
From Final Kingdom MUSH
Revision as of 14:36, 2 May 2013 by Maira (Talk | contribs)

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Maira by Morrighan.png
Age Around 17
Species Hume
Sex Female
Height 5'4
Weight Undefined
Series Final Fantasy 7
Combat Styles Black Mage
Hometown Midgar
Occupation/Job Black Mage
Force: Wandering Force
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to light the whole thing on fire! Just a little bit!
Recent Events
"Did I really free the Dark Knight? Did I do the right thing? .....What does this all mean?"


Maira was born in Midgar to a single mother. She has very few memories of her before she died, and unfortunately most of them are unfavorable. She grew up knowing that her mother had been wooed by a mysterious man who left her with a child to raise on her own soon after she became pregnant. Her mother remained extremely bitter about this turn of events.

Maira was a sickly child, and to support her ran a small potions shop in the slums. They were almost constantly on the edge of poverty, often homeless. It was no surprise when her mother and Maira both took ill. Despite her history of sickness, Maira miraculously survived the sickness, while her mother did not. Thus, at the age of six Maira became an orphan.

It was also at this time that Maira began to see Uist. He appeared to her in a fever-dream, and when she woke, clear-headed, he was there before her and has been by her side ever since. Maira was unsure of his presence at first, but alone as she was he became a balm to her. He assured her that he meant her no harm, that indeed he was there to help protect her and guide her. He is a precious friend, her constant companion, even if no one else in the world can see him.

Maira was taken in by an orphanage where she spent the remainder of her childhood, living in the shadow of ShinRa, though she did not have any strong feelings of hate for the company as many do. Her last brush with illness had not been her last, and Maira spent much of her time between fevers, struggling to survive. Unfortunately, this paired with the fact she talked to an invisible friend caused her to not really have much in the way of friends growing up. The woman who owned the orphanage was kind to her, but distant. The other children were reluctant to speak with her, and she could rarely keep up with their games.

Around the age of thirteen, Maira saw a vast improvement in her health. It was at this time that she also discovered that she had a talent for magic. While materia was certainly difficult to come by in the slums, she found a fire materia while exploring an abandoned building with Uist. Uist encouraged her to keep it and wanted to help her nurture her gift for magic.

By the time she was sixteen, Maira began to aspire to a better life. She thought to perhaps join ShinRa, who she thought would train her to use her magic. Clearly, it was not meant to be, for just before she was about to pursue that avenue, Wutai’s Godo Kisaragi makes a pact with the Shadow Lords that allows The Heartless to overrun Maira’s world. With SOLDIER and Wutai fighting and Heartless invading Midgar, Maira was caught in an attack. She tried, with her one materia, to protect the orphanage and met with some degree of success. However, there were too many Heartless for her to possibly handle, forcing her to flee. Following the advice of an unknown voice, she was led by Uist to a door she had never seen before, through which she fled, with no other choice.

So it was that she left her home behind.

Maira woke in Traverse Town, tucked into a bed in the second district’s Inn. Uist sat by her side, unseen by the moogle that kindly looked after her while she was unconscious. Traverse Town, being no stranger to refugees from Worlds of Darkness became home to Maira, where she got a job mixing and selling potions at a small shop while she continued to study magic in her free time. While exploring Traverse Town and other worlds, Maira met and has befriended many people who have truly changed the course of her life. She befriended Avira, who started the group VALKYRI, and is proud to be the group’s second member.


Maira is young; naive in some ways but world-weary in others. She is no stranger to poverty and struggle. She is no stranger to loneliness. That said, she usually manages to remain upbeat. While the darkness of her world haunts her still, she finds hope knowing there are people who fight against that darkness. It was an amazing and exciting revelation for her to find out that there are more worlds out there, full of possibility. She hopes that she will be able to help fight against the darkness and perhaps see her world put to rights.

Maira is eager to make friends and connections. She is kind hearted almost to a fault, friendly and often exuberant. Having been hopelessly ill for most of her life, her new health (while still below average) gives her a chance to experience life.

This new outlook has also given her a thirst for thrill seeking. The rush of adrenaline is something very much sought after by Maira. She has developed a love of all things fast; vehicles etc. If Traverse Town had an amusement park, she would be a frequent visitor. Maira also has a love of sweet foods and strange food combinations. It is not unlike her to put ice cream on top of steak and pour chocolate sauce on chicken. She might very well live on ice cream if she could.

She continues to work on her magic, which is quite powerful. Indeed, it is too powerful for her many a time. She has trouble controlling her emotions and has been known to occasionally set her bed aflame at night whilst in the grip of a nightmare. She hopes to gain better control and sorely needs training, which it seems she might just get from the kind-hearted Aerith!


