
From Final Kingdom MUSH
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Riku pic.png
Age 15
Species Human
Sex Male
Height 5' 8"
Weight 165
Series Kingdom Hearts
Combat Styles Quickstrike, Dark Valor
Hometown Destiny Island
Group Archadian Empire
Occupation/Job Wanderer / Judge Cadet
Force: Wandering Force
Theme Song [Two Angels and a Dream]
“Giving up already? C'mon.. I thought you were stronger than that.”

A calm and collected boy with a wry sense of humor, Riku is a wanderer from a tranquil world and both piece and player in a far reaching game between multiple evils. He keeps his own council and has been many things; A rival, a storyteller and manipulator, a chosen one no longer chosen, a friend searching the far horizons for familiar faces. He is a knight whose heart has slipped over the edge of dusk, an adventurer searching the worlds for those he cares for at any cost, blinded to the consequences of his actions. Whatever path he chooses, it never quite seems to plunge into the deepest darkness, or even wind back towards the light he left behind.

Skills: Never Piss off the Deuteragonist, I will Fear No Darkness, Self-Justification for Fun and Profit, Dark is not Evil, Power Corrupts, Ultimate Power is Pretty Nifty, Save Vs Will, Broken Ace, Suspicious Minds, Jumped at The Call, but It Refused Him, Snark Knight, Surrounded By A Thirty Xanatos Pileup, Takes Notes, Mysterious Big Brother Instinct, Also Aloof Parkour Guy, Shops At Faustian Bargains Warehouse, Multiple Boss Fight Mileage Card, Well Intentioned Extremist, Does Not Eat, Does Not Eat, Does Not Eat Nachos, Nachos, Nachos.


Powers of Darkness: Riku escaped the night his world was destroyed, but that escape came with a cost. These powers have been honed over time and use and the tutelage of other darkness wielders, although it makes him one step removed from the boy he once was and one step closer to the perpetually hungry echoes that are the heartless.

Potential Keyblade Wielder: Handed down the ability due to the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony given to him in his youth by the warrior Terra, Riku has the potential to wield a keyblade. However, due to the events of Destiny Island the keyblade that was to be his went instead to Sora. Riku will have to earn his own.

Swordsmanship: Obsessed with other worlds outside his own, Riku strained at the boundaries of his island home. He has practiced and competed endlessly, becoming the best swordsman within his island community. Whether this distinction holds up in the sea of stars outside is a matter of debate.

Strong Willed: With obsessions comes a certain bloody minded stubbornness. Riku has a strong and narrowly focused will, doing whatever it takes to grow stronger and complete his objectives. The powers of darkness that he gains from Maleficent and other scions of darkness do not automatically overwhelm him due to this powerful will.

Disguise: Riku tends to want to blend into whatever place he finds himself as quickly as he can. This is aided by portal magic as well as his powers of general observation, but also because he does not want to be recognized when the things he must accomplish are of a necessarily dark nature.

Parkour: Also known as free running, this ability to navigate urban spaces allows him to quickly traverse rough terrain without difficulty and escape capture or notice even in an unfamiliar environment. It also represents new angles of attack and defense when he may drop down from the roof of a building, leap a fence or drop down into a courtyard without hurting himself. This ability is lessened but still apparent in open terrain.

Sketching: He keeps a journal of his drawings and experiences that he has been adding to over the years. The first couple of pages are drawings of Destiny Island while notes and drawings of other places follow in it's wake. With practice, Riku has become somewhat proficient at drawing, especially in the drawing of people and architecture. The journal also functions as a scrapbook of sorts, containing notes and pieces of memorable material that can be caught within its battered pages.

Storytelling: Ever since the idea of other worlds caught in his consciousness, Riku has been spinning tales about how they ultimately must be like. Worlds of searing heat and bitter cold. The imagination is a playground in which reality has no particular say in the matter. Although the reality does not entirely match the fantasy, Riku continues to read and to tell stories with an ease of practice and an anecdotal style that combines many fragments into a larger whole.



  • Warning: Stat margin of error greater than expected. Approach target with caution.

Quickstrike Actions
Attack Description
Black Wind An eerie wind howls around Riku, stripping away negative ailments that have accrued.
Lunge Riku races forwards, attacking with a single swift slash.
Storm Crescent Riku gathers himself, pausing briefly before lashing out with arcs of shrieking wind that pulse from each weapon slash.
Storm Riser Spirals of water materialize around Riku, forming into a twisted pillar that surges towards an opponent as Riku charges forwards with an arcing upwards strike.
Taunting Smile Come on now.. Don't you think you can try a little harder than that?
Defy Gravity A little air magic and levitation combines with storm magic as Riku springs from the ground into the air, suspended as pillars of lightning and lashing rain pummel the earth, knocking anybody in the air flat should it connect.
Dynamic Balance Riku focuses on his footwork, keeping himself steady and well coordinated, shifting his balance in order to improve his accuracy.
Back Flip A quick, vicious back flip combined with a lightning quick weapon slash, ending in a semi-crouch when on land and a ready position when still aerial.
Spring Kick An abrupt, surprising move usually when knocked prone that Riku uses to quickly regain his footing and stun an opponent coming in to engage him while prone.
Flash Step Storm magic combines with a series of short, fast slashes, kicks and attacks aided by pillars of lightning that flash in his wake as he charges onto the attack.
Phantom Heart Riku raises a hand, ghostly flames flickering across his skin for a split second as a ghostly apparition appears around him. The dark shroud thickens, a brilliant star of dark fire surrounded by the wraith. The apparition circles once around Riku before charging at an opponent, cloth formed claws open and the fire hungry for the light of others. Limit Break
Rogue Wave Riku stands perfectly still, taking in a few steadying breaths as a rumbling can be heard from a distance. A spectral wall of dark water materializes behind him, passing through him as it looms higher and higher before crashing down. Limit Break

