Shiki Misaki

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Shiki Misaki
Shiki's Bottom-screen portrait.PNG
Age 16
Species Human
Sex Female
Height 5'2"
Weight Undefined
Series The World Ends With You
Combat Styles Adventurer
Hometown Shibuya
Group Players, Shard Seekers, Keyblade Wielders
Occupation/Job Player
Force: Wandering Force
"Let me in! Tell me what you're thinking!"
Recent Events
I have a keyblade now. Keyblades are cool.



Shiki is one of the Players in the Reaper's Game, and the original partner of Neku Sakuraba. Previously just a normal girl living in Shibuya with a best friend named Eri, upon her death she ended up in the Underground, Shibuya's underworld, and made a contestant in the Reaper's Game- a contest not just to win another chance to live, but to protect Shibuya and enrich the lives of its people by dealing with the supernatural beings called Noise.

Although Neku's amnesia and antisocial tendencies meant that their partnership begun on a rocky note, with some dangerous incidents, Shiki's attitude helped them to quickly bond and become fast friends. They ended up reaching the critical final day of the Game and taking on its Game Master, Yodai Higashizawa, whose defeat would allow them to both come back to life.

However, before this could happen, Neku was thrust straight into a second week of the Game, all part of a far greater scheme which nobody had yet realised... a scheme which could not find fulfilment as the Heartless cracked their way into Shibuya. Shiki, who had been removed entirely from reality- being as she was Neku's most precious thing and his 'entry fee'- was thrust back into the world just in time to see it collapse.

Tumbling through the darkness, her memories a little muddled, Shiki awoke in Traverse Town. Now operating out of WildKat Cafe- the only slim World Shard of Shibuya thus far to survive- she searches for the other Players and tries to understand what's happened to everything.


Shiki is a Player, but she's a person first, and she has a professional hobby. She's an expert seamstress and is very good at making clothing from scratch, of any kind and fashion. Being a child of Shibuya, one of the crucibles of fashion and style, she has an excellently keen understanding of how this kind of thing works, which is just as well, because in the streets of Shibuya, style is survival.

She also has a slew of psychokinetic abilities, which allow her to animate and control objects. Some of these are granted to her by the various Pins used to compete in the Reaper's Game- small metal badges which grant access to abilities called Psychs. By expressing the user's imagination and creativity, thoughts can be changed into power to give a variety of offensive effects.

Shiki also has a stuffed animal she made herself named Mr. Mew. This simple-seeming black cat toy can be animated by her psychokinesis and has a semi-independant existence, animated by aspects of Shiki's subconcious. It serves as a valuable offensive tool for Shiki, and a cornerstone of her fighting style. She is capable of using him in Fusion attacks, which are special combo attacks that grow stronger depending on her bond with another.

By using her Player Pin, Shiki can also form temporary Pacts with other people. This allows people to adjust their Vibe, the frequency with which they resonate with the rest of reality. This is essential to fighting the Noise, which exist on multiple levels of reality at once.

Powers and Equipment


Shiki's Pins


A weapon forged for Shiki by the Legendary Smith after weeks of training in the Hermit's Library, Daguerreo.

A bracelet Shiki and Reize found in the Mythril Mines. As the first treasure Shiki acquired as an adventurer, she's very attached to it. It provides a negligible boost to agility and magic defence, especially if she catches a spell right on the bracelet. It can also be used to learn the Bug Killer ability, granting increased attack power against insect monsters, although she doesn't yet know this.



Name Status Thoughts
Reize Seatlan <3 "I like you, Reize!"
Lily *pompoms* "Keep at it, Lily!"
Leida Blah blah "You've gotta learn to get used to stuff outside of your comfort zone, girl!"
Ivo Galvan *gurgle* "I don't know why I ever worried..."
Deelel *hi5* "I never knew we'd click so well!"
Faruja Senra Someone to look up to "Thank you for protecting me from Priel."
Tifa Lockhart SOLIDARITY "Adventure buddies!"
Riku :) "Don't be a stranger!"
Lenn Yossha! Quest! "Helping one another to be strong!"
Skoll Ulfang Oh hey! "You're a strange one."
Neku Sakuraba ... ":("
Rhyme Hooray! "Rhyme's alive!"
Beat Good for you "Nice to know you're making your own way in the world."


