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Note that this is not a comprehensive list. These are the opening themes for which a guideline is provided, as they were represented in Kingdom Hearts, or are otherwise on grid. These entries often contain an adjustment to incorporate the Kingdom Hearts theme - leading to the fall of the world into darkness.


Final Fantasy 1

The world of balance was a magical realm, governed by the four elemental crystals of dark and opposing crystals of light. 200 years ago, the four crystals of light were abused by a highly advanced civilization - known as the Lufenian - who lived on a floating continent above the planet.

Their misuse of the crystals led to the sinking of a giant sea shrine, the sudden surge in airship crashes as a result of inexplicable windstorms, uncontrollable wildfires that wracked the world, and decaying vegetation seen throughout the world. What started off as an ambitious plan to further advance their civilization left it in near ruins..And the rest of the world was soon to follow..

One day, the great Sage Lukahn spoke of a prophecy, of the legendary dark warriors who would come with their orbs devoid of light, to heal the ailing crystals and return the world from darkness. Soon after, the Dark Warriors arrived from nowhere, each carrying an empty dark orb, drawn together by forces beyond their control. Travelling the world, they battled numerous villians, rescuing princess Sara of Cornelia from the evil Garland , defeating the evil dark elf Astos and liberating the good Elf Prince, restoring his kingdom. They eventually encountered the four fiends: Lich, Marilith, Kraken and Tiamat, recovering the crystals of light and restoring their balance with the crystals of darkness.

Light began to return to the world, and yet evil remained on the brink, threatenning to overturn the warriors as soon as their strength was exhausted. Chaos used his magic to revive Garland and the fiends, sending them 2,000 years into the past so that they could corrupt the crystals before the Dark Warriors were even born. The Dark Warriors however, discovered a way to travel to the past, to confront Chaos and his minions. They defeated them again..Or so they thought, and returned to the present, to live out their lives in peace (See FF3).

Chaos however, would not be so easily defeated. Using the last ounce of his magic, he attempted once more to escape through a time warp, but his magic went awry and sent him and his minions to another time and world, into the sad and dying world of Terra, which Chaos, once again calling himself Garland, sought to control and manipulate, fashioning it into his own world to do with as he pleased (See FF9).

Key Characters: Garland.
Grid Locations: Cornelia.

Final Fantasy 2

The Imperial World was constantly at war, as the Emperor of Palamecia sought to extend his control beyond his own kingdom. Those countries who refused to submit to his tyrranical rule were quickly wiped out while the rest became mere puppet states for him to do with as he pleased. The kingdom of Fynn was one such kingdom that was attacked. Fynn’s people put up a brave fight against the emperor, but in the end, even Fynn was destroyed, its people scattered. Four youth – Firion, Maria, Guy and Leon were victims of the war, their parents killed during the invasion. They caught in the middle, too young, too weak to defend against the Emperor’s fearsome troops.

They quickly succumbed to their wounds, but before the Palamecian troops could finish them off, they were rescued by survivors of Fynn and taken to the nearby town of Altair to recover. It was here where the survivors of Fynn established a secret rebel group, dubbed the ‘Wild Rose Rebellion’, whom sought to eventually overthrow the Empire. The youths, not much more than teenagers at the time, also sought revenge for the death of their parents. Not only that, but learning that Maria’s brother Leon had vanished during the raid on Fynn, they were determined to find and rescue him if at all possible.

They took on many missions and defeated many enemies in a growing desire to prove their worth to the rebellion, and finally Princess Hilda, leader of the rebellion, placed a very special mission in their hands – find and rescue her husband, prince Scott. Returning to Fynn, they found Prince Scott, badly wounded from the attack on Fynn and hovering near death. With his last breath, he revealed the one who betrayed their kingdom to the enemy – Count Borghen – and gave him his ring to give to Hilda so that she would never forget him.

The party then left for Salamand to search for Mythril to strengthen their defenses. They also searched for Josef, a member who was missing in action, only to learn that he was being blackmailed by the enemy who had his daughter as hostage. The heroes found Nelly and freed her from her captors, returning her to Josef and headed back to the resistance, using their newfound Mythril to create powerful weapons and armour for the resistance. The heroes left home base once again, this time heading to Bafsk in search of the ‘Dreadnought’, a powerful airship being constructed by the Empire, hoping to destroy it before it could be used as a weapon of mass destruction.

However, they were unable to reach Bafsk in time to stop the ship from taking flight and destroying the cities of Poft, Paloom, Gatrea and Altair. After witnessing the destruction of their new home and believing their resistance base and friends were destroyed as well, the heroes rushed back to Altair, discovering to their relief that the base had been spared. They formed a plan to destroy the Dreadnought by using the ‘Sunfire’, a powerful weapon in Kashuan keep. In order to enter Kashuan however, they required the Goddess Bell, which they managed to retrieve with Josef’s help. After a long and dangerous journey through snow caves, they found the goddess bell, but were attacked by Borghen on the way out, who sent a boulder after them.

With his last strength, Josef managed to hold the boulder back, allowing the rest of the party to escape, but in the process he was most likely crushed and killed himself. Sparked by an ever stronger desire to get revenge on the Empire, the heroes headed next to Kashuan keep, using the bell to gain entry. With Gordon, brother of the late Prince Scott’s help, they managed to obtain the Sunfire, and waited for Cid and Hilda to retrieve them in the aiship. However, it was at that moment that the Dreadnought intercepted, and captured the rebels’ airship, along with Cid and Hilda. The heroes watched powerless as they were both taken prisoners, and they returned to homebase with Gordon, who assumed leadership of the rebellion in Hilda’s absence.

They had suffered a great loss, but they still had the sunfire, and they were determined to destroy the airship when it parked to refuel.

However, even with renewed forces, the small party was overwhelmed by a new powerful enemy that had joined forces with Borghen’s armies. These strange creatures of the shadows attacked them in a swarm, and covered their world in darkness, threatening to tear their entire world apart. The party fled through the chaos, retreating back to Altair, or what remained of it and watched in horror as the heartless, now in league with the Empire began to tear their world asunder.

Key Characters: Firion, Maria, Guy, Leon, Minwu, Josef, Gordon, Leila, Ricard Highway, Scott, The Emperor, Borghen.
Grid Locations: Mysidia, Fynn, Palamecia.

Final Fantasy 3

In the beginning, the World of Balance was kept in perfect harmony by the four elemental crystals of light, and the four crystals of darkness, which worked together to keep the powers of the others in check. However, over the years, a technologically advanced civilization that lived upon a floating continent above the planet, once discovered and captured the four crystals of light, hoping to control its power for themselves. As they learned more of the power of the light crystals, using them to bend and control the forces of nature to their every whim, they were unaware that their actions were throwing the world off-balance, and threatening to engulf it in overwhelming light.

The planet reacted to this threat by awakening the four legendary Dark warriors who, compelled by forces beyond their control, journeyed the world and eventually recovered the light crystals, using their own dark crystals to contain their powers. The world became balanced once more, but the consequences were severe. The floating continent was destroyed by the surge of energy that flooded their world from the light crystals, and their civilization was lost to the ages.

Many more years passed, and the great civilization was replaced by the Gulgans, blind prophets who warned that the crystals would one day be abused again, and the crystal warriors would be needed once more..The floating continent eventually became the birth place of the four Legendary Warriors of light, who were awakened initially by Luneth when he stumbled upon the wind crystal, before he set out to unite with the other four warriors of light: Arc, Refia and Ingus. Together they journeyed the world, seeking the source of the darkness that was slowly engulfing the world, and searching for the dark crystals to fill with light once more..

The heroes traveled around the world in search of the other four crystals, braving Dragon's peak and rescuing Desch from Bahamut, then to Vikin's cove where they recovered the missing eye of the Nepto Dragon idol, appeasing the angry dragon and obtaining a ship as reward. With the Enterprise, they sailed to the tower of Orwen where they fought Medusa, the first of Xande's many minions, and then recovered the crystal of fire within the Dwarven Hollows.

Their journeys took them next to Tokkul village where they learned that Hein, another of Xande's minions, had captured King Argus and his people, and transformed the Elder tree into his own floating fortress. Discovering the Location of the Light Warriors, Hein's forces attacked Tokkul village and kidnapped the four heroes, holding them as prisoners in Castle Hein.

The heroes fought their way out, but at that moment, their world was engulfed by the heartless who overwhelmed their forces. A fierce battle took place as the heartless seemed drawn towards the darkness of Hein and his minions and repelled by the crystals of the light warriors. In the end, only the heroes themselves were able to escape the cursed tree castle - defeated and wounded, they sought to recuperate and strengthen their forces before seeking to fight Hein and rescue Argus and his people... And to eventually restore light to the world, an increasingly difficult task with the threat of not only Xande's minions, but the heartless themselves seeking to envelope the world in darkness and chaos. And soon... the heartless succeeded in forcing this world to fall to darkness.

Key Characters: Luneth, Arc, Refia, Ingus, Hein, Xande.
Grid Locations: Castle Argus, Castle Hein.

Final Fantasy 4

The Kingdom of Baron was once ruled by a benevolent king, protected by the might of their dragoons and the power of their airship fleet, the Red Wings. The king had two sons, both orphans he had taken under his wing. Cecil was trained as a Dark Knight, eventually earning his place as commander of the Red Wings. Kain followed in his deceased father's footsteps, becoming a dragoon. What they and the people of Baron had yet to realize was that their king had been killed and replaced by the Archfiend Cagnazzo. Yet, behind the Archfiend, even darker forces were stirring. A man in dark armor named Golbez pulled the strings of the fiends, oblivious to the fact that he was a puppet himself - whispered to by unseen forces.

Without warning, the Red Wings were sent to seek out the Crystal of Water, protected by the Mages of Mysidia. The people of Mysidia resisted the attack, but many were slain in the onslaught. In one swoop, Golbez aquired the Crystal of Water, but also left behind many fallen victims who would become a beacon for the Heartless. The massacre in Mysidia unsettled Cecil, questioning the reasons for the attack. When he raised his misgivings to the King, he found the man was not the forgiving father he had once known. Infuriated, the King dismissed him from command of the Red Wings and sent on a mission to eliminate the Eidolons in the Valley of the Mist as well as to deliver to the people of the Mist Valley a 'ring'. Kain tried to come to his brother's defense, but only found himself also sent along on the errand.

Along the way, they encounter a Mist Dragon in the caves leading to the valley. Though it warns them to turn back, Kain and Cecil dispatch the creature and find their way into the protected valley. On arriving, the package explodes, revealing fire fiends which set the city ablaze. Cecil, shocked by what he's seen, tries to help, and encounters a young girl grieving over her mother's fallen body. The Mist Dragon had been her Eidolon, and when it died, she died with it. With all of her anger and sadness, the girl summoned up a great monster which tore the ground asunder, separating Kain on one side of the divide, and Cecil on the other.