Allies Uist, Avira, Angantyr Vespar, Aerith, Faruja, Ivo Galvan, Katyna Redsvaren, Kaze, Legion, Mercade Alexander, Minerva, TRON, Sarafina Carenze, Percival, Skoll Ulfang, Vespa, Tifa Lockhart
Adversaries Leon, Morrighan Alazne Garland, LEXUS, Seith
Acquaintances Ariel, Artyom, CHIEF, Deelel, Deidra Evja, Faris, Hati, Kamon Lionward, Kim Possible, Lavi, Leida, [[]], Riku, Raiya Fujihara, Isaac Hanlon, Reize Seatlan, Sora,


Name Status Thoughts
Uist Deep regard "My first friend, my almost constant companion and protector...I can't begin to describe it."
Avira BFF-ness "I will always be here to support you Avira, no matter what! You are my best friend and I'll never give up on you."
Angantyr Great fondness. Complicated "You are always there for me when I need you....I will do the same for you. Please...I'm worried for you."
Aerith Friendship "You have been a good mentor to me. Thank you."
Faruja Friendship "You have become one of my closest friends. You a a true knight and having you by my side always gives me strength."
Ivo Galvan complicated "We really need to talk Ivo....again."
Katyna Redsvaren Friendship "You've been there for me Katy, I think you want to do what is right."
Kaze Friendship "Whether you like it or not, Murdock!"
Legion Friendship "It has been really great getting to know you. All of you.
Mercade Alexander Friendship "You are a good, solid person Mercade. Thanks for being a friend."
Minerva Friendship "A fellow VALKYRI, I know I can count on you."
TRON Friendship "I'm so glad to have you in VALKYRI. You are a good friend and I look forward to getting to know you better!"
Sarafina Carenze Friendship "I think you may be the only good thing I've seen come out of Baron. I miss you!"
Percival Great fondness, complicated "You are not a monster, no matter what you say. I need you."
Skoll Ulfang Friendship "You make excellent bacon! Even if you are trouble, you are fun to be around."
Vespa Friendship "I don't think you are crazy Vespa. Good to have you around."
Tifa Lockhart Friendship "Having you around is always a pleasure! You should do uh...punch good!"


Name Status Thoughts
Leon Confusion, Anxiety "Who are you...? I don't understand why you are doing what you do. You feel...wrong. Please, tell me.
Morrighan Alazne General Grumpiness "You kidnapped Avira, then made it seem like you wanted to be a better person...but you lied."
Garland Fear, Curiousity "....don't get Angantyr into trouble, please."
LEXUS Grrr! " are a mean....thing."
Seith Anger "I know you helped Katyna, apparently...but you...I think you have lost your way."


Daughter of Ashes: Trail of Thieves March 28th, 2014 Maira and 'friends' set out to track down the Fourty Thieves and re-claim the item stolen from Phoenix's Cloister.
Ice Comet March 27th, 2014 Taking the water-crystal out of the safety of the camp, Avira tests the item with a unique Gummi-block out in the Realm Between!
Daughter of Ashes: Fire Walker March 20th, 2014 Phoenix visits Maira's dreams, bringing with him a quest which he asks her to undertake.
Kindling Inquirement February 28th, 2014 A series of 'heroes' inquire into more of the history surrounding Cinderella's history.
Unexpected Results February 20th, 2014 The town of Narshe falls prey to another unusual visitor, one who wants to destroy Rhiannon, the scientist who attacked the city earlier. How is this creature related? How do people react in the face of this overwhelming vengeance?
A Long Return and a Shard February 17th, 2014 Returning home after his journey, Maira comes to visit the Shard Seekers to retrieve a World Shard that could unlock an important world for her.
Seven: Dark Dominion February 15th, 2014 With the World of Ruin becoming more ruinous, a group of people have instead settled in the southwestern region of the Old Kingdom. But they found a strange mountain they don't dare to climb. So they've asked adventurers to check it out - to put their minds to ease.
A Researcher's Inquiry VI February 13th, 2014 The Black Beast is unleashed upon Narshe in another field test by Rhiannon Zellen, scientist of Shinra. Luckily some saviors happen to be here to put a stop to it's rampage. But is it really the end...?
Seven: The World Changes February 8th, 2014 A dark shadow looms over the Northern Continent.
Seven: Looming February 5th, 2014 Strange happenings are occurring in the Zanarkand Ruins. Our heroes go down there to figure out what is going on!
Power Play: A Bit of Fate January 25th, 2014 An unusual encounter in Purgos leads to the forces of Restoration gaining wind of an unusual situation...
Everything Starts Small January 23rd, 2014 Confronted by a host of hunters, Warden does the only thing possible for a man in his position.

He tries to buy them all off.

It doesn't work well, but dropping the tavern does!

...would you believe I'm having them cleaned? January 21st, 2014 Warden breaks back into the Castle of Dreams to leave a fun presents for the people there. However he is intrupted by a pair of no good do gooders. Will our not-so-heroic pirate survive?!

Of course he will.