Name Status Thoughts
Nagetta Good to see you! "Thanks for helping us again!"
Luso Clemens Reize 2?! "He totally is! He's like Reize #2!"
Evja *fistclench* "We will save you from Hades."
Sora Woaaaah. "Thank you for helping me unlock a world shard!"
Deidra Woah, are those real? "Wow! I've never seen anything like you! Can you show me around?"
Katnya uh, hi?! "She came out of nowhere to help us. Wonder who she is?"
Avira Tougher cookie! "Your sword is scary!"
Crab How strange "We helped it and it calmed down. Wonder if we'll see it again some day?"
Mercade Alexander Hey, thanks. "I'll call you or beep you if I wanna reach you?"
Sammy Colt Weirdo "You're odd. Don't cause trouble..."
Ramza Beoulve Noble guy "And his chocobo helped me when I was down."
Zia Hi again! "Long time no see."
Pixi So acrobatic! "I wonder what was with that sword...?"
Gilgamesh Ha ha, aww "What a weird guy. I feel sorry for him for some reason."
Ping Tin Pin Slammer?! "I, uh, didn't know it had fans!"
Relm Arrowny Hmm? "Mr Mew seems to like you!"


Name Status Thoughts
Uh-Oa A goddess! "It was scary, but we turned her around."
Wild Saurian Nasty guy "He's a force of nature."
Sho Minamimoto WHAT "WHAT"
Scarmiglione gross gross gross "I hope I never see him again."
Hades ?! "What? His power...!"
Scar WTF "There's something that puts me on edge about this guy."
Priel Aylin Yeah. "Yeah."
The Midgar Zolom NOT FOR EATING "You're not gonna get me! I'm not snake food!"
Shinra How disgusting... "They treat people really badly... but how can we stop it?"


Artisanquest: Answers April 29th, 2013 The aftermath of Neku's meeting and Priel's departure.
Shiki in DESERTS OF DEATH 2 December 5th, 2012 Another curious journey.
Healing October 28th, 2012 A curiously severe injury is tended to.
Dear Beloved+Revelation October 28th, 2012 The explosive situation in Halloween Town left Reize incapitated. Through this, rediscovers his real mission and understands his pendant better through the help of an unknown voice.
Careful What You Eat October 26th, 2012 Sometimes, one needs to be careful what they eat. Who knows who will they anger. Reize learned this lesson the hard way.
It Keeps Happening October 26th, 2012 A curiously consistent crisis.
Honesty October 17th, 2012 A curious burst of confidence.
Food Chained October 13th, 2012 Shiki and Sora flee from the terrible desert encounter.
Just A Little Crush? October 7th, 2012 A curious musical number by Shiki Misaki.
Reize and Shiki in DESERTS OF DEATH October 1st, 2012 The curious quest of Reize and Shiki.
Don't Kill Me September 30th, 2012 The curious logic of dreams... and nightmares.
Cutscene - Day ??? September 17th, 2012 The curious tale of Shiki Misaki.


Pit Stop October 30th, 2013 Morrighan and Chita discuss things in the aftermath of some unpleasantness. Shiki drops in. Funny stuff happens! And it's a good contrast to the dark horror.
What We Know September 16th, 2013 The Seekers speculate on the nature of the keyblade quests.
Future Tense: Shiki Misaki September 15th, 2013 It is decided.
Present Possibilities: Shiki Misaki September 14th, 2013 The past is prologue. The present? Is full of countdown missions.
Past is Prologue: Shiki Misaki September 13th, 2013 The past is prologue. All else is chicanry and nonsense. Until it's not.
Lamia Seekers August 13th, 2013 Kidnappings lead Faruja and his considerable posse to investigate rumors of Lamia mischief.
Oh it had to be a Heartless... August 8th, 2013 The Shard Seekers head off on an adventure sadly for them there is something foul waiting for them at their destination.
Cathedral Confrontation August 4th, 2013 The 'heroes' face down the power of Father Barnabus and his chalice, hoping to free Faruja from it's baleful call.
Shiki, Demonslayer August 4th, 2013 Seperated from the others, Shiki searches for Faruja. She finds Barnabus' ace he had up his sleeve.