Kain returned to Baron only to discover that a dark man named Golbez had been placed in command of the Red Wings. It didn't take long for Kain to fall under the spell of Golbez's power, which drew upon the darker parts of his heart. Cecil finds himself with the unconscious girl from before, and with some trust, he manages to convince her to accompany him for now. In Kaipo, they discover that Cecil's beloved, a mage named Rosa, has fallen ill of Desert Fever after leaving Baron in search of him. He and the girl, Rydia, set out to find a cure and pick up some others along the way. There is Tellah, a wizzened old mage who has forgotten more spells than most ever would know and Edward, the ruler of Damcyan who lost his kingdom, the fire crystal, and his beloved in one swoop of Baron's Red Wings. Together, the party kills the Antlion and cures Rosa and then sets out for the Kingdom of Fabul, hoping to warn them in time to protect the Crystal of Air.

Heeding the warning, the King of Fabul martials his troops to stand against the attack, but Baron wields soldiers, fiends, and a new kind of creature that they had never seen before: Heartless. Falling back to the Crystal Chamber, Cecil is surprised to see his brother among those attacking Fabul. Cecil and Kain duel, and the Dark Knight is struck down by the dragoon. Only a Rosa's intervention keeps Kain from making the killing blow. Seeing this, Golbez strikes down the rest of the party, kidnapps Rosa, and departs with the Air Crystal and Kain in tow. In the aftermath, Cecil decides to try to sneak into Baron and aquire an airship in order to stand against Baron. However, things didn't go as planned. The influx of Heartless into the world had angered the Eidolons. As their ship sailed over the ocean, Leviathan struck back, dragging Rydia down with him into a whirlpool and sweeping the others overboard.

This is when the world fell. The Dark Knight Cecil awakens on unfamiliar shores, unsure of the fates of his companions. Baron still holds a great deal of power in this new world. The Heartless take hold in the places where the crystals no longer shine upon the world, but are foiled as the world is unmade, and the crystals are recreated by the World Hearts. Now, with only the Water Crystal left in Baron. What does Golbez plan to do with the remaining crystal? And more importantly, what part do the Heartless have to play in the desire for the remaining crystals? But two things are clear: Someone needs to stand against Baron and someone needs to warn this new World about the threat coming their way.

Key Characters: Cecil Harvey, Kain Highwind, Rydia, Tellah, Edward Chris von Muir, Rosa Joanna Farrell, Yang Fang Leiden, Palom, Porom, Cid Pollendina, Edge Geraldine, Cagnazzo, Baigan, Golbez, Scarmiglione, Rubicante, Dr. Lugae.
Grid Locations: Baron, Mysidia, Red Moon, Tower of Zot, Feymarch.

Final Fantasy 5

The world of Final Fantasy 5, like many others before and after it, was kept in balance by the four elemental crystals: Wind, Earth, Fire and Water. Each of the crystals maintained the balance of nature, but as always, humanity sought to use these crystals for their own purposes. Gradually, each of these sacred artefacts disappeared from their sacred shrines, stolen by various nations which wished to use them to improve their lives, unknowingly draining them slowly of their power.

Gradually, the world began to suffer the ill-effects as the crystals died. The winds stopped blowing, making travel by sea or air quite difficult. Water grew scarce or impure, fires grew out of control, and earthquakes ravaged the land. But that was not all. Unknown to most, the crystals had also been used to create an ancient seal that kept a powerful monster sealed within a barrier. As the crystals grew weaker, so did the barrier.

One day, mysterious meteors rained down upon the world, shattering the crystals. In the midst of one such meteor fall, four heroes suddenly find themselves charged with the recovery of the crystals which have been shattered by the meteors. Gradually, they come across the scattered crystals, now reduced to shards. Each piece contains the memories of previous warriors of light, protectors to the crystals, whose memories and spirits were preserved in the crystals when they sacrificed themselves to seal Exdeath away from the world.

As they learn of the crystals and their delicate balance, they take it upon themselves to travel the world, to restore the crystals and are soon called the 'Light Warriors'. They brought hope to the world, seeking to restore order and balance..But it seemed darker forces were in control, and they were too late to revive the crystals before the seal was broken. Exdeath was freed, unleashing his own hell upon the earth. It was at that moment that the heartless attacked their already weakenned world, throwing everything into chaos.

While Exdeath seeks to forge new alliances, perhaps even hoping to wield the heartless for his own purposes, the heroes were scattered and lost, seeking to forge new alliances to overthrow Exdeath and restore the shattered world. But the crystals are scattered once more, merged with those of other worlds. Can they possibly do this alone?

Grid Locations: Tycoon, Carwen, Fluorgis (Karnak), Tower of Zot (Exdeath's Castle).

Final Fantasy 6

During the dawn of time, a world known as 'The World of the Magi' was created and co-ruled by three sister Goddesses. Over time they no longer wished to rule together, and began to fight each other for dominance. Soon known as the 'Warring Triad', they selected and transformed a number of humans and animals into powerful magical creatures by saturating them in magic, and pit them against each other to fight their wars for them. These creatures would later be known as 'Espers', fighting a war dubbed the 'War of the Magi'.

The war lasted for many many years without a clear winner. The goddesses soon realized however, that the war was slowly destroying the world and killing all life. Remorseful of their actions, they turned themselves to stone and gave the Espers free control over themselves, with only one request; To never allow the world to be destroyed by magic again. Magic became forbidden and the Espers fashioned their own secret world, separate from the Magi's world where they could live alone in peace.

One thousand years later, the world learned to live without magic, replacing it with technology. Magic and Espers became but a fairytale, nothing more. Then the Empire of the southern continent led by Emperor Gestahl one day discovered the entrance to the Esper world in a cave. They charged into the strange new world and attacked the Espers, dragging many of them back with them and placing them in their research laboratories to be experimented upon. The Empire soon discovered the truth about magic, and the war of the magi. They used their vast knowledge and technology to drain magic from the Espers and imbue their own soldiers as well as machinery with this immense power, in a process known as Magitek. With this new power, the Empire became unstoppable, pushing further north as they easily engulfed other nations and gradually came to control a great portion of the world.

Within their army was one mysterious girl with incredible powers, a girl with green hair and the ability to control magic. Her name was Terra, and she was one taken from the Esper cave as a baby. From birth she was bred to be the ultimate soldier, her thoughts and actions controlled entirely by the slave crown she was forced to wear. One day, Terra and a small number of soldiers marched into Narshe, determined to take the frozen esper found in the mountains there. But when Terra approached the Esper a strange thing happened; She reacted to the creature, and broke free of her captors, obliterating her fellow soldiers in the powerful blast that accompanied her contact with the Esper.

When she awoke she was greeted by one of the Narshians, Arvis, a secret Returner sympathizer who helped her escape with help from Locke. Together they fled the Empire's forces. But the Empire were hot on their trails as they fled first to Figaro castle which was lit afire by Kefka before it submerged into the desert depths in order to escape. They fled to South Figaro and then through Mount Kolts, and finally made it to the Returner hideout where they fled yet again through the water rapids. But here, they were separated, as Sabin fell overboard and Locke headed back to South Figaro to slow the Empire's progress.

Along the way more allies were gathered as Sabin encountered Gau, the wild boy of the Veldt, and Cyan, the proud soldier of Doma who watched helplessly as the mad general Kefka poisoned his people from the inside out. Before the allies could regroup at the meeting point in Narshe, something else attacked their world, tearing it apart, threatening to destroy everything in their path; The heartless had arrived through a pact between Gestahl and an enigmatic person called a 'Shadow Lord', and they began to devour the world bit by bit, seeking the world's very heart. The promise between Gestahl and the Shadow Lord, was that the Heartless would find him the Espers' home, and bring magic to the world.

And as the world fell thusly, as the heartless spread over the lands, only so little of this world passed on into the new.

While the Returners struggled to find each other amid the chaos and make sense of this new threat, the Empire found that they were reduced to Vector, having lost almost all other nations to the heartless; Gestahl however does not back down, and continues to use this very force to try and obtain power and find the sealed home of the Espers.

Key Characters: Terra Branford, Locke Cole, Edgar Roni Figaro, Sabin René Figaro, Cyan Garamonde, Gau, Celes Chere, Setzer Gabbiani, Shadow, Relm Arrowny, Strago Magus, Mog, Umaro, Gogo, Banon, Emperor Gestahl, Kefka Palazzo, Cid Del Norte Marquez, General Leo Cristophe.
Grid Locations: Figaro Castle (hidden under the sands of Agrabah), Vector, Narshe.

Final Fantasy 7

The organization called AVALANCHE was not always what it is now. Though organized with good intentions, it was soon twisted by the actions of a man named Fuhito. Also known as the Ravens, this organization sought to destroy Shinra. In this, they end up fighting the Turks countless times, until finally the group itself begins to break down during the events surrounding Zirconiade. At the same time, Wutai is beginning to fall to Shinra, which has dedicated a good sum of its forces to overwhelm this nation so it may come to rule them with economic might. However, upon the fall of Fuhito, the group is taken over with great hesitation by Shalua Rui.

Eventually, Wutai's fort Tamblin falls, and all seems lost for the great nation of Wutai. But then, something changes in the balance of the world. Godo Kisaragi, feeling pressured by the forces of Shinra - which were quickly encroaching on his city with the intent of placing a Mako Reactor there - makes a pact with the Shadow Lords; a fact unknown to anyone, including his own daughter. The Heartless soon find themselves swarming The Planet and infecting the Lifestream, but also bolstering Wutai's defenses. But the invading SOLDIER forces hold strong.

A while later, Genesis' decision to desert from Shinra causes a good sum of its private force - SOLDIER - to leave the company. These events snowballed upon Angeal, Zack and Sephiroth's investigation into these events. Genesis managed to get a hold of Heartless during his initial assault on Shinra Headquarters - making life that much more difficult on the city of Midgar, still heavily under construction.

Four years later, at the climax of Zack's journey and after the horrible events of the Nibelheim incident, much of The Planet has fallen to darkness. Zack has finished his final confrontation with Genesis, and he just got into the truck that would take him and Cloud to Midgar - so he could meet his lot love, when The Planet finally went 'dark'...

Now, in this new world, Shinra finds itself rebuilding Midgar from the city of Goug, enforcing its will on the Moogle community. The Shinra headquarters is placed upon the entrance to its most favorable cave system, and they begin to promote their own agenda through a call for fear of Wutai's forces and its Heartless - and due to being at least partially justified in this fear, the organization gains popularity.

Wutai remains fairly untouched by the Heartless, as promised by the Shadow Lords when Godo made his pact. Yuffie is searching for a way to 'cure' her father from this darkness he's fallen to, while most of its ninja force continues to desire fight with Shinra, so they may forever snuff out this 'threat' on their traditions and their land.