Seven: Dreams Go On - Waking Dream January 18th, 2014 Seith's curse comes to bear. Cinderella falls asleep. As do many of our other heroes. This is the story for those who escaped the curse's grasp.
Topsy Turvy Day: Nightfall January 14th, 2014 The Topsy Turvy Day must come to an end.
Topsy Turvy Day 1 January 7th, 2014 Shenanigans!
Seven: Dreams January 5th, 2014 Our heroes enjoy a ball and learn some of the secrets that the Castle of Dreams holds. But what's more... there is a dark omen that meets our heroes late into the dance.
Seven: Night Before Dreams January 4th, 2014 In preparation to the big Castle of Dreams ball, the villages are the area are having a pre-feast feast!
Tis the Season December 23rd, 2013 Its a holiday party for VALKYRI and friends. Also someone who crashes the party and makes everyone twitch, yet behaves. Which could be even worse than him crashing things.
Blackest Friday December 7th, 2013 Echo decides the greed and barbarism of a black Friday sale must be punished. Enchanted outfits and a Soda Machine Golem ensue!
Reconnect: Maira December 6th, 2013 After recovering Alice and bringing her back to VALKYRI HQ, Aerith finds herself with more questions than answers. To clear her thoughts of a few of them, she turns to one who she's sorely in need of a re-evaluation with.
Seven: Mazerunner December 5th, 2013 A mysterious entity is causing a ruckus beneath Castle Tycoon; Alice is in danger! Our heroes and some unlikely allies face off against a great and dark evil force.
A Daring Rescue November 27th, 2013 Avira, Maira, and Angantyr arrive at a nightclub in downtown Manhattan to crash a party...literally.
The Best Laid Plans... November 23rd, 2013 ...Apparently succeed. Echo and Phrego swoop in on an unsuspecting Avira and Morrighan. Combat ensues and in the end, the cavalry arrives too late as Morrighan is whisked away. ...What happens now?
Searching for A Rare Plant November 22nd, 2013 Reize made a return to the public to defend the Great Wall from the Undead. However, Reize's main reason for returning was to get an herb that was supposed to bring a friend of his back to good health. He has a talk with the VALKYRI members, who he had not seen in months.
China Syndrome II November 21st, 2013 The Horned King has been planning his advancement on China, tonight-- he sends his Cauldron Born to claim the very wall that defends the proud nation of China.
Emergency Bacon November 7th, 2013 Radio Chatter while fight Pig Noise. Everyone got hungry.
Seven: Heigh-Ho-Heartless November 7th, 2013 The White Rabbit visits the Dwarf Woodlands, and causes some serious trouble for the Dwarves and their female companion. Just what attracted the White Rabbit to this place anyway? And will he find what he's looking for?
A Heart to Heart November 6th, 2013 Maira and Angantyr mend some emotional bridges.
Maleficent Drinks Tea November 4th, 2013 Maleficent has a chat with us in Traverse Town.
Nightmare Nonsense November 2nd, 2013 What's This? What's This? Father Christmas is a robot!?
Tombstone Terror November 1st, 2013 What's This? What's This? Imps playing dirty tricks!?
A calm before the storm October 30th, 2013 Echo meets Vesper and Maira for the first time and tries out her new polymorphing toy on them.
Unlikely Asylum October 26th, 2013 After all that has happened, Maira and Avira need to find safe haven. Thus, Maira reaches out to an unlikely associate for aid...
Que Remedies Camp Pair Dadeni's Understaffing October 26th, 2013 Queegmaa goes to the hideout of Avira in the hopes of regaining his magic stick, only to be offered sincere empathy after he confesses his own worthlessness, the former of which makes him uncomfortable. In turn, he beats a hasty retreat while bestowing them with a parting gift, of sorts, hoping never to have to encounter Maira or Avira again.
Turning The Tables…. Upside Down October 23rd, 2013 In dire need of rescue, Maira's friends are led by Shadow through the Mtek factory so that she might persevere, and last at least one more day. Presumably, after a fight against Rakassa and her hired guns, the heroes can expect many years to come, which is more than what can be said for the furnishings and equipment in the lab, as Angantyr turns the tables(and other machines) on their sides, after having metaphorically turned the tables on the vileness that is the Gestahlian Empire!
Hare Today, Gone to Vector October 12th, 2013 Maira is unwittingly duped by Queegmaa, who helps(see: hinders) her as she tries to evade would-be captors; a human soldier and a viera ranger. After the kappa fumbles a few times and slows her down, she's caught by the fleeing viera even as Avira tries to forestall Maira's abduction, after which the obvious ensues-- Que chicken-heartedly runs off to 'get help' while Avira detains the human soldier for interrogation.
Manhattan Revisited October 8th, 2013 Maleficent said she'd return to the city and she does in force. Two of the new keybladers rise with their companions to defend the city. However? Garland is waiting in the wings and their target is not the city but the defenders...
The Cloister of Phoenix October 4th, 2013 Heroes delve into the Cloister of Phoenix, only to find... platform puzzles.
Not As Planned September 12th, 2013 It was intended to be a grand day, a day of learning, of testing out new advances with Gummi Blocks. It doesn't go that way as the Undead have other plans, life can be a real Lich sometimes.
Requiem for the Nameless August 22nd, 2013 Some very strange salvagers are searching for a nameless ship that sank...
It all goes down hill August 21st, 2013 Deelel discovers sleds and riding them down hills on snow. She's not alone in trying this out as Maira and she? Drag several other friends along for the fun and Cocoa.
Zombies and Jungles August 9th, 2013 It was a simple job really. Hired to help protect a site in the jungle for Arthur Drover. However they had problems with the undead for some time, and you can't keep a good zombie down for long. Sadly for those who are still alive.
Welcome To The Grid August 7th, 2013 After weeks of work, Beck has finally repaired the laser. However something goes horribly wrong. The moment the laser is powered, it starts digitizing every single person in the room. At long last the programs have returned home however? Can they get their user friends out alive?!