Dark Valor Actions
Attack Description
Dark Renewal An eldritch flame runs along Riku's body, a manifestation of dark magic and under tight control it begins to heal minor wounds almost as soon as they have been inflicted.
Piercing Dusk Riku calls up several jagged spears of dark crystal which appear and disappear through dark portals, circling and harrying a target before all descending at once, shattering into a storm of sharp fragments.
Concentration Riku draws on a reserve of inner control and focuses the dark energies he is channeling to purge his body of any weaknesses that may have been inflicted on him. As this dark magic manifests itself as ghostly fire, it looks more like a self immolation than a buffing action.
Hunter's Leap Riku crouches low, then leaps forwards, his outline blurring and the afterimages of another shape following in his wake as he brings weapon to bear in a vicious downwards arc. The heartless afterimage of the Hunter of the Dark fades as soon as the attack is completed.
Thorn Riser Riku raises a hand, darkness curling around him in the ghostly afterimages of thorns as black thorn vines explode from the ground, forming into thick trunks of spinning, lashing blades and sweep across the area before disappearing.
Wyvern Spiral Riku holds a hand in front of him. As he raises it towards an aerial target, giant shadowy wyverns explode into being in clouds of smoky gloom. They tightly spiral towards a target, their passage a long moan of shuddering sound like the approach of a ghostly train.
Umbral Sight Riku closes his eyes and concentrates, pulling at the darkness at his core in order to see more clearly. It is somewhat how the heartless see, a melange of shadows and instinct with the brilliance of hearts muted but still powerful enough to outline those with them even in the darkest gloom or thickest fog.
Twin Threshold Riku clasps one hand with the other and holds them in front of him, weapon pointed down and into the dirt. The shapes of two giant thresholders appear behind him, thrusting out of the ground trapped in a slab of dark stone. They extend one claw each, swiping at an enemy while the other guards incoming attacks.
Shadow Claw Darkness concentrates around Riku's hand, becoming a thick taloned gauntlet with a much larger afterimage of darkness that follows his movements as he reaches forth to drain the lifeforce from a target using that reaching claw of gloom.
Dark Firaga The spectral fire becomes much more intense, then abruptly shears off to an eerie silence. There is a guttural roar of back draft as Riku lobs several spheres of dark fire, each of them shrieking across the area like a comet.
Nightmare Impulse Riku stands still while a black wind howls around him, the wind picking up debris as the gloom thickens into a thicket of reaching claws. The claws, made of shards of dark mirror, stream past Riku and crash down in a wave of darkness. Limit Break
Dark Aura Riku vanishes. He steps backwards and falls from sight. He appears briefly afterwards, lunging forwards with sword raised to strike. He swoops faster and faster between targets and portals, finally landing with a ground shaking impact on the ground, weapon buried in the earth, causing dark pillars of flame to explode out from the surroundings. Limit Break

