Over Fluorgis be revealed at last?

Funhouse of Nightmare - Group Side February 11th, 2013 A mysterious funhouse has shown up and those who explored it never came out. Now, adventurers are tasked to find the missing people.
What to Do About The Weeds? February 7th, 2013 In the Shard Seeker garden, Lily is growing concerned with Reize over the garden and she asks the garden.
The City of Mist part 2 -HARD- February 3rd, 2013 The thrilling conclusion of The City of Mist-- HARDMODE.
The City of Mist -HARD- February 2nd, 2013 Welcome to beautiful, charming Withered Spire. We have time schenadigans-- we have them in a box. We have them in a train. We have them in a city full of unspeakable ghouls and searing mutagenic death lasers.
Lily's Confrontation with Reize February 1st, 2013 Reize was asleep for the night, but then he woke up, unable to move. He first thing he sees is a very unhappy Lily
Full Report on Mystery January 31st, 2013 After Emi's investigations, she went to search for the leader of the Shard Seekers to give him a full report of her findings.
Reize's Decision to Depart January 29th, 2013 Reize made preparations to leave at midnight. However, it was not without getting the notice of those closest to him.
Lingering Doubts January 28th, 2013 Reize has started to doubt his role as the leader of the Shard Seekers. With the growing turmoil in Fluorgis and Manhattan, Reize's reasoning for leaving his home became more transparent. Yet, there are some people hopeful for him.
On Cloud Nine January 27th, 2013 A lively cast assembles at Tifa's new joint for drinks and banter.
Hades Cup: Qualifying Event - THE RACE January 23rd, 2013 The first qualifying event of the Hades Cup Tournament, in which the Junior Heros race each other to get qualified in the Hades Cup Tournament!
Trespassers Will Be Toad January 20th, 2013 A party of adventurers investigates mysterious disappearances and rumors of monsters in the Fluorgis Water Treatment plant. Everyone was Kung-Fu Fighting. HAAAH. Caution: You May Get Wet.
Defend the (Sand)Castle! January 20th, 2013 Reize returns to Traverse Town to play with the refugee kids. However, he visits the beach to mull over his time with the Shard Seekers and Fluorgis in general. However, he comes across a young lady and her sand castle.
A Court of Bombs January 20th, 2013 Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb...
Stocking the Pantry January 19th, 2013 Leida drags Reize out to be a pack mule for food shopping.
A Test of Strength January 15th, 2013 Hati drops in on Reize to follow up on her test of his strength. Of course, things don't ever go according to plan.
Finding the Lost One January 15th, 2013 Reize went to get groceries at Fluorgis, but got lost and ended up at Damascan Sands. It's up to Leida and Tom to find him.
VALKYRI VS Shard Seekers: Racing the Dawn January 12th, 2013 Desert madness! VALKYRI and the Shard Seekers go head to head as they rush through an ancient ruins to secure valuable artifact not only within the time limit, but before the other adventurers get to the final chamber as well. The object? A Desert Rose, a magical crystal rose, a living artifact, that blooms only for one night once every 100 years. Inscribed on the petals themselves are shapes that form a map to an even greater treasure. What awaits the two teams as they race for the goal?!
Awkward Engagement January 11th, 2013 Reize finds himself waking up on Lenn and the topic of their fated engagement is discussed about. Hilarity ensues.
A Lack of Understanding January 11th, 2013 Reize spends time reflecting on various issues until he has a chat with Emi of the Legion...
Post-Prelude Shenanigans January 7th, 2013 It was after Fluorgis was attacked by the Heartless. The Shard Seekers and the adventurers were resting at the inn, recooperating from the fight. Of course, shenanigans occured.
Mark: Judge of Nocturne January 6th, 2013 Several souls are drawn to the Crossroad where they are met with the Judge of Nocturne. A dark knight with only one purpose. To test his might against the strong. How will our heroes fare?

Also includes a cameo appearance from the dynamic duo of Riku and Angantyr.

Blink Fight: FK Style January 6th, 2013 It's time for Blink Fight: FK Style. Place your bets place your bets. Spend your munny. Spend your munny. Whose going to win this dastardly and emotional conflict? Words are said. Blows are thrown. FK runs on piefaces.
Prelude ~ Panic in Fluorgis January 6th, 2013 It started off as a normal day for the Shard Seekers, but then the Heartless invaded the city itself. Many adventurers banded together to stop the outbreak with a bit of a mysterious help...
Ghostly Goals January 5th, 2013 The Phantom Train is loading people who lost their lives in Manhattan to the Underworld, but a monster is in the Phantom Forest and may try to prey on them. Defeat the monster so these souls can safely pass on! Wait, who posted /this/ job anyway?