Then she tears it up.

Candy Crush Saga July 22nd, 2013 Various people show up to spectate Sugar Rush's daily 'Selection Cup Rally', but when a little girl attempts to buy her way into the race, the entire Game goes all topsy-tuvy in this fun filled, sugar-frosted adventure! Fun for the whole family! Game rated 'E' for Everyone by the ESRB.
Heart to Heart July 15th, 2013 Just after the incident in Fit-It Felix jr. Shiki and Deelel start to have a talk. Which become a bit more personal than either expected as the topic of the nature of their worlds come up.
He Can't Fix It Alone July 15th, 2013 Felix is a 'good guy' but what happens when cybugs storm into his game while Ralph is MIA? To make matters worse strangers from beyond the Arcade come in shortly followed by the crew from Hero's Duty. Things just get plain out crazy from there.
Exploring Game Central Station July 13th, 2013 Following the breakthrough into a strange new world, Deelel, along with her friends and a couple other people, decide to explore. Thrills and spills await in the world inside Flynn's Arcade!
Lazy Sunday July 7th, 2013 Shiki is working on a job when Riku drops in. Interesting things happen.
Turnabutt is Fair Play July 2nd, 2013 What begins as a visit to the Shard Seeker headquarters by the irrepressible Ivo Galvan and his bewitching pseudo-prisoner Alicia becomes a farce of epic proportions once Morrighan Alazne arrives having left her memories behind. An ensemble cast of half-naked warriors, shades-wearing Judge apprentices, bicurious mind-linked detectives, and all manner of eccentric characters converge. Baths are taken. Vengeance is sworn. Victory is achieved. Sweet, sweet victory.
Preparing for Adventure May 14th, 2013 Tired of remaining in Fluorgis, Reize decided to gather the Shard Seekers together to leave the city and go on their long adventure.
Return Home May 14th, 2013 Having returned from Daguerreo, the party returns to Fluorgis to take a rest and prepare for their next adventure.
Faith and Comfort May 14th, 2013 Shiki checks in on the cathedral's construction. Faruja discusses her recent adventures with her, and bes a big brother.
Artisanquest: The First Trial May 8th, 2013 Having been granted their weapons, Shiki, Lenn and Lily quickly find them tested. But Evja isn't willing to give up on Priel...
Artisanquest: Item Grinding May 5th, 2013 Can't make weapons without some materials, right? Shiki and her friends go to collect some resources, only to encounter more trouble from the Reapers. Also: the secret of the woman with white hair revealed!
Artisanquest: Interlude May 2nd, 2013 Everyone takes a break from training to go see the sights of the Forgotten Island. However, strange things occur that may begin an interesting adventure for Evja...
Artisanquest: Training April 29th, 2013 Lenn, Lily and Shiki train with Kumoto and his apprentice over the course of several days.
Artisanquest: Sittin' Around Daguerreo April 28th, 2013 Shiki and friends finally reach Daguerreo! They sit around and she exposits a bit on Sho, and then we meet a moogle.
Artisanquest: Awful Things Happen April 28th, 2013 After meeting with Kumoto, everyone is taking a rest when Neku stumbles in. Subsequently things go insane in awful, complicated ways and nothing will ever be the same again.
Artisanquest: Taboot Camp April 26th, 2013 Shiki and her friends begin their quest towards Daguerreo!

Then Sho Minamimoto shows up within five minutes and absolutely everything goes horribly, horribly wrong. A new record!

Artisanquest: ADVENTURE TIME April 25th, 2013 Shiki Misaki rouses her friends and allies for a quest to distant lands!
Yes! Malboros! April 14th, 2013 "I work hard for the money! So hard for the money! Something something money, give me lots of honey!"