Scene-Sys Captured Character Logs

Shadow Noodles August 4th, 2013 Periodic catchup session go! Now with noodles.
Future Tense: Angantyr July 24th, 2013 It is decided.
Present Possibilities: Angantyr July 23rd, 2013 The past is prologue. The present? Dark and terrible.
Tower of Ombra July 21st, 2013 The Missing persons TP finale. Welcome to Bleak Horizon. We're all happy here.
Dueling Forks July 9th, 2013 Bringing the Boyfriend home to meet the family is always an awkward affair...
Broken Mirror July 8th, 2013 One cycle of vengeance begets more vengeance. Go figure.
Lazy Sunday July 7th, 2013 Shiki is working on a job when Riku drops in. Interesting things happen.
Cake Treason July 7th, 2013 Cake makes everything better, it also makes everything very silly.
Emptiness and Desperation July 5th, 2013 How Post-Apocalyptic....
Prelude 1: The Mysterious Mist July 4th, 2013 Fireworks are shooting. People are celebrating. However something comes from the depths, green sickly mist starts to rise from the ocean. People start to run to shore screaming, as few become infected by the mist and crash into the water. What rises from the ocean depths, is nothing good...
Cosmic Power and all that Jazz July 2nd, 2013 A harmless date in New Orleans. Nothing happens in this scene, except Jazz. So much Jazz.
Turnabutt is Fair Play July 2nd, 2013 What begins as a visit to the Shard Seeker headquarters by the irrepressible Ivo Galvan and his bewitching pseudo-prisoner Alicia becomes a farce of epic proportions once Morrighan Alazne arrives having left her memories behind. An ensemble cast of half-naked warriors, shades-wearing Judge apprentices, bicurious mind-linked detectives, and all manner of eccentric characters converge. Baths are taken. Vengeance is sworn. Victory is achieved. Sweet, sweet victory.
Dark Rhapsody July 1st, 2013 Grand gestures sometimes don't work out as planned.. but sometimes they do.
A Failed Hunt? June 28th, 2013 Alma Hyral learns that her World Shard location method doesn't always find World Shards...
Somedays June 20th, 2013 There are just some days when you really need a break from it all. No matter what your position in life may be.
The Shining Maze June 17th, 2013 A path to a new world opens... But it is not easily traversed. Nor do its occupants wish visitors...
Ducks Ate My Shoes June 16th, 2013 Will attempts to punch the Emo out of Riku. Sadly. It was not very effective.
Memories of Destiny June 11th, 2013 Sora visits Archades in the aftermath of War. Which means that Riku couldn't possibly show up to see him, right?
No Soapbox Required June 9th, 2013 A short conversation in the wake of the Archades Assault.
Act II, Prologue: I want to be your Canary - Archades June 8th, 2013 The Cast: Kuja as Marcus and Cornelia both, Emperor Gramis as King Leo, Angantyr Vespar as the Assassin, Noah Fon Rosenburg as the Beast, Zargabaath as Schneider, Feige Abramson as Crazy <GOOSEHONK> watch this stunning twist on one of Lord Avon's masterpieces in the Empire that never sleeps. Now with new roles!
Party Like a Pirate June 7th, 2013 Celebrating the success of their treacherous expedition into the Ship Graveyard, the Shard Seekers and friends gather in Port Royal for a party in grand style, replete with music and dance and drink, mostly drink. Chaos is par for the course in this once-orderly city by the sea, and it is to the sea that the Seekers will be called once again, while Darkness lurks on the horizon -- for more than a few of them. But until then, Fate shall smile its crooked smile, love shall blossom, and kisses shall miss their mark. Like, /really/ miss their mark.
Party Talk Between Two June 7th, 2013 As the Shard Seekers have themselves a Pirate Party. Leon and Riku have a discussion outside of the bar.
Bleeding Words June 5th, 2013 Riku shows Alma around Upper Archades.. Alma proves that she's a cheerful girl who is optimistic for the future. Riku shows that he's just as happy go lucky. Absolutely nothing goes wrong.
The Fiendish Dreadnought June 3rd, 2013 To liberate Carwen from the scourge of undead that threaten to plague it, the Shard Seekers and friends bravely set forth to the Ship Graveyard, a festering nest of rotted wood and flesh. Little do they realize that two very different forces work against them, and that one is a power beyond what they could have imagined. So when combat prowess comes to no avail, our heroes must turn to the final staple of JRPG protagonists in dramatically getting out of a sticky situation: a mini-game. Great! Bad! Great! Epic Fail!
Don't let the Stars get in your Eyes. June 1st, 2013 Riku makes a discovery in Lower Archades...
A Promising Start May 30th, 2013 Traveling south to the port town of Carwen chasing rumors of a den of undead and an anomaly detected by the Shard Seeker device, Reize and company reunite with some old friends and meet some new ones in preparation for their challenging quest. Almost immediately, people are shouting and pouncing on each other. It's a promising start.
Vespar Troubles May 19th, 2013 Angantyr takes a stroll around Arcadia, some Judges have a word with him. He provides them a warning.
Between Dark and Twilight May 10th, 2013 After a bad little spar accident, a conversation is held on the Balcony between Gabranth and Riku.
Running Into A Bar May 8th, 2013 Riku runs into a bar. An awkward conversation follows after the bruising impact.
Living Steel! The Beetles Reunion May 5th, 2013 Golmore Jungle is harassed by giant beetles. A bunch of heroes shuffle around barriers as things go from the top of the screen to the bottom.
Dukes Diner May 5th, 2013 Awkward Conversation Card.
Fountain Crossroads April 28th, 2013 Portal schenadigans and catching up with the times. Film at 11.
Perfect Timing April 28th, 2013 Riku tells Will about what he saw in Castle Oblivion...Will runs off to find her.
Hidden Darkness, Crouching Ninja April 28th, 2013 The Dark Knight comes, Jackie Chan(?) gets killed, and Ninjas get pissed.
Food for Thought April 26th, 2013 A story owed and sandwiches consumed. Questions answered.
Too Close to Home April 26th, 2013 Some things just strike too close to home. Also. Never bet against Judge Magister Zargabaath. Ever.
Endless Vigil April 26th, 2013 Maira tries to get away from the Dark Knight, finds herself locked in a tower surrounded by Guardians.
Heart of Power April 24th, 2013 Look who's back and yet, is not fit for duty. After all, sometimes it better to have a break time.
Alexander Aftermath April 21st, 2013 A rattled psyche is stirred, not shaken back to life.
King Of The Mountain April 20th, 2013 There is a Behemoth on the prowl. It has decided to go explore the Mythril Mountains, problem is, so have some others who want it captured.
Harsh Reality April 19th, 2013 Judge Magister Zargabaath calls Riku to the Alexander for a meeting concerning the behemoth.
Darkness In The Woods April 16th, 2013 Riku and The Dark Knight have a run in within the forest of Targ Woods...
Marked April 10th, 2013 Wolves, a lack of breakfast and one sided conversations.
KFC Behemoth Style April 7th, 2013 The Eclipse Behemoth wants some KFC! Chocobo Like in Behemoth Flavor choices. The problem is, adventures don't want the Behemoth to have his KFC.
Lost In The Woods April 7th, 2013 Riku decides to go chasing after the Behemoth back into Targ Forest. He may just make a new friend.
A Judge of Sandwiches April 6th, 2013 Riku stops in at Cloud Nine to enlist the help of Mercade and the TDA to track down a mysterious being and a Behemoth...
Recovery of the Heart April 4th, 2013 After the last surviving Judge is recovered from the desert and the behemoth officially lost thanks to well-intentioned adventurers, the Archadian force returns to their homeland to reconsider and reevaluate what to do now. Riku, however, has deeper worries...
Search And Rescue April 3rd, 2013 Judge Magister Zargabaath leads an Archadian search for the mystery behemoth and to find the personnel still missing-in-action. The results of this search are hardly what he could have ever imagined.
Dusk Spar April 1st, 2013 After the island mission, Gabranth is blowing off some steam and Riku decides to join him.
Before The Mission March 30th, 2013 A tactical discussion before the mission begins.
Search of Power March 30th, 2013 Archades hires individuals to help locate a mysterious artifact at a mysterious location. Nothing could possibly go wrong...
Bramble Crossing March 29th, 2013 A small gathering exchanges notes, sometimes thoughts, and sometimes snark.
Eggnog Crossing March 24th, 2013 It's time... for adventure! And awkward conversations.
Riku was not lost, he was just underground so far he was in Arcadia March 22nd, 2013 Will was out searching for Riku, and found him in an unexpected place. Then stole his food.
Voices March 21st, 2013 A long walk. A decision to trust. A.. great deal of exposition.
Hospital Visits March 18th, 2013 While Riku recovers from the Manhattan Restoration in a Fluorgis hospital, he pays a visit to Judge Magister Zargabaath...
Press X to Advance March 16th, 2013 A new mystery begins and Riku explains things to a Wild Yurita. Maybe.
Restoration March 16th, 2013 It has finally come - the final battle to resurrect Manhattan!
A.A.R. - Walter Tango Foxtrot March 13th, 2013 Fluorgis Hospital, when every stay is a pleasant one. Even when your a darkness user, a man in his prime, and a a Judge Magister silently (heavily) concerned.
Of Will And Shadow March 12th, 2013 Judge Magister Zargabaath intends to find just how deep the darkness goes within Riku. But you know what they say: when you look into the abyss...
Meetings and Partings March 11th, 2013 Several wandering sorts each from a different world meet while on the road much to the surprise of each other.
The Beast of Halloween Town March 10th, 2013 Ashamed and horrified, the mutate Avira fled into the night-but rumors of her hiding in Halloween Town spread fast. Friend, foe, and unexpected ally alike cross paths with the distraught woman.
Reflection of The Heart March 10th, 2013 People have been disappearing into mysterious portals over the course of time. With more and more cases popping up, it's decided that the origin should be investigated. ...But what will they find within?
Archadian Crossroads March 7th, 2013 Gabranth and Riku have a heart to heart. It seems even in the darkest moments, there is always light.
Sketchy Conversation March 4th, 2013 Will hates the ocean, but still finds himself on the beach. Maybe it is trying to eat him. Riku spectates.
Moment In Time February 26th, 2013 Gabranth decides to show Riku around Archades Upper City. To not only come to know the-maybe-to-be-Judge, but perhaps to remind himself of something long forgotten.
Idle Moments February 16th, 2013 Paperwork is the bane of all things.
Welcome To Archades February 10th, 2013 Riku takes up Gabranth's offer to join the Archadian Military - But is he really ready for it?
Judge Party(+1) February 7th, 2013 Zargabaath and Gabranth are ordered to approach Fluorgis to obtain information about the rumor that a Judge had been slain, and in the process, come across Evja. Emi shows up as Evja steps away, and shortly after a battle with the last member of Clan Verda that escaped the Judges occurs. Riku makes a show at the start to converse with Gabranth.
Cafe Conversations and Dumplings Denied February 2nd, 2013 Will stops eating before all food is exhausted. The world is about to end, folks.
Cloud Nine January 19th, 2013 Truth, Justice and Pie. Isn't that what Kingdom Hearts is made of? Riku scouts out Cloud Nine and confronts his past and considers a world in which he has a future.
Point Of View January 18th, 2013 Gabranth and Riku have a nice chat and perhaps the Judge Magister hoping for a new ally.
Moment to Moment January 15th, 2013 A short interlude while onboard the imperial Arcadian airship Alexander leads to social links and partial deafness in equal measure.
A Judges' Welcome January 14th, 2013 Gabranth invites Riku onto Archadian Empire's Flagship: The Alexander. The boy also gets the chance to meet a few more then just one Judge or Judge Magister.
Jailbreak ANGANTYR STYLE January 13th, 2013 Agantyr moves to get his allies out of prison, and Gabranth happens.
Vengeance Denied January 12th, 2013 Faruja finally tracks down Riku and there is an exchange of words, and motivations, and blows.
Equivalent Exchange January 11th, 2013 When worst comes to worst, there is always a way to get the things that you want, if only you are willing the pay the toll.
Biting Cold January 10th, 2013 Introspection Interrupt. Dead ends and Portals and Heartless, oh my. Also. Drama.
Mark: Judge of Nocturne January 6th, 2013 Several souls are drawn to the Crossroad where they are met with the Judge of Nocturne. A dark knight with only one purpose. To test his might against the strong. How will our heroes fare?