Nibelheim remains lost to the darkness. Though a single country girl seeks for a young man who she believes might be able to save them all. And within Goug, a flower girl prays for the return of her boyfriend.

Now, amidst the chaos of this new world, Wutai is still pushing Shinra back with its heartless, and the heroes of The Planet find themselves scattered. Though there is one organization that may bring those the Forces of Restoration of this world together... AVALANCHE - as Shalua Rui lets the boisterous, but kind Barret Wallace take over the role of leadership.

Key Characters: Aerith Gainsborough, Cloud Strife, Professor Hojo, Rufus Shinra, Sephiroth, Tifa Lockhart, Vincent Valentine, Zack Fair, Barret Wallace, Reno, Rude, Cid Highwind, Yuffie Kisaragi.
Grid Locations: Goug (Midgar), Wutai, Costa Del Sol, Cosmo Valley, Junon.

Final Fantasy 8

This world was created by Hyne, a powerful being of supreme magic. After Hyne created the world, he grew tired and fell asleep. He sleept for a long time, and when he woke up, the people he'd made, had many children and spread throughout the world. He grew fearful that they would overrun the world, and so he began to kill many of them with his magic. But the people did not like this and they rebelled against him.

Eventually Hyne lost the war due to sheer numbers, and he surrendered, offering half of his body and half his powers in exchange for being left alone. He then fled, never to be seen again. Another war was fought amongst humans for his powers, but these 'powers' were soon found to be mere trickery. The true power that Hyne possessed, he hid within the fairer half of humanity; In women whom he believed would be less corrupted by power. These chosen women would eventually be known as 'sorceresses'.

Through the years, there were many notable sorceresses, although most were corrupted by Hyne's power. Sorceress Adel was ruler of Esthar and she went to war against Vinzer Deling Galbadia, using magic and technology. The war led to many orphans, which were placed under the care of sorceress Edea and her husband, Cid, both who built and overlooked an orphannage on a small and remote island, away from the war. The war eventually ended when Laguna, a Galbadian soldier, teamed up with Estharian rebels and tricked Adel into a trap, then shot her into space where she lay in a comatose state for many years.

In the meantime, numerous military shelters that had been built during the war were converted into gardens to house the war orphans and train them to eventually fight the sorceresses and to avoid another sorceress war. Balamb, Trabia and Galbadia were the three gardens built to house and train mercenaries, few of who knew of the gardens' true purpose. By this time however, Sorceress Edea herself began to succumb to her powers, and she took over Galbadia, posing at first as its ambassador who used her powers to enchant the people of Galbadia who fell instantly in love with her, and barely batted an eye when she murdered president Vinzer Deling.

In the meantime, Galbadia Garden sent a group of SeeD into Deling city to assasinate the sorceress. Led by Squall who was accompanied by Irvine, Selphie, Zell, Quistis, and Timber Rebel Rinoa, they were eventually unsuccessful in assassinating the sorceress, although with the invasion of heartless, they were able to escape before they could be arrested and thrown in jail for their crime. In the meantime, Sorceress Edea has turned her eye upon the heartless invasion, although it is unclear whether she plans to destroy this potential threat, or perhaps use them to strengthen her own forces in this new, shattered world.

And there is yet another element to the danger and mystery. Though none would know its significance, this world carries no radio-interference...

Grid Locations: Deling City, Balamb Garden.

Final Fantasy 9

The peace between Alexandria and Lindblum has always been a bit of a troublesome one. There have been many wars between these great nations, and soon a new war would be sure to flare up due to deeds behind the scenes.

After a dazzling play of the Tantalus Theater Troupe, the princess of Alexandria was kidnapped by this very group. Of course, nobody knew at the time, that it had been the king of Lindblum who had requested this deed of Baku, the leader of the kidnappers. However, their departure doesn't go entirely as planned, and the group soon finds itself traveling through the Evil Forest, and in doing so, Zidane Tribal loses one of his best friends; Blank.

Steiner, knight of Alexandria tries to guide the group back to Alexandria, while Garnet, Vivi and Zidane have their sights set on Lindblum. In their trek on foot, they are haunted by the three Black Waltzes, but manage to best them and the strange black creatures that seem to follow them. Creatures they would later come to know as Heartless.

Soon enough, they find out the terrible truth of Dali, and manage to take an airship to Lindblum. There, Cid Fabool the ninth hears their plea and explains that he knew that trouble was brewing already. He also explains that more and more dark creatures have been marching out of Alexandria - and that he is certain that the kingdom is preparing for war.

And while our heroes take a moment to enjoy themselves at the Festival of the Hunt, darkness soon begins to set over the land. Freya decides she wishes to check out her home country - worried - and the group agrees to go with her. Garnet, or rather, 'Dagger', since her treck to Dali, sneaks along with them without having to resort to any underhanded methods.

During them leaving the castle, Lindblum comes under attack by Alexandria's Heartless forces. The airships and knights at their disposal hold strong however. The Tantalus Theater Group that remains also comes to the aid of this technologically advanced city, in the form of fighters and moral support.

The heroes manage to make it to Burmecia, only to find themselves defeated by General Beatrix - and watch as Brahne and a man named Kuja leave the area. The group ends up in Treno not long after - and do find the Supersoft. But the Sleepless City soon finds itself falling to darkness. This phenomenon is worldwide, and before Brahne has a chance to extract the Eidolons from Garnet, the world falls.

This leaves our heroes scattered, and Brahne frantically trying to find Dagger so she may have this incredible force to topple cities with! But in this new land, Lindblum is even closer to their borders. Who knows what will happen next... though it is rumored that Blank has been sighted in this new world. Did Zidane manage to get the Supersoft to him within the darkness?

Grid Locations: Iifa Tree, Alexandria, Lindblum, Cleyra, Red Moon, Blue Moon.

Final Fantasy 10

Much of Spira's story is exactly as it should have been. After Tidus' arrival to Spira, he soon joined Yuna and her group on her pilgrimage. The party travels from Besaid to Luca where Auron joins them - and soon after, they observe the devastating result of the doomed-to-fail Operation Mi'ihen. From there, they move to Djose temple, ride a Shoopuf - fend off some Al Bhed - and gain their final member of the Pilgrimage: Rikku.

Seymour, pining for Yuna, soon proposes to the Lady Summoner, and after a small while - and proof in hand of what Seymour has done - refuses him. Soon-after, Sin interferes again, and the party ends up in Home. They proceed to Bevelle, where Yuna is being forced to marry the Unsent Seymour, which results in the death-sentence Via Purifico. The party successfully escapes and flees towards Zanarkand soon after.

There, they fight their way through fiends until they finally find the chamber where Yunalesca is waiting for them. But when she threatens to kill them for not 'going with the plan' that has been set to be repeated for all of eternity, things go bad.

Heartless have been invading the shell of Sin, and have been both corrupting Sin and being corrupted by Sin. The increased irritation, has started to make the beast erratic and attack more frequently and strongly.

By the time they are in the midst of their fight with Yunalesca, Sin has come near Zanarkand and many Heartless have begun to swarm the ruined city. The fight is forced to be abandoned as they turn not only on Yuna and her party, but also Yunalesca. And in that moment, darkness expands in Zanarkand, as a Shadow Lord enters the chamber. The man looks strange, bearing flaming blue hair and claiming something about 'their downstairs' needing a 'reorganization' - followed by him trapping Yuna and her group into the clutches of this oppressive force - and sending them wandering aimlessly... until they find this new world.

A new world, in which some of Spira exists as well; the Yevon religion trying to gain momentum and hunting the Al Bhed. For in the 'small time' they wandered through darkness. Their Spira had fallen to the Heartles. The Al Bhed had resisted with all their might, deploying Machina alongside Crusaders and Warrior Monks alike... but the Heartless and Sin had been too strong.

The eternal question is though...

Has Sin passed on to this world as well!?

Grid Locations: Bevelle, Luca, Guadosalam, Farplane.

Final Fantasy 12

The world of New Ivalice is a world largely at war. The Archadian Empire is a powerful empire that swept across the world, enveloping smaller kingdoms in its wake. They came up against great resistance with the Rozarrian empire, while mostly ignoring Rozarria's smaller neighbor, the neutral kingdom of Dalmasca. However, when Rozarria and Dalmasca became united through the marriage of Prince Rasler of Rozarria and Princess Ashe of Dalmasca, they too, were pulled into the war.

While Archades attacked Nalbina fortress, Prince Rasler, barely wed to Ashe, marched off to war alongside Basch, loyal knight of King Raminas of Dalmasca. At the same time, seeking peace, King Raminas signed a treaty, handing over Imperial rule of Dalmasca to Archades, but he was interrupted by Basch who murdered him for his seeming betrayal, with the knights Reks and Basch as his witnesses.

According to history, A grief-stricken Princess Ashe killed herself and Basch was later executed for treason. With no leader, Dalmasca was handed over to Lord Vayne, Emperor of Archades. Two years later, Vayne was coronated in Dalmasca. Shortly after, their world began to fall gradually to darkness. The walls between dimensions weakened and an interdimensional gate openned in Archades castle, leading to castle Gaudium. Vayne briefly left Dalmasca to investigate this strange phenomenon. From the gate erupted the mysterious Oscha and his army of heartless which he offered to share with Lord Vayne to aid in his war effort, even as those same creatures began to consume Ivalice, enveloping much of their world into darkness.

Meanwhile, a small resistance began to form, starting with the street rats Vaan, brother of the slain Reks, and Penelo. Initially seeking to reclaim much of Dalmasca's treasure from Vayne, he ended up meeting up with the sky pirates Balthier and Fran, Princess Ashe and her loyal knight Vossler, and Basch himself who was very much alive and with a number of secrets to reveal about the Archades. But seating Ashe back on the throne would prove a long and dangerous task, first requiring proof of her royalty and claim to the throne. And with the heartless to battle against as well, it seems the Princess Ashe's battle has become more than simply restoring her kingdom as their very world's existance is now in danger as well..

Grid Locations: Rabanastre, Archades, Mt. Bur-Omisace (Part of Mt. Gagazet).

Final Fantasy 13

Thirteen centuries ago, a floating, utopian world was created in the atmosphere of a planet known as Pulse. The fal'Cie, beings of immense power and authority, willed that the continent be completely isolated from the crude and brutal wilderness known as the Gran Pulse below and commissioned machines to be the guardians of the citizens. Barriers were subsequently set up all around the newly created world, and as such was the metropolis granted its befitting name: Cocoon.

Having been secluded from the outside world for many years, the citizens of Cocoon have become paranoid of what Gran Pulse really holds. Fear has spread across Cocoon, causing the Sanctum, Cocoon's government, led by the Primarch Galenth Dysley, to issue a new edict: Any individuals suspected to be in contact with the world of Pulse or any of its artifacts or items are to be banished from the continent unconditionally and cast into the harsh environment of the planet below.