Maira's Got A Gun July 31st, 2013 Maira's got a gun, you better run~ Also, some firearms training.
The Phantom's Rise July 29th, 2013 Traverse Town is a heavily traffic area. Protected by the Data Point Security and by the many groups who live here. Yet a challenger has come to see if he can awaken the people's eyes that no matter their security. No matter their power. Their light will never be strong enough to defeat the darkness.
Future Tense: Angantyr July 24th, 2013 It is decided.
Civil Conversation July 24th, 2013 Maira returns to Castle Palamecia alone to get information, expecting the worst. What actually happens goes far better than anticipated.
Exploring Game Central Station July 13th, 2013 Following the breakthrough into a strange new world, Deelel, along with her friends and a couple other people, decide to explore. Thrills and spills await in the world inside Flynn's Arcade!
Wrecking the End of Line July 11th, 2013 Maleficent seeks to summon a powerful evil to the End of Line club. What she gets? Is very unexpected however the target of her summoning is very well going to wreck the club if our heroes can't talk him down or stop him! Mayhem and also cake ensues!
R&R July 10th, 2013 Maira and Percy plan to relax together one evening. What they do not count on is both Minerva and Katyna popping up to make things 'interesting"
Visitors, Cupcakes, and Relationships July 1st, 2013 Maira stops by for a visit to the Watchtower, only to be beset by addictive cupcakes, relationship advice, and... dun dun dun: Percival.
Kidnapping Spree June 29th, 2013 A kidnapping spree done by swarms of heartless and dastardly Illuminators is foiled. But is this truly the end? (Answer: Probably not)
A Failed Hunt? June 28th, 2013 Alma Hyral learns that her World Shard location method doesn't always find World Shards...
Obtuse June 25th, 2013 Maira is recovering from her separation with Uist and was drawn to Fynn.
Farewell, Uist June 20th, 2013 The connection between Maira and her ghostly companion is severed. A heartbreaking farewell.
The Shining Maze June 17th, 2013 A path to a new world opens... But it is not easily traversed. Nor do its occupants wish visitors...
Steam Cleaning June 13th, 2013 TRON and Deelel work on cleaning up Flynn's arcade to get it operation again and for their next big project. Building a digitizing laser...also Maira is troubled by events that are a mystery to both basics...
The Sun Will Come Out June 10th, 2013 Tomorrow is always a day away.
Truth and Consequences June 7th, 2013 Maira and Leon lead a group of friends and guardians to Palamecia Castle to get answers from Emperor Mateus.
Party Like a Pirate June 7th, 2013 Celebrating the success of their treacherous expedition into the Ship Graveyard, the Shard Seekers and friends gather in Port Royal for a party in grand style, replete with music and dance and drink, mostly drink. Chaos is par for the course in this once-orderly city by the sea, and it is to the sea that the Seekers will be called once again, while Darkness lurks on the horizon -- for more than a few of them. But until then, Fate shall smile its crooked smile, love shall blossom, and kisses shall miss their mark. Like, /really/ miss their mark.
Get Lucky? June 3rd, 2013 Serendipity attracts a crowd--including Pete and a hoard of Heartless, come to try to kidnap Maira, yelling about Princesses of Heart!
Lemonade with Leon June 1st, 2013 Maira and Leon have Lemonade-and awkwardness.
A Researcher's Inquiry II May 29th, 2013 Taking time out to assist in some Shinra work, Rhia has the good fortune of running into one of those on her list of people to question. ...It turns out to be a little more complicated than that. All hell breaks loose.
Conversation with the King May 27th, 2013 Maira and Angantyr talk to King Mickey.
Wildflowers May 23rd, 2013 Maira and Percival discuss recent events.
Hot Date May 20th, 2013 Angantyr and Maira go on a date. It is almost actually hot.
Shore of Memories May 16th, 2013 Ivo, returned from his long absence, and Maira, weary from her long struggle, meet again at last, so that knight and princess may come to terms -- and join hands and hearts in friendship.
The Choice May 13th, 2013 Angantyr and Maira talk about the attack on Valk HQ, and the true nature behind it is revealed. Then Garland makes things worse, for everyone.
Seeking The Answers - Part 1 May 11th, 2013 Leon has come to seeking answers from Maira. It seems Percival has other things in mind...
Seeking The Answers - Part 2 May 11th, 2013 Continuation of Part 1 and things just get crazy! Seriously.
I will find you May 8th, 2013 Leon knows his only answers are with one person, however there are those who will do whatever it takes to keep her from him.
Girl Talk May 4th, 2013 Maira, Avira, Emi and Shida have a bit of girl talk.
The Trouble With Sandwiches May 3rd, 2013 As it happens, sandwiches are not actually the primary problem here.
The Clash Of Balance May 1st, 2013 The Dark Knight comes for the Maiden of Light. Yet she has something planned for the Dark Knight.
Endless Vigil April 26th, 2013 Maira tries to get away from the Dark Knight, finds herself locked in a tower surrounded by Guardians.
You Will Set the World on Fire April 25th, 2013 After a heartbreaking and terrifying encounter with Garland and Angantyr, Maira comes to check up on her friends. Unfortunately, she keeps lighting on fire in her sleep and she is /very/ tired.
The Ending Is Just The Beginning Repeating April 25th, 2013 Isaac gets some visitors. Emi asks an important question.
Grendel Attacks April 23rd, 2013 VALKYRI's carefully planned party is rudely interrupted by an attacking monster.
Enter The Draconian April 22nd, 2013 A new arrival has come to Traverse Town... yet again.
Conversations Between April 19th, 2013 A letter was sent to Maira. Within it a white link pearl. The owner is not who she was perhaps hoping for; or was she?
A Nice Quiet Moment April 19th, 2013 Just a quiet evening of tense planning. For once?
Beachside Encounter April 18th, 2013 Maira is spending some time alone at the beach, and it is here that she meets a certain street performer.
Tensions Rise Near the Vet April 17th, 2013 Sanel was freting near the vet when Avira came across him. However, as Evja and Lia emerged from their recovery, along with the presence of Carnus and Maira, tension rises surrounding Evja and other matters.