Also includes a cameo appearance from the dynamic duo of Riku and Angantyr.

Shopping for shadow lords January 6th, 2013 Katyna takes Riku shopping for a new jacket after accidently burning his last one in a sparring match. Kat tries to understand Riku better and they ultimately spend the night watching the stars and pondering things..
Blink Fight: FK Style January 6th, 2013 It's time for Blink Fight: FK Style. Place your bets place your bets. Spend your munny. Spend your munny. Whose going to win this dastardly and emotional conflict? Words are said. Blows are thrown. FK runs on piefaces.
The Perils of Ronda Unstoppabelle! January 6th, 2013 Ron Unstoppable is being pursued by the terrifying King Powerwild! Can VALKYRI and friends stop it? And who is this mysterious Ronda that has come to help?
Six From The Darkness January 5th, 2013 Mercade meets the restored member of the Legion Network, who he last saw in much less... alive circumstances.
Dive Into The Heart: Riku January 1st, 2013 An unconscious Riku finds himself having an unusual dream...
Fighting Darkness December 31st, 2012 Eager to learn more about the darkness, Katyna runs into Riku again, who offers her a little 'demonstration'..
Noblesse Oblige December 30th, 2012 Baigan and Melody sit down to dine and discuss pleasantries when Riku ports in and kicks over a bowl of stew like he just don't care. Needless to say, both Baigan and Melody are wildly impressed. But when all is said and done, Riku has an opportunity to see the human side of Baron -- such as it is.
Preservation December 30th, 2012 Riku encounters Ember as she escapes back to Hollow Bastion after her kidnap of Maira comes to a climax with unexpected results and failure. He offers some explanations and tries to inflict common sense on her. The Horrors.
Heart of Darkness December 23rd, 2012 Riku teaches Ember the true price of Darkness..
Digital Doubts December 22nd, 2012 Riku, beset upon with fugue states and guilt over the loss of Manhattan, finds himself in the Grid, inadvertantly finding himself meeting with LEXUS.
Desert Wanderer December 20th, 2012 Riku wandering in a fugue-state and half in and out of reality comes upon Cirra Constantine who searches for signs of the boy who destroyed Manhattan, and finds only a lost soul in need of shelter.
The Missing Friend December 18th, 2012 Remaining at Cornelia for the time-period, Reize had contemplated over the Prince's fate. And yet, at the same time, Reize wondered about Riku... of course, he gets a special visitor.
The Reunion December 17th, 2012 Mercade and Celina meet in Traverse Town, which rapidly develops into a massive confluence of fate... and a meeting with the one responsible for their ills.
Darkness in the Desert December 17th, 2012 Riku wandering the desert comes across the mutate Angantyr and fun is had by all.
Error Correction December 16th, 2012 Part 6 of Hobo With a Shotgun-- now with special guest appearance. Beware sudden cliffhanger.
Finale: Hobo With A Shotgun December 16th, 2012 The Finale of Hobo With a Shotgun.
Little House In the Darkness December 15th, 2012 Part 5 of Hobo with a Shotgun TP. Don't worry. Be happy.
Awkward Boat is Awkward December 13th, 2012 Part 4 of Hobo with a Shotgun. Awkward Boat conversations are Awkward.
Exposition Soup December 11th, 2012 The Second part of Hobo with a Shotgun. In this episode, plot happens. Also, everything goes to Hel.
Boat of Destiny December 11th, 2012 The third part of Hobo with a Shotgun.
Shaky Beginnings December 9th, 2012 The rocky beginnings of Hobo with a Shotgun TP.
Last Light of Manhattan December 9th, 2012 Here is it. The final struggle for the Heart of Manhattan. A few brave heroes blaze against the tides of darkness in the hopes to save the world from crumbling into the darkness.
In a New York Minute: The Fall December 9th, 2012 This is the villain side: Riku has accepted the darkness and old friends collide in battle. ....And more horror is unlocked.
Trouble Brews In the Family December 4th, 2012 After the situation with Shiki's shower incident, Reize called the Shard Seekers to a meeting. Should Priel be a member of the Shard Seekers?
Tales of Truth November 30th, 2012 As Reize relaxes in Fluorgis, he comes across Riku, who is wandering blindly. Guiding his friend into the headquarters, Riku shares a secret with the boy...
Breaking Point November 29th, 2012 A conversation turns quickly into a battle for survival as Riku loses control over the darkness within him and lashes out at the closest available dark knight/Mercenary. Drama to follow.
Bring Me To Life November 29th, 2012 Having sensed the terrible Darkness of Riku and Angantyr's battle, Jasmine follows it to the former's broken body, dying in an alley. Spoiler alert: he doesn't die.
Balancing The Equation November 27th, 2012 Riku comes to the WildKat Cafe and runs into, of all people, Sho Minamimoto. They somehow don't immediately kill each other, and strike up a deal...
What The Hobo Brought In November 26th, 2012 It's a stormy evening in Manhattan, and sometimes even the King of Hobos brings in a lost one for help. Too bad this time it's Leida...
"I'm Glad You're On My Side" November 25th, 2012 A training session between the indomitable Raiya Fujihara and her incorrigible protege Ivo Galvan amidst a garden flooded by the setting sunlight and the quiet snores of fearless leader Reize Seatlan is interrupted by the opportunity for a challenging sparring match and the prospect of great reward. Riku and Ivo, uneasy allies, confront each other for the first time. Will the two of them ever be friends? Or will the different darknesses dwelling in each of them someday make them enemies?
Central Park Sogginess November 24th, 2012 Riku wanders Central Park and stumbles over Will Sherman. Perfect dialogue choices lead to hidden bonus cutscenes about Will's past relationships. Extra points gained and Pancakes consumed.
Dark Dreams November 24th, 2012 Riku is woken from his nightmares to find the Sorceress Supreme paying him a personal visit and offering to him everything on a silver platter. Confused and rattled, said teenager takes her up on her poisoned honey words tied up with silvers of truth.
The Gift of Thanks November 23rd, 2012 Riku and Cirra Constantin drop in on the TDA at the end of their Thanksgiving celebrations. Food is had, friendship is shared, and The TDA gets a new roomer.
Curiosity, Morality, and a Mouse November 22nd, 2012 There is excitement to be had in Luca, as our cast of characters and its citizens are greeted with the presence of a mysterious mouse, who appears to be sharing his wisdom concerning morality, along with information concerning a rare but delicious treat! Curiosity runs through the streets as some question if there is more to this 'morality mouse' than meets the eye.
The Ice Cream Of Fate November 22nd, 2012 Shortly after Mercade narrowly avoids having his life snuffed out by a Shadow Lord (See Log: Take All Of The Shadows Away), Riku invites him over for some Sea Salt ice cream in Luca. Deliciousness and revelations ensue.
Fear the Darkness November 22nd, 2012 And in strange eons, even death may cry. Two Shadow lords meet in a tangled and snowy wood. There is a meeting of minds, and a casting of lots.
Hooligans! November 19th, 2012 Manhattan has run afoul of an unpleasant gang of vehicular troublemakers. However, this isn't a biker gang: it's the Heartless! Chase down this mob of Magnum Loaders and Hot Rods before they cause too much trouble!