And so, when a Pulse fal'Cie is discovered in the small town of Bodhum, mass panic breaks out and soon all of Cocoon's citizens are crying out for the expulsion of the entire town to Pulse. The Sanctum's personal army, PSICOM, has no choice but to banish all of the town's inhabitants to the world below, regardless of whether they are citizens or tourists. This event, known as the Purge, marks the beginning of this party's story as the residents of Bodhum are being taken to the Hanging Edge along with the Pulse fal'Cie, Anima, contained within the Pulse Vestige.

The party is brought together by the events of the Purge. Lightning is on board the Purge train in order to reach the Pulse fal'Cie and save her sister, Serah Farron, who became a Pulse l'Cie, a being hated and feared by all on Cocoon who's forced to do the fal'Cie's bidding. Accompanying her is Sazh Katzroy, a civilian airship pilot trying to fulfill his son's Focus in a desperate bid to save him from becoming a Cie'th. Like Lightning, Snow Villiers is trying to rescue Serah as well, as she is his future bride. Hope Estheim and Oerba Dia Vanille become involved when Hope's mother, Nora Estheim, joins Snow's resistance army and dies under his care, prompting the two to pursue him.

Thus, these five characters end up coming together in the Pulse Vestige, where they witness Serah turn to crystal, an event that only happens when a l'Cie fulfills their Focus. In the course of their trek into the heart of the Vestige, they also encounter creatures known as Cie'th; l'Cie that fail to complete their Focus in time. Lightning believes that Serah is dead, while Snow refuses to give up the hope that she will awaken someday. Lightning, seeking vengeance on the fal'Cie, heads into Anima's Throne along with the rest of the party in order to confront Anima, the Pulse fal'Cie responsible for Serah's transformation into a l'Cie.

As the party faces Anima, PSICOM forces begin to blast the Pulse Vestige and everything in it to pieces. Facing certain death, Anima transforms Lightning and her companions into l'Cie, giving them a dream involving the city of Eden and the mysterious Ragnarok in the process. They fall down in what seems to be an eternity - darkness enveloping them. Yet, they survive as the world outside of Cocoon falls to the dark plague of the Heartless. And something else is wrong... as Serah is nowhere to be found.

Key Characters: Claire Farron (Lightning), Snow Villiers, Oerba Dia Vanille, Sazh Katzroy, Hope Estheim, Oerba Yun Fang, Serah Farron, Dajh Katzroy, Cid Raines.
Grid Locations: Eden, Palumpolum, Blue Moon (Cocoon: not attached to the grid), Bodhum.

Final Fantasy Tactics

A second Ivalice Old Ivalice once existed, and like its sister world, it too, was wracked with great wars. While many records were lost during the wars, some legends say that Ivalice was once a very technologically advanced civilization, although all was lost during a great cataclysm that was lost to the ages. Many years later, Ivalice threatenned to destroy itself again when another great war wracked the land. This one lasted for 50 years and would later be known, simply as the '50 Year War'. In the end, both sides surrendered, but only after they had left a path of destruction behind them.

The majority of the soldiers hired in the war were commoners, promised payment and food for their hard labor in the war, but the nobility were themselves shattered by the war and they turned many commoner down, leaving them to return to their homes penniless. A rebel group rose up against the nobles, calling themselves the Death Corpse Knights, dedicated to returning to the commoners what belonged to them and ultimately seeking to overthrow the nobility. While crime grew rampant, the Lords of the six ruling families struggled to maintain order by uniting together, but this unstable alliance did not last long either. One year after the end of the 50 year war, Princess Ovelia was abducted, followed by the death of Ivalice's ruling king. Ivalice was left in chaos without a ruler and without a chosen successor. Prince Large is the elder brother of Queen Ruvelia - wife of the late king, while Prince Goltana is the younger cousin of the dead king. The king's own children, Princess Ovelia and the younger Prince Orinas are also potential successors.

This triggered the beginning of a new war between the two ruling families - Gallione, ruled by Prince Large of the White Lion crest, and Zeltennia, ruled by Prince Goltana of the Black Lion crest - Known as the 'War of the Lions'. A number of prominent players participated in this war: The church claimed to be a safe haven for Ovelia, seeking to protect her from both sides. The death corpse knights fought both sides of the nobility, hoping to destroy them even as they fought each other..And from seemingly nowhere came the New Zodiac Braves, a group of heretics created not long after Ramza and his group sought to rescue Teta, a commoner taken hostage by the Death Corpse..Only to have her killed by the Hokuten. Ramza and Delita, brother of Teta turned against the Hokuten, seeking revenge for this seeming injustice. However, things only got worse after Delita took off on his own, later kidnapping Ovelia and seeking to hide her from both sides of the war. However Ramza had his own plans and he, along with a number of Hokuten led by the noble Hokuten General Agrias, rescued Ovelia and took her to the church in Mullonde to keep her safe.

Ramza headed to Goug to rescue Mustadio's father before returning to the castle, with a mysterious crystal possessing untold power in tow. However, when they returned to the church, the Cardinal, seeking to obtain the crystal for himself, revealed himself to be a Lucavi Demon and attacked Ramza and his party. After a heated battle, Ramza and his allies defeated the Lucavi Demon and at the same time discovered the truth about the church - that many of its people were in fact demons, seeking to revive the Ultima demon by obtaining the Zodiac Crystals. Not long after this discovery, the heartless attacked Old Ivalice and caused more mayhem in a world already shattered by war. Ramza and his allies were able to flee the church and recuperate, growing in numbers and calling themselves the New Zodiac Braves, seeking to find the Zodiac Crystals and prevent a second cataclysm at the hands of the Lucavi. Meanwhile, the church struggled to maintain control, seeking to comfort and protect the confused and frightenned people, even as the secret society within the church sought to use the heartless to further their own plans.

More importantly, the church clearly intends to use the fact that Spira's Bahamut cloister has appeared within Bevelle Cathedral to their advantage - not needing long to find out its importance through certain channels.

Key Characters: Alma Beoulve, Mustadio Bunansa, Agrias Oaks, Cidolfus Orlandeau, Meliadoul Tengille, Argath Thadalfus, Rapha Galthena, Marach Galthena, Goffard Gaffgarion, Ovelia Atkascha, Zalbaag Beoulve, Alphonse Delacroix, Bestrald Larg, Druksmald Goltanna, Dycedarg Beoulve, Messam Elmdore, Wiegraf Folles, Folmarv Tengille, Beowulf Cadmus, Reis Duelar.
Grid Locations: Goug, Mysidia (Magic City of Gariland), Mullonde.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2

Luso Clemens was not having a good day. He writes his name into a mysterious Grimoire, and the next thing he knows, he's in another world. There, he's taken in by a clan - known as Clan Gully, led by a Rev named Cid. They soon travel to a small town called Wood Village, where Luso soon learns the ropes of being in a clan. Taking up quests and what-not. During these quests, he meets up with people like Adelle and Hurdy, and eventually comes across the old man Lezaford. In taking this journey, Cid gets wounded however - and Luso ends up officially becoming the leader of Clan Gully.

As the story progresses, however, things twist. The world is starting to fall to darkness. More and more quests start having to do with taking care of these strange black creatures never seen before. Unbeknownst to Clan Gully - this is the fault of Illua, who has been watching Luso with jealous eyes from a distance. Another holder of a Grimoire of the Rift, she draws these dark beings from a dark realm and soon floods the world in this menace... until the world finally falls.

Key Characters: Luso Clemens, Adelle, Cid, Hurdy, Lezaford, Ewen, Illua, Witch of the Fens (Matoya?).
Grid Locations: Mysidia (Moorabella), Fluorgis.

Final Fantasy Unlimited

Two younglings by the name of Ai and Yu Hayakawa manage to find their way to another world, after their world has been connected by the Gaudium Lords. They find their way into Wonderland, a mysterious world, in search of their missing parents. Along the way, they meet the helpful Lisa Pacifist - a member of the mysterious C2 Organization (not yet an ally of Gaudium). In addition, they meet Kaze, a being of unimaginable power - who seems to carry the ability to summon 'Espers' out through a Demonic looking Gun.

Their travels continue, taking them onto a Magical Train which allows them to travel from World to World - though those with a Barrier of Light in tact remain unreachable to them. During those travels, they find themselves under siege by the Gaudium Lords! The biggest twist in their story comes to be just before having the ability to meet with the Comodeen people. The train is caught into a fantastical whirlwind of magic, just in the moment of a large group of worlds performing the formerly unimagined feat of /merging/ with each other - and crashes down onto this new world.

Key Characters: Ai Hayakawa, Yu Hayakawa, Lisa Pacifist, Kaze, Makenshi, Knave, Miles, Cid, Lou Lupus, Fungo, Moogle, Earl Tyrant, Fungus, Herba, Oscha, Pist Shaz XI.
Grid Locations: Fruit Village, Gaudium.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

Kingdom Hearts for Birth By Sleep is completely the same. No alteration to its theme. The story revolves around three youths; Ventus, Terra and Aqua, young keyblade wielders under Master Eraqus

The story begins in the Land of Departure, where the three Keyblade wielders and close friends train to become Keyblade Masters under Master Eraqus. To achieve this rank, Keyblade Apprentices must take the Mark of Mastery exam once they come of age. Terra and Aqua take this test together and in the first round Master Xehanort sabotages the exam, forcing Ventus to intervene. In the second round Terra and Aqua fight each other, but while Aqua passes the test, Terra is deemed unfit to become a Keyblade Master due to the abundant darkness in his heart.

Afterward, a group of mysterious creatures called the Unversed begin to surface in other worlds, and another Keyblade Master, Xehanort, disappears without a trace. Terra is sent to destroy the Unversed and find Master Xehanort, who had earlier encouraged him to embrace the darkness in his heart if he desires the strength to become a Keyblade master. Ven, meanwhile, is goaded into following Terra by Xehanort's mysterious apprentice Vanitas, against Eraqus's wishes. Aqua is dispatched by Eraqus to survey Terra and keep him from falling into darkness, as well as to bring Ventus back to the Land of Departure.

Upon arriving in other worlds, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus encounter various (Disney) characters as found in the Phantasia realm, new and old, fighting off hordes of Unversed along the way. Among the characters they meet is Mickey Mouse, apprentice of the sorcerer Yen Sid, who is also on a mission to destroy the Unversed. Terra ends up attracting the attention of several Disney villains, who offer him the whereabouts of Master Xehanort in exchange of assistance for their own dark agendas. Terra reasons that Master Xehanort is after the seven Princesses of Heart—maidens who lack darkness in their hearts—and encourages Aqua to help them strengthen the light in their hearts, hoping it will draw Master Xehanort out.