Side Quest: Hold My Hand December 31st, 2012 The Shard Seekers (and friends) accompany the infamous 'Ghetto Knight' into the Mythril Mines. Cue shenanigans.
Legion Infiltrates The Shard Seekers December 29th, 2012 Legion infiltrates the Shard Seekers and passes their trials.
The Pot is Bubbling December 28th, 2012 A peaceful evening spent at Shard Seekers headquarters naturally becomes a comedy of errors as the allies and their welcome guest gather. With friends like these, who needs enemies?
Training of the Hawkeye December 26th, 2012 After the stubborn insistance of Leida, Reize decided to help Leida develop her combat skills in archery.
Kissing Under the Mistletoe December 25th, 2012 The Shard Seekers are doing community service in Traverse Town, providing the refugees with clothing and soup. Katyna meets with the group and introduces the leader of the Shard Seekers to the wonders of the mistletoe.
Mark: Black Chocobo December 24th, 2012 Luso Clemens of Clan Gully along with several others come together in order to take down the Black Chocobo once and for all!
Revelation of Leida's Past December 23rd, 2012 The story began with Reize letting Dandy out to play at the garden in the Shard Seeker's headquarters. Leida was contemplating about her potential ordeal until the young adventurer asked her about her past.
A Rough Step to Atonement December 22nd, 2012 When Reize arrived back to the Shard Seekers headquarters to resupply himself for his trip to Cornelia, his reunion with Will Sherman ended in dischord as Leida comes into the picture. A girl who accepted a demon in her past, faces one of the peope who had been the most affected by her actions...
Shard Seekers go ahuntin' December 21st, 2012 The Shard Seekers decide to take on the new S ranked bounty.
Exorcism of The Darkness December 19th, 2012 Reize attempted to journey towards the Temple of Fiends to find answers about the fallen prince. However, in his trip in the forest, he encounters the weeping girl with her inner demons. Unknowingst to him, he had a couple of friends following as well as a random passerbyer.
The Missing Friend December 18th, 2012 Remaining at Cornelia for the time-period, Reize had contemplated over the Prince's fate. And yet, at the same time, Reize wondered about Riku... of course, he gets a special visitor.
Darkclouded Aftermath December 16th, 2012 After the events of the Temple of Fiends, the Shard Seekers, along with Tifa and Rinoa, made it back to Cornelia to bring the prince to Princess Lara. Elated, she allowed the heroes to stay as guests. However, tensions rise as the health of the prince has not improved...
Tensions in the Storm December 16th, 2012 Immediately after the Shard Seekers had a tense discussion, Reize sought to have a private chat with Faruja regarding a certain bounty placed on a person that he considered a friend.
Temple Of Fiends December 14th, 2012 The kidnapped Prince of Cornelia lies in the Temple of Fiends. A brave party enters to rescue him...but what awaits them inside these terrifying walls?
Mark: Soul Devourer December 13th, 2012 Luso, Reize, Faruja, and Melody gather together to take down a heartless that has been causing a near endless array of problems in the Petrified Forest. Afterwards, they are met with the source of it all.
Good Morning VeeeiTraverse Town December 12th, 2012 CHIEF has decided to bring some action into the lives of those of Traverse Town in Distract 1. They were so thrilled, they decided to also join the party of activities...
In a New York Minute - Evacuation December 9th, 2012 The defenders of Manhattan attempt to evacuate as many people as they can before it's too late; the Shadow Lords try to close the portal on them early, but cannot break through.
In a New York Minute: MAP - Central December 9th, 2012 The Heartless have swarmed the Central Park, the Shard Seekers, lead by their Fearless Leader Reize, move in to try to stop the commotion. However, the storm in the sky had greatly enhanced the lead Heartless's strength, ensuing a difficult battle. Will the Shard Seekers surmount this obstacle?
A Girl and Her Blob December 5th, 2012 As Reize received news from Will regarding the situation in Manhattan, Reize explored the streets to see how bad everything had become. Unfortunately, the answer became more apparent as a familiar face arrived.
The Morning Blues December 4th, 2012 Shiki wakes up. Priel does another bad thing. Reize is caught in the middle!
Flowers Before A Trip December 4th, 2012 This is just before Reizes for Manhattan. Reize spends his last moments in the garden to relax and reflect. As he prepares to look for Mercade, Sassaral comes in with seeds to plant some flowers. Many things blossom from this encounter...
Trouble Brews In the Family December 4th, 2012 After the situation with Shiki's shower incident, Reize called the Shard Seekers to a meeting. Should Priel be a member of the Shard Seekers?