The Mouse King's Execution April 16th, 2013 The heroes sneak into Alexandria Castle to rescue the Burmecian King..
Knock Knock April 10th, 2013 The Dark Knight decides its time to go pay a visit to a 'family'. Battle ensues and turn of events change the set.
What happens in Narshee.. April 8th, 2013 Maira runs into Angantyr, who then runs into Emi.
Fruiting For All April 6th, 2013 FRUIT MAN returns with his partner in fighting evil, Kiwi LAAAD!!
Unlikely Crossing April 4th, 2013 Maira and Avira come across the most unlikely of people. The Dark Knight himself.
Careful? Me? March 28th, 2013 Maira and Ang have some time alone, before the arrival of the Dark Knight.
Lets Light The Sky March 26th, 2013 The Dark Knight pays the Traverse Area a visit and once again challenges those who would stand as part of the Light.
The Price of Redemption March 21st, 2013 Having fled Traverse Town, the Shadow Lords and VALKYRIE after revealing her true identity, Katyna runs into Avira, Maira and Angantyr again, and realizes that redemption and forgiveness wont come so easily..
Change of Scenery March 18th, 2013 Maira returns from Manhattan Restoration to check on Angantyr and tell the story
Restoration March 16th, 2013 It has finally come - the final battle to resurrect Manhattan!
Ember Revealed March 14th, 2013 After betraying VALKYRI, Ember reveals herself to Maira and seems remorseful of her treacherous ways..
To Hell and Back March 14th, 2013 Avira has been captured, dragged into the depths of the Underworld. Avira's friend band together, ready to rescue their friend, and free Manhattan from darkness once and for all. There can be no failure here, for failure has...perminate consiquences.
Healing Downtime March 13th, 2013 Avira taken by Hades, her friends and allies gather to recover before embarking to find her.
Darkest Before Dawn March 12th, 2013 It can always get worse.
Weak Hearts March 11th, 2013 Katyna, Maira and Angantyr discuss Avira's deal with darkness. Katyna secretly ponders her own weaknesses and dealings with darkness.
Always There When I Need You March 11th, 2013 Maira, Angantyr and Katyna meet up to talk about how to help Avira.
The Beast of Halloween Town March 10th, 2013 Ashamed and horrified, the mutate Avira fled into the night-but rumors of her hiding in Halloween Town spread fast. Friend, foe, and unexpected ally alike cross paths with the distraught woman.
The Final Shard March 8th, 2013 Time to go visit a friend of Merlin's for the real answer of where the Spirit Shard is - Mama Odie. Yet can this Voodoo Priestess really help them? Or will it just be another wild goose chase?
Shard Packing With Merlin?? March 7th, 2013 Time to go find the last shard! Everyone gather together because we are hitting up Merlin's. Yet what they will find out, isn't what they were hoping for...
Dinner with CHIEF March 5th, 2013 CHIEF invites VALKYRI to dinner. Surely nothing will go wrong.
Scars of the Past March 4th, 2013 Rumors of an unknown lab dating back to the War of the Magi has been making the rounds as of late. Worse something has been attacking near by towns. A band of heroes and others go to drive into to the depths and find something left behind by a long ended war.
Back Alley Banter March 1st, 2013 Wandering through the back alleys of Fluorgis at night leads to some short conversation.
Celebration in Fluorgis February 26th, 2013 With the Shadows Over Fluorgis passes, the city undergoes a celebration. Drunks, music, merriment all around. Some shenanigans are abound.
Down Time February 25th, 2013 A number of Heroes are taking some down time after an incident in Fluorgis. Thankfully Tifa's already got her pub up and running again and thus everyone's able to enjoy some well earned R&R
Clear the Skies February 22nd, 2013 As Heartless rage through the streets and Fluorgis teeters on collapse, its council makes a fateful decision, and employs the city's last ditch plan to protect the Fire Crystal from the darkness. In the midst of the melee, from the bowels of the earth bursts the Fire-Powered Ship, retrofitted as a mighty airship with the combined technology of Fluorgis and Karnak, which plunges bravely into the shadowy skies above with the Crystal within. Yet deep in the dark miasma, fearsome foes lurk with designs of their own. Can those trusted few allowed into Fluorgis's inner sanctum repulse these last invaders and preserve the city's livelihood?
Fruit and Entering February 21st, 2013 Valkyri HQ gets a visit from a most unexpected guest - FRUIT-MAN!!
Maid Cafe: The Bacon Episode February 16th, 2013 The Shard Seekers and Valkyri put up a Maid Cafe for gaining some coin - for charity
A Second Chance February 16th, 2013 Maira has enough of Ivo's childishness. Ivo realizes too late what it is he's missed. Forgiveness, and a glimmer of hope. The future is open. But what path will they choose?
Time of Rest, Seeds of Conflict February 15th, 2013 Faruja, Maira, Ivo and Raiya gather by coincidence at the WildKat Cafe, each depleted by their different endeavors. Will these good friends be tested by tensions which simmer beneath the surface, born of unexamined flaws?
Summoning of The Fiend: Earth February 14th, 2013 Morrighan, acting under her own machinations, sets about creating a network of magic draining glyphs, all leading to the Iifa Tree. With a little help from a magic artifact, she performs a ritual to summon a dark force to her side. Needless to say, many take issue with this notion.
The Pompa Sanctum Parade February 11th, 2013 Jihl Nabaat runs the Pompa Sanctum Parade. People show up, talk, dance, and terrible things occur as the pagent for the win of the War of Trangression goes on.
Boneyard Shuffle February 10th, 2013 Shard UNLOCK! --- A massive undead mammoth shuffles about and inconviences the party. Guest starring Shenzai, Banzai and Ed. --Welcome to the Pride Lands.
One Night In VALKYRI February 5th, 2013 Just another normal night in VALKYRI. Minus the strange new friends and visitors at least!
The Shinra Rises February 4th, 2013 A long missing Shinra cargo ship has run aground near Luca the Shinra send troops to recover the cargo but people take notice. Also one cricket proves he may be insect James Bond.
VALKYRI Bath time January 31st, 2013 Maira and Avira have a BFF heart to heart in the tub.