However, Aqua and Ven grow increasingly concerned for Terra when they hear rumors of him committing sinister deeds throughout other worlds. The three briefly reunite at Radiant Garden, where Aqua meets Kairi, a young girl containing a strong and pure light in her heart, and helps strengthen her light. Aqua and Ven also confront Terra, who distances himself from them to keep them out of the way of his increasingly dangerous dark powers. Terra and Aqua try to convince Ven to return to the Land of Departure, but he refuses until he is certain Terra won't fall into darkness.

Terra and Aqua eventually find themselves at Destiny Islands, where they encounter two young boys, Sora and Riku. Terra sees potential within Riku and deems him worthy of one day wielding the Keyblade, while Aqua senses strong ties with Sora and Riku to Ven and Terra, respectively. Ven, meanwhile, comes across Master Xehanort, who reveals his intentions to use Ven's heart to create a final Keyblade known as the χ-blade, something Master Xehanort says Master Eraqus had known all along. Ven returns to the Land of Departure to confront Eraqus, who tries to erase Ven to prevent Master Xehanort's plans from succeeding.

However, Terra, who had been sent there by Xehanort, misinterprets the situation and attacks Eraqus, teleporting Ven to safety. As soon as Terra realizes his error, Master Xehanort arrives and cruelly kills Eraqus and tells Terra to go to the Keyblade Graveyard, leaving the Land of Departure to be consumed by darkness. At Destiny Islands, Ven once again encounters Vanitas and learns of his hazy past: Ventus was once Master Xehanort's apprentice, but his heart was deemed too frail for Master Xehanort to use him as he intended, so he extracted the darkness in Ven's heart and used it to create Vanitas. As with Terra before him, Ven is instructed by Vanitas to go to the Keyblade Graveyard. Aqua, in the meantime, learns of Eraqus's death from Yen Sid, who tells her to go to the Keyblade Graveyard as well.

Terra, Aqua, and Ventus gather at the Keyblade Graveyard, where the remains of the mysterious Keyblade War are found. Master Xehanort appears with Vanitas and reveals his plan to use the χ-blade to unlock Kingdom Hearts and unleash the forbidden secrets of the Keyblade War onto the various worlds, as well as to use Terra's body as a new vessel for his own heart so that he may survive long enough to see his plans come to fruition. An epic battle ensues, with Xehanort freezing Ven, and Vanitas knocking Aqua unconscious. In his rage, Terra unleashes the darkness in his heart, inadvertently allowing Xehanort to unlock his own heart and successfully transfer it into Terra's body, which results in the birth of a new, younger Xehanort.

However, Terra's mind continues to linger in his discarded suit of Armor, which comes to life and defeats Xehanort. Ven, meanwhile, manages to thaw himself before Vanitas can kill Aqua, and discovers his dark counterpart to be the source of all Unversed. Vanitas merges with Ven, possessing him and creating the χ-blade. Aqua awakens under Mickey's care, and the two fight the possessed Ventus while he battles Vanitas from within. Aqua shatters the χ-blade as Ven destroys Vanitas, bringing an end to the Unversed, though Ven's heart is lost in the process. The destroyed χ-blade unleashes a burst of light, which consumes everyone present and scatters them to the corridors of space, save for Terra's Lingering Will, which remains in the Keyblade Graveyard.

Mickey saves Aqua and Ventus and brings them to the Mysterious Tower, where Aqua learns that Ven has fallen into a deep sleep and will not awaken until his heart returns. Aqua brings Ven back to the ruins of the Land of Departure, where she discovers Master Eraqus's Keyblade, and uses it to unlock the Chamber of Waking and recreates the world as Castle Oblivion from the ruins. After leaving Ven within the chamber, Aqua goes to Radiant Garden where she encounters Master Xehanort still in Terra's body, but having lost some of his memories. Aqua then battles Xehanort who after the fight attempts to unlock his heart, losing his memories completely in the process.

Soon after, Terra's body starts sinking into darkness, but Aqua dives into the darkness and saves Terra from disappearing. Realizing her glider won't be able to make it back through the portal in time, Aqua sacrifices herself by discarding her armor and using it to guide her glider, Terra-Xehanort in tow, back through the portal leaving herself behind and lost in the Realm of Darkness. Xehanort is discovered by Ansem the Wise, ruler of Radiant Garden, and goes on to become his apprentice. Ventus's wandering heart finds its way to young Sora, merging with the young boy's heart.

Kingdom Hearts 1

The beginning of Kingdom Hearts 1 is where this game will lead off, timewise. The game opens at Sora just having arrived in Traverse Town - or, upon no initial applicant, just before he arrives in said town. Kairi is locked away in his heart, and Riku is part of the Shadow Lords. Of course, with a larger quantity of people being able to be in the Shadow Lords, that part of the theme is edited in that capacity.

Key Characters: Sora, Kairi, Ansem, Riku.
Grid Locations: Traverse Town, The Crossroads, Hollow Bastion, Castle Oblivion.

The World Ends With You

It's time for another Reapers' Game. But the game has changed!

Neku is forced into the Reapers' Game, paired with three partners, Shiki, Joshua, and Beat. The confused youth Neku wakes up in the Shibuya Scramble crossing. He lacks knowledge of where he is, what he is doing there, or any of his memories. He is immediately forced into a "Pact" with a stranger called Shiki, as he tries to destroy some enemies called Noise which attacked him.

Throughout the week, he learns of his purpose in the Underground (underworld) as a dead person, and that "The Reapers' Game" is a ploy for dead people, the "Players", to prove themselves that they can return back to the living after proving themselves throughout a week. He also learns, while accompanying Shiki on the journey, that he should let other people in and to live life to the fullest.

However, during the Reapers' Game, things start going awry. During the second week of the game, Taboo Noise are set loose upon the city. It soon becomes quite apparent to both Reapers and Players just why these Noise are /taboo/, for it creates a portal for the true pure-blooded heartless to pass through. It is not long before both Reapers and Players alike are trying to fend for themselves, whilst the Composer attempts to keep the game running. However, with too many Taboo Noise sigils opened, the wave of heartless is too much for both to handle, and Shibuya finds itself fall into darkness.

The Angels, unbeknownst to either Reapers or Players, at the last moment rip both of them out of the world and drag them to Traverse Town. However, with this, some of the Reapers' powers are lost. They no longer become able to Erase players outside the rules of the Game, and both lose access to the Underworld. Instead, they are forced to continue their game in the Real World. What's worse, they immediately have drawn the attention of the Shadow Lords, Hades in particular. And with the portals that lead out of Traverse Town... the game-board just got a /lot bigger/!

Key Characters: Neku Sakuraba, Beat, Joshua, Rhyme, Shiki Misaki, Sota, Nao, 777, BJ, Koki Kariya, Megumi Kitaniji, Mitsuki Konishi, Sho Minamimoto, Tenho, Uzuki Yashiro, Yodai Higashizawa, Sanae Hanekoma.
Grid Locations: Shibuya (lost), WildKat Cafe.

Treasure Planet

In the past, when Jim Hawkins was but a boy, he was always enchanted by stories of the legendary pirate Captain Flint and his ability to appear from nowhere, raid passing ships, and disappear in order to hide the loot on the mysterious "Treasure Planet". Twelve years later, Jim has grown into an aloof and alienated teenager. He begrudgingly helps his mother Sarah run an inn and derives amusement from "solar surfing" (a hybrid of skysurfing and windsurfing atop a board attached to a solar-powered rocket), a pastime that frequently gets him in trouble.

One day, a spaceship crashes near the inn. The dying pilot, Billy Bones, gives Jim a sphere and tells him to "beware the cyborg". Shortly thereafter, a gang of pirates raid and burn the inn. Jim, his mother, and their dog-like friend Dr. Delbert Doppler barely escape. The sphere turns out to be a holographic projector, showing a map that Jim realizes leads to Treasure Planet.

Doppler commissions a ship called RLS Legacy, on a mission to find Treasure Planet. The ship is commanded by the cat-like, sharp-witted Captain Amelia along with her stony-skinned and disciplined First Mate, Mr. Arrow. The crew is a motley bunch, secretly led by cook John Silver, whom Jim suspects is the cyborg of whom he was warned. Jim is sent down to work in the galley; despite his mistrust of Silver, they soon form a tenuous father-son relationship. During an encounter with a supernova, Silver falls overboard but is saved by Jim. The supernova then devolves into a black hole, where Arrow drifts overboard and is lost, for which Jim blames himself for failing to secure the lifelines, while in fact Arrow's line was cut by a ruthless insectoid crew member named Scroop.

However, that's where everything goes even further wrong. From the black hole, a massive army of Heartless arrive. The ship is forced to turn tail. However, mutiny begins at that very moment - as the 'crew' doesn't want to move away from the plotted Treasure Planet. Jim, Amelia and the rest of the crew fight hard against the pirates - led by John Silver, and are forced onto a small life-boat and to flee away from the ship and the oncoming mass of Heartless. The floating mister Arrow is in the meantime swallowed up by a large heartless.

They drift for a long time, until they finally find the lights of Montressor Spaceport again, which has fall down to another world - parts of the city damaged, and nowhere as big as it once was. However, Amelia is quick to take up command and vows to protect the world against both Pirates and the strange menace that threatens them now.

Key Characters Jim Hawkings, Captain Amelia, John Silver, Mr. Arrow, Dr. Delbert Doppler.
Grid Locations: Montressor Spaceport.


"One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled. It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear. It was the age of Gargoyles!"

It began in the year 994. Castle Wyvern had been built atop the ancient home of a clan of gargoyles, ancient creatures who turned to stone by day, but were flesh by night. A generation before, they had made an alliance with the humans which lead to the building of the castle and their oath to protect it, but not everyone was pleased with this arrangement. With the threat of a Viking attack looming, a young warrior made a deal with the Captain of the Guard and the Viking leader Hakon to lure the gargoyles away so he could sack the castle, leaving the gargoyles to reclaim their ancestral land.

Things did not go exactly as planned. The gargoyles were betrayed, leaving most of their clan smashed into rubble before the sun set and the people of Castle Wyvern prisoners of the Vikings. Enraged, the few that remained sought out their enemies. Believing his princess dead due to the gargoyle's attack, the Magus - a powerful wizard - cast a spell on them sealing the clan in stone with a seemingly impossible condition to break it: when the castle rises above the clouds.

An impossible feat for some, but not for others. In the modern day, entrepreneur David Xanatos purchased Castle Wyvern lock stock and gargoyle, transporting them to their new home atop his skyscraper in New York City. Here, the spell was broken, and the gargoyles were faced with a a modern reality that is far different than the world they left behind. They claimed names for themselves, found an ally and friend in the police officer Elisa Maza, and were betrayed by not only Xanatos, but the same female gargoyle from their past - who now called herself Demona.