Class Is In Session December 1st, 2012 Reize, Kaydin and Cheshire are in for a surprise and some chaos as they enter Traverse Town's church!


Tales of Truth November 30th, 2012 As Reize relaxes in Fluorgis, he comes across Riku, who is wandering blindly. Guiding his friend into the headquarters, Riku shares a secret with the boy...
Sweet Delirium November 26th, 2012 Merlins magical sugar bowl escapes the tower and starts to ferment a tea-set rebellion amongst the inanimate objects of Traverse Town after an ill advised political lecture with Archimedes leaves the magical object delusions of grandeur. Shopkeepers all over town find their stores in chaos and their inventory rising up against them.
"I'm Glad You're On My Side" November 25th, 2012 A training session between the indomitable Raiya Fujihara and her incorrigible protege Ivo Galvan amidst a garden flooded by the setting sunlight and the quiet snores of fearless leader Reize Seatlan is interrupted by the opportunity for a challenging sparring match and the prospect of great reward. Riku and Ivo, uneasy allies, confront each other for the first time. Will the two of them ever be friends? Or will the different darknesses dwelling in each of them someday make them enemies?
Puppy Love November 24th, 2012 Reize decided to relax in the garden, thinking about the villagers from his home. As Sassaral joins with the boy, moments are shared in this bonding...
The Dog Days November 21st, 2012 Two 'guests' of the Shard Seekers surprise each other in the dorms, and then share the stories that brought them there. With a cameo by a very, very lost Reize.
The Wolf Hunts The Boy November 21st, 2012 Watching for the Shard Seekers, Hati lurked around for their leader, Reize Seatlan. In the midst of his shopping, she cornered him, pressing for information.
Hooligans! November 19th, 2012 Manhattan has run afoul of an unpleasant gang of vehicular troublemakers. However, this isn't a biker gang: it's the Heartless! Chase down this mob of Magnum Loaders and Hot Rods before they cause too much trouble!
Flower Picking November 16th, 2012 A rare item hunter is looking for a blossom from Gran Pulse's 'Blind Ochu' plant, supposedly now found in the Golmore Jungle. With a warning to watch out for the monsters found nearby called 'Picochus', some Shard Seekers and VALKYRI accompanied by two Archadian Judges, a Player, and a chainsaw-wielding winged matron head into the humid rainforest...
Beans?! November 9th, 2012 A stalker has not only been troubling and injuring people late at night, but wherever he goes he always seems to destroy all of the beans in any grocer's nearby. What's the connection? - The mission was one that the Shard Seekers could not do alone. Enlisting the aid of the Twilight Detective Agency, the group set out to find out the mystery of the case.
Red Light Tower November 8th, 2012 Reize gotten himself lost while in Manhattan and wandered his way into The Grid. He encounters a pair of raiders who received mark about the current location having treasure. Meanwhile, as the group explores the tower, they get a guide in the form of a program.
Misdirections November 7th, 2012 Cirra encounters Reize and Kaydin in a grassy field, and makes a terrible terrible mistake. She asks Reize to show the way.
To Market, To Market November 6th, 2012 It's business as usual in Fluorgis...
Home Is... November 5th, 2012 After returning from the charity dinner and auction, Shiki and Reize discuss what a busy day it's been.
In A New York Minute: Keys To The City November 4th, 2012 A group of artists and a charity group hold a fundraising ball and art auction in order to help fund the group Hearts Intertwined. Everyone is invited to the party. Nothing terrible will happen at all, surely.
Growing Struggles November 4th, 2012 It was morning for the Shard Seekers. Ivo and Reize discuss about the growing feelings that he's having for Shiki, Lily, and Lenn. Meanwhile, tensions rise between Riku and Ivo. ...Hilarity ensues.
Reunion and Rising Tensions November 4th, 2012 Neku wakes up in Traverse Town, unaware of his new surroundings. Meanwhile, Reize and Shiki return to Traverse Town to do some shopping. It's a bit of a joyous reunion. ...Somewhat.
Daft Girl In Fluorgis November 2nd, 2012 Finally recovering from his near fatal event, Reize decided to take an easy and do some town missions and possibly shop for goods for the headquarters. However, Reize meets an artist along the way...
Bedridden Confessions October 28th, 2012 As Reize lays bedridden from the incident at Halloween Town, he is visited by Riku. The two have a heart-to-heart talk about various subjects. A few secrets were exchanged.
First Kiss October 28th, 2012 Hours after recovering from Riku's itching powder, Lily visits Reize. The two bond a bit closer.
Trees and Rea-pers October 26th, 2012 Faruja and Shiki head to Cleyra to fill in the other Shard Seekers in on Yashiro's ways.