Swordfights Prohibited In Manhattan November 18th, 2012 Auron and Riku meet in Central Park and get a little needed sword practice in. Sadly, this draws more attention than either one of them expects.
The Importance of Culture November 17th, 2012 What happens in Fluorgis, does not stay in Fluorgis. A well calculated Revenge leads to mischief and hijinks. Also-- lessons are learned! It's a Saturday Morning Cartoon special on never getting so drunk, you don't recognize the gender of the person you are speaking to.
Advent November 17th, 2012 The Champion of Darkness Garland makes himself known, sending out a call across the Darkness to as many people as possible in order to encourage them to unify into a guild sinister.
Mighty Adventurers November 13th, 2012 On a dark, spooky night. A brave operative strikes out on a quest for a delicious Naco. He valiantly gives the honors of battle to a mysterious hooded stranger and then continues his quest unfazed by the perils.
This Ship Runs On... November 10th, 2012 Riku appears on the Traverse Town beach in dire straits. Mercade and Will learn something horrible and try to convince him that he still has the help of his friends.
The Ties That Bind November 9th, 2012 On her way from Garden's safe room to steal Zell Dincht's T-Board, Jasmine runs into Riku. They 'save' each other from Heartless, but neither of them emerge unmarked from the experience...
Mr. Narrator Presents November 7th, 2012 An easily riled dame, an easily amused detective, a mushroom capped sugar coma and a displaced teenager meet. It's the city of meetings and partings, some of them rather violent.
Rescue Please! November 4th, 2012 A nobleman vacationing in Costa Del Sol has reported that his daughter has been kidnapped by a band of marauding goblins and their ogre leader, and whisked away to a ruined fortress where the bandits have made their base. Such a classic case of a damsel in distress calls for the intervention of heroic knights, and Faruja Senra and Ivo Galvan of the Shard Seekers are on the case, along with whomever else has answered the call. Navigate a sand-blasted warren rife with monstrous foes and rescue the girl -- assuming, of course, that all is as it seems.
Growing Struggles November 4th, 2012 It was morning for the Shard Seekers. Ivo and Reize discuss about the growing feelings that he's having for Shiki, Lily, and Lenn. Meanwhile, tensions rise between Riku and Ivo. ...Hilarity ensues.
In A New York Minute: Keys To The City November 4th, 2012 A group of artists and a charity group hold a fundraising ball and art auction in order to help fund the group Hearts Intertwined. Everyone is invited to the party. Nothing terrible will happen at all, surely.
Meeting Minerva November 3rd, 2012 A brief meeting of minds plus a sadly unopened bottle of ale. Still, ale is better when drank with friends (or provided with an appropriate drinking game)
The Mystery Of The Undefined Product October 31st, 2012 A pondering Sho sees Riku looking for dinner. He wants some answers.
Knight Of Baron October 30th, 2012 A Black Knight of Baron comes to... offer Mercade a job? Another dark knight observes the exchange and encounters some difficulties of his own.
It's Gotta' Be The Shoes October 29th, 2012 Stitch's journey to find Lilo takes a Riku-sized detour.
ATTENTION, ALL YOCTOGRAMS! October 28th, 2012 Sho Minamimoto explodes onto the multiversal scene with an assault upon Traverse Town and a horde of dark and terrible Taboo Noise! Who can save Traverse Town from becoming forcibly inducted into Sho's maniacal plans?
Bedridden Confessions October 28th, 2012 As Reize lays bedridden from the incident at Halloween Town, he is visited by Riku. The two have a heart-to-heart talk about various subjects. A few secrets were exchanged.
Coffee Break October 24th, 2012 Mercade and Riku run into each other again in the WildKat Cafe. Over some food and coffee, the pair catch up on things, and Riku gets focused on a goal....
Hunt or the Hunted October 21st, 2012 In the latest adventure for Reize and Riku, they got to bond over getting pricked by cactites. Wanting something a bit more exciting, Riku mentioned about hunting a Wild Saurian. Unfortunately for the pair... it remembered Reize.'
The Burden Of 'Magic' October 21st, 2012 Mercade finds Riku, who is thinking about the events that occurred earlier in the evening (Scene #100). Discussions of what happened then brings up the dangers of magic. Riku decides to give Mercade an example, by giving him a taste of his 'gift'. Lessons are learned.
An Explosive Situation October 20th, 2012 A busy day at the Twilight Detective Agency becomes explosive as unexpected magics combine and tempers flare. What will happen between Riku and Will?
Like Thieves From The Night October 19th, 2012 Avira, Mercade, and Riku meet up in Halloween Town to investigate rumors of Heartless activity. Amidst the culture shock of the area, some thieves steal something important from Dr. Finklestein's lab! What could it be, and what does it mean?
Dreams of Hope October 19th, 2012 It's the morning after Reize's nightmare. What happens next?
Comparing Notes October 18th, 2012 A visit from Riku to Manhattan finds Mercade Alexander of the Twilight Detective Agency working outdoors in Central park. Both of them catch up on current events and trade information. Will this help them achieve their goals?
Welcome To Baron October 18th, 2012 Mercade and Will go exploring and end up in Baron. While there, a chance encounter with Riku as them talking about more current events.
Key Fragments October 17th, 2012 Riku, prompted by Diablo, firms up plans and inquires for more information about Manhattan with the help of LEXUS. This may not be a good thing for the city in question..
A Gathering of Lords October 16th, 2012 The Shadowlords gather to discuss puppies, orphanages and other nefarious plans.
Shopping Havoc October 14th, 2012 Heartless Shenanigans invade a peaceful shopping session. NPCs will run. Shelves will fall. Potions will be quaffed. Taking place at your local Lindblum business district.
Twilight Intersections October 14th, 2012 A short meeting in Traverse Town between a lost crusader of Yevon, a snarky semi-heartless, a hunter with a new toy and the Twilight Detective Agency. Culture shock ensues.
Proving Grounds in the Darkness October 13th, 2012 After the Fun in the Sandpits, Reize reflects on the night, thinking about his recent failures and an important mystery. Riku and Reize have a heated exchange of words, which becomes a fight for survival. Was it just a dream?
Fun In the Sandpit October 13th, 2012 There had been rumors of holes and sandtraps appearing out at Figaro Desert that are smaller than an antlion's sandpit. There had been rumors of treasure, but those that went to explore it had never came back.
Shard Seekers Shenanigans October 7th, 2012 About after an hour of the mess with the first meeting, the team pulled through together at the end. Now, the group gather at the bar and relax. Antics ware to be had.
Shard Seekers Unite: Fluorgis October 6th, 2012 Things go down in Fluorgis surrounding the Shard Seekers and their leader. Something precious is stolen!
Costa Del Missing September 29th, 2012 A group of adventurers meet by happenstance - and many seem to be missing parts of their party.
Now, Here In Manhattan September 20th, 2012 Exploring a park at night!