Now, the gargoyles live atop the clock tower that makes up the roof of the 23rd precinct police station. Their pledge to protect their castle has now been extended to protect all of Manhattan and those who live there. The influx of heartless, or the fall of worlds hasn't changed this promise, yet as the citizens of New York come to grips with the danger of monsters, they are also starting to believe the rumors about winged protectors. Xanatos is no less of a threat, although he now faces his own challenges in keeping his family safe, but also making sure there is a Manhattan left for him to control. Goliath, the leader of the gargoyles, as well as Elisa Maza, have vanished with no explanation to their whereabouts, leaving a young Brooklyn, the clan's second-in-command in charge.

Key Characters: Goliath, Demona, Hudson, Brooklyn, Broadway, Lexington, David Xanatos, Elisa Maza, Angela.
Grid Locations: Manhattan.


  • This theme begins during Season 2's 'World Tour'.
  • Canon edit: The events of 'Future Tense' occur at the start of 'World Tour' instead of at the end. The Phoenix Gate is 'lost' in the timestream.
  • Characters from established foreign gargoyle clans (Mayan, London, Ishimura, Avalon) are appable.


In the distant past, the magnificent island of Atlantis found itself within the very same world the strange creatures known as Gargoyles inhabited. However, greed managed to be the destruction of this once magnificent place. After a distant explosion, a large tidal wave threatens to drown the island of Atlantis. In the midst of an evacuation from the capital city, the Queen of Atlantis is caught by a strange, hypnotic blue light and lifted up into the "Heart of Atlantis", a powerful crystal protecting the city. The crystal consumes her and creates a dome barrier that protects the city's innermost district. She leaves behind a young daughter, Princess Kida (Cree Summer), as the island is drawn not only under the ocean, but into a different world!

Several thousand years later, in 1914, Milo Thatch — a cartographer and linguist at the Smithsonian Institution who is marginalized for his research on Atlantis — believes that he has found The Shepherd's Journal, an ancient manuscript allegedly containing directions to the lost island. After his proposal to search for the Journal is rejected by the museum board, a mysterious woman, Helga Sinclair, introduces Milo to Preston B. Whitmore, an eccentric millionaire. Whitmore has already funded a successful effort to retrieve the Journal as repayment of a debt to Milo's grandfather, and recruits Milo to lead an expedition to Atlantis as soon as he deciphers it.

The expedition departs with a team of specialists led by Commander Rourke, who also led the Journal recovery expedition. The crew includes Vinny, a demolitions expert; Mole, a geologist; Dr. Sweet, a medical officer; Audrey, a mechanic; Mrs. Packard, a radio operator; and Cookie, a mess cook. They set out in the Ulysses, a massive submarine, but are soon attacked by the monstrous Leviathan, a robotic lobster-like creature that guards Atlantis' entrance. The Ulysses is destroyed but Milo, Rourke, and part of the crew escape and make their way to an underground cavern, described in the Journal as the entrance to Atlantis.

However, as they travel through a network of caves and a dormant volcano, the team is met with fierce resistance, as dark creatures attack the group. With the force of the armed men they have with them, they begin to resist these little black creatures. They fight until they are greeted by Kida—who, despite her age, resembles a young woman—and discover that the Atlantean language is the basis of many existing languages. She leads the group to Atlantis, through a large portal - and fails to warn them not to stray from the path within the corridor...

Key Characters: Milo Thatch, Kida, Helga Sinclair, Commander Rourke, Vinny, Mole, Dr. Sweet, Audrey, Mrs. Packard, Cookie.
Grid Locations: Atlantis (in Serpent's Trench).


Once, a drop of pure sunlight fell to earth and grew into a beautiful flower which had amazing restorative powers when unlocked with by a particular song. The flower was coveted by Mother Gothel, an aging woman who discovered it's secrets to heath and seemingly immortal life. However, there were others who had greater needs for the flower and the power it possessed. The Queen of the kingdom of Corona was ill and her husband sent his soldiers out far and wide in search of the flower's legendary power. Finding it, the King used the power to save his wife, but the magic somehow was reborn into her newborn daughter, Rapunzel.

Unwilling to give up the immortality the flower gave her, Mother Gothel tried to cut a lock of the girl's golden hair, only to discover that cutting it destroyed the power within. With no other options, Mother Gothel kidnapped the girl in the dead of night and raised her as her own in an isolated tower. Heartbroken, the King and Queen send up lanterns every year on the princess' birthday, in hopes that their wishes will reach her.

Mother Gothel teaches Rapunzel the healing song, and uses it to keep herself ever young, all the while manipulating her to ensure that she never leaves the tower. However, Rapunzel is a free spirit, and longs to find the source of the strange lanterns that fly in the sky every year. Gothel warns her that the world outside is a dangerous place. In a sense, she is not lying, as strange dark creatures begin to appear in the woods and in the shadows of the city.

Years later, the cocky thief Flynn Rider steals the princess’ tiara on display in the palace and flees with his newfound treasure in hopes this will finally bring him endless riches. It does prove to be fortunate, if only for him. As soon as he leaves, the Kingdom is swallowed up in a wave of darkness brought by the Heartless, drawn to the hearts of the mourning King and Queen. The only survivor is Maximus, a horse that once served the guard and is now intent on following the man who has stolen from his kingdom.

The tower itself survives, as does the valley surrounding it, now a part of a new world. Flynn, Maximus and Mother Gothel all find themselves in an unfamiliar landscape, and the Heartless hunger for the strange power hiding up in that tower. Meanwhile, oblivious to it all, Rapunzel looks out of her tower, waiting for her chance for freedom.

And despite the disappearance of Corona, the lanterns still appear from time to time...

Key Characters: Rapunzel, Flynn Rider (aka. Eugene Fitzherbert), Mother Gothel.
Grid Locations: Forgotten Forest (Rapunzel's Tower).

Beauty and the Beast

Out in the French countryside, a minor prince rules a province in a beautiful castle. The prince, although beautiful of face, is spoiled and unkind. When he rejects a beggar woman who merely asks for food and shelter, she reveals herself to be an enchantress, and turns him into a hideous beast. His servants are transformed into living objects and furniture, and the castle itself falls under a pall of misery, forgotten by the people of the village. If the Beast can love and find someone who loves him in return before the last petal of an enchanted rose falls, he’ll be restored. But when the last petal falls, he will be a beast for all time.

As the years pass, he falls into despair, and the castle itself begins to fall to ruin. The Beast grows bitter and angrier every year. When an old man wanders into the castle by mistake, the Beast orders the intruder thrown into the dungeon, unwilling to show the old man any mercy. Only when the man’s daughter, Belle, comes to his rescue and willingly exchanges her own safety for that of her father does the Beast see a chance for redemption.

Belle, who is intelligent and willful, doesn’t take her imprisonment sitting down, and doesn’t let the Beast push her around. She is forced to remain in the castle, but refuses to let herself fall to despair.

Meanwhile, the dark curse over the castle draws darkness near, and the Heartless begin swarming among the wolves and beasts of the dark forests. The hunters of the village tell stories of strange shadowy creatures, and local town hero Gaston brags of having taken down a large one. While the old inventor Maurice weeps for his imprisoned daughter, and Belle attempts to understand the Beast, shadows overtake the world around the countryside, and the world changes around the town and castle.

The people of the town are frightened by this change, and look to Gaston to provide protection against the frightening new world. The Beast begins finding Heartless even in his own castle, striking them down as they start to threaten his rose. Belle seeks to find out more about the Heartless, hoping her knowledge can save them both. And the rose drops petals faster and faster, as the Beast begins to lose hope.

Key Characters: The Beast, Belle, Gaston.
Grid Locations: Bramble Orchard, The Beast's Castle, French Countryside (Belle's Village).


The beloved and beautiful only child of a widowed aristocrat, Cinderella goes from riches to rags when her father marries the Lady Tremaine, a proud and severe woman, who brings with her two awkward and unattractive daughters, Drizella and Anastasia. When Cinderella's father passes away, the Lady Tremaine takes over the estate and forces Cinderella into servitude. Though mocked by her jealous step-sisters, Cinderella remains kind and gentle, befriending the animals which live about their chateau.

The King of their country, distressed that his handsome son Prince Charming shows no interest in marriage, elects to hold a ball which all eligible maidens shall attend. Cinderella receives her step-mother's permission to go provided she finishes her chores, and with the help of her animal friends is able to repair one of her mother's old dresses just in time to depart - and is unknowingly assisted by the mini-fied Ventus. Yet the cunning Lady Tremaine, while complimenting Cinderella's dress, subtly points out the beads and sash which Cinderella's mouse companions had appropriated from her step-sisters. In a rage, Drizella and Anastasia ruin the gown, forcing Cinderella to stay behind. Overcome by emotion, Cinderella unknowingly attracts the Unversed - which are soon routed by a sudden appearance of Terra - whom soon there-after leaves again.

At that moment, however, Cinderella's Fairy Godmother appears, bestowing upon her a blue dress with glass slippers and transforming a pumpkin and her animal friends into a carriage with attendants. The happy girl departs for the ball with the warning to leave before the stroke of midnight, whereupon the magic will be undone and all shall return to as it once was. Upon her arrival, Prince Charming, having rejected all the other ladies, is smitten at first sight, and the blissful couple dance the night away. Yet Cinderella, realizing she has tarried overlong, flees in a panic as the clock tolls midnight, leaving behind a single glass slipper in her panic as her carriage begins to disintegrate.

The Grand Duke informs the King of what has occurred and is ordered to search every house until the girl whose foot fits the glass slipper is found. Lady Tremaine tries to keep Cinderella locked in her room - but Aqua assists in letting her out and stalls The Grand Duke long enough for Cinderella to get downstairs and try on her shoe. It's not long-after that the prince realizes his love for her and carries her off... but Aqua knows that a strong darkness only grows stronger within Lady Tremaine.

And years later, as Aqua wanders through the Realm of Darkness, she comes across a castle jutting out of a sea of darkness. Cinderella's castle. But unbeknownst to her, the Fairy Godmother has enough power for one last trick... to take that castle to a different place. A place where other worlds are coming together - trying to protect themselves against the Heartless. A world no longer protected by the Barrier of Light.

Key Characters: Cinderella, Prince Charming, Lady Tremaine, Drizella, Anastasia.
Grid Locations: Cinderella Castle.

Sleeping Beauty

Once upon a time, there was an evil fairy named Maleficent, who was quite notorious in the Enchanted Dominion. She was known for playing cruel tricks on people, for lying and deceiving. And most of all, for cursing others, purely out of hatred and spite. Indeed, Maleficent was a cruel fairy who sought ways to destroy and twist her realm to reflect her own dark heart.

One day she learned that good King Stephan and his wife were throwing a party to celebrate the birth of their daughter, princess Aurora. Maleficent naturally, was not invited, as King Stephan feared that she might harm his precious daughter. Naturally Maleficent was furious and she invited herself to the party. As the fairies came one by one to offer the baby their magical gifts, Maleficent plotted of a way to punish King Stephan for smiting her: She cursed the baby to die upon her sixteenth birthday when she was fated to prick her finger on a spinning wheel. She then left in a cackle of evil laughter.