Shiki and friends go monster hunting. Gotta pay the rent somehow.

The Last Number March 23rd, 2013 Shiki and her new friends have reunited all of the Tiki Room... except one. That's until she shows up possessed by the darkness. Then, something amazing happens...
The Main Act March 16th, 2013 Shiki and her erstwhile allies meet up with... some more allies, and they vent their frustrations on the Darkness while trying to save the Tiki Gods.
Reunion March 11th, 2013 Shiki and her friends head off to search for the inhabitants of the Enchanted Tiki Room. A musical medley ensues!
Taking Flight March 8th, 2013 Shiki and a group of her allies go looking for some macaws, and find themselves in a quarrel with a goddess and a lost world...
Happiness Hunt February 17th, 2013 In order to collect the secret ingredient for happiness gumbo- a special dish that will help feed the people of Fluorgis- Shiki Misaki assembles a crew of adventurers to go after a rather large (and delicious) alligator.
Funhouse of Nightmare - Reize Side February 16th, 2013 This is Reize's side of the story and what happened from prior the group exporing the funhouse and within the remaining duration.
Funhouse of Nightmare - Group Side February 11th, 2013 A mysterious funhouse has shown up and those who explored it never came out. Now, adventurers are tasked to find the missing people.
Dive Into The Heart: Shiki Misaki February 7th, 2013 Shiki falls into her own dreams... and begins a strange journey.
The Birds February 5th, 2013 The growing malaise in Fluorgis breeds a seriously large Noise. Shiki enlists friends and passers-by to stop the problem.
A Court of Bombs January 20th, 2013 Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb...
The True Self? January 19th, 2013 A mysterious fog fell over in Fluorgis. Strange mirrors erected in place and the adventurers who investigate found more than was expected...
Awkward Engagement January 11th, 2013 Reize finds himself waking up on Lenn and the topic of their fated engagement is discussed about. Hilarity ensues.
Ghostly Goals January 5th, 2013 The Phantom Train is loading people who lost their lives in Manhattan to the Underworld, but a monster is in the Phantom Forest and may try to prey on them. Defeat the monster so these souls can safely pass on! Wait, who posted /this/ job anyway?
Exorcism of The Darkness December 19th, 2012 Reize attempted to journey towards the Temple of Fiends to find answers about the fallen prince. However, in his trip in the forest, he encounters the weeping girl with her inner demons. Unknowingst to him, he had a couple of friends following as well as a random passerbyer.
The Missing Friend December 18th, 2012 Remaining at Cornelia for the time-period, Reize had contemplated over the Prince's fate. And yet, at the same time, Reize wondered about Riku... of course, he gets a special visitor.
Darkclouded Aftermath December 16th, 2012 After the events of the Temple of Fiends, the Shard Seekers, along with Tifa and Rinoa, made it back to Cornelia to bring the prince to Princess Lara. Elated, she allowed the heroes to stay as guests. However, tensions rise as the health of the prince has not improved...
Rooftop Run December 9th, 2012 Having arrived in Goug to fulfil a reaper's game mission, Shiki enlists Beat's help. Things go about as well as you'd expect.
Trouble Brews In the Family December 4th, 2012 After the situation with Shiki's shower incident, Reize called the Shard Seekers to a meeting. Should Priel be a member of the Shard Seekers?
The Morning Blues December 4th, 2012 Shiki wakes up. Priel does another bad thing. Reize is caught in the middle!
Bootlaces December 4th, 2012 After Shiki walks out of the meeting, Faruja follows her.
Lost Weapon November 15th, 2012 The Shard Seekers and other allies try to retrieve lost weapons from a giant crab. Rhyme's sanity is damaged.
The Mystery of the Pin November 7th, 2012 Lenn and Shiki meet up with Rhyme, and discuss pins old and new.