The Path to Cleyra October 25th, 2012 After the tribulation of the sandstorm, the adventurers found their way into the heart of Cleyra. It was a large tree to explore that was filled with monsters. Could the city be here?
A Noisey Desert October 24th, 2012 Avira and Reize traveled along the Bare Desert in search of the City of Illusion. It was not long after that Lenn and Lily caught up with the two and their encounter with Mercade and Will of the Twilight Detective Agency. However, what lurked in the desert were not all friendly.
Encounter of the Noobs October 23rd, 2012 Reize wandered along the Bare Desert in search for the City of Illusion that he had heard about. This brought him to encounter with another newbie, Avira. She would help him find the strange city under the circumstances that he helped her with her mark. Hilarity ensues.
Lost Bracelet and the Mouse October 22nd, 2012 Reize decided to help an injured traveler who lost his lucky bracelet that his wife gave him thanks to an encounter at Figaro Desert. Reize traveled to begin his search, but he would not be without help in the form of a mysterious mouse.
Hunt or the Hunted October 21st, 2012 In the latest adventure for Reize and Riku, they got to bond over getting pricked by cactites. Wanting something a bit more exciting, Riku mentioned about hunting a Wild Saurian. Unfortunately for the pair... it remembered Reize.'
An Explosive Situation October 20th, 2012 A busy day at the Twilight Detective Agency becomes explosive as unexpected magics combine and tempers flare. What will happen between Riku and Will?
Lower Vaults of Doom! October 20th, 2012 Part Two of the Halloween Town Vaults of Terrifyingly Bad Ideas. Heartless. Jaunty Chicken Robots! Pie! We have it all. Come on down. Leave your SAN at the door.
Dreams of Hope October 19th, 2012 It's the morning after Reize's nightmare. What happens next?
Reunity October 18th, 2012 Reize reunites with his friends. But...
Surviving Wanderers October 16th, 2012 After the reunion with Lenn, Lily, and Shiki, Reize got some rest and then finally went back out in the desert to do some more exploration. However, his travel brings him to a familiar face and a new face that is in trouble.
Down the Underground Ruins October 15th, 2012 After the plan to save Shiki from Priel had took a different turn for Reize and Priel, the two are forced to work together to navigate through the torturous underground ruins. There is a surprise waiting for them both...
Fun In the Sandpit October 13th, 2012 There had been rumors of holes and sandtraps appearing out at Figaro Desert that are smaller than an antlion's sandpit. There had been rumors of treasure, but those that went to explore it had never came back.
Meddle Not October 13th, 2012 Priel Aylin does a bad, bad thing.
Proving Grounds in the Darkness October 13th, 2012 After the Fun in the Sandpits, Reize reflects on the night, thinking about his recent failures and an important mystery. Riku and Reize have a heated exchange of words, which becomes a fight for survival. Was it just a dream?
An Awkward Acquaintance October 9th, 2012 Dark going downs in the city of Fluorgis.
Shard Seekers Shenanigans October 7th, 2012 About after an hour of the mess with the first meeting, the team pulled through together at the end. Now, the group gather at the bar and relax. Antics ware to be had.
I Won't Say I'm In... October 7th, 2012 Following her musical number, Shiki makes some more confessions to Reize.
Shard Seekers Unite: Fluorgis October 6th, 2012 Things go down in Fluorgis surrounding the Shard Seekers and their leader. Something precious is stolen!
Rude Awakening October 5th, 2012 Shiki wakes up in Fluorgis, and... ...don't ask.
Wolfish Humor October 5th, 2012 Skoll seeks out Reize in order to join the Shard Seekers - and the two end up shortly celebrating this addition to the group.
Reize and Shiki's Adventures in the Desert October 2nd, 2012 A snapshot of various events during Reize and Shiki's second day of the trek.
Nightmares and Closer Fears September 30th, 2012 Shiki awakens from a nightmare, and her and Reize enter Junon.
Snakes and Mines September 29th, 2012 Shiki and Reize escape the Midgar Zolom and explore a mine.
The Secret September 27th, 2012 Reize and Shiki have a heart to heart.
Shrouding Dark Cloud September 23rd, 2012 On their way to Goug, heroes encounter a mighty Heartless!
An 'Easy' Target September 21st, 2012 A wandering Reize draws the attention of a couple of muggers, only to be 'rescued' by a gargoyle and a werewolf. Of course, it seems as if he didn't really need the rescue afterall.
Now, Here In Manhattan September 20th, 2012 Exploring a park at night!
Let's Make Some Noise! September 18th, 2012 A new player enters the Game! Shiki Misaki, let's form a pact!