Clockwork Universe January 15th, 2013 A snapshot of time in a clockwork universe. Tick. Tick. Tick. The hours pass by.
Journey December 19th, 2012 Chapter 1 Complete -- Bonus Cutscene unlocked. Riku drifts in and out of his thoughts as he tries to put the pieces of his life together. When none of them fit, he must either get a larger frame or a bigger hammer.
Let Go December 8th, 2012 Something is stirring underneath the streets of Manhattan. While the battle rages on above, there are choices going on below. Every fight. Every choice. Every life saved or lost-- has a price.
Meanwhile, In Fluorgis... December 5th, 2012 Mercade tries to follow up on a lead to locate someone to help with the Heartless problem in Manhattan. He loses a little something...
Clarity November 26th, 2012 Riku takes time to reflect on a redefined purpose while awakening in a familiar place from a strange and unsettling blackout.
Reflections November 7th, 2012 Riku takes some time to reflect and encounters an old nightmare along the way.
Dear Beloved+Revelation October 28th, 2012 The explosive situation in Halloween Town left Reize incapitated. Through this, rediscovers his real mission and understands his pendant better through the help of an unknown voice.
Careful What You Eat October 26th, 2012 Sometimes, one needs to be careful what they eat. Who knows who will they anger. Reize learned this lesson the hard way.
Four Lines October 17th, 2012 Still brooding in Hollow Bastion, Riku is harassed by Diablo and the two sneak into one of Maleficent's laboratories. Hilarity and plot development ensues. (A part of 'Bitter Welcome' scene series-- towards the middle/end)
Bitter Welcome October 15th, 2012 A week in Hollow Bastion. The place where monsters go to plan, and to think.
Wandering in Darkness: Part 1 September 16th, 2012 Author’s note: Those who lose their world often spend an indeterminate time wandering in darkness. Sometimes these journeys are brief and unspectacular, a passing from one dream to another. Often they are passed through without even consciousness. They drift and are found, or lost, on the various worlds they wash up on by the whim of chance or the gods of fate. This journey is not one of those.
Wandering in Darkness Part 2 September 16th, 2012 The end of the beginning of the end.. of the beginning.
An End To the Beginning September 16th, 2012 The Night of Fate