To Market, To Market November 6th, 2012 It's business as usual in Fluorgis...
Home Is... November 5th, 2012 After returning from the charity dinner and auction, Shiki and Reize discuss what a busy day it's been.
Reunion and Rising Tensions November 4th, 2012 Neku wakes up in Traverse Town, unaware of his new surroundings. Meanwhile, Reize and Shiki return to Traverse Town to do some shopping. It's a bit of a joyous reunion. ...Somewhat.
In A New York Minute: Keys To The City November 4th, 2012 A group of artists and a charity group hold a fundraising ball and art auction in order to help fund the group Hearts Intertwined. Everyone is invited to the party. Nothing terrible will happen at all, surely.
ATTENTION, ALL YOCTOGRAMS! October 28th, 2012 Sho Minamimoto explodes onto the multiversal scene with an assault upon Traverse Town and a horde of dark and terrible Taboo Noise! Who can save Traverse Town from becoming forcibly inducted into Sho's maniacal plans?
Trees and Rea-pers October 26th, 2012 Faruja and Shiki head to Cleyra to fill in the other Shard Seekers in on Yashiro's ways.
Puppies! October 20th, 2012 This log is full of puppies. And deep emotional conversation, but the puppies are the important part.
Dreams of Hope October 19th, 2012 It's the morning after Reize's nightmare. What happens next?
Reunity October 18th, 2012 Reize reunites with his friends. But...
One True... October 17th, 2012 Following Reize's rescue, Shiki and Lenn have a much-needed chat.
Spiralling Around October 15th, 2012 Later during the day of 'operation: rescue Reize', Shiki sits down with Ivo to let off steam.
Heart to Heart to Heart October 15th, 2012 Worried about Reize's disappearence, Shiki ends up spilling things to Lenn and Lily. Plans are made.
Sora, You Lazy Bum October 14th, 2012 Sora wakes up after passing out in the desert, and begins to search for his friends.
Proving Grounds in the Darkness October 13th, 2012 After the Fun in the Sandpits, Reize reflects on the night, thinking about his recent failures and an important mystery. Riku and Reize have a heated exchange of words, which becomes a fight for survival. Was it just a dream?
Meddle Not October 13th, 2012 Priel Aylin does a bad, bad thing.
Drakes in Danger October 11th, 2012 Shiki and Faruja take on a mission to earn some cash for the development of the Shard Seekers.
An Awkward Acquaintance October 9th, 2012 Dark going downs in the city of Fluorgis.
Shard Seekers Shenanigans October 7th, 2012 About after an hour of the mess with the first meeting, the team pulled through together at the end. Now, the group gather at the bar and relax. Antics ware to be had.
I Won't Say I'm In... October 7th, 2012 Following her musical number, Shiki makes some more confessions to Reize.
Shard Seekers Unite: Fluorgis October 6th, 2012 Things go down in Fluorgis surrounding the Shard Seekers and their leader. Something precious is stolen!
Rude Awakening October 5th, 2012 Shiki wakes up in Fluorgis, and... ...don't ask.
Reize and Shiki's Adventures in the Desert October 2nd, 2012 A snapshot of various events during Reize and Shiki's second day of the trek.
Nightmares and Closer Fears September 30th, 2012 Shiki awakens from a nightmare, and her and Reize enter Junon.
Snakes and Mines September 29th, 2012 Shiki and Reize escape the Midgar Zolom and explore a mine.
The Secret September 27th, 2012 Reize and Shiki have a heart to heart.
Shrouding Dark Cloud September 23rd, 2012 On their way to Goug, heroes encounter a mighty Heartless!
Now, Here In Manhattan September 20th, 2012 Exploring a park at night!
Let's Make Some Noise! September 18th, 2012 A new player enters the Game! Shiki Misaki, let's form a pact!


THE LIST of things that have tried to eat Shiki

  • Yodai Higashizawa (she thinks)
  • Priel Aylin
  • The Heartless (implicitly)
  • Midgar Zolom (quite definitely)
  • Zuu
  • Wild Saurian (maybe?)
  • Sand Worm (actually succeeded... temporarily)