There was one good fairy who had not yet bestowed her gift upon the sleeping baby. She stepped forward at that moment and promised that Aurora would not die, but would rather fall into a deep sleep for 100 years, and not awaken until her true love's kiss would break the curse. As an extra precaution, the king charged the three fairies with taking care of Aurora and keeping her safe from Maleficent. And so they hid her in a cottage in the woods, where she lived for 16 years.

During that time, the heartless came into the world. Maleficent, in her quest for power, met Master Xehanort, who promised her boundless power. He also told her about the existence of many other worlds and he told her of the princesses of heart who held the key to unlocking the way to Kingdom Hearts, the most powerful world from which she could control all worlds. Maleficent, powerful, cunning, determined, made the perfect minion for Xehanort, and she was more determined than ever to find Aurora, believing her to be one of the princesses of heart.

Xehanort warned her of three keyblade wielders, Terra, who might be of use to her, Aqua who might be a threat, and Ventus who was not to be harmed. He warned her not to tell them of him, but to keep it to herself. He then left her to her own devices for a while, telling her to report back to him from time to time.

Some time later, Maleficent's raven, Diablo located Aurora, hiding as a peasant girl named Briar Rose. Maleficent used her sorcery to hypnotise her and draw her to the castle where she lured her to the room with the spinning wheel that would seal her fate. Instead of dying, Aurora fell into a deep sleep that would last many years. In order to keep anyone from interfering, Maleficent captured and imprisoned Philip in a dungeon in the Forbidden Mountains.

Aqua encountered Maleficent, who told Aqua of Terra's role in her plan and dropped her into the dungeon, where she and the fairies helped free Philip. The fairies enchanted Philip's sword, and he defeated Maleficent in her dragon form. Maleficent swore to Aqua that she would return, while Philip woke Aurora with a kiss.

Although the Enchanted Dominion was temporarily at peace, celebrating the wedding of Aurora and Philip, it was not truly free from the power of darkness. Maleficent called on the Heartless to consume it as part of her revenge, and soon all but the castle and surrounding hills collapsed into darkness, the castle itself pulled into another world entirely. Philip has sworn to protect Aurora and her heart.

Since then, Malificent has found a new place to call her home - known as the Hollow Bastion. From there, she has sought out others who have been touched by the threads of fate - those who were touched by the keyblade wielders she so despises now. She created an organization, made up of these damnable people - drenched in the veil of darkness. And with her as their head, she leads them with promise of more power - more worlds...

And to facilitate this, she drew upon the power of the Darkness Corridors and the knowledge she had come to possess - and with Fairy sorcery, she brought portals upon portals to connect world upon world from the heights of Phantasia Mountain.

The gates are open, the Shadowlords are coming.

And even as the worlds try to gather strength and the World Hearts combine some of their bodies to harden against this assault...

They move under her.

Key Characters: Aurora, Malificent, Prince Phillip.
Grid Locations: None. Malificent lives in Hollow Bastion.

Snow White

In a small kingdom, a beautiful but cold-hearted queen looks into her magic mirror, asking every day:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Who is the fairest one of all?

One day, the mirror answers that the queen herself has been surpassed in beauty by her step-daughter, the princess Snow White.

Enraged, the queen, Grimhilde, calls for her huntsman to bring her the heart of the innocent Snow White. The darkness within her own heart begins to call forth the Heartless, which begin to swarm on the edge of the forest.

Meanwhile, Snow White encounters the handsome Prince Ferdinand. The two share their hopes and dreams. Ferdinand has heard of dangers on the edge of his kingdom with strange monsters, and rides off to fight the Heartless, but promises to reunite with Snow White someday.

The huntsman, unable to bring himself to kill Snow White, instead tells her of the danger she is in and tells her to flee into the forest. Terrified, Snow White flees into the woods, eventually finding herself under the protection of the Seven Dwarves who mine for diamonds nearby.

The Queen continues to realize the threat that Snow White poses to her own beauty - and is found speaking to the mirror by Terra. Through this moment, she comes to know Keywielders and turns the Mirror into an unversed through the use of a potion - causing it to become inevitably connected to the Heartless. After a failed attempt in bringing down Terra, and being forced to use the Mirror's ability to show a person's location, she tries to do the work of bringing down Snow White herself.

This is how she meets Ventus, who helps her when she drops an apple. And upon succeeding in poisoning Snow White, but being chased off by the Dwarves - she ends up under attack by Aqua, driving her to gain an absolute /hatred/ towards Keyblade wielders.

Now long after, through her magic mirror, and a force promises to bring about the death of Snow White if they can have the cooperation of the sorcery-using queen.

Grimhilde, twisted by her rage and jealousy, makes a secret pact with the strange force, and the Heartless swarm forth, the land surrounding the castle and the forest plunged into darkness. What remains of the kingdom is now part of a new world, and the Heartless begin to seek out the innocent Snow White, protected by the dwarves. Where is her prince on a white steed now? Where is prince Ferdinand. Or will another Prince save her?

Key Characters: Snow White, Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, Dopey, Queen Grimhilde, Prince Ferdinant.
Grid Locations: Dwarf Woodlands


When the Huns, led by the ruthless Shan Yu, invade China, each family is given a conscription notice. Mulan's father, Fa Zhou has to serve in the army, but due to his age and previous war injuries, is is doubtful that he would survive. Fa Mulan disguises herself as a man, then takes her father's conscription notice, armor, and weapons so that he will not have to go. She rides away on her horse, Khan, to join the army, knowing that if she were caught she would be killed.

Mushu, a small chinese dragon, has been awakened by the family's First Ancestor. Mushu had been demoted to gong ringer after a mishap with one of the ancestors when the other ancestors were awakened. After various choices of which guardian to send after Mulan, he is asked to awaken the "Great Stone Dragon". Mushu accidentally destroys the Dragon but realizes that this could be an opportunity to earn his place among the guardians again if he can make Mulan a war hero.

Mulan trains with a group led by Captain Li Shang, including fellow soldiers Ling, Yao, and Chien Po. The troops complete their training, but Chi Fu, the Emperor's meddling and misogynistic advisor, refuses to let them see battle, accusing the troops of being ill prepared. However, they may not get much of a choice - with the incoming hordes of Heartless showing up everywhere upon their lands - clearly sent by Shan Yu.

In the meantime, within the Imperial City, a shard from Spira has come to life on its own, forming Ifrit's Cloister in the basement of the Imperial Castle!

Key Characters: Fa Mulan, Li Shang, Yao, Ling, Chien Po, Shan Yu.
Grid Locations: Land of Dragons.


A party gathers in the desert at night, as a mercenary delivers to the sorcerer Jafar the treasure he needs to awaken the Cave of Wonders. The guardian of the Cave destroys the minion and declares that only the Diamond in the Rough may enter. Jafar vows to find this Diamond in the Rough to bring him the treasure he seeks.

Meanwhile, Aladdin is a streetwise thief without a home who must steal to keep himself alive, not that the royal guards of Agrabah are very sympathetic. Within the palace of the sultan, the princess Jasmine is urged to find a suitor, but wishes to marry only for love. Wishing to understand the world outside of the palace walls, she sneaks out, soon encountering and making friends with Aladdin.

They develop feelings for one another, but Jasmine is found and brought back, and Aladdin arrested for kidnapping the princess. While he waits to be executed, Aladdin encounters an old man-actually Jafar in disguise-offering him freedom if Aladdin can bring back a treasure from the Cave of Wonders. Jafar knows that Aladdin is the Diamond in the Rough, one whose true value is often overlooked.

The cave opens for Aladdin, with the guardian warning him to “touch nothing but the lamp.” Within the cave is a glittering trove of treasure, but Aladdin remembers the warning and claims only the dusty old lamp he was asked to bring back. Abu, his monkey companion, lets his greed get the best of him, and as he grabs for a diamond, it melts as the gold transforms into a wave of molten lava. Aladdin and Abu are saved only by the sentient magic carpet they befriended within the cave, which seals itself off, trapping them within.

Jafar, enraged that the Cave of Wonders has been sealed off from him once more, enters his chamber above the palace only to find Maleficent waiting for him. She encourages him to work with her, ensuring he will have what he desires, and that the key to their plan is Jasmine’s heart. Jafar agrees to work with Maleficent, just as Heartless begin to appear in the desert outside of Agrabah, and decides the next phase of his plan: trick the Sultan into forcing Jasmine to marry Jafar himself.

Aladdin, meanwhile, is trapped in the cave. Frustrated, he rubs at the lamp and frees the Genie, a powerful and strange being who claims that as Aladdin is now his master, he will be granted three wishes. Aladdin uses his trickery to free himself, without making a single wish, only to find out that the world has changed around him, and the desert surrounding Agrabah is not as he remembers it. The world has been altered, taken somewhere else, and the people of Agrabah have only the walls of their city protecting them from the new dangers outside. As for Aladdin, he has his wits, and three wishes.

And the Cave of Wonders looms open again, its treasures hidden, its lamp missing, but its mazelike paths possibly leading...somewhere else?

Key Characters: Aladdin, Princess Jasmine, Jafar, Abis Mal, Mechanicles, Mirage, Mozenrath, Phasir, Sadira, The Mukhtar, Aziz.
Grid Locations: Cave of Wonders, Agrabah.


Once, in a world much like our own, the corporation ENCOM was spearheading the growth of new and innovative computer technology, employing the finest engineers and developing everything from laser scanners to video games. A brilliant but lackadaisical software engineer, Kevin Flynn, is fired from ENCOM when his rival Ed Dillinger steals several games Flynn has developed and is promoted to an executive position. Retreating to the popular arcade he owns, Flynn struggles to obtain evidence of Dillinger's wrongdoing, but is blocked by the sinister Master Control Program (MCP), the artificial intelligence which controls the ENCOM mainframe and seeks to expand its dominion over the Dataspace, the cyber-realm within computers.

Within the Dataspace, computer programs exist as individuals, some appearing in the likeness of the Users who created them, and are terrorized by the MCP and its second-in-command, Sark. Sark and his minions seek control over input/output within their mainframe, and those programs which resist him are captured and forced to play dangerous games -- often utilizing the "identity disk" which all programs carry -- in which the losers are "derezzed."

The MCP, aware of Dillinger's misdeeds, manipulates him by threatening him with blackmail and proceeds to begin hacking into computers all over the world. Meanwhile, visited by his friends and fellow scientists Alan Bradley and Lora Baines, Flynn persuades them to help him sneak back into ENCOM's headquarters. There, he upgrades the security clearance of Bradley's program "Tron", so that it might monitor the activities of the MCP. In retaliation, the MCP activates an experimental laser intended to digitize Flynn and transfer him into the ENCOM mainframe.