Beach Party! January 29th, 2013 Impromptu beach party where a lot of people showed up - including Damien's thong.
Unorthodox uses of BACON January 28th, 2013 Skoll warned that there would be danger if the VALKYRI were to harbor them. And that danger becomes very real in the form of Makenshi.
Walls of Wind January 26th, 2013 Sandstorms have begun to regularly beset the walls of Fluorgis, and the massive sandworms that thread their way through the surrounding desert have entered a state of heightened agitation, making caravan travel all but impossible and rendering the famous fountain city nearly besieged. What with all the troubles that have arisen, no one knows how long the map etched upon the newborn Desert Rose will remain valid, or even to what it leads. Yet the Shard Seekers' new (and somewhat dubious) shard-seeking device indicates that the map is no ruse, and may lead to something precious indeed. Could the Desert Rose somehow hold the key to saving Fluorgis in its time of dire need? A brave group of adventurers set out to ruins deep in the desert, through hordes of monsters and terrible walls of wind, to discover what treasure lies in wait. But even Sandworms may be the least of their problems, as the darkness gathers...
A celebration at VALKYRI January 24th, 2013 Maira throws a surprise party for Avira to celebrate her win in the race and qualifying for the Hades Cup!
Hades Cup: Qualifying Event - THE RACE January 23rd, 2013 The first qualifying event of the Hades Cup Tournament, in which the Junior Heros race each other to get qualified in the Hades Cup Tournament!
Of thieves and ghost whisperers January 22nd, 2013 Katyna returns to VALKYRIE headquarters where she runs into Maira shortly after the church fiasco. The two discuss strength of heart, friendship..And gossip about boys!?
The Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames! January 21st, 2013 Hades Announces the Hades Cup, reveals the Manhattan Shard of Wind, and reveals TNT.
Trespassers Will Be Toad January 20th, 2013 A party of adventurers investigates mysterious disappearances and rumors of monsters in the Fluorgis Water Treatment plant. Everyone was Kung-Fu Fighting. HAAAH. Caution: You May Get Wet.
Haunted Hearts January 17th, 2013 VALKYRIE and their allies investigate a series of hauntings in the Traverse Town church. While Maira and Aerith discover friendly ghosts and a heartless preying on the dead, parts of Katyna's mysterious history are revealed..
Dive Into The Heart: Angantyr Vespar January 12th, 2013 Angantyr is really getting sick of these weird dreams.
VALKYRI VS Shard Seekers: Racing the Dawn January 12th, 2013 Desert madness! VALKYRI and the Shard Seekers go head to head as they rush through an ancient ruins to secure valuable artifact not only within the time limit, but before the other adventurers get to the final chamber as well. The object? A Desert Rose, a magical crystal rose, a living artifact, that blooms only for one night once every 100 years. Inscribed on the petals themselves are shapes that form a map to an even greater treasure. What awaits the two teams as they race for the goal?!
Manhattan Restoration: Mining for Shards January 10th, 2013 The heroes come to the Woodlands in order to get one of the Manhattan Shards... but run into a bit of trouble.
Truce! Compromise between two warriors January 8th, 2013 While on the way to investigate the increased presence of Heartless in the Dwarf Woodlands, Maira, Avira, and Katyna run into the mysterious Black Wind. Maira shatters the tension between Kaze and Avira and an uneasy promise is made to alert Kaze to further appearances of the White Cloud. Kaze is also renamed to Murdock by the excitable fire mage.
Blink Fight: FK Style January 6th, 2013 It's time for Blink Fight: FK Style. Place your bets place your bets. Spend your munny. Spend your munny. Whose going to win this dastardly and emotional conflict? Words are said. Blows are thrown. FK runs on piefaces.
The Perils of Ronda Unstoppabelle! January 6th, 2013 Ron Unstoppable is being pursued by the terrifying King Powerwild! Can VALKYRI and friends stop it? And who is this mysterious Ronda that has come to help?
An Introduction to Magic January 6th, 2013 Welcome to charming Traverse Town. See the lovely lakes, the friendly townspeople-- the poisoned apples.
Cure for the Mutated January 1st, 2013 With the cure finally retrieved from Garland, Avira and Angantyr have taken it to Merlin to have it duplicated. It's a success! For the most part. While the injected darkness in Avira and Angantyr is removed, Avira finds the animal aspects of her mutation fading much, much more slowly. Mercade and Maira come along and everything quickly descends into utter awkwardness.
For the Cure December 29th, 2012 Garland holds the cure to the dark mutation cursed onto Avira. Can she, Mercade, Angantyr and Maira manage to secure it?
Manhattan Restoration: Merlin's Invitation December 27th, 2012 After fending off an attack from Mad Madam Mim, heroes are gathered to hear Merlin's tidings of comfort and joy, or at least tidings of 'not all hope is lost, now go out and kicks ome ass.'
Betting on a First Kiss December 27th, 2012 Fatigued from spending his holiday away from Shard Seeker business to volunteer for those in need with Hearts Intertwined, Ivo has a fortunate chance encounter with Maira, who has endured far worse than he. An impromptu holiday exchange of gifts becomes an unexpected night at the races, at which the fire magess demonstrates her excellent luck -- and Ivo has a little luck of his own.
Hopeless Hearts December 25th, 2012 Avira rushes to the Coliseum, intent on rescuing Maira. She is confronted with a series of tests, but will she be able to pass the final one and free her friend? Or will hearts be broken instead?
Stories of Hope at Hearts Intertwined December 17th, 2012 Faruja and Maira have a chance encounter while helping the sick and injured who fled Manhattan
Kidnapped! December 17th, 2012 Maira is cornered by heartless, only to be 'rescued' by the Shadow Knight, Ember! However, it seems Ember has other plans for the fiery girl as she ends up kidnapping her instead!
Finding Angantyr Vespar December 13th, 2012 Avira leads VALKYRI after the missing Agantyr.