Allies Maleficent,Will Sherman,Reize Seatlan
Acquaintances Angantyr Vespar, Tifa Lockhart ,Merilan Yursalin, Zeke, Raiya Fujihara,Zargabaath,Gabranth,Cirra Constantine
Adversaries Scarmiglione, Leida,Mercade Alexander, Shiki Misaki, Ivo Galvan, Lily, Faruja Senra, Deidra, Avira,
Princesses Jasmine, Rapunzel, Belle,
Others Gilgamesh, David Xanatos, Priel Aylin


Name Affiliation Status Thoughts
Will Sherman Twilight Detective Agency Lightheart.png Confused/Friendship Will Sherman is Will Sherman is-- recursive. Thinking about it too hard makes my head hurt.
Reize Seatlan Shard Seekers Lightheart.pngUrge to Kill Rising It's pointless to be angry at Reize. It's like being angry that the ocean is wet. Maybe I should start betting with Ivo how many times he gets into mortal peril in a given week or so. ....God, why. What did I do to deserve this?...Oh, right. Uggghhhh...
Zargabaath Archadian Empire Lightheart.png Trust/Friendship A Judge Magister who commands the Alexander, the flagship of the 12th Fleet of the Arcadian Empire. Very dry sense of humor, this one. Seems reasonable enough. Purveyor of wisdom. Unstoppable object to unstoppable forces (see also below). (sweatdrop) Arcadians apparently have a knack for pushing all the right buttons.. which is.. very.. very disturbing.
Gabranth Archadian Empire Lightheart.png Trust/Friendship A Judge Magister of the Arcadian Empire whom he protected from the wrath of Angantyr when discussions exploded into sudden violence. Darkness user. Angantyr has a legitimate grievance but the empire up until now has done nothing but help people. Tends towards hiding his wounds and his exhaustion. Under surveillance and time has turned out to probably be some dark mirror reality version of me. That is.. very.. very unsettling. Even more so due to .. nevermind.