At that moment, however, Heartless pour forth from the shadows and consume the world, sending the Dataspace into chaos. Eventually, Ansem the Wise encounters the Dataspace during his investigations and tinkers with the various programs, upgrading Tron. Yet once Flynn's Arcade emerges from the darkness, the MCP becomes aware that the worlds have been connected, and is eager to conquer all realms which touch upon Dataspace-- and beyond. At last, the battle between Tron and the MCP begins in earnest.

But what has become of Flynn, ENCOM, and the others lost to the shadows? In the dusty recesses of the Arcade, hidden in Manhattan in a secret private room, a solitary light blinks...

Key Characters: Tron, Sark, MCP, Kevin Flynn.
Grid Locations: Flynn's Arcade.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

In the city of Paris, Judge Claude Frollo of the City Guard seeks to eliminate the gypsy people, seeing them as sinful heretics. He traps a group of gypsy refugees and has them arrested, but a woman escapes with her baby. He pursues her until she is killed on the steps of Notre Dame Cathedral. Frollo is prepared to drown the baby, who is deformed, but the archbishop interferes, refusing to allow the judge to shed more innocent blood. He warns that no matter what Frollo tells himself or others, the “eyes of Notre Dame” and the Lord will know the truth. Frollo is convinced instead to raise the child as his own. He gives the child the cruel name of Quasimodo, meaning “half-formed.”

Quasimodo grows to young adulthood living in the bell tower, hidden away from all but Frollo and the gargoyles who awaken when no one else is around. He is hunchbacked and severely deformed, but intelligent, kind and insightful, and spends his time watching the people of Notre Dame he wishes to meet someday. He is told by Frollo that the world is cruel and would reject him, and he should remain in his place as the hidden bell-ringer of Notre Dame.

Lonely Quasimodo sneaks out of the cathedral one day as Paris celebrates the Festival of Fools. A troupe of gypsies entertain the people, notably Esmeralda, a beautiful and kind dancer. Frollo and his men watch, and while Frollo disapproves outwardly, he finds himself fascinated with Esmeralda. Quasimodo’s appearance is discovered, and he is crowned King of the Fools, celebrated until the crowd turns on him and humiliates him at the urging of Frollo’s men. Frollo doesn’t interfere on his behalf, but Esmeralda does, helping him escape into the Cathedral and following him there. She in turn is followed by Captain Phoebus of the guard, who refuses to arrest Esmeralda for witchcraft against Frollo’s orders.

As Esmeralda befriends Quasimodo, who thanks her for helping him and helps her escape the cathedral safely, strange creatures appear in the corners and shadows of the city. The guard track them down and capture one, but are unable to find out what they are. As Frollo contemplates his obsession with Esmeralda, increasingly convinced she is tempting his heart away with wicked powers, the shadowy Maleficent appears to him and offers him a position as a Shadow Lord. He refuses, terrified that a demon has appeared to him, just as news of Esmeralda’s escape and the Heartless attacks reach him. Frollo draws the conclusion that Maleficent and the Heartless were drawn to Notre Dame by gypsy witchcraft, and calls for the arrest of Esmeralda.

As Quasimodo looks out to the sky, having finally made an outside friend and finding himself infatuated with Esmeralda as well, he sees a strange shadow cast over Notre Dame. In moments, the City Island is all that is left of Paris, and the people are in a panic. Frollo calls them to order with his guard, explaining that the changes are punishment for wickedness and sin, and determined to protect the righteous people of Paris from the terrors outside. Quasimodo considers leaving once more, this time to help the people of the city which once rejected him. Maleficent, meanwhile, waits and watches, sure that sooner or later, Judge Frollo will fall into her clutches and she will find the Heart of this world.

Key Characters: Quasimodo, Esmeralda, Frollo, Phoebus.
Grid Locations: La Cité Des Cloches.

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Halloween Town exists as a ghoulish, but not unfriendly place. Its people create Halloween and bring it to the world at large every year. While Pumpkin King Jack Skellington does an excellent job and is widely loved for his skills at the creepy and macabre, he's started to tire of the same thing year after year.

Little creatures called Heartless begin to appear, but as everyone in Halloween Town is some form of monster, the Heartless don't stand out. Jack notices them, thinking they might be the key to a new Halloween, and tries to learn how to make them obey him to no avail. Their presence is not questioned by anyone but Sally the Rag Doll, whose advice is ignored.

Oogie Boogie, too, hears of the Heartless and decides he wants to control them for his own dark purposes. It is when he sends his minions Lock, Shock, and Barrel to investigate that Halloween Town itself falls to the Heartless, something not too many of the residents notice. The doors to Halloween Town no longer lead to the other Holiday Worlds or the "real world," but to a void of darkness. What will happen when the people of Halloween Town realize their city is now home to strangers, and what they will do with the strange Heartless, remains to be seen.

Key Characters: Jack Skellington, Sally, Oogie Boogie, Doctor Finklestein, Lock, Shock and Barrel.
Grid Locations: Halloween Town.

Lilo and Stitch

Far in the reaches of deep space, a council convenes to sentence the criminal mad scientist Jumba and its newest, most dangerous creation, Experiment 626. 626 is too powerful and wily to keep under containment, however, and escapes the watch of space officer Gantu. During this escapade, it meets the strange twosome that are Ventus and Aqua. During an attack from the Unversed, they show the Council-Woman some of Experiment 626's goodness - as it assists in fending off an attack of the Unversed around the time that so many stars go dark.

With Ventus and Aqua having left, Experiment 626 is left to flee in an escape pod towards a rather obscure, backwater planet called Earth - Earth is under protection as breeding ground for the endangered mosquito, so Agent Pleakley is sent to accompany Jumba and recover 626 before it can wreak havoc on Earth.

Meanwhile, Nani is having difficulties keeping sole guardianship of her little sister Lilo after the death of their parents. A social worker's visit goes poorly, and friction between Lilo and Nani is not helping. The sisters decide to adopt a dog and head to the shelter, where Lilo chooses a strange, ugly-looking dog which happens to be 626 in disguise. She dubs the creature Stitch and convinces Nani to let her adopt him. Once she takes him home, he proves to be a rather destructive and strange "dog," but Lilo decides she's going to train him into being a proper best friend. News reports of strange creatures being spotted in the rainforests go mostly unnoticed by the two sisters, but Lilo wonders if it might me an alien invasion.

Soon after, the island of Hawaii is hit by a powerful hurricane; when the winds and rain subside, Hawaii itself has been pulled from Earth and is in the middle of an unfamiliar ocean, with pirates in sky ships looking to make contact. Although the people of Hawaii are rather alarmed at this bizarre development, the governor nervously agrees to meet with representatives from the new outside world while they try to find out just what has happened.

Nani now finds it even more important that she and Lilo stay together, and hopes that strange dog or the weird monsters don't interfere with this too much. Lilo is excited, however, and wants to take trips with the "space pirates" and hunt down the Heartless "aliens" with Stitch. Jumba and Pleakley, meanwhile, continue their investigation, wondering if they're really stranded on Earth...

Key Characters: Stitch, Lilo Pelekai, Nani Pelekai, Jumba Jookiba, Pleakley, Gantu, Cobra Bubbles, Grand Councilwoman, David Kawena.
Grid Locations: Hawaii.

Pirates of the Carribean

Years before, young Elizabeth meets a boy found in a shipwreck. The boy, Will Turner, gives her a medallion that resembles a gold piece.

Commodore James Norrington proposes to Elizabeth Swann, who falls into the bay before she can give an answer. The medallion falls to the bottom of the sea, sending off a signal to the crew of the ghostly Black Pearl. She is saved by notorious pirate Captain Jack Sparrow, who is promptly arrested.

That night, the pirates of the Black Pearl attack Port Royal, running a raid in an attempt to find the gold piece calling to them. Despite the best efforts of Will Turner, now a blacksmith's apprentice, they succeed in capturing Elizabeth and begin to sail off.

The terror and sorrow brought on by the pirate attack is the final piece needed for the Heartless to overtake the world, as much of the land and see fall into total darkness. Port Royal and its surrounding waters are spared, drawn into a different world. While the Royal British Navy has sworn to protect Port Royal until a solution can be found, the many pirates sailing the seas have been drawn into this world as well, including Captain Barbossa and his Black Pearl.

Captain Barbossa still seeks a manner to cure the curse on his crew, and wonders if the Heartless themselves hold the answer. Meanwhile, Captain Jack has agreed to help Will find Elizabeth, who is still holding her own on the Black Pearl, for now.

Key Characters: Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Captain Barbossa, Jack Sparrow.
Grid Locations: Port Royal.

Peter Pan

Follow the second star on the right and straight on ‘til morning, and you’ll find your way to Neverland, an island of magic and eternal childhood. Here is the home of Peter Pan, the boy who never grows old, a mischievous youth who can fly. He and other ageless children, the Lost Boys, live without parents as they outsmart Captain Hook and his pirate crew.

One day, Captain Hook tricks a mysterious warrior named Terra into picking a fight with Peter Pan. The two clash, but they clear up their misunderstanding and Pan flies off to fight Hook as he’s often done. He has more friendly encounters with keyblade users Ventus and Aqua. In his mind, they’re just more visitors to Neverland, and while he remembers them, he doesn’t think much of the incident for a while.

Years later, Peter’s shadow flies into the bedroom of Wendy Darling, a young girl living in turn of the century London. Peter and his fairy companion Tinkerbell soon follow. When Wendy sews his shadow back on, Peter tells her and her siblings, John and Michael, about the land of Neverland. He grants them the power to fly using pixie dust and leads them to Neverland. When Wendy is introduced to the Lost Boys, she decides she’ll try to be their mother, as they’ve never had one and don’t know what having one is like.

Meanwhile, as Captain Hook plans to clash with Peter once more, strange shadows overtake the sea around Neverland. The island itself remains unchanged even as it is brought into another ocean, and few of the inhabitants notice what has gone on. Peter sees the appearance of Heartless as another excuse for the Lost Boys to have an adventure, unaware of the seriousness of the situation. Captain Hook, however, soon spots more ships approaching Neverland, and wonders if he has found allies in his eternal battle with Pan.

Key Characters: Peter Pan, Wendy, Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, The Lost Boys.
Grid Locations: Neverland.


Coming Soon!


These games or series are not available for integration, due to one reason or another:

  • Final Fantasy 11/14 - Due to the online nature of these games, and their theme still expanding now, they are currently seen as unfit.
  • Non-Final Fantasy Games - With the exception of The World Ends With You - as seen included in KH:3D, other Square Enix games - or any others for that matter - are not available for application.
  • Non-animated Disney - Since we are trying to stick as close to the world that fits with Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, we try to not implement 'real life' Disney movies. Pirates of the Carribean and Tron are the obvious exceptions, as they were featured in Kingdom Hearts games. However, this is not a hard limit, and we might be convinced otherwise on a case-by-case basis.
  • No Pixar - Sorry, we feel none of their movies truly fit with the tone of the game.