Gathering the VALKYRI December 12th, 2012 Avira calls the rest of the VALKYRI to acclimate her to her altered appearance...and to announce a new prime directive for the group. From then on, much to Katyna's dismay, they plan to oppose the schemes of the Shadow Lords, wherever they may be!
Unexpected Meeting in Bevelle December 10th, 2012 Jasmine and her party finally arrive in Bevelle...
In a New York Minute - Evacuation December 9th, 2012 The defenders of Manhattan attempt to evacuate as many people as they can before it's too late; the Shadow Lords try to close the portal on them early, but cannot break through.
In A New York Minute: The Manhattan Project - Docks Of Doom December 8th, 2012 Sho Minamimoto and Big Bad Pete make their appearance on the Manhattan Docks. In an attempt to break through the defenses and savage the storage and support from the harbor, they deploy Noise and Heartless! What will the heroes do to stop them?
They're On A Boat - Part Two: The Serpent December 3rd, 2012 After Faris procured a ship, she transports Jasmine, Angantyr, Avira and Maira to Bevelle. At first the trip is pleasant, but a devastating storm rises, and something waits for them in the foggy 'calm', afterwards... (GMed by Jasmine; part one, which this is a direct continuation of, is at: They're On A Boat - Part One: The Storm )
They're On A Boat - Part One: The Storm December 2nd, 2012 After Faris procured a ship, she transports Jasmine, Angantyr, Avira and Maira to Bevelle. At first the trip is pleasant, but a devastating storm rises, and something waits for them in the foggy 'calm', afterwards... (GMed by Jasmine)
In A New York Minute: Sheltering Darkness December 1st, 2012 The intrepid defenders of Manhattan descend into the depths in order to rescue several innocent people kidnapped by Heartless. What they find is a place beyond what anyone could have expected...
Central Park Training December 1st, 2012 Tifa, Aerith and Maira go through some light training session.
Important VALKYRI Business December 1st, 2012 Maira and Avira haven't had the time for a heart to heart chat lately. So they make time and thus have many different subjects to touch upon!
Too Hot to Handle November 30th, 2012 At last, the promised moment: Ivo, in his noble quest to acquire for Maira a fireproof outfit, must take her measurements. All is going according to plan, until a couple highly unexpected guests interrupt his otherwise foolproof plot. But when at last the two are alone again, will she surprise him by proving to be too hot to handle? ...So to speak.
Unintended Confrontrations November 26th, 2012 Kaydin confronts Maira and gets more then he intends
A Confluence Of Fate November 24th, 2012 Chaos erupts in Baron as a number of plots crash together in the halls of power with all of the grace of a freight train.
Flower Picking November 16th, 2012 A rare item hunter is looking for a blossom from Gran Pulse's 'Blind Ochu' plant, supposedly now found in the Golmore Jungle. With a warning to watch out for the monsters found nearby called 'Picochus', some Shard Seekers and VALKYRI accompanied by two Archadian Judges, a Player, and a chainsaw-wielding winged matron head into the humid rainforest...
Zargabaath Investigates Traverse Town November 12th, 2012 Zargabaath Brings the Alexander to find out more information about the Heartless and finds out a little bit of information about them. He also meets Aerith, Faruja and others willing to fight the Heartless. Of course, during an argument, Maira and Aerith meet up for the first time and wish to talk further about a place in their past that they share.
Frolicking by the Fountain November 10th, 2012 Relaxing by a fountain in the grand plaza of the desert city Ivo now calls home after an adventure with Raiya, the Shard Seekers' strategist encounters two of his favorite ladies. He's practically swimming in fun these days. But could he be getting in a little too deep?
A dark road.. November 8th, 2012 Katyna comes across a confused and lost Maira who is being tracked by heartless. Seeking to learn more about the mysterious girl, Kat gathers some information about her and her ghost friend while leading her to safety..
Awful Advice About Men November 5th, 2012 Avira takes it upon herself to give Maira some sisterly advice about men. Hilarity ensues and Mercade guest stars.
Rescue Please! November 4th, 2012 A nobleman vacationing in Costa Del Sol has reported that his daughter has been kidnapped by a band of marauding goblins and their ogre leader, and whisked away to a ruined fortress where the bandits have made their base. Such a classic case of a damsel in distress calls for the intervention of heroic knights, and Faruja Senra and Ivo Galvan of the Shard Seekers are on the case, along with whomever else has answered the call. Navigate a sand-blasted warren rife with monstrous foes and rescue the girl -- assuming, of course, that all is as it seems.
A Gathering In Central Park November 2nd, 2012 Ivo and friends call up Mercade to follow up after returning some lost pets to their owners. A LOT OF PEOPLE ENSUE.
Snow Demon November 1st, 2012 VALKYRI investigates a rumor of an ice demon resembling a woman and winds up with a new ally in the process!
Xarbucks Chaos October 25th, 2012 Baigan, Scarmiglione, and dark knight Kaydin engage in reconnaissance to further the glory of Baron and end up in Central Park's closest Xarbucks, where Maira is just trying to get a cup of coffee. When Negaduck bursts onto the scene and Sarafina bursts through the door, everything collapses. And by everything, I mean the Xarbucks.
Pizza With A Side Of Reaper October 25th, 2012 After a destructive clash in Manhattan, Mercade, Deidra, Maira, and Ward Zabac go to get some pizza and recover from a place they like. On the way, they encounter the Reaper Uzuki Yashiro. Can the offer of pizza get her to relax?
The Path To Goug October 19th, 2012 It's a bit arduous to get to Goug. Travellers find this out the hard way, as a group of them stumble into Seventh Heaven, and Whiskey Time happens. Fun for all ages!
The Pursuit of Ice Cream: Sweet Success October 13th, 2012 The missing pieces of the heavily desired Sea-Salt Ice Cream have been recovered, and Scrooge McDuck will be meeting in Traverse Town with the brave souls who managed to recover it, both to pick up the pieces and to deliver their hard-earned reward.