Name Affiliation Status Thoughts
Angantyr Vespar Mercenary WHACK No. No that just about sums everything up. Scary Armor Guy, The Lesser. Apprentice to Scary Armor Guy, The Greater. Wears spiky armor. Stands on a soapbox. Hits like a siege train. Ow. -- Doubles as a plush toy. --Has a very legitimate grudge against Archades. Not.. really looking forwards to a next meeting, all things considered.
Avira VALKYRI/TDA Like This one usually does crazy things, even for an adventurer. The difference between her and Reize however is that she usually gets away with it. Has come a long way and done so much, and I still know so little about her.
Baigan Baron Groan The human(ish) face of Baron. A smug and self important Captain and quasi-competent marshal of the invading forces. Consumed with pettiness and almost unbelievable nationalistic zeal. Short version: Full of Bologna.
Melody Ellsmere Baron Curious A noble lady of Baron, cruel, petty and almost as much of a bologna casing as the good captain. There might be something there that isn't thuggery, but that just might be scorn.
Katyna Shadow Lords Sigh I don't even. I just.. don't even. As a Shadow Lord, you either carve out your own position or you get used as cannon fodder. Naive, self-centered, petty, reckless, and-- yeah. Now I'm describing myself. Great. Now I have someone convenient to shake until their teeth rattle. If she survives her habit of pissing people off.
Legion TDA Curious/Annoyed And-- multiple people. Sharing the same head space. I think. The Network confuses. They also seem to get their fingers into everything and jump headlong into trouble. Who does this remind me of...
Tifa Lockhart AVALANCHE Like She can throw Rhinos and definitely take care of herself. Who knew?
Caduceus Unaffiliated Neutral A program who was helpful in a semi-tight spot.
Maximilien TDA French First impressions are everything. First impressions with a /grappling claw/ -- do the math. Who also sings. Except maybe I didn't carry the one. Or maybe-- maybe Manhattanites are just insane. Or, if not insane then.. certainly meetings with them are.. educational. Even profitable.
Mercade Alexander Twilight Detective Agency Faith All singing, all dancing detectives. Who knew. Seems to be getting along well enough for himself. One.. yes. One less thing to worry about. One less loose end.
Cirra Constantine Archadian Empire Sweatdrop A Judge/dark knight with a mysterious past and a knockout kiss. Literally. Also perpetrator of Christmas songs. DO not ask Manhattanites about Christmas. This leads to bad places. Part of the Military of Archades. Punches through walls. @_@ I am sneaking very quietly past the Judge of Wrath.
LEXUS Shadow Lords Confused Masterminding Shadow Lord program. There are still questions to be answered, and I may not have them yet.. but I'll continue to gather information. It seems he has ties to a great many cookie jars.
Raiya Fujihara Unknown Neutral A wandering swordswoman who can hold her own even against long odds and tough opponents. Haven't really spoken to them much.
Ron Stoppable Unknown Moron Let's see. Ran around a dark wood, chased by wolves, and screamed a lot. Afterwards asked where he could get food, presumably because all the rambling and shadowboxing had worn him out. Behold, another mighty adventurer. (sigh) What the heck is a Naco anyways?
Uzuki Yashiro Reapers Neutral(ish) Another noise summoner with a temper who manages to be much more fun and less of a jerkass than other varieties. Right now at least.
Zeke Unknown Like A wanderer from a distant ocean with a crew that roams the seas. Ends up in some very sticky situations, but always seems willing to help or.. douse you liberally with water. (Sweatdrop)
Auron Unknown Like A wandering swordsman who is more for actions than words. Who knew something as simple as sword practice would draw attention in Manhattan. What, have people never seen a sword fight before?
Merilan Yursalin Press Conference Rag Like/Uncertain Speak softly and carry a box of snack crackers. And don't get her mad. That magic has to be some of the most disturbing that I have ever seen.
Shiki Misaki Shard Seekers Sigh She took a stand against those who may have been responsible for her world's fall. That takes a lot of courage-- and also a stuffed animal who thrashes Noise like nobody's business. Communications are never the Shard Seeker way, are they? Heh-- well. I'm sure she will have heard all about it by now.
Ivo Galvan Shard Seekers Darkheart.png ??? Sage of ancient wisdom and relentless in hitting on women, even if they are falling out of the sky. Even the co leader of the goofball squad needs watching. Why? Hilarious when drunk. Actually-- I take that back. Seriously /disturbing/ when drunk.
Lily Shard Seekers  ??? And there she goes.. and I am not backing away. I am RUNNING full tilt to get out of the area of effect. It's always the cute ones. Always.


Name Affiliation Status Thoughts
Scarmiglione Hobo of Malice Darkheart.png Despise Coward. Bully. You lewd, crude, rude, bag of pre-chewed food dude.
Dr. Facilier All-Singing, All-Dancing Con Artist Darkheart.png Dislike You tapdance about as good as you sing.
Sho Minamimoto Reaper Darkheart.png Neutral A grand variety jerkass, but who am I to throw stones anymore.
Leida Unknown Darkheart.png Wary And I don't even /know/ what is going on there...
Deidra Twilight Detective Agency Darkheart.png Enmity ...
Faruja Senra Shard Seekers Darkheart.png Disgusted / Annoyed He's got a large vocabulary, magical powers and a prickly sense of propriety. --I wonder how Reize talked him down from that bounty.. and I wonder even further how he can think at all with a brain stuffed full of platitudes and hate. A guardian whose ward is only a double handful of words.


Name Area Status Summary
Jasmine Agrabah Prinheart.png Respect A strong and compassionate survivor of a desert kingdom lost to a scheming vizier. She is a permanent refugee, taking shelter and sleep only at last resort. The Heartless follow her relentlessly and she is never able to escape her destiny for long. She has fled place after place, attempting to control the raging forces of light and determined not to endanger the safety of others even if it means sacrificing her own.
Rapunzel Sunburst Kingdom Neutral Riku has only briefly met this princess brandishing extraordinarily long hair and a frying pan when he fell almost into her lap from a tree in Central Park. After that one meeting in Manhattan, he has not come across her again.
Belle French Countryside Prinheart.png Respect A kind and intelligent princess from a small provincial town. Riku has met her several times, learning a little more about her world when Belle shows him around her homeland while sneaking back to visit it and later at Balamb Garden.


Name Affiliation Summary
None None No Available Data