Spirits are high! After all that they've been through, the brave souls who banded together to locate the pieces are unlikely to expect anything to go wrong.

Or do they?

Come one and come all to traverse Town! Don't worry if you weren't there before, there's always some sea-salt ice cream ready for you. Right?
The Search For Ice Cream: Coastal Chaos October 6th, 2012 The Twilight Detective Agency is on the case, hunting down the stolen pieces of the famous Sea Salt Ice Cream recipe! However, nothing worthwhile in life is easy, and the EEEEEEEEEEVIL Magica DeSpell will not allow the recipe pieces to be taken so simply. She has plans of her own... One of the pieces is found off the coast of the beach resort of Costa Del Sol, but the search will be dangerous (and Scrooge is footing expenses). The TDA has sent out a call for adventuers, mercenaries, and do-gooders to help secure that recipe... And the forces of Darkness might be interested in interfering as well. Come on down to Costa Del Sol, one and all! The water's fine. Mwahahahahaha...
The Pursuit Of Ice Cream: Frozen Fear October 6th, 2012 Another piece of the recipe is found within the clutches of Magical DeSpell.
Shard Seekers Unite: Fluorgis October 6th, 2012 Things go down in Fluorgis surrounding the Shard Seekers and their leader. Something precious is stolen!
A Heartless In Center Park September 28th, 2012 A massive mechanical Heartless arises in Central Park for unknown reasons. Who can stop it from destroying and consuming what remains of Manhattan?


Where Has Ivo Been? May 14th, 2013 In which several months' absence is exploited for comedic effect.
Don't Want the Guy November 5th, 2012 Avira is not hung up on Ivo. She's so not hung up on Ivo that she sings a